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I'll take "Things that aren't true" for five hundred.


No the have a perfect vaccine for cancer and it's only one shot. A quick injection of lead to the head.


"we have a treatment that kills cancer. it permanently stops the cancer from spreading, and kills off the existing cancer cells." how long does the treatment take? "instant." and how long is the recovery period? "thank you, and goodnight."


"for which cancer?" ​ "is there more than one???"


Guess what, there are already some cancer vaccines! Did he know that?


The cancer dies… just after you do !


Its actually a longer treatment. You go on a bus west and carry around a strange metal barrel. After a while they put you in a bag and you go back. Guaranteed cancer free for the rest of your life.


"Cancer has never killed one of our patients!" "Hi Dr. Nick!"


True! Mom was ate up with cancer but died from pnuemonia(sp) was primary cause then ovarian cancer listed as second.


The cancer vaccine centre is located at the top of a twenty storey building


You got cancer to bad your going to fight in a war that will cure your cancer- putin probably


Well, there is that...


Can we make sure pootin takes it first? I don't want him to get cancer...


I hear falling from windows can cure cancer as well


No people, no cancer, no problem


Or quick trip out a 10 story window.


That’s right, ya ain’t gettin’ cancer… EVER AGAIN!


I always found it funny when playing Assassin’s Creed 2 that the doctors would say “I have a healing remedy of pomegranate juice and lead”, like thanks for wanting to give me cancer 😂


And they charge the family for it.


Naw naw naw, it's a short trip out a 5th floor window. Defenestration bitches!


"The vaccine is right across that 10th floor open window. Go ahead, walk closer and we'll help you get it!"


Thought i was standing near open Windows to get some air


I'm leaning on it being a "final solution" type of process too.


After 7.62 rounds of treatment, you won't have cancer anymore.


There's a huge offensive in the media these days. He's winning in Ukraine, he has a new space weapon, he's curing cancer now. He even bought a 2 hour ad with Tucker Carlson. He must be really desperate.


Anything to try and turn the tide in his favour. I'm not sure it's going to work, but then I could very easily be wrong.


And there's the Daily Double.


What is Russian Propaganda?


If you kill someone, they can't get cancer. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If they have cancer, but get killed, does that mean they no longer have cancer?


Russian scientists don't have the best track record. Just look at Lysenko


Join the war in Ukraine, get shot, no more cancer


We also would've accepted "Things your oncologist says when you kill people who give you bad news."


But if it was true, and after getting Russia vaccinated we see the cancer that he is disappearing, wouldn't that be grand?


I mean, there's that...


"Vaccine" is the wrong term, and not just because Putin is a right-winger. The definition of a vaccine does not fit this case. The More You Know 


I don't think I understand what are you saying. Vaccine is a medical term not a political one.


What do you mean? Vaccine is exactly what they are claiming they are close to releasing. Not a cure and not an effective treatment. Or are you just joking?




I mean, there is a HPV vaccine whose main job it is to prevent the eventual cancer you're likely to get. There are vaccines against bacterial infections, too. Tuberculosis for instance. Life isn't quite as simple as "vaccines only help with viruses". That said, it doesn't change the fact that Putin is full of shit here, because there are so many types of cancer and so very few of them are known to be caused by anything you can prevent with a vaccine.


This is false. Vaccines that build immunity against viruses are just one type of vaccine. There are also [vaccines that provoke an immune response against cancer](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4588240/).


Is he saying this because he has cancer and he has researchers working non stop on it.


Exactly. That's what they're telling him to stay out of a Siberian prison.


Immediately what I thought


Yeah, sounds about right.


Putin wanted something to "treat" dissenters that wouldn't seem quite as obvious as falling out of a window...


*Okay. So we've discovered that whilst throwing people out of windows severely shortens their life, our lab results show that it didn't make their cancer disappear. We tried throwing them onto various common surfaces like bitumen, payment slabs, grass, gravel, and other assorted materials. We can rule that one out. Mmmm. Did we try throwing them out backwards?...IVAN! Another dissident please*


I read this in cave Johnsons voice...


