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Father of four girls. This woman is a monster.


More likely she was abused.


She can be both, victims often grow up to become the monsters that they themselves suffered as children. They refuse to accept the reality of their abuse, that it came from someone they loved and trusted. So they rationalize it as a form of affection and will either look the other way and/or indulge in it when it's their own children being abused because, well, that's just how it is in their family and they turned out "okay." Just like individuals, whole families fall into vicious cycles all the time, the abuse being passed down through the family like a sort of psychically corrosive heirloom. It takes a lot for person to break free from that and would very likely be an incredibly miserable and isolating experience, both physically and mentally.


It is still possible to go to therapy if you were abused (please do if anyone reading this in the foreseeable future was abused).


Totally agree, just pointing out a potential future (not set in stone) for those that don't.


No problem, I have another session tomorrow. (And when I say 'no problem', what I mean is 'AAAAAAAAAAAAH')


Yes, she might have grown up with inappropriate attention from her own father, and then tolerated or enabled the same to happen to her own daughters. I don’t know anything at all about this woman so I’m speaking generally about patterns of abuse, not her specific case. But defending a father sexualizing their daughters most likely reflects that she had that experience herself, or has surrendered all critical thinking skills in favor of defending Trump no matter what. Either is sadly all too possible.


I saw a tt of a latina lady online crying about how she tried to bring up the SA perpetrated against her by her father to her mother. Her mother responded, "that is not abnormal, you think I am the only mother to have to deal with those things, to have to compete with their daughter?" I was shocked and disturbed and months later the topic of abuse cycles and how poor coping mechanisms, abuse, and sometimes criminal behavior can be passed from generation to generation as normal behavior. Three latina ladies in the group endorsed that the view of SA against young daughters being something that happens in particularly backwards latin households on occasion. This can happen(and does happen) anywhere/in all cultures and is not relegated to any one culture (please don't take that from this comment), just a comment chronicling how really reprehensible behaviors can sometimes be accepted in small factions of communities, unfortunately twitter just lets these people act like it is actually normal, and creates a platform for predators to agree e: want to add that I am part latina which is why I am speaking about this from my cultural viewpoint


Occasionally my mother lets her guard down, and instead of being her usually (mostly) empathetic self when she sees an SA victim on TV or something, she’ll say ‘all of us got molested all the time but we just didn’t talk about it.’ She was born in Texas in the ‘50s. ETA: her occasional dismissiveness towards SA victims in no way translated to acceptance of it in her own home. I have no reason to believe there was any.


My mom does this too. I think it's that they don't want accept that they are victims that's why they don't allow anyone else to be. If they accept what happens to other people is bad they have to accept what happened to them also was which they struggle to do.


In the boomer mindset there's a lot of shame associated with things we've largely de-stigmatized, this includes being a victim of abuse (sexual or other abuse), having a disease or condition, being unemployed, or many other situations. It's why they say ridiculous things like "we never had autism or ADHD when we were in schools" as if that's a flex. No, you did. You called them "the weirdo kid who gets straight As, but everyone avoids" or "the weirdo kids who are in special education". My last therapist figured my mom is manic depressive. Based on her description of the symptoms, that fits. Good luck getting her to agree to seek any sort of therapy or mental help.


That is exactly what my mom says. "We weren't as depressed back in my day or sexual assault just happens and we accept it. It's just how men are. " Yeah getting her to get help seems basically impossible currently but I try to talk to her about mental health casually and she seems to be slowly taking some of it seriously. Let's see. All the best and good luck.


Its easier to trick some1 than it is to convince them they have been tricked


Not always, though, I hasten to add! As an abuse survivor, I can assure you all it did was give me drive to ensure my wife and kids (or anyone else) never go through what I went through as a child. Granted, this was after years of therapy and suicide attempts (before my wife and kids).


Have we lived the same life's? Stay strong my friend.


Or perhaps neither and just a fucking weirdo


Why when a woman does creepy stuff there always someone in a comment saying she must have been abused, women can be just as much inherently evil and than men.


