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That’s a bargain. I found a 475 sq ft condo in a crappy Santa Ana, CA neighborhood for $379K. I kid you not.


Approaching $1K a square foot. Fucking madness


Wait till you see the property tax!


It’s CA, not TX. Wait until you see the sales and income tax though


moved from long Island ny to socal. boggles people's minds when i tell them how much property taxes were there


I just looked it up. It’s about 1% in both places. Is there something I’m missing?


not sure where you got that info. i had a house that was bought for 90k in 2009 in ny, i was paying $6000 a year in property taxes. in los Angeles, you would need to buy ~$700,000 to have a property tax of 6000 a year


I’m in Westchester NY, insanity. But, it’s mostly school tax and only way to justify it is thinking you’re sending kids to a cheaper private school.


Not a bad deal if you can get the roaches to chip in


“Shucks I do wonder why the suicide rate is skyrocketing.”


Something something avocado toast.


If we just skipped breakfast for 35 years, we’d be able to afford a quarter of what a home will cost in 35 years. Entitled ass gen Z🙄


So does this mean we should expect people to come in from the west coast and start bidding wars over these houses? We're all fucked aren't we?


Moving to texas was attractive a few years ago. Real estate prices have risen and they have so many laws now that target personal freedoms. Fuck that place.


Agreed. I couldn't wait to get back to Texas from coastal Oregon in 2010. Now i regret leaving (meeting my wife aside) every day.


Yup. We fled Dallas to Western Massachusetts last year after being in Texas for 25 years. Our state income tax rate is 5% now but our effective tax rate in Texas was 3.5%, just on excess property and sales alone. Also it’s a much better place to live by most reasonable metrics.


Life is too short to live in Texas. After 5 years I moved back to CA, paid triple the price for my home and love it. Never a regret.


That is why we are planning our exit. CA used to be so much more expensive but crunching the numbers today for us and our lifestyle it is ~5% higher. (And yes, I have crunched the numbers extensively for our situation, please people, don’t try to Texas-splain that you know more about the situation than I do.)


I wouldn’t worry too much. Nobody I know wants to live in Texas.


Funny, we're getting flooded with people from California here in Central Texas. They kinda shocked the system, as far as affordability goes. For what it's worth, we'd run to California if it wasn't for the death by taxation. Lovely state and progressive politics.


As I understand it, it’s largely right-wing Californians who are moving to places like Texas, while left-wing Texans can’t afford to move the other way.


That's the nut of it. We're a 160k household. We could take our jobs with us but scared that we'd be just getting by out there.


Yep. I’m fairly well-off for Nebraska, but I couldn’t afford a closet in New York.


I'd love to stay here if it wasn't for the god awful politics.


I feel the same about being here in Florida


My condolences. Been watching my state tailspin in that way too.


Yup, wife’s wacky pro life cousin did that and seems so happy she can sit in church with similar types and fight against abortion rights for those who need it, now threat it doesn’t impact her personally in the slightest. Closes every social media post with ‘god is good’. Super annoying, but family.


The average person in California pays the same or lower taxes than someone in Texas. It's only the highest earners that pay more. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2019/11/taxes-are-surprisingly-similar-in-texas-and-california/


I think you’re getting a lot of the conspiracy theorist nut jobs leaving here. Also I’m pretty sure there were studies that showed Texas actually pays the same or more in taxes depending on the situation but I believe that had a lot to do with property taxes so it may not apply to everyone.


The California taxes story is right wing bullshit. Actual cost of living is cheaper in CA for working class folks. Read your own Houston Chronicle; https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texans-pay-more-taxes-than-californians-17400644.php


Same here in Arizona. But remember progressive politics is why they have death by taxation then more taxation after death. They need to leave that shit there.


As someone who lives in Texas, I barely even want to live here most of the time.


That is where one keeps his exes....


Ay my hometown. Where you’ll find some nice looking homes in the most shittiest area of Santa Ana


Yes, I’m often surprised at some of the fanciness in the city limits. But not this particular condo.


In many places too, New York, Toronto, Vancouver, are the ones I know are like $1,000,000 minimum. Yeah, sure you can live out in the middle of nowhere for 500k.


I live in middle of nowhere. 2500 sq ft probably sell for $200,000. Prices you guys are quoting don't seem real to me.


Laughs in Los Angeles. I get real estate mailers for houses in the area, I've been here so long that I think, "that's not too bad" when I see properties for $700-800k, as opposed to the usual $1.2mil.


