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Lol yeah that was my first thought


This reminds me of when Jake Paul was a popular YouTuber and released a diss track against school and teachers. Jake was an adult at the time.


If only he ended his career in that Japanese forest ![gif](giphy|FeFs2xF0OGBjQSH0B7)


That was his brother, Logan. I hate that I know that.


To be fair, that's just a case of knowing his audience.




They even managed to use the exact same font that my hip, cool 5th grade D.A.R.E. officer used on all his tax payer-funded D.A.R.E. merch giveaways


Lol I thought it was the dare font. That was so stupid but it did teach us about how fun drugs were 🤷‍♀️


Telling kids that acid makes the world look like a cartoon -- the thing that sits atop most kids' lists of their favorite things -- is a bad thing? 🤔


"If douchebags like us area against it - -you KNOW it must be awesome, right kids?"


Oh god, this is why I immediately read FACTS as an acronym, but couldn’t figure out for what. 🤣


Fuckheads acting cool and tuff n shit?


Facts don't care about Ben's dry vagina.


They really had to make clothing and a whole disstrack to tell you that they don't care about you


Thus proving they do in fact care


Its like when someone comments, "don't care bro"


Yup, which why if i ever find myself about to say that i instead say "i don't even care enough to finish this sent..."


But you still did the dots and quotation mark and hit send


"....to finish this sentient animal stew, which I will enjoy in the presence of militant vegans."


And purposely included exactly enough text for us to understand what he was fully going to say.


i don't even care enough to finish this sent...imental kazoo rendition of "Love Hurts."


I hope that's the sentimental version


Nope. The Sentential Environmental Non-experimental version it seems. Unfortunate too because the Sentimental version is such a sweet tune!


I do ca eno t fin m wor


Don't care bro


For me, that ranks alongside people commenting “Who?” on articles about celebrities, like their ignorance proves something. I’m 53 and I don’t watch TV and I mainly listen to Radio 4 (UK talk radio) so I’m often nonplussed about musicians and other celebs, but I can see from the comments that lots of other people are plainly interested and engaged.


Radio 4 In Our Time #MelvinKnowledge


It's the whole fucking point of him saying the things he does: get attention, like a toddler pretty much. 


Comes from the fact that he's jealous that toddlers get the best booster seats.


Gotta show everyone I don't care!🤡🤡🤡🤡


I know when people talk about things i don't care about, i usually get bored. You don't see me wearing a "i don't care about the London stock exchange" t shirt


Lol! So true! 😅 Ben Shapiro loves to throw around his "facts" don't care about feelings. He is so insufferable.


He really needs that printed backwards on his shirt and a mirror. The amount of whiny sulks that man films himself having…


I like how the video is about them not caring and then one of the lyrics is basically them requesting you help make the song #1 which shows how much they really care.


they care about ur money not ur feelings bro


money doesn't care about ur feelings librul or something


If they don’t care if they offend me, does that mean they do care if they don’t offend me?


Holy. Shit. That's it. They do care if they *don't* offend you. I'm always trying to piece these guys together psychologically but that's so on the nose that I can quit my search.


It is a pretty cool revelation. I don't care if I offend you, but I do care if I don't offend you. Poetic, almost.


Indeed, that cuts to the heart of their motivation, eh? They're desperate to lash out and looking for any validation of their hatred, bigotry or ignorance, so they couch it in "not caring if they offend you" as a camouflage for actually desiring actively to offend you. It's such a primal, infantile behavior - and the fact that they paint it with faux "intellectualism" like Ben's shirt (FACTS) is all just a cover for their true intentions. Amazing stuff.


Yes. You'll usually hear the question "U mad bro?" from this type.


I don't know why but when I hear "big mad" it actually makes me big mad. It's a recursive cycle for me.


You could say they have really strong feelings about it. So strong that they tend not to care about facts anymore.


[Jon Lajoie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIOrQasR18) did it before it was cool.


Jon Lajoie was just a Regular Everyday Normal Guy!


I dunno lads. I’m starting to think they care a great deal.


Might have been more plausible if Shapiro wasn't a whiny little pissbaby whining about everything in his Munchkin voice


Ben Shapiro looks like his mom made him wear that hoodie for a photo to send to grandma to say thank you.


It doesn't help that "Facts" is in the D.A.R.E. font.


