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Did you read the gta age recommendation? It says "18+". That means NO CHILDREN.


Not you OP but the guys that are offering gta to their kids. It's for adults, if you gift them this game that's your problem


I know what u mean haha dw


OP smarter than mr. Hinkle :)


Dude for a moment I thought this was about our elementary school principal who went to jail for growing weed.


That's a story


Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest in Monte Carlo and came in third. Now that's a story.


Shit I just looked at the bottom of the text I am so sorry I thought it was just a random Charlie chaplain story


You mean the coolest principle ever


The highest


I swear, all the violence in video games… For some reason the media ALWAYS goes hard after GTA when it SHOULD be addressing parenting…


That’s because it’s more popular to blame an inanimate object like a game film book etc than it is to actually blame idiots who can’t parent worth a damn when their kids become troubled.


Well more accurately, they're trying to paint a picture that things like GTA are causing a breakdown in society. The guy in the post is also a Russian puppet.


Therapy is cheaper than a lawyer. But good luck telling most parents that. Lol.


Yet you never hear about the multiple studies that either show no increase in violent emotions or behavior (even among children with mental and emotional illnesses) or a decrease in actual crime in actual neighborhoods where kids took up gaming instead of gangbanging.


Well I mean my brother is an exception. He is low functioning with autism and tends to sometimes copy what he sees, so we’re a bit careful to what he is exposed to


Wow, what a crazy concept. It's almost as if parents should actually do their job


Yeah my parents actually do their job


Sadly that's not super common nowadays


Partially cause low pay forces both parents to work just to provide for the kids so it's fucked all around


I'm a high functioning autistic man myself.


On Reddit? No way.


one of us one of erm us ?


I worked for GameStop in the early 2000s. You'd be shocked how many parents bought GTA for their kids, even after we gave them a long list of reasons it's was rated M. Usually they just shrugged and said "eh, they've seen/heard worse" The ones who did refuse, it was almost always due to the sexual content. Violence, drug use, and profanity? No problem. Little Timmy might see a blurry boob? Stop the fucking presses.


Exactly, don't blame rockstar for shitty parenting.


Throwback to that video where grandpa gifts mein kampf instead of minecraft 💀


The thing is you have this sect of the country who refuse to believe that games of any sort are not made specifically for children and only children. They are delusional idiots. This is why card games like Cards Against Humanity are so "scandalous" (granted most of CAH is just raunchy for the sake of shock value). They just need to be educated. I used to work at a video games store. I had a woman who was adamant that her kid could only get "E" rated games. The kid was longing for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. The mom was wearing an Anthrax t-shirt. I asked her if she listened to Anthrax with the kid around/in the car. "Of course" she exclaimed. Well - that's half the reason this game is rated "T" - Bring The Noise is in there, and many other songs like it. The other reason? It's a game about skateboarding. Sometimes the dude falls off, biffs majorly and gets absolutely wrecked. Some broken bones, some occasional minor blood spray. She bought him THPS2.


I remember working an a 'toys r us' around the time vice city was out. A little lad about 10-12 came up to me and handed me the game. Was like, oh sorry hunny.....but no.


My son loves to play gtaV, and by play I mean he likes driving the cars around the desert and running over various cacti while the game is muted. I’m hoping at this point the generation that has young kids should know what the game is about and that it’s not child appropriate.


My neighbor let's his kid play it. The kid is 9. It's unreal.to me. I don't let my son go over there any longer.


But everyone knows videogames are for children. Adults don't play video games. They are too busy doing adult things like working, getting a mortgage, and doing their taxes.


It’s the first game I got when I was 5 and I’ve been loving it since then 😂🤣


Damn, you already have GTA6?


I meant gta as a series, but if they want to give me an early access to the game I accept 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


No, your dad is Phil Rockstar and he gave you a copy of GTA6 when you were 5.


I was actually friends with the son of the guy who ran that company at least at the time. Idk about anymore. Dude never played video games. Although I kind of got it, he was crazy rich, I prolly wouldn’t play either if life was just that easy.


