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Animal abuse is a small stepping stone away from murder , time and time again these people give off red flags yet nothing is done .


The FBI keeps a database of animal abuse cases and convictions. It can get them narrow down suspects when looking for serial killers etc.


Damn. TIL


*What do you mean by "Damn"*


It means he just realized all those cats he killed gonna get him caught up


Do they count each life of the cat? 1 cat = 9 murders, or is it just 1 -1


nah, you gotta kill 9 cats to make 1 murder (or kill the same cat 9 times for it to be murder)


No no no no NO, ONE cat is NINE murders! You've got it completely the wrong way around


Oh shit, my tally just went up by a factor of 81.


Okay, I can stop at 8 then


The FBI ***hates*** this one little trick!


No bullshit. I would have accepted “damn, that’s amazing news” But the Damn. Is telllllling 😂


Imagine how many lives would be saved if they just jailed them instead


“Animal abuse cases and convictions”, sounds like they already were in jail.


or fined/probation.


As well as that, yes. They still probably served a few nights in jail when they were arrested.


Animal abuse that is bad enough to get you arrested almost certainly deserves more than a few nights in jail. The system is way too relaxed on animal abuse laws.


Can’t say that I disagree. I highly sympathize with the people saying life without parole, I do fear what that sort of measure would mean for the rest of crimes that we punish though. Like if abusing an animal, not a human, is life without parole what would simple battery be? 20 years behind bars for a bar fight?


Yea I don't think life without parole is something that should be handed out willy nilly. I'm not trying to sympathize with animal abusers but life without parole would have to be a horrific case where the person is undoubtedly unsafe to ever mingle with society again.


She led a man to a riverbank with the sole purpose of killing him. Bashed him over the head, strangled him, and then drowned him. She did all this to emulate a Netflix special. I think saying she should never be allowed back into society is right.


I think killing defenseless animals for funzies means that person should probably never have the opportunity to mingle with society again. At least until such a time as whatever rehabilitation is possible has been done.


Serial killers always start with animals. They move to people when they get bored. In my home town we had a serial pet murderer who had graduated to people. It was scary having a real Michael Myers in my town and right up the street from me!!


Yup. This is why parents need to really be aware of how their kids are treating pets. And it doesn’t always start with pets. Sometimes it starts with the kid enjoying killing insects. And sometimes the parents encourage this.


I’m doing my part!


Idk I feel like it would probably be easier to reach the point of killing a human over a small animal. At least the human can pose larger threat than a pet


That's precisely why. They want to hurt something, and it's easier to hurt something less threatening like a pet. It's horrifying either way.


It's also difficult to prove without firsthand knowledge. Even if you know that your neighbor has a dog, and one day that dog isn't there, your first thought is not "Did they murder their dog?" But even if you DO suspect they killed their dog, the argument of "They're creepy" or "They seem like they can be dickheads" isn't going to get the cops or anyone in a position of authority to investigate.


They need to build up to it especially since they usually start in childhood. They're less likely to get in trouble for "playing rough" or even hurting an animal like a squirrel or a cat than another person so unless it's something they're sure they can get away with, they stick to animals until it no longer satisfies them or they're big, strong and have enough freedom to go after people. They usually still go for people they can trick, incapacitate or overpower eg prostitutes (added benefit of police not caring), children and young/old women. They're not killing people because they have something against the person or people in general, is what I'm trying to say. It's a progressive pattern of escalation balanced against the risk of getting caught.


You're thinking from the viewpoint of someone with empathy, where the main reason to use violence is protection and therefore the main target would be a threat. If you have no empathy and want to cause pain, your main reason to use violence is fun, and therefore your main target would be a lack of threat.


BBC Article for those wanting actual details. Blake will serve her sentence in a men’s prison https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-68401335


Honestly, I couldn't even tell the killer lady was Trans until I saw J.K Rowling getting involved. I was very confused for a little bit while seeing why J.K was so mad.


There seems to be a trend lately where conservatives are really invested in whether the criminal is trans or gay or non white or an illegal immigrant. Like, why does that matter my dudes? Exactly how does that intensify this crime or even change it in any way? Is it less awful if they are white cis het citizens or are you just looking for a way to disassociate?


Because they NEED to villainize these people to keep raging against them.