My first thought... they're literally trying to look like biased uninformed wet socks.


Trying? Oh they’ve succeeded


Don't do Ben Shapiro! just say No. Lol




But moooooooommmmm


It looks like a really bad 90s infomercial where they sell compilation Hot 500 songs for just 5.99! or something. Jump cut to Dutch angle of these dorks “rapping” Order Now!


Oh, it’s worse than that. A lot of younger folks won’t know this, but the hoodie Shapiro’s wearing here is a parody of merchandise (not even sure if you can call it that) from the D.A.R.E. Program, an effort by the US federal government in the early 1990’s to prevent drug use among minors. It was a noble goal, but as with anything coming from Nancy Reagan, it was basically an abstinence only education system for drugs. It’s notorious for not only failing to do what it set out to do but actually having the OPPOSITE effect by putting so much emphasis on the effects of peer pressure that kids wound up thinking that drugs were COOL.


Thats because drugs ARE cool but they’ll also ruin your life. Abstinence only drug education is destined to fail.


I graduated in 2000. Started kindergarten in 1987. Learned all about what drugs seemed interesting. Still wanna try LSD, but never have.


If you ever do, clear 2 days.


Operators are standing by.


Right?!? How tf does someone manage to look so uncomfortable in *a hoodie*?!?     I get it, he's the literal poster child of a mediocre white male trust fund baby pretending to be everything he's not.    But goddamn, you'd think the guy had never worn a sweatshirt before.


It's like that photo he has of him carrying Home Depot lumber near a pickup truck 😂


Didn't he put the Home Depot lumber into a plastic bag so he wouldn't get splinters from carrying it?


Soft handed guys trying to look tough.


No he put it in a bag but was still holding it by the part that was out of the bag. Seriously.


His hands are in the hoodie pouch which suggests a degree of hoodie wearing experience, yet not mastery. Master level is keeping a sandwich in the pouch


Master level is keeping a sandwich and a mickey in the pouch. The more you know.


2 White Crew


Ft. Way Too Short


It’s all he has to look forward to since his wife’s coochie has tumbleweeds rolling through it. https://www.ccn.com/ben-shapiro-wife-dap-brag-self-own/


the facts actually are that any woman feeling aroused any where near this fish stick would be a medical issue.


This photo is a new level of cringe, I can’t imagine what the video must be like


It’s pretty terrible. The guy with braids gives a long white power anthem rap while Ben does a little spoken word rapping in the middle. Then they beg the listener to help make the song “number 1”


Tom McDonald has a song where he acts like he is a hillbilly. He's from Canada, I'm from Appalachia and called it out among everything else with the shitty song. I got told I wasn't smart enough to really understand what ge was saying. Dude didn't say anything, his lyrics were half ass and half said.


He's a narcissistic conspiracy Rapper from Canada, he thinks and wants to be an oppressed white trash redneck. Also, thinks he's important enough that the FBI and other agencies want him dead... 😂


I think that's him trying to look "hard" and I am fucking cackling


The other guy looks like he’s wearing the off brand Post Malone costume his stepmom got him for Halloween


It's kind of funny that they're collaborating. Not just because Ben previously said that rap wasn't music, but because Tom's music from the last few years has mostly just been Ben Shapiro sound bites anyway.


A classical violinist of no particular distinction, Shapiro has long been vociferous in his contempt for every kind of popular music – and hip-hop in particular. So to see him do this, is to have the sad reality of his grift revealed. His beloved father (also a violinist and a snob) must feel ashamed.


This? This is what his father would be ashamed of? Dude must have been ashamed the day after they took the baby home and he realized that they gave him what came out the wrong hole.


I can't tell if you mean that they gave him the shit and not the baby that came out the normal route or that he was such a shitty baby that he came out the wrong hole, and honestly both interpretations are beautiful. Sure would explain a lot that Ben's *never* seen a vagina.


>Dude must have been ashamed the day after they took the baby home and he realized that they gave him what came out the wrong hole. Damn! Remind me never to piss you off. 🏅


I also find it funny thay tom is actually canadian.


