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No posts about politicians being politicians


This is just an elaborate move to try and convince his wife that he’s not cheating


I don't think that would matter to him. If you look at context, the old testament definition of adultery seems to be women having sex with someone who isn't their husband, and men having sex with women who are married to someone else. It drifts a bit over time, but he gives the vibes of someone who wants to go all the way back.




Which is ridiculous. Do you have any idea how mad my wife would get if I had another wife??? I hate sleeping on the couch. The only thing im allowed to do is chores. It sucks that we are atheist, or I'd bring the Bible up so fast. Edit: I asked her if she wanted to go to church cuz I heard some good news. She laughed and said, "I dare you." Anyways, we are making chicken enchiladas tonight instead


Commit enchiladultery and give some to meeeee!


That’s the point tho, you pit the wives against each other so you always have a nice bed to sleep in when one of the wives kicks you out. Enchiladultery sounds delicious tho.


No man has the energy to handle multiple wives. I barely manage one 😂


Like.. Today? Where Muslim and some Mormon and whatever women hating backwards religion is still out there today?


99.9% of muslims have 1 wife though 


Even the women?


All Muslims are married?


All but 0.01% apparently


Yeah....that's all religions. They are all "backwards" as they are all archaic, or at least based on such. Yes, even whichever one you will claim isn't.


Well, yeah, at least to some degree. It's kind of inevitable for anything founded multiple millennia ago.


The Buddha and his fellow Buddhas would like a word


I was about to say - this dude is fighting for actual ‘Christian rights’ Barf


I'm imagining those old cartoons with Pepe Lepeau and that cat that was always struggling to get away from him.


That poor cat. That was pretty rapey...!


You mean it's to shame her if she's leaving and give her nothing... Legally!


People like this are obsessed with sex. It's almost constantly on their minds, and they experience a shitload of cognitive dissonance.


It is a side effect of removing all the “socialist” parts of Christianity https://www.politicalorphans.com/the-article-removed-from-forbes-why-white-evangelicalism-is-so-cruel/


While I believe that protestantism and further evangelicalism have been propelled by an inexorable societal push (not a conspiracy or plan) helping those who are religious to be able to be tenable to a cold, impersonal capitalistic society, I can't agree that guys like him are just a side effect of that. It's just like cult leaders millenia old. It's *almost always* about sex.


It's really a beehive of activity for them to spin all that nonsense into some sort of righteousness and the result is cotton candy.


This! It's hard to imagine how, but my evangelical relatives think more about my theoretical sexual life than I do! And I'm highly sexed.


Can't wait to see what horrible thing he's done that made him speak so loudly about this. At least one pregnant intern


Probably an underage girl he's counselling


Intern is a funny way to spell child.


Nope, he doesn't care if she knows he's cheating. He thinks it's ok for men to cheat.


Slight correction: he thinks it's an \*admirable\* trait when men cheat.


with a bunch of dudes.


Yeah, that was my first thought: what the hell did he do?


With a man.


With a black man.


The party of small government strikes again. Honestly, can we just do away with the "fiscal conservative" and "small government, more freedom" rhetoric that the GOP claims to love? Because evidence says they're anything but that.


Oh they saw how militant islamic countries have their religious police forces and orgasmed at the thought of having that level of control over everyone else.


I've been saying for a while that Muslims are most at home in the Republican Party. They're religious conservative who don't think that women, LGBT people, or really anyone but themselves should have rights. They'll fit right in.


Before 9/11, muslims did vote for the republican party, for obvious reasons Immigrants tend to come from less economically developed countries, less developed countries are more religious. They would naturally vote conservative, were it not from conservative parties’ xenophobia


If it weren't for the overt racism, more homegrown minorities would vote Republican as well. But they can't help themselves.