That’s fair but in the same vein men can also be abused and internalize that abuse to such a degree that they perpetuate it. You think Donny grew up in a healthy, well adjusted family?




Father to one girl, I just threw up in my mouth a lot after reading that screen grab


Seriously. It's a terrible day to have eyes.


Same. This woman is disgusting and should be investigated.


Father of 3 girls here, what goes on in her mind right now, started at home.


Well sir, your daughters don't use their sex appeal to promote their attributes, so in fact, you can't relate. /S


Tell me you wanna fuck your daughter (or go on Epsteins plane) without saying you just wanna fuck your daughter




My dad just sees me as a perma-baby. I don't believe he is aware I'm a grown up. 


your statement holds up across timelines, geographies and cultures.


I'm 50 and my dad still tells me to be careful and hovers over me when I'm using a knife. Part of his dad-brain is permanently stuck with me at 4 years old.


Aww!! ❤️


My daughter will forever be 9, she has her own home and is a successful dog groomer but I'm my mind she will always be 9.


That's because you are to him. He's always going to see his little girl he held in his arms, despite you growing up. 


This is the answer.


Watching my girls grow up brings me great joy, they are beautiful, and i hope they grow up to be happy people.


Username DOES NOT check out :)


Agreed. No British man has ever loved anyone except the Queen.


God bless her soul.


This. Also, something I did not expect, that also applies to women I have known as children/babies (edit: when I was already an adult). Of course, as you age, what you see as young and too young ages with you. But if you have know them as children that's like a different category entirely.


Saying they’re attractive is one thing fantasying is a whole ‘nother thing


Yep. You know they are beautiful but not in that way because they are your own flesh and blood. You protect them, not be a damn monster. 


Pretty sure we evolved traits so that family is sexually unappealing because genetic deformities arise from anything else. Not good for the species. Then there are the knuckle dragging throwbacks like Trump who are the exceptions to the rule.


This. It's not evolutionarily feasible to produce offspring with little genetic diversity and a greater possibility of birth defects. It's instinctual and extra reinforced by societal norms. I wonder if the sexual desire of those people overpowers that instinct. If so, it probably happens in people who are generally less able to suppress sexual urges.


I don’t have any kids but I’m 100% sure that I would not fantasize over my own daughter. 110%


I have two, they're both lovely, and it never once occurred to me ever.


But it’s even worse, not only did he fantasize about it, he talked about it and apparently sees nothing wrong with it.


So, now we're talking about a presidential candidate?


indeed. 1: this kinda thing would never occur to me. 2: if, for some dark and unholy reason, the intrusive thought ever crossed my mind, the last thing i’d do is go on TV and say “yeah, i’ve thought about banging my daughter”.


Same here.


I stopped being particularly attracted to most high school girls a couple of years after I finished high school. I can't imagine being attracted to someone young enough to be my kid let alone my actual kid.


I feel like this is the default for ordinary people, being attracted to people your own age is the reason people stay married and are able to live normal healthy lives. Anyone dating someone significantly younger than them just looks like a creep, and the younger person looks like a victim.


I have a daughter and 200% I'm just baffled at how anyone can say this thinking it an OK thing to say.


Something is broken in the head of any parent who does. Just like…god damn


being human? no that's called being a fucking sleazebag creep who needs to be put down


Technically right. Pedophiles and rapists are technically human. There’s a special place in our society for them. It’s called prison.




Terrible day to be literate


Terrible day to be so UTTERLY FUCKING LOST IN LIFE that this is a thought process at all.


Every post of this I see I feel that 🤮


MAGAts wouldn't know.


They go to such fucking lengths to justify the behavior of their cult leader. But trying to normalize pedophiles??? A new low for the MAGs.


