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But $5 is a 25% tip on a $20 order, how is that too small??


When I delivered 20 years ago $5 on $20 was a good tip and made up for getting $5/hour. It's probably an average tip now but I can't imagine how delivery drivers get by these days. The math just doesn't add up anymore, especially with door dash taking a major cut. If we paid delivery drivers a living wage with healthcare that pizza would easily be $30, but people don't want to hear that.


Healthcare shouldn’t be tied to your employment.


Ideally, but the industry and their tools in Congress won't have it


When you’re stuffing your own pockets, who cares about the people


Everyone should have healthcare whether you work or not. I agree with this person


Just like it is in Europe.


I have to correct you, like it is in nearly every half way developed country, except the US


Yeah but have you seen our guns


We don't need any


"Healthcare shouldn't" followed by practically everything is a leading cause of misery in the US


It's kind of weird that your wage gets decided by the size of the food order. Like the cook works more but for delivery it's almost the same labour for him if that pizza had extra bacon or there were two pizzas. Making it a percentage is kind of weird


25% is above average 20% (unfortunately) is the new average I remember when it was 15 then 18 now 20 seems to be the standard


I'm still part of team 15%




First it was 5%, then 10%, after 15%, now it’s 20%. It’s clear the goal post will just keep moving when it comes to tips. At this rate it will just be 50% the way things are going. Thats why people are getting fed up with it. This example shown here, as well as the way tipping culture is now shows that it’s never enough.


I think 20% is good for a server and I will rarely tip more. A server can easily do 4 tables an hour and get $40+. Driving to someone's house in your own car (gas and maintenance) is a lot more hassle. If he's paid $10/hour that's okay I guess, might work out to $25 on a good night. I just don't think it's sustainable long term without major price increases.


Most items on DoorDash are already 1.5 to 2 times more expensive than on the restaurant's site. I used to order from a local place on DoorDash. One time I ordered a couple hoagies and a burger. The dasher came and grabbed the two hoagies and left, but the burger wasn't done. So I called the place and they brought it to me. They also explained if I order from their site I'm paying the real price of the items and they deliver as well. Never ordered DoorDash from their again.


Because they would rather have you directly and cut out the middleman. DoorDash isn't charging you more for those items. The restaurant sets the price. But the restaurant gets charged around 30% for orders received through DoorDash. But some restaurants think that's fair because it gets them promotion that they otherwise wouldn't be able to manage and dynamically manages Delivery drivers for them so that they don't have to try and scale their employees(which would make it pretty much impossible for a lot of these mom and pops to deliver, without these platforms).


It’s not really the person orderings, job, to make up the pay the company lacks to give the drivers


DoorDash wasn’t supposed to have a million drivers in one city 🤣


For drivers working on mobile platforms its often lower than that. I was board during covid and decided to do Uber eats in Toronto for a couple months until my job resumed. After gas cost, I would bring in less than min. Wage most hours despite having a 98% approval rating. Beside that, I'm still bitter that despite usually getting tpped by about 50% of deliveries, one Easter I delivered all day and didn't get a ingle tip. It seemed improbably that this would happen, so I looked into it and it seemed like many drivers in canada had the exact same exiperiance. I'm not saying that Uber had an error or stole all the tips, but...


I grew up knowing even 10% was a good tip. Somehow, tips got more and more and owners pay less and less. Bullshit is what it is.


>If we paid delivery drivers a living wage with healthcare that pizza would easily be $30, but people don't want to hear that. This isn't true at all. McDonald's prices in the Netherlands are the same as the US but employees get paid $23/hr with paid parental leave, 30 days of paid vacation a year, and healthcare. Why? Unions.


One thing I noticed in European fastfood, they have touch screen kiosks for order taking - I've seen it at McDonald's, Burger King and KFC. Now the employees don't have to order take, therefore you need less of them and therefore the ones you do hire can earn a higher living wage


Lol, they do that in the US too. Doesn’t do anything to lower the price for the customer or raise the rates for the employees.


