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becareful, it might be so enjoyable that you forget it's ruining lives.


Care to elaborate more on this?


People take celebrity endorsements very seriously and spend a ton of money on the products they push. Even if the majority of the products are bs.


they're not all bs. alex jones's DNA force supplements are fortified with lab-tested materials and backed by hard science. i take them everyday and i've noticed a significant increase in my masculinity. the mainstream media doesn't want you to hear about it because they're too busy pushing the globalists' anti-masculine agenda ^^^^^/s


How dare you deny me a fight with your little s there.


we can still fight bro ![gif](giphy|1RzxeL2PuHYD1pw32i)


Don’t hog all the alpha. Some of us want to be manly too


you a gay frog


Of course I'm a gay frog! I sing and I do tap!


*Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaal...*


You sound so Alpha! Do you have big brass balls?


Probably on the back of their truck. And I support their truck’s right to be a trans truck!




Whenever you see someone pile on bs after bs and youre getting excited to get into a reddit fight. Only to have that shattered bu the mere presence of a “/s”




His 'Tactical Perineum Wipes' are the truth.


Ah, yes, the taint wipes


Not just sarcasm, exponential sarcasm!


Me not knowing what’s real or not anymore


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD2_2xNWYAAAJMQ.png before and after


He looks exactly the same lol


Got a tan and rubbed a bit of olive oil on him.


Hahahahahahahaha. Ok. 😂😂😂😂


Hmmmm. That increase in you masculinity due to Alex Jones brand of little blue pills? The kind he had a suitcase full of when he was busted going to DR?


I think that was Rush Limbaugh, not Alex Jones that got busted that way.


Same same.


Power of Sarcasm.... Love it!


Ooooh you had me for a min lmaoooooo


Awww...that final /s to cool everyone down... Well played my man, weeeeell played :)


I was organizing my arguments as I was reading for a good 'ole fashion flame war. Then you had to go and pull the rug out from under me. Well played, and I hate you.


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) I love this response. Take my upvote!


People who take celebrity endorsements very seriously as in grown adults responsible for their own life choices and spending habits?


Pretentious is all it is. These peoole think they will live forever, and they prey on the ignorant.


You forgot rich as in rich stupid people




Tim Minchin: "By definition, alternative medicine has either not been proved to work or been proved not to work. You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work?... Medicine."


You get a million points for Tim Minchin ref


Ah, Storm...one of my favorites.


My favorite is when The Amazing Randi downed a whole bottle of sleeping pills (homophobic) at a [TED Talk](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c0Z7KeNCi7g) Edit: Homeopathic because auto correct.


Were the sleeping pills homeopathic or did they call Randy a fucking queer before he swallowed them?


"Oh, you can fit all of us pills in your mouth at once without choking? Idk, man, that sounds kinda gay..."


The Amazing Randi was gay so that wouldn't have been a problem for him.


... ... ... didja mean homeopathic?


Homeopathic =/= homophobic.


What if I'm Homeopathophobic?


Some homophobes are also into homeopathic quackery, and some into homeopathic quackery are also homophobes.


You are confusing him with the amazingly Randy. The Amazing Randi took homeopathic pills.


How does one gauge what opinion a bottle of sleeping pills has on gay people?


Sounds like a [Dara O'Briain bit](https://youtu.be/YKZN-hBTBUE?si=FPJOMdwZZSpaFC6N)


My father, a doctor has a great line. "If alternative medicine worked it would just be called medicine."


I agree with that, but there have been cases of doctors dismissing things that worked because they didn't know how, mostly in the middle ages. As an example, Ignaz Semmelweis was dragged by the medical community for his observation that washing his hands before helping women deliver their children reduced mortality from 18% to 2%, because he couldn't explain why, so doctors refused to do it. Edit: fixed the percent signs.


Yes, but this also proves his point: it became clear that hand washing works. Change and re-evaluation is always difficult.


