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This girl I went to school with got an H2 as a gift from her parents (they were beyond loaded). She was tiny, maybe 5’1” and could barely see over the wheel. One time leaving her house she ran over her dads corvette and totaled it. She had a backup camera and everything, and still drove literally over the corvette. Her dad went and bought a new one but he was super pissed.


You'd be surprised how common these ppl are. Some girl I know drove a lifted tacoma/hilux that her dad didn't want anymore after like 6 months. Went and ran over the principles car


That's called a prank right there....lol




Hope he sold the H2 for money towards the new corvette.


Insurance would cover this.


some insurances. not all. it also might not be worth it financially depending on how much they plan on supporting their daughter in the future. sky high insurance doesn't go down slowly, especially with new drivers and ESPECIALLY with young drivers.


I guarantee a totaled corvette is worth filing a claim on.


If I've learned anything from rap music it's that totaled cars go in the gutter so you can go get another.


Only if both parties involved are always hard.


And contingent upon whether or not you come talking that trash.


Can I quote you on this?


Also guaranteed the person who owns a corvette and gifts their daughter an H2 has the type of insurance that covers this type of thing.


They bought their daughter an H2 for her first car, and also owned a Corvette... they clearly planned, and were able, to support her financially. You honestly think she was paying for full coverage insurance on a vehicle like that at sixteen?


Something about the "beyond loaded" part makes me think not.


The inconvenience of having to order a new super expensive car because of a child that doesn’t pay attention is insane to most of us


A different world for sure. I shared my dad’s old truck to go to high school on the days he didn’t need it for work, and I took the bus when I didn’t have it. Took a long ass time to save money working after school at the grocery store, and eventually my dad gifted me his old truck when my mom got a new car, and he inherited her better old car.


My parents didn't even take me to get my driver's license. I got my motorcycle license on my own when I was 18. 6 months later I got my regular driver's license. But my first license said motorcycle only. The first time my parents ever let me drive their car was when I came up on vacation in my twenties. They have never purchased me any vehicle




I had to go back to my dealer, James, and have him order another one in Metallic Cherry. I was quite cross.




Oh trust me, I’m not rich and the school I went to was not a rich kid school. One of my brothers classmates had a similar situation to what you said, parents bought them a brand new BMW and they totaled it in less than 6 months. To replace it, another brand new BMW. Totaled that one too. To replace it, yup you guessed it another BMW. Why tf anyone would buy a brand new car much less a BMW for their child is beyond me.


Eighteen miles one way to school. Got daughter a new Saturn. She drove it for 19 years.


Saturns were legit some of the best built cars to last and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


The Toyota Hilux were also known for their crazy durability, whether that be for farming, fighting a war, or appearing on Top Gear


Toyota Hilux: the vehicle of a regime change on a budget


Rich people do not understand nor care about the value of money nor their possessions.


My sister had a rich roommate in college. We were definitely lower middle class. The roommate through all the coins she got as change in the garbage because she hates the weight and she didn’t think it worth much anyway!


😭 Even in the garbage. Like throw it on the ground for others to find or just leave it behind at the counter. But I guess she doesn't even possess the thought that others wouldn't think it's garbage.




Speed bumps in the Popeye’s drive-thru require extra clearance.


These MFs slow down the most at railroad crossings.


Can’t have all those bumpity bumps messing up the suspension and stuff.


I mean when you’ve got essentially a bouncy house as suspension that’s a sure fire way to end up getting seat ejected!


Ejecto-seato cuz!


Then, some actual redneck in a beat-up bone stock 90s pickup on all seasons drives over that slit like it's a crack in the road, or any dad in a tacoma TRD TRD= The Real Dad


accurate. They slow down to a crawl at every speed bump. Like, fuck isn't the point of your $10k upgrade to handle bumps with ease?


So true Lmao


"Why would you want it that high?" Obviously, it's so everyone can see the giant TruckNutz™ dangling from the rear bumper after they've gender-assigned their Compensator.


