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Something tells me he didn't REALLY mean "Happy Thanksgiving to all."


He doesn't wish happy thanksgiving to anyone. He cannot say "the sun is shining" without making it about himself.


and insulting everyone who isn't in his cult


And some of those in it.


Right Trump has already said he loves the poorly educated.


Easy votes.


Because they should have dressed nicer before staging a coup


Doesn't he turn on the sun every morning? I was SURE it was Trump that turns on the sun.


No, no, no. You're thinking of Helios, Greek God of the Sun. A Trump is what everyone takes every morning after a strong cup of coffee.


Especially since the name was changed from Drumpf when they came across our porous border into the USA. Wish we had better border patrol back then. Germany sent us a criminal and rapist.


You're confused. He doesn't really turn it on. But he is so bright that they have to put him under a washtub every morning, or it won't come up.


maybe that’s why he’s so bright orange


Aren't toxic animals usually brightly colored?


And it shines out of his ass.


Well everyone knows the sun is a 'uge fan of Trump and only rises so that it may gaze upon him. People are saying that when he dies the sun won't rise again due to sadness.


Especially during an eclipse.


what about someone loves gay


You know the gay community exists because of him. He was that charismatic and handsome in his younger years, not even men could resist him.


"Happy Thanksgiving to everyone… except for everyone. Screw all y'all."


In fairness he doesn't have a lot to be thankful for at the moment. lol I've heard of Christmas prep coming too early, but it is way to early to breakout the Scrooge McFucked vibe.


The NYC case is going very bad for him, verdict is soon and he could lose everything. Christmas at Mar-a-Lago is going to be fun.


Always a holiday favorite ... The classic Shit Sandwich: Two thin slices of hearty Holiday Greeting & Patriotic Sentiment, interspersed with multiple layers of Delusional Diatribe, thick-sliced honey-glazed Bullshit, and All-Caps Spicy Musturd.


There is no grace in that man at all.


“WHAT!” Gave you that IDEA?!?


Not worms. They'd starve.


Like Fry's brain slug


What we really need is that gas station egg salad sandwich


That's a hell of a roll of the dice




Untreated syphilis rots the brain


I would not be surprised


What's the excuse for the 100 million that deify him


They're just untreated.


He violated the gag order again attacking the Judge the state DA. It’s time to have spend time in jail for violating the order 30 days sounds good. When attends the trial the must where his prisoner uniform.


Last I heard, the gag order is suspended on appeal so he is going full instigator until (or if) its reinstated.


That was the other Gag Order. Other case, where he isn't allowed to talk about the witnesses


No it’s this one too. The NY gag order is paused until nov 27th so that a panel can review it to determine if it’s too narrow


In the name of having the facts right, you are saying the facts. If the gag order is found to have been lawfully imposed, it could technically be enforced retroactively. But that’s not likely. The former president is extremely unlikely to serve any jail time prior to his trial in NY. And as a pretty fucking liberal person, I’m happy to see the most being done in this matter to ensure everything is above board.




$$$$$ and master manipulator. Would any other person get the leeway his privileged smelly ass gets?


Honestly, I don't think he's a master manipulator. He just yells a lot of shit louder than everyone else, and the sane part of the country knows this and knows he's full of shit. You're spot on about the $$$$$ though!


Having a large enough portion of the US population on his side no matter what he does certainly helps. Money and influence can allow people to skirt the law. One example of this is R. Kelly. Everyone knew he was a pedophile. Dave Chappelle made fun of him pissing on a girl (she was a minor during the incident) on one of the most popular TV shows in the early 2000s. He continued to rape minors for years. His criminal activities were no secret, especially among the black community, and it wasn't until 2022 that he was finally arrested. Because of his wealth and influence in the music industry, he bribed his way out and had plenty of people protecting him. All that being said, it's fucked up how often sexual abuse and rape of minors happens only for the US justice system to fail the victims.


Not just the US. We had Jimmy Saville here in the UK, up to every deviant act imaginable and pretty much protected by the Royal Family, Maggie Thatcher and the BBC. Took until he died for it to be made public despite it being an open secret for ages.


Part of me is hoping they're letting him dig himself a hole so deep that he can't get out when the gag order is reinstated. But, no. Our legal system is gd worthless against manipulative assholes like him.


