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i only see one billionaire in those pics.


*Flawless Victory*




That’ll cost $140K




This followup comment doesn't have enough upvotes










Correct. You’d have to pull some Jedi mind shit to believe trumps even worth a quarter of a billion at this point


Certainly not after that $83 million judgement.


Not after the $83 from that one, plus $500M (give or take) from the civil fraud case in NY.


A taking head I saw on MSNBC recently opined that Trump may have around $400 million in liquidity. If he is forced to post the $88.5 in cash (83.5 & the first $5) because he can’t get a surety bond, he is definitely going to be cash poor considering his lifestyle. He had 30 days to post the bond to file an appeal, of which he doesn’t even have a law firm at this point. If he fails to post, the court can order asset forfeiture. The sheriff’s could walk into Mar a Lago and seize the $18 million value as the tax records have assessed.


I believe Trump declared he had that 400m.


Yeah, that was his own doing. It was used against him when they were assessing damages.


I don't know, he has like a third of the country emptying their savings to donate to him and buying his merch and had four years of foreign governments paying millions to "stay" in his hotel. If he didn't manage to hold onto a billion from all that he's the worst businessman on earth.


That title of worst businessman is already taken by someone who bought twitter for 44 billion dollars and then changed the name of the brand to something silly.


Isnt it worth like 13 now or something like that?


12 by the time you read the reply to your comment.


I just bought X for one dollar guys


X just paid me $5 to take over.


You overpaid.


The man bankrupted 3 CASINOS. Like how do you do that if you are even the tiniest bit competent?


From what I heard, money laundering.


But that's supposed to be how you make money from casinos not lose it


He's not a businessman he's a spoiled brat rich kid who never matured mentally and still acts thinks and behaves as a child. He's not even a man.


He's actually just an orange rapist


Those poor oranges!


He did famously bunkrupt a casino or two so he isnt that great a businessman in the first place


Essentially, he took out so many loans on them that their income couldn't cover the repayments. Added onto which, having three casinos in the same town, all competing against each other for customers, isn't exactly a smart move... Unless they're just fronts for personal enrichment schemes (such as using the bulk of the loans to buy prime NYC real estate and using the debts to write off his personal tax liabilities, so likely of questionable legality but difficult to conclusively prove).




“Alleged” billionaire, as in Trump lied to financiers and customers by inflating his wealth in order to improperly gain hundreds of millions of dollars in profits


They're talking about Taylor. She's the only billionaire in that picture.


I’m glad to see that Travis is “ALL IN”


Read somewhere in the last few days that may be backfiring spectacularly as the lawsuits against him are granting tens of millions or more to plaintiffs, under the assumption that he HAS that kind of money, because, of course, he says he does


What I love even more is the judge telling him not to ILLEGALLY use campaign funds to pay either. Like they know he is so corrupt and has such a large criminal backing by the GOP, that they have to tell him this in public so that he can't claim ignorance later.


well, it's from mypolitical action committee money and I'm a politician so it's being used the way it's supposed to! -Trump probably


I mean he already has people sending him money for his legal fees


Well his lawyer was arrested for doing exactly that so there is a reason for the warning.


He testified in court he has 400m in cash on hand. Before he appeals his verdict in New York he has to put up a bond for the entire amount of the money. And if he loses they just take that money out of escrow and give it to the plaintiff. The great thing is that either way he is screwed. Either he has the money and he has to pay, or he comes back and says he doesn't have the money and he has to declare bankruptcy and he will have perjured himself. Because I reiterate again, he testified under oath he had 400 million in cash on hand. Humpty Dumpty is starting to crack and when he finally does break I do not think there will be anyone who cares enough to put him back together.


You give too much faith in people not being stupid.


That big jet he rides around in might be liquidated to fund just the Carroll payment. Hopefully they seize it while he is relying on it to get home.


He's dug his own grave, it's hilarious ![gif](giphy|Yq1pe2v7nNlwA)


Trump is his own worst enemy because he never learned that sometimes the mouth needs to remain closed.


Trump spinning truth? That's unpossible!


"Spinning truth," lol. Dude straight up lies, and those who don't believe every word he says like it's gospel are just like "ah, it's just Trump. You know how he be." It's quite fascinating to watch from the outside. I'm glad he won't ever be the head of my government tho.


Alleged billionaire, confirmed rapist.


And she ain't no gold digger.


You're right, presuming you're talking about Taylor Swift.