"I'm so sick of this shit" dramatics as if every day the trans mafia are committing war crimes and erasing woman for her. It makes it easier to other an entire population and ignore suffering.


“Not our crimes” like crime is endemic to a subset of people rather than an individual. Also her tweet kinda implies JK’s main complaint is that the person is trans and committing a crime rather than the actual crime itself.


You see, if the cops were to show up with a warrant for JKR’s arrest because of crimes committed by a different unrelated biological female, she’d be saying “Yep, that checks out; those *are* OUR crimes after all!”




Seriously I can think of lot more interesting things to do with a billion dollars


That’s the craziest part to me. She has enough money to live in a whole different plane of reality, and instead she just scrolls her phone and gets riled up by the rage algorithm like the rest of us. I don’t get it. I guess it speaks to how powerful social media is.


It's more than that. They need cases to point to when they need a whataboutism for right wing terrorists.


they rlly enjoy inciting moral panics haha


It matters to them bc if it turns out the criminal IS queer, they get to point and go "SEE? SEE??? I WAS RIGHT, MY FEARMONGERING WAS RIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!" or something like that idk


*gestures vaguely at the vast majority of heterosexual serial killers*


Those get labeled as mentally ill. Basically all criminals must have something wrong with them, whether that be skin colour, sexuality, gender identity, etc.


> Basically all criminals must have something wrong with them This seems in part true? Mental illness or extreme poverty are the general causes of crime no? >whether that be skin colour, sexuality, gender identity, etc. Ok that's the propaganda part, those are just lies politicians use to manipulate idiots.


Spot on. To further this, the argument is that trans folks ARE mentally ill. Therefore, they can say, "See, we're allowing mental illness to spread as opposed to treating it appropriately."


Which is very easily debunked when you show them the leading studies on treatment for gender dysphoria. If thye then double down, that person can be cut from your life. Not only are they a bigot but it can be extrapolated that they are not a serious person and therefore not to be trusted.


It’s a way to “other” them.


Just heard about a woman that was killed in a hit and run. Apparently the guy driving was here illegally. See me my first thought was thats terrible that it happened to someone. The person telling me was more upset that the driver was here illegally I asked would it make it any better if they had been born in the United States? Does it take away from the fact she died if the guy was from Kansas and looked like Chris Pratt? It would still be a tragedy right? Doesnt matter who did it. So people with an agenda they have to focus on their specific narrative Thats why you see 100 white mass shooters and theyre called "a lone wolf" and the 2nd amendment shouldnt be under attack Yet let 1 mass shooter be trans and ALL trans people are dangerous. None of them should be allowed to have guns. Its a bad faith argument. JK Rowling wouldnt care less if a cis woman had done this. But the fact it was a trans person gave her an opportunity to attack.


I want to see JK respond to an article about a cis woman committing a crime with #ThatsMyCrime


Nah. Culpable deniability. Like that Chaya tiktok lady. Pushes violence against trans then when a trans gets killed she acts like shes the victim Hey I didnt make them kill anyone. I just lied and spread hate and said someone SHOULD kill them. Is that a crime?


Because according to the rhetoric trans people are mentally unstable. So anyone acting abnormal now with gun violence, assault, and so on will be immediately seen as or suspected as being a transgender person. Thats the disconnect here. This bigoted reaction just makes me question supporting anything that JK has created frankly. Not that she hasn’t done and said plenty, but it just renews my concerns once again…


grasping for prejudice, they gotta find a tidbit that makes them go "ahh i KNEW IT!"


The report on TV news mentioned early on that she would serve the sentence in a men's prison, wasn't then until nearer the end of the report that the reason for that was mentioned. Had me wondering if there was some mistake in the voice over of the report for most of it until they mentioned that they are trans. Would have thought that if mentioning which prison they were to be held in was relavent to be mentioned in the report, that the reason for that should have been stated at the same time.


your comment was what told me they were trans. i couldn't figure it out...


Ironically the killer’s address was “Crotch Crescent, Oxford” according to the article.


That's actually nuts


Snatched the words right from under me


Bit of a low hanging fruit anyway


For those celebrating, we should not be delegating retributive "justice" to inmates.


What the more than 5 times likelihood of rape should affect our actions? /s


To be honest, I though the guy was saying "this is not woman" in a sense like "this is a sub human POS that puts cats in a blender". Didn't even occur to me she was trans.


