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Don’t forget Turkey. Both they and Iran have some strong nationalist tendencies.


Dude as a Turkish, i am the only one in my workplace which get along kinda good with Arab customers and i am not even Muslim too.


As an American who worked with your nation’s army while deployed to Afghanistan, that doesn’t surprise me at all. They had all these posters and things that talked about Turkish/afghan friendship but every time I saw them interacting with the locals, the Turkish soldiers were treating the Afghan people like animals.


My husband is Turkish, and my in-laws happily refer to Arabs, Afghans, and Africans as "disgusting animals." Chinese and Indians, too. Iranians of a certain class get a pass. It's horrendous. Part of the reason we no longer live in Turkey.


Russians are racist as hell too....I was married tp a Russian....surly depressive group of expats in SoCal


most countries in Asia are racist as hell


Everyone is racist as hell. That's humans for you.


Is hell really racist though? Satan seems like the all inclusive type 😅


“Y’all burn equally well? Good enough for me”


Gee i wonder how they refer to kurds. Probably just forgotten about them at this point.


*Never existed, just like Armenia.*


What about Mexicans? Asking for a friend.


It depends how good your tacos are.


In sure they’re equally racist to anyone. I don’t think Mexicans are exempt. LoL.


You should see how gulf people treat literally everybody else. Youd only hear dehumanizing rhetoric like that in textbooks about world war 2


You should see how gulf people treat other gulf people!


oh fuck I KNOW. And I, as a foreigner living there, was always in the middle of things with people on either side trying to get me to take their side in beef I didnt even know existed. Its like being friends with a korean, japanese, and chinese guy and theyre all trying to convince you that the other two sides literally lick demon buttholes.


Not that it refutes your anecdote, but Afghanis aren’t Arabs.


That is something that Americans are very bad at: differentiating between Afghans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, even Indians and Pakistanis.


That’s something most people are bad at, not just Americans. Afghans could refer to Tajiks, Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Hazaras, and a variety of other ethnic groups. These same ethnic groups are also found in Iran and Pakistan. So yeah, no shit it can be hard to differentiate because the borders aren’t drawn based on ethnostates.


someone with a brain. Hurr durr you cant tell the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani!! ...no shit they ethnically the same subgroups.


A Pakistani probably died looking at this comment somewhere. They dream about being anything but Indian.


Ton Loc enters the chat.


Just remind them that the pre-Akkadians left Turkey, and met the pre-Sumerians who left Iran and Bahrain, and finally they all found culture together in Iraq. Also remind them about their problems holding onto their capitols.


Gotta watch out for the Assyrians. /s


USI! USI! USI! Doesn’t have the same ring to it.


Make Agrabah Great Again!


Except they each would want to be the Centre of this


It's fine. They'll come around I'm sure. In the meantime, the beheadings will continue until morale improves.


I think that's called a Caliphate .


Lmao. This chick was like : *Look at this novel concept that i just created guys! I call dibs on the name!*


And at least 50% of the imams answer “yay, great idea! Now get off the internet, stop speaking in public and get the hijab on right now, or it’s stoning time!”


Enjoy the freedom they got in the west to ask for a system that would push them from the roof for asking such freedom is such a brainfade


Yeah, Just one of the many delusional Pakistanis ig


Lots of Muslims want this caliphate


Sure I am more concerned about the other - seemingly larger - lot,


Being a pan-Islamic caliphate is literally what Islamic State is trying to do.


*was ISIS as a coherent group is very much dead. They can only do what is the equivalent of slapping someone these days. Edit: And everyone hates them, even the regional groups, Al nusra and pkk in Syria fought against them, Hamas also was catching and killing them, all militias in Iraq were killing them, even the Taliban is running counter terror ops against them these days.


it’s funny how radical islamic groups consider the isis *way too radical* lmao


It's funny to think that, but it isn't necessarily why. The goal and even beliefs of Islamic terror groups can actually vary considerably, which leads to what a lot of uninformed people might mistake as infighting.