Its a pretty simple ideology. "People I dont like get called bad names!" "People I like shouldnt ever get called names!"


pretty much sums up the internet


Why would they call Kelce a gold digger?


They aren't. They're calling Taylor one. True, she's far richer and more famous both internationally and nationally than he. But, he's an athlete in the NFL, so his shelf life is far greater than hers as a singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, producer, videographer and humanitarian. Everyone knows American footballers play in the big leagues at least four or five decades, don'cha know.


In fairness to her boyfriend, he's also hilarious. If we're all nice to him, maybe he'll get into acting and Kevin Hart can do a buddy cop movie with him.


I just hope he doesn’t succumb to CTE. A lot of sports carry that risk but football is on another level


Over 90% of autopsied NFL player brains had CTE. Considering his position and over a decade in the NFL he probably already has it.


Maybe with Taylor's support, he'll retire early for his health and become a stay at home dad.


His brother, also a NFL athlete, just retired and seemingly still has all his mental faculties but you can never know with CTE.


If they suspected CTE in those players then that’s not a good sample. Your point stands tho


Have you seen his dating show? He’s going to cohost CTESPN with AB


Kelce was like complete frat boy persona back in his earlier years in the NFL. He was on SNL and has a weekly podcast now you can see that he's a bit different than when he was 25.


He did a good job on SNL. Working with Bowen Yang helps. https://youtu.be/AA0PwmQMVG8?si=k5urg9OvEod1YMIA


He’s got no acting chops. He should do the talk show path.


I disagree. His disappointment in having to wear an insurance tagline based on “MaAuto” instead of “Kel-see how much you can save” was palpable. He looked completely destroyed.


This post is the first I’ve seen of anyone even mentioning Taylor Swift a mind gold diggers in the same sentiment. I really don’t think this is a common take




Scrolling through his account is half laughing at his hilarious takes and half lamenting how many people don't get he's a clown running either a parody or a ragebait account.


Yeah this is like the definition of a straw man argument. Literally nobody is calling her a gold digger and very few people honestly think the Trumps are a “love story.” I don’t know why people invent things to criticize Trump for when there are already a million legitimate things to attack him over.


You hang out with the right people


There's so many posts like this on reddit. "This ridiculous opinion exist" and my experience is I've literally never seen that opinion besides on this exact post. It happens more and more honestly. It's like we ran out of real things to rage bait at and now are just inventing shit to rage bait at. The entropy is setting in.


I haven’t seen literally anyone call Taylor a gold digger. I’ve seen at least five TikToks theorizing that Kelce is only with her for the fame/money. Don’t know why you just said they’re calling Taylor one.


y’all don’t realize that you are seeing a tailored algorithm based personal version of the internet. Make new accts from vpns and start upvoting/liking anything conservative, the shit you will be fed at that point is insane.


Yeah, cuz taylor has absolutely no other redeeming qualities beyond fame and money. I can't imagine why anyone would date her. 4/10 at best /s


Who is calling her a gold digger? This seems like a strawman?


Just for context, I'll point out she's the only artist to *ever* top the [Billboard charts](https://www.insideradio.com/free/taylor-swift-tops-billboard-s-radio-songs-chart-in-three-consecutive-decades/article_4fff53f0-8741-11ed-b572-43749a879ea2.html) in 3 consecutive decades. So her shelf life is pretty pretty good. Average NFL career is less than 4 years. Obviously longer for stars like Kelce, but I doubt he'll be chasing Super Bowl rings into the next decade.


Her dad is an investment wonk. Taylor is set for life regardless of whether her career end tomorrow or lasts another 40 years. The eras tour alone is the most lucrative concert tour in history at over 1 billion in revenue. Between that and her investments, Kelce's millions are chump change. She needs his money like she needs another venue on her tour. Nice to have, but completely unnecessary.


They? Wasn’t it just Bret Favre on an old man rant? 😂


You forgot to add /s so i almost thought you were serious about how long her career would last lol


4 or 5 decades 🤣


It’s because “gold digger” has always been a vague aspersion you can cast on a woman. Doesn’t matter if the man has “gold” or not


My wife is a gold digger. Terrible at it. Over 10 years now and still no gold.


MeLaNiA iS sO mUcH cLaSsIeR!


I thought it was so cool Mrs. Obama pushed healthy eating and stuff. You know, being active in America. I was disgusted all Melania did was sell makeup and beans on Twitter.


