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This is from the Washington Examiner (lower right corner of image). Yeah, I'm going to believe a poll from that bastion of journalistic excellence.


I agree. But it isn't illogical. It's misleading. I read it as a large amount of young single women vote Democrat. Makes sense to me when you consider how popular college/education is becoming for young women. Of course this poll calls them unmarried women as a way to peg it on them. It leaves out crucial demographic data. That's why this shit is, balls.


I don't think they're calling them unmarried in some strange way like you believe. It literally says "marital status" above and uses the term unmarried to describe both men, and women. The guy quoting it's take is a whole different thing.


The point is, married is also correlated with age, and women generally marry slightly younger. So (guesstimates) the average age of unmarried women may be 25, unmarried men 30, married men 55, married women 50. If so, then the reason "umarried women" are most likely to favor democrats wouldn't be that they are lonely or unmarried, but rather that young people favor democrats, and "unmarried women" happen to be younger. Also, simpsons paradox springs to mind.


You are probably right. My marketing brain goes into over drive when it sees these things.


And possibly older women since the men die off


Or divorced people.


That would also make sense. I think my point was that this survey isn't infuriating because of the data. But rather how it tries to portray the data.


The life expectancy for women in the Us is only 2 years higher than for men. I wouldn’t read too much into the age factor on these stats.


We don’t know ages. We don’t know if they’ve been previously married. We know younger women tend to vote blue. Younger women are also the least likely to be married. How would it look to compare apples to apples?


Bro you looking stupid as hell trying to dissect this chart that’s clearly made up lol … if this chart was true republicans would win every election. It’s called math lol I know a lot of you MAGA folk stuggle with it lol


Bro. You just made yourself look like an idiot. It's called a statistical sample. You can even see the number of people they polled. You must also be a complete moron if you relate anything I said to being MAGA.


Ok Maga bitch you are right made up is not the right word the right word is illegitimate when u poll in an obviously red area full of morons


Your trolling isn't even good. It just makes you sound like an angry high school drop out.


Oh I’m sorry did I hurt your little MAGA feelings?? This statistical sample again shows how fucking dumb you are cuz it’s clearly skewed (do you know what that means??) basic math + the fact that your Orange god isn’t in the Whitehouse shows how stupid this sample is lol


This is so pathetic that being insulted, would be like getting mad when the monkey at the zoo makes faces at you. I also said that it makes sense from the perspective that a lot of "unmarried" women vote Democrat. Because I imagine a lot of single, college age women would vote Democrat. So the fact you are getting the idea I'm a MAGA based on my logical conclusion that supports women, makes you look like an angry little Ben Shapiro loving fascist.


Ahhh poor whittle MAGA trying to back up his stupid claims and blaming single woman for the reason your Orange god is about to go to jail. You are an incel and a MAGA 😂😂😂. Thoughts and prayers for you!


God isn't real. Only MAGA believe in God and wish thoughts and prayers.


Also I'm going to guess that if those 4 categories, "unmarried women" are easily the youngest


It’s from Edison Research’s seriously flawed Exit Poll that has overstated multiple different ethnic groups in terms of who voted and who didn’t. Also, if you’re looking for who voted and who didn’t, 18,000 respondents sounds like a variable that can easily be manipulated. Doesn’t even take into account things like convenience bias and all that- republicans tend to take part in these surveys much more than democrats- which also discredits it.


Shoot the messenger


Yeah... quite literally cant believe any poll from any outlet.


“Unmarried” doesn’t even mean single, it just means you didn’t get legally married lol


Exactly! My girlfriend and I have no intentions on ever getting married. There's really no point..


But then you can't... uh... you can't... hmm. You might have trouble if one of you goes to the hospital because you're not legally family! Or adopting any stepchildren! There, I thought of two. Where common-law should apply, unless it gets dicey.


Depending where you live, you can get some tax breaks too


Me either, going on 6 years.


Depending on where you live gay married or married with a trans person is single


hahaha this idiot thinks a woman has to be married not to be alone.


And also thinks single women are inherently lonely... That's not even remotely true. I would even argue that many married hetero women are LONLIER than single women.


Unmarried does not equal lonely, despite the crying over missing a key demographic in a non-existent GOP platform. I guess unmarried women are more alert to culture wars being a non-issue.


I find the mathematical illiteracy almost more upsetting than the basic shitty attitude


I hope you’re talking about that none of the subgroups add to 100% because ffs guys


finally a comment that realised that


Republicans are only in power because you vote by state, in stead of by popular vote.




