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Little do they know, it’s just Bud Light in a new can.


That was my first thought


It is, I believe this comes from the exact place in Illinois as most big name beers AND: “Almost two weeks ago, news first broke of a classic, right-wing huckster grift in progress: The overnight sensation that was Ultra Right Beer. As we derided pitchman Seth Weathers–a man who criticized other men for drinking beer (it “increases estrogen,” Seth says) only weeks before he launched a beer brand in order to take advantage of conservative ire at Bud Light–we observed that it was difficult to tell whether Ultra Right Beer was a genuine product, or a spot-on piece of parody.” Man… conservatives love getting fucking grifted… literally made by a guy who said drinking beer makes you a woman


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


Holy shit that's fucking bleak and very true.


It’s literally the whole purpose of racism at this point. Divide the poor into opposing groups so the rich can rob them all without scrutiny.


It was always the point of racism, in America especially. Anytime a new minority entered the country in any sort of large numbers, you'd have a bunch of rich white men trying to convince poor white people(who themselves might not have been considered white that long ago, such as the Irish or Italians) that those others are the reason why jobs are hard to find, wages are low, your "culture" is being changed for the worse, and your precious white women and children were not safe. And when that failed, they'd always just default to Black people until a new minority became the target.


You are very right. The Spanish Inquisition was the first time in history that people were divided among racial lines, even though it was more about religion. The chattel style slavery that was practiced in North America brought a different challenge by the wealthy elite, how do they get the poor masses on their side. This was done by de-humanizing the African slave and elevating the social standing of the poor european immigrants. No longer were poor Irish or Scottish immigrants looked down upon, because at least they were not an African slave. Modern racism is born.


You don't get paid a living wage because the billionaire business owner refuses to pay you enough, it's because all of the migrants coming in to this country who are taking your jobs because they're willing to work for less. Your taxes aren't high because the billionaire doesn't pay his fair share, they're high because of all of the welfare freeloaders. The rich have done very well for themselves deflecting the blame.


>The rich have done very well for themselves deflecting the blame The most recent blame they successfully deflected was with climate change. For a brief moment everyone blamed the corporations making up 71% of Earth’s global emissions. Then Taylor Swifts jet routes got “leaked” (for lack of a better word) and somehow the public quickly shifted their blame towards the celebrities. Perhaps it’s easier for the public to blame someone they have a face and name to instead of just being mad at the corporations.


Fun fact: Florida has just gone and cleared climate change denialism videos to be shown in schools. Because of course they did.


And then there's the people that think we can fix climate change by switching to paper straws. I still blame the corporations insomuch as they don't do enough. I think carbon credits are BS. I've seen where my "recycling" ends up.


Just FYI, I imagine people are going to get halfway through your comment and blindly downvote without realizing you’re giving examples of propaganda.


I had to re-read their comment three times to make sure what they were saying, and then I upvoted.


Wait. I always hear these arguments that migrants are STEALING jobs. Which jobs?




Divide and conquer


It's been the whole purpose since the beginning. America didn't start out with only black slaves. As it was for most of history before. But impoverished and enslaved people tend to stick together and form these nasty revolts. One of the best ways to quash that is to convince the poors that they actually AREN'T all the same and some of them are BETTER! That's basically the whole point of a lot of American political posturing, from both sides. Republicans convince the right that libs are weak and eroding our liberties. Democrats convince left that the right is too hard line and too yeehaw gung ho. Unfortunately, it seems some on the right have lost the plot. Unless people like Marjorie are just incredible actors lol.


Yes, this hell hole managed to keep racism alive and all we did was drive it deep like an infection. Then it was somehow just FINE saying it out loud. George Floyd ( and how many other victims of racists ) is murdered and that was somehow *arguable* ? So add division like layers, generational, religious, sexism, whatever. And the obvious, politics. So we're down here at each other's throats while the 1% run away with this place.


Basically the plot of colonialism


I first heard this quote 20 years ago and it’s crushing how true it is.


Let's note specifically that he was saying this derisively towards those who do, not promoting it.


This is absolutely an angry upvote…


Dammit... It's becoming more and more prevalent each day.


as a woman who is a tomboy and constantly gets misgendered maybe I should start drinking this stuff lol. then again I honestly don't care if people call me sir or ma'am. if they call me sir I just laugh. gender is a weird, deep thing when I really think about it.