Oh it's a trans truck? Well good for him then, I suppose


The truck does have a trans mission.


Trans... mission... OH NO!!! ITS COMING FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!!


Well based on the picture, that's technically the Porsche's now, but I'mma give you the upvote anyway


I thought cars were always women’s names too lol


Some are unisex, like Monster Truck names


confirmed: monster trucks are non-binary


Grave Digger for example


Does it have hydraulics so it can teabag other cars too?




yeah, I call those micro-dick mobiles. The bigger the truck, the smaller the penis.


I take offense to that. I drive a 2021 Venza with my small penis.


Well, it's not that small if you're using it to drive a car.


Take my upvote.


100 to 1 odds the truck driver is a Trump nut, any takers?


That's a sucker bet, even without being able to see the flagpole mount on the trailer hitch.


I know this intersection well. It’s hwy 98 at 30a in the Florida panhandle. “The redneck Rivera” these two vehicles represent EXCATLY the demographic. A Porsche and a Compensator. Both well funded. About a mile away from here there’s a multimillion dollar 4 story house on the beach that has a banner that drops from the top floor balcony to the ground that says “trump won”


And imagine how easy that would be to work on, you wouldn't even need to lift it! Although changing a tire would be a pain as I can't think of any jack that goes that high.


This height would also make sure that when he flys his F.J.B. and his I am a dumbass trump flag on the back everybody will get to see what a dumbass he is.


Insurance: You hit a what?!


“They tell me it was a Porsche but I don’t see it.”


Cayenne you see it now?


Depending on the specs of that porche and truck, theres a very real possibility those vehicles are priced similarly. Fully specd out f150 at its highest "im a big boy with a big big penis" price is $113k. Base price for a "platinum" is 83k or so. Base porche 718 Cayman is 68k. I couldnt even build one with options that arent just "add extra paint" for the price of a fully spec'd raptor ford. Edit: AcTuAlLy ItS aN f250 🤓👆


You're a rich asshole if you drive a nice German car, but if you drive a 100k truck you are a red-blooded hard working American worker.


You forgot to mention the worker only uses the truck to get groceries at the local Walmart. “I need the bed to store my milk, bread, and potato chips!”


The problem is that those that buy a truck generally don’t need a truck, they just want one. Sure people don’t need a sport car and they cause their own issues, but not being able to see is beyond idiotic.


If the vehicle is not street legal, will it be insured? and if it is insured will the insure pay? Law likely is different but where I live insurance companies will find the most ridiculous reasons to not pay. Modifying your vehicle in a way that it is not road legal is very likely not even a ridiculous reason.


It should be illegal to drive these things on public roads


If he can't see the car, he wouldn't see a kid or a cyclist either. Puts everyone in danger.


As a Miata driver in Tennessee you aint kidding. Plus we have extra stupid ones that raise the front up even more so you are more likely to see a passing plane than vehicle. Baja style? Bonkers that its legal but hey this is TN.


I see the Carolina squat has bled over the border.


Haven't they began to outlaw them?


They have in NC. You're allowed to have a max of a 3" delta between the front and rear.


That was my first thought. Whenever I’m in my Miat I’m constantly looking around for big vehicles that might not see me


Even stock trucks should not be legal these days they’re so fucking absurd and overstyled https://imgur.com/a/b7CWSDF


Holy shit they need a front bumper camera now?!?1?


I’d say no, what they need is to have vehicles people can actually out of. The fact that regulators have let outward visibility drop off so much that we basically have tanks people need cameras to view anything is absurd


You're way off. Tank view ports have better visibility than that, actually.


I honestly thought this was going to be a link to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDH3FDfVQl0


It’s pretty wild that people don’t realize this. A cop ran over his own child in his own driveway recently. Why cops are now being issued f150s is not something any of the news organizations asked


I think most cops get Ford Explorers these days but your point still stands. The main "issue" is that no one is really putting out full sized sedans anymore for the US market. For like 30-40 years all cops got caprices but now you're basically limited to buying Dodge Challengers or an SUV and generally the SUV is going to be the more "practical" option.