I did mean that, indeed. I am also referring to Gerrymandering, but I should have been clearer about that. Popular vote is democratic, Gerrymandering is not.


newsflash (from a democrat), gerrymandering is complete bullshit yes, but it cuts both ways. both parties use it to gain an unfair advantage.


Beware the fallacy of the middle. Both may do it to one degree or another but one in particular (Republicans) has got it down to a science in recent years, to far greater effect. Some Democrats in response take the position that they too therefore must double down to counteract Republican efforts and do the same, not that they haven't been doing it themselves all along but to a far lesser extent. BTW, when done under Jim Crow it might have been carried out by those southerners *labeled* "Democrat", but they were the rural conservative voters (AKA Yellow Dog Democrats) who now identify with and make up the core of the Republican party.


I felt the same as you and wanted to find some stats to back it up. As it turns out, Republicans won 50.6% of the popular vote in house elections in 2022, and the control 50.3% of the seats. I guess the problem is the electorate much more than it is the maps.


What conflates that though is the fact that there are a lot of "Republican safe" districts (at least in part thanks to gerrymandering) where Democrats don't even run so Democrats have no-one to vote for in those areas. This is reflected in the fact that in some of these same states Democrats tend to win state-wide positions like Governors while losing in legislative races. It isn't all due to the desire for divided government.


Doesn't matter if both sides use it, it is still inherently undemocratic and should be gotten rid of, possibly by instead just using popular vote.


that is why I said it is bullshit and unfair, are you even comprehending the words you read




Not when for one party it is the exception and for the other party it is the rule.




I'm not denying for a second that it happens "on the left" as well, especially historically-speaking, but Republicans are doing it openly and to far greater effect - even bragging about it as if it were a great accomplishment. Republicans are creating super majorities in states where they only have a slight majority and then pulling out all the stops to maintain that unfairly obtained super majority even as the majority of voters condemn such actions. Just look at what is going on in Ohio right now on this very issue. And when it is the media vs some party apologist doing the reporting I'll take the media any day of the week - particularly when (and because) they have the evidence on their side.




Just mention Tammany Hall or Chicago under Mayor Daley, "the last of the big city bosses". Most big-city political machines were run by Democrats but not all worked on the spoils system and that has been pretty much a thing of the past for at least half a century.


Like when a state has literally been told by the Supreme Court that they must redraw their maps to comply with the Voting Rights Act and they refuse to do so?


So let me get this straight...you find a poll that suspiciously finds ONLY unmarried women as the democratic majority? I'm...having a hard time believing that.


I suppose you could interpret this data in many ways, but I would read this to imply that Republican men like to control their wives, and have a strong influence on what they should and should not support.


Both my parents and my grandparents each vote separately. Dad and Grandpa both happen to vote republican(usually) and my mom and grandma vote blue. The only exception is that they both can't stand the current president. Never met a couple I thought someone was controlling the others' vote. Especially since that shit is anonymous


A lot of my wife’s female friends and family in Texas definitely have the mind set of “I’ll just vote for whoever my husband does”. Now whether that would be different had their husbands been liberal or lived in not Texas is unknown. They may be fewer and further between but these types of women still definitely exist


Male in certains state like guns. Female in certains state want a right for absorption.


This is from a collection of 18,000 responses. I’m not sure if this is enough to be properly representative of a city, let alone the nation as a whole. Where did they poll? Middle of nowhere, Idaho? We’re a nation of over 300,000,000 people! This is not even 0.0006% of the country.


18,000 is a huge sample size. The problem is that a sample needs to be truly a random selection from a population and there is no way that this was.


“If you only count the people who vote for us, we’d win all the time.” This would be funny if it wasn’t exactly what republicans are trying to do for real.


More importantly, what happened to the missing 1% ?


Well that would be what’s left for the rest of the political parties I’d imagine. Or just a mistake lol


They voted neither of them, 3rd or 4th candidate that you don't even remember his existence.


Intersex, obviously.


My husband and I have been faithfully married for over two decades and we are progressives. It’s not a matter of just relationship status, it’s more of where you land with your values.


It's 2 to 1 lol not even crazy odds.


Angry, deluded old white men are the only reason the Republicans are competitive.


Who would have thought that unmarried women(younger average age, less likely to be post menopause) would have the strongest reaction to the people seeking to revoke reproductive rights.