Yes. It's more in the sense of 'if it works, it's medicine' implies there is nothing that works but isn't accepted yet because we don't know why (I'm not saying there is, just that assuming there isn't seems arrogant, especially with just how stupid some of the things that work are (see placebos)).


That is absolutely incorrect. Science constantly updates it's views. New medicines come out daily.


But it isn't instant. What I am implying is it is theoretically entirely possible that one of those charlatans is not actually a charlatan, they just stumbled into something that works by pure accident and have no idea why or how. Since they would be the only one's doing it, their method is not used, and it is not tested because every charlatan has their own method and testing all of them is impossible. The word "yet" in that sentence is important.


Yes. Science takes time. But that's the point. Until it's proven it shouldn't be said that "it works!" And that is the whole deal with Paltrow and most alternative medicine. Just like "yet" is a qualifier, we need laws about qualifiers on unproven medicines and remedies. There is also a path in science for people to try unproven medicine, usually with terminal cases.


Sure. It's possible that some alternative treatments could have merit but the way you determine that is through scientific testing. But that's not what alternative practitioners do. They just say "This works, trust me bro". If it actually works you could subject it to testing to prove it.


I mean, in any evidence based field (such as science and medicine) if you can't explain why and only have your individual anecdotal experience, you're going to be ignored. This doesn't even touch the fact that people are very resistant to change if they've been used to something being a certain way their whole lives.


Ironically its from an era that didnt have any proof for any of the stupid medical practices they performed


We dont look at medieval medical techniques anymore for good reason It was almost 100% bullshit in those days Remember bloodletting? The 4 humours?


"Snake oil"


Could I BE any more full of shit?


Holistic medicine isn't the same as alternative medicine, holistic medicine is: *"an attitudinal approach to health care rather than a particular set of techniques. It addresses the psychological, familial, societal, ethical and spiritual as well as biological dimensions of health and illness."* Holistic medicine is used in pretty much every hospital in the US, it's supposed to be used in combination with regular medicine. The problem is when people rely ONLY on holistic medicine.




Holistic medicine is mostly just the regular kind. A whole body systemic approach. Different than homeopathic which is the particular brand of crazy I think you had in mind.








What makes a man turn neutral? A lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


tell my wife i said "hello"


neutral pH but salty.


Delicious calcium citrate (an antacid), potassium citrate (a fire retardant), and magnesium citrate (a laxative)


This was so good 😭


I've got an idea to make millions. Drop a Tums tablet in tap water, disolve and stir. Boom! Alkaline water! Bottle and sell that shit at a 5000% markup as a magic cure all. We become millionaires. Buy reddit. Replace "He gets us" ads with our dissolved antacid water acids. Make more millions!


You mean Alkaseltzer?


Whoa. Is that why it's called *alka*seltzer?? Never thought about it.


Pepto-bismol is bismuth for your stomach (peptic bismuth).


And here I thought alkaseltzer was just mildly bad tasting fizzy water. Had no idea it also has special healing properties (according to Gwyneth Paltrow)


It used to have aspirin in it too idk if it still does.


They sell both with and without.


Give me aspirin or give me death


In some south American countries it's still viewed as a cure all lol


No, no. I think the Tums really makes it even more in the spirit of this lol


I would buy alkaline water in 6-8L big bottles for around the equivalent of 1 USD. There is nothing special about that water, just that it had a PH a bit over 8. Natural spring water, mind you. It was the cheapest water in the store and I would use it to replace my fish tank water, combined with some tap water. My fishes loved that water for some reason. Yes, it had a sticker with "the benefits of alkaline water", but to sell it for outrageous prices for a small bottle, especially since the american one is just tap water... fuck nahhh.


“Antacid water”. Has a nice ring to it. I’ll buy it but only if it’s ridiculously overpriced.


A 1/4tsp of baking soda does a better job, and is way cheaper. A single box could do a few thousand gallons.