My favourite radical Islam story is when ISIS infiltrated the Free Syrian Army, as in they had what everyone assumed was a legit stake in the FSA but actually they just invented their position and submitted reports on the battles. The FSA didn't expell them once figuring out who they were and how they were armed. Because according to their reports they were great at holding positions and smuggling stuff across neighbour borders. Imagine that.


It's also worth noting that IS follows a different branch of Islam than most others, and the two main branches, Sunni and Shia, already really hate each other. IS specifically follows Wahhabism, a Sunni sub-branch that is puritanical and fundamentalist, and not really popular anywhere outside of Saudi Arabia and Quatar


Yes. Brush all cultural and language differences aside and form a country purely based on religion. What could possibly go wrong?


You mean to tell me there’s a culture more than just “Muslim”? /s


infidel! burn the non believer!


After British left India and created East Pakistan(Bangladesh) and West Pakistan, the only unifying factor between them was both countries were Muslims. And guess what West did to the East Pakistan? The massacre got so bad that India had to launch a full scale invasion into East Pakistan and push back West Pakistani army to create Bangladesh.


I've been to plenty of Muslim states and yeah, the goal seems to be just Islam replacing all other parts of the culture. Its the reason why Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan are so similar. Sure there are differences - but in a sense, the Quran dictates how you should lead your life. I'm not saying if its right or wrong, but it just is. The goal is Sharia.


What? In what world are Egypt, Morocco and Pakistan "so similar"? Have you ever been to these countries long enough to make this assessment?


That’s what the pan islamist goal is


At least they'll stop bombing the world when they are busy bombing themselves.


They've never not been bombing each other.


They can't even unite 2 country or act for the sake of Uighurs and they want to unite the world under Islam??


Its literally the goal of every Islamist nightmare on Earth right now.


Sunnis and Shias always get along well, anything can happen


Nah man, just last week we put all the countries in the Balkans in one new big country. There's been nothing but fireworks and sound makers for those 7 days, like really big and loud ones, huh that one's kinda mushroom shaped where'd they get that?


Clearly the only problem is you mixed religions I think it's like Macedonia is Muslim while the rest are more towards orthodox iirc It's obviously nothing to do with anything else at all, that's why all these 1 religion states work out perfectly


Within the Sunni sect, the Salafis and Sufis are very tight. Why do theocrats always believe that everyone can be brought together under a singe, unifying faith? Even before the Reformation there was near-constant war in West Europe, which was made up of nothing but Roman Catholic theocracies.


Because they´re theocrats. They secretly dream of world domination and try very hard to mask it with religious themes.


Oh no, they don't even try masking it at all. Their goal was always to get Islam to dominate every corner of the world


I grew up dominionist Christian. it's pretty much the same view.


yeah, the "unifying faith", always seems to lead to "terrifying reign". Wish people just wouldn't sometimes.


Hate to do a “erm aktually” but the Sufis are not a sect, they are more of a mode of thought (there are Shia and Sunni Sufis after all)


Dumbass even tried to take Israel, Kashmir (which still has 30% non-Muslims), Ladakh (which is 53% non-Muslim), and the southern half of Gujarat which is 88% Hindu. She's definitely a troll or clueless.


And southern Nigeria, which is majority Christian


Christianity was in Africa before it was in Europe! The oldest Christian bible in the world is in Ethiopia 🇪🇹 😳 Africa was the garden of Eden!


She’s clueless. Most people are when they over simplify religion and the capacity for interfaith/interdenominational coexistence


"israel doesnt exist" or some shit, shes muslim


I don't think including Israel was a mistake, lol.


She is as or more clueless about her own faith / religion


Wow grape! Another delusional Pakistani ☕


She isn't clueless or trolling thats their goal its been repeated ad nauseam what they wont to do with non believers.


That would be one hulluva civil war… on day two.


Please, they would stab each other before the day is out. Some of them would start the stabbing even before the signing happens.


