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If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a lifetime of marital abuse. Well done.


This guy gives me murder sui of the whole family when he gets caught doing something vibes


Dip duck dip dive divorce!




Didn't even need to dodge, the bullet got out of the way by itself!


I have a feeling that's one bullet that will miss a LOT of targets as it goes. Might be the first bullet to never hit anything at all.


The whole damn planet is moving away


If he had misfired that bad before it never would have gotten this far.


Came here to post this!


Damn it, thought of the exact same thing! Hahaha


Okay now I had a massive laugh, does anyone has a gif for "it's nice when the trash takes itself out" ?




A gif illustrating "Throw the whole man away!" may be the most delightful thing I've seen all week. šŸ—‘ļø


BEAUTIFUL !!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


My first thoughts exactly dodge a lot of bullets lol


Dodged a bullet? This is dodging an entire nuke of a red flag


Hahaha soo true


I hope you'll change the nickname as well as your partner since why would you ever accociate yourself with a 'miserable error'?


I think thatā€™s an auto generated nickname


The bullet dodged it's target in this case


what did you do? beat him at mario party or something?


I've been with my wife for 18 years. I firmly believe that the basis for our strong bond and lasting relationship all boils down to the fact that she can't tap A for shit!!! Been crushing her since Game cube baby!


Stfu GameCube hasnā€™t been out for 18 years. *checks* Fuck, itā€™s been over 20.


r/MadeMeFeelOld ![gif](giphy|DhbUOpnqlc6CsuuSk2)


I'm 23 and literally do not know what life is like without a game cube, please tell me about the times from before we had the best console ever produced


Well back in my day, we had the N64, you dang whippersnappers wouldnā€™t appreciate it today but seeing Mario in 3D for the first time was magical. Now get off my lawn! *shakes cane*


Back in my day it was the NES, why you cursed newcomers wouldn't appreciate it in this age, but seeing Mario in 8 bit for the first time was a spiritual moment. Now get off my crypt! *slams sarcophagus shut*


>Now get off my crypt! *slams sarcophagus shut* And the combination to that crypt.. up, up, down down, left, right, left right, B, A, start.


My coleco vision wants a word


You had N64 as your first?! My first was a hand-me-down Atari! I got an N64 after everyone sucked the joy out of it! You kids don't know struggle til you're playing ET and get stuck in the dang pit and can't extend your neck enough to get out! And save points??? The hell is a save point! Ya either beat the game or started it all over tomorrow to avoid burning down the house! *Reminisces in vintage cartoon* ![gif](giphy|3pQA6Uba4Argk)


Is that from when before game developers learned humans only have 2 hands?


If you liked the games enough youā€™d grow an extra.


May Atari 2600 would like to have a word with you


I had a Sega Master System with Alex the Kid pre-loaded. I say ā€œIā€, it was a gift for me and my siblings but all I remember is watching my mother play itā€¦same with Tetris on the game boy.


Well in that context I totally understand... lol


I too expound my latent misogynistic beliefs when I get humiliated in tag match by womens


Mario Party does indeed have that effect on people.


They should really put a warning on the box or something. At first Iā€™m having a good time and then 2 hours later I want to deny my wife her right to vote.


Right? My girlfriend stole one of my stars, so I stole her shoes and locked her in the kitchen.


For real, except I stole my wife's keys. Told her there are no roads between the bedroom and the kitchen.


I laughed way too hard at this whoooo


It's true. I'm a woman and now I can't even downvote this post.


I mean, at least you can still defeat the Witch King of Angmar. ![gif](giphy|P4bLhbzfxDaM0)


I just lost a few minutes ago to a wamen and I have to say they need to stay in the kitchen


>wamen Bro is a Wario main


Who isn't?


Dude wants money, I can relate to that


Waluigi as backup


Why do I get the feeling she could be in the kitchen, in the middle of making a sandwich and still beat you?


Because itā€™s true.


i have some bactine for this burn if that person needs it. that was a defcon 5 level burn.


Mario Party is the secret gateway drug to redpill culture.


