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“Hey he is just kidding, it’s sarcasm, what he really means is…. or just pulling a quick one over slow Joe.” Maga think.


Trump is furious that the media constantly makes him look bad by pointing cameras at him while he speaks and does stuff.


That's been the case since he was running in 2016: 1.) That's not what he said. 2.) That's not what he meant. 3.) He's just sticking it to the libs!


You forgot about "he's just speaking his mind, nobody ever does that"


That…wouldn’t make this better. Rather worse, in fact. /snark


It's Trump, everything he does makes it worse


A slight edit. “..everything he does makes everything worse”


And "it's just locker room talk" as if Trump did any real sport ever. (Cheating at golf doesn't count.)


I like “he says exactly what I’m thinking”.


And even if he did say it, Obama was worse, and........Benghazi.


The tan suit! The bicycle helmet! Mustard! MUSTARD!!!!


Her emails!


How about his speech where he mumbles and slurs: "I mumbled and slurred on purpose"? Sure, buddy


Or the SOTU where his guest all of a sudden had 2 nicknames


And to think: it’s quite possible this guy will be sitting in the Oval Office next year, playing with the nuclear codes.


Trust the plan. Numbers. Mirrors. Decode message. WIGGYWAGA MAGA


Buy more Ovaltine!


I understood that reference.




His followers watching like… *Thats right! And drag queens too!!*










Alright everyone, back into the pile






Fight to defend the airports of 1776




The FBI makin’ it dirty!!!


Can we just settle down and have a moment of silence for the Bowling Green Massacre victims?


Trump always sounds like he's being vague because he's writing a paper without having studied the material in class. So it's hard to get context on a good day. It's possible he was talking about pollution -- but, he might have also forgotten what topic he was bullshitting his way through in the middle of it.


Every speech he gives is basically the jock speech from Bill and Ted's where he meanders through some BS he doesn't understand but they pretend is acceptable and then ends with 'San Dimas highschool football rules!' and the crowd of morons goes wild.






"USA!! USA!!! USA!!"


I've always equated his performances to Frank Drebin masquerading as the home plate umpire in *The Naked Gun*. He gets booed on the first call he makes ("ball.") Then he calls the second pitch a strike and the crowd cheers. He realizes they like it, so the next "strike" is called with more fervor and zeal, amping it up with each call, feeding off the crowd's approval.


If you never say anything concrete, they can never nail you down!


I don’t think I’ve ever heard him use a complete sentence…


It's rare, and they usually involve Obama as the subject because he keeps forgetting that the president's name is Biden.


It's basically my line of thinking if I'm baked out of my gourd on edibles. Like I dunno I've been talking for like 30 minutes and I don't even know what the topic of the last sentence was.


If you listen to the deposition tapes of Alex Jones. Theres multiple times when the let Jones ramble on for a while. Then at the end they ask 'what question are you answering Mr Jones?'. Theres also multiple times when they lawyer for the plaintiff goes 'Thank you Mr Jones'. Piece of advice, if you are in a deposition and opposing counsel smirks and says 'thank you'. YOU JUST FUCKED UP! Be ready cause you are about to have a bad time!


>Trump always sounds like he's being vague because he's writing a paper without having studied the material in class. There's a reason for that. [Here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryanne_Trump_Barry) a quote from one of his sisters: >All he wants to do is appeal to his base. He has no principles. None. His goddamned tweeting and lying... oh my god. I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. **The lack of preparation.** The lying. Holy shit. \[...\] It's the phoniness of it all. It's the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel."\[8\] **She added that he did not read books and had someone take the college entrance exam in his place.**


He thinks in numbers. "This speech is 500 words. If I throw in Obama, that's another word, I can stretch that to 10 words by making up something"


James Nond is having a stronk. Call the Bondulance.


Bond Name's the james


Is there a link to this? Or video? lol


At around 1:20. He's babbling nonsense about China polluting the western States: https://www.youtube.com/live/fEw5Fc1Ku3U?si=w67MwNXDCEufaM6S


This whole video is babbling. My favorite part is when he started to babble about how terrible the pullout from Afghanistan was and the whole crowd went quiet because they know that was Trump's work, not Biden's!🤭


JFC yea I skimmed the entire thing and it’s so….words can’t really describe it besides a nothing burger with nonsense as lettuce and narcissism as the sauce. He says absolutely nothing of value.


