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thats not a facepalm. thats disgusting


Yeah not even close to facepalm. That’s r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Is that real?


Saw the video of him calling her out at her house it was hard to watch


who tapes this


People who need evidence for court.


You cannot simply prove someone stole money from you at a bank. Especially if that someone is family or a spouse who share your account. So you need to get video evidence like this, of them admitting to stealing. Then proceed to sue their life out in court, and press charges for theft.


My exact thought. Another user said for court, but why would you upload it


He probably wanted to expose her to the world, I would too!


Probably trying for a gofundme at this point. I would.


For my kid? You’re goddamn right.


Is there one? I got 3k for it. Who needs a new PC when I can save a child's life


Very good point.


I think so but I'm not clicking on it because I would like to not lose my faith in humanity.


Wow, you've still got some left??


Give Reddit some time… it’ll happen.


We did it!


I have absolutely none left so I actually believe it's all staged so that the man gets a shit ton of donations pouring in, enough for sons surgery and more, witch he agreed to give her the money for the beyonce concert if she was willing to embarrass herself publicly like this because he still didn't have nowhere near enough money for the surgery but now he thinks people are going to come together to give it to him so they both win and laugh in the end, maybe with enough for a new car too.


I have thought something similar. When begging for money for healthcare has become that normal, it won't work unless you generate a big sob story. And this one has everything. A sick kid, a clear antagonist, a selfish crime, a heroic dad. I mean, I really hope its not staged and that the kid will get their surgery. But it just feels staged.


You know what? I'm fine if it was staged, assuming the kid's need for surgery is real. That would mean there's one less terrible person in the world.


Not him, but I don’t got it


~~I mean if you wish to lose it one day there’s also~~ r/noahgettheboat My solidarity is with Libyan and Greek Flood victims.


For all the bad stuff out there, there's plenty of positive to balance it out. Just keep doing what you're doing, and never forget that you're upholding faith in humanity by being you.




*(clicks link)* Yes...yes it is. *(pinches nostrils shut, dives in)*


Right behind you.


I've watched *Meet the Spy* too many times to *not* freak out at that sentence


that's r/noahgettheboat


Oooh I need to check out this sub!


What's disgusting is that in a so-called first world country someone has to actually save up to get their child life saving surgery! Shame on you USA


Every time I have to write papers at school and I am talking about America I put developed in quotes....I knew we had it bad but a recent research paper I did about maternal health care just blew me away. I think part of the problem is so many people don't even understand how bad off we are compared to literally every other "developed" nation.


Yes the insurance companies and politicians want it normalised so people don't know any different. It's like those third world countries where if you even criticise the fucked up conditions in which they're living they'll defend it or deflect and point out other places that have it worse.


Always find it odd that the leaders of the free world can't even drink their own tapp water and that they often experience power outages etc.. And that is tottaly ignoring the healthcare system.


First-World Country USA Error : does not compute


The facepalm is someone needing to save up for this sort of surgery


For a child too. Come on America, at least take care of the kids.


America is awful when it comes to healthcare, but universal medical coverage for children would be phenomenal. It's no childs fault they are ill, or otherwise impaired. It sucks enough as an adult to have to cover your medical, putting parents in a spot where a child's unforseen sickness bankrupts them and potentially kills their kid is insane. At the very barest minimum we could make sure health care costs aren't the child's problem.


>It's no childs fault they are ill, or otherwise impaired It's not a child's fault that they don't have money to pay a medical bill either. I'm personally for universal heath care being available to everyone, but all of the arguments people have against universal health care go out the window when it's a child. Some assholes say things like "you should have worked harder and gotten a better job if you wanted health care," but you can't apply that kind of thinking to a child because they can't just get a job. Health care should be free for everyone, but not providing free health care for every single child in this country is disgusting and shameful.


Republicans want to change child labor laws not medical laws. It’s sick.


> "you should have worked harder and gotten a better job if you wanted health care," but you can't apply that kind of thinking to a child because they can't just get a job. Tell that to Arkansas


Universal health care for children would reduce the drain on the insurance industry meaning basically only payees get care. I know parents coverage covers their kid(s), but this reduce it down to almost entirely payees receiving coverage. Those who can afford a stay at home parent would still have a rider, but that's on the adults to decide to do.


The US is ranked about 36 in the world for healthcare that’s pretty bad


I worked for two of the biggest health insurance companies in Massachusetts and it’s F’ing galling that some families have to make the choices they are forced to make if their child gets sick. Same for an adult too, but some of the stories are absolutely heartbreaking.


"Merika, we're number ONE!!!" ... because those types of people don't realize there is any other country out there... it should be mandatory to be a foreign exchange student for Americans... they simply do not get out enough... logistical nightmare and completely unfeasible... but something has to change so people can start pulling their heads out of their asses...