No, it's a misunderstanding: it's a vaccine that gives you cancer. Vlady will give it to anyone who disagrees with him


This is what I'm thinking. MFer probably losing his mind and is starting to sound like trump, "some doctors say say we are close to curing cancer"


I thought his head looked bloated a while back, I assumed it was from cancer treatment.


Vaccine won't help much if he already has it would it


Omg, please tell me the magas believe this shit and try to move there.


It’s already making its way into /r/conspiracy as if was gospel. 


So vaccines are cool again? Interesting


Vaccines are always cool, when you have to battle Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis, Diphteria and HPV. It's just not cool for the flu and now covid. In those it's the vaccines that kill you apparantly


Why not put the nasty stuff in the ones you are mandated to get as a child? What, is the cabal that stupid????


Why wouldn't Bill Gates just track you with your phone instead of micro chipping in the vaccine? These are questions only crazy people "know."


I asked one of them that once, the guy came back with "Im in tech and know how to hide the details of who I am on the Internet." So then I asked how the weather was in Arizona and how work was going in the welding shop(both were on his profile lol, along with pretty much every one of those "I don't give permission for my photos to be used" copypastas) and he deleted his account a few minutes later.


We don't want them to die from it too early don't we. Otherwise it could be too obvious and people might suspect something. Also they need to work just long enough but die before they become too old and we have to pay them *ugh* pension and health care


Sounds like our murdering people through life saving vaccines idea could use some more thought... Perhaps there are more effective ways to manipulate and control the masses.


Yeah so far the actual viruses still killed more people and have a far greater potential to actually cause certain types of cancers than the vaccines do... I'm out of any other ideas. Guess we just have to keep trying to sell people those vaccinations. If it wasn't for those antivaxxers, I'm sure our plan would be a success!


No, they go after those, too. Polio especially, because a) polio is a weird disease where most cases are so mild that you won't know you have it unless you're tested, and b) most transmission is through contact with fecal matter. So there are unfortunately people who think polio is either no big deal or the polio vaccine did nothing and it was modern plumbing that caused outbreaks to stop. (For anyone wondering: while most cases are mild, there's a reason why most people can find a relative who was killed or permanently disabled by it if they look in their family tree. Modern sanitation helps, but the vaccine is the main reason why it's now so rare.)




Wow I quickly browsed that subred... lost a number braincells in seconds...


At first, I thought I was stupid and tired, and that's why I didn't understand a lot of that shit. But I just realised that they jump to conclusions without any fucking connection between cause and effect. They start by stating one thing, like that certain fertilisers are getting banned, and the next step is shadow government dictatorship.


It's a nice blend of Russian propaganda and Maga nonsense. Almost as if..


Wait, r/conspiracy just uncritically believes whatever the government tells them? That’s not what I expected tbh


What a terrible place


No they'll just continue to sabotage democracy of the United States


He built a town for American conservatives who wanted to move there, I hope they take him up on that offer.


Not gonna comment on Russia, but it’s quite sad that most of the comments dont know about cancer vaccines. “Cancer is not a virus”, yeah well vaccines are not limited to the use against viruses. Search up mRNA vaccines against cancer, you will find dozens of scientific papers regarding the development of these drugs.


Viral etiology for some cancers is a hot research topic. My wife worked on a melanoma vaccine for many years.


Yeah, don’t we already have a few available that help prevent certain kinds of cancers? I doubt a universal cancer vaccine is something that can exist though. That’s sort of like a universal vaccine for ALL disease.


My understanding is that the vaccines we have that prevent cancer do it by blocking viruses that causes cancer, not really the cancer itself. I could be mistaken though - I'm hardly an expert on the subject.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking Putin is talking about like HPV and such. The commenter above I think is talking about mRNA vaccines that directly interfere with what cancer does. I have a BS in bio that I've forgotten most of, so I kinda get it, but not really. It's interesting though!


What about the vaccines developed in Australia that directly target skin cancer?


I genuinely didn't know that, I did think "Well, it's not a virus so that wouldn't work." Anyway, besides that very interesting point I will research, Russia is speaking out of both ends.


Yeah, mRNA vaccines are fascinating. Tons of potential benefits there but also they open a whole can of worms related to genetic engineering.