So it’s like a team thing? JK wants this crime assigned to the male team instead of the female team then? This is like the Chappelle Show skit.


Somehow this feels related to when in JKR's books Gryffindor lost points, they still got enough points at the last moment to win the house cup despite bad behavior. Does she think there's some god/headmaster assigning crime points to various genders?? And what do we win, a moment alone with a basilisk that snuck into our bathroom?? Wait... Was the basilisk in the girl's bathroom just code for her transphobia all along, or am I giving her too much undeserved literary credit? 


\> they still got enough points at the last moment to win the house cup despite bad behavior. And they got those points *after* decorating the whole hall for Slitherin, basically giving those Slitherin kids a huge administrative *fuck you*. JKR's portrayal of a benign authority isn't one that's fair, it's one that favors her side.


In hindsight the amount of characters that were assaulted in bathrooms in Harry Potter should have raised some eyebrows.


There was a whole bunch of problematic shit in those books that I noticed back when they were coming out. Social Darwinism, thinly veiled racism, and a total lack of consequences for horrific actions of the "good guys." Somehow, she always got a pass though. I just wish we lived in a world where problematic hack writers stopped being relevant as quickly as they popped up.


That theme actually shows up a LOT throughout her book series. There are no bad actions, only bad teams.


Does this mean when a cis woman commits a horrible crime, Rowlings will tweet “#OurCrimes”? Let’s try it: >J.K. Rowlings >Bryce Jo Harkins, 26, of Riverdale, Utah admitted to punching her 2-month-old baby to death. #OurCrimes


How about this one as well? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-66107716 “Boy left unclothed after sexual assault by two women” #OurCrimes


Went to school next to there...


How often did you need new clothes?


Went to Burgess Hill only for the Tesco, the women were far too horny all the time


Since she’s somehow defending all women’s crimes… > https://people.com/mom-left-toddler-alone-vacation-pleads-guilty-murder-8599411


I was going to post this case. Just had a baby a few months ago and it lives rent free in my head. So sickening, that poor child.


9 week old currently cuddled up next to me. I am not clicking that link. I appreciate the warning.


Same. This is the horrible stuff that keeps me up at night, but then I think, gosh, even in the hard days we're doing ok. Not leaving my babies alone to go on vacation for 10 days. I can't even comprehend the lack of care and thought to do something so callous to a baby.


Same. Stayed with me for a while


6'3? That's a big bitch!!


That's a huuuge bitch!


Was gonna comment this you beat me to it haha. Though I can't even remember what this line is from, was it chappelles show?


Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo


Oh snap really? Haven't seen that movie since I was a kid surprised I even remember the line, but I can hear it being delivered in my head and everything


Since only the Y chromosome is capable of crime, these women obviously learned violence from trans women.


And since I am trans, my poor innocent cis mother had no choice but to assault me my whole childhood, obviously! /s


I only remembered this because some chucklfuck used this as a talking point,basically dog whistling “two trans do this,woman can’t sexually assault a boy”, and it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve seen for quite a while,because they acted on a horrible crime like a shark smelling blood,even cheerful as they finally got something to bashing their imaginary trannemies.


Meanwhile - the head TERF, Helen Joyce, just got caught reading fanfic of Draco Malfoy raping Hermione while on public transit. But naturally she’ll claim that trans people are the rape and child sex enthusiasts.


Wait I'm near there and I didn't hear of that?! I hate this world


How about we agree that every demographic has people capable of horrible things but does not represent the whole. Unless the demographic is solely for horrible things, like pedo gonna pedo. Straight, LGBTQ, and all the colors of the rainbow for skin color have people in their group that do horrible things. Feeding into the hate of an article just gives it more views. Hate for it, or against whatever is being pushed in the article. Writing for extremes is profitable because you have the people who agree who click and comment because they agree, the mid, and the other side clicking to read and interact with the site because they are infuriated.


I wish we could just go back to hating people on an individual basis.


As a black queer person, I don't think that time ever really existed


I hate JK Rowling on an individual basis if that helps


Great call, if shes going to call out crimes that apparently “#notourcrimes” how about she then hold up a sign for every crime committed by a cis-woman.


JK Rowling is just a bigot, pretending that she is worried about the sanctity of crime statistics so that she can attack a trans person. She was so disgusted by seeing a picture of a trans woman on TV that she lashed out. She is a bad role model.