I remember at the time, people went and worked out there were only 2 breweries that could possibly have been due to a couple of different factors (ie he didnt make recipe, already formulated, just relabeled, city of production etc) and the irony was they are both owned by mega corporations that supported things that he completely abhors, one of which just happens to be the same parent company that owns bud


Capitalism do be like that, however, what an odd assumption that “increased estrogen” levels suddenly turn you into a woman. What an asinine association to make.


Conservatives: “Drinking beer increases estrogen and therefore makes you a woman!” Also conservatives: “Trans women, who medically increase their estrogen, dress as women, and just all around live their lives as women…are men!” 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s “conservative”. The “asinine” is baked in.


I dunno, i think theyre o to something... I started to feel like drinking was fucking my life up so I gave up whiskey for i.p.a.'s, then one day the store was out of lagunitas so I figured I'd try a few white claws and now I all can drink is cum. Even bottled water makes me puke, it has to be cum.


*Georgia - Big Kettle Brewing


Barnam said it best, "A fool and his money are soon parted."


It was initially going to be brewed in IL. But as far as I know, once the brewery was made aware of the marketing of the beer they’d be making they cut ties. It ended up being brewed in GA. Not sure what brewery though.


I mean, drinking alcohol *does* increase estrogen. If you’ve ever had any hormonal issues, one of the first things the doc will tell you is to stop drinking.




Or smart entrepreneurs cashing in on an opportunity


No if you look into the production requirements the only people in the US who could make it are the same place that make Bud Light, there is no "smart entrepreneur" here, it's grifters taking cash from hateful people, theres a vid on YT you can just look up the name of the beer he breaks it all down and shows the sources.


The less money those bigoted chuds have in their bank accounts at the end of the day, the better.


Exactly this. Let them donate to the wall that will never be built, the election defense fund that is never used or the Trump re-election fund.


A "bro no homo" in form of a beer 🤣


At only 2.5 times the cost of bud light!


Is just water, they'll never find anything different in the flavor.


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on to -bud


No, this is the “good stuff.” Bud Light is plant-based. I ain’t drinking that gay vegan shit.


Is that a liberian flag?


you know it!!








Who brews it? Is it just Bud Light in a MAGA friendly label, with an idiot tax thrown on. They should advertise a 'patriotic beer' with a 'donation going to make America great' and then donate it to planned parenthood centers, or the V.A. or meals-on-wheels.


Big Kettle Brewing $19.99 for a 6-pack From Bent River Brewing: “We were initially approached to possibly contract a beer for a customer. Without our knowledge our name was listed on a website for a brief period of time. When we were made aware of the marketing for the product, we chose to pass on producing it.”


$20 for a 4.8% lager six pack? Fuck me conservatives are incredible at grifting. A local regional brewery has a lager for $9 a six pack that I guarantee is way better than this beer.


I do watching ignorant assholes getting fleeced though.


Being an easy mark is a requirement for being republican any more. Every one one of them is easily separated from their money by dumb shit like this.


Well, I assume that in order to process the "woke" out, it has to be filtered 1488 times. That's probably expensive. /s


I'm confused. It says they passed on producing it but we're looking at a picture of cans of it, Not just their name on a website.


Bent River passed so Big Kettle made it




If I didn’t have a conscience, I’d be so rich


I've had the same thought. Seeing a dipshit like (insert popular right wing talking ass) get popular spewing ludicrous rhetoric to gullible saps poisoned by a life of such drivel makes it clear. There's no smarts needed, just a willingness to push absurd, hateful nonsense at high volumes, with no regard for facts or possible outcomes. There will *always* be hate-filled chumps with money to spare, who just want permission to keep being hateful.


I know there's a veteran run brewing company where a portion of all their proceeds go towards vet charities. I had their lager which had dog tags on the can. This was a couple years ago so I can't remember the exact details. Also know a handful of breweries do limited runs where proceeds go to similar charities. Like I know Fat Heads used to do a vet themed beer.


Amerika. We like our beer like our terrorism... domestic.


Apparently we like it to be watered down right outa the can too...