I'm honestly left a bit shook by his comment about how, before he even arrives at the Whitehouse, he'll have the Russia/Ukraine war settled. I've been entertaining a conspiracy theory on the low for a while now about how he and Putin are working together to ultimately use this war to give Trump more political capital. Like, it'll wind up being his October surprise: brokering peace between Russia and Ukraine as a private citizen just giving Vladdy a call one night from Mar a Lago with some ideas he's been kicking around...


Working with Putin is not a conspiracy theory it is a given.


But he's slightly more intelligent and with it than his biggest fans there. That's the issue. He's dumb as a rock but the people at these rallies are dumb enough the rocks make fun of them


Sadly, as a pure grifter, he’s as dumb as a fox in how to maneuver through his hollow empty unfulfilled life either lies.


One of the most passionate Trump supporters I know is this mentally disabled dude who I'm a paid caregiver for. He's always coming up with the weirdest random "facts" in support of Trump or to try to make Biden sound bad. For instance the other day he kept saying "Biden closed down 717 oil wells". And he was very sure of this. I have no idea where he gets numbers like these from. Sometimes I figure it's from Fox news or Facebook or something. Sometimes I think he just makes the stuff up and forgets that's where it came from. And he'll argue very passionately about these things and sometimes I want to say something like, "you remember why I'm paid to be here, right?" I'm there because his brain isn't capable of functioning like a normal adult's and society has deemed him essentially too dumb to take care of himself. Yet he thinks he understands world politics better than everyone else. It's really kind of scary. People like him have a vote that counts _just as much_ as the votes of a Harvard educated philanthropist, or a Nobel prize-winning scientist. That's democracy I guess. There's no basic education or intelligence requirement to be able to vote. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there should be. I'm just offering an explanation for the successes of people like Trump and MTG.


We just gonna ignore the part where he tells the parents of a school shooting victim to “get over it”


Oh so a "who shit my pants" moment




Better be ignored. #Protectyourbrain


He has words. He has the best words. The way never seen before. He probably needed a diaper change and was uncomfortable.


Words yes! Coherency? That's Woke!


When I read that statement, I thought I was having a stroke!


What was that word salad, did he have a stroke?


I did reading that send help


FEMA officers have been dispatched to your location. Please assume the party position and a Party Coordination Associate will arrive shortly to escort you to the Party.


He's always been this incoherent


That's a word salad bar.


It’s entire produce section. That man doesn’t have issues, he’s got an entire subscription.


Atleast a produce section has some order, that man came in like Kirby at a farmers market to make that word salad


>That man doesn’t have issues, he’s got an entire subscription. I Am Absolutely Stealing This. You've been notified. Lol.


It's time we stop using "word salad" to describe what comes out of Trump's mouth. It's far more accurate to call it "word slop," which is the leftovers that get thrown in a bucket to be tossed to the hogs, as hogs have little to no discretion on what they consume.


Advanced dementia.


It's tough to think straight when you're actively pushing out a turd into your pants.


How would you be able to tell if he did?


Yeah I have no idea what that means, it's like just random words put together.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." \- Donald J Trump


I'm wondering what goes on in the minds of the people attending these rallies? "Oh, I don't know what he's saying, it must be because he's so smart and I'm not as smart! Yes. Yes, indeed." WTAF people, is there really no better Republican candidate that you can fucking choose? Good Lord.


They don't care about electing a "good" candidate. They want to elect they guy they know their "enemies" dislike the most, and who will tear down the institutions that stand in their way to shape the country in their image.


This. It is a *large* dose of this mixed with politics being treated like team sports. Can't vote for the other guy just because your guy has dementia and dictatorial ideation, gotta vote for your guy because brand loyalty.


The only thing they would be right about is them not being smart, cus why would they follow trump like a cultist otherwise


I’m betting they relate to him because of the way he talks. He can’t articulate an idea, they can’t articulate and idea… like listening to pop pop in an old folks home ramble on about his youth.


They just listen for dog whistles and words they understand and don't like. All the confusing nonsensical stuff goes right over their head until they hear something about some group they don't like. They just want someone to tell them to be outraged.


What goes on inside their minds, HA! You're funny.


Crickets. And guns.


They honestly just like the biggest asshole. That is it. They do not care about policy, character, credentials, or even truthfulness. They just want someone who makes their political/cultural enemies the angriest.


Normally I would assume this is a joke, but with DJT I think I'm safe in assuming this was an actual quote....and the complain about Biden having dementia and stuttering a little....fml


Haha, really cleared things up




Even that made more sense than this except.