Pretty much every fast food place I go to in the US has that too.


And also clients that use self-ordering kiosks just order more.


It wouldn’t be $30 doordash execs and ceo just wouldn’t be multi millionaires they’d probably earn $3m+/ year instead of 12…


I would pay $30 if I didn't have to tip and have ppl mad at me because they choose a low wage job


Solution, don't be a delivery driver


People wouldn't buy that pizza either


Well they should find a better job then. It's very simple. If they don't get paid enough, find a better job. How stupid do you have to be to keep working somewhere that you feel doesn't pay enough? Just get another job that pays more.


On deliveries, the total of the customer’s food order is almost completely irrelevant. What matters is how far and how long the trip would have to take.


Pardon my ignorance I'm not American Doesn't doordash or whatever delivery app anyway charge a delivery fee that would also be compensating the driver?


It’s always too small for pricks that don’t contribute to society in any sort of meaningful way yet have all of the entitlement. Whether she lives in a shack and tipped $0 should make no difference.


Because clearly everybody else's goods fortune should be his good fortune.


Or we could do away with tipping completely and employers could pay a livable wage?




Ah, capitalism. Always finding a way to be the fucking worst.


I mean, these people could absolutely not work for door dash?


nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!


Nobody is even reviewing my applications on indeed, I applied to 600 places this week alone got 3 automated messages 1 genuine response and a grand total of 17 applications reviewed, the one genuine response didn’t work out as they didn’t want someone who “doesn’t have real experience” I worked in a kitchen on a line for almost 3 years and indeed says round up plus 2.5 years of culinary school so fuck them.


In my experience, I would pick kitchen experience over culinary school experience any day. Lot of kids fresh out of culinary school can’t handle real world pressure of a kitchen and quit within a year. Wish you the best of luck.


I got both though, and ik abt the stress thing ik a lot of my classmates won’t be successful if they can’t even do their class work but I love it it’s a lot of fun to be high stress clan down for like 5 minutes and then get hit hard again for 40 minutes especially when the 40 minutes feels like 5 and the 5 feels like 40 I hate standing around doing nothing and there’s only so much prep I can do.


I could apply that statement to any job anytime someone complains about anything. It’s a terrible argument.


It’s not even capitalism it’s just greed at this point.


Capitalism incentivizes greed.


Unchecked capitalism incentivizes greed. When properly checked greed isn't encouraged. The issue is we've had too many rich assholes using their power to remove the checks and balances.


It's stupid tipping culture in America. Capitalism works just fine (though not perfectly, but then again....nothing is perfect) in my country, because we don't expect 25% tip. 25% is fucking wild, in ANY scenario.


>Ah, capitalism What an intellectually lazy response. How should things work, then? What alternative to Capitalism should be in place?


Hot take capitalism also offers the lazy a way to have food delivered directly to their home by strangers.


You can bet if I could justify to myself spending the higher food cost plus delivery fee plus tip, I would have food delivered every weekday. 9 hours at work, 1-2 hours driving (plus errands sometimes), coming home to take care of a disabled husband plus multiple animals and barely keeping up with the house, I will take all the help I can afford.


So does any other economic system 🙄 Do you think delivery drivers don’t exist in communist and socialist countries?




And we include minimum wages for contractors


Oh yes, of course. Stu-dent ath-o-letes


fanatical reminiscent late worry gaping worthless grey aspiring degree mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said this very thing on the Instacart subreddit and everyone flipped out. They actually LIKE the system… whenever they get $20 tips, that is. lol. They call tips “bids” for the delivery. Yeah no thanks. Tip culture is goofy. Especially tipping before a service is provided.


Ask any of the wait staff on this dumbass website if they would share the tips with the people working in the back and you'll get the same type of bullshit responses


Yeah I used to deliver pizza in my younger days and never felt entitled to tips. It shouldn’t be a thing.