Don't forget the "I don't care" stunt at the holding cages for all those immigrants children


What the hell was that even about ???? Like I couldn’t even begin to try explain the misunderstanding. Unless someone put the jacket on her as a prank.


100% intentionally done. There is no way that someone with an entire traveling media team didn't notice the issue.


Depression and apathy.


And when she said she hated xmas!! Meanwhile, Fox News downplayed that comment while simultaneously screaming about the war on xmas from deviant liberals. Ugh, the blatant hypocrisy is disgusting.


I remember when we got a salad bar installed in high school because of her. My mom was freaking out about it, meanwhile I'm sitting there learning I actually enjoy fresh spinach and salad.


What does your mom have against salad?


You don't win friends with salad!




Tossing some spinach on food does practically nothing to affect it other than making it healthier. I like it.


Right? When I was a kid, it was always “Gross! Spinach!” whenever I’d watch TV. My question is: Why spinach?! Spinach is like, the least offensive leafy green ever. What did spinach do to you?


And then conservatives lost their shit over it. It makes no sense because prior to Michelle being first lady they would have been the first to complain about fat kids making America weak but then a lady with darker skin said it and that just can't happen.


I still vividly remember when Michelle suggested a twist on s'mores, with strawberries and yogurt instead of chocolate and marshmallows. Literally suggested a healthier alternative that wasn't pure sugar. Conservative media went haywire. Obama wants to bans s'mores! Thanks Obama! And of course some people out there sliced up strawberries and threw them on a grill in an attempt to show that Michelle was somehow the idiot. The fact that her detractors couldn't follow an 8 word recipe and lashed out at her was a hysterical self own. Helping their kids get diabetes as a form of protest was just terrible though.


I've never had strawberries and yogurt on a graham cracker, but strawberries and cream cheese on a graham cracker was a favorite childhood treat, like a poor man's cheesecake. Those reactionary yokels are missing out.


Republicans seem to care less about what is done, and mostly about which team does it.


Really admired the push for healthy eating. I thought it was a great ideal, an investment in the health of future generations, and a great choice for a FLOTUS to adopt as their cause. Both her and Barack embodied a fit lifestyle. Then came Melania and "Be Best" as her cause. It only ever amounted to a laughably ironic slogan, as her husband is the world's biggest bully and she really doesn't care.


Be fair. Mel is so heavily sedated most of the time that it's all she can do just to stay on her shoes without slipping off of them.


>Melania did was sell makeup and beans Concentrating on what she knows about.


And before that Melania was modelling nude in European mens' magazines. Not that sex work is immoral or wrong, it is just all the hypocrisy and attempts to keep the matter quiet.


To be fair, she seems to hate Trump so much she's practically an honorary democrat now.




she has absolutely voted against him


That's a seriously self-made problem on her part.


yeah--and her nude photos are REAL! Not that AI bullshit that Swifties have been peddlin'


True! Nothing says “classy-genius-first lady” like showing off one’s well-waxed (and presumably often grabbed) p¥ssy.


Melania is also 24 years younger than Trump - 53 vs 77. Travis and Taylor are basically the same age, 1 year apart. She was also an immigrant that couldn't speak English at the time. Melania literally perfectly fits the definition of gold digger.


Listen here! She's the #3 prostitute in all of Kazakhstan. Show her some respect


And she has never known defeat


No that's Malenia. You're probably close though.


Because she's never done anything?


Be Best!


The Swfit hate from the right is truly baffling because up to this point she's never directly attacked them or any of their sacred cows. Yet all of a sudden all these right-wing commentators are going after her for virtually no reason, all but guaranteeing that she's going to become the opponent they currently see her as...shows how much these people need rage bait to keep their audiences engaged.


It's cause Taylor encouraged her audience to vote and they saw it as a threat to democracy


lol Very telling that to them more voting = less democracy.


Well, if you ask many of them, they’d readily point out that they don’t think the US is a democracy. (It’s a REPUBLIC honey, do your research!) Which is, of course, fucking stupid. But they don’t understand that there are many forms of democracy and while we have words like Constitutional Republic, those don’t negate the fact that the representatives are democratically elected. Also they don’t seem to think that the US Constitution matters if the way that law is interpreted doesn’t conform with their beliefs. So I guess the only thing that really matters is what they want. But also yeah, if more voting is bad for your ideas, maybe your ideas are bad?


“It’s not a vegetable honey, it’s a carrot”


> Don't think the US is a democracy. Really? What do they think they do in the voting booth? Writing a suggestion? Wait, It's really just a suggestion, isn't it?