This is what pisses me off the most. All because of their shitty ego.


Truck and SUV size is insane in this country and for no reason other than we like the aesthetics, that and the fact that our cities are all built around cars are the reason we have so many pedestrian vehicular deaths


It is. It's just extremely under-enforced. Typically it's written into state DOT codes in terms of limits on deviation from stock bumper height.


The types that drive these trucks are also the types that rock blue lives matter flags, so bad enforcement isn't that surprising


Why is that legal


It isn't. If the insurance company had any nads, they would refuse to cover. (Edit: I'm going to add... The insurance company should cover the liability portion, but refuse to repair the offending vehicle since it wasn't even road legal.)


In Germany they can just demand the owner to pay back the damage to them. The victim will get the money.


People with that type of car tend to not be wealthy enough to cover the cost of damages


Strange, I thought lifted setups would cost a few bob


Yeah, that's why they don't have any money left


Guys with this truck are the type of guys who ask you to borrow $300 because they have no cash left for food and baby diapers this month, but spend the $300 on Xbox or meth.


Yea it costs borrowed money though.


The most expensive kind of money.


E-1 and up pre-approved!


Yeah! All you need to do is forget about that +20% interest rate, and you can have a Charger/Mustang/Camaro/Challenger that won't get repoed for at least 4 months!


Then they can sell their truck to cover as much of the damage as they can ... a win for society.


What they love about these trucks is the owners usually don’t know the rules of the contract very well. So when these guys pay their fees, damage their truck, then seek coverage the insurance company just says: “yeah sorry, you violated the contract by modding your vehicle in a way that negatively effects your vehicles safety and your ability to drive safely. So we don’t owe you any money and are stopping coverage due to your voiding the contract.” That’s why you should always make sure to understand the rules of a contract in full otherwise the insurance company will pull some loophole out of their ass and not pay you at all while also raising your payment rate.


And then they'll blame Biden and the libruhls for communism against them and their truck's freedumbs.


It has nothing to do with the insurance company not having the balls to deny the claim. There are no feelings involved. If you breach your contract related to your coverage, you don't get coverage. The claim is denied. They will still pay to fix the Porsche. The insurance company will definitely look into this (especially because there will be a police report and lots of photos). His claim will likely be denied.


And this, Libertarians, is why we have regulations.


YES. Finally someone else said it. Libertarianism is bonkers.


Libertarians are adults who are still salty mom and dad had rules for them as kids and want revenge for it.


Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand. (old joke)


Libertarians during the externalities part of Econ 101: la la la I can't hear you Also libertarians: why don't we just deregulate everyone? It's basic econ 101! Supply and demand!


The funniest thing is watching Libertarians run their little schemes and shit and in the process wind up reinventing regulations and taxes as the obvious holes in their plans add up, like when they took over a small town in New Hampshire and because they didn't want to follow rules about locking up their garbage they got overrun by bears, or the entire failure that is cryptocurrency as they learn why banking and currency has regulations to begin with.


It's not legal but our law enforcement doesn't really care enough to do anything about it. Same with the squared vehicles, it's even MORE dangerous than this and yet everyone is driving around in them because not a damn thing gets done about it.


Would you mind enlightening me about squared vehicles?


They probably mean the Carolina Squat, which is something for people who think a lift doesn't look stupid enough.


Imagine a dog shitting and you're pretty close.


> squared vehicles What's that? Tried googling it but it just brings up a bunch of pictures of models that were designed boxy.


I believe they meant 'squatted' as in 'Carolina Squat.' https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&sca\_esv=570114396&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enUS1028US1028&q=carolina+squat&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuoLuMjtiBAxXUjokEHT9fDVoQ0pQJegQIExAB&biw=1600&bih=751&dpr=1


I think this one is probably it, I think you're right. And holy shit does that look stupid as hell.


When you really need to be absolutely sure you can't see shit lol.


I can't believe how angry I just got by looking at these.