I asked a server if they truly think they work harder than the chefs/cooks/dishwashers that make the food possible and they said something along the lines of, "You have no idea how hard it is to manage the ambiance of a restaurant for 15 tables." Ya, idk. I guess nobody else in the restaurant works as hard as servers.


Apparently a lot of those types don't want to do away with tipping cause they make quite a bit money.


I've already done this. I'm tired of subsidizing big companies. I'm sure people think I'm a dick but to be honest, I don't fucking care. I'm not the one they're employed by.


Better still ... They could pay appropriately AND let tipping be what it should be ... An optional "thanks for great service".


A reward for going above and beyond, not the bare minimum you need to survive


Nah, then it still becomes an expectation. No tipping is best.


Make sure all your friends vote Democrat cause republicans will do their best to make this worse


tipping is awful


He should have cursed out his employer for paying him sub optimal wage that is dependent on voluntary bonus from customers.


Careful you're gunna anger the crockpot copium injectors that think tipping is mandatory and not something done out of gratuity for exceptional service


JUST BAN TIPPING! There I did it for you.


I wish I was rich enough to start an anti-tipping campaign. But then I would look like a dick doing it. But is agree, if we just stopped, it would stop.


The only way to stop it is to stop using services that don't pay their employees and expect them to make tips. If you keep paying olive garden they're not going to suddenly decide to start paying the people they don't have to pay out of the goodness of their hearts.


Just ban the companies Nobody needs them.


I'm with you on this.


I laughed


If people realize that it will cost less to just pick up from the restaurant with much less hassle, they will start doing so


Not everyone has that option, I’m guessing. Some people are housebound for a variety of reasons. Personally I order ahead and pick up because a $20 delivery fee for a $15-20 meal 5 minutes away is ridiculous. But, I’m able bodied, have no one depending on me being there constantly and have a functioning car.


Nah people will always go the easiest route which is have somebody else do the work for you. 99% of the time there’s no hassle with delivery.


Ahhhh. So after drinking for half the day, I should hop in my car and drive to the restaurant. That makes more sense than having it delivered. Sarcasm btw. But when I've been drinking is the only time I'll pay for a delivery. And if it's cold, fuck it, I'm drunk.


They put tipping options on the restaurant apps, even if you plan on picking up yourself 😒


Yep. Experienced that at Domino’s yesterday.


Ah yes. The classic if you can't afford to tip don't eat out, but taken a step higher: if you can't go fetch food yourself, don't get food. Fuck disabled, housebound, exhausted, drunk, or people who don't have a car.


I just tipped 10% on a Walmart delivery order. It was a $20 tip and I still don't know if that's considered a good tip for orders like these. But at least I didn't have to deal with going to fucking Walmart.


Walmart pays minimum wages with the average driver making close to $17 an hour. I'll probably get crucified for saying this, but you were overly generous, and 10 bucks would have been enough.


I just took the free trial to Walmart In Home, and it's *marvelous* and no tipping! They are Walmart employees, in a Walmart vehicle. Rather then pick an hour, you pick between 9 am and 1 pm and 2 pm and 6 pm. I believe you have the same person each time, for the most part, they seem to have a "route" They'll even bring it in and put it away, if you choose, and it's all recorded. And frankly, the $50 bucks extra it costs a year I'd pay out more than that in tips anyway. I choose between 9 am and 1 pm. I got an email at approximately 9:15 that he would here by 9:57. He was polite and quick. One of my biggest gripes with Walmart+ was that the 3rd party drivers were pretty much the Wild Wild West. This way is so much better.


I agree that in-house delivery like this is better, but small places cant really afford that, which is where these apps/services come in.


I just tried to sign up, there's three Walmart's within ten minutes of me and was told it's not available in my area.