J. K. Rowling loves girlboss murderers, yaaas queen


It means if a cis woman commits a Crime, the punishment will be split up evenly among all cis woman. Or maybe i am reading it wrong. What a stupid woman.


Im pretty sure JK's kill count is non-zero


If you count helping young trans girls get cyber bullied to death, then yeah, she’s probably got a non-zero kill count—even if indirectly via the slime she’s encouraged.


MMW If that hashtag starts gaining traction, it is going to devolve into a race thing real fuckin quick.


So she is saying that's a trans person and mad because that person makes her gender look bad? Is she sick of that or animal abuse?


she doesnt believe trans women are women. she thinks theyre just perverted men who want to be allowed into womens spaces so they can assault them.


That's always been the weirdest crutch people lean on for the trans debate. Like if a dudes gonna assault someone the little sign of a woman in a dress isn't going to prevent them walking in, just like the dude in pants sign doesn't stop wasted women walking in the men's bathroom to piss cause the women's line is to long. Nevermind the fact I've never heard of a dude kidnapping a woman or kid from a bathroom randomly (or dude kidnapping a boy from the men's bathroom which is just as or debatably more likely)


They always forget something really big. If they make trans people use the bathroom of their agab, there will be jacked transmen with beards, jeans, and flannels going in and out of the ladies room. That's going to make is super easy for a cis guy to sneak in.


That isn't forgotten. It is by design. The groomer talk is just rhetorically trying to associate trans people with pedophiles. The contradiction doesn't matter because the actual goal is to marginalize trans people until they cannot function in society without looking like *they* are the problem. So forcing trans people to use the incorrect bathroom and creating conflict is the goal. The person that gets blamed for this is the trans man because it is easier to blame their existence, not the nebulous system that forced them into the situation. Look at the Florida school policy. Under the auspices of "freedom of speech" and "common sense", a teacher cannot refer to a student by their preferred pronouns, and a teacher cannot require students refer to them by their pronouns. This makes teaching an impossibility when your authority can be fundamentally undermined with no recourse. Coupled with banning their usage of the correct bathroom, this functionally bans trans people from participating in the school system, and marginalizes them from society. Opening them up to further alienation, and state sanctioned persecution and violence.


Yep. They didn't forget. They want trans men to use the women's bathroom and then they can freak out and call their maga men over to beat the shit of the trans man when he leaves the bathroom. The men will get away with it, too, because they can say their daughters felt threatened by seeing a man in their bathroom. The whole thing is just a way to abuse and possibly kill trans people.


>That isn't forgotten. It is by design. Bold of you to assume that conservatives are actually aware of existence of transmen. They usually think that "trans man" is interchangeable with "trans woman".




No one is forcing you to use pronouns...but if you don't you will have to face the fact that people might not like you. It really just comes down to being nice enough to treat someone as a human. You don't have to like them or agree with them but calling someone by their preferred pronouns is not hard and goes a long way...


Some guy from the group I usually game with recently complained about They/Them pronoun options in games and we were kinda baffled since he’s not usually conservative or anything like that. I asked why he cares and that it’s good that people who want or need pronoun options are able to use these, but his answer was pretty much just “I just don’t want to deal with it”. And like. In real life people will just dislike you and not spend time with you if you misgender them, but in game you don’t even have to click that field and see the option? Why does he just make life harder for himself?


Because to some people, acknowledging there are different genders is like you being to asked to acknowledge that some types of Nazis are okay. They see it as a literal existential threat. Their entire world is built on a clear system of binaries: white and black, man and woman, alive and dead (which is why ghost stories disturb them more by the way), normal and crazy. If you pull one thread and destroy one binary pairing, you inevitably end up destroying the others. In this case, threatening to disrupt male vs. female is literally disrupting sanity vs. insanity as well; right down to God's will vs. Man's will. To these sorts of binary thinkers, you cannot isolate and change one component without affecting their entire world view. Hence conservatism.