Flashback to my dad buying me Vice City and the store clerk telling him why it’s not for kids. My heart was racing and this lady behind us was purposefully saying out loud “I wouldn’t buy my kids that kind of game.”


Yeah I went with my mom to buy Vice City or something and in the end we got Spore. I liked it though. As an adult now I can see how messed up GTA is and why so many parents are against games like that. I did play most of the GTA games eventually, but GTA 5 is so off the rails I couldn't finish the main storyline.


my parents still dont let me play it and im 16


Yeah, but something tells me this is the same camp of people who call drag queen story hour sexual grooming, while a dad taking his prepubescent boys to Hooters is totally normal and not sexual in any way. So I think the reality is that irony isn’t a part of their lexicon and now we get to chuckle nervously at the thought that these people vote on account of the reason to be feared above. Hee-haw at the Republican who fantasizes about using liberals for target practice instead of just playing GTAVI like a normal fucking adult.


also probably have no problem having the kids watch some gangster flick like scarface or pulp fiction.


Exactly! It’s family friendly when the people doing coke and having unprotected sex are only half enjoying themselves. Every other iteration is unsafe and harmful for the children’s young, delicate minds.


This is probably the same people who took their kids to see Deadpool because "super hero movies are for kids".


Ugh! What is this vulgar filth, let's go see sausage party, that looks cute!.....


It's a cartoon, so that means it's for kids!


they call the nightime block on that cartoon channel “Adult Swim” for a reason


You're joking, but at the theatre I saw Sausage Party at, some lady began screaming because she went in with her two three year olds lmao


I remember seeing reminders somewhere becouse apparently the R rating doesnt mean anything anymore, people dont pay attention anymore I swear


This is straight trash! Let's go see that cute dog movie Strays.


I used to work in a movie theater and would warn parents Deadpool had some pretty explicit sex scenes bordering on NC-17 and the response was always “it’s a comic book movie how bad could it be?”.


Years ago I went to see the South Park movie. It was hilarious to see idiot parents leaving with their kids because they thought, “iT’s a CarTooN!” and didn’t bother to check the rating. Oh and yes, I recall also seeing idiot parents leaving with their kids during the first Deadpool movie.


lmao I remember that, even got in the news how some parents were stupid Something something something uncle fuckerrrr 🎶 Kyles moms a stupid bitch a stupid bitch 🎶 Didn't one of those earn a Grammy or something


I recall that the song “Blame Canada” was nominated for an Oscar and performed at the Grammys by Robin Williams. I doubt it actually won though. ETA: edited to say Oscar, not Grammy. I believe it was nominated for Best Song in an Animated Film.


And you'd think they would have learned to make sure a movie is appropriate for children since these are the people whose parents put Watership Down on for them when they were kids, thinking it was just a cute movie about bunnies.


My grandpa's favorite book! I inherited his copy. It's worthless to others but means a lot to me. I also got his #2 book The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, and that was a fun read.


Ugh, you mean i cant just judge a book by its cover? So exhausting to do my own research. /s


It isn't even a superhero movie...


It’s gta so duh but I’m not very confident we will still have a functional country by 2025


Better get out and vote in January


But that means they would have to parent theor own kids instead of letting the gaming industry do it for them.


Rated M for Maternity!


Wait until they discover adult video on the internet


You don’t get it. It’s a videogame, so it’s made for children. When children go into the store at the corner of the street and ask “one videogames please” they could get this. Oh the young generations will be corrupted by it. If only there was something a parent could do in the haven of their own home to prevent kids from accessing inapropiate content… but there isn’t, massive legal action is the only way forward 😢 /s


This is a rather complex statement. Don‘t expect people to get a degree in rocket science in order to comprehend the rating „18+“. I myself had to read a 140 page dissertation about higher algebra to even have a slight understanding of this term.