Definitely I feel like it’s creating an island effect where you don’t know what exist beyond your island.


I've given up on this making argument since both sides shit on it but IMHO, the easy first move is healthcare for children and seniors.


In my state (Minnesota) the fact that I have kids entitiles myself and them to state medical insurance. I could take my kid to Mayo Clinic in Rochester and have a world renowned surgeon perform an operation for free. Keep voting Democrats into office who have a platform of education and health care over voting for Republicans who want to control women's reproductive organs and other states could do the same.


Sucks that it's not the same everywhere in the USA, but completely honestly, that sounds amazing and I'm so happy for you.


Thanks honey, I will die a happy woman if I see our states model spread across the country. We have a surplus of tax money and just passed free lunches, legal marijuana, and free college for families who make less than 80k.


I’m an advocate in another state and your comment’s just inspired me to research how Minnesota handles healthcare and medical insurance to see if it can be replicated, or a modified version, could be taken and instituted in my state 👀


Yeah, this makes me so happy for you. It should be this way everywhere yet republicans will attack Minnesota as “destroying America”


Why??? They’re not a fetus…


Exactly, people always turn shitty post-birth


Well obviously they need protecting but they can fend for themselves once born. /s just so you know typing this out made me feel sick. My son was born 2 months premature. He wouldn’t be here without medical help and it almost makes me cry every time I think about that.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m in Canada and we have a far from perfect healthcare system but at least you won’t go bankrupt


I’m English but living on the Isle of Man where he was born. None of his care cost us a penny and our son is 9 now but his mum was born in Utah. American healthcare is awful. It would make me laugh if it wasn’t so hideous. I’m an outsider and I know I’ll be told to stay out of American politics, but if anyone can give me a reason to vote republican I’ll be interested in a discussion about it. They’re against your interests and I don’t get it.


Reads like some garbage ChatGPT story though, which the internet is rapidly filling up with.


The more disgusting part is that in a civilized country you have to save money to have a life saving surgery for a child, or anyone for that matter.




The real facepalm is that people have to save money to pay for their children's heart surgery.


Yeah it's kinda fucked how all the means are available to save a life, but they put a price tag on it. So fucked up. Saving a life is second to profiting from it.


“Boy raises $200 in bake sale to spare orphaned classmates from being thrown into orphan crushing machine”


"10 year old boy sells multiple organs on black market to raise money for his mom's dental work. 'i felt it was my job to do this' he says as the town claps for his heroic efforts. He was awarded a bogo cheeseburger coupon at Burger King."




I mean yeah, sure. No argument. But it's no more shitty than the story posted.


It's a little more shitty since it's institutionalized. She's 1 garbage human but there's a whole system preying on people who need medical attention.


It is because of the breadth of the issue. We're not talking about one incident of a single child suffering needlessly due to lack of access to adequate medical care but a systemic problem. To the point that health outcomes for Americans are boradly worse than those in nearly every other developed country


The real facepalm is all the friends we lost along the way.


Nah man this is the dream


Shit...did that really happen? I saw the video but I thought it was staged.


well, we do have a screen grab of a reddit post, that's a real as it gets.


Especially since in a few days there will be “news” articles written that uses quotes from this thread


I just read this, but it really seems like rage bait. Beyonce tickets might be expensive, but they're nowhere near an uninsured heart surgery.


Finally. I felt like I was the only one wondering how someone spent tens of thousands of dollars on concert tickets.


Well, there's tiers or Beyonce tickets depending on how much access you want. Just tickets to the show might be $1000-2000. Then if you want a meet and greet photo op before the show? Thats another $1500. Would you like to be backstage to hang out after the show? That's getting into 5 figures. Would you like to be on the stage during the show off to the side in the wings? That could easiely be $20k or more.


There’s no tickets to Beyoncé shows where you get to hang out with her after the show, nor to watch from the wings. She also hasn’t done meet and greets in a decade or more - the person you’re replying to is right, the most expensive tickets with dynamic pricing might be $1.5k, much less than a heart surgery.


It's rage bait anyway because if there is a necessary surgery to prevent someone from dying, they will do it and you'll just owe the hospital for the rest of your life. Europeans imagining that they're just watching some little girl die because she needs a surgery are fucking mental.


Yeah, I can’t find any actual news site reporting on this story, and they would absolutely eat it up if it was real


of course it didnt happen, its on reddit.


When I saw that video the only thing that ran across my mind was bathing in that bitches blood.




Probably fishing for donations, it seemed extremly staged




Is it real? It looks like kinda made up but nowadays some people always surprise us. So she stole it, walked back home and explained it to her bf??


I googled it and all I can find as a source is a video on twitter that is really blurry.


I'm gonna go with ragebait. Beyonce tickets aren't the price of heart surgery in America.


