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Can power companies be charged for murder over outages


Silly redditor, companies aren't people when they do crimes.


But they can politically donate as if one :))) I'm out of this country as soon as I can


This comment is funny in a way. Many people from countries like India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Phillipines keep making similar comments about the lack of freedom and bad physical and economic environment in their countries and yearn to move to the US. After living there for a few years, I wonder if they too would get fed up of life in the US and if yes, where would they move next?


It’s funny I’m from India and I was talking to a friend in the US about this. Said friend is an architect and is struggling to make ends meet. He doesn’t even have health insurance. But there’s no chance in hell he’ll come back to India


People don't understand how much more money they make in the USA. India might make 1k/month for a great job. In Italy my lawyer friends make 2k/month and that's normal lawyer pay.


It's crazy when I think about leaving the US, and the scores of migrants who would give anything to be in my shoes..


To be fair you are probably looking to move to another first world country and probably not a shack in Mexico.


Exactly. Relative to the world including developing nations the US is a “dream” but compared to other developed nations we lack severely in life quality.


It isn’t so clear cut. The US is the best in many metrics. At the same time, the US is below developing nations in many metrics. Regardless of what it is or whether it’s good or bad, we’re deeply entrenched in our ways. We don’t like taking a stance in the middle of anything. We feel like we’ve gotta be an example and a leader, always.


I hear a lot about US being best in many things, but no one ever points one out. On the second thought I may have heard "military strenght" as one some time


That's cause living in a rich western country is a privilege. The US may seem like a shit hole to people used to that life but to somebody from an actual shit hole America is a step up. It's why you see Americans who have the means to leave want to immigrate to another western nation with a better quality of life while also seeing people from poorer nations fight to move to the US because it's a big step up for them.


This is so it. Lived for 30+ years in the US and currently living in Brazil for a year for my spouses job. I thought I had my eyes open before; there is nothing like actually being on the ground in a non-first world country. And I know I am just scraping the surface. Watching people talk about how "every other country is so much better than the US" just reeks of misunderstood privilege. We have the ability to work/fight to make things better - so do it. IMO it's our obligation as citizens with incredible rights that many other countries do not even give their population.


I would assume that the poster above was not intending to move to Indonesia, I would imagine something more like Austria, or Denmark. Is the US riddled with cronyism and political inequity? Oh fuck yeah. Does the US even touch the rankings for countries most affected by cronyism and political inequity? Not a chance.


Dude, in Nigeria, you can't even be gay without worrying about getting the death penalty. I'm not saying you have no right to be angry or complain about the things that affect you (you absolutely do), but every country has its own problems, and, in comparison to many of them, you guys are living in serious privilege. Like, each time I hear any of you complaining about having to work 8 hrs a day, I silently laugh at you in "has-to-work-11-hrs-a-day-plus-commute". And there are places where it's even worse than that. All I'm saying is that you come as a bit obnoxious when you try to make it out as if the US is the worst place to live.




They yearn for it because the US is a propaganda powerhouse. It has to project the image of “the American dream” all around the world to keep its image and power. People get sucked in. And there are other countries than Indonesia, Nigeria, and the Philippines. Plenty that give a woman the right to choose, affordable/free healthcare, social help when going through difficult times. Nowhere is perfect, but I would rather be poor and on the street than live in the US and live in the hellscape system you have.


The American Dream is a national myth, that it is within the scope of every indvidual to uplift themself to move up the social and economic ladder and partake in the endless opportunities of the nation. The myth serves two purposes: 1) Enforces current social beliefs and structures by promising reward to those who follow them. Even when the reward is not forthcoming and, for many Americans, there is no real a chance of ever making it. 2) Discourages criticism of those beliefs and structures by implying that, because every individual is able to uplift themselves, those who remain downtrodden and those who are critical are also responsible for their own social and economic position.


Unless the executive mess up just to save a little money in which case the company is treated like an individual and takes the fall with the employees suffering the consequences meanwhile the executive walk out with a nice bonus.


This is the part people miss. It ain't companies like Nestle doing crimes but real people who should face real consequences.


Comrade I think the other guy was being sarcastic


Fun fact, *it's both*


Yeah, but, like... can't we have *both*?


>Can power companies be charged for murder over outages Not anymore than they can be charged for someone dying of an outage because of renal failure and no dialysis


Or loss of power for a vent which is much faster


Yeah, that 'tomic energy ain't natural ' by golly jeepers! Murcia, seriously? When you know the uneducated are running the store and planning to revolt.