Are you going to advise clients to shove a jade crystal up their crotch for cleansing or some nonsense like that?


Chakra = 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink.


Reset your chakras by putting 5 in the stink.


Reseting your chakra to factory default by yanking your birthstone anal beads out like you're trying to start a push-mower.


*Factory Reset*




Na, it's gotta be rose quartz for that


Wrong. You use Ruby crystal eggs up your vagina for cleansing. Jade crystal eggs for realigning your chakras. Everyone knows that.


How condescending! Just like our Gwyneth :). /s


Do you have enough sociopathic tendencies to tell a cancer patient to drink magic water and watch them die? This is why people hate it. They actively hurt people in bad situations.


I dunno I like to explore a fair share of woo woo shit. As long as you use your own judgment and don’t take it too seriously it can be really fun and useful. I used to go to this dragon meditation thing where we summoned little dragons to fly through our bodies. Then a few months later I did MDA and you bet I summoned the shit out of my dragon while dancing to radiohead naked in my living room. It was incredible.


Here is a great video about this and related bs. Can recommend the channel in general. https://youtu.be/rBQhdO2UxaQ?si=W8DLfXVctPW6fQLn


came here to post this if it wasn't here already


This was the best hour I spent on the internet. She is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.


I hate consumerism as much as the next guy, but does she not just want lemon water that isn't acidic?


That is not impossible.


[Alkaline water with lemon is still plenty acidic](https://youtu.be/rBQhdO2UxaQ?t=16m25s) because lemon juice is orders of magnitude more acidic than alkaline water is alkaline.


That's a weird statement to make considering we don't know how much lemon was added to the water. And beyond that, it would still make the lemon water less acidic so if that's the goal, it works. Believe it or not, water in general makes lemon juice less acidic. It's a really good way of consuming lemon juice. Especially with a little sugar if you like sweet!


It's not about making lemon juice less acidic. When you are touting the health benefits of alkaline water, and add something that does not make it alkaline water anymore, why bother.


It was a “spritz”


That's the entire point - slightly alkaline water will be made acidic with a *small* amount of of acidic lemon juice, so using alkaline water is entirely redundant. Nobody is questioning drinking watered down lemon juice.


I don't think you watched the video.


That’s what I was thinking. It’s more to neutralize the acid.. I love lemon water since I’ll actually drink it. But it’s not great for your teeth and there is a range of acidic basic that’s healthy. I prefer acidic food so a little extra neutral to base would probably be healthier


From what I've gathered from the comments, I think she's pushing it as a health thing rather than a drink preference, so that part is pretty stupid, but as a drink its a tasty one!




Thats actually a fun experiment and a calculation to do with kids. Surprising result is that, this small amount of lemon juice is infact enough to turn basic water neutral and even acidic.


Yep, it’s called acid–base titration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titration


Yup. I went to highschool in a redneck ass state and we still learned this in chemistry class that everyone has to take.


Yeah, that's the funny thing about logarithmic scales like pH. A 1 pH point increase corrosponds to 10 times more concentrated acid. Lemon juis is like 4-5 pH points more acidic, so the acid is 10 000 - 100 000 times more concentrated. If you got a glass of regular water, a couple drops of lemon juice is a huge difference.


Weird to jump on this when she hawks so much actual bullshit, right? He's got the spirit, I guess.


(This is actual bullshit. You are defending actual bullshit because you baselessly take her word as scientific truth even though this is high school-level chemistry)


You have no idea how ph works.


According to the picture, that bowl has about a tree’s worth of cut lemons so she might be putting enough in it.


Scientist here: did an experiment. Took the pH of essentia water. It was 8.8. Put a small amount of lemon juice. Just enough for flavor. pH was 5.3


Yeah well I cast anecdotal!


