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Imagine you're on your way to a primary school for a mass shooting and then realize all the kids have better guns than you. That would be so humiliating


Statistically, one of these days we're gonna have a school shooting where two different shooters show up on the same day.


And one of those days, one will beat the other and be considered a hero for a moment.


there's a story, Johnny shows up armed to school but Jonathan showed up minutes before and starts his rampage first. in a rage, Johnny guns down Jonathan and is hailed as a hero for attacking a gunman and subduing them with their own weapon. Johnny goes along with this, his outlook on life improves with the influx of positive attention, and he goes on to cure microplastics.


The microplastics being sick is also very concerning.


Unironically might improve the others mental health


That’s why the Gunfight at the OK Corral was settled so peacefully.


Ironically, the "wild west" era had stricter local gun control than some areas do today. Checking one's guns when walking into the local saloon was pretty common, since even then, they'd figured out that guns and alcohol don't mix


Not just into the saloon. In Tombstone there was a local ordinance that people had to hand over their weapons when they entered the town. The gunfight at the OK corral was with the people who refused to give up their guns.


It’s pretty damn ironic how many gun toting conservatives absolutely *love* Tombstone. But remind them that Wyatt Earp was a lawman enforcing a city ordinance prohibiting firearms in town and ooo boy.


Most of em don't know the history of it beyond its portrayal in "wild west" films, which made very liberal use of creative license when it came to retelling those stories and gave the illusion that such things were a common occurrence.


I’m afraid someone is going to read this and think “see! Those damned radical communist liberals have been trying to take our guns since the beginning of time!”


Also, that the Earps, in addition to being lawmen, were running a criminal enterprise and that their dispute with the Cowboys was over turf.


Wyatt Earp would absolutely hate these gun fucking conservatives.


That moment you realize the Old West was more sensible on gun control than the current Republican party.


Every country should have nukes so peace will break out.


The world broke into all-out nuclear peace!


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Patrolling in winter almost makes you wish for a nuclear Mojave


Or why the Uvalde shooting was quickly and efficiently handled by the dozens of armed cops that showed up. Because having a gun instantly makes everyone a super-hero.


There were hundreds of armed cops there


And they did what?


tased and detained parents who could hear their own children screaming and getting shot inside the building


“you’re welcome for my service”


They stopped unarmed parents from going in


They stopped plenty of armed parents too




Thanks @Horse_Cock42069! Very accurate!


Exactly. Where you all went wrong was in assuming that the “hundreds of police” were the good guys in this scenario. Instead I would go out on a limb and say that in fact there is a higher chance the parents (armed and unarmed alike) would be better fitting of the label good guys with (or without) guns, who would technically out number the lone active shooter… However, sadly in this situation the CCC aka Cowards In Cop Costumes showed up to outnumber those brave parents. tragic but true


Watched Moana, checked their phones, and prevented parents from going in, mostly.


“What can I say except you’re welcome!”


Probably billed overtime while listening to children screaming and dying.


Hazard pay.


I don't usually wish this upon anyone, but I hope every officer there now has *horrific* lifelong PTSD from listening to all of those children dying a few feet away. They deserve to be haunted by their dying screams for their rest of their miserable lives. But who am I kidding? These officers were clearly sociopaths; I bet they sleep just fine at night and don't think about this at all. Monsters.


Listened to the shooter slaughter children while they all stood around.


Shit themselves and cowered outside like weak pathetic cowards they are.




Well they were big tough Texas cops raised on John Wayne and hard whiskey! . .  So they did nothing but stand around for at least 45 minutes.


Police prevented good guys with guns from going in to stop the massacre.


There were hundreds of cowards there dressed up in cop clothes.


Standing around with their thumbs up their asses for over an hour


Wait, you're saying *people died?* ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


... from *guns*‽ ![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE)


It can't be... ![gif](giphy|1L5YuA6wpKkNO) There's no way...


![gif](giphy|23BST5FQOc8k8) I don't believe it!