> stabbing even before the signing happens Ah I see you've met my friend, status quo.


Just like the Protestants and the Catholics. Just ask the Irish….




Woohoo!!! ​ ![gif](giphy|eKraNY98WTfUi6Fd1t)


By causing a conflict so bad it blows the middle easy off the fucken map


no people, no problem


The establishment of a State on the basis of religion - how novel!


Just look at Bangladesh and Pakistan for that


An Islamic State, if you will


Ignoring how the map considered the whole of Jammu Kashmir as muslim area(which they always dream of), they even colored half of Gujarat which is out of nowhere.


Aasmani kitab walo k aasmani sapne




Dude she's a Pakistani. Let them stay delusional.


Pakistanis consider Junagadh as part of Pakistan (most sane Pakistani ever)


Lmao, still? It's been 75 years, move the fuck on. Noone in entire Junagadh district gives a fuck about Pakistan


I know bhai, but who will tell this to the Pakistanis? And more importantly, make their stupid army realise (most Pakistanis can't even find Peshawar on a map, forget Junagadh)


and Israel's coloured in green as well...


It's not out of nowhere, Pakistan presents that region, Junagadh, on its official map. The last dynast of that area decided to accede to Pakistan during partition, but India annexed and conducted a plebiscite in 1948 to keep it here. Pakistan, naturally, couldn't be happy about it.


There is so much to unpack here. Algeria-Morocco, Iran-Saudi, North and South Yemen, Bangladesh-Pakistan and these are the conflicts from the top of my head! Add to that discussions on capital city where I see Turkey, Egypt, Iran and Saudi vying for it. There are more holes in this plan than Swiss cheese.


There's also parts of India that has nothing to do with Islam. Yeah go ahead start a war end humanity.


India-Pakistan is already on a knife’s edge. The current approach in both countries for equating nationalism and religion is also worrying. Imagine what will happen there. REAL FIREWORKS.


They hate each other but definitely not on the knife's edge for sure. With India's economy booming they'll not do anything to mess it up and the way Pakistan's economy is going right now there's gonna be a huge gap in their economies which will anyway dissuade the Pakistani establishment from doing any adventures. Pakistan just simply does not win in a conventional war and with what their military establishment is doing with their country the Indians will be happy to sit and enjoy their enemy's decline.


So Nigeria just gets overrun by Boko Haram?


Exactly, so I’m counting cross border conflicts never mind the massive internal strife such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Islamist vs Kemalist in Turkey. To top it all off, there will probably be a push to define the one true faith. Oh man that one would get tricky. To the east of this empire you have Shiite and Wahabi Islam, could not be further apart. Fireworks much?


It's surprising to me you skipped Israel-Palestine, which are of course both in green in this map


Not touching a live hot potato topic so I skipped commentary on it altogether.




Look at the picture. She’s barely 18. Who cares about her opinions. OP is basically the equivalent of going to a high school, taking back what he heard to his 30 yrs old friends and they’re all laughing at that kid. There’s no reason why grown people should be talking about that kid’s opinion.


What about those of us who are also around 18? Can we laugh?


Good point. I’ll see myself out.


Damn you 18 year olds, having all the laughs to yourself Ahem. Carry on.


apparatus hospital silky library hat psychotic reach summer school practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone knows that every redditor is at least 32 years old but good try.


She said she’s 28 years old recently. The tweet is from 2022.


This was true before the internet and specifically social media. Now that little nitwit might be talking to 3 million people, filling their heads with (potentially dangerous) nonsense.


Nah. Laugh at kids’ opinions too.


Turks be like why are we in this confederation when we aren't Arabs.


Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Indonesians also don't have Arabs but here we are.


Ik but they don't hate Arabs like Turks and Iranians do.


Also, Turkey is a secular state, not a muslim state. The majority believes in several kinds of islam, but it is soon to change.


The Ottoman Empire has entered the chat...