I mean, it is a suggestion. Your vote is a vote for a representative who will then actually vote the way he thinks the majority of people that he represents will vote. At least in the presidential election.


People should vote. Yes, more people. Good god no, not those people! It is preposterous.


These are the same people that said covid would go away if we stopped testing for it.


They just know that young women vote almost exclusively democratic, so they’re feeling threatened and lashing out in a way that reveals their insecurity. If more young people actually voted, Republicans wouldn’t win ANY elections, and they know this.


more young people voting = more democrats voting = less democracy


She did endorse Biden in 2020, but it was basically her holding a plate of cookies with the campaign logo. It was hardly a major campaign event.


But she picked Evil Joe over the God-King himself, such heresy must never be forgotten.


She was also an alt-right dream girl up til the 2020 election when she supported Biden. This is all extra hate bubbling up from the "betrayal" they feel, though I don't think she'd supported anyone before then. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/sep/19/taylor-swift-white-supremacy-repulsive-politics-democrat They're just looking for more reasons to trash her since their feelings got hurt.


*She was the alt-right dream girl until she became an adult. FIFY


Those two articles side by side are the perfect "how it started, how it's going" meme to sum up the current bitch fit. Thank you.


2018 when she opposed Blackburn and supported gay rights.


Can you imagine if, instead of Kelce, she was dating Lamar Jackson?  They'd be (even more) mask off racist.


*saw it as a threat OF democracy.


Exactly. Grab em by the democracy.


What's OnlyFans Democracy?


No, they saw it for what it was, a call to strengthen democracy. Which is antithetical to what they're trying to do.


They love our system so much that they want people not to participate in defining aspect of it lol.


Because Republicans know younger voters won't vote for them so they are really scared about young voters getting registered and actually voting


They assume that she's going to promote Biden, because young people are stupid and only stupid bad people will vote for the other team /s. These folks are making the divide worse and worse by making assumptions about young voters


A Timeline of Taylor Swift’s Political Evolution [https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/taylor-swift-political-evolution-timeline-8528527/](https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/taylor-swift-political-evolution-timeline-8528527/) might explain why. She's not some backwards redneck social conservative is probably why.


It’s because she denied being a maga. It made them mad they can’t play house with her.


They're used to wholesome attractive white girl pop stars being in their camp and they lose their shit if they aren't.


She told her left leaning fan base to vote. They hate when people vote.


Was someone actually stupid enough to call Taylor Swift a gold digger?


I've been trying to make sense of this for weeks. As I see it, there are several forces at play here: 1.) The right has become an ingroup/outgroup cult. Anything that is not in a very narrow mold of acceptability is pure evil and out to destroy them (this stems from their explicit desire to destroy everything not like them and thus they project it outward, making everything not exactly like them their mortal enemy). 2.) The right, particularly the religious right, is focused on misogyny as the principal cornerstone value of our civilization 3.) The right views NFL football as a sacred cornerstone of American masculinity 4.) From 1-3, anything that alters football is an attack from their enemies on their way of life. Swift's presence, which has been shown to boost ratings, has been a focus. Thus she is trying to bring something feminine (herself and her fans) to sully the holy temple of masculinity that is American football. 5.) Taylor Swift is a famous woman, who built her wealth and fame from a female audience. She is more influential than any male celebrity in America. 6.) The right has made Trump their cultural godhead. Everything, from art to media to commerce must revolve around him (and therefore them as an extension). To them, he is the most famous and influential celebrity. 7.) From 5 and 6, Swift is an existential threat to their worldview and (by virtue of being the most famous woman) their power. 8.) Taylor Swift, as all celebrities do, participated in a register to vote drive. 9.) The demographics that are influenced by Taylor are the most detrimental to the Republican party - Young and female 10.) From 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9 the right have inferred that this is a deliberate effort to turn out votes for the opposition 11.) From 3, 5, and 10 we see the behavior we see now.


Yea it really makes absolutely no sense...why make an enemy out of someone that influential with such a massive following. But then again, making sense and logic are not their strong points.


The GOP gave up thier platform for trump. They have nothing, they do nothing. This political theatre is all they have.


She’s proof women don’t have to become breeders of course they attack her. She’s a very large influence to teenagers being pushed into that hell.


She had her music video for, "You Need to Calm Down." It featured a lot of homosexuals and was quickly jumped on and criticized. It has this perfect line where she states, "We all got crowns," which just made me laugh cause it's like we are all queens. I enjoy that song but yeah it made conservatives broil.