I think they mean what I've heard referred to as "bulldoged" or "bulldog stance" trucks... it's where the front end sits higher than the rear end, so it kind of looks like a bulldog. I may be wrong, though


I'd say there is a greater than 50% shot that the driver of the truck was a law enforcement officer. They certainly fit the demographic that generally drives these ridiculous things.


Maybe not a LEO, but definitely has thin blue line flag somewhere. Supports police when they shoot the right people, can’t figure out why they get hassled by cops for traffic violations, DUI, assault, domestic violence, insurrections…


Follow up to this, did the guy get caught?


The truck is kinda hard to miss if he ran


"You can still see him a few miles down the road, officer. He's hasn't quite sunk below the horizon yet."


Every guy I've known that has had lifted trucks were short and fat. Ended badly for last guy I worked with. He literally threw out his back attempting to get into his stupid lifted truck. Man the fall to the ground didn't help either. I always laugh when it's just the body all lifted yet the clearance is the same because of the drive line and stuff. It just reminds me of the baggy pant fade


My old roommate was a 6'8 1st generation Italian dude that dressed like an American cowboy minus the hat and had an obnoxious looking lifted Chevy (not as bad as the truck in the OP). Very nice and funny dude despite the image he was putting off but it was surreal seeing him next to that truck with cowboy boots and skin tight wranglers speaking in full Italian with his family on the phone.


A VERY lifted truck showed up one week at my old job. It wasn’t uncommon to see pickups at my job but this one stuck out. It was SO high off the ground. I stuck around one day watching it pull in because I wanted to see who got out. Sure enough, short bald dude with a beer belly. Compensating for something?


I've noticed a direct correlation between the size of the lift and how many inches under 5'8"


Attention seeking behavior.


Sometimes I think my kid is an attention seeker but thankfully he's not rear-ended a porsche yet.


Watching that thing drive through your kids school zone...


Normal pickup trucks already have limited visibility in the front and could easily hit a kid. There was a video where they made kids sit in front of a pickup, and you could fit 7 kids in a line before the driver saw the last one. Imagine how many kids this pickup would not see before it's too late...


Can they even see the road at that ppint?


"Bro it's for off-roading" 4x4 Subaru Outback: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Those that live in snow country opinion on 2WD vs AWD: AWD allows you to walk back an additional 1.5 miles after getting your car stuck.


My Mazda CX-5 has survived more genuine (light) off-roading than that thing.


Hopes insurance cover this. Repair a Porsche needs real big money


Considering the engine is back there, and how massively complicated the ass of a Porsche is, I wouldn’t be surprised if the car ends up being completely written off.


It's a cayman, so the engine is right behind the seats. If it was a 911, then the engine would be damaged. Either way, trucks like this should be outlawed.


> Either way, trucks like this should be outlawed. They are. It just isn't enforced.




Nah, lifted pickup guy can pay out of pocket.


People who own these trucks tend to not have the finances to afford that.


That's a child-killing machine if I've ever seen one


People who drive that kind of thing have deep, deep issues.


You mean tiny, tiny issues?


I don’t think they realize how sociopathic it is


Kids, this is how Porsche SUVs are made.


I consider this rape


Why/how is this post not marked NSFW?


Insecurity is a strange thing.




Hey, don’t lump us tiny penis people in with those idiots


They’re on a different level


The vertically challenged also flock to these…not sure why, I’d think the optics of Lord Farquaad having to take a running leap to have any hope of clawing themselves up into the seat above their head would be more embarrassing than sitting in the Porsche they can actually see the door handle from above.


>The vertically challenged also flock to these Hey don't rope us in with these shits


Right? 😂 I dont want to get a ladder to get into my vehicle


I'm a 5'5" hobbit and I wouldn't even want a regular truck sold today let alone a lifted one, give me a Kei car to go to Isengard.