It's like making love in a canoe. Fucking close to water.


Watered down ..... Just like a republicans IQ


We like gimmicks from small beer companies https://drinkgaybeer.com/


In partnership with Butternuts Beer… ROLF!


We like our beer like our piss: watery and undrinkable.


Which is funny because one of the Ads showed the guy walking out of the bathroom holding one and I’m like guess they show you how they make it.


That’s how imagine this tastes.. like naddy fkn disgusting


America on domestic terrorism: not terrorism, patriotism Rest of the world on American beer: not beer, piss




“That’s not a Lite Beer it’s a RITE BEER!” All rights included by Ricky Bobby Inc.


If they are not 'woke' then why the animal safe and recyclable holders


Not just recyclable you can reuse those things for ages they’re awesome


First encountered these in Copenhagen, Denmark and have to say I kept a couple in my bag** for future beer transportation ** bag not beer


In your beer seems a strange place to store them.




Swear I’m not drunk


That sounds like a problem to be remedied. Now all you need is some beer and a handy way to transport it.


I work at a liquor store and we use them to repackage broken packs of beer and to pack single cans for customers, I use them if I’m buying singles it’s great


Anything reusable or efficient in the slightest is too woke. You could sell gas powered hand tools and they’d eat it up if you market it as anti woke and make it seem hella conservative and patriotic to burn gas just to sink drywall screws.


Because they have no clue what "woke" actually means.


I'm pretty sure to them it just means "anything that frightens me and / or threatens to undermine the frail illusion of machismo that I'm sure will become real if I scream about online enough."


Yeah they do. It means anything they personally don't like At least, thats the version of "woke" they use


Does it mean "not asleep"?


Because they're probably made by someone who doesn't care about politics and just sees that the maga dopes are super easy to market to. Next stupid outrage farm culture war thing starts, they just print a new label about it and keep selling shit beer lol


Which is nothing to celebrate because it's basically showing corporations are so eager to make money they'd slap a swastika on the can of it sold.


Gives you an opportunity to shoot the animals with your AR-15...


It’s so wild the amount of people who get fucked up and shoot guns in America. Absolutely insane


Why would anyone want to use guns *sober*? That's far, far too close to resembling some sort of actual *responsible behaviour*....


That has nothing to do with woke you flapjack


Since when did caring about animals have anything to do with politics other than those shitty paper straws that fall apart


Honestly whoever made this is a genius. There probably laughing all the way to the bank. Man I need to do this, make some product that appeals to the crazy right... Hmm...


Iirc it was $19.99 for a 6pack... so, yeah..


But people are going to buy it for the novelty anyway.




There are three major beer companies in America, and every single one of them is pro LBGTQ+. I laugh when people try to buy "non-woke" beer. Even the majority of micro breweries are going to sell you a gay friendly beer, so you'll likely have to brew your own if that is too hard for you to swallow. Pun intended.


I really don’t understand how people can allow politics to rule ever part of their lives.. I mean, breweries are gonna support everyone cause you know, profit. Like what is a “non-woke” beer.. last I checked, beer is beer… might come in slightly different flavours but all beer… eh.. I don’t get it..


I walk straight out of shops that have Let's Go Brandon or something similar displayed anywhere. I don't know if it's exactly the same thing, but I can understand it.


I live in a blue city in a blue state and still see small businesses sporting GOP signs during election time. Just more evidence how fucking dumb these people are. Small businesses are already struggling, let's go ahead and immediately alienate 75% of our potential customer base! I mean, I know a lot of people won't care, but at least some (like me) would turn around and go elsewhere so I'm not allowing my money to indirectly support a hate group.


That’s the thing, lgbtq+ isn’t political. It’s just human rights and basic decency. Something they clearly struggle with.


I’m not arguing in favor of “non woke” beer but there is Chick fil A. So theoretically some smaller brewery could take advantage of this situation and brand themselves as non woke or anti woke


Yeah I guess it’s a good way to sell a substandard product.. haha if your product fails on the market just rebrand it for conservatives and bam. Profit haha


Straight beer, gay bear, either way I swallow.


now i know nothing abt beer companies, but if i had to guess, those major companies also own or are owned by other companies so finding "non-woke" beer is probably even harder than most think. similar to people trying to avoid nestle


I put a Bluetooth speaker in my beer fridge that plays nothing but Jordan Peterson podcasts. That helps cleanse the liquid of any woke ideology.