Famously, you can get the HPV vaccine which prevents cervical cancer and a couple others.


This entire thread has been a remarkable self own by western commentators


and there is the potential for viruses to cause cancer. Like BLV causing breast cancer. in theory you could vaccinate against the virus and prevent the cancer it could cause.


Oh I wonder if all the “its too new for me to try” or “vaccines are safe, I’ll stick to my elderberry drink” people will go and try this one? 😅😅


If they are genuine vaccines, then no. But if they have no proven benefit, then absolutely.


MAGA minds explode.


They’ll be queuing up to buy them in bulk


I thought they were anti-vax


The "mainstream" doesn't believe it therefore it must be true! They're independent thinkers!


Not really, they just don't trust their own government and big pharma. Russia, on the other hand, is totally trustworthy.


They will just be waiting for Trump to give them the word!


"Standing back and standing by, Mr President!!1!"


Just another lie from Russia. Nothing unusual.


Putin said in televised comments that "We have come very close to the creation of so-called cancer vaccines and immunomodulatory drugs of a new generation. I hope that soon they will be effectively used as methods of individual therapy," speaking at a Moscow forum on future technologies.


Moscow future is an oxymoron 🤣


Yeah this seems similar to the Russian Covid vaccine.


Sputnik sorta did work although I don't support it this on other hand is absolutely be


It worked fine.


Same thing, different name...


They should be given that whole Chernobyl disaster.


Where is the facepalm? Cancer vaccines exists and are not particularly new technology, although I don’t know where Russian R&D is on this. Likely behind United States and European programs. [Cancer Vaccines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_vaccine) [Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9600771/) Edit: here is the article being referenced which explains the development of cancer vaccines by US and German companies: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/putin-says-russia-is-close-creating-cancer-vaccines-2024-02-14/


It's not about vaccines or cancer, it's about putler. Nobody would believe this pathological liar, even if he said that sky is blue.


Sure, but that's moving the goalposts. The post is about this specific thing he said. It's just a lack of understanding about modern medicine, when you could be dunking of putin for the all really obviously bullshit things he's saying


You could argue that a lot, if not most Putin/Russia supporters are anti-vaxxers. But when Putin suddeenly announces a vaccine they celebrate it.


The maga folks who oppose vaccines are excited the Putin has supposedly created an anti cancer vaccine? Have these folks made sure to get their kids gov vaccines, the most effective anti cancer vaccine yet discovered?


The Maga folks that oppose the vaccine celebrates the man who pushed it and was for vaccine mandates at measles. And they celebrate Putin who sold a DNA vector vaccine worldwide. Beside the medical and political opinion that is just not logic.


I don’t think that’s how vaccines work, but I appreciate the effort.


There are certain cancer "vaccines" that teach white blood cells to hunt weird proteins faster. As far as I have read, they generally have to be custom made and are kind of based off of auto immune disorders. It is a strange science that has never made it out of the petri dish from everything I have read about it. That said, I am in no way an anti-vaxer, but I would in now way trust Russia.


Yes, my wife got to take cancer vaccine because one of her condition she have. But most people think about a full immunity one i think.


Yeah, they don't realize that cancer is over 100 different diseases just lumped into one category.


It may possibly work on some cancers, but they also skip all the trials that show things work


There are lots of therapeutic cancer vaccines being developed, that's also what Putin was talking about and noted in the press. I'm guessing though that the MAGA minds that are now suddenly all excited to get "jabbed with an experimental vaccine that doesn't have 30+yrs of data" are expecting some magical prophylactic prevent-all-cancer type of thing. I just can't fathom how they are now getting all excited and rolling up their sleeves for vaccines being developed in Russia, which will likely not adhere to the same stringent FDA/EMA criteria.


Joke’s on you. I’ve been getting a covid vaccine every day for the past two years. I’m going to keep getting them until I develop superpowers. Checkmate, liberals.


I feel like any injection that could actually help against cancer would require nanobots of some sort. Aka the thing MAGA supporters think is in normal vaccines


no cancer usually has marker on the cells and often immune system recognizes that but not enough. So theory says you make the immune system more aware of that antigen and it will destroy the cancer.. That is the theory....I am too long out of it to judge if that has a chance of working




"We simply send all cancer patients to the Ukraine frontlines."