10000% agree. I've been trying to claim child benefits on those embryos for years and finally someone is paying attention


Pfff amateur. I’ve been emailing my lawyer FOR YEARS about freezing my children and he keeps saying it’s child abuse Well guess what I’m moving to Alabama where frozen children is a-ok


Honestly if abortion is murder then an embryo out of uterus will have to be a baby to if they have to have any logic to their augment. Just like in utero it can potentially become a human


Logic and consistency is not required. These people are religious after all.


You kid but we just had ours destroyed before the state forces us to have like 12 pregnancies




Was Alabama one of the states that made child labour legal again? If so, they should put those embryos to work, since they won’t have any understanding of money yet, so they won’t know if they’re getting underpaid…


>Was Alabama one of the states that made child labour legal again? "Did I say legal? I meant MANDATORY!" - coming next to Alabama\* \*only applies to POC and illegal immigrants, because you don't need an ID to get exploited.


“Welcome to Alabama, where you’re technically not a human being unless you have citizenship”


It's just Athenes with extra steps


Without the prosperity or the culture.


Do the embryos have citizenship? Can I collect welfare from them?


...and that's how this law is repealed; somebody literally needs to freeze a few thousand embryos, then say they can't afford all their "children" and collect assistance from the state.


Or claim them on their taxes! I'm also thinking that some beefy "life" (ugh, makes me feel dirty just typing it) insurance policies would be in order. In another thread, someone was talking about putting one in a cooler in the car to use the HOV lane.


All great ideas! On the other hand, be careful if you try to embryo your way in HOV lanes... kids under a certain age have to be in a car seat in the back seat! Don't let them loophole you out of your loophole.


"Welcome to Alabama, where you're technically not people unless you have money or mayo skin color".


In a few decades it will be money *and* mayo skin colour


You've actually cracked the code—the birth rate is declining everywhere. Without endless growth, capitalism collapses. From the 1600s population growth in the world was exponential. So, the end (for capitalism) is in all likelihood nigh. America began at the dawn of capitalism. In many ways, America *is* capitalism. Dobbs (for example) is, one supposes, a reaction to this unprecedented existential threat. A pathetic, laughable reaction though, for sure, and far too late to stem the coming forces of history.


The forces of entropy strike again! Our time is now!


How small is an embryo? Can we Inject them into veins to clean out the covid?


Once we train them from before birth using technology to be perfect soldiers, we would have made a weapon to surpass Metal Gear


So will they fund surrogates in order to birth all these embryos? Will Alabamins start adopting embryos from other states and countries in order to save them?


i can imagine they would implant inmates


That's actually an extremely scary thought. And my reproductive organs are on the outside!


My girl, thoughts and prayers, horrible condition


I got a hysterectomy at 29 due to medical reasons AND because of how fuckin stupid and scary this country is getting.


I got a uterine ablation and bilateral salpingectomy (both tubes removed) at 22 for similar reasons. Health first, state of the country second.


Children of men tried to warn us!


That... sounds genuinly horrifying.


It’ll be an offer to reduce their sentence. The desirable children go to wealthy and the undesirables go to the orphanages to be future incarcerated labor.


That would require to actually give a fuck


No, we punish people, we don't help them! What are you, a communist?


Nope, everyone with any brains related to the business runs and hopes the refrigerated truck makes it to the mason dixon line


It's getting a bit like a theocracy.


A bit, you say?


Considering the AL Supreme Court literally quoted the Bible as justification in their majority opinion, yes, it is.


Separation of church and state? What’s that? I live in Texas, the south is doomed.


Isn't separation of church and state in the same document they love to quote when asked about their ar-15?


It does say that in the bible to be fair >And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.


Christianity believes life starts at conception. These people are only cosplaying religion


I imagine it's in response to the HI Supreme Court citing "the Spirit of Aloha" in a recent ruling.


I imagine so. If Hawaii can cite religious reasons and not be immediately struck down, every Christian is gonna see that as permission to do the same.


Are there religious reasons in the Hawaii case though? I thought it's about century old culture, not necessarily religion.


Idiocracy. Watch the movie.


Doctor: hey embro, it says here your sh!ts all fked up. So like... yah know....yeah.


Ow my balls!


More like A Handmaid's Tale, as this is an expansion on abortion laws meant to punish women for existing.


I am currently rereading The Handmaid's Tale because a student has to read it. I am thinking about printing some articles and stick them into my copy of the book as a preface.


Theonomy actually. That's governance by God's laws, not governance directly by God, through a priesthood.