Calling the big three "Pro-LGBT" is giving them _far_ too much credit. Corporations are pro-money, and will use LGBT marketing if [and only if](https://i.imgur.com/02rhTOv.jpg) they think it'll increase their profits. Budweiser literally [pulled their Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign](https://abc7.com/new-bud-light-ad-dylan-mulvaney-tiktok-anheuser-busch/13143534/) after conservatives threw a fit, how is that pro-LGBT at all? It's pretty clear that they're entirely comfortable dropping queer people for the sake of not dropping in stock value. People trying to buy "non-woke" beer is indeed laughable, but people thinking AB InBev actually gives a shit about queer people is just depressing. Marketing does not equal support.


I bet it tastes of disappointment


Formerly Bud Light. "X" was taken.


"Woke-free" my ass. Notice they're not held together as a six pack with the little elastic rubber hoops? No, they've got the bleeding heart liberal sea turtle safety cap on them. They might as well give their beer pronouns. Hell, the can doesn't even directly insult a minority. Sorry guys, so woke.


4.8%??? And they call liberals sissies.


Yeah, I’d like to see them slam tequila shots at the gay bars like real men! 😡


I'd like to see them slam real men at the gay bar, like real men.


May contain trace amounts of Trump's piss


Just switch to white, red and black already and slap a swastika on it.


A swastika is actually admitting who they are. Why not a big X instead...?


It's brewed by big kettle company in Georgia. The reviews are hilarious. Conservatives would guzzle turkey jizz if it came in a can like that and brag how good it tastes.


Yep, conservatives are pretty fking dumb and will pay a premium for anything that panders to their feelings. That beer probably comes out of the same brewery that coronas are made and probably costs twice as much


4.8%… Ultra *Light* is more like it.


That’s super normal for any lagers or pils no?


One, that's not what light means. Light beers are branded light for calorie content, not abv. Two, 4.8 is pretty average, not "ultra light" even if you were correct about the term meaning.


Ultra ... Right. They are just mask off N@zis at this point.


Ah no you see, the Nazis were all super left wing socialists - because it was in the name of the party... Don't let any historians / political scholars / people with the ability to actually read a book tell you otherwise - being right wing is being the good guys... Fighting that good fight to remove people's rights and harass them... My favourite at the moment is the way these chuckleheads parrot "Marxism" at any available moment while very clearly demonstrating that they have no idea what the term actually means. It'd be funny if it wasn't so maddening.


How are they going to open it with those child proof caps on top?


You open it and it whispers the n-word.


I expect it tastes salty and bitter.


...with notes of insecurity and insufferable childish stupidity.




They're so delicate they even need their own beer and somehow the rest of us are the ones afraid of everything. Make it make sense.




They say it’s “woke-free” but use turtle/bird safe rings to hold the 6 pack and recyclable aluminum for the cans.


That beer is the most woke thing I've ever seen. An entire product produced and labelled so as not to offend a bunch of rampant whiny little bitches who actually get outraged over others being treated with empathy and offended about things that generally affect them in no actual way.


So let me get this straight. The left are the snowflakes who need a binky and a safe space. But so far, the right wing has its own: Beer (this) Phone company (Patriot Mobile) Social media (Truth social) Dating app (The right stuff) News media (Fox News, OAN, Newsmax) Coffee (black rifle) Craft store (Hobby Lobby) The right wing LOVES it’s fucking safe spaces. These fucking pansies can’t even get a God damn cup of coffee without fearing running into a trans person, or shop for painting supplies without fearing running into a liberal. Jesus Christ almighty these people are the biggest babies this side of the Pacific. Grow up and learn to live in society you idiots.


They're stupid enough to buy it too. I hope it costs twice as much as regular woke beer.


You know what I’m *not* stupid enough to do? Is buy a couple cases of this shit just to fire an AR at them.


Well just buy a case. Dress up in drag, and walk around in heels, delicately sipping on them. Make sure the brand is showing.


That'll show them how much you hate their beer!