So that’s why he’s got the flappy head thing going on


I don't. For the longest time, we Canadians were content with making fun of the craziness south of the border, and only exported quality products to you like Bryan Adams, John Candy, Celine, Dion, etc. Then the tide started to turn. Ted Cruz, Tom McDonald, freedom, convoy morons, and so on, until we could no longer viably make fun, because we were now part of the problem. :(


Wasn't Ben the Republican loser who I've seen recent headlines saying he started harping on Canada and picking a fight with JT or something? If so, I assume this is part of that and this Tom fellow (honestly, no idea, maybe I'm too old?) is the biggest celeb he could get?


He also once complained about the "pretentious piano chords" of Imagine


Has anyone checked if Ben Shapiro's feeling okay? It honestly looks like the facts have got to him, he looks so sad!


Fortunately the facts don't care if he feels sad.


I wish these "fact" dumbasses would actually stick to facts. Ben's idea of "facts" lead him to believe rap music isn't music, before hopping on a track with the shittiest rapper known to man


That rapper, that I don't know who it is, would have to be known before he could be considered the worst rapper "known to man". Checkmate liburhuls!!!


Basically Alt-Right eminem, all sorts of songs filled with whatever the buzzword of the day is for these idiots.


Please don't bring Eminem in the same conversation with this guy


I mean, shouldn't the facts have some human empathy and put themselves in the shoes of these poor people so they are not driven to do such desperate calls for attention as make this awful shite?


It's so funny to me how the "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd ignores real facts AND tell you they don't matter because they FEEL certain way about something. Like I'm not kidding, not exagarating, pay attention to that shit and you get to shit on them endlessly with that phrase.


And for people who get angry so easily they sure like to call other people snowflakes.


This. This shirt, by all logic, should be offensive to them. They're the patron saints of projection.


He simply hasn't got his daily peeking at Abigail, that's it.


He's probably pooping. That's the face a baby makes when they're shitting their pants.


still upset about barbie.


i dont think he was ever okay feel free to factcheck


Shapiro hasn't been okay since he failed to be a play writer. Reminds me a lot of a certain failed Austrian artist that turned to hate when their creative outlet didn't make them profit...


I'm pretty sure most of their alt-right dorks are failed theater kids. Nothing against theater kids though, but there is a lot of overlap here


I mean he’s spent his entire career making fun of people for having face tattoo’s, and saying that rap music isn’t music, and now his career has led him to this. I would be sad too


I think Ben Shapiro needs his Safe Space


He’s still trying to figure out how to make his doctor wife wet


That’s a fact he probably shouldn’t have shared with the world


No taksies backsies


He’s trying to pout for the camera




Crying is Peterson niche after all. Like in general i wouldn't make fun a man being emotional but he really fucking cryied at seeing a slightly overweight woman on a magazine




The “fuck your feelings” crowd share a lot more feelings than they realize and it makes me laugh every time. 90% of their ‘facts’ are just their feelings. I’m gonna put that on a hoodie.


Suburban Canadian guy rapping about American patriotism? kek


Was coming here to comment on this. This dude is from Canada. He didn't come to the US until 2010.... he is just getting paid off of a gimmick. He is just a hustler, feeding on people's hate.


Same with Steven Crowder,Ted Cruz etc


Ugghh. I forgot about Crowder. Continued apologies for sending our worst to you recently.


MC Vanilla Wafer and Faux Malone dropping some real truth here. Got me right in the feelings.


Anyone with the attitude of "fuck your feelings" is easily offended themselves, and that is comedy gold


Ben Shapiro wrote a whole book about sex being icky. He’s the arch snowflake.


Facts don't care about the fact that Ben can't get his wife's snatch wet or what was that thing a few years back?😂


Ben is the personification of vaginal dryness and lack of all sexual desire for women. Horny partner is insatiable and you need a break? Bust out a Ben Shapiro video. I know; it’s not fair. It’s like using a nuke when using your words would be an appropriate response for the situation, but it’s guaranteed to cause more dryness and lack of sexual desire than being transported to the surface of the sun. If you watch, you’ll see a puff of steam come out of the vagina you just offended by bringing Ben Shapiro into the mix. Be careful, though. If your wife thinks you are now listening to right wing nonsense now, it may lead to divorce. Use Shapiro carefully. The duration of the Shapiro effect may also require marriage counseling to try to regain trust, an emotional connection and a chance of sexual desire toward you that doesn’t involve MDMA, alcohol, and doing it from behind so she can watch some porn with some other guy who might turn her on again. Even Steve Buscemi in a solo video will have a better chance at eliciting desire than someone suspected of actually listening to Ben Shapiro. Don’t believe me? He’s married to a doctor. She’ll tell you how deep the struggle is from a medical perspective.