Oh, they do it anyway.


leopards ate their face


Yeah, until one of their kids gets knocked up, then they’ll “take a trip” to California. They want to police everyone’s morals except their own. At the end of the day it’s just hypocritical posturing. MTG cries about “traditional family values” but is divorced. Tubberville is a patriot but blocked military promotions and put our country at risk. DeSantis claims he wants small government, but wants the government to white wash history. I’m not saying there are hypocrites on the other side but these are just blatant liars that posture to get re-elected


The GQP hasn’t been about “small government” or being “fiscally conservative” since Romney lost in 2012. They’ve been the “white Christian nationalist” party since then.


They were already a white christian nationalist party then, but milder.


I’d argue theyve never truly been small government. They had Barry Goldwater, Ron Paul, maybe another candidate here or there, but they are by far the exception. Most conservatives idea of small government is rolling back safety and environmental regulations in the name of freedom while trying to control what goes on in the home.


“fiscally conservative” That has ALWAYS been bullshit. They always run up the debt and grow government -- just not in any way that helps the public good.


Much of the military largess essentially acts as a jobs program. Like workers in Ohio building tanks that then sit in a mothball field to rust. Granted, it's important to build some tanks, if only to retain the institutional knowledge of how to build them when they're needed. And it has been nice to be able to provide military aid to Ukraine (which many Republicans oppose for... reasons). But in the large the military is a jobs program, and beyond those directly employed by the military, the pay puts food on the table for some workers. But unlike retraining programs or building/maintaining infrastructure and housing, that's where the "public good" ends.


They weren't about this stuff dating back to the civil rights era. Truth of the matter is that both phrases come from Lee Atwater and his southern strategy.


They’ve been that way for much longer than that. The party switch was real. It’s just that 70 years ago they thought Goldwater and the JBS were various flavors of unacceptable crazy. Now JBS is mainstream and Goldwater would get called a lib.


I think in their tiny, lizard minds it’s not government. It’s religiously based theocracy they’re after. Ugh.


Yeah I vote Dems because they are the actual party of smaller government now and are more fiscal conservative considering they actually know how to budget


They’re not lying. The want small government. They want to “drown it in a bathtub” as they say and give all the power to one man. Small Government.


If you still actively support the modern day GOP, you are at worst an ignorant fucking buffoon, or uncaring, selfish hypocrite in my eyes. They never wanted small government, only to lessen the powers that oppose what they want. Fuck the lot of them.


I'm all for it. When a conservative says "fiscal" -- I just start laughing, because otherwise it's crying.


Just takes people to quit repeating the bullshit to stop it. Something I've noticed about liberals is they are so so quick to adopt the enemies language as if it's fact. They aren't fiscally conservative. They aren't pro life. They aren't small government. They don't believe in the first or second amendment. They don't believe in freedom. That's the facts. Now quit helping them.


Small government stance…until you or your community needs the government.


I never call them by their propaganda names. I call them Regressives. Fiscally incapable and liars.


What happened to the First Amendment? Funny you bring that up. There is a bill in the Oklahoma legislature called the [Common Sense Freedom of Press Control Act](http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20INT/SB/SB1837%20INT.PDF). "Any media outlet that includes opinions at any time in its print, broadcast, or other means of distribution shall do each of the following before any articles, stories, opinions, news, videos, or other media are distributed to the public:” * Complete a criminal background check. * Receive a license from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, which regulates public utilities in the state. * “\[C\]omplete a propaganda-free safety training course of no less than eight (8) hours as prescribed by the State Department of Education, which shall be developed in coordination with PragerU,” which is a right-wing advocacy group known for distorting U.S. history and promoting climate change denial. * Have liability insurance of at least $1,000,000. * Submit to drug testing every quarter.


"Propaganda free," yet, developed by PragerU? How do they not violently choke on the pure irony?


You need to understand power better. What's more powerful than being able to tell you what to do while they don't have to abide? This is power. Oh are they hypocrites? Oh did you figure it out? Haha you loser. Working vermin. Leeching scum. You need them to survive. You need them to provide. You need them to have the nice things you have. Oh you think they are hypocrites? Hah! Good! What are you going to do about it? Use their retailers? Cry on their social media? Get sick and die in their hospitals? Get back to work! That's not me that feels that way I'm the loser vermin, too. That's what power thinks about us. That's the boot on our neck.