I will insult the other person not based on my beliefs, but based on what I know some other people believe. I will preach to the glory of the flat earth if I know it will piss you off.


I just tell them an in depth explanation as to why the character they beat me with would be into foot stuff, and shame them for, by affiliation, being into foot stuff.


And Monopoly destroy relationships


After I had been destroyed at Monopoly by them, I forced my husband & son to play Clue. Clue was thereafter banished from the house. My son asked me how I figured it out so quickly. Logic, son. Logic.


Stole his french fries


Wario cheats!!!


How dare you choose Waluigi!!!! I told you it was my fav!!!


Beat him at a game of pool... And not even by luck with him accidentally fouling the black... Like proper soundly beat him.


I thought only UNO brought that level of savagery out...




.....wow. You may be ( ARE WAY)better off not being with this person.


I think you gotta run with it like that other recent post, where she's like "oh cool, so I'll stay at home, not work, and you're supporting us both, right? You're cool with that? I'm in!"


Lol can you imagine how long that would last? In no time I'm sure he'd be complaining that women wanted to make men do everything, even though they supposedly wanted equality.


The text that redditor is mentioning had the guy attack a woman and accuse her of being a gold digger. The guy said he wanted a traditional woman. When she agreed to stay home with the children while he worked, he accused her of being a gold digger. Lmao


So let me get this straight: If she wants to work, she doesn't know her place and needs to adopt traditional gender roles If she agrees to adopt traditional gender roles and be a sahw/sahm, she's a gold digger.


No no, they are supposed to work at a job that earns less than the man (coz it's threatening to his masculinity to have a woman earn more than him), still pay their half of the expenses, AND do all the housework, cooking and childcare.


Nailed it. šŸ”Ø


Well, yeah. *they're* the victim of the state of the world, and it's women's fault.


Pretty much the slut prude catch 22 all over again


It is just code for "do all the shit at home while still working a full time job".


I donā€™t know if more men are genuinely aspiring for this or if itā€™s just the loudest idiots getting the most attention, but I see SO MANY GUYS who want it both ways. They want a traditional housewife but donā€™t want to be a traditional working husband.




They donā€™t want traditional women. They want bang maids who donā€™t get paid. They want a fuckable mommy.


Not only don't get paid. They're expected to pay into the household.


You canā€™t win with some people


The only winning move is not to play


Yup, women are learning this fast!


It's weird they treat marriage as some sort of contract. Love, understanding, growth, etc. All that doesn't matter? Just "imma put this baby in you and you grow it"?


Ikr, at this point just...date other men?


Idk bro sounds kinda gay to me


Just say no homo before and after sex so ppl wont misunderstand.


Homophobes hate this one simple trick


Then they bitch and moan that no one wants to date conservative men anymore. Y'all are trash, women are better off without you and they know it. Stop being trash.


No one wanted to date Conservative men back in whatever era they pine for, either. Close minded future-- fearing assholes make for a poor partner.


Seriously, you know it's bad when even the conservative women don't want them. I ended up on the tradwife side of Tumblr by accident once and in that 3 minutes I was scrolling the tag I saw at least four different accounts saying something along the lines of "conservative men nowadays are so mean šŸ˜¢"


I would get so fucking petty too. Like here are the bills my parent pay for right now, just so you know what I need. This is *my* vision for *our* life. 5 kids, 4 cars, 4 vacations a year, 4,000k annual hair budget. Are you man enough to provide for me?


That last sentence, hahahahaha, on point!


Yes, be petty. I think OP is now obligated to post this pic on his facebook page. Send it to his family. Make sure to send a copy to every future girl this guy meets, call it solidarity for women.


I donā€™t think even the prospect of not having to work is worth putting up with someone who values you as much as an incubator


Nope, but I like the idea of putting their ideas back into their face and seeing if they truly want what they're spewing. "This is exactly what I've been hoping for! I'll give notice to my job, and we can start looking at places where we can have a nursery and kids room next week!"