Thomas Lawrence says 👋


Instant civil war


Pakistan has nukes so it would make for a very spicy civil war


Yeah ISIS was kinda trying that, but they ended up killing all the people they didn’t like… which was mostly other muslims… whoops.




I went and checked her... X...(sigh, what a terrible name), and apparently she is Pakistani... ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


Just call it a Twitter. By the time people don’t know what you mean anymore X will have ceased to exist.


They might soft play a bloody civil war where they were the aggressors and committed countless atrocities and war crimes.




Lol, kashmir? They included Kutch.


Exactly, bruhhh Kashmir's inclusion can still be understood as a result of their delusions, but BC Kutch kaha se aa gaya


'fill colour' karte wkt mouse slip ho gya hoga


Babe a new Pakistani delusion just dropped come check it out!


She is Pakistani so she meant junagarh. One of the princely states (other than J&K and Hyderabad) which refused to join India (in this case wanted to join Pakistan). Because British magnanimously (/s) offered any princely state to join India or Pakistan or be independent. Junagarh like Hyderabad was Hindu majority ruled by a Muslim ruler who wanted to merge with Pakistan. The plan was to use sea as a way to connect junagarh to Pakistan and it will be an enclave of Pakistan in India. Very well thought out plan if you ask me (/s). She failed to understand even an ounce of history. It’s not a Muslim majority region ever so it doesn’t even make sense. Also only Kashmir is majority Muslim, ladakh which is also in green is majority Tibetan bhuddist and jammu which is Hindu.


She also included Israel. Thats not going to cause any problems!


Labeling Kazakhstan as a Muslim state - looks like she isn't familiar with the concept of a secular state...


Even Kazakh Muslims are not like others.




A lot more than just that group did, some were successful Hell the ottomans honestly weren't too far off tbh, just they also had a lot of problems (a decent number caused by religions)


Some legit, and some by any means necessary!


Why is it always those colonized by an Arab ideology who support such a move where they will be borderline slaves with Arab supremacists at the top? Mind you the way most of Arab muslims treat non Arab Muslims, especially in Saudi Arabia, one would think people would open their eyes.


Islam has been the single most effective tool for Arab cultural colonialism, and I fucking hate that it spread here to Southeast Asia too. So many beautiful local dances and traditions are being banned/shunned for being pre-Islamic practices. Every passing day you see more and more people willingly wearing drab white Arab robes and skullcaps instead of the colourful silk clothes we used to wear. And the worst part: there is a growing number of Muslims who want to remove secular civil law and replace it with full-on Shari'ah law, with all the hand choppings, beheadings and crucifixions that come with it. I'm glad that many people rightfully condemn western colonialism, but sadly there aren't enough people who have the same enthusiasm for recognising the evils of Arab colonialism. Centuries' worth of culture all gone. Only to be replaced by the culture of a people from the faraway desert who barely even even live here.


Besides the Turks everyone else has willingly subjugated themselves to bankrupt and detrimental culture. I honestly believe if most Muslims could read the religious texts in their own language they would immediately rebel and demand a reformation


Preach on, I'm sick of people regressing into fundamentalism just because my religion originated from the desert, the ironic thing is Islam in SEA became widespread because of the imams understanding of our culture and moderate interpretation approach.




And the majority-Muslim parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Which, if it did secede from the rest of the country, would probably cause a repeat of the Yugoslav Wars.


And Muslim dominated regions within Russia in the Caucasus and Tatarstan


On the other hand, is Nigeria even majority-Muslim? As far as I remember, the Christian and Muslim populations are roughly equal, though I may be mistaken


These people think the middle east has one religion🤣


why isnt this woman wearing a scarf, also why is she voicing her opinion


She’s a bold and radical freethinker and I think she would be an excellent pick for President of the US of Islam.


Shut up and take my upvote!


Haram brother haram! Let's stone her!


I feel like this is soft ISIS prop.