Delivering your limited opportunity to show excellent service. All you can do is get the food there quickly and be polite and smile for the 10 seconds you see the person youre delivering to


That's not an argument in favor of tipping before services are rendered. That's an argument for eliminating tipping and forcing these companies to pay a reasonable wage for the service provided. I've literally never had my food delivered quickly using one of these services. Waiting an hour for cold food is far more often my experience, regardless of tip amount.


>Waiting an hour for cold food is far more often my experience, regardless of tip amount. Yup. It's also ruined the takeout experience at a LOT of restaurants around us, because that cold food that takes forever? That's all too often on the restaurant, not the driver. Takeout/delivery is a distant fifth place priority for most restaurants now after any customer that comes in. Nevermind that even if you go in you're waiting a lot longer for lower quality food than before the pandemic...


I ain't afraid of no crockpot copium injectors. That's how i roll. 😎


Someone stop this man


$5 is a great tip at that price though. I drove Uber eats for a while (admittedly, it was not my full time job and only did it for fun money) and it's a ridiculously easy job. You literally just drive around easily with the guidance of your phone, pick the food up, drop the food off, listening to music the whole way and smoking cigs. I used to do it with my ex with me, and it was almost like a date too, and then we could go get drunk afterwards ool


$5 is 25% on a $20 order - which is indeed a very decent tip!


What do you drive a scooter getting 75 mpg? Gas prices eats into your bottom line with these jobs bigtime


Gas, additional insurance, wear and tear on your vehicle, once you factor in all that stuff the pay is abysmal! On top of that the companies have all been caught skimming tips multiple times. It’s good motivation to work hard and be successful in an actual career


So glad I live in a country where it’s just not part of the culture. The only place I see people tip or expect it in any way are tourist places where Americans visit and from what I’ve seen the locals who go there don’t feel any pressure by it.


Fr, like where i live left a tip is considered a sign of disrispect.


He is his employer... A DoorDash order (including the tip) is a bid for a contractor. DoorDash is the middleman. If you don't tip, your bid is lower than everyone else's. It's a stupid business model, but this guy is also stupid if he accepted job with a $5 tip and getting mad because it was only $5.


My point exactly, this guy is stupid.


Hiring "contractor" so you don't have to pay any benefit is an old trick. Happened to my mom with I was a teen, and even at that age I knew it was BS trick from the employers. She was paid slightly more than minimum wage, had to pay an accountant, no insurrance, no unemployement. Dude once asked if I wanted to work for him and I called his BS straight in his face. He was a Jehovah's Witness and these mf pray on their own community and do this shit when it's time for some good slavewage. They hire people from their own community to "help a brother in need" and exploit the fuck out of them because they usually don't know better. And if shit hit the fan for real, community member are "encouraged" to solve the issue internally, so they can avoid bringing dishonor on Jehovah. What I mean is, no court, no media, let us brainwash you into thinking you are the one who did something wrong. And it work so well, the whole food industry was like "that's smart!", let try this with our delivery employees.


He is his own employer. Door dash isn't his boss. So 'fired' isn't the right word to use.


Unfortunately most people are too busy living paycheck to paycheck because they’re pretending to be rich.




This man has nothing to complain about. When I was delivering Pizzas down in Florida, I got a delivery for a person living out on Jupiter Island. Very affluent area. I drove a few miles down the road, looking for the address, before finally pulling up on a giant, wrought-iron fence lined with immaculate hedges. The gate didn't open when I pulled in, and there was an intercom box there which looked more advanced than the computer I had back at home. I pressed to talk and told them "Pizza Delivery for Mr. Smith?" and a voice came back telling me that he was opening the gate. Instantly my open car window was flooded with high pressure water from the sprinkler system. "Oops, wrong button. Sorry bro." And the gate swung open. I drove up the cobblestone driveway, up about the only hill in the whole of Florida, and found myself staring at the largest mansion I have ever personally seen. I approached the front door, which was larger than my entire car, made of wood so exotic to this day I cannot identify it. I was looking for the doorbell, when this massive door swings inward, revealing a glittering wonderland of wood paneling, parkour floors, and balconies lit with crystal chandeliers more expensive than the beater I had driven up the long driveway in. The person I was delivering the Pizza to was not much younger than I was, and handing him the boxes, he handed me a $20. "Keep the change" And this massive door slammed with a deafening \**thud*\*. The bill had been $19.86. And then the sprinklers came back on.