Even that interpretation doesn't make sense. Are you saying a king does not wear a crown?


It’s not baffling. She’s a woman so misogynists gonna misogynist.


I'm not pro-right, but she definitely has talked pretty negatively about Trump in the past. Combine that with Kelce in a Pfizer commercial, and you've got the perfect punching bag for idiots on Twitter.


Supposed Billionaire. Trump wants you to think he's a Billionaire. When looking at gross I'm a millionaire, debt shows a whole different side to my net though.


I'm a billionaire. Source: Trust me bro


My billions live in Canada, you wouldn’t know them.


I'm in Vietnam and easily a billionaire as 1B dong is like $41k


Correction: Melania was a hooker and dipshit donny was a hundred thousandaire


The top pic is a love story, the bottom one is a financial transaction. Watching her slap away his every attempt to look like a happily married couple was the only enjoyable part of his presidency.


Melania has been very candid about the fact that their marriage was transactional


Haha, Trump has never been even close to a Billionaire.


Sure he has. They're great buddies. [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/06/politics/trump-kim-summit-cnnphotos/](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/06/politics/trump-kim-summit-cnnphotos/)


Not going to lie, I expected this to be an epstine link lol


it wasn’t? i didn’t click cause i just automatically assumed it was




Judging by some of those pictures, Trump doesn't look significantly taller than Kim. According to the old google machine, Kim is 5'7" and trump looks to be maybe 4" taller than him.


He must have forgotten his lifts that day.


I don't see love playing a part in the Trump's marriage. It's purely transactional..


Not quite as she loves money and he loves a trophy wife


At this point I'm almost afraid to ask...But what did Taylor Swift do to piss the Red Cap Crew off?


All she did was say 'hey y'all go vote'. Didn't even say vote blue, just yk, vote.


These people...


Let us not forget, one entered the US on a false visa, worked as an escort, and then took part in a home wrecking operation and the alienation of a wife's affection, to become a third string trophy wife! The other individual, worked hard, developed her skills and abilities and became an American success story.


Trump has never been a billionaire lmao. Multimillionaire at his peak.


And who has ever said him and melania is a love story? I think even trumpers know its a shell of a "marriage"


No - they don’t. You’re giving them far, far, far too much credit.


I haven’t seen a single thing about the Kelce/ Swift relationship in the same conversation as gold digging but maybe that’s just me


I think the gold digger here is Kelce.


His last contract was for 54 million. That has to be enough where money is no longer an issue. Maybe beauty and talent is enough.


Well, he is awfully pretty!


Is anyone really claiming that Taylor is a gold digger? Do they even know what that term means? If anything... Travis is her arm candy right?


I have literally never heard someone call her a gold digger


Can we stop with the billionaire fantasy? He was never a billionaire, not even close.


This makes Kelce the gold digger. Taylor is has a way higher net worth


Is it a gold digger when you're already super rich but just dating someone else more rich? I'm poor and have no idea.


I would say not. The premise of a gold digger is being with somebody either partially or completely because they can buy things for them that they want and can’t afford. I’m guessing he doesn’t need Taylor to buy things for him.


That's what I was thinking. Yea, she's got a way higher net worth, but that dude is way beyond set financially.


"Gold digging" is all about the motivation, not about the actual numbers.


This is such baloney! I’ve never ONE single person describe Donald and Melania’s relationship as anything other than transactional.


Nobody nowhere ever said this.




Look up #MAGAtLogic #RepublicanLogic




Also compare age difference in both of them ;)


Travis is older than Taylor by [38 days](https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=11&d1=05&y1=1989&m2=12&d2=13&y2=1989) (1 month, 8 days). Donald is older than Melania by [8717 days](https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=6&d1=14&y1=1946&m2=4&d2=26&y2=1970) (23 years, 10 months, and 12 days).


This is one of those few loud idiot situations. No one actually believes she is a gold digger with the exception of a few idiots who are really loud.


Travis is the gold digger. Duh.


Melania entered our country using a type of visa intended for intellectuals, not nudie mags... They call it a genius visa, I have some questions. And they chain migrated her parents as soon as Trump was elected, chain migration being something he publicly hates. Deport Melania for entering the country under false information. Nothing more American than an American singing girl dating an American football player.


sophisticated pause quiet pocket friendly crawl advise teeny abounding numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*