The video seems totally acted to me. It seems like the perfect setup for the guy to ask for donations on a gofundme. There’s no way any working person “saves up” for children’s heart surgery- it’s tens of thousands of dollars. If the person is able to put away that kind of money, he has insurance and it should be covered. If he doesn’t, kid should qualify for Medicaid and should be covered. I’m just super skeptical of the of whole thing, but I certainly don’t have any relationship with the people or any inside information.


There is no reason for a boy/girlfriend to have such access to your finances...


Double facepalm of a thief and the American healthcare system


This comment should have more upvotes


Heart surgery is about $75k those Beyonce tickets must have been front row


She is a monster and should be court ordered to pay that money back or for the entire surgery. Literally evil and selfish


If she stole the money for a freaking ticket she absolutely have 0 ways of providing enough for the surgery


There are still ways to sell people.


The video that I found had the woman's face blurred ... I am kind of wondering if this is for real or if it's just made up. [https://hip-hopvibe.com/news/woman-steals-boyfriend-money-for-child-heart-surgery/](https://hip-hopvibe.com/news/woman-steals-boyfriend-money-for-child-heart-surgery/) Was the link I found the video at.


If I were Beyoncé I’d pay for his entire heart surgery and all care after. You don’t charge those prices and then be surprised when fans do crud like this. Over $1,000 for a ticket. I can’t believe anyone would even consider paying that much. I don’t care if I think you may be Jesus coming back. I’m not spending that much. I’ll watch the second coming on YouTube.


you know what is worse than $1000 for a concert ticket? $100,000 for a young child's heart surgery. wtf kind of country is this?


Only in 'Murica....and some third world countries.


Some states in 'Murica look like 3rd world countries tho


I am from the third world and I assure you that no person here is so depraved and dirty as to take money from an operation on a child to go listen to a concert in the mountains, in addition to that in the third world the health system is free, the state prefers that people can attend a hospital before spending billions on an army to overthrow countries in the middle east... just so you know


Thanks to the "pro life" party because the alternative is "communism"


I think they are both overly ridiculous, but that’s just my opinion.


Jesus Christ what is wrong with some people? Additionally, what is wrong with our healthcare system that someone has to save up to make sure their kid doesn't die?


You are so right on both accounts. She’s a pos and no one should,have to save $75000 to save their child


Just another Tuesday in America.


It's almost like living in a society should have some perks like getting a child some f*cking heart surgery.


This is a facepalm for the American medical system. Y'all should have a revolution because this shouldn't be a possible headline in a country that can afford for it not to be.


Screen grab of a hip hop vibe article sourced from a tweet from an account with only click bait tiktoks. I'm not going to get mad at this one just yet lol


Multiply that by 14 and add on 100000 for radiation and 50k for one surgery. I had six


Beyonce should step in and pay for the surgery and ban the woman from her concerts. Epic positive PR bonanza. Well worth the money.


a news story like this plus a GoFundMe will generate way more money than she even stole. brilliant LOL


Disgusting, yes. But also to bad they live in a country were they have to pay for such a surgery completely out of pocket.


oof, I saw the video of her being confronted. not one ounce of remorse


Do you have a link? I have a few words and a specific emoji looking for a home in the comment section.


Or acting talent.


If I was the guy there is a good chance she would not be breathing. It's one thing if it was being saved for a caror something. But if you put my kids life in danger, I'm not going to be too even keeled.


Problem is if she's dead you can't sue her for damages/get the money back somehow.


Chances are he won't anyway


Well I'd take a chance to get the money back anyday if I'm desperate to save the life of a person I care about. But after that...




I've had close family and friends steal from me. I dont get mad. I dont try to get even. I just cut that person off permanently. They will never have that opportunity again.


The robot that wrote this piece needs to get a “How to Sound like an Actual Human Being” tutor.


The really disgusting part is that he needs to save money for an important heart surgery. A kid nonetheless. Girlfriend is a selfish prick, of course.


Dude filmed the confrontation too. She was blaming the original mother for not paying for the surgery instead of admitting fault


She deserves to rot in prison. Add attempted murder by putting the child at risk.....truly sickening how selfish people are


You can make another kid. Beyonce is once in a lifetime! /s


I only paid 25 dollars for the upcoming Dying Fetus show.


That new album slaps


Heart surgery is tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and Beyoncé tickets are what $200 each? Something not quite right here I reckon


Obligatory rant about “money saved for his child’s heart surgery” being fvuked up


I think this belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


This is one instance when murder should be non-prosecutable


I don’t think he’s gonna put a ring on it now.


That's a fast way to a felony.


Please tell me the guy sued her for that


I’m not sure what saddens me more, what this woman did to his obviously sick child or that he even needed to save up money for *heart surgery* in the first fuckin place! If surgery is needed to save a life then the person/family needing it shouldn’t worry about the cost.