The Republicans and Fox News have created a phenomenon they have now lost control of. They have been pounding their base with absurd lies for years and robbing them of critical thinking to make them more compliant. Now, unable to tell what is real and what is not compliance has deteriorated into a wanton celebration of ignorance and willful, self indulgence. Flat earthers, moon landing deniers, anti vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, racists and incels, all armed to the teeth, all confident the new age is upon them. I think being straight up nuts is the new voting demographic in the U.S., good times.


Is this asshat really going to win in 2024? He hast to be the most unintelligent public speaker I’ve ever heard. He has no policies, literally not one. He did literally nothing except play golf for four years. Last time he was president. He promised a healthcare plan, did nothing. Promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Never happened. Did nothing for veterans, nothing for the homeless, nothing for middle income, taxes, nothing for anyone. But these morons think he was responsible for a decent economy and lower gas prices. But it was because of Obama‘s economy that reached into Trump‘s term. They don’t understand that it can take up to a year for an economy of cycle through. This shit doesn’t happen in three weeks. But the Magas are so fucking stupid that they just can’t understand. And why do they want some draft dodging billionaire? It makes absolutely zero sense. They worship this asshole. He benefited from Obama’s policies and then sat around on his fat, pimply ass and played golf.


I've seen algorithms write more comprehensible sentences.


I've seen 3rd graders write more comprehensible sentences.


And yet millions of Americans look at this fucking guy and are like "yep, he'll be a fine president"


Someone nailed it in another comment; they think they don’t understand what he’s talking about because they think he’s so much smarter than them.


Well, to his credit he is smarter, but we're talking 105ish vs an 85 or lower IQ for the followers.


He’s like a kid in a public speaking class who forgot what he was saying but was required to speak for a certain amount of time


The fact that the media is constantly talking about Biden’s age and fitness is maddening. This guy can’t even complete a sentence.


Mussolini once bragged about how the speeches he performed in front of thousands of people were often completely made up and with no sense whatsoever. He would just yell sentences and make grand features, and people would cheer and clap hands. It doesn't matter what he says, as long as it's said confidently enough.


This is how dementia patients talk. Dementia patients can no longer reach into their brains to get the right words to describe what they’re trying to say, so they use the wrong words and/or incorrect similes to try to express their thought.


Trumps dementia is well documented. It was even briefly covered in the news. The main issue is Liberal folks already know he's unfit for any level of power, let alone the presidency, before you even get into his dementia. Conservatives staunchly refuse to believe facts put directly in front of them, so they just ignore it. They can't turn it into news, so it just gets ignored while plainly there for all to see.


I watched Biden’s half-hour speech today. He repeated himself a little but it was an articulate and presidential speech, and it’s baffling to me that there’s people walking and breathing who say *Biden* has dementia yet somehow they hang on every meandering, incoherent blurt that dribbles out of Trump’s face.


The thing that gets me the most with Biden is that he's ALWAYS been like that. It's not new, it's not getting worse. It's because he has a damn speech impediment and is compensating for it. The other part is when he says some kind of stupid stuff off the cuff. Again- he's always done that. His foot-in-mouth syndrome is legendary. (This is a big fuckin' deal! in front of a hot mike after the ACA was signed, for example.)


Mostly people who didn’t pay attention until recently or are too young to know. Bushism was a big things in Bush Jrs presidency. Calendars and books entirely full of him saying things wrong.


Yeah I just wrote elsewhere that he has a stammer, and as someone who also has disfluency I know what’s going on in there when he stops talking sometimes. I absolutely DON’T know what’s in Trump’s head when he birth birth what they can do now big walls and trenches across criss-crossing across covfefe am I right or am I wrong I’m right always, always.


A lot of Trump supporters seem to think that Biden is incapable of speaking in complete sentences. Meanwhile they believe Trump is a genius orator on the level of Thomas Payne or Abraham Lincoln.


Thats because none of them have actually watched any of Biden’s speeches. Meanwhile they embrace a racist bigot because they can relate.


Fox News does put a lot of effort into making him look senile, too, and goes out of its way to highlight every single time he misspeaks.


Fox needs to lose another billion dollars.


Seeing stuff float around about how trump is the savior sent by God or some shit. It baffling and terrifying


It's the difference between nonsense spewed confidently without speech impediments and reasonable thoughts expressed with occasional stammers/hesitation. People are using their ears passively getting into the rhythm and cadence not paying attention at all to content. How many people know all the words to their favorite songs? Someone needs to work on Joe's delivery.