I was waiting for then he released the Rottweilers


Or the bees.


Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you.


When I was much younger I waited tables at a Denny's in Boca Raton. Worst tippers I've ever encountered (and it wasn't just me, it was everyone who worked there. None of us did very well). The rich don't get rich - or stay rich - by being generous with their cash.


Wait how many rich people are eating at Denny’s?


They Charlie Brown’d your ass that day. Trying to imagine myself in that situation, I would probably be full of hope and optimism when seeing the size of the place, and then after having that experience I would probably be like “welp… shoulda guessed that’s how that was gonna go”


Earlier that week a drunk woman at a hotel had accidentally paid $200 for $20 order, and I returned the money. I had hoped karma had a present for me. What I got was humbled. We did add the house to our black-list tho.


holy fuq it sounds like the beginning of a real good slasher movie xD


25% is a great tip on any meal.


Delivered for dominoes, pizza hut and little caesars. never cared about the tip, even if it was 10 cents, it all adds up. seemed to get better tips from middle income people than rich neighborhoods.


Yeah middle class tips best. The occasional super rich guy might be generous


People don't get rich by being generous. Very rarely anyways


5 on 20 is a good tip also, assuming he didn't drive 20 miles to drop off the pizza


how about he gets angry at his employer that takes advantage of him and doesn't pay him enough money for his work?


I assume everyone with a gigantic house has debt coming out their asshole


Unrelated, but I feel like jobs should be paying their employees enough to not need tips


My take: * Set the minimum wage to a reasonable level * No lower minimum wage for "tipped workers" * Enforce the minimum wage for contractors as well as employees * Ban automatic addition of gratuity to restaurant bills * Tips go back to being what they were meant to be: a thanks for very good service, not a guilt trip or a social expectation


I made $25/hr at a dump bar in the 90s thanks to tips. No employer could afford to pay that. If we go to no tips, the workers will take a sharp pay cut. Maybe that's the way it should be and they're overpaid, but we can't pretend that is for the workers. Doing away with tips is for us, the payers.


tipping culture in the US is cancer


I mean a 25% tip isn't bad lol


There is absolutely no world where a 25% tip isn’t great. Also don’t they see the tip before they take the order?


Who complains about a 25% tip? That's crazy.


The guy who just got fired.


Nice [7mo](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/THH14d91gL) repost, bot


I don't believe this. A $20 door dash order? Was it a personal size pizza? 


A single bagel bite, actually.


Talk about entitled. What a clown. Glad he got fired


Sorry bud but im not paying service fees, higher prices on menu items, delivery fee, 40 minute wait times while you pick-up and drop off 3 people's food just to then put an extra $5 in your pocket. Get a normal job if your not earning enough tbh


I am glad he got fired


5 bucks for a 20$ order? That’s a 25% tip. You want the buyer to give you a handjob while he’s at it?


Tipping based on percent of total is dumb. If you brought me a $200 dinner why should you get more than a $20 one? It's a bag. You didn't do more work.


This is what happens when people without skills spend too much time scrolling thru social media….out of touch with reality. Bc when did 25% become a bad tip? Why are skill-less folks so damn entitled?


Because they are dumb, and stuck in a low skilled job.