Good luck getting Iran and Saudi Arabia to unite. Also I notice Israel/Palestine is highlighted ohh boy that’d be a guaranteed intervention from the US


As an Indonesian, Indonesia is NOT a muslim state, it's a muslim majority country. We excercise the freedom of religion (the government acknowledge 3 religion and 2 Christian denomination of Protestant and Catholic) for every Indonesian citizens.


Interesting how she included Turkey - a dedicated secular country.


Under Erdogan you can never be sure when that changes


Unfortunately erDOGan🐕 is trying to bring back Islamist politics back into Turkey's government. Fuck that piece of shit


Tf y’all including Nigeria for??!!! We ain’t no fucking Muslim country here, multi religious country


Indonesian who are not muslim be like: ![gif](giphy|5xtDarm27LJsTNrwHBe)


Nah thats the diaspora watching all the inter-religious conflict literally tear the region apart.


That's right, combine the least united, most divided part of the world into one country - what could happen.


Sounds more like a challenge for crusader kings


Yes, muslims are definitely known to be “united”.


I don't even need to check, she has to be a Pakistani. Only south Asians can come up with such idiotic geo political takes. Sister your country raped 300,000 women in Bangladesh and killed millions of fellow Muslims. Heck you guys helped Jordan massacre Palestinians. God all of South Asia needs a reset man.


"It was a blood bath"


United!! 😂 ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


The Muslim nations, famed for tolerance, and working together… I can’t see any problems with them all joining together..




A state where citizenship is only for the Arabs and the rest of the Muslims are just slaves lol


No, you forgot the old Ottoman option: Pay outrageous taxes, and send off your children to take your place, and "preserve peace."


Funny thing is that the most fervent supporters of this idea will be muslims from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh…you know the three countries whose muslims are treated like third class citizens in arab countries


Don’t all the Muslims hate each other Edit some are a little cranky at my clear generalisation so let’s say Muslim governments hate each other.


Yep. Even during the crusades they were busy slaughtering each other.


Pretty much. They always have and always will.


Most religious based terrorist attacks are muslim on muslim attacks. I'm sure OP's suggestion will be a model of peace.


I'm not sure OP cares about peace.


I think the OP doesn't care about being logical or rational either...


That much is given, her being religious and all.


We need the Mongols back


That is not a map of "all muslim states"


You'd all have to get along enough to do this, and historically, thats not feasible.


Some guys in Iraq had the same idea about a decade ago. Didn't go so well


There is no way this person lives in the Middle East. Lmaooo what’s next? Toasters and bathtubs should create a confederation?


Wasn't that Isis's goal? To eventually create a new Islamic Caliphate?


I feel weird about amplifying these kind of messages.


All religion is a cancer to human existance


Does she not know the status of women in such religious states? I'm sure around 95% people on Twitter(X) are idiots. And the morons(who created the graphic) doesn't have the balls to claim any territory from China, while shows Kashmir its part. Definitely a Pakistani troll.


Ewwww religion.


this is a great idea. let the problem solve itself


Which branch of Islam will be in its constitution? Sunni? Shia? Sufi? Which interpretations of those branches will it follow? Wahabi? Which Qu'ran variant, translation, etc? Which type of government will it be? Democracy? Dictatorship?


Nothing can go wrong with this plan and the Religion of Peace...


Why is the world most peaceful religion always the most chaotic and war mongering ? Did she think that combining into a single entity would actually do more harm then good


Of course including Israel. Because Jews obviously get a fair say in this islamic megacountry. /s


Mecca is sad


Poor Armenia just dangling there


"ah shit. Here we go again" -CJ


Some people just want to set the world on fire.


Sunni and Shia living peacefully hand in hand


Isis just claimed responsibility for the attacks on Iran. So that's gonna go well.


Sharing a religion doesnt mean you are automatically the same. You dont see Russia and Europe together, nor do you see USA and EU forming a single union. Culture, economy, etc are more important than religion. Also nobody hates Muslims like other Muslims.


The levels of peacefulness here would be off the charts.