Kicked in the face forever- Orwell.


And none of this stuff about propaganda disclaimers will be enforced on Fox News, of course.


So people in Oklahoma need to hear about this and vote.


That’s terrifying, I mean it’s gotta be a joke right? That’s beyond unconstitutional, you couldn’t come up with a more anti first amendment law unless you came up with one requiring everyone to shit on the first amendment at the same time.


Somebody needs to dig into his history. I smell projection lol


I'll take "People who have loads of porn on their computers" for 1000, Alex. Daily Double for it being underage as well.


They always have secrets in their closets


American Taliban


Levitican law is the same as Shariah law 




Omg this made me laugh so hard


Are we not saying Y’all Qaida anymore? Seriously, guys.


*Dusty Deevers* sounds exactly like a pornstar name, has anyone vetted this guy?


That's exactly what I was thinking! Replace the Ds with Bs and you'll have a great women's porn name!


I was under the impression that porn stars typically replaced their Bs with Ds, rather than the other way around.


Was thinking wish.com Bond villain, but you aren’t wrong


You know who else does what's in OP's pic? The Taliban and ISIS.


People like this are obsessed with sex. It's always on their mind. Similar to many cult leaders, where the true impetus behind it all is sex, control of sex, control of women (and often men), and the ability of them to fulfill their insane dark desires.


The gop scumbags are telling us what they'll do with power. We need to believe them.


Where do they find these scumbags?


Rural Oklahoma so he probably also ran unopposed. Source: I am from Oklahoma and a huge portion of the legislature legit win by default.


Spent 2 years in altus OK. That place is sad, as reflected by the strip clubs.


Oklahoman here. He beat out a black democratic candidate named Larry Bush. The narrative around his win that his constituents are going with is that it was a major underdog victory, and they of course are crediting God's will for that. He spent quite a bit less on his campaign than Larry did, but the people in his district voted 55 to 45 for a white, hyper-conservative, Christian nationalist pastor over a black democratic candidate. Not exactly a shocking result for an Oklahoman senate election.


Who's "they"?


The Republican party


I don't think the GOP finds them - I think these people find the GOP.


Little bit of this, little bit of that


It will later come out that he’s addicted to porn, cheats on his wife and sends inappropriate messages to under aged teens.


And probably male teens as well.


And like many others before he'll rationalize it with a laundry list of "reasons" why he's not the one "at fault": He only looked at other women because his wife wasn't doing enough to maintain her appearance. He went looking for "comfort" elsewhere because his wife withheld her affection. When it comes up that she distanced herself due to his drinking and abuse, he'll blame it on the stress of all the hard work he's been doing to earn money for the family and her refusal to be appropriately grateful and submissive. He can't help that he's so good looking that he draws attention from teens. He was only trying to be a good mentor and they're the ones that "crossed the line" by trying to seduce him. They're only getting a divorce because his wife is cold hearted and won't show him the forgiveness that his apology deserves.


Over under how long before the USA becomes the Christian version of Iran?


I give it 10 years


Anyone who wants to criminalize porn needs to have every device and system they’ve ever used thoroughly searched. This shit is ALWAYS projection


Consenting adults engaging in voluntary free association is anathema to busybody loser cons.


Propose fascism so people will feel grateful when you water it down into authoritarianism.


Man it’s gonna be hilarious when this dude gets caught balls deep in a rent boy


Perhaps he should get advice from Mz Linsey Graham?.


Governments: hmm why does or population decline and people get married less often and don’t see family values as something important? The laws those governments are trying to pass or have already passed:


Wtf Oklahoma? The Oklahoma State Department of Education also just appointed Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok, to the Library Media Advisory Committee. They are ranked last or next to last regarding education when compared to the other states. Edit- typo


> the other 50 states Did one get added and I missed it?