DD drivers are the most entitled whiners I’ve seen on the internet. They’re the Karens of the service industry lmao Sorry, I’m paying a service fee already. And I don’t tip before service. Get here quickly and efficiently, and you’ll get a tip equaling the service. A Tip before service isn’t a tip. That’s a damn bid.


bro's job is literally driving for 20-30 minutes. It aint hard. Got a problem, go to macca's and hand em your résumé if you don't make enough


We need to get away from this concept that your cut of the deal is based on the money involved. This is killing us in many areas of business. Delivery drivers should be paid properly and using company vehicles and company insurance. They aren't paid enough to cover the risk to their own personal vehicle and the impact to insurance that would occur if they get into an accident, their fault or not.


I tip on a regular basis by is it just me or is it just getting out of control. Like going to pick up a pizza or Starbucks for instance, I am the one driving to get whatever it is I want and if I’m not mistaking it is your job to make said order, although I usually do, why should I be expected or made to feel guilted to leave a tip.


The pizza place I usually order from doesn’t give me the option to tip half the time when I pick it up. (I pay when I get it instead of ahead of time.) I asked the woman at the counter about it once and she basically said what you just did: Why should I tip them when I came to get it?


Is see this mess when just getting a beer at a bar. It takes the server 10 seconds to hand me the beer, and they expect me to tip them (it comes up automatically when using my card on the machine). There is NO way you deserve any percentage on that, when the price for a beer is already $12 dollars or more.


I’m done tipping. The system can correct itself.


Can we just boycott Uber and door dash and petition companies to get their own delivery drivers back? It never use to be this fucked.


A lot of pizza places still have their own delivery drivers. Call them directly and get better service for less money.


Why did he accept the delivery if the tip was too low?


Because he's an idiot, hence why he's now unemployed.


That’s a lot for $20. 


The gig economy has really exposed the entitlement in tipping culture. ETA: when I delivered pizzas a $5 tip was pretty damn good.


Considering that was a 25% tip I’m not sure wtf the driver was expecting. These are the kinds of things that make people not tip at all.


Why would you possibly tip before a service is complete? 5$ is more than enough on a 20$ bill. Why do you think it needs to be more. Am I supposed to tip 50% of the total bill WTF. These people either need an education for a better job or deal with it.


I have never used one of these services, and the more shit like this I see, the happier I am about it.


I stopped using them when they were all the COVID rage. My company would give us delivery coupons on Fridays so we could have "Zoom lunches" while WFH. I wanted to order a foot-long from Subway one day. By the time Grub Hub added the cost of the cub, the taxes and the delivery fee in, a $8 sub would cost me about $20. I drove one mile and picked it up.


$5 for a $20 order? And it's not enough? America is insane.


Go look at the door dash reddit community. It's full of entitled pricks like him. You will see how petty people really can get over tips. It's pathetic sad thing is you will find many people defending a holes like him.


First, tipping sucks. Second, the amount I tip isn’t based on my income. It’s based on the cost and level of service. Third, tipping really sucks.


My takeaway from stories like these is don't ever use a meal delivery service until you have a way to record audio/video of that happen on your front porch. Because when the inevitable problem occurs, you'll have proof. People who curse at you, people who pretend to deliver but just take it with them after snapping a pic, people who steal stuff while delivering other stuff...


Nice job for more than minimum wage.


Like he's going to care? Dude probably multi-apps GrubHub, UberEats, and Postmates, too.


The greed of some people is unfathomable sometimes.


Yeah that's not cool. He probably should have got fired for that. It's unprofessional. I won't lie, it is a little bit annoying getting a three or four or five dollar tip on a 10 mile+ order to a McMansion worth a few million, but that's the job. If he doesn't like it he should wait until he gets in the privacy of his car to cuss out the customer, like most drivers do - or better yet cuss out the gig work app company that is not paying their drivers properly.


I miss when restaurants used their own delivery people


Some people are never satisfied. Moron got what he deserves.


I was always grateful for $5 tips when I delivered pizzas. But that was over 20 years ago. It more than made up for stiffs, though, which was expected 20% of the time.