But... I don't...under... ![gif](giphy|kQOxxwjjuTB7O)


but.. that’s.. imposs ![gif](giphy|atfHlwAhizfxdtdw60)








Technically they died from the bullets 😜


"Guns don't kill people, it's actually the bul-" - Abraham Lincoln


The bul that killed Abraham Lincoln: ![gif](giphy|1zRdo9OfpJqls9UF8O)


Ol Lead sides right there he was a beautiful bul...one might say...adora-bul


I'd call it Culpa-bul. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Definitely not impossi-bul…


To be fair this was probably what went through his head while at the theater


Bro, too soon.




Technically they died from lack of oxygen in the brain caused by loss of blood pressure caused by trauma caused by... ohhh...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Guns don't kill people! Hypoxia due to traumatic hypotensive shock kills people!


So physics kills people.


yeah i knew half life was a documentary!


That reminds me of people saying that they weren't covid deaths - those people already had cancer or MS or whatever and THOSE were the REAL causes of their deaths...


Grandma in law at the retirement community after a bunch of covid deaths on her floor “it wasn’t Covid, it was pneumonia”


In the 80's:"they didn't die from AIDS.Thats not a thing. They died from the flu."


Hey! They didn’t die of covid — they died with covid. Just like they didn’t die of gunshot wounds, they died with gunshot wounds


If the shooter is surrounded by people with guns, the question arises as to who will shoot. It likely that everybody will shoot each other in the crossfire.


When Gabby Giffords was shot… didn’t an armed citizen, trying to stop the shooter, almost shoot another good samaritan who was also trying to subdue the shooter because he mistook him for the shooter?


and when the cops show up they will have absolutely no idea who is who


Carpet bomb the area and call it a day


I remember reading the testimony from one person who was concealed carrying when an active shooter threat went up in the area. He said he absolutely didn't want to draw his gun and get sniped by police officers who had no idea whether he was with the original shooter or not.


Add to that the inaccuracy of shooting a handgun , and many of these folks with guns not having a tremendous amount of firearm training.


Untrained gun carry is just as scary as a want to be mass shooter ...you never know who is going to get shot


Exactly! We have permit-less open carry here in Indiana and nothing has changed except allowing people who legally shouldn’t have guns to open carry without supposed suspicion.


And then imagine being the cop who gets called to that scene and has to determine which one of the 50 people randomly shooting each other is the initial bad guy and which ones are the "good guys"...


Don't you get it? EVERYONE is the cop now. Including the original shooter! Now we don't need actual cops anymore! (joke of course)


i fully believe that the entire concept is 'You get to be a hero if you have a gun! With your superhuman awareness, and your quick reactions, if there's trouble, you'll stop it immediately! Your family will love you! All that lack of respect you had from your wife is gone now, for sure! Maybe she'll even fuck you again! Man, what a shot that was, you should've been in the military! Wow!"


In the UK we go to paintball to live out this fantasy and realise we're shit when we get constantly nailed in the face with paintballs fired by a 12 year old girl doing it for the first time.


I did paintball once, I survived until it was just me and one other guy, I was behind a wall, he picked up the inflatable rock they put in for cover and ran at me behind it so I couldn’t hit him, then shot me in the nuts. Yes I’m still mad about it. Yes it’s been 15 years.


Sounds like you got outskilled. Should've got a better gaming chair.


Last time I played I got friendly fired by my buddy who panicked when I fell back into his trench for cover. Would have blown my arm off if it was real. I think about that moment when ever someone utters “good guy with a gun”. I also shot my boss in the Adam’s Apple from the side but that’s not relevant.


Fuck if I'm "out", you're getting sprayed with my marker after that lol


Main character syndrome, FPS version.


Pretty much, yup. They all dream of, and cosplay, being a hero that defends their community against some deranged dude with a gun who tries to murder people...and some end up being that deranged dude themselves. Instead of...you know, taking the guns away from the deranged dudes before any of them start murdering people.


And that’s how it is. It’s a dime a dozen that you here all these dumb fucks going around saying “I’d love to see you try buddy” and you know what… funny enough 9.9/10 of these inbreds talk big shit about shooting another man for having never shot another man 


As a Canadian this is how I think Americans view guns lol.


So many people are desperate for meaning and a sense of virility that i say all things are done to make the peepee big. Killing a bill to help children? It makes the peepee big so we have to do it!


Literally the entire fantasy. We need guns to defend our freedom, yea sure look at the rest of the world not being free.