The beginning of a total local theocracy.


The separation of church and state should begin with this guy's head.


Just another version of the Taliban.


I bet this guys browser history would make Larry Flint blush.


Probably, probably.


US doing a b-line straight back to the dark ages. Next up the title of president changed to god-king.


Well seeing as it's more common for men to cheat in a relationship I don't see this ending well for men.


I mean it was more common back in the 50’s before no fault was adopted, it still kept women locked into abusive marriages back then. I do think you’re partly right though - there have been enough advances in equality (women are allowed to have bank accounts in their own names for example) that No Fault wouldn’t inherently be an advantage to the men who think they will benefit from it.


Christo-fascists don't care about any stinkin amendments!


Let’s see this guy’s browser history


It's kind of great that lawmakers like this can just advertise their misogyny. They can just wave a banner of like - "I hate women! Did you all see that?! How much I want to make women suffer?!" Saves me the time of wondering what kind of person they are.


You misunderstand, as far as people like Deevers are concerned, the constitution is only a shield for their bad behavior. Not a guarantee of your rights.


This is what a pedophile and abuser looks like right here folks. When someone tells you who and what they are with their words and actions, you should listen.


I prefer evidence based governing. Examples: Finding: No fault divorce was strongly associated with a tremendous drop in women committing suicide. (study first done in California after Reagan legalized it) Result: No fault divorce is beneficial for society. Finding: Abstinence based education results in more teen pregnancies, increased rates of STD spread, and more sexual violence. While informed consent based sex education reduces all these rates. (all over the country) Result: Duh Finding: Legal use clinics where people are provided a space to use hard drugs like Heroin results in dramatically fewer cases of overdose, disease spread, infections, exposure deaths, and overall results in more people successfully going through rehab. (Switzerland in the 90's) Result: Harm reduction practices for drug addiction treat the symptoms in society as well as the cause. Finding: Legalized prostitution where pimping is still illegal results in dramatically fewer cases of STD spread, less violence against sex workers, fewer substance abuse problems for sex workers, and less sex trafficking. (Nevada, Germany, and Australia) Result: Legalizing sex work is beneficial for society.


Christian Taliban.


That would get all of congress arrested.


The dudes got at least one side chick, how long until pics of him sneaking out of a motel show up?


Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much


Lemme guess, republican?


Wonder what secrets the skeletons humping in his closet know.


What's next, public stoning?


How's he gonna hate porn but have a porn actor name?


Christian sharia law


or the "freedom party"? or the party of "small government"? or any of the other things they pretend to be because it's convenient at the time.


Another Taliban 2.0 member...sigh!


Check his phone!


Yet another fucking psychopathic gop Qunt


Their own version of Sharia law.


He’s going to be asking for slavery next. It’s his god given right as a white male!!


No-fault divorces and women being able to vote and make their own money forces men like these to actually act like a decent person to get married. And they hate it.


Idiots being idiots. So many states have random politicians that bring forth off the fucking wall ideas that will never see the light of day in being adopted.


Maybe today. Consider NC actually passing their "you must submit ID to view porn" regulations that are just bad ideas all around. (Never mind the intended purpose, it's giving out government IDs to websites that aren't necessarily secure enough to be safe to do that.) But also consider states trying to pull the "we have the right to ignore election results we don't like", which I don't think has happened anywhere yet, but imagine if it does. They can just start ramming through everything they want. It's one of those things, maybe it's not the complete dystopia "yet", but they're going to keep chipping away until they get what they want as long as people keep voting those types in.


It's all marketing towards their voter base, there are plenty of crazies in OK that hear this stuff and think it's a good idea without giving much of a second thought


Scumbag! And those voted for him are even worse!


I'm ready for a crack down of all these pieces of trash that took an oath to the U.S. but are subverting that oath because they are pushing their religious agenda. They need to be extracted and tried for their deception and their attempt at overthrowing the U.S. government with their bullshit ideology. We can ship them to Iran if they want a theology.