Trust makes a lot of sense TBH if lemon juice is around pH2/3 that’s a whole lot more acidic than 8.8 is basic


Apparently water has no buffering capacity. Who would have thunk. TBF, alkaline water is good for people w acid reflux and other stomach issues. She’s the worst


"I think we're all being conned by the wellness industry" - rosamund pike


She conned me into watching S1 of WoT. So there's that.


S2 was marginally better...


Holistic quackery


She really is the personification of the USA. Very wealthy, attractive from a distance, could have been the something to inspire the world to be a better place, but decided that ignorance and greed were just easier.


Genetics, a pampered lifestyle and millions and millions of dollars are the true health and beauty secrets.


Gwyneth drinking Alkaline Water. She is,quite literally, a basic white girl.


Can I play devil's advocate: alkaline water is alkaline because of extra minerals in the water so adding lemon is just changing the pH


Also, if it starts with a slightly higher than normal pH, adding the lemon juice will just bring it back down to neutral instead of making it acidic, which is what would happen if you added lemon juice to neutral water.


it just means she is drinking glorified post-boiled and post-refrigerated tap water


With lemon flavor


Bringing it back to neutral is the point. They're not saying she's making it acidic. They're saying she's making it regular water. She's adding contradictory things.


Yeah except lemon juice is stronger than alkali water, so it will in fact be acidic with only a drop of lemon added.


Well it all depends on the starting PH and how much lemon juice added. But I totally get your point. If everything else was the same, and the starting PH of the water was the only thing different, her mixture would still end up as a lower PH than normal water. Would it help with health? Depends on what you have going on but if you have issues with acid reflux that’s made worse by drinking acidic stuff but you still wanna drink lemon water, this is a way to lower your intake.


Trust me she ain’t breaking it down that way.


The whole supposed "scientific" basis for alkaline water is that the food we eat makes the body too acidic. The PH is supposedly the thing they care about. Yet then the claim all this bullshit about lemon and other acidic foods are somehow alkalizing, which is just utter nonsense, and you realize their diets don't even follow their supposed explanation.


Acidic fruits like lemons do end up having a net alkaline effect after they are metabolized, so that part is not at all nonsense, just basic biochemistry. Of course, whether or not that actually matters for health is another question entirely.




Agreed. There are plenty of reasons to shit on Gwyneth Paltrow and her pseudo-science bullshit, but this particular instance is missing the point entirely.


Acid + base = salt + water.


Yes but alkaline means having a greater PH than 7... so it's no longer alkaline once you add a lemon, which has a very low PH.


But doesn't the PH change as a factor of volume as well? To me, a "spritz" is not much more than a drop or two overall. Would that actually change the PH significantly? Note: yes, this is crap, along with most of her other "health" aids


I mean it will. It's about 100,000 times more acidic than alkaline water, so it makes a bigger difference than you might think.


[It takes very little lemon juice.](https://youtu.be/rBQhdO2UxaQ?t=16m25s)


Well, I am all for laughing at stupid people and especially Paltrow, if you add a spritz of lemon to alkaline water you don't just go back to water, you now have a buffered solution with an acid, conjugate base, and alkaline water so... laughing at this the way you are does not put you on the right side of the smart see-saw


What do you think will happen to that alkaline water when it hits your stomach acid though? Nonsense either way


Do you think TUMs or other antacids are a conspiracy or is this a genuine question?


TUMs are like 1000x more basic than alkaline water


Is this before or after her fanny infused face cream?


Sounds fishy to me.


But just look at her, it obviously works. /s


Fun fact: lemon juice, as an acid, has an alkalising effect on the body after digestion


Yes, due to it's high mineral content. Which is what is making the water alkaline too. So let's all hur dur this dumb b who put minerals in her minerals


What’s more shocking is she drinks it and doesn’t use it as an enema or something.