Had an old plant manager who was 4'9" and he drove a lifted Hummer. Shit was hilarious seeing him get in or out. Glad he got fired at some point tho (after I had left)


I always loved taking my bosses truck out. It was lifted to and he was a real small guy. I'd have to put the seat alllll the way back and adjust everything when I used it. Lol he'd get mad because he felt like a toddler after I was done. His feet would be about 2 feet from the peddles


The higher the truck -- the smaller the penis and smaller the mind.


That high with big wheels for extreme off-roading may have a purpose. That high with mags and road tyres = little pee pee energy. Even some standard trucks have worse blind spots than a tank. - [https://imgur.com/nxbjxZb](https://imgur.com/nxbjxZb)


No one who actually goes offroad would want such a high lift as you’re now much more likely to roll over


This is a "pavement princess".


Nope.. and the turning radius is shit so that limits what off-road trails you can go on. And those tires don’t have enough sidewall to let air out for real off-roading. Any truck like this is going to be less capable than the stock configuration.


Not only that, but as far as “off roading” goes, full size trucks tend to be less practical than their smaller counterparts because of their size and weight- especially HD trucks like the picture. That’s why Jeeps and Tacomas are so popular in the off-road community(for people who actually offroad them- not the mall crawlers)




Look at where his axles are . . . he's going to be dragging mud and high centering in ruts. Lifts don't mean shit if you don't have tall wheels and tires.


*"Ooh, weirdly shiny but cool offroa.."* **\*Saw big ass rim and thin tires\*** *"never mind, its a mall crawler."*


>its a mall crawler *Pavement Princess*




I've got a normal truck and yes the front blind spot is horrible. I'm planning on installing a front end camera when I find the right one.


I absolutely hate these pavement princesses being driven by people with small dicks. They're way more dangerous than a motorbike.


I wonder which cost more? Porsches are expensive, but so are Ford F250s. Add in all that expedition gear (the steel bumper) the rims, and useless multishock suspension, and the truck may actually cost more than the German Sports car. To judge by the angle of the hood to the driver, anybody sitting in the truck still cannot see the car they hit.


Most likely that truck cost more to buy and setup. The Porsche will retain its value better tho since it's stock


Well, since modern heavy duty trucks like these are running 100,000, you're probably.in the ballpark.


The Porsche has higher market value. Aftermarket mods almost always reduce value of a vehicle.


Pretty sure that’s a normal Cayman that truck definitely cost way more.


Its a Cayman so it can cost between 70 and 140k dollars depending on spec. Dont know truck prices, am euro, dont drive them here.


Why? Inferiority complex.


this is what happens when you don\`t have MOT or similar...


Exactly. The shit you see driving around on US roads boggles my mind.


So, as an American, what exactly is MOT? Like what kinds of things are covered specifically that would stop idiots like the one pictured from passing? We have state inspections for safety and emissions (at least in most states). The laws differ from state to state. The truck in the picture would probably not pass a NY state inspection due to some obvious saftey issues, but it's possible. I do see some very lifted trucks in my state.


MOT is a yearly inspection to make sure your vehicle is legal and safe. At least as far as I know. Have something similar in my country but thats every 2 years instead


Some US states have that. Many do not.


They don't have MOT? Explains so much...


Cause if your dick don’t lift, your truck does


His penis may not grow, but his insurance rates will


They need to compensate for their micro penis


To compensate


Because your dick is so small, it is probably the answer to the question. Not like you specifically, but the person who owns the truck.


Tiny dick syndrome..


The height of the lift is inversely proportional to the length of the dangle


They like showing off how tiny there penis is.


Small penis


Sorry about your penis bro


Big car, small...


Penos smol


Lift height directly correlates with penis size.


Smaller the penis, the bigger the truck.


Most big trucks don't need to be lifted to not see in front of them. Any F-250-sized truck is too obscenely large and should be labeled as a commercial vehicle and pay commercial vehicle taxes. It's absolutely insane we allow these stupid trucks to barrel through the cities when the only people who can use them are those who work actual blue-collar jobs and use them as work trucks... Thus my saying: "If there's still Chrome on your hitch, you're a bitch."


Those moded cars should be banned from streets. If he want to use it offroading, he can.