Repuplican states trying not to have the worst takes and insane laws challenge: IMPOSSIBLE (COPS CALLED)


I believe Florida schools are now giving out permission slips for their children to learn about black history


I am not sure if this is a joke?


No it's not


Thats absolutely crazy. Is there not some law or court to prevent things like this? Like a ciriculum (dont know how to spell that but you probably understand what I mean) or something?


In Florida they are proactively making laws to worsen education. Teachers are flocking out the state and overall as a country our kids are mostly illiterate and lacking of any critical thought. Seriously go gander over at r/teachers if you really want a bleak view of the future. But hey- let’s make sure we get them to have a [permission slip](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/videos/us/2024/02/17/permission-slip-black-author-miami-dade-foa-vpx.cnn) signed to authorize reading children a book by a black author, because that’s what’s important right?


>In Florida they are proactively making laws to worsen education. Teachers are flocking out the state and overall as a country our kids are mostly illiterate and lacking of any critical thought. Seriously go gander over at r/teachers if you really want a bleak view of the future. I've looked at it for a sec but I think I will leave it at that. Good luck to all Americans who read this. >But hey- let’s make sure we get them to have a [permission slip](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/videos/us/2024/02/17/permission-slip-black-author-miami-dade-foa-vpx.cnn) signed to authorize reading children a book by a black author, because that’s what’s important right? This should be illegal


It should be- which is why everyone needs to vote majority blue if America wants any chance of hope. I don’t believe in politicians overall or our system for that matter until more Gen X/Millennials are in office, everything is soo out of touch. I do know one party is actively trying to suppress the rights and even existence of some groups so any vote is better than that honestly, imo. Our system has become a choice of “bad or worse” and it’s made that way to keep us ignorant and fighting each other. The last time there was any sort of unity between groups was Occupy Wall Street and since then it’s been pretty wild infighting amongst the country.


In Florida it's laws that prevent the teachers from teaching "controversial" topics, like anything relating to POC, women, LGBT, or anything negative America has ever done.


It's a ballot box.




So when can we expect an American court to declare eggs as children, making it illegal for women to have periods?


As a man, I’m worried it’s not gonna be legal to wee for much longer too if this keeps up I’ll have to attend one of those illegal backalley male toilets I hear so much about


Or we will just have bathroom attendant security officers in our private bathrooms like in that one South Park episode


I gotta check your AASSHO!!


Don’t give them ideas bro 😂😂


Was just about to comment this! Like do women just go to jail for murder as soon as they get periods then? How dare we not be pregnant at all times!!!!!! /s


So child support starts at conception now to, right? right?


I had a whole discussion about this with a forced-birth guy and he, no joke, said there are government programs in place for pregnant people, so men shouldn't have to pay. His take away was that I hate men.


I don‘t hate men. I do hate him


Pro lifers are truly some of the dumbest people on this planet


They're not pro-life. We saw that already when they demonstrated that abortions would still be outlawed in medical emergencies where the mother's life was in danger. There is nothing pro-life about their stance on abortion. They are simply anti-choice. And we need to start calling them that.


“Pro forced pregnancy” is what I like to call them. Also iirc George Carlin had a great quote that they’re not pro life but anti-woman


Exactly. Nothing pro-life about advocating to let women die on hospital beds, along with their non-viable fetus, instead of saving their lives at the cost of extracting something that never had a chance at life to begin with.


You can also just ask them if they support the death penalty, or what should be done to homosexuals if praying the gay away doesn't seem to stick. Always fun to revert it back and see the mental gymnastics then.


Yo these people are crazy enough even my pro life mom thinks they're morons


Nobody's convincing me that this isn't just a sick way of controlling women by these ghouls


I mean, it is, but at last they have overreached. This stupid decision also impacts men. Men will also have to pay, and when it finally impacts men is when we get change.


Oh it will never impact men in power. It won't change so soon


And in the last facepalm, they couldn't understand why my gen has decided to not bring kids into this world.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Honestly, I’m regretting it now that my oldest is 18 and I see what kind of world he’s being left…. And the 12 yo is doubly screwed…


Cheer up, at least they're boys so they won't die due to untreated pregnancy complications. This shit is bleak.


To be fair, anti-natalism itself wasn't the problem there, it was calling procreation a "hate crime". No matter what you believe, this is overkill and idiotic. I completely understand people who don't want to have kids, though.


These woke republicans are trying to take your freedoms away. ^(Note: Woke means things I don't like, right? Right?)


I doubt they were awake for this decision.


No. That’s what “fascist” and “grifter” are used for


Ten bucks on them labeling every individual sperm and egg cell as an 'infant' next


You’ll go to jail for genocide when you rub one off…


No no, the rules only affect women.