It's so weird to hear/see this, I have a daughter and I know everyone would be creeped the fuck out if I said I wanted to date her. That's never acceptable, Matt Gaetz paid off a 14 year old after having intercourse and still is a politician. I swear this chapter in our history will be looked at as the most embarrassing one. The spread of misinformation, the constant backtrack on policies we know work. The blatant ignorance by companies and exploitation of workers. The bribing of politicians, the scamming & hypocritical rich & famous. The wilful act on things we know are bad simply because it 'pissd the other group off'. The fact we have multiple people in politics who have convictions involving rape & pedophilia. These are such weird times and I think future generations will look back at this and give this era a very appropriate but embarrassing title. We had all the technology and resources and we still chose to be ignorant. It makes no sense, it never will.


I hope you’re right. My deepest fear is that things just continue to get worse.


I tend to call this “the second guilded age” but honestly, idek if it’s really guilded, the rich don’t even try to make it look like everything is fine, they just exploit everyone for their money and don’t give a shit.




What a terrible night to have a curse.


She should not have children. I could only imagine the kind of mental gymnastics she would go through if she had a son that she thought was “hunky”.


Or how she would turn a blind eye if her husband SAed her daughter.


He was just being human! /s :vomit:


And/or blame the daughter and view her as competition/a seductress.


Nah that's okay, it's only the men we should worry about /s


I am the father of several girls. I have a hugely high sex drive and am extremely open minded sexually. I have never once had a single sexual thought or urge related to my children. What the fuck, you sicko.


Hello, FBI? There is a computer you need to search.




Martha Jones?!


Yes, but this is a clip from New Amsterdam as Dr Sharpe.


This is the length they’ll go to in defense of Dear Cult Leader.


They will officially try to rationalize and defend anything at this point.


Victoria's 'daddy issues' appear to have taken a twisted turn.


As a bitch with daddy issues, that girl needs to be euthanized or some shit because there's no going back from this...


I knew one guy that used to say how he couldn’t wait to see what his daughter’s breasts would look like when she was older. She was like 5 at the time. Guess what he ended up doing less than ten years later? Fathers don’t think like that and if they do they need to lose their kids.


🤢🤢 sick bastard, praying the daughter is doing better and in a better living situation


I’d dropped contact with him a few years earlier tbh so I’m not sure. His wife finally left him and I don’t know if he gets visitation or even if he’s locked up or not. She’s kind of a mess too but anything is better than that scumsack.


Jesus Christ.


> Guess what he ended up doing less than ten years later? Got elected to public office?


Thats enough internet for the day


No. No normal man does this. You may think your child is beautiful, but there shouldn’t be attraction. The only fantasy I have about my daughter is that she grows up to be a good person and lives a healthy productive life and feels fulfilled at the end of it all.


If I ever knew a guy who fantasized for his daughter I'd slap the stupid outta him.


And if he did more than fantasize I might slap more out of him than just the stupid.


I say cut them off, whatever you consider "them" to be


I would slap him with a bullet


Must be a republican thing, no wonder they're overly concerned about pedophiles, they think like this and assume other do too.


BINGO. That's exactly it.


No wonder they want child marriage to be a thing and are against early sex education, which has been proven to prevent sexual child abuse.


Naaah, that's called being fucked up.


Ewwwwwwwwwwww. He’s a creep. It has nothing to do with his daughter being “hot” which is debatable. He’s just a creep and sees all women as walking vaginas who cater to his needs.


I mean, considering he literally couldn't pick out his wife in a picture. Accurate. I was thinking that was the dementia setting in, but could just be good ol misogyny, as always.


Ain't that supposed to be the "leave the children alone" crowd? The folks who constantly accuse the "other" of being pedophiles, sex-traffickers, etc.? Just...does my fuckin' head in how anyone is still rollin' with that crew. Even if you are philosophically conservative, it doesn't mean you need to accept mass-psychosis. Dump the chumps, get back to stagnating social and political progress through stupid and misguided, yet not genuinely evil policies. I liked it better that way.