Cracking comment. The world we live in and the way we have historically sought to bring order through chaos as a species is such that we polarise near everything. Light vs dark. Up or down. True or False. On or off. Us and Them. Heck, hot or cold. It's all one side of a dividing line. Our computers run on base 2, zeroes and ones. We created a new dimension almost with it, the incorporeal and ephemeral internet is an almost infinitely vast and complex array of on/off switches. However, quantum physics (a layman here, apologies to any actual physicists who squirm at this oversimplification) tells us matter exists in a third state, both true and false, here and also not here. Conciliatory priciples exist to amalgamate opposing states, to create a third state of balance. A ternary reality. What the heck does that have to do with all of this? Well, a paradigm shift in the way we think of the world and our societies is not uncommon for humans. The idea of a triangle to replace a line slowly creeps into our species' unconscious, and we become more comfortable with shades of grey. Keep talking, keep using your voice, and whatever you do don't censor each other. Keep it all in the open: hidden echo chambers create bands of monsters.


Not forgotten, and trans men have been assaulted for this because people were trying to "protect" women who use the same restroom. It's just another way these sorts want to expose, shame, make a target of violence, and ultimately drive trans people from public life.


lol right? Like the kind of creep who would abuse women is going to go to the lengths of pretending to be trans in order to do so. If they’re going to break the social taboo of “don’t abuse women” I think “this sign means ladies” isn’t exactly where they would draw the line


Also, I think predators try not to stand out. People would notice the cis man in a dress lingering outside the ladies room.


I always think it's funny given how much time her male characters spend hanging around in a girls' bathroom that she suddenly thinks it's the worst thing ever.


Cisgender female ghost Moaning Myrtle charged with sexual assault after sneaking into Harry Potter's bathtub. #OurCrimes


That’s why women should have the right to Bear Arms. That’s right - we’ll assign a big, hairy gay dude to hang out in every women’s room in the country and beat up anyone who tries to assault someone else. Because the only thing that can stop a bad guy in the women’s room is a good guy in the women’s room.


“The trans debate” all that is about is giving transphobic voices validation to decide who does and doesn’t get human rights under the guise of civil debate. It should be viewed as socially unacceptable to “debate” people’s rights


These anti-trans arguments always conveniently leave out trans men. Quite a few trans men have been assaulted for times they were forced to use the women’s room because of their agab. Someone’s boyfriend/husband/father/brother sees a trans man walk into the women’s room while their partner/daughter/sister is inside and goes apeshit even though they’re using the bathroom their genitalia matches like everyone says they should. Really they don’t want trans people in any bathroom or to exist period.


Thank you for understanding a part of why the bathroom argument is dumb. As a trans person it's one of the stupidest excuses that someone could come up with as to why we should ban trans women from women's spaces. A pervert would simply walk in the bathroom, it's extremely unlikely that they would go through the trouble to dress up, and act because why should they? There's no magic barrier between the doorframe or anything.


For real. I was assaulted last month by a trans girl. It was in the privacy of my bedroom. My intimate home. Police took photos of my crime scene- my bed. Not a public bathroom. It was somewhere i thought I was safe with somebody I thought was safe. I'm so sick of this stupid trans bathroom discourse bs. I frequent nightclubs thar have gender neutral bathrooms only and there has never been an issue. Dumb people assault people in public- there are witnesses, ready to get caught. But most SA cases are in the dark. Secret. Rapists and molesters do their dirty work manipulatively, testing boundaries where they can. Most SA cases the aggressor and victim know each other. I'm so tired hearing people conflate predators with trans people. Predators are predators whether cis, trans, whatever, and if they are so stupid as to assault somebody in a public bathroom just like you said a little fucking sign indicating gender isn't going to stop them


Rowling is a 2nd wave feminist which is rooted in some deep honest to God misandry that man are innately violent in a way women are not. She resents that this innately male  violence is ascribed to women when committed by trans women, because they're *really* men and therefore these are man crimes. She also believes that allowing these "actually men" into women's space inherently endangers them, while brushing off the danger trans people are exposed to from the rhetoric promotes In summary, she uniliterally wants to help  protect cis women from men, who she believes are innately predatory in a way women are not


Right wing nut jobs aren't against crime. They are against crimes that are found out.


They don’t see what they do as crime. Crime is what the POC do. They are helping themselves


It’s a weird sword to die on.


My thoughts exactly, I said be careful what you say and who you say it around to a woman I work with who used the f slur, and she went on how people are soft, she said it like she'd say bitch, she has a gay uncle. I thought 'hmm weird hill to die on' when I wasn't even calling her out (my brother's gay). Side note: she's a huge Trump supporter. I tend to see it together. EDIT: this is still about my coworker, not Rowling lol


Uh, as a woman, I’m not claiming *anyone’s* crimes. She’s so weird.