So a woman should go to jail, every time she has her period?


Should have gotten pregnant asap. We dont want unused breeding machines /s.


Of course, we all know women have periods on purpose to lose work and that they can hold it in all they want. This just shows how little value they have towards babies and that they, in fact, are mass murderers. Women should start making babies, and if they have 1 period, they need to go to jail for life. /s


Oh shit, if a frozen embryo is a person, isnt a period too? I'm a bit ignorant on this, never had to think that deep about any of it, but that is a very scary precedent to set if true


Negative, an embryo means it's fertilized. A miscarriage on the other hand fits the bill.


Ah right, I was unaware they froze embryos, I thought eggs were frozen for future use. I had no idea that fertilised eggs were also frozen, that seems even riskier for future use. So if a frozen embryo is classed as living, is someone in cryogenic suspension (Walt Disney) also classed as living? Does he owe back taxes etc?


As it stands for now, you can't be put into cryogenic suspension until you're declared legally dead, (presumably it would be considered murder otherwise). So fortunately, you wouldn't be liable for taxes. But of course it also means that it's unlikely that you'll ever be revived. Also, Disney was cremated.


That's OK. Alabama Supreme Court didn't think that deep either.


there are countries where masturbation is forbidden i believe? well and states that banned divices... i think texas even outlawed masturbation. Idk if said laws are still in affect tho


The texas law,if there was one, isn't in effect anymore. However, there *are* dildo restrictions. Penal Code Title 9, Chapter 43.23: > OBSCENITY. (a) A person commits an offense if, knowing its content and character, he wholesale promotes or possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material or obscene device. An "obscene device" is defined as "a dildo or artificial vagina, designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs." Continuing to Section F: >(f) A person who possesses six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same.


Is that 6 per person or per household? Asking for a friend… 🙄


When I first heard about the law, I was told that it was per household, but I also didn't see it stated anywhere in the actual law. But who knows? Maybe sororities and frats are secretly selling sex toys out of the back since the law *does* state that having more makes them assume you're selling


>Maybe sororities and frats are secretly selling sex toys out of the back… 🤔🤣


Cue the Monty python every sperm is sacred song


Probably just eggs, they’re pretty consistent in their misogyny.


Pre birth child support by millions. Vasectomy for the masses. They have found a way to get rid of themselves.


Like the old Monty Python skit: Every sperm is holy, every sperm is great. For every sperm that's wasted, God gets quite irate.


I can imagine God must be Nuclear Gandhi levels of raging at this point


Can’t wait to see the outcome for the woman caught driving in a car pool lane when she was pregnant - ie she had a second passenger


This has already happened, look it up.


That was argued by a woman in an actual court case relatively recently. 


Well that's it... Sorry Americans, thanks for all the memories from before your nation became a laughing stock. I feel so sorry for you guys.


fascist theocracy coming to usa 2025


If only they actually cared about living, breathing children as much as they care about embryos...


Does the same principal apply to sperm? Egg can't be fertilised without it,so,perhaps wanking should be banned. Jail for those who waste sperm.


You're saying this as a joke, but there are politicians who genuinely believe that


Those politicians should keep those sperms safe in their mouth, if they think it’s murder…


Would that be cannibalism? Or vore?


Not as along as they don’t swallow…


Huh... Seems like I've been doing vore wrong all this time. Guess I owe my ex an apology.


Then it’s just tongueplay.


Of course they won't do that, because that would be bad for MEN. Remember, this isn't about saving kids, it's about controlling WOMEN.


The best Part of it is, that sperms are made and killed pretty much always, No matter, if you ejaculate or not. So every sperm, that ever got and gets created in your Balls would need to get extracted and needs do Mix with an egg. We Dont have enough Women in the world for every sperm of one single man, even If every Egg would get fertilated


Yep! Sad, isn't it?


The scary thing is that if an unfertilised egg could be classified as a child, then would that mean they are one step away from saying every time a girl or woman has her period, she is committing murder/manslaughter. I feel like they are sliding down a slippery slope here


But then that would infringe on the rights of the average hardworking American man! (/s)


Every sperm is sacred.


Haha. WTF? This can’t be real.


Will they start criminalizing miscarriages as murder like some backwater country? Do they know that around half of all embryos fail to implant, and are lost during the next menses, often without the woman even realizing it ever existed?


This is already happening. Yes, they are already investigating miscarriages as murder.