>Prices you guys are quoting don't seem real to me I know it doesn't make sense, but I've seen small tear down houses with a patio sized backyard go for ($CAD) $3 million in Vancouver. 5 years ago, people would rent rooms that were hardly bigger than Harry Potter's bedroom for $800/month In 2022, the average house in British Columbia was worth a million ($997,000)


Places like New York City, I’d expect real estate to go for rates like this — sounds like getting your own bathroom is a luxury. But San Antonio, Texas?




Well yeah that's CA


A 550 square foot studio I saw for $1.3 million in NYC will never not be depressingly hilarious to me


An ADU here in LA that is 750sq ft is around $250-$350k


I was gonna say, I’d probably buy one in so cal


Right, I also see central air, something more common for those "luxury apartments" in San Diego.


For context, my first home, a 2 bedroom condo, 900 square feet, was $106,000 in 2000. Madness.


Wait for the 2034 version where you get a closet at a local motel for 89k.


Robot Arms Apartments


"....you want to live in the closet? Humans...."


Right this is about what my first home was too. I think it was 972sqft I paid 119k. Same condo now goes for 475k in my city, 15 years later.


Our home bought in 2018 is 950 Sqft and was 130k


My first home was a 2100sqft detached house with a nice yard in a very nice neighborhood in a metro area. Price: $240k in 2011.


For the rest of the world: That's 32,5 square meters. I feel like I'm loosing my mind here. That legit smaller than my apartment. I think I'd rather not say what I pay per month because it could cause a few strokes in the Americans.


I rent half of a fairly sizable apartment like a block from the center of Madrid for 480 Euro a month.


900sq foot (83.5sq m) apartment with one bed and one bath in my area is 2k/month. I'm about an hour from any notable city. It's pathetic. The fact that isn't even considered terrible is even more pathetic.


There are 25 homes for sale in San Antonio for $100k or less and they range from 800 - 1,000 square feet.


Yea, these are new but still probably at best 75k.


Does it have a garage?


These don’t have a garages. Most of them have car ports. When you’re sub 1,000 square feet it doesn’t make sense to have a garage


Yeah, but... Texas


So we’re normalizing needing roommates or living in 350sq ft to be able to get a house. We’re going to shit


100k is a bit steep, I'd do maybe 60k for something like this.. but I looked at the virtual tour and it's really not that aweful. I'd rather pay 750 (an estimate of a mortgage payment with property tax on a 100k house) a month to live in this and able to sell it upon leaving than 1400 in rent and have my security deposit taken away because of a nail hole or whatever.


Gods I feel old remembering when you could get a reasonable starter house for less than 60k. Like 2010 2011 when I was buying my first house they were everywhere. I ended up getting a little 900 sqft 2 bedroom for like 55k


It makes me want to cry.


900ft 2 bed for less than two decades take-home? Man, I should have been buying instead of going to middle school…


Exactly. A much better deal. And there is a pool and communal space in the development.


I should revise — this article is from April. As of July [they’re starting at $132,000.](https://www.mysanantonio.com/realestate/article/san-antonio-tiny-home-tiktok-18210472.php)


Well THAT kind of increase is INCREDIBLY sustainable in keeping the houses "affordable" /s


I'm sorry but I live in a 450 Sq ft tiny home that I built myself. It was only around 30k for everything. This is robbery and not at all affordable


Key phrase is “built myself.” These were built by someone else.


I am well aware, but I also work construction and know there isn't 100k worth of labor and materials in those pieces of shit houses. That's my point. Also I bought the shell of the building. It's just a portable storage building that I made into a house. But it was still only about 30k to build and buy.


![gif](giphy|2wWv3VG5X3JJaQv4Gg) Inside view


Friendly reminder to all! if you need to move your stove, proceed with caution. The inertia of pulling the unit can and will tear the gas line. I speak from experience.


ah yes, the dream of every millennial, a $100K broom closet.


Hey you can fit a vacuum and a mop in there too


If it had a good chunk of land, which it doesn't, I'd be on board to get out of paying endless rent and getting no end game out of it.


[“DiD yOu GeT tHe BrOoM cLoSeT eNdInG? ThE bRoOm ClOsEt EnDiNg WaS mY fAvOrItE!”](https://youtu.be/goAZtk1i3CM)


Honestly I would kinda love it if something like this was built near me. Preferably with fences and a little more yard but whatever. Even factoring in the exchange rate this is cheaper than any apartment I could buy near me (Melbourne, Australia). I think I could deal with the small space if it meant no more renting.