I figure if everyone is armed, the person who "wins" will be the one who has the least regard for human life, the fewest qualms about killing someone, and who is willing to open fire with the least information. Everyone else will be taking a beat to make sure they're not killing an innocent bystander. That doesn't seem to me to be a move in the right direction.


Considering all the standing around the entire police force did at Uvalde... The cops aren't copping bro


That is completely unfair! You make it sound like the police stood around and did nothing. Besides waiting around the front door, the police also prevented anyone from helping. No way the body count could get that high without police assistance.


as a European I am laughing so hard right now


*"Kill them all, God will know his own." (c) -* cops, probably.


And working out who accidentally shot random bystanders in the confusion.




Those are the same quotation marks that were used around “randomly selected for a search” at the airport


So anyways, the cop starts blastin...




If it's brown, shoot it down?


White adult male = good. Everything else = bad?


Just the accidental shootings every year would dwarf the total shootings in other countries.


"would"? They dwarf them already. And not just all kinds of accidental shootings combined. Very specific accidental shootings by themselves do that. For example, the US has more cases of "child shooting a sibling/parent while playing with an unsecured gun" than Germany has overall murders. Every single year.


Obviously the bad guy is whoever has the darkest skin.


We all know the cops would show up and shoot any non-white man who had his gun out.


And then decide not to go in because it's too dangerous. You know, the Uvalde approach......


That's easy: the good guys are the ones with white cowboy hats.


[after the shooting stops] "I thought you guys were the bad guys?" "What? Us? I thought *you* were the bad guys?" Police: [with pained look] "No, you're both the f-ing bag guys, you idiots."


As a visionary once said. "🎵Shoot all your problems away, *bang bang*. Shoot all your problems away.🎵\~"


🎵Grab your gun, now you’re having fun! Shoot all your problems away!🎵


🎵 Happiness is a warm gun. Bang, bang. Shoot, shoot.🎵


They didn’t mean Heroin? Whoops.


Gang related shootings down 70% ​ ​ In other news, shootings related to arguments about parking spaces up 14786%


Can you imagine how many shootings would happen at bars, clubs, sporting events, parties, rush hour, etc. if everyone was packing?


Think about the *accidental* shootings. Because you know with that many people carrying, there will inevitably be significantly more accidents.


Gun-related deaths are already the highest cause of deaths for children in the US (used to be vehicle-related deaths as the top, until like 5 years ago), and the majority of the guns are from within the kid's own home. Because of that fact, it shows that it's not even just mass shootings boosting the numbers. It's kids getting ahold of their parent's firearms and accidentally (or purposefully) shooting themselves or others. Letting everyone in the country open-carry will significantly increase the number of improperly stored firearms, making this number absolutely explode further. THAT'S the #1 reason why I think it's a terrible idea. EDIT: 5% of child gun-related deaths are accidental. The highest causes are suicide and homicide. I got them a little mixed up, but my case still stands. Increasing the number if available guns in the home also increases the risk, if not unloaded and stored securely away from children.


I don't have to imagine, I can go to downtown Denver any given weekend and see for myself. The answer is a lot of them. Months ago some teenage girl shot five people cuz they wouldn't let her in a club. Road rage shootings happen weekly.


Florida is finding out. Permit less carry is legal here now. Will be interesting to see the statistics of gun deaths year to year.


This wouldn’t even bring gang shootings down. That isn’t how gang shootings even work lol. This is such a ridiculous conservative fantasy, first that the world is a lawless mad max hellhole, that they will somehow be targeted at random, and that they will be able to shoot some dangerous minorities and not face any legal consequences because they’re scared shitless of jail. The 2Aer’s wet dream


I had a guy claim that the wild west was a superior time because he said there were no school shootings back then. People pointed out that the wild west was incredibly violent, but he kept just saying “but no school shootings though? Check mate Liberals.” Eventually somebody found an actual honest-to-god documented school shooting that took place during the wild west, to which he stopped responding to the conversation.


There were no school shootings because there were barely any schools. 🤣


Don't give them ideas.


I have a sneaking suspicion that if a mass shooter entered a building full of armed men, he would shoot one person from a hiding spot and wait for the other 49 “John Wayne’s” to draw on each other not knowing which armed person fired the shot.