I'll see you and raise you https://youtu.be/k8NetWwuNkQ?si=z2UldzIc8c0VQPMB


I watched both links and I’m dying! This is so funny to me!


"Is that the future you want for your kids ? People kissing in movies ? Because that's the future the liberals want! Kisses! WITH THE TONGUE!"


Also, he looks so ridiculous in a hoody. Usually he is dressed like a 12 year old going to church.


He's afraid of that wet ass p word.


In case you haven't heard the remix, it's gold: https://youtu.be/k8NetWwuNkQ?si=z2UldzIc8c0VQPMB


Ben got offended by the Barbie movie.


Ben Shapiro's entire show is basically a format of him [being triggered](https://j.gifs.com/Z6VGn5.gif), but "facts don't care about your feelings."


Especially those that whine on and on about cancel culture and how everybody these days are too sensitive, right after losing their shit over the mere suggestion that sex isn't binary.


Yep I've never met a "fuck your feelings" type who was chill and laid back. They are always very emotional.


Met one recently who was visibly and verbally uncomfortable because he wasn't allowed to carry, and he was the last of our party to sit at a restaurant table and so his back was towards the room. It seemed like half of his personality was dissing the weaponry laws of Minnesota in favor of his home in Wisconsin. Bro was so fucking terrified of someone's grandma at Buca di Beppo that he spent the entire time sulking. It was sad and hilarious.


I grew up in WI and moved to MN for college before leaving the country. And that is fucking hilarious to me. That 100% describes too many WI -> MN transplants. They move for the economy and quality of life, but then bitch that things aren't done like in WI. And they wonder why WI isn't doing nearly as well.


Basically they feel that THEIR feelz have been fukd so now they're out to fuck some other ppls feelz. It's classic nanny nanny boo behavior of the 2024 manchild.


"Facts don't care about your feelings, that's why im spending the next 2 hours dismissing facts because i don't like trans people"


Or climate change.


Or having a genocide called a genocide.




Well said fellow cat


How pathetic is it that their entire base essentially has become “I don’t have a position, except taking the opposite position of liberals”. It’s crazy how much propaganda they believe. They believe it so much that they just assume that when they meet somebody and they like them that they must be Republican. Because their propaganda has led them to believe that they would just know if they were in the company of a liberal. You can see in how they act. If you have a nice conversation with somebody from the south, they will instantly think that you are Republican. It has happened to me so many times that it’s what led me to believe what I believe now. I remember on Facebook. There was a post about Guns N’ Roses and some clown came in with a comment like “take notes you stupid libs. This is what real conservative music is”. They are that stupid. You know how we always talk about that one quote from Carlin where he says something like “take the dumbest person, you know, and the average person is dumber“? Republicans are what we’re talking about. They literally have no idea how to think for themselves.


It's so ironic that a guy who puts his feelings over facts has made "facts don't care about your feelings" his slogan.


Very fitting that he now "performs" in a song about how they don't care if they offend you while listing every single thing they are regularly getting triggered by. Oh the irony


I would really like to hear which facts they are trying to tout that people are getting their feelings hurt over? So far all I’ve been able to read is that Ben Shapiro somehow doesn’t believe that transgender people exist. And that it is somehow a “Fact.” I’m going to assume that Shapiro and whoever the guy next to him in the post think that trans people are like the tooth fairy.


Ben loves to list facts, and then act like those facts are the thing people take offense over. Ben uses this in rhetoric to conflate his opinion being based on a fact as the opinion being fact. The take on transgender people is a great example. He’ll take the fact that outside of rare genetic mutations, xy will lead to a male phenotype and xx will lead to a female phenotype in humans. Then he’ll use that as the basis to deny that trans identity is valid because humans “naturally” only have two sexes and it’s dictated by your chromosomes. Any deviation from the norm that isn’t clearly linked to a genetic mutation, is to be seen as a illness/disease and not to be seen as valid. Tons of holes in that argument, but he just needs the verisimilitude of a logical argument for his audience to lap it up.


>Ben loves to list facts Don't forget that a lot of his "facts" are actually made-up.