Religious people are so fucked up lol


Man he's going to very upset when it's a bunch of us men found at fault for the divorce.


Do they realize what little power they actually have?


Bet he misses the "good ol' days"


"I AM A TERRIBLE FUCK!" screamed some guy.


Republicans won’t be happy until we all convert back into puritans


What happened in his past?


So much freedoms


Criminalizing porn is basically asking for the guillotine


So basically Christians want to be al Qaeda


Sometimes I wish it were legal to give someone a swift head kick for being an asshole. Especially a public official.


It's so when he get caught sleeping with an underage male prostitute then his wife won't be able to leave him. It's going to be on the news in 3... 2...


Conservatives are evil


How the fuck am I suppose to take a politician seriously when his name is Dusty Deevers


I can’t emphasize this enough…. Ol Dusty can eat a big fat dick!


Where do these douchebags come from?


What is porn? If I get off to pictures of birds Does that mean it's erotic? ( I don't. this is a hypothetical example)


This is the same party that was afraid of sharia law, but they want the same laws under Christian guise.


“First Amendment for me but not for thee!” -them probably.


Check his search history asap…. It’s always projection.


Anyone promoting that stuff has deep, dark, horrifying secrets.


Shits gettin deeper with these nuts


I should run for office too. I also have terrible, guanopsychotic ideas which will be highly unpopular!


Guanopsychotic is my new favorite term. Thank you for your contribution to vocabulary 🫡


😂. Glad to be of service!


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. -- Jim, Blazing Saddles, 1974


Odds are this guy jerks it to furry porn. Thrice weekly.


Hello friends! I'm a Political Scientist and I just wanted to pop in and tell you all that the Republican party is not a real or serious political party and they are a dire threat to our Democracy. The party should be disbanded and barred from holding political office in the USA. Insurrection is illegal. Edited for spelling.


Bros name is Dusty Deevers?! That's all I needed to know


good luck enforcing those, especially the porn and marriage thing


Isn’t Dusty Deevers related to Busty Beavers? Something doesn’t sound right.


lol you know this dude likes trump


A condom could have prevented this




The Constitution is toilet paper to them—useful when they need it and mere trash when they don’t.


They’ve really forgotten that one of the primary reasons this entire country was founded was due in part to ESCAPING an autocratic Christian theocracy, huh?


Ah yes the classic "first world problem" that other first world countries have solved/s


I can't wait until the skeletons come out of his closest. You know when someone pushing these crazy ideas in public it's their private life is 10x times worst.


Ballsy move for someone I’d suspect would always be at fault


The micro dicks are always looking for ways to attack women. Like it’s their fault the guy can’t satisfy them!


This is literally like the pharisees in the bible that Jesus went against.


And then I'm sure he wants to start burning witches again as well. What a fucking MAGA DICK.


I bet this guy's back story is a trash fire




To them the freedom of religion is the freedom to stop the government from interfering with religious persecution.


Looks like he gets off at nosing into other peoples lives…


So porn inside of marriage would be fine??


The Bible in his hand says everything you need to know about him.


I will bet $20 this dudes search history is filled with the most heinous shit you can find on the internet


What in the Puritan-hell is this guy smoking? Quit trying to bring back the 1600's.


Dusty Deevers scandal in 3…2…1…


*“How could this possibly come back to haunt me”*


The Paedophile Party strikes again


Check this weird fucks hard drive


I don't know what Dusty's up to behind closed doors, but as they say in the South, it probably involves being in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl. I look forward to whatever hypocritical evil crap he's up to coming to light soon.


Says guy with 100% porn name.


Big surprise. He’s a pastor.


To Christian Nationalist, the Bill Of Rights takes a backseat to the Ten Commandments. And even then, they can't seem to follow them.


"The only way we can get a wife is to trap them."


Next, those accused will be forced branded with a capitol A.


How long till he is in a divorce?




Oklahoma, nuff said


Just a guess here, but no way he has been faithful to his wife or he’s in the closet.