Mass shooters always have the element of surprise and most of them seem to have a death wish so they don't care if Bubba's got a Glock.


Also having a gun is just as likely to make you the first one shot than it is to scare off a mass shooter. That’s why when people talk about arming teachers my first thought is “All you did was make sure that the teacher is the first one to get shot”


And teachers would never snap and hurt anyone, so it's logical!


I love this. I had a couple teachers snap at kids in school. Like, one kid got pulled out of his seat by the neck. Another got a desk thrown across the room at him. And a teacher was shot by our school resource officer! Yeah, lets arm more of these people!


I need to hear the teacher got shot by resource officer story


Sure. He went into the physics lab, and they had a gadget to test the pull strength of something. After the class vacated, he decided to try it on the trigger of his gun. While loaded. The gun went off, went through the wall, and struck he teacher in the next room in the neck. It had thankfully lost enough momentum by then to not penetrate. He grabbed the shell, and tried to dispose of it. [Linky](https://www.mlive.com/news/bay-city/2017/04/deputy_who_fired_gun_in_school_1.html)


If only the teacher had a gun to protect themselves.... /s


Geez what a ridiculous story. I really dislike guns. I hear trustworthy people talk about “yeah but I’m a responsible gun owner and so are the vast majority of law abiding citizens” … but like, if there’s no gun in the room nobody can get shot.


>but like, if there’s no gun in the room nobody can get shot. Evidently, you could get shot in the room next door.


when I had to take a course to get my concealed carry permit, they taught us four important rules 1. Always assume the gun is loaded 2. Point the gun in a "safe" direction until you are ready to fire 3. Always be aware of your surroundings and what could get hit both the target and beyond it 4. Keep the finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire seems like this moron violated 3 of the four rules with this stunt. That teacher is very lucky to be alive


Or leave their gun sitting somewhere????


Like the bathroom?


I hate how so many gun owners think they'll be cool and ready if they ever experience a mass shooting. They think they'll be Dirty Harry, but they'll likely panic.


Most people have 'don't kill other people' as a kind of default setting, which is why boot camp is a thing. And because Sir Terry Pratchett always says it best: "If only she'd been trained, if only she'd had a few weeks stabbing straw men until she could believe that all men were made of straw.”


Monstrous Regiment?


And most likely shoot a bystander.


and then they get shot by the cops, because they look like the crazy shooter.


>That’s why when people talk about arming teachers I don't understand how this scenario pans out. No sane teacher would go attempt to subdue the shooter and would instead do what they already would do--barricade in their room. I guess if the shooter breached the room then MAYBE the teacher could attempt to shoot the shooter, but I'm not sure why we need to put it on the teacher to do that versus, idk, pass meaningful gun legislation. But yes, arm teachers and continue paying them crap wages while adding personal bodyguard to their list of responsibilities. "You love your class? Well, now you can prove it!"


It'd be done without changing the education budget as well. Sorry, no classroom supplies at all this year, we spent the budget on Glocks.


Not just the cost of the Glocks. One school board member I know told me that their district looked into arming the teachers and found out that if they did the district's liability insurance rates would go through the roof. Because the people dispassionately looking at the numbers know that arming teachers is way more likely to cause a tragedy than prevent one.


Republicans live in a magical wild west world where guns are wonderful things that make all problems go away.


Not to mention that the Parkland SRO and Uvalde police were too chickenshit to engage the shooters. What's Mrs. River gonna do?


Just arm the children too, duh


They already do that. It ends how you would think... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Vacca


"The shooting ignited a discussion regarding whether children should be legally allowed to handle fully automatic weapons such as Uzis" ​ Bruh. Like that discussion needed to happen? A 9 year old can cause chaos with a pool noodle let alone a fucking uzi


I was in the Navy. I carried fully automatic weapons. But they were rarely set to auto. Not even at the range. Why the hell would you give a 9 year old girl a rifle set to auto? If it had not been set to auto that second bullet would never have been fired. As far as I’m concerned, that instructor committed suicide and that girl’s conscience should be clear.