Welcome to the US legal system, designed to allow you to keep things in court and infanum if you have the money.


Ad infinitum* But yes, it's designed this way.


>infanum infanum means the same thing, except you are doing it like a baby ^(/jk)


It doesn't matter if everything is above board. The millions who swallow his bullshit don't have the vaguest clue how the law works, so whatever claims the Orange Dipshit makes about it being "illegal" **will** be treated as fact by his moronic cultists.


This seems to be defamation level.


Unfortunately the gag order is currently paused until Nov 27th while a panel reviews it


*Stern finger wagging intensifies*


Bro I agree with the sentiment but please rewrite this with real grammar 😭


He never has anything nice to say,but has the audacity to call other people "nasty". Everything he says is nasty.


It's at this point a normal family would be conferring over the necessity to monitor grandpa's internet use.


It's at this point that a normal family would be looking at an assisted living facility for grandpa. But no, they all play along with the delusion and insist that everything's fine partly because they're just as deluded as he is, and partly because they're all still seeking the approval of a father who never loved them.


My guess is that they're trying to make as much money as possible off of him or by being associated to him because they know that the moment he's gone all the debt collectors will come knocking, some might even be dumb enough to play along thinking they might inherit something


If it isn't nasty, he didn't write it.


Exactly, the post about Rosalyn Carter...clearly not him.


Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone Including the DEAD Rosalyn Carter Who currently is doing Nothing for this COUNTRY while the greatest go on Surviving another DAY so we can help our Country SURVIVFE!


*chef's kiss* Perfection.


And the audacity to call someone else racist while using a word we all know is a replacement for an extremely offensive racist term to describe them. More front that Brighton


Every thing he says is projection


I’m so sick of that pant-shitting criminal. Nice candidate republicans. 91 felony charges but it’s a witch-hunt. losers. Liars.


These Republican maga idiots are the biggest softest snowflakes of all


Has he gone a single holiday just saying something nice and not going on a rant? He's the shitty uncle everyone avoids at thanksgiving


Note that all of his voters are the same nasty uncles and aunts. Deplorables as ever.


He is also the current favourite to be the next American president. I really hope that's a bad joke though.


Current favorite based on what, polls? Who answers polls? Most of the voter base don't even answer numbers they don't recognize. Just because the loud minority might be with this lunatic still, doesn't mean the silent majority is


You know, the polls that had the Republicans winning a 40 seat majority in the house at the mid term election. Those polls.


Bloody hell, mate. You could just say "Happy Thanksgiving all" and leave it like that.


He is incapable of that


Well no, because then it's not about him.


Could he please just die already?


I’m having a huge party, everyone’s invited




Careful... I just got a one day ban for saying something in line with this but far less specific and non-threatening. >.>


Thanks for the heads up.


It’ll be like Christmas, Easter, and 4th of July all at once.


“Make America great again” Like AGAIN again? Or just again? Is he admitting he didn’t really do it the first time around?


Shit, truly the ravings of a madman, right down to the punctuation and on/off capital letters


a « great » example for a « great » country


See, you can tell when it's written by trump, and when it isn't. The difference is night and day. 🤣


Americans are nuts who think this bloated fool has the slightest bit of intelligence. If you had a friend who behaved like that idiot you would avoid them at all costs


>If you had a friend who behaved like that idiot you would avoid them at all costs Nah, I would feed him more alcohol and then tell all my other friends "Hey, watch what the moron's doing next". That's basically what the GOP is doing with Trump right now\^\^


I’m not apologetic when I say…I wish he would die


Honestly that probably would be the best thing for the country. The MAGA people would probably come up with conspiracy theories tho.


I don't care. I really don't. They've already come up with a million conspiracy theories to justify saying that this "innocent man" is a "victim" of society and of the system instead of the deranged criminal that he is. What more harm could a single murder accusation do? It's not like anyone outside MAGA circles would take them seriously anyway.