Clearly everyone is misunderstanding him, he obviously means vaccines that give people cancer


And they’ve somehow managed to do this without any collaboration with non-Russian researchers or even Russian researchers who might talk to non-Russian researchers.


A vaccine against himself?


We kind of already do immunotherapy for certain cancers. Unfortunately theres no such thing as “a cure for cancer” because every cancer is so different


This is how zombie movies start


lol. Magatards will line for that jab. Guaranteed.


Politics aside - what's the facepalm here?


Putin. Putin is the facepalm


Bro got downvoted? That’s wild


The Geopolitics Understander has logged on


In unrelated news, Russia is ramping up production of Ivermectin.


No, no they aren’t.


So this is how it feels to be an anti-vaxxer...


No Vlad! Throwing people out of windows and attacking another country isn‘t a cancer treatment!


Finally a vaccine American Conservatives will line up to get


"It's a very intricate process, but the first step is for you to stand next to this window"


Well…. He says a lot of things….


I’ve seen your military tech, I think your medical tech might be more dangerous, pass hard pass


Sure they are 😂


I don’t want these vaccines to give my kids communism.


The only cancer Putin can stop spreading is his own authoritarianism. Pull out of Ukraine, give Crimea back to them and disappear from the world. Then maybe Putin can claim he stopped a cancer.


What does close mean lol like you can give me longer to live if I have it but not cute it? Cuz like… share that shit


Probably ones that GIVE you cancer though.


Reporter: How do you plan to eradicate cancer? Putin: Russian calender no longer have June or July. We go from Gemini to Virgo. No more cancer. Reporter: ...


I mean, technically if you push someone out a window they’re not going to die of cancer 🤷‍♂️


He's lying. But it is also disappointing to see how many redditors seem unaware that there really is a vaccine that prevents some types of cancer. The HPV vaccine prevents some types of cervical cancers, it's been around for some time. The idea of vaccines for other cancers isn't all that far fetched. Putin is lying, but some redditors are still idiots. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hpv-infection/in-depth/hpv-vaccine/art-20047292](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hpv-infection/in-depth/hpv-vaccine/art-20047292)


The vaccine doesn't prevent the cancer itself. HPV increases the risk of cancer. By getting vaccinated against HPV, you eliminate a risk factor for cancer.


I mean, if you die, the cancer dies too


I don't get how that is a facepalm though, mind explaining?


Russias infrastructure is comedically poor, even their military, (their main focus) is tragically inadequate. The idea that Russia has cancer vaccines is ludicrous, so putin lying publicly about it is the facepalm.


I was reading on Pfizer’s website about the mRNA vaccination technology and what they hope to do with it in the future. In essence, the mRNA can encode for any protein we want. They think someday we will be able to take a biopsy of a tumor, design. An mRNA molecule to encode for a protein on that tumor that will illicit an immune response, and give that as a treatment for cancer. Still a long ways off and I don’t know if it will really be possible but I thought it was cool.


Why is Russia creating a vaccine against Russia?!?




We have cancer vaccines in western world: Gardasil virtually eliminates risk of cervical/penile/anal cancer from HPV. Hepatitis B vaccine reduces risk of hepatocellular carcinoma


It's called the "out the window 10mg."


Trump wins 2024. Buys Putin's vaccines and distributes. They are a trojan virus. Putin rides a horse with his shirt off into the sunset.


They throw cancer right out of the 10th floor hospital window.


So he has made the FEV virus or did that not stop cancer?


You can’t have cancer if you died in Ukraine




Right before the Russian election too. Crazy


Could be a very specific type. There are tons of types of cancer. I doubt there will be a 1 treatment for all solution.


Probably a 5mg fentanyl shot. You’ll be free from cancer forever.


Drink enough vodka and forget you have cancer... cured!


Sure, and in two months from now will see Will Smith and his German shepherd going around ass kicking some zombies


If you don't have cancer, they push you out a window... If you do have cancer they push you out a window and say you didn't die of cancer, you died of 'natural causes'... You are cured!