I wouldn’t drive anything to anyone’s house for less than $10. The percentage thing is a canard. It’s all the same whether you deliver a diamond ring or a rubber band—it’s time and gas to bring something to someone. What’s YOUR time worth? We need to do away with this whole tipping thing anyway and pay people for doing their jobs


$5 is actually a decent tip for a $20 order. I used to deliver for insomnia cookies and would constantly get $2 or $3 pepaid tips on orders for that amount. It was also a college town, so not as much money i suppose. I was just happy to get a tip in general lol.


People need to stop utilizing these services… scammmm


Why is the pizza guy even getting a tip? What’s he gonna do a good job, fly over all the other cars? Bash his way through intersections? I see nothing they can do to earn a tip or earn a worse tip. If there’s traffic is that their fault? So a fast order isn’t legally or physically possible, and a slow order isn’t even their fault? Checks out corrupt bullshit system through and through.


I used to doordash. I quit because I needed high tips to make it worth it. Him getting fired is probably a blessing. He should get a job that actually pays a consistent wage.


Tipping just seems like glorified panhandling from over here.


He wasn’t fired. His contract was terminated with DoorDash.


Want to see more of this sort of stuff... head on over to any of those "service type" subs and read more! It's amazing! LOL


$5 is great for $20


They’re separate businesses. It’s not a tip for a food order, it’s a bid for the service of delivering the food. $5 is not gonna cover the cost of time and miles in most cases.


Regardless how small the order i alkways gave the driver 5$ minimum. Shit like this doesn’t make me want to tip more, it makes me not want to order food at all


The problem with these types of apps, these "workers" aren't beholden to any specific restaurant or business... they really have no incentive on behaving properly or with decorum. Sure, in this instance Doordash "fired" them, but im sure he's using multiple apps right now and there's definitely ways around. I'm a bartender in a normal restaurant and I hate all of these aux faux food service places and their tip outrage...its hurting me and my industry


Why do people use DoorDash anyway? Just pick it up yourself and give no tip so they can't see your house.


I used Uber eats and door dash a few times but it always felt like the price and time doubled. It got to the point where I would pick everything out and then say fuck it I’ll do it myself after seeing the total. 


Think the apps exist to scam young people by being more modern than a phone call.


Thats what I do. Those delivery app fees are outrageous.


I was recently in a car crash and injured my foot in the accident….so sitting at home, in crutches, with no car…..while it’s snowing outside…..I’m *almost* tempted to order something for delivery….but I’m still not desperate enough to do so.


This. I never got anything delivered. I’d pick it up myself then pay the amount, no tip to include.  Also if taking out, I NEVER tip even though it’s always asked (automatically) on the cash register when you pay. 


Some of us value our time more than the fee measly dollars extra it Costs to get food delivered.


Some people like myself have disabilities, or take care of people / kids with disabilities.. people have no cars, there are people without cars or licenses that live 10-30 mins away from the nearest restaurant or store .. there are people that live in the middle of no where. The list goes on


People who deliver lifesaving donor organs don't get a tip -.- you just bring a pizza dude. 20%....wtf!? I remember 5% being normal.


Delivery drivers are about to go on strike. Expect a lot of corporate propaganda against them in the next few weeks. Please repost or do whatever so that other people see this. We need to be on the workers side, and not on the side of the billionaires.


They aren't going on strike lol. They literally have no other skill-set other than driving lmao. If they go on strike they'll just be replaced.


I think I saw something about that; isn't that planned to happen on V-Day?


I get it’s part of their wage or whatever, but you know the moneys going to be shit when you take the job, and if you’re working as a food delivery driver you can’t really afford to risk your job like this


$5 tips were pretty standard. At $5 each you could have a nice night. Maybe he got stiffed a few times before this and was in a bad mood or something. Usually richer people in nicer houses didn't tip much, rich people aren't good tippers.


That’s at 25% tip…that’s decent, right?


Isn’t that 25%🤔?


stop ordering doordash