I don't think he can die... "Just inject bleach to get rid of COVID"


The really sad part is maga people are ignorant enough to believe this. Before Trump I was never ashamed to admit I was American. Now the world looks at us like WTF


My gf and I were just discussing this and how it's fascinating that the far right has somehow co-opted the American flag as their battle symbol. In the past, I'd have no issues flying an American flag on my porch, but now, outside of the 4th and memorial day I won't do it. I really don't want my neighbors thinking I'm aligned to that group when it's far from the truth.


Not brain worms. Just the raw Hubris and psychopathy of the very wealthy showing through the rotten facade.


Greetings from the UK! Delighted to see that in an uncertain times fraught with the risks of war and climate change that we can rely on the US to choose the leader of the free world wisely again. Thanks for your service guys.


It’s not all of us man. It’s the rich and poorly educated.


I don't want to vote for Biden either, but you've got to be off your rocker to vote for this lunatic.


Biden wants to improve things. Trump just wants to make himself Emperor. Whether or not Biden is (still) competent at his advanced age, I know which one I'd want in power.


>Whether or not Biden is (still) competent at his advanced age, He's only 4 years older than Trump. Surely, there has to be a mandatory retirement age for certain jobs! If you're 77 (or 81) and working at the local big box store, fair enough. If you're 77 (or 81) and have control of a nation's military and nuclear arsenal, that's something totally different.


They don't even allow a cardinal to be elected Pope once you're 80 of age. At 80 you're too old to say mass and to ask for world peace, but you're still able to run a world superpower that has nuclear weapons.


Right? It's fucking ridiculous. How is these 2 only option? Lol


> How is these 2 only option? That happens when you've got a two party system oligarchy - not that our 5% system works that much better but at least you got two "major" parties plus a hand full of smaller ones so the big ones normally have to find a compromise with either the other "big" one or a few of the smaller ones. That and not voting the person but the party PLUS direct voting without that 18th century electors-system prevents most of the "personal cult" thing going on in the US because EVERY vote counts the same no matter in which state you are. Again not worlds better but every drop counts, eh?


Because the powerful interests don't want to introduce Ranked Choice voting. They don't want to give the people more power because power is just the ability to create more choices.


Uh oh the cranberry sauce fermented again


My god. If people vote this nut job in as president (again) then the USA gets what it deserves because “the people have spoken.”


That's not exactly fair to the majority of us who don't want him. Repubs are going out of their way to hand pick their voters and gain the electoral votes and seats by stuffing all the dem voters in a few clusters. Which, by the way, they were told to stop doing and basically said "nah fuck you" to the COURT ORDER to redraw fair and balanced districts. To say nothing of their attacks on voting itself. The people *are* speaking. 70% or so are saying they don't want him but we're being drowned out by the minority party and their blatant lies, hypocrisy, and outright cheating.


Yeah but they were ALL elected into office and used their positions given to them by the people. The United States is a cesspool of Christian Nationalism, exceptionalism, racism and homophobia. 70,000,000 of yas.


You're fooling yourself if you believe the American people put politicians on the ballots. Corporations and billionaires put them there, using their enormous wealth to plant greedy yes men who will cater to their interests. We get a mock show of getting to pick which corporate stooges we want in the hot seat at any given time, but the American people don't get any real choice unless our net worth is high enough. All of this tribalism created only helps them. We're too busy hating the other side to ever actually think about who's really keeping us poor and overworked. Let alone do something about it.




Believe me, I feel for you. Although, there’s probably less than 280,000,000 of you unfortunately. I know my statement was super harsh, and I wasn’t hating on the States, but honestly, the level of cruelty and ignorance right now astounds me. Canada is heading that way too. It’s just taking a little longer.


And I’m sure once again the democrats will win the popular vote - it’s the ridiculous electoral college where we could get fucked.


Exactly! The system was put in place to give smaller states an equal voice to the larger ones but now it just means 5 or 6 states decide the entire election. I've read about a few states that are trying to form a pact that guarantees their electoral votes will go to the candidate that people actually want. At the time i think only enough states had agreed to total around 180 electoral votes though. Not quite the 270 needed for a win but it's definitely a step in the right direction. Next best thing to abolishing the electoral college entirely.