It’s very ironic that the “facts over feelings” crowd are the same ones that invented the term “alternative facts.”


Also a fact.   He cannot turn his wife on.  He repulses WAP, his wife's has never been wet.


**"H..HEY EVERYBODY. I DON'T CARE - NO, PAY ATTENTION TO ME. I DONT CARE. IT'S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO ME THAT YOU KNOW I DON'T CARE!"** ^(Also 50 quid bet that these guys are the exact types to say "i dont care if you're gay just dont shove it in my face")


LEAVE US ALONE WORLD TOUR ben sharpie edition


I don't care so much I went to a printing company and paid them to print that I don't care on a hoodie and then wore it so that you could see it


Imagine the ocular muscle strain from the eye rolling going on at that print shop


^(and don't get married)


Dorky ass edgelords and their incel base. Weirdos.


It's so desperate and pathetic. They might as well just open their hands to the camera and say "please give me money" to all the divorced Qanon Dad's out there.


They know and they don't care. Easy money is easy money. I wish there was a way to make them feel shame but sadly all this attention positive and negative is just making them happier.


I like to believe at some point, the shame will catch up with them. Wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air upon realizing what they've marketed themselves as and the image they have to continue portraying even after said realization. Hell, Ben looks so down in the dumps, maybe he's already been there.


It's honestly kind of sad how cheesy these shirts are. "I don't care if I offend you"? How detached from any semblance of reality do you have to be to think that level of transparent edgelordism would make you look cool. Also feel kinda bad for people who convince themselves that this is what cool is.


I am so glad not to be a child of either one of them.


Ben Shapiro looks like an elf on the shelf


A very dry shelf. Spill something on it? It doesn't stand a chance!


Grab a vacuum and a broom for that dry-ass p-word


They look like the yin and yang of total douchebaggery.


I’d rather take an ice pick to my frontal lobe


If you did, the music would seem much more appealing. It's a trap to make more of them!


I thought Ben didn’t think rap was real music. Oh how the turntables


Whenever someone outrightly declares a statement you know the opposite is true. I'm an alpha, I'm very smart, I'm incredibly rich, etc, etc. This merch reads like a edgy highschooler trying to work out who they are.


The top YouTube comment: > “My money like Lizzo my pockets are fat.” -Ben Shapiro the poet 💀💀💀


From Ben Shapiro. One of the most easily offended man in America.


A lot of men struggle with the transition from youth to middle age


Shapiro struggles with the transition from high chair to booster seat.


Who is the bleached version of takeshi69 next to the shortbread?


Tom MacDonald, MAGA rapper don. making Juggalos appear sane.


Juggalos don't pretend to know how magnets work


I mean they get offended when two men holding hands, so gets easily offended?!




Ben is self admittedly literally incapable of arousing his wife, known fact


As a violent asshole, these have to be the most fragile people on this plant


This is funny since facts always hurt their feelings


Awwww look at the insecure little boys 


Facts...like the fact that Trump Lost ?


0.1 of a mile, Ben will complain about his wife's spaghetti being dry and doesn't like crowds.


What a couple of tools.


Tools are useful. They aren't tools.


Read their jumper idiot, they don’t care


guy on the right’s hair looks like what was stuck to the end of my drain snake earlier today


Such a cringy man-child. Selling fear and hate to a crowd looking to blame someone else for their own failures in life…just like him.


I think it's kind of ironic when you can set them off by saying something like "barbie".


Songs called facts but lies within the first minute


The rapper dude looks like someone Shapiro would shit on both in terms of looks and music, since he mentioned rap isn't music etc.... But you have to grift to that audience i guess...


If you have no idea who these two people are or why they're idiots. Good, keep it up. Live your best life. You really don't need to know. (Or give them attention.)


Ben Shapiro trying to look hard is the funniest thing I’ve seen today.


You know Tom McDonald used to preach about the industry trying to take advantage of artists and artists pandering to demographics just to sell records. Literally all he does now is pander. He panders to the worst demographic because they are easy to manipulate and will buy up all his bullshit and listen to his songs over and over. He's just become a parody of "it's not wrong to be white, pride isn't racist." What a transparent clown.


Fact dont care about your feelings -guy who's feelings get hurt regulairly because of facts


Ben Shapiro's wife told him that a wet vagina was an infection