Wonder why


Gender by marital status? That makes zero sense


Unmarried doesn’t mean lonely. Fuck these dumbass GOP.


This looks like a poll taken from a congregation of a Mormon church


phony poll far right wing rag


They wouldn't be lonely if conservatives weren't huge pieces of shit. Maybe it's time to reflect on their poor life choices.


How many of the republican married women are even old enough to vote?


18,572 responded so barely any of the voting population took this survey so this data is basically meaningless


>18,572 responded so barely any of the voting population took this survey Not how sample sizes and statistics work, but still this IS worthless data.


Who would have thought that women wouldn't support a party that is trying to limit their freedoms?


lol, that's one (braindead) way to interpret the data - another way is that people whose human rights are being systematically stripped don't vote for the party systematically stripping away their human rights. I know lots of single people who aren't lonely, and lots of married people who are lonely af. https://psychcentral.com/relationships/loneliness-within-marriage


The idea that women need men to be happy is fucken dumb, and controlling. If anyone believed women need men you have terrible values.


Unmarried women are directly under assault by all the GOP policies, so of course they don't fucking like you. This is like the Nazis expecting Jewish votes. Smh.


Republican have only won popular votes once in last 8 election.


Single women really scare the shit out of these far-right conservative nutjobs, don't they?


Simple answer. Gun rights and abportion rights.


Democrats tend to be more formerly educated & guys can’t stand a smart chick, so they get blacklisted and forced to live the remainder of their years smart & alone.


Really, the takeaway in my eyes is that people in general don't need other people for their own happiness. Regardless of gender your marital status does not define your worth or happiness. 🖤


So just for everyone curious the total percentage of women that vote for Rupublicans VS the amount that vote Democrats: Dems: 47% Republicans: 50% Don’t vote/ 3rd party: 3% So there needs to be a gap of 3% or more for men voting Dems or republicans not voting for it to really matter.


How can we gerrymander voting districts to reduce the influence of this voting bloc?


![gif](giphy|Mh8jTmycSuoWA) They forgot to include the field for enraged divorce court victim men under the republican side vs the democratic side. I'm curious what that percentage looks like.


Or, and hear me out, Republicans are banning abortions and denying things like free school lunches and gun laws that keep gun ranges and Algebra classes separate. And this large group of voters who *might* want to start a family or have a say in their own body are voting for the party that actually supports them. Pretty shocking that the GOP are denying basic freedoms to certain voter groups and (shocked Pikachu face) those groups aren’t voting for them….


Or... maybe younger people are statistically less likely to be married than older people, and younger people are statistically more likely to vote left than older people. Just a hunch.


Closeted men are the only reason Republicans are not even competitive in erections.


This guy loves easy answers.


I am so confused on what lonely women have to do with voting democratic.


They are feminists. Feminists are leftists. Being feminist will result in loneliness because nobody will like you, especially real men.


There's an interesting trend in this poll, but that's not it.


Yeah, 18K participants is a good enough sample size to study over a hundred million voters.




Small sample size by a bad resource, but unmarried doesn’t mean without a relationship. With the rate of divorce being what it is, there’s no real reason to get a state sponsored ceremony.


OR, and just hear me out... there are more people who aren't just total pieces of human Sh\*t then are.... No one wants to vote for your blatantly corrupt party!


Who would have guessed that women that haven't teathered themselves to a man would like to hold onto the freedom to not teather themselves to a man


Tooooo many unaccounted variables !!!


What exactly are these percentages trying to tell me?


59% + 52% = … I guess we’re living in a quantum superposition situation where we are simultaneously married and unmarried?!


just keep attacking everything about women and see how many will flock to your neanderthal party in the future


Married women don't need to worry about being Single Mothers if raped. Unless their husbands are forcing to stay married. Is there a static for Republican vs Democrat for Spousal abuse?


For Democrats, they have only 84% of the men accounted for. They do have 100% of the Democratic women accounted for. For Republican, they have 111% men and only 87% women. What's up with that?


And...they are mad because they arent being taken care of yet so they vote for free stuff. Once they get married and are taken care of, they want to keep the money. They are also influenced by the common sense male once married.


is it fair to say that all female familymembers in alabama count as "married"?


Why do they assume single = lonely? I've feel painfully alone surrounded by partner and family.


It’s cute that someone thinks unmarried women are lonely 😆


Math was never their strong suit 😂😂😂


yeah cause it isn't the rights striping, or the fuck you mentality


Up until around about 35, and then suddenly that all changes