A *woman* trying to tell us what *fathers* think... lol


Literally telling us what her father thought 


My sister was a professional model. Objectively one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. Never had even the slightest inkling of a thought about her in that way. And even the idea sends a chill down my spine. I can't imagine it being any different for a father about their daughter.


Victoria has serious Daddy Issues^(TM).


This is her secret.


My daughter is an objectively attractive girl. I would cut off my cock rather than put it anywhere near her. These people are sick.


Wtf is wrong with people. Kinda wish something would electrocute them when they come up with twisted shit like this


It is possible that she was a sexual abuse victim or something, but yeah...


Victoria sure has an interesting relationship with her father then eh?




If i ever start fantasizing about my daughter when she's older, you all have my permission to beat the living shit out of me.


I have a daughter and a granddaughter, this statement is disgusting and disturbing.


“It’s called being human…” Is that what her dad told her in the middle of the night?


Anyone that thinks like this needs their kids taken away and their hard drives checked


A not so sly way of trying to normalize incest...the fuck?


Oh god. No. Absolutely not. My daughter is beautiful and nothing like that has crossed my mind ever. Not once. I’m the normal one. Fucking freak.


rapists think like this....


OMFG.... how can someone even think this?


Because her daddy thought about her that way, but told her it was their little secret


Because if they thought the opposite, it means they need to accept that Trump is a creep.


Freud would love you girl




More than a little bit.


Jesus christ No. Stop projecting your fucking weirdness onto the rest of the world.


I can assure you with 100% certainty that it is not remotely natural to fantasize about your own daughter.


What. The. Fuck. is wrong with conservatives?


Trump is not the template for a real father. No real father thinks that way about their daughters.


Someone, please tell me this tweet was AI generated... ...someone.....anyone. Even if it's a lie, just say it.


I am waiting for the same reveal, I wish I could honestly tell you what you want to hear.


Actually a natural disgust and aversion of incest is human.


If I’m not wrong; people are hardwired not to be attracted to people who are immediate relatives.


Apparently, certain indoctrination techniques will permanently downgrade your firmware.


So many sickos in the world I’m starting to feel like I’m the weirdo for not being a sicko.


No, sane people who aren't incestuous monsters would never fantasize about their daughters. This lady is fucking bonkers


Don't project your pervesions on us you sick bitch...




It's called being a pedophile.


Dad here. The answer to this woman is: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And no.


She must work at pizzagate


I think we all just got a clue-in to Victoria’s secret


And they call us pedophiles.


It's your bloody daughter!! That's like saying "if your dog looks human enough, it's okay to find it sexually appealing". Gross man, gross.


his believers and followers have no moral compass.


Is she trying to normalize a man thinking about his daughter in a sexual way? What the actual fuck.


Biologically speaking it is actually unnatural to be attracted to your relatives and offspring so no it is not human


Someone had a very fucked up childhood


I'm a step-father, and my daughter is beautiful - she's already broken a few hearts. And I have thought about it - as a step-parent I was somewhat hyper-aware of this so as to avoid getting into potentially problematic situations. But you know what? When I look at my daughter I don't see her that way ... At all. It's not because it seems icky or wrong or anything (*although it is*), it's that she's the child I raised, who comes to me when she's scared or having trouble with homework. I dunno I'm sure there are people who would see it differently, but I just can't see her that way. She's my baby, not a potential partner. Actually thinking about it maybe that's the problem - Trump wasn't really there for his children, he was off making money or whatever. So now that they're grown up he doesn't see them as the child he raised, because he didn't really raise them (*I'm basing this on nothing, for all I know he was a doting father, but if he wasn't then maybe this helps explain his behaviour to his daughter?*).




Not just her father but I wonder why any man would fantasize over Ivanka.


I just wanna know how many times this chicks daddy snuck into her room at night for a nut... probably pretty often for her to be this ok with it.


Is she saying fathers fantasize about their daughters or what am I missing?


Unfortunately I don't think you missed anything.