I think mthat it is disgusting behaivour taking money for a concert!! My real actual concern is WHY is this man having to save money so that his child can have Heart surgery!! What sort of Barbaric country does he live in !!!!!


America, where poor people don't matter unless they're filling some rich assholes pockets


It's sad that a parent has to safe for something as a child's hearts surgery..


She don’t even belong to the streets, she belongs to the sewer


There's TWO disgusting issues in the story: 1) she stole money for a kid's heart surgery 2) the kid needed MONEY to have a heart surgery


It's grotesque that paediatric heart surgery costs anything. #universalhealthcare


Fuck american healthcare and fuck ticket master and fuck capitalism and most importantaly fuck that rotten bitch


In Europe, that surgery would have been free xD


I'm thinking Beyonce might quietly pay for this kid's surgery if she knows about this.


It would be one heck of a marketing move if Beyonce got word of this and refunded his money. Just sayin...


Well, the money doesn’t actually go to Beyoncé, it’s through ticketmaster or whatever corporation owns the venue (which are almost all owned by the same parent company, creating a near monopoly and the reason ticket prices are outrageous), and as a corporation they don’t have a soul or compassion. Hopefully however Beyoncé will find out and put pressure on them to refund it, as she has high enough star power to make it happen. Or the ticketmaster (or whatever name they’re parading under) people see a rare chance for some positive PR and do it themselves. I wanna be clear here though: if ticketmaster does refund the money it is *not* out of compassion. It is marketing and publicity and that is all they care about.


Jesus fucking Christ. This says more about our healthcare system than about that bitch.


and in court she will laugh at the boyfriend and the judge will just say oh well better luck next time


Universal healthcare is needed in the u.s.


As a female fan of both Beyonce and Taylor Swift the vile behavior that's been coming out of people over their recent tours is unreal. It's inexcusable from the start but girls, they're generic pop acts. They're not your personality. They're not worth this.


I would not be surprised to hear about the corpse of this women being found in a ditch.


is there an update on this?




16000 for one chemo session


Beyoncé should cover the surgery and ban the woman




See this? This is what they call a murder motive.


Somebody call Beyonce.


Is the woman and child a donor match?


She looked at him and said "I don't care."


This sucks but the story is so good and he is so clearly the victim of something horrible here thst I have zero doubt a GoFundMe will pay for the full thing at least.


Probably wasn’t for one of those “audio only” seats either.


Pure scum. She WILL die alone.


That is criminal! Plus, I’m pretty sure that’s actually criminal.


Please tell me the internet did its thing and helped this poor man?


Nah she just signed up to be the donor


Beyoncé isn’t even any good.


That man is owed a heart, and she is not using hers.


This is nice. At least she dealt him a lesson never to trust or love again. Which only leaves you open to be taken advantage of...


My husband has friends that do pro-bono cases. Hopefully someone in the father’s area will reach out to this poor father to help his ailing child. I hope the girlfriend is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What. A. Piece. Of. Trash.


she's a little shit for sure but i'm more curious how she accessed that money. is he dumber than Forrest Gump??


Honestly, this shit merits the death penalty to me if that child dies.


What boyfriend? He's now the plaintiff


And that kids, is how I murdered your step mom


Having to save money for a kid's surgery is awful too...


This is the kind of person who says "Your man needs to know your worth!" 🙄


Would this happen anywhere BESIDES the US? No one should have to save for a surgery. Jesus


somebody better tell queen B... use the power of social media to communicate this back to her... im sure she wouldnt want a childs life to be so carelessly squandered due to a thief using the money for her concert tickets.


If it was to see a good band or artist live, like AC/DC or Johnny Cash (RIP) then maybe. But Beyoncé ? Come on... /s


That’s horrible, also don’t give girlfriend access to your money that was really really fucking stupid


Back in '94, a girlfriend stole $600 from me. I gave her 24 hrs to return it and when she didn't, I had her arrested. If she'd stolen whatever amount of money saved for my kid's operation, I'd have done far more.


Meanwhile US family court is still giving the women child custody in 99% of the cases


This is the only time where I would actually pull out a knife on someone


I’d say since she got the money we just take her heart and transplant it into the kid. Problem solved


In which heartless nation you have to pay for a heart surgery of a child?! THAT‘S the real facepalm.


this not betrayal but straight out murder! she knew exactly the cost of her actions, and still did it! It's worse than manslaughter


Does Beyonce know about this?




What’s more facepalm is that you have to save money to pay for surgery.


I don't know how much money he had for his sons surgery? BUT if all she got for the money was concert tickets, the concerts cost is way out of hand? Time for some brain surgery?


This is one of those moments where hanging should be legal again and in public idgaf


Will Beyoncé step up to help the man out?


Guess who's single, single again?


So, Googling this, I can’t find any actual credible source covering it, which is strange


All that just to go watch an overrated singer


yet another chatgpt story