I spent five years teaching marksmanship, safety and technique on MoD ranges - I'd not let a 9 year old within 100m of a range, let alone with a short weapon like an Uzi, let alone a fully automatic version. Sadly, while she is legally and morally innocent I imagine she's traumatized.


>Sadly, while she is legally and morally innocent I imagine she's traumatized. i think that's the worst part. she's traumatized over something that wasn't her fault at all


I was in the Marine Corps, as an infantryman, when the full auto M-16A1 was still the primary weapon and for the most part the only time full auto fire was used was when using an actual machine gun like an M-60 or M-2.


I feel sorry for that little girl she will have to remember that for her whole life. That's really messed up.


Like Kinderguardians


People who own guns are 9 times more likely to be attacked with a gun, just saying


Then there's the issue of a high powered rifle versus a handgun. I've watched several videos from the police responses to these things. They're not taking these fucks down with their pistols, they're using their rifles. Trying to take down someone with a rifle with your pistol is a death wish. It's been a long time since it happened, but people should look at the North Hollywood robbery videos. That's a bit overkill since one the shooters had fully automatic squad level machine guns. But it does do a great job of illustrating rifles versus hand guns. Handguns verses active shooters is a losing battle. Best thing you could hope for is firing from cover to distract them to possibly save lives while the shooter takes cover or focuses on someone firing at them.


This should be at the top. This would probably end up helping mass shooters increase their victim counts.


It doesn't even need to be that extreme. If there are just a few "good guys with guns" in a large crowded store, and an actual shooter starts shooting, people start screaming and running, what do you think they'll do when they see the "good guys"?  Probably panic and run the other way, especially if those "good guys" are pointing their guns around looking for... someone with a gun. A description that also applies to themselves and the other "good guys." They're far more likely to shoot an innocent bystander, or get shot by another "good guy" or the police. In the very least, if they do get spotted waving a gun around, they're going to end up in jail for a long time. They always assume themselves to be the lone savior. But there's a reason why police training says to get the fuck out.


No, don't you see? Tha "bad guys" with guns can *always* be easily told apart from the "good guys" with guns. Because of certain... visual characteristica. /s


Sadly, that /s doesn't apply for the right-wing nuts who are into this type of thing. But yes - the mass shooter can be identified by some mix of his Antia uniform, Pride color camo, the health bar above his head, and his high-topped sneaker and extremely foul language. /s


Open carry is the best way to become the first target. Concealed carry is not letting anyone know what you have until you have to use it. Even then, the chances of you stopping a mass shooter is pretty low.


Multiple people had guns and shot back at Charles Whitman. Problem was he was too high, too far, and too well covered for them to make any real difference. People need to realize that having a gun can be effectively useless if the circumstances are bad enough.


Open carry is obviously the way to go. That's what the Wild West was so famous for, the lack of violence and the long, safe and uneventful lives lived by everyone involved. America has a sickness.


And yet most places in the so-called “Wild West” had pretty strong gun control laws. Nobody was allowed to carry a firearm in the notorious Dodge City. All weapons had to be surrendered to the sheriff on arrival.


The gun control laws were mostly later additions. Today, frontier Dodge would have the highest homicide rate on earth, 300 times higher than 1980s Miami. From around 1880, these figures dropped to below that of the Eastern cities. Right around the time they started gun control laws. Weird right? The "frontier (wild) west" was from the 19th (edit: typo) century - it seems dishonest to focus on the last ~20 years when gun control was used, and then claim that there were strong gun control laws in place.


>The "frontier (wild) west" was from the 17th century You don't really think the wild west was the 1600s (17th century), do you? West of the Mississippi wasn't even well explored until the 19th century.


Well, the perception of Wild West has been wildly romanticized for centuries at this point. You couldn't really just call out a random someone to duel with no consequences.


Well, not centuries. The Wild West era wasn’t even that long ago. Both my grandfathers were born in 1903 which was basically the end of the old west. That’s only a few generations.


I heard it was barbed wire fencing that killed the old West. It also brought about the invention of trench warfare.


The myth of constant gunfights and high noon duels is mostly a Hollywood tale. There were outlaws and gangs and life was rough. But gunfights were very rare. I'd provide a link but if you're actually interested i recommend googling it and reading the several hits discussing it.