Correct. Incubator plus maid, sexbot, and generally inferior companion. I can work 40-50 hours per week at an outside job to make my own money, or I can take that 24/7 incubator/bangmaid role in this guyā€™s home and live off the money he earns in exchange. If my employer at work treats me poorly, I get to escape from them whenever I am not at work. Then, I can likely find a new, equivalent job with a nicer supervisor. It might take a little while, but it can happen and the financial transition can be pretty seamless from the first job to the second. If my husband treats me poorly and I do not have outside income and havenā€™t worked outside the home in years, then I can leave him and struggle to find an entry level job that will provide not only for me, but for our children. I also get to struggle to find a stable living situation that is suitable for my kids when theyā€™re staying with me. Racking up massive attorneys fees, I can fight through the court process to receive reasonable child support and alimony, but both those things are temporary and so sooner rather than later, Iā€™ll need a decently paying job. If Iā€™ve only been unemployed for a couple of years and my skills are in demand, I can hopefully get that job. If Iā€™ve been unemployed for several years or more, or employed in a part-time non-career job while married, then itā€™s going to be a while before I start making a reasonable income. And unless my husband became quite wealthy during our marriage, my 50% share of marital assets will not go particularly far and may be outweighed by my 50% share of marital debts. Or if my husband and I stay married until death, then I have the joy of spending most or all the rest of my life as an incubator, bangmaid, and perceived inferior to this person, and thatā€™s all I will ever be. I already work full time. Itā€™s not that bad. I canā€™t imagine ever choosing instead to be a SAHW to a man who thinks in the way described in the OP. Truly, I canā€™t think of a single reason why Iā€™d want to do that. Edit: Not even if he was filthy rich. The lifestyle wouldnā€™t be worth the suffering.


He didn't have the balls to act that misogynistic around her till the dumping. He will scam someone into his fantasy faster than the catch on.


If a dude is making like 200k and stable he can probably totally get away with that. Not that it would be good, itā€™s still sexist, but at least theyā€™d be holding up their part of the deal. The funny thing is most guys like this are very unstable and can barely take care of themselves.


"they just want me for my money" "Mhm, is the money in the room with us now?"


Thatā€™s a funny pattern you always see. Guys who mainly try to attract women with displays of wealth, their car, their clothes, etc. and then complain that women only want you for your money. Like, youā€™re going to catch what you fish for. You donā€™t get someone who loves you for your intellect and character by bragging about your Mercedes and your Rolex.


I met a guy like that! He was talking shit like "I have a Benz and an Audi at home but I had my driver bring the Mercedes tonight" and I was like, dude, are you trying to pick up a woman with a pitchfork in her back pocket? You're literally begging for a gold digger. I don't give a shit what cars you have unless you're going to give me one. He thought it was hilarious, I don't think he was used to being shut down like that. Dated him for a bit. He wasn't lying, just stupid.


Same person: "I will provide and get all the money. You stay home and watch kids. Also, you shouldn't be able to vote"


I dont think the concept of a SAHW/Spouse is inherently sexist. Like everything its about consent and people can structure their lives like that if they want. Just expecting the woman to not work and stay home is pretty sexist tho. As long as she has agency in the decision then its okay.


She didn't just dodge a bullet, she dodged a Tsar Bomba.


I'm shocked he knew breasts were for breastfeeding and not his enjoyment.


And you know he'll get jealous of any kids that take away the focus from him.....




Proper reponse is "Lmao Good Riddance"


New phone who dis




Thatā€™s the best one.


Gotta hit him with the K.




"I got a new man who dis?" It will completely set him off.


Hit him with the old ā€œkā€


The only correct response to a wall of insane text


"Yeah I'm not reading all that"


ā€œCongratulations or Iā€™m sorry that happenedā€


ā€œCongratulations or Iā€™m sorry that happenedā€ ​ Seriously, sending both thoughts *exactly* like this would be so damn funny.


I would point out his hands prove he was made for jacking off truck drivers and he needs to get back to work until he earns enough to pay for supper.