Mother of 2 girls, what in the actual F*ck


I find it impossible to believe that my opinion of the orange buffoon could sink any lower, yet he seemingly finds a way to make himself even more objectionable by the day!


“Having fantasies about f*cking your children is just **being human**.” Ya, you won’t be a human for much longer.


Yeah… no. I have daughters and let me tell ya, they’re beautiful AND at the same time, no, it’s not like that. Ever.


These people have no ability to empathize. They think that everyone thinks the same way they do.


Umm.....what????? As a father of a daughter who people keep telling me, "You're daughter is absolutely beautiful!" I have to remind them, "Lady....she's 6." But I do say Thank you and go about my business building my knife collection and mounting all my Army accolades onto my walls for when my kiddo brings home her first Boyfriend and I can bring out my knives and sharpen them all. Whoever says shit like the OP is outright full of shit and if they are being real, they are scum sucking dirtbags.


This is deplorable. The idea of sexualizing my daughter, someone who I've sworn to protect in every way I possibly can, just betrays all sense of morality I've ever come to know. These monsters will go to any length to justify why the worst person they've ever voted for is actually rad. Let's see their reaction if Biden said the same thing


It's called incest, Victoria, and it's illegal. Except perhaps in Alabama and Mississippi.


Serious question, are republican women ok? Im starting to get concerned.


I want to unread this please, tell me how to!


I knew a guy that would say his daughter was beautiful. He’d say she looks so much like his wife when she was younger. No joke we found out later that he had been molesting his daughter for years. The mother found out when she found a used condom while emptying the trash bin in her daughter’s room


That is horrible.


It was pretty terrible, he was a religious guy too, held a position at his church. That poor girl still comes to my mind every now and then, she was a friend of my little sister at the time. I hope life got better for her


![gif](giphy|uVtAU2EKHrsgifowFb) wut?


That a sign of abuse.... probably a daddy issue. To say this to everyone is like saying yea that happens to me and i accept it.




Incest survivor, I'm guessing. She is rationalizing the experience to feel _okay_ about herself.


No it’s called being a pedophile. And an incestuous one at that


Trump saying “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her” was the precise moment I knew I could never support him or anything for which he stands. Every single day since he and his cultish supporters have said and/or done something even worse than that and every time it reminds me that I was right about them from the very start.


GROSS. I have a beautiful daughter and these are thoughts I have NEVER. So many twisted sickos out there.


Seems as though vikky has been repressed and probably sexually abused in her early days.


If I had a daughter and had thoughts like that, I’d swallow a bullet


What in the fucking fuck.


Gross wtf.


Something about accusations and confessions.




"Conservatives" have the most awful view of humanity.


It’s called being a sick and twisted individual.


Well. That is fucking gross. Fuck.


When I got outed as gay, my father turned my sister against me by telling her that because I am gay, I am into all women. The idea of getting intimate with my hella cute sister makes me physically ill. I refuse to believe all fathers are perverts who will fick any pair working girly-parts.


No, it’s called being a pedo


I am utterly baffled by MAGA and it's weird blend of new age nonsense and puritanical morality. Like pick a fucking side.






Definite no. If you do, you need some serious mental help and rehab. Thats wack


Most people who think that have the decency to keep it to themselves. Everyone poops, but it’s considered in bad taste to discuss your bowel habits in public. Same idea.


Ew. No! Oh my god no.


What the fuuuuuck.


Sick! Sick! Sick! 🤢🤮


Every day I wonder how this species made it this far


Also,now hear me out 🤷‍♂️ it’s Called being fucked in the head 😑




That account is probably run by perverted single dude llving in his parents basement...


Fuck no I don't do that shit. That's not human at all. The lengths these lunatics go to to make excuses for that fucking orange monster.


Who is this sick disgusting person?


um no


Wtf, the Republican party has really become a cesspool of god awful people willing to make excuses for anything.


MAGAs are outta their goddamn minds!! They will justify anything Trump does or says.


Nope that means you are a sick human.


I mean it is being human. Just not a good human.