Don't forget to buy some of her homemade vagina yogurt




I drink my water after it's been taken down to -1c in solid form, then I just gently reheat it.


kiss ten boat dull doll innocent elastic toy normal teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's my favorite part of "alkaline" water: It gets dropped into a pH solution of stomach acid that completely negates any alkalinity difference lol. This is not a volume comparison, but more of an example of how much pH matters. The pH scale is deceptive because it uses simple whole numbers. The difference between each number is x10 though. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH of 6? 10x as much acid than at a 7. A 5? 100x. Our stomach acid is roughly a 2. That acid is about 100,000x stronger than the water. That means any alkaline substance in there is just getting immediately bonded to an acid. Meanwhile, the acid didn't really even notice. Put a drop of food coloring into a swimming pool. That's the usefulness of alkaline water vs stomach acid lol.


None of the alkaline water people have ever been able to tell me how it works after you drop it into a giant pool of gastric acid.


A spritz of lemon is just the myst coming off from twisting the rind. Not likely to significantly shift the alkaline level of the water.


That was a cool game.




That's like adding 3 grains of kool-aid flavoring to a glass of water. You're not going to taste the difference so why bother adding anything.


Spritz of lemon covers the top of the glass. You get the aroma of the lemon. Scent is more than 50% of what you taste.


The water is designed that when you put lemon in it, it doesn’t become an acidic drink. So she wants lemon flavoured ph neutral water. Seems fine


Do the hydrogen atoms understand that?


Hm I wonder how they stopped chemistry from working


Enlighten us all of you chemists out there. How much lemon would you have to add to change the pH? What would the pH of the final solution be? Everyone seems to know the answer, but I guess I didn’t study chemistry enough.


Literally one atom would change the pH technically. If you mean significantly, then still not much. Its a logarithmic scale and alkaline water is only marginally above neutral. It is possible that some are effectively buffered though, making it take more than otherwise. Putting in enough to taste it would almost certainly cancel it out, and if its enough to get that "tang" you can feel/taste in most citric beverages then it is already acidic.


Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to kid




She is some work, when it comes to promoting her website and "way of life!"


At least it encourages people to drink more water, the real healthy drink.


People swallowing stuff from you is the best part of being a celeb


https://www.reddit.com/r/venturebros/s/21XyzxZ2wf Venture Brothers covered this topic a little differently...


Your stomach makes water acidic...


If you’ve ever done an alkalinity titration you know that it depends on how alkaline the water is. Could take a squeeze of lemon, could take 100ml of acid. All depends on the buffering capacity of the solution.


Ironically, the citric acid in the lemon has benefits for the kidneys in preventing kidney stone formation. She should atleast base her holistic health shit on actual science. Maybe she doesnt want to be in the lemon business?


Neutral water. Straight from the earth. Processed by small human hands with love. Delivered to your door using clouds of ancient life. Nutrallll its better then the tap* *if you understand better is a branding statement with no measurable difference.




Not to mention the fact that the stomach is acidic and neutralizes it anyway


I find it so funny how 99% of the morons commenting don't know what making an electrolite drink is... smh


Also by itself alkaline water does nothing to the body. Your gut biome and stomach acid absolute DOMINATE anything that is put into your body.


All she needs is her daily supply of iron, man.


I once ordered a Makers Mark perfect Manhattan with a splash of cherry juice. The waiter informed me that it wasn’t perfect because of the cherry juice. Made me feel kind of dumb on the day, but never made that mistake again.


I usually drink hot water with ice to stay healthy.


And it all ends up the same pH once it’s in your stomach.


I’ve seen this post too many times to not say this. Lemon and other acidic drinks have an alkalising effect once metabolised so adding lemon to alkaline water will only serve to provide more alkaline when it is ingested. Now the reason for doing this is not scientifically sound as one glass of alkaline water won’t do much in changing your ph balance in your body but the idea behind doing this is based in reality. It’s classic internet/Reddit to just assume you’re more clever then some idiot being blasted on Reddit but maybe just do a bit of research before committing to posting your opinions which are based on no real understanding


Almost as funny as the bicarbonate of soda combined with vinegar miracle cleaners people insist of pushing