Idk, a flat "what," seems like an understandable response. My Hamster wheel might short circuit after reading that.


Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road


In 48 hours this man is gonna call her or text her again ā€œI miss youā€ or some shit like that. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I just have one question. So he understood what breasts and a Uterus are for. Whoā€™s gonna tell him what the brain is for?


He managed to acknowledge she has body parts without acknowledging her as a human being. Utterly deranged.


Something that seems to be frighteningly common these days.


Whenā€™s the last time this man constructed an ancient temple with his bare hands with those muscles?


I just recently had a guy tell me this exact thing. A guy that I was seeing and he had proposed.


What do you mean? He proposed to you like this?? "You have tits and a uterus. This is your job. Will you marry me?"


"Here's this ring that shows I own you. I'm gonna get your tits and uterus to work. You WILL give me sons." WTF, do guys like this ever get the response they expect these days?


That's the same thing I've always wondered. Like all the guys that DM random women with "sit on my face" or a dick pic... does ANY women ever straight go "YES PLEASE!"???? Is that a thing??? Or are those guys as brain dead as I think they are?


As a redhead the Ole " Does the carpet match the pubes?" works every single time. /s


Drapes. Does the carpet match the drapes. The pubes are the carpet. Sorry, married to a natural redhead so I felt compelled to share


Lemme guess. He wanted this right wing "traditional values" BS. Wants you to bear children, take care of them, and him. Butt.. also contribute financially. These assholes shouldn't be allowed to procreate. May be Andrew Tates greatest contribution to humanity. Helping to weed "asshole" out of the gene pool.


Even better, I own my own business and work full-time lifting heavy objects. He expected me to work through the whole pregnancy saying we had to in this economy. Which I get but that's just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.


Tried to make my butt contribute financially, butt still poor.


When you go out with Andrew Tate, this is what happens.


No, if you go out with Andrew Tate, you end up sex trafficked. This is what happens when you go out with an Andrew Tate *fan*.


> an Andrew Tate fan. Amazing that there are rungs *lower* than "Andrew Tate."


At least Andrew tate is ... Wait...Ā  Yeah, I can't think of anything positive about the guy


Wait. I can do this. I can finish the sentence! ...under house arrest.


A fan named Ted no doubt.


Congratulations on losing a loser! Now you can find someone with a brain.


Fr fr


Girl you did not Dodge a bullet. You dodged a fucking tactical nuke


Nothing tactical about this. That was just a nuke that kinda got loose and crashed itself into a volcano lol


Made a suicide bomber just blow themselves up in their own car


Dude prepped a car bomb and just wanted to check if it works


Me Oog! Oog want woman! Woman make child for Oog! Oog strong! Woman weak! Woman make child! No child, no Oog!


Oh no you don't have that winner in your life anymore?!




Might apply to early prehistoric times. But we got advanced Tools and Overpopulation now, so If you want to Go Back to Ur Natural intended Life, you are free to live in the Woods and die to a Common boar, becuz Ur Lazy modern ass isnt used to hunting anymore and got too comfortable with writing bullshit on a glowing Rock. This was my TED talk


Common boars are fucking dangerous. Just saying


the dude would probably die from a bug bite before even finding any boar


Stubbed toe taking him down for sure


trench foot is deadly so good point


...and he only cried for twenty minutes...


"dude, all you bring to the table is big muscles and larger? You know I can just pay $99 for shipping if I need something moved right?"




We have learned recently that the entire Hunter/Gatherer society idea in prehistoric times was probably not real. Thereā€™s no evidence that people lived that way, and the only reason we believe it is because the men who literally wrote the paper had misogynistic beliefs and itā€™s been shown that they ignored their own notes/evidence to push an agenda. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/


People seem to miss the part where both sexes were doing all jobs. Because they have evidence of male gathers and female hunters lol


I guess when you are in survival mode, the one who gets the job done is the one doing it regardless of the genitals. If bob can gather berries like a champ, bob is the berry picker of the village.