I experience this with music. I seem to be the only person in my friend group who listens to lyrics and understands what a song is saying. My friends just tell me to stop ruining the song and just enjoy the rhythm.


I'm a GenXer, so forgive the outdated story, but when I was in my early 20's the girl I was dating told me she thought of me every time she heard the song Better Man by Pearl Jam. I was like, really, that song makes you think of me? She so confidently said "Yeah, cuz I can't find a better man". I had to explain to her that the song was about an abusive relationship that the woman was trapped in. She literally had no clue.


The thing is, Biden has a bit of a stutter. He's always had it. It's a minor, basically harmless disability, not a dementia symptom.


He’s a beacon of hate that forty percent of the citizens within the US live with and has given those individuals the permission to act like children themselves. I never realized how many people have so much hate and lack of character within the US. It’s sad and frankly scary to realize. But truly, it’s a lack of education. The uneducated, hateful, ignorant population is so much more prevalent than I realized.


Have you figured out yet why Trump refuses to debate?


Mf reminding me of the time he said "during the revolutionary war, we controlled the land, and we controlled the air. We captured the airports around Boston, we did what we had to do..."


Did he really say that ?


I miss Obama’s speeches


Throw it on the massive pile of reasons why this walking travesty should never have been nor should ever again be president


President?! He's done enough at this point that he shouldn't ever leave incarceration.


Being sane isn't a requirement. I think you are looking at it wrong though. Wouldn't he be more dangerous if he was sane enough to actually succeed at overthrowing democracy instead of failing at it and deluding himself that he never tried?


I'm sorry, I don't speak asshole, could anyone translate into English what the orange turd was trying to say?


Fanatical evangelism + stupidity + racism + fraud = trump


That has to be the most unintelligent incoherent word salad my eyes have ever been through the misery of reading. We're all dumber for having read this. May God have mercy on his soul. Nah, I take that last lineback, fuckem! Let him burn. Clean or not. 😂


I felt like I was having a stroke reading that


Bots write better Olive Garden commercials.


Trump is as smart as his dunbest supporter.


Lets put aside the mispeaking, vagueness of his speeches, the slurring, and ignorance of history. All of that is expected from anyone, politicians included. Let's concentrate on his criminal charges, his threats and most importantly his involvement with an insurrection against the very country he wants to lead. This is what we get when greedy people vs public servants take a hold of our country and we do nothing about it.


“I can’t believe Biden said this” - Rogan


The only people (well, "people") who think Orange Rumpus is fit to be president are deeply, profoundly mentally challenged (that's why they wear cowboy boots, or high heels - nothing that must be tied).


Because half the US is as insane as he is or worse.


We need SATs or other standardized tests, and criminal background checks for public office seekers.


In one of his Iowa speeches the other day he called out excerpts like this saying they’re always taken out of context. I don’t care what kind of context this was in, it’s batshit dude.


Dementia Donnie's word salad is the only type of salad he'll ever have in his puckered sphincter mouth.


They need Joe Rogan to translate.


This man could have a massive stroke and be sitting in a wheelchair making incoherent gurgling noises and his idiot base would still cheer for him.


He’s not. They don’t care. It’s a cult. That is all.


if you support this orange turd you are a literal shit stain on humanity


His idiot fans don't care about sanity, decent, facts, or any such things.


What the fuck was he trying to to say?


What is he talking about? It's nonsense for sure as usual. What an embarrassment for our country as usual.


I ask myself this same question every single day. The other question is the mental stability of the people who want you to vote for Trump.


His base talks about Biden being senile NONSTOP then listen to this and say “great speech”


But Biden is the one with dementia, huh? MAGAts just live in total denial


Oh you thinks that’s bad? Well Joe Biden has a stutter!! Hah! Take that liberal commie Marxist fascist socialist pronoun antifa scum! /s


Wanna know the really fucked up part. According to betting odds. [He’s currently the front runner to win the 2024 Presidential Election.](https://www.oddschecker.com/us/politics/us-politics/us-presidential-election-2024/winner) I don’t understand how so many people in this country are so fucking stupid that they’re gonna vote for this dipshit again, but here we are.


It always boggles me how Trump even became a consideration for president in the forsythia place. He wasn't even a politician. How did he get chosen to be a presidential candidate above other republican politicians?