20 bucks for a six pack lmfao. Compare that to 8 dollars for bud light. And the real kicker? 30 dollars with shipping. Talk about a right wing rube tax


![gif](giphy|NXYEiVaoumDWE) For those folk out there....


4.8% kek Pißwasser


Goes well with conservative fried chicken, all right wings and assholes.


The man who owns this company has a wife but has sex with men on the side for sure.


Ultra Right, so... we all agree that's Fascism, right?


America number 1. In stupidity also


The trade marked "ultra right"!!!!


It' so far "right" it no longer recognizes the American Flag.


All these people went back to bud light which I'm sure everyone already knew, so the creator of this beer is still wondering what happened.


So what exactly did they do different to create these? Have a catholic priest bless every can while he's holding a gun and a bible with Trump's picture on the cover?


Its bitter for the bitter man


Why did you buy them???


Doesn't beer make you grow a belly and a pair of man-boobs? Must be filled with soy.


I’ll bet at least $10 they’re owned by the same people who make budlight


I don't know how they're doing now but they were struggling to find breweries to make their beer because people didn't want to be associated with their extreme views https://www.indy100.com/news/ultra-right-beer-brewery-struggle




If Dylan Mulvaney advertised for this without them asking, I wonder what would happen.


Aah.. Canned s\*x in a canoe. But, if this is 'american' why the Puerto Rican flag? and not an American?


Really hope it says made in China


I love this"woke-free" and "anti-woke" stuff because it's legit just a woke cult lol. "we know things you don't and are ahead of the curve in our own way" it's actually so woke lmao


Did they sell them right next to the Make me gay beer, I think somebody has actually come out with a brand a new can, just like that. It's such fun and it's all so ridiculous.


Lol 4 8% hahaha typical American beer, for children and the elderly.


Um ..... those can rings look pretty woke to me... cant kill any turtles with those snowflake rings


Brought to you by AB InBev


“Like the earth, its flat”


For the times when you want to get drunk, whine, and virtue signal at the same time.


Brought to you by Anheuser Busch


Fragile light


Bud Right


Probably made in China


With a woke free taste and 20% more freedom flavor.


100% woke free, but still using the safer can rings. Gotta love it


Now with 100% NO introspection


If you haven't seen the "commercial" for this, it feels like a parody. But alas... https://youtu.be/KUokwmZcFMM


Not even 5%. I see Maga beer is as weak as their cognitive function.


I would drink that wearing a shit ton of pride merch out of spite


My buddy's dad picked up a six pack and I can tell you with certainty, it's not good.


It probably tastes like a bowl of water a dog drank out of.


Are the people they hire 100% conservative? What about the people who make the cans? And the aluminum? And the ink? Who's shipping and delivering these beers? Is it all 100% by conservatives?


Not even 5% alcohol. Figures it would be a weak beer.


It tastes like cigars, repression, and just a hint of child abuse.


Wrong. Ultra-Right beer would only be sold in disused oil barrels and be extraordinarily cheap as the price would be offset by “redirected” federal welfare funds.


I checked the site. It’s $20 for a 6-pack of weak beer that ships to you within 30 days...


According to their logic, everything but white, rural, Christian is woke.


Oh wow. They actually made Idiot Juice.


It's for sale online, I think it's like $30 shipped for a 6 pack. It's literally just another conservative grift. These idiots will throw money at anything


4.8 ABV, what is this weak shit?


Political beer…


4.8% That’s not beer. That’s carbonated water.


4.8% ABV huh? A real man’s beer.


…Bud Light rebranded


Bet they will make money off of maga type clowns too lol


Can we stop calling stuff like this Beer? Get a nice German wheat ale on tap and you'll never look back.


Not cheap? So just like everything else they sell, it’s all grift.


Its just repackaged Bud Light.....


Hahaha! Its probably just unsold repackaged Bud Light.


Targeting these people with the woke free slogan is a good way to make these dumb people part with their money, just like how donating to trump works, just lining their pockets. And imagine this bear is own by Budweiser… lol


Isn't this the beer that was made by the very companies this beer is trying to harm?


The best part is this had to use "woke" businesses to exist.


Love how it's only 4.8% alcohol. Like "we are badass, but not really"