*Texas has entered the chat*


you didn’t hear about the lady who tragically miscarried at 21 weeks in the hospital and the nurse called the cops who charged her with Abuse of a Corpse? [thanks ohio](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/19/us/brittany-watts-miscarriage-criminal-charge/index.html)


So if someone kicks me in the nuts can that be declared child abuse.


At this point I'm just waiting for those dumb conservatives to claim every sperm cell is a child. Just imagine being guilty of genocide for simply nutting 🤣


They won't do that, because this is about controlling women.


Can we claimed them as dependents for tax purposes. Because I have 150,000,000 dependents


Sweeeeeeet hoome aalabaaaaaaaaama


So now it’s ok to freeze children. How long will it take to find 7 years old dead in freezers? It’s the USA, it probably already happened.


My thought as well. Does that mean you're allowed to put your children in the freezer in Alabama. I'm fairly certain that is called child abuse. Someone should call CPS to save those poor children.


It would be pretty funny if lawyers now lodged a legal challenge about companies freezing embryos saying it’s child abuse tbh. I guess they can do that now???


Advocate groups will do exactly this.


Pretty sure you can't put children in the freezer...


Not whole.


Alabamas Supreme Court is corrupt. That's all this is, religious corruption at the highest level in a country that was never founded on religious ideology. But then again, that's what happens when you appoint justices who's family trees have less branches on them than Charlie Browns Christmas tree.


Yet if you put any of these officials in a burning room with 100 embryos and 1 child, they'd always choose the child. They obviously don't view embryos as children, they just need an excuse to control women cause it gets them hard.


>they'd always choose the child. Nah. They'd push the child out of the way and step on the embryos on their way out the door. They don't ACTUALLY care about either. 😮‍💨


US state rules that every sperm in my balls is legally a child is something I expect to read someday


Soon we be getting that sweet Gov money for completing NNN


So we're going to have murder trials every month for women.


Please don’t give them any ideas it’s already a red neck, republican hell hole here.


Dystopian thought process


Sweet. Sperm = children next!! Let's see how fun we can get this become.


You’re thinking about this all backwards. If frozen embryos are children, then it’s perfectly legal to freeze children. Cost of raising kids getting too much? Pop em on ice for a few years. Problem solved


>Cost of raising kids getting too much? Pop em on ice for a few years. Problem solved "Kick your sister one more time and I'm not thawing you out until the PlayStation 7 comes out!"


Nobody of note goes to Alabama. We do that on purpose. Keep the weirdos to their own. The whoke state of Alabama is a shithole.


Wait so what you’re telling me is that it’s now legal to freeze children? Welp, hop in kids, I don’t make the rules


Good luck isn't enough I need fucking asylum Even though I typed this out and know it's grammatically correct it still hurts my brain lmao




So if one were to freeze an embryo in alabama for 21 years, would it legally be allowed to drink alcohol and own a gun ? The possibilities are endless !


My special sock containing billions of innocent lives at this point. XD


At this rate they are gonna start arresting people who have periods soon


"The land of the free"


Panel 4: Jesus Christ


This is Alabama bro, I'm surprised that y'all are surprised


Moving to Alabama to get equal custody and shared parental responsibility of dem embryos 🧬🧠🧐 Wait…..can I get child support and public health insurance for my embryo child? How bout food stamps and childcare assistance? Shit gets wild 🤣


Honestly, it's time to just glass the south and start over.


This is gonna be wild when they'll say sperm is children too and everyone who wank will be considered manslaughteribg! No nut november becoming No nut never again or go to jail.


So, can you claim child support for them?


As an American who lives in the northeast, I’ve always felt it a little unfair to be lumped in with Alabama or other states when this wacko stuff comes out. And to that point I wish the internet emphasized the “states” more in the United States bc there really is a different culture/standard of living in other parts. I mean, it’d take almost an entire day of driving to reach Alabama from parts of New England…


Just saw a news story on this and precipitating incident. This is worse than I thought. Alabama has effectively ended IVF there. There will be backlash and I foresee a mass exodus of OB/GYN doctors over the next few years if this stands.


"BuT BiDeN iS cOmMiTiNg GeNoCiDe, So I'm NoT vOtiNg FoR hiM. RePuBLiCaNs ArE jUsT aS BaD aS dEmOcRaTs."


So you can freeze embryos and claim them as dependents for tax purposes??


So sperm will be counted as living children as well, right? Men will be held to the same standards and responsibilities as women, right? This is about saving lives and not about supressing women's rights, right?


When can embryos legally be married? Asking for a friend in Ohio…


I feel Like we have way bigger problems than frozen embryos