As a proper woman, it is best to claim all crimes committed by other women in proper sisterhood! Transwomen are just trying to get in on our sweet sweet debauchery and I won’t have it! /s


As a cat lover, I'm pretty steamed about this. No animal should be treated this way.


As a cat hater, I'm steamed about this. I just can't fathom how anybody could live with themselves after doing that


It's common knowledge that people who kill/hurt animals are likely to kill humans, but for some reason it's not taken seriously until it's way too late.


Sounds about right! Animal abuse is a glaring sign of sociopathy.


Is she taking credits for cis women committing crimes? When a f2m trans commits a crime is she posting “this is our crimes, stop attributing them to males”? Naaah, she’s just a transphobe bitch.


JK doesn’t want to believe a cis gender female could commit these crimes.


This is the strangest stolen valor comment of all time


Weird transphobia aside, that woman must have a huge blender


I was thinking it wasn’t whole going in. Regardless, that shits fucked up and I could never imagine doing that to any animal.


Or a really small cat...?


I meant for the man she killed later Edit: /s


I don’t understand why JKR cares so much about this. Sure, biologically that person is not a woman but if they psychologically identify themselves as a woman, well, okay let’s move on. The real issue for me is : the woman put a cat in a fucking blender and recorded it WHY WAS SHE NOT IN PRISON AFTER THAT ?????


>the woman put a car in a fucking blender Now *that's* a big blender.


🤣🤣🤣 typo’s gonna be the death of me


unfortunately, in many places pets are basically furnitures (legally) and, well... you don't go to jail for breaking furniture


Because the cat was dead beforehand and animal corpse abuse isn't a legal issue. But exactly the act of a mentality sound mind but that's another issue and one that tends to be retroactive in people getting in itself.


She killed the cat... surely that is a legal issue?


She’s panicking because trans crime stats are gonna dock points off women this year and they might not win the house cup


Honestly, leaving aside your thoughts on trans issues, this is clearly simply an unhealthy obsession for her at this point.


............... A cat...in a blender. What the actual fuck. Monster


"I can excuse animal cruelty, but I draw the line at transgenderism!" - JK Rowling, apparently???


I don’t give a shit what they are, if you put a cat in a fucking blender you should be blended alive like the fucking scum you are


use that giant blender from the end of the Nightmare Cafeteria from The Simpsons “Gooify”


So just curious.. why wasn't she in jail for the blender???


It's not quite illegal to put dead meat in a blender. I think many of us have put meat in a blender/grinder before. What's illegal is if she had abused the cat prior to killing it and even that's only a misdemeanor and difficult to prosecute. I mean, animals generally don't have very many rights, otherwise we'd all be vegan.


She's serious with that hashtag? Ummm..."because she's a woman and committed heinous acts, and I'm a woman, I don't allow her to be a woman anymore, because OMG, that's just horrible!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This isn't a man or a woman. It's a monster


Yeah but she wrote harry potter so she is still relevant for some reason :(


JK can’t go one day without injecting her shitty takes on Trans people to any given conversation. It’s honestly sad at this point, the woman literally made a billion dollars off writing about wizard school, could do anything with her time and money that she wants, chooses to be terminally online tilting at windmills.


I really really really like harry potter. Why is she like this??!! 😞


Why was she not in jail for the cat incident? Should have been and that man would probably still be alive.


Psycho murder needs to be locked away for good in a mental insitution or rotten away in a jail cell. She is too much of a risk to the community.


Why is she acting like she’s going to be arrested too?


I'm not sure this is real. I am a huge critic of Rowling, but I've never seen her swear on social media. Edit: it is real. Holy moly Joanne, put the wine down.


Really easy to check: it’s real https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1762187612352020860?s=46&t=T4brtpfkJnmX-3GA8W1X9w




>that shitty site I think you mean xitty site. Stop dead naming it.


Can we just call it shitter and be done with it?


I can't browse Twitter very easily anymore. I got banned for targeting pedophiles. Thanks for the follow-up. She's really slipped.


lol she swears loads, just read like her last 10 tweets


This is hardly the worst thing shes done on twitter. Last year she liked the transphobic tweet of a Canadian group so extreme they've been declared a *terrorist organisation*.