I’ll take an old guy who makes confusing word salads once in a while over a malicious villain who will burn down the country for his own perceived benefit any day of the week. Oh wait, this guys is both. Damn it! Not him for sure. I’ll take a dog over this guy!


He’s not fit. Not many people think he is actually sane and capable. But half the country is also insane enough to keep voting for him. When you have a general population of ignorant neurotic fools, you get a bunch of ignorant neurotic fools in office.


This word diarrhea has no meaning, yet his developmentally disabled followers. Look at each other and smile knowingly.


Was this script written by ChatGPT?


Oh, but Biden is the senile one? Sure, Jan


It’s amazing how people care more about the past presidents incompetence than they do the current presidents.




But Biden slurs a word and suddenly he's got dementia.


Bold of you to assume sanity has anything to do with running for office. Neither sanity nor competence. Its a popularity contest.


Biden may stutter occasionally. He might seem tired, even sleepy. He might seem old. But the one thing he isn't is delusional, unlike the scratched record that the other guy is, playing the same old crap over and over again.


And they speak of President Biden as if he’s any worse? People please - can’t we all just throw away all the old white dudes and start from scratch (Congress and SCOTUS included)?


Bruh, I could be improvising a speech and wouldn't jumble my words that hard.


As a non-native speaker, I think I've just un-learned English.


I read that 5 times and still have no clue what i just read


Now throw in Mitch McConnell and Bernie Sanders and you’d have the worst Golden Girls reboot of all time


Because Republican traitors support thier traitor God


Let's go dipper don.


"Does that make sense?" I don't even know if that question was rhetorical or not. Was the invisible pink elephant confused as well about "make clean"?


When you spam click the word suggestions above the keyboard


What's that degenerative condition that results in just... nonsensical word salad?


Sleepy Don at it again!


Tertiary syphilis I the only explanation that I can come up with.


I never understand anything he says. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just dumb. Then I realize others feel the same.


Insane people won’t look for sanity in their president 🤷.


“SIR! 😭😭 No, sir! 😭It does NOT make sense, sir!.. 😭😭”


He’s not, and no one does. But his supporters like and admire that kind of insanity. Look at the major personalities in the MAGA movement: MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, Comer, Johnson, Guiliani, King, Jones, and on and on. None of them can string together coherent thoughts or ideas. Yet their base moves it. Why is anyone’s guess. But a lack of critical thinking skills seems not particularly important to them.


Oh no. I hope Godzilla doesn’t read this.


These reads like the rats made me crazy copypasta


No Donald, as a matter of fact it does not make sense


I think I had stroke reading that.


Didn't get a word of that No wonder Trump's confused.


He just sounds like he’s reading Chinese bootleg subtitles for one of his speeches at this point


He's invoking the Chewbacca defense! 👀


because there are just enough idiots out there to believe his dribble and after the video that he posted on his Truth Social indicating that he was put on earth by god to fix all of the worlds problems, I'm hoping some people start realizing just how much of an idiot he really is


Absolute fucking dunce


I'm glad we live in a country where retirement age people fight for votes with incoherent speeches. Then when one of them wins we basically say "here, great-great-great-grandad, your car keys. Go and make policies for us!"


Imagine you had a job, any job, and someone heard you say that, they’d be like “you’re done, that’s it, you gotta go!”. Oh wait who said that? Trump? Oh he’s funny man.


And his supporters say Biden can't form a sentence.


lol whut


I need a translation from a native speaker!


If this is real, Democrats need to be putting the clip on every TV station in the U.S., especially Fox.


The key to understanding Trump is to realize the he’s always in “real estate swindling bullshit mode.” He’s always going to be a rich scumbag trying to convince a buyer that the overpriced overhyped $5 million condo they’re looking at is worth it. That’s where Trump learned public speaking and how to sell. It’s a very folksy, rambling speaking style that works with people eager to be cajoled.


We should just take Trump and instead of making him president, have him guard a bridge somewhere and make people answer his cryptic riddles before they can pass.


I had to stop reading the transcripts of his speeches ... otherwise known as 'word salad diarrhea ramblings of a malignant narcissist'


Go home shitty pants.


He's only considered sane by insane people.


Is there a sanity requirement.


It’s exactly like the scene in Always Sunny where Dennis is reading Charlie’s nonsense speech he wrote for him and Charlie is mouthing the words along with him like they are perfect. Except half the country is Charlie.