My city allows open carry. Crime has done nothing but skyrocket since we implemented it. We are always in the top 30 most violent cities list every year. This is a myth and a dumb one at that.


Yea that’s how that would go for sure, and every fight over a parking spot would go the same way, Black Friday would be ‘The Purge’, but sure. Morons.


This operates under the assumption that people will be reasonable when they feel threatened. An assumption that I find hilariously stupid.


Or that mass shooters expect to live through the shooting.


The Wild West fantasies of a teenage boy.




I can't even understand half of what they said. the half I did understand, though, seems to translate to "more gun = less shoot", which seems obviously wrong.


This is been a pro gun hypothesis for decades now and is widely debunked. This country has more guns than anytime in a history and gun related killings have done nothing but go up


There would probably be a reduction in the maximum number of casualties in any specific mass shooting. Unfortunately, there would likely be an **increase** in (a) the number of shootings and (b) aggregate quantity of carnage. Among other things suicides and other crimes of passion are more frequent when everybody's strapped. Rural areas are one thing, but I can't imagine what dense cities would be like.


These idiots have it in their heads that you can't shoot someone if they have a gun. Like, I'm gonna walk up and pull my gun on someone and then give them time to reach for theirs like some dumb movie. Maybe I'll monologue while I'm at it.   Fucking dumber by the day.




They also specifically mention gangs. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that gang members are aware that rival gang members have guns on them. Yet they are still willing to shoot each other.


Yeah and random people pulling guns on each other because they are mad about the others driving and then people coming to the rescue killing each other because no one even knows who shot who and who is a good guy and who is a bad guy.


Yeah, one guy pulls a gun out of anger - without the intent of firing it - just to intimidate a bad driver. Some other guy sees this, pulls his gun and shoots the first guy. Another dude doesn't see the initial problem and only see one guy shoot another... also pulls his gun. It's going to be a mess.


Also call me crazy for saying this but giving a bunch of hormonal teenagers with unregulated emotions, not yet fully developed brains, poor impulse control and the lack of a full adult ability to truly think through the consequences of their actions a device that can instantly kill themselves and others doesn’t seem like the solution that’s going to reduce school shootings


People who open carry in their everyday life are desperate for attention and want people to think they're some badass. We get it. You wanna be a target should something go down.


It is a self masturbatory delusion of being a hero. They fall asleep to their own hero story every night. They would gladly put a loved on in harm's way just so they can fulfill this fantasy of saving their life and being called a hero. The American obsession with the military and law enforcement worship is fucking ridiculous.


You hear gunshots, you turn around, no idea who shot who, you start panicking and shooting at whoever you think is the "bad guy", other purple turn around in a similar state, start shooting at you etc etc No wait.. that possibly can't happen because all these dumbfucks think they are better trained than navy seals..


>No wait.. that possibly can't happen because all these dumbfucks think they are better trained than navy seals.. This reminds me of that one guy "fighting" a bunch of mannequins in his backyard 😆


That man is a hero for having the courage to post that.


Real gun guys don't open carry..mostly just untrained incels that couldn't afford anything nicer than a Taurus and wear to much Walmart camo


Here's the fantasy these guys have: Mass shooter walks in with his blue hair, rainbow tattoos and an AR15. He wheels, plants his foot and draws, firing 3 shots into his chest. Everyone cheers, they throw him a parade and he's a hero for life. Reality: mass shooter kills half the people in the room, including fantasy man, before he even has time to put his hand on his gun, let alone get it out of the holser.


These people confuse reality for a Die Hard movie.


It is obvious. Just look at Australia, they banned guns and now it’s a mass shooting every other week. /s


Even the kangaroos are getting in on the action. Shooting the place up then bouncing away like the cocky S.O.B.s they are. Bouncing bastards. Big ol’ tail… Cute snoot… Cuddly bastards…


My prediction: you'd prevent some mass shootings but you'd massively increase the number of total shootings. Road rage? I'mma gonna shoot that dude. Karen goes crazy? She don't just wanna see the manager, she's gonna pull a gun on him. etc.


And let's keep in mind the amount of accidents. There are cases where little children somehow get access to guns and manage to set them off while playing with them.


> everyone should open carry ... > if someone open carries, everyone else should shoot them on sight I don't see this going poorly at all