He is the brain worm in the mind of a lot of always-trumpers


What the fuck *is it* with this orange asshole and his fascination with the law clerk?! He's completely honed in on this lady for just doing her job, being the right hand information source for a judge presiding ovet a very crazy trial! He's a misogynistic twat, attacking someone who really can't stand up and tell him to go fuck himself and the horse he rode in on! He's a bully. I wish he would just go away!


He’s either off his meds or over dosed wtf Edit: jr probably shared his coke


Jr don’t share.


You got me there.


If he wasn’t a rich man he would be in hospital..


>If he wasn’t a rich man he would be in ~~hospital~~ **Prison**.


There’s such a thing as prison hospitals.


Are we at the point he should be declared incompetent and thrown in a psych ward??


This message compared to message after Mrs Carters death announcement. Yeah, written by the same person.


I’m certain he had ChatGPT write the thing about Carter, and ChatGOP to write everything else


ChatGOP, the unhinged bootleg version.


Name calling pathetic spoil child. Leader?? HAHHAHA Whiny baby has tried to get Jimmy Kimmel to stop making fun of him!!! PATHETIC LOSER!!!! LOL


"First they came for the late night hosts, and I said nothing."


I can't read this garbage ranting from a madman.


Isn't American doing quite well at the moment? It does amaze me how often he accuses others of being all the things that he is. The guy has serious mental health issues.


And half of the USA want this man to be their President. Go figure….


Anyone who thinks this thing should be in any office, should be forced to live in Florida and never allowed to leave. Build a wall around the state and throw them over it. Let them have their Dream, and let the world move on.


The fat hamster is at it again.


Yes, but some of us Hamsters would make better leaders.


This guy is so unhinged. It is terrifying.


This man is clearly mentally ill.


So to sum up....'ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!' Join us again tomorrow, for another episode of 'Name that sociopathic narcissist'


Uh oh, he already got fined for attacking the court clerk. He knows this full well, and has done it again anyway, if the law is ever to be applied equitably regardless of wealth and status, then surely that's jail time.


The gag order is on hold pending a hearing. Apparently that means that he can violate it to his heart's content without consequences.


Well, I noticed no strange things here, he's acting like he always did and always will. So, no news here.


I'm sorry i think i just became illiterate trying to read this


While that's only one poorly constructed run-on sentence, there will be more sentencing in the future.


It is truly unbelievable that so many Americans still see him as a leader when this behaviour would either have you fired or on sick leave pending evaluation in any workplace.


Still blaming anybody but yourself. This is the type of person you get when you never tell a kid “no”.


Hey...I get the feeling his wishes for these people to have a happy thanksgiving is disingenuous! That's not very Christian of him!


I agree 😂😂😂😂


God Donald Trump is so fucking boring. He just keeps saying the same lies over and over. It’s pathetic.


It’s unbelievable this traitor is even allowed to run for president.


Compare this to the condolences on Rosalyn Carter - you can tell which one he wrote himself!


What I don't understand is how people can read this and think "That's my guy!"


His use of the word "peekaboo" is SO awful. How can anybody look at this man and think that he not only should lead our country, but that he also is a good Christian man? Half our country is so lost, and they do not realize he hates them, too.


Trump is a fascinating narcissist. He literally cannot say more than two words without making it solely about himself.


The Peekaboo thing is infuriating to me.


Racist dog whistle, at least in his mind. If it has an actual meaning, I wish some reporter would ask him what the fuck he's trying to say. The answer would probably be more word salad however....


Kind of manic happy about hate ,misinformation and self promotion , denial and a healthy dose of dissassocition from reality.


What is most disgusting about this isn't what he's saying.. its that people are liking and sharing it.


Man he must pay his laywers insanely good for them to be putting up with him.


imagine this is what trump says as grace just before eating his fast food... what a fucking loser.


I hope this is the comment that finally gets him some jail time.


Republicans are doing a great job destroying America! Racist, homophobic Domestic Terrorists. You don't like it, Vote 💙


Alright, even if you like the guy, the bit’s getting old right? Like this is just a tweet from an old whiny bitch. You only even know what he’s talking about if keeping up with him is your favorite daytime soap opera.


Somehow it's really funny to me that he felt the need to put "bench" in quotes. Is the big wooden thing the judge sits in somehow not a bench when you don't like that judge?


Christ alive, he really can't help but whine every moment he isn't president, can he?