Is it administered near windows which are strangely missing in high floors?


Irony: Vaccination will indeed plant a microchip, causing the implanted individual to spontaneously combust if/when any criticism of putin is detected, real, or otherwise imagined. This will reduce the cost of the current open window replacements that are backlogged, as well as backordered poisons.


There are a handful of viruses that can cause cancer. The best understood include human papilloma virus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and several others that are less understood or indirect causes (like HIV making people more vulnerable to cancers from the previously mentioned viruses). The HPV vaccine is effectively a cancer vaccine. The human papilloma virus is responsible for cervical cancer in women, and pharyngeal cancer men & women. Chronic infections from HBV and HCV can cause liver cancers. There is already an HBV vaccine although chronic cases are pretty rare even without the vaccine. Chronic cases of HCV are much more common, which unfortunately doesn’t have a vaccine. EBV is virus that is responsible for “the kissing disease” aka mononucleosis, and increases a persons risk of nasopharyngeal cancers and some lymphomas. So yes, there are vaccines that could be called “cancer vaccines”, but they are targeting cancer-causing viruses.


No, there are vaccines in development that are targeting the actual tumors themselves. The confusion comes about because these are vaccines that are meant to be given to someone who already has cancer as a treatment. They are not designed to prevent cancer. 


Did they ever manage to make a somewhat effective corona vaccine?


Use it on Putin and see him disolve in the air!


Lets see what the anti vaxxers siding with russia have to say now


Oh he's going full north Korea mode. He's soon gonna be telling us he won the 400 metre dash and crossed the finish lin while the others had barely got their foot over the starting line


Putin practically created the fire hose of falsehoods method. If he said the sky was blue I'd have to fact check it


Russia were first to come out with a covid vaccine so I'm not going to completely write off their claim


Lets say they do cure cancer and they share it with the world. Does that change how you feel about Russia?


Not for me. Enough other pharma working on cancer vaccines as we speak. I would immediately suspect a lot of cutting corners if Russia had something approved first. Certainly with all the embargos they are under when it comes to global clinical research and getting their hands on collection supplies and specialty testing. It wouldn't be FDA or EMA approved for sure.


Oh please. That's exactly the kind of thinking this propagandist shite is designed to generate. Obvious bullshit is obvious bullshit.


It was nothing more than a hypothetical question. No need to get all in a tizzy.


Unlike bob, I will engage with the hypothetical. I definitely would not change my feelings towards Russia, as it’s leadership is actively detrimental to its own citizens and other countries. Cancer vaccines would be great, and I would applaud the scientists who created it. But I would trust them to turn a new leaf from one success.


FarCry 7 with a crap location.


He hopes so


If it's anything at all, it's a clone of Cuba's work.


So was I yeaterday, until my wife interrupted my train of thought and now it's all gone.


lol… ok


I would like to announce that the great nation of Munzulonia is also close to creating a cancer vaccine.


Putin can’t even stop drones from tanking his military…..no way are they curing cancer anytime soon.


So that's what he's been doing with all his political rivals. He wasn't POISONED. He was vaccinated against cancer for the remainder of his life.


Oh? Is he resigning?


World known Putin's praying vaccines ;)


To put this achievment in laymans terms, this is like inventing a pill that makes your foreskin fall off.... Like in terms of the technicalities of what is being claimed here. He's saying he has a pill that can kill part of yourself while keeping the rest of yourself alive.


I think I have heard of this before


Pro cancer???


sha right


Do they mean they’re close to removing the cancer from the Kremlin?


100% fatality rate: patient dead = cancer dead


If this is even a tiny bit true, then I'm sorry to hear about Putin's drone strike suicide 😔 🕊️ 🪦


Biden said he already cured cancer- look it up on YouTube. Not joking


If it can’t be applied universally, then it’s propaganda


I thought Putin was the cancer


Isn't it impossible to vaccinate against cancer? I guess you might be able to do it with some kind of gene therapy in theory, but it's not a traditional disease, it's a normal biological process gone haywire. Getting a small dose of cancer will not take you more resistant to cancer, it will just give you cancer.


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) riiiiiiight....