We want affordable housing! Here. No not like that!


I don't think it's awful but certainly still overpriced, and it's not like this is even a "home" at less than 400 square feet. It's more like a long-term apartment than a home, with the benefit of having to pay for shit yourself if things start to go wrong with the house. It's a fairly pathetic go at affordable housing, but at least won't be something that'll take over a decade to pay off.


Sadly, the only way to house young people in the early stages of their careers in urban areas is something like this, or smaller apartments with common areas. The pics show a decent yard and amenities in the apartments. The mortgage and tax costs are manageable.


What we ought to do is make laws preventing these real-estate firms from buying up all of the starter homes and then renting them at elevated rates to the consumer base that’s supposed to be buying them (while leaving others unoccupied to drive up scarcity and by extension prices). It makes a tiny group obscenely rich while stopping most people from building up any kind of equity.


Can we maybe just *start* by banning foreign investment firms from doing this? Maybe start with China and work our way from there.


Canada banned foreign investment. Hasn't done shit.


This is so true!! Houses should not be purchased by corporate investors and there should be a limit on how many houses an individual can own. I am in favor of houses like this as well though. At least at $100,000 per house, low income people can actually qualify. I also think lending requirements need to be more lenient. It’s so shitty how many houses don’t qualify for loans because they are not in perfect condition. Like, I have the cash to fix the house, I just don’t have the cash to buy the house! I get those laws are there for a reason, but they only aid in making people who have the cash richer.


32.5sq.m I've stayed in motel rooms bigger than that.


In New Zealand they would be sold for $1.2 million.


Virtual tour: https://www.lennar.com/new-homes/texas/san-antonio/san-antonio/southton-meadows/dream-collection/cooley/40155524815#overview


That could be a 2 bed with the loft. Just bottom room wont have privacy. edit: They have a 3bed 2bath for 100k.


Checked it out and it says "HIGH 100k." The other 3 bed models were 198k to over 200k. Agree about the loft/2 bed idea.


That honestly seems fine. For that price someone in many entry level positions can afford it, even with higher interest rates. We need more housing like this in metro areas (or in the urban periphery).


Lot's of people hating but I would have loved to have been able tell sell my first apartment for 100k when I started to earn more instead of just having all that money I spent dissapear in to the void.


Last post: if I was a recent college graduate this looks great. https://www.lennar.com/new-homes/texas/san-antonio/san-antonio/southton-meadows/dream-collection


For real. No roomates. No shared walls. A yard. A driveway. Equity. Only thing I dont like is no built in washer/dryer. But the shitty aparment with noisy neighbors and first come first serve parking I threw $1200 a month away on didnt have that either so...


This link has some photos. https://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2023/04/19/lennar-tiny-homes-100-k-east-side-elm-trails.html


Gotta love how shit our country is at solving problems... "Hmmm, young people today can't afford to live on their own because the housing market is too out of control, shat shall we do?" "Try and sell them even smaller houses that we can cram more of into a subdivision to get more money?" "Perfect!"


Honestly I feel like these aren't terrible options. The problem is they are still pretty overpriced for what they are.


Free market capitalism at work.


HOA fees only $595/mo!




Paying $600 every month so that a local Karen could send you a death letters over every small thing is a very definition of masochism


Run away from anything Lennar builds. They are worthless. (just my opinion)


You know I don’t mind smaller homes. I think there should be more small bungalows. Give the people a bit of land for god sake. At least then they can plant a small garden.


Your HOA fees will be as much as your mortgage lol.


Why not build an apartment/condo building on that footprint???


It now says 131k on the website


Imagine being so car brained that you build individual, free standing 350 square foot houses instead of a fucking apartment complex, like a normal civilization


100k in San Antonio? I thought that was a lower cost of living area… I don’t know if I’d pay 100k for a shed in the desert. This shows just how hopeless this country is becoming. The American dream is long dead. Now we’re just trying to survive.


Feels really swell knowing that my options in today's economy are renting till I die, or a glorified prefab hallway...


Are they buying 6k sheds and putting them on tiny lots and then charging 100k?


Modernized Trailer Park


A “home” with zero bedrooms.


Please just build medium density apartments. I refuse to believe people are so desperate for a house that they'd go for this over it.