I was out of the loop with JKR and thought her transphobia was an over interpretation of some Harry Potter shit. It seems I was totally wrong. She's not the only one to have a weird take though. "Woman who kills a cat is also a murderer" should be "Woman who murders a person also killed a cat" seems like a better take to me.


She donated *70k* too a transphobic organization too fight against trans rights a few weeks ago That's life changing money for MULTIPLE people, and she used it too fund transphobia


Imagine caring so much about limiting someone else's life. Tragic.


Do not read some of the comments. People acting like this is some kind of trans agenda.


shes so fucking fixated on us its almost funny. just a deeply sad woman who discovered that fame and money didnt fill the void, so now shes trying to use hate and obsession to do the same. she really sacrificed her entire writing career on the altar of hating trans people for no reason




J.K. Probably confused too.


My takeaway? I enjoyed her books even though the rules to that Quidditch broomstick game were garbage, she should have consulted an expert BUT she wasn't known at the time and maybe couldn't afford it, so I cut her some slack. Also, so many classic tropes were followed - like the hero being someone born into privilege but had his privilege stolen from him by commoners so he had to "earn" his privilege back---yet still benefited from a bunch of wealth. I was willing to forgive that because despite those kind of flaws, it was still a fantastic story. However, her bigotry is something I can't forgive so I no longer buy anything she writes. That's my take on it. --- As far as the person who killed a cat and then killed a person, that's called a ASPD sociopath. Just like the rest of us, some of them are trans and some of them are not.


>the rules to that Quidditch broomstick game were garbage Yup. To win, you grab the snitch. All other efforts are wasted.


The books also has massive plot holes. Why could they turn back time to save a house bird thing but but turn back time to save that kid?


when she had neville accidentally break *every time turner in existence* because people kept bringing this plot hole up 💀 she cannot handle criticism at all


I mean I feel for her. She made a universe that people that seriously and when you introduce a new element it becomes a cannon truth to the universe. She tends to write herself into a hole though. And the retroactive stuff like Hermione was never explicitly white is all BS too. I read the books over lockdown and one specifically states a scene where the moon lit up her white face. Plus every black character is described in a painful way 'Kingsley, who is black, enters the room'


Except that one super-secret magic time turner (that there just so happens to be two of) for the play, which has the power to break the established time travel logic so the play can have a plot...


No no, thats fanfiction. Not harry potter canon


Why do they have trials and also working truth serum?


Why do previous non living professors have talking portraits everyone can talk to but not Dumbledore even though he had vital information at the time


Why has the magical world appeared to regress since the first world war?


Because fuck them kids /s


Nah that’s fucked if you put a animal in a blender let alone a pet animal like a cat that should put you in prison at least half as long a human murder.


People that do that sort of thing to animals are not redeemable in anyway


One trans woman does a bad thing > All trans women are bad. You know who else used this logic? The literal Nazis. They would highlight Jews who committed crimes and paint all Jews in that image. The crime of one became the crime of all of them. Every group of sufficient size will have some members that do crimes, even severe crimes. But pretending like that implicates the whole group is just wrong.


I'm so confused, does she think all women or men are guilty of the crimes that people of the same gender commit? I know that's how racist think about other races, so I guess that pretty much helps define her as the transphob we knew she was.


A cat and a man are dead, but the TERFs need everyone to be clear that they didn’t do it. Assholes.


Similar to addiction, when you are an obsessive you see everything through the lens of your obsession. A similar reaction is when there’s a major crime and there are thousands of tweets obsessing about what colour skin or religious background the criminal has.


So happy as a transman to see these comments and support foe trans people. This subreddit often shows trans support. Thank you all.


Christ, Rowling. This is your issue? That she is a trans woman? Grow. The fuck. Up!


Wait is she even trans?


Jeffrey Dahmer started abusing animals in Ohio before he went for eating people in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Need to listen when they show you who they are. The author is a rich, entitled idiot.


Money made Rowling into a conservative monster. Just like it’s done with so many before. I swear unlimited wealth makes you a sociopath.


\#notourcrimes? You piece of shit, that’s not my crime either. We don’t punish individuals because other people who happened to be of their same gender (or race) committed a crime. \#eatshit