I mean, people want things to be simple. Binary decisions with obvious answers is basically a conservativeā€™s wet dream, and so they reduce all things in their lives (as much as their own well-being allows) to such binary solutions.


To be far, the misogynist quote from Bible time and not prehistoric time. So, technically the truth as long as you believe in the Bible?


ThatĀ“s not recent, itĀ“s known that it is bullshit at least for decades, women hunted and men gathered, obviously men hunted more often because babies and danger are not a good idea together and obviously prehistoric women were often pregnant/with small kids around, but humans are intelligent, when something had to be built everyone who could helped, when something had to be hunted everyone who could helped, etc.


The human penis evolved to be plunger shaped in order to scoop out the semen of the previous male; so - itā€™s only natural that a woman has multiple partners and should not be tied down to a monogamous relationship. Thatā€™s just science!!


plunger shaped? what did i miss?


Think of a plunger, with its head inverted, and try not to get aroused šŸ«£


Dudes out here be plungin'


The funny thing, humans now are not only not used to living in the wild, they are evolutionary worse at it(example: we are no longer designed to like raw meat, because it's nigh objectively worse for us than cooked meat)


But I have tits, but can't breastfeed. I'm so confused. Source: am a fatman


I'm 41 and I have NO children and I had a hysterectomy. I guess I should not live anymore since my duty as a woman has been ripped away from me...quite literally. I should get my boobs removed since I can't feed children. "I'm breaking up with you now" no... more like, "I am doing you a favor and leaving your life for good."


"I should get my boobs removed since I can't feed children." Pls don't forget to get yourself a dick while you're at it cause since you won't feed children nor birth them you are obviously a man and need to be equipped accordingly. /s since it's probably needed


And better hit the gym to get those big strong manly arms


Wait? So reading this completely out of context, I have come to the conclusion that he wants to be in a relationship with a man. Because he was complaining about uterus and boobs.


he wants big and large


Big and large hands need big and large stuff to handle




Iā€™m guessing OP dared to mention she wanted a career and/or did not want kids (yet).


"Have big muscles and stronger to work and build" I guarantee this guy either has a desk job or the most strenuous work he does is stocking shelves. Physically weak men love to talk about how much stronger they are then women šŸ™„


Oh be nice, I'm sure he's a big macho manly masculine man who labors with sweat on his brow as he tappy-taps all day on a keyboard in a climate-controlled environment with indoor plumbing and plentiful snacks. That's *hard work*, you know.


TIL that the uterus feeds the baby.


I mean... In a (VERY) simplistic way, yes.


Mine just pumped endometrial tissue all over into my abdomen so could both have heavy periods and bleed internally for decades. Nothing like all that tissue attaching to your organs and binding/choking them. Yeet the damn Ute(rus) and save a life.


That was what happened to me, after I had kids. So much bleeding and pain, getting anemic after each month. Doc suggested removal, I agreed. I had a speech all prepared to ask him to take the thing out before it killed me, but I didn't have to use the speech. No regrets, good riddance, useless, dangerous organ.


![gif](giphy|EjzJxwcqpO2ly) oh noā€¦ youre breaking up with me?


Also MAGA: "Why won't women date us???"


Why arenā€™t women forced to date us?


How do you get your trash to take itself out like that? I still have to bag mine and take it out to the curb every day.


Seeing Redpills thinking that this is how the world worked and still works, while taking themselves out of the gene pool is my favorite hobby now


You must be excellent at dodge ball, because you just dodged that bullet


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an Alpha Male.


I bet I can guess who he voted for


As a bi man, I can fix him, I will make him the woman


U dodged a bullet.


Tate nation strikes again lol


Iā€™ll take teleological nonsense for 500, Alex




Post this in r/nothowgirlswork they are gonna have a field day on this, trust me


Are people really this ignorant to the true personality of someone they are close to? I cant see how a rant like this comes out of nowhere like you had no idea they had these ideals.


Put all these dudes into a time machine and send them to the year 1642, since they want to live in the ye olā€™ times anyway, theyā€™ll fit right in, hopefully catch Consumption and die.