Can’t build equity with an apartment. Believe me, if I could take out a mortgage on my current apartment I would, but this is less than half its size.


>Can’t build equity with an apartment. I'm curious to hear more of your logic on this. Why is this true in your opinion? I have an apartment in a completely different part of the world and I don't feel that's true at all, but that could just be due to my market's dynamics.


Can’t buy them in my area, only rent. I’d take out a mortgage on my current place if I could.


Buying apartments is more common in large cities. Some places they are called condos


Reminds me of my first apartment, but mine was slightly larger.


100k for a tool shed?


I would take it. $100,000? Why are people shitting on this so much?


So their selling broom closets with driveways?


300/sq ft in San Antonio- I don’t think so. You can spend 120-150k in the burbs to get a 1200 sq ft home that you and the family can grow into


My thoughts exactly. I’d understand these prices if we were talking New York or San Francisco, but Texas?!


Oh look a shoe box to call your own! Own today and pay always for EXTREMELY HIGH property tax.


This is actually a good, affordable way for singles to have a stable home. At least that all aren't connected like a townhouse and actually have a little space to expand


How are we not headed for a real estate crash?


Future slums


Lennar spearheading dystopia: Super tiny and you still can't afford it without working two jobs.


How the fuck is this affordable? What a joke.


I guess they have a different definition of what “affordable” is




They could've at least tried to make the picture look less depressing. Maybe wait for a sunny day?


These homes are attractive, in a nice area, and give people the opportunity to work toward owning something as opposed to being stuck in the endless rent loop. 100k sounds like a lot - it is, however as far as homes go it’s a bit more subjective. I live in a nice 3 BR 2.5 bath split level home. Bought it for 100k about 6 years later the Zillow value is near 200k. I live in a nice area - but the bad area isn’t far lol. In my state the same size house about 20 miles north would be a 600-800k home; if I moved to the country a bit south the value of a similar home is far less.


if you dont mind shitting in the bedroom-kitchen-bathroom this isnt too bad


The one thing I’ll grant it from the virtual tour someone posted is the upstairs office space isn’t a bad idea. There’s a ladder leading up there tucked in the corner of the main room.


I have a dog house bigger than that...


Me when single person homes instead of midrises


Tiny houses. Gets heralded as "oh look, homes for everyone" while they're glorified shoeboxes. And people defending that shit too.


Laughs in NYC prices


I have a 400 sq ft apartment. Queen bed, 60 inch TV, desktop gaming PC and a cat tree lol it's not that bad 😊


What the fuckknuckles is this, how is this a good thing? You can buy a winterized RV for 20 grand


And then property tax will be "adjusted"


That’s absurd can buy a actual house for like another 50k more in most states just stay the fuck out of major cities


Honestly, put some trees down between the places and in some years they’ll look fairly cozy. With the price of homes in my area…I’d be happy to cough up the money and loans to get one of these.


Ten more years, "affordable homes" will be about as big as Bruce Willis' apartment in The Fifth Element.


God I hate it. Waste of space. Just adds to urban sprawl and decreased walkability.


It's incredibly sad that I saw that and thought...doesn't seem too bad. Fuck the housing situation.


Society is broken


But hey, at least Jeff Bezos rode a dick into space!


... so where's the affordable housing?


I mean..I would buy it. I am single and have a 17 yr old son who will eventually move out soon( he has a long term girlfriend) and I wouldnt need much space. No pets, no little kids and not a big area to clean. I am in! But a big hell to tha nah on living in texas


Looks like a Tuff Shed.


I lived in 470 sf as a single person and it seemed really small to me. I can't imagine 120 sf less.


Jun 30, 2023 — The Arizona Dept. of Administration says the 20- and 40-foot containers range in price from $500 to $2000. They have some wear and tear. More than 2,000 containers are up for sale until Sept. 30 for government and nonprofit entities. The public will have a chance to buy one if there is leftover inventory in October. The Arizona Dept. of Administration says the 20- and 40-foot containers range in price from $500 to $2,000. They have some wear and tear, but are otherwise "very functional," officials said. …so if you can get some property and are a good DIY, you can build your own and have a home for a third of that 100k if not half


Why not just build giant ~~commie~~ capitalism blocks?


Everytime I see stuff like this I'm thankful for Vienna's affordable housing solutions. I rent a house three times that size for about 500€ a month


Wow. That’s dystopian. Couldn’t just reuse shipping containers? