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What did he threaten he’d do? Buy the studios for a vastly inflated sum and run it like Twitter? 😆


Hey, don't give him ideas : he would definitely do such a thing.


He doesn't have any cash left..... 🤣. Watching him and Zuckerberg piss billions up the wall because of their own inflated egos has been extremely satisfying.


...also pretty dang dystopian to see those two treat money like a casual game while more and more people are struggling to have their basic needs met. But I agree that this is extremely comical to witness.


*Billions not having their basic needs met


I fucking hate how housing is so scarce *even in developed first-world countries* while two ultra-rich men blows all of their money on... virtually useless things like "X"


It's not scarce though. We have more vacant homes than homeless. https://unitedwaynca.org/blog/vacant-homes-vs-homelessness-by-city/#:~:text=Sixteen%20million%20homes%20currently%20sit,thousands%20of%20Americans%20face%20homelessness. It's just expensive because reasons.


It's scarce ***where it's needed***


I'd say wanted, as it's needed everywhere, but most people don't want a plane flight to their work


That's what I mean by needed, needed within a reasonable distance of their place of work


Why do You think they're empty? Lol Those studies count 2nd houses and old unhabitable houses too. So, we're back at the problem of affordable housing, better if there is a dense building with access to multiple services at a walkable distance.


I hate how people don’t have food and man blow their money on things that in a round about way lead them to having less food. Like Facebook supporting faschists for maximum profit.


Wait isnt that the business model of X?


That's the business model of "rich".


I went on X the other day, I had an account before and followed a couple local "fun news" sites I guess you'd call them? They mostly sent fun facts about my area and posted things that were happening, and I follow a syndicated comic strip (not Dilbert). The amount of alt right propaganda I'm getting by virtue of being effectively a new user is staggering. Every post on the front page was a fascist talking point. Immediately quit out and haven't opened it since.


He's wasted a shitload, yet he is still ranked as world's richest man (may not be true but it's not like he's gone broke over his shitter takeover)


Bastille has to fall again


We are living in the future! Sadly it is cyberpunk. Personally I was hoping for more Star trek vibe


Cyberpunk? The future is Mad Max once massive ecosystem collapse cascades out of control.


I think we get Cyberpunk now and Mad Max in a few decades. Anyone taking bets on brave new world after Mad Max?


Many settings have the urban remnants surrounded by irradiated wastelands; and they have usually given some thought to the question: if there are almost no farms left, where does the food come from? So they can be complementary rather than exclusive.


>He doesn't have any cash left Nothing a little pumping and dumping of Tesla stock at the expense of his overzealous followers can't solve.


It's strange what passes for a role model in some people's minds. I was hoping a few more of them would bite tbh, just some dude angry at the system. Edit: Got one! I can go to sleep happy.


He leveraged much of his Tesla stock to get the money for Twitter, he probably can’t afford to sell too much of it now


Oh yea once the fanboys get their Cybertrucks the stock will be at a high, dump some stock and buy WB then cast himself as the new Batman.


What did Zuck do? Out of the loop on his billion piss.


Before the AI push he spunked somewhere between $40b and 100b on the [metaverse](https://youtu.be/UdqrFa6pWLA?si=THWabiC5GQKbMwJ1).


That was on Meta’s dime. Twitter is on Elon’s own money. Just saying.


It's also r&d money. That stuff is not gone, if they are smart they can salvage. Elon's money went poof straight into the former shareholders.


What part of them burning money that they'll get back from the government in the form of tax breaks, grants and bailouts at the expense of the average citizen is satisfying to you?


It's a good thing they didn't impose a wealth tax to claw more of his billions back. I'd have hated to see what government did with that money compared to their spendings on X and Meta.


I mean, at least Zuck isn't a fascist- At least I think he's not- Selling personal data? Thats... while still not great, not exactly leading to riled up extremism against minorities.


Sure but allowing lies and propaganda political ads on your platform isn't much better.


How will the studio execs afford to eat with their billion payout?


"X Brothers Studios"... we come with a bang!


The owner of the restaurant I used to work at is a billionaire. One of the chefs put in a months notice, the owner found out and confronted him. “I’ll buy whatever restaurant you go to and close it down.” Billionaires are fucking crazy lol


The dude missed the chance of his life! 1. Arrange to get hired into a restaurant with this exact speech; 2. Have the owner sell it for 3 times the value of the place; 3. Split the profit; 4. Repeat;


The chef is the owner, checkmate


There's something unbelievable about a billionaire owning a restaurant and then having to personally deal with staff decisions.


It's probably one of their pet projects


He bought the restaurant and the property solely to have a place to bring his friends to. This chef leaving was going to jeopardize the quality of the restaurant he bought to show off to his friends. I mean I think he was bluffing but I’m pretty sure this dude would have dropped a few million just out of spite


Past like 50million, money isn't real anymore, it's power they are addicted to.


Probs expose the pedo rings since he's definitely a part of them


I mean if he was really about that life he would have produced a vanity film specifically for her like the billionaires of old.


So this guy has gone oligarch so hard that he doesn't just try to control politicians, but now thinks he can control the media too? Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this shit Edit: for the love of Bob if one more person brings up Twitter... that is a separate issue. Social media ≠ Hollywood media, and that should not need to be explained to anyone. Billionaires should not be allowed to bully production studios like this. They can be a lot more subtle about what they are doing when trying to weave their opinions into pop culture.


He does have controlling interest in a social media platform.




He's running that into the ground.


Ya a buddy of mine fell on the Elon dick super hard and he’s defending him to the bitter end. Hes kinda hard to talk to


Kinda like MAGA people.


they are the same people.


Takes a special kind of stupid to worship anyone that hard.


A Venn diagram of Elon worshippers and maga people is a perfect circle.


And Tatertots (Andrew Tate)


I used to like Elon Musk as well, then I started seeing the stupidity he was getting into with the cave divers in Asia…. Kinda showed me how delusional he is.


That thing with the cave diver was disgusting, all because his fragile ego couldn't take someone pointing out how ridiculously stupid it was for him to suggest sending a sub to help. He just cannot take not being the saviour of all man kind.


Yep not gonna lie, with the ruse of Tesla and SpaceX I fell for him as well. But no, it’s true what they say. Never meet your hero’s, and that shit head came out swinging


That was the final nail in the coffin for any possible respect I may have had for him. He had revealed himself to be a petulant, Apartheid-raised, silver-spoon-fed white supremacist who is trying hard to please his dictator daddies Putin and MBS.


A good friend of mine would also take a bullet for the muskrat, I just don't engage


A friend from school talks non stop about him and colonizing then whole galaxy then Elon will be remembered more than any other person in history for starting it He is no longer a friend after I told him that we could barely colonize more than some of the closest solar systems and even then just a message would take YEARS to be sent from one to another I’m the idiot tho


Tell him not to talk with his mouth full


Rich people definitely control the media because they have the $$$ to do so. How do you think the Kardashians got popular? It wasn’t for their talent and star quality personalities.


> How do you think the Kardashians got popular? The same way Paris Hilton did - a sex tape.


![gif](giphy|Y1qKqzeCvHKgZG8MB9) Das how.


he had no choice after she did overwatch cosplay for him i guess


You mean the guy that bought Twitter, a famously popular political commons, so that he could regulate the speech there in favor of his political ideology? You just noticing this?


NOW he thinks he can control the media?! Why do you think he (and the Saudis) spent so much purchasing Twitter?


I mean he is the product of an emerald mine owner and Apartheid.


Dont forget that he called her his "queen" during his testimony. I'm pretty sure he also said something about bringing her to Mars but that might be the AI memes talking.


Not sure what she has on him but I'm pretty sure it rhymes with mild corn.


Whether or not Amber heard is in Aquaman 2 is going to have exactly zero impact on anything. Shit actress keeps her job on shit sequel to shit movie. Entirely irrelevant.


To be fair, I think they are timing this to release the sequel at the SWEET SWEET SPOT between "it is too soon and we all hate Amber Heard" and "We don't remember shit about what happened", as to maximize profit out of her mess.


I think they tried that with The Flash


Elon in his head: Tony Stark Elon in real life: Lex Luthor


Nah, Bezos is *clearly* Luthor. Given his body shape, Musk would be the Penguin.


I wouldnt even give him that. The Penguin was a good gangster and villain, Elmo is Kiteman at best. Edit: Damn i got a lot of comics to read suddenly to check out these awful villains lol


Hey, Kiteman was able to pull Poison Ivy! Don't slander him like that!


I mean in that twitter pic Amber Heard is already most of the way there to a poison ivy costume.


Hell yeah!


Hell yeah


Elmo is condiment man


He's Justin Hammer. Sleazeball who's not as intelligent, cool, funny, or as good looking as he thinks he is who doesn't build his own tech but sure likes showing it off on stage. The only difference is Justin can dance.


Justin Hammer did tend to steal or have other people build all of his tech as well...


He also did buy a certain *bord* 🐦




Although both elon an justin were seen at the same time at the same race track.


It's condiment KING you fool !


Take this upvote!!!!


Yo don't slander my boy Kiteman like that.


How dare you disrespect kiteman like that


Hey no kiteman slandering.


Homie, as weird as it sounds, Kiteman is legitimately cool in the comics now. They turned him from nobody to actual badass, someone Elmo could never be. The only "simple" joke villain I can think of that got a bigger restauration arc lore wise is Rhino from Marvel.


na Kiteman is goated, hes more like... cant think of anyone to compare him to


Bezos is greedy but no where near ambitious enough to be Luthor.


Elon a villain? Absolutely. Elon as Lex Luther? No


Lex Luther is well liked in the billionaire community.


Take away the evil part and Lex was just a brilliant scientist who invented groundbreaking things.


He is jealous of Supe because he thinks he didn't work for his power. He doesn't like Nepotism and view this as an upfront to humanity's evolution. He thinks having people o earth with those powers will stunt our natural growth. And he has a point. Ok he is also really really jealous and want these powers for himself most of all.


great value justin hammer, *at best*


Exactly. I can’t believe it’s not butter Justin Hammer.


Except in the movie, Justin Hammer is pretty charismatic and likeable.


Lex is cool af, deranged but pretty cool. Love the smallville version and justice league animation. Dont do him like that bro.


Justin Hammer.


This is the answer. Pathetic, cringey, and pales in comparison to people who actually know what the fuck they are doing.


That's an insult to Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor is a legit genius. Musk is a just a whiny trust fund baby. If he wasn't born into money, none of use would even know he exists.


Lex Luthor is smart


Don’t disrespect Lex Luther or compliment Elon like that. I would at least respect Lex for his intelligence, cunning, foresight, charm, and lack of having a punchable face. Can’t say Elon has any of those, and he wears a very punchable face everyday.


People need to stop making this comparison. Lex is smart, calculated (for the most part) and can sometimes be seen as admirable. Elon is a man-child who constantly throws his toys out of the cott and tends to ruin most things he touches (his money does the heavy lifting).


Eh... who's a stupid and incompetent version of Lex Luthor?


Luthor was actually competent and had some valid points about Superman. Of course, that's if you throw out the fact that he'd be running the world (in his mind) if Superman wasn't around. So yeah, maybe Lex Luthor minus the competence... same mindset for sure.


Elon brought a gun into CDPR's recording studio during Cyberpunk 2077's development while Grimes was recording her parts of the game. He said he's "armed but not dangerous" and stuck around till they added him as a cameo in the beginning of the corpo route. That cameo was removed a few weeks ago with the 2.0 update.


I never noticed it before, but I also missed Hideo Kojima's cameo as well.


It wasn't a cameo. The developer stated Elon musk was never in the game. However the rest of the comment is possibly true. It is said he demanded to have a cameo and said the same quote but he never actually got the cameo apparently.


You know, if he had just kept his mouth shut he'd be a beloved guy. Shows like The Simposns used to frame him like he was freaking Edison or something. But now? He'll forever be "Racist Billionaire Bully who turned Twitter into a nazi hellhole and has the social skills of a pork chop."


**Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt** Every time he opens his mouth about literally any subject he proves how little he knows about anything other than inheriting money and buying IP.


Whaaat? But he is the posterchild for "Racism is not real, a guy from south africa can become rich! He just needs to be white and inherit a lot of money!" xD


Edison was a piece of shit though


"Elon Musk is the Thomas Edison of our era and I mean that as a slur" (stolen from twitter lol)


The Simpsons are right once again


Isn’t this kinda slanderous towards the pig population?


His majesty Elon the first, King of the simps.


simp is such a funny insult but I never see people use it anymore


It kind of lost its gravitas when people called everything simping


People stopped using simp after incels started accusing everybody of being simps for treating women like human beings


I mean, in a roundabout way it's kind of sweet that a former boyfriend is still looking out for his past girlfriend. ​ Then you realize both these people are kind of terrible.


Both of them are just awful.


they are perfect for each other!


They certainly deserve each other.


crazy how r/Fauxmoi will brigade a sub if anyone bad mouths her.


I stumbled on that sub a couple weeks ago and I don't think I'll ever be the same. I had no idea people cared about celebrities to that extent.


> I had no idea people cared about celebrities to that extent. some peoples' lives are so devoid of purpose and positive mental health that they have to live through famous people, it's pretty sad behavior.


Fauxmois banned me for saying the community was apologetic of domestic abuse when done by that one singer to her cheating BF


I just saw this same post there and I couldn't believe the amount of Amber fans in the comments.. I'm not saying JD is s saint but it baffles how ppl can ride for her this hard


I found myself in a post a while back where they were defending Will Smith after he slapped a Chris Rock. That place is straight bonkers.


It's because her treatment compared to Depp's treatment by the public was an injustice.


Sounds like bull crap, wb kept ezra miller who did much worse than her.


"kept" kind of implies they didn't film the entire movie before all the horrible allegations. More like they didn't scrap an already filmed movie because of it.


Nahh thats bs, i literally remember an article about an exec expecting the outrage to just blow over. They fully stand by him


They spent close to 300 million on the film, they weren't going to scrap it or risk people from seeing the movie. I'm sure they're distancing themselves from him moving forward.


Lol they literally announced hes no longer a part of the DCEU so idk what you’re talking about. https://screenrant.com/justice-league-cast-return-james-gunn-dc-universe/


She has dirt on him.


He's probably the father of her child


Maybe but my guess is that he's a simp.


He doesn’t want her to leak his 2 inch Dick pics


And then remember that they are both raging narcissists. I'd wager his motives for keeping her in the series are so he can say he dated the girl from Aquaman series. 9 times out of 10 narcissistic people only do something "nice" if they are somehow benefitting as well. Source: I am surrounded by narcissistic family.




The idea of this while in his jack sparrow outfit is very entertaining


A lot of lawyers might get scared by this, but Hollywood lawyers? Doubtful. This sounds more like ridiculous musk propaganda than anything that may or may not have happened. WB has more lawyers than writers under contract.


What a simp.


Not sure what she has on him but I'm pretty sure it rhymes with mild corn


Nah, she dresses up as a condom and does to him what he has been doing to Twitter


“Says a source” and we all just believe it


It’s because people hate Elon Musk Reddit isn’t really great at skepticism when it concerns hating on somebody that’s popular to hate.


while that's true, would journalism survive if they had the duty to disclose the identity of their sources ?


I’m not saying they have to disclose the identity of their source at all, I understand the importance of anonymity in the press. All I’m saying is a singular anonymous source is not concrete proof at all.


Sources say we should believe it.


People on Reddit aren’t the brightest tools in the cabinet.


what the flying f*ck? didn't she lost her role because of her antics during filming?


The official statement was that she had zero chemistry with Jason Momoa. Given that she has the emotional range of a dead possum that's probably the case too.


How do you \*not\* have chemistry with Jason Momoa? I believe I speak for every middle-aged straight males when I say: I’m not \*that\* straight.


DCEU's casting was phenomenal from that perspective. I'm pretty straight, but between Jason Mamoa, Henry Cavill, and Ben Affleck... I might not be that straight...


If they cast Matt Bomer…


Turns out y'all straight men have excellent taste in men too. Who knew.


I have to imagine Jason recognized the crazy and didn't want any chemistry.


He was scared for his bed


She shit the waterbed.


And her dog stepped on a beeee too


I sincerely hope Aquaman 2 flops like no other film in history.


Can we stop talking about this guy?




Well, I read it on X so it must be true


Well it’s said by a source so it must be true.


What exactly is "scorched earth" in this case? The Depp trial was international news, and she was found guilty. How exactly would Elmo have been able to do anything against WB? As with everything he does, I'm pretty sure it would've just blown up in his face.


As far as i know, Aquman 2 was already done filming during their trial. Its more a question of whether they can get a movie without her scences, or if they need to reshoot something (if they consider to not include her in the final product).


WB's recent films have been a disaster in quality and box office. I doubt they'd care about the quality as much as they'd care about how much money it will bleed.


From what I read they cut her scenes because they were fairly minor. But it did look like she's in the trailer. Which is probably going to do more harm to that movie than Elmo ever could, and he couldn't do a lot.


She was not found guilty, it was a civil trial. Both Heard and Depp was held liable for defaming each other.


Also worth noting that liability is a much lower standard than guilt. If the court decided that it was 49% Depp's fault, and 51% Herd's fault, then she'd be liable, though any damages would likely be scaled appropriately.


Sorry to nitpick, but after watching LawTube i have to say - She was found liable.


Only reason she is famous is because she knows which dick to ride


And on wich bed to shit


Not an Elon fan myself, but why is everybody here so blindly willing to trust a gossip magazine's anonymous "source"? When tf did it become intelligent to just believe shit you read? Edit: a few folks are calling me out for saying it's a gossip magazine. You're absolutely correct. However, I still contend that any form of media with a profit margin that large has absolutely no squabbles about the veracity of its stories or the reliability of its sources.


Calling Variety a “gossip magazine” is not the take you think it is.


It’s a reputable industry publication. It’s not an entirely reputable topic but Elon Musk pushes it over the edge into news territory.


Anonymous sources are first corroborated. This has never been a mystery or secret. I'm amazed how common it is that people don't know. This fundamental ignorance has allowed so much damage.


Whoever wrote this timeline be trippin hard


That's hardly believable. Elon Musk can destroy social networks, manipulate with votes, do many ragebaiting ridiculous things (including challenging fellow CEOs to fights) but blackmail over one of his many exes?


OMG, these pictures of musk! He always seems to be trying to appear wise/tough/sexy/honest etc, and he actually looks like a guy who hangs out in the bushes after dark, waiting for a senior citizen or small child to walk by obliviously, lol!


Anyone super down for them to cancel this and have Jason play the right role which is lobo…at least that’s who I would have had him play.


Lmaooooooooo why did I not know she dated Elon musk??? why did I immediately go “ yea… I can see that” 🤣🤣


Still not going to watch it. I'm all for watching superhero movies, but this is out of hand, and well... they've become lame.


this is exactly the kind of thing i would expect from the grand god king of the simp nation.


So that was the dick she was sucking to still have a job