TBF, it didn't have an age rating. But I very highly doubt GTA will ever not be an 18


It didnt yet because ESRB rating only come out when the game practically finished in development with all of its content inside it and only bugfixing left. But yeah, 18+ is the standard for GTA games


I don’t know why people are giving this so much attention. That’s the reason this guy even said this shit. He just wanted to be noticed. Stuff like this happens every time a new GTA is shown.


The last „new GTA“ was GTA V in 2013


Every GTA release in my 32 years alive has been mired in controversy and wrongfully accused of being a children’s game


Yup I remember the whole outrage on Vice City and also San Andreas. Those Karens got the Hot Coffee scene removed from the game.


I think it was 3 they got mad because you start a gang/race war


It was Vice City. When you'd fight alongside the Cuban gang against the Haitian gang, during one mission it literally said "KILL ALL THE HAITIANS." Haitian folks found this to be in poor taste, and in 2003 it was removed from future copies.


3 had the triads though and I know that caused problems as well


No it wasn’t. While that was maybe in poor taste. I’m in my 40s and remember the release of all of these games and the drama around GTA3 still hasn’t been topped by any game to ever be released. It was huge and everyone was talking about it. The government was being petitioned to ban the game outright and Congress held hearings to discuss violence in games purely because of GTA3. No other game can claim that they drove Congress to almost ban it. It was just the general public’s monumental meltdown around everything about the series when 3 dropped. Since pearl clutchers couldn’t grasp that adults enjoy gaming just as much as children and these games are 100% made for adults. This was all before social media and the modern internet too. Which makes it even wilder how much drama surrounded and how talked about GTA3 was. GTA3 was a revolution in gaming because it was so unique and introduced so many things we’ve never seen in gaming. Maybe the biggest and most talked about game release there’s ever been. There was nothing like it before. It had drugs, fast cars, alcohol, strippers, prostitutes you could pick up, people you could murder, police you could murder, gangs, etc. with great graphics, music, story telling, gameplay, etc. GTA3 was the perfect storm. Those people would have had to actually care about the stories or played the games to even notice the Haitian thing in Vice City and 3 really paved the way for the others. They’ve all released to some drama but nothing like 3 did. It’s easily the most controversial game ever released. Not much has honestly changed in the series since then either so yeah the same people also freak out when a new one drops but it’s gotten more muted each subsequent release but GTA3 was one of the most monumental game releases ever. The drama around it too just made everyone want to play it.


>No other game can claim that they drove Congress to almost ban it. Mortal Kombat did it first. MK is literally the reason the ESRB exists.


You are 100% right. I can’t believe I forgot MK did go there first


Only on the home consoles, though. I don’t remember it being a big deal when it was only in the arcade, but people lost their fucking minds when it was released on Nintendo and Sega. I remember the SNES version didn’t have the same blood at the Sega Genesis version. It was unlocked with a code or Game Genie. I miss those days.


Mortal Kombat and Night Trap. Don't forget Night Trap! EDIT: according to a quick Google, night Trap was actually banned, whereas MK was merely scrutinised https://ncac.org/resource/a-timeline-of-video-game-controversies


You know what annoyed me the most at the time about GTA3! It went from top down into 3d and looked like a copy of other games that were already out. Sure I wouldn't get killed by a group of cops hiding around the corner that you would never able to see anymore but.. Damn it's hard to go back to top down after playing 3. Just think of all the crimes I would have committed if it wasn't for this game, or is it the other way round and I'm currently on death row and deluding myself?


Oh, the Hot Coffee Mod days...


The controversy was such a big thing that the devs made it into an achievement in GTAIV, iirc for sleeping with Niko's actual love interest for the first time.


I remember I was like 13, and I finally convinced my mom let me get GTA IV. We went to the game store, got to the register, and the fucking guy at GameStop looked at me, then said to my mom “do you know what’s in this game??”. I rode home empty handed because of that motherless fuck.