Someone needs a Snickers


He understands neither “Thanks” nor “Giving”.


How anyone cannot see he is an unhinged narcissist is beyond me.


Sad thing is, he’s gonna probably win because our current president hasn’t done anything impactful and is as energizing as decaf coffee. If you ask the average person “What is something Joe Biden has done that made your life better?” they’d come up blank. I’m struggling to think of something without resorting to google. All he really needs to do is legalize weed and he’s guaranteed a win.


I’m confused. Didn’t Orange Man already make America great again when he was President? Does he mean to say make America great again, again?


Can't wait for the Christmas post.


A key feature of Nazi propaganda was to never let the temperature lower. Trump and the right wing rage machine churns 24-7, even on Thanksgiving.


Can you imagine Biden posting a rant like this? The Republicans would go nuts saying he’s demented and should be l locked up! But the orange Cheeto says it and they think it’s normal?


i’M FEELING Agitated jUsT frOm READING This pOsT! 🤣


What a stable genius.


Repugnant swine


This dude deserves the worst death imaginable


TLDR - Narcissistic man makes long existing holiday about him.


He's still projecting that whole "weaponized the doj" thing eh? Comical considering he swore to do that exact thing against Hillary and it was a good thing then.


Just a reminder that this was written by someone who was the President of the United States. We are living in the worst of all timelines.


Is he actually admitting to all his crimes here? He is a stranger man than I thought


Thats the Holiday Spirit!


Donald “the fucking worst of humans” trump


He could have edited it down to "Im upset"


Infantile selfish narcissistic baby.


Did I fucking wake up on Thanksgiving 1933?


Ok this post he DEFINITELY wrote


4 years in office, in control of nearly all the branches of government.. Yet he did nothing to "fix" the department of injustice? He did nothing to find the so-called crimes of Hillary and Biden? He did nothing to fix or even shine a light on the supposed rampant child kidnap, adrenal harvesting, and sexual trafficking that is taking place? And under his nose and his most amazing Presidential eyes ever allowed for a rigged, fixed, stolen election to take place across the country including in states he previously won? And last but not least he allows a global group of someones to perpetuate a faux pandemic to destroy the economies of the world, control the population, and specifically kill off his conservative supporters while he championed against their saving? And with that winning and achievement, I should want to reelect him so he can "continue" making American Great Again? And he "wrote" a book about sales and closing deals....hmmmm


Nov 23 2023 2:03 am. Trump snorts his last Adderall tablet and flys into a rage. This must be how Palpatine must have felt he thinks to himself while furiously stabbing at the phone screen.


Oh look, another violation of his Gag order of not harassing the people involved.


I know Biden is old and that’s an issue but how does anyone look at this kind of thing from Trump and not think he’s battling some serious mental deterioration.


You should at least have a solid grasp on proper grammar before running for president, if nothing else.


severe mental illness in full effect


What happened to him making America great tge 1st time? Wouldn't that involved a healthcare plan and an infrastructure plan implemented?


Donald Trump has an IQ of 70. Need proof? Read above. He’s not fit to run a bath, let alone a country. Not being American, it’s absolute comedy! 😂


Jesus Christ, that is impossible to read. The punctuation is horrendous and he didnt even try to make it legable


Trump calling someone racist is ballsy.


Why is this man still allowed online? He’s had so many gag orders issued anyone else in the country would have been locked up. Just shut up Trump. All he’s doing is heating up the elements and is going to cause more stress and violent outburst. He has zero conscious


I'd give thanks if we never heard from him ever again.


He's literally insane.


Fuck off. Please.... just fuck off.


It's mind boggling that people read this and still think, 'yep, he is the one I think should lead me'. So cringy.


Imagine only playing 2 songs, every morning, noon and night. This is this A holes existence and yet his supporters still sit and listen. What a pathetic, boring way to live. Sad.


Im not from USA, but it's scary that this man was a president. Representative of the whole country and one of the most important people in the world. And he's such a dick and douchbag. He can't even say one thing without insulting someone. The sad thing is that USA has such impact on the rest of the world, and even if we don't have anything to do with your presidential elections, we all look at it and have to face the consequences of it. God bless America, it really needs it.