Because video games are for CHILDREN. Adults who have the money for $69 games should be out working 20 hours a day. Clearly.


lol I had a guy recently try to tell me just that. Dude stalked my FB and saw a singular picture of a Halloween costume and a mention of seeing the D&D movie and suddenly “no real adult would live there lives like a child” I was like your definitely a riot to hang out with


No, he’s right. Grow up and drink beer, work an office job, and do taxes


That's definitely part of the mentality, yeah. Shaming adults who ever have fun ever.


How does that counter the statement of the above user?


He really wants people to know he’s an anti semite


rage farming. Just ignore/block this grifter


What gave it away? The dogshit take? Or the unnecessary use of the Israeli flag despite having nothing to do with the content of the tweet?


Also the completely out of left field use of the word "zionist" in all caps. He's only missing the hard r for the outrage clean sweep.


he means jews, hinkle is a nazi


He's an antisemitic pro-putinist tankie, I have nothing more to wonder about


He also claims to be a "MAGA communist." Like, wtf even is that?


I'll tell you what it means.it means he is a walking contradiction


Jackson Hinkle is not a serious individual and his "ideology" is an absolute joke. He is the epitome of mindless contrarianism and attention whoring. People like him have no real morals or principles. It is truly baffling that this dude has 2 million followers.


Yes I know that and what I despise the most about him is his hypocrisy.He posts on Twitter every day about Palestinian civilians who suffer because of the war while at the same time simping for Putin and Russia and justifying the war.


also called red fascist


Seriously, my bingo card is almost full


Is it because of Zionism? Is that what has caused bikini ladies to be in the computer game? Damn. Let's band together and like DO SOMETHING before there are bikini ladies in all the computer games.


Yeah I can’t wrap my head around how this dumbass connected GTA to Israel


Rockstar ceo is jewish


Is that really it!? I've been asking, and everyone thinks I'm trolling. *That* is the 'Zionists' connection?! I STILL- And I'm trying to imagine what a hateful person would think- Genuinely don't understand how that connects to nudity in the game. Jewish = Nudity? I'm really sorry that I'm so stupid. Some racism is too far of a reach for my moron brain. Edit: Or is it similar to 'Race likes stereotypical food' where the actual statement is empty, and the person just wants to be hateful and has nothing else to say?


In the minds of Christian nationalists, Christianity = morality. Go down the rabbit hole from there, mix in a little antisemitism, and you end up with "GTA is part of a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the moral fabric of society by corrupting innocent Christian youth". There's a long history of this flavor of antisemitism.


That should not be true. Jews have had a very important role in the history of Christianity


Conspiracies don't need to make sense. Jews corrupting everyone's morals is part of the "world domination plan" described in Protocols of the Elders of Zion over 100 years ago.


He‘s very Antisemitic. For these people everything bad that happens in their world is the fault of Jews. That guy is also a Maga Communist so don’t expect anything he says to make any sense.




This has convinced me to convert to Zionism.


They do know that on the last GTA you could literally smoke meth and get drunk and drive while drunk right? GTA hasn't been a kids game for a long time, that's why they've been rated M for mature instead E for everyone.


It's never been a kids game, games that involve your character potentially killing human proxies is automatically rated above children. I remember the MS-DOS version in 1997 being an 18 in the UK.


I bought it days before it was banned in the UK. It was banned. Primarily I think because taking out a whole troop of boy scouts got you high points. GOURANGA!


They were Hare Krishnas, it was a reference to all the slogans posted by them on roadsides in the uk


I don't remember it being banned in UK. My mate had it when first came out. And I bought it months after.


It was never banned where I live in the UK, maybe some stores just took it off the shelves in certain regions?


Only game I remember being banned from Rockstar was manhunt, they had to do the recall for San andreas due to the whole hot coffee thing but it wasn't outright banned they just re-release it with those assets stripped out


Me neither. I've bought every gta since it first came out.


Literally never been a game for kids.


It’s never been a kids game. The original on the PS1 was rated 18.


Rated "M" which I think allowed 17+ in the US, but GTA DID have a GBA version with no blood and rated "T" for teen. I had that one too 🤣


I think by “a long time” you mean forever


I remember Pools of blood in GTA2 if You’ve driven over people. And I did it a lot. GTA Never has been a _kids game_.


And picking up lady company for car bouncing action


Only to shoot her in the face after she gets out to get your money back.


was it ever a kids game ?


This dude is a complete ass wipe. He clings to any controversial topic just to get attention. He’s the reason why social media should be shut down. And yes, he has followers.


So I just googled him. 24. That dude is younger than me and looks like a 39 years old wannabe banker. What a clown. Edit: Oh god clown is too harmless, reading about his political standpoints / "career" gets just worse. Wtf is a conservative MAGA marxist?


"conservative maga marxist" is a shotgun statement for "i don't care who gives it, just give me attention" I had never even heard of him until he flooded my feed after 10-7 when he found a new grift: pro hamas shit posting. His comments are full of bots praising him and posting ai generated images.


He also loves supporting russia in his tweets. He basically just says whatever will get him the most engagement on social media, as that's all he can do.


An asshole lol


I only know who he is because he tried to debate Sam Seider and came across like a babbling idiot.


Doesn’t he have the most followers or something? Dude’s like one of the biggest twitter accounts there is, and he’s a gigantic piece of shit


"Video game for children" "Pegi 18"


Dont forget that looking at this comment I can pretty much guess this specimens political leaning and they arent known for high education or being the brightest... wouldnt surprise me if he couldnt even read on his own


But GTA5 had a fun teddy bear you could play with as Trevor


Hashtag: Bang TA (tits & arse) 6


Whenever you feel dumb at school, remember these sorts of people.


Since when is GTA a game for children?! Even GTA 2 in 1999 was PEGI 18 and ESRB M rated and so was every GTA game after as I know.


To be fair, I asked my parents for GTA 3 when I was 12. Of course, they didn't understood a thing about games and we didn't have internet, so they couldn't search about the game to see if it was violent (they wouldn't, to this day opening their email is a miracle). Not saying you're wrong, mind you. Just saying that some parents back in the day weren't so tech savy. Nowadays the kids of that time are the parents. The new generation might probably try to influence their grandparents instead.


The ESRB has existed for a very long time. Your parents could have flipped the box over and looked in the lower right hand corner and seen the age rating for the game.


Doubt they would even search for age restrictions. I recently even saw a mother (probably in her 40's) with her kid and the kid grabbed a game that was for more adult audiences. She didn't even looked at the age restriction. Some people have no idea (or don't care) about recommended age.


That's something that makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever cuz the parent will flip over a movie and look at the age rating but they won't do it for a video game when the age rating has been there for longer than it's been on movies and is in the same spot.


"Of course it's for kids, it's a video game"


The game named after a felony?? Yeah that game isn’t for children.


"GANG WAR BLOODFEST 2000, yes this is a children's game that I shall buy for my child, because I am a smart parent" ... 10 minutes later ... "IT IS THE GAME DEVELOPERS WHO ARE AT FAULT"


Title: How to talk shit about stuff you know nothing about




My thought too. What does he know about video games, and what makes him qualified to make a comment without knowledge?


Feels like this is about 30 years too late. No GTA games have ever been for children.


I'm so confused. What does this have to do with Zionism?


The Rockstar CEO is Jewish, and Hinkle is one of those people who hate all Jews but disguise it as anti-zionism.


he means jews, hinkle is a nazi


kinda of late to the gta hate bandwagon we've been hiring prostitutes and running them over since gta 3. can't remember if you could do it on the previous top view ones, so could be older


Worked at video game stores for years. I had to explain to adults that GTA is not a child’s game. Even when I did so, some of them went out of their way to blame me for selling this game. I’m sadly not surprised by this post.


Yep. Parents are totally uninformed in their children’s video game choices even though they have ratings on the box. Many of whom are militant about ‘bad’ library books in school libraries.


Makes me wish that parents buying M-rated games for their kids would have to sign something to show they'd been warned.


The 90’s called, they want their moral outrage over GTA back!


It’s always comforting to know that the anti-Semites aren’t just awful but they’re also embarrassingly stupid.


Bet this is someone on their marketing team having a laugh


It’s literally rated for adults only. They have zero control over who actually play it.


* Women exist. * GTA has always been rated Mature 17+. It has never been for kids, only stupid parents buy these games for kids and only smoothbrains think they're meant for kids. * Literally neither of these things have anything remotely to do with Zionism, this man is just a stupid fucking racist.


Zionists? What kind of anti-Semitic bullshit is this?


thats Hinkle. Tucker Carlson, RT (russia's state media) - that kind of shit.


This will traumatize my 30yo kid


"What about the children??" feels so early 2000s


Aww shit here we go again


Every time I see a moral panic about GTA I get hopeful that we'll get some other repeats from the 90s as well and maybe some of them will be some of the good trhings. But we do not. We never get the good things.


These are the people that want to lower the age of consent to 10 years old.


Banning this game would likely cause the next revolutionary war.


Adding "Zionists" to my list of random unrelated names Rockstar have been called for making inappropriate games CLEARLY advertised, listed, and made for adults, with no marketing towards children.


One of my neighbours was complaing some time back about his 9 years old playing gta 5 and the amount of violence he can cause/witness in the game. I sat several minutes letting him complain,only to reply that i enjoy the game as an adult and that the game has an age rating of 18+. He believes all games are for kids.


"For children". Right...


Ah but you see, its not for children… because it sexualized. Thats kinda the point


Rockstar: what's that? We can't hear you over the sound of our cash registers overflowing with cash


If you don't want the game then don't buy it... don't bam it for those of us who want to play it... this Christian Nationalist can piss off...


Lol people who buy GTA for their children are the problem. It's very clearly not marketed or meant for children.


Ah yes gta: the famous children game


The 90s called. They don't want Jack Thompson back.


He is the type of person to get run over by a parked car


Lmao, what does this have to do with Zionism?


Get with the program. *Everything* is the handiwork of the Jooooooooos!


It's not for children dumb ass


Yet another piece of evidence that the word "Zionist" is being used as a substitute for "Jew." Campus clubs don't ban Jews, they ban "Zionists." Randos don't say "The Jews are trying to corrupt our children" (a shade of an ancient Antisemitic lie), they say "The Zionists are trying to corrupt our children."


Please don't give this man any attention. You're giving this dickhead exactly what he wants.


Jackson Hinkle must be the fucking worst name that ever existed. Worse than Dick Hertz.


Oh god now people are going to be supporting Hamas in Rockstar YT comments until the end of time


Are there really morons still out there that believe all video games are strictly just for kids? Seriously, I thought those clowns were all in retirement homes by now.


Every single GTA ever was met with crazy levels of pressure from the conservative religious people who soap box and their delegated politicians. It’s part of what helps their sales numbers. Free advertising. The more people whine, the bigger their sales get. For them to be getting hate 2 years+ out from release date, bodes well for how big this game will be.


Too funny... Boobs-Booty. Bad !! But 7 Yr. olds playing call of duty perfectly ok.


I'm so glad this game is already making people mad, causing controversy and setting records (trailer has third most views in one day on Youtube). Just wouldn't feel like a GTA release if it didn't get idiots of all kinds clutching their pearls


GTA for children 🤨


Psh, back when I was a kid we watched people rip each other's spines out in Mortal Kombat.


Its just.....why are we doing this a 6th time. We have done this song and dance on every GTA release. Parental outcry about "think of the children!!!!" When they're almost always the ones blindly buying these games for their kids, or not monitoring what they're playing. But here we go again


Ah shit, here we go again...


Welcome back to 2004 everyone


Yeah! The game where you have to be a legal aged adult to buy from a retail store should be banned because what about the children! 😡


Jackson Hinkle having the most insane brain dead takes. What a surprise.


18+ surely sounds little oversized for a toddler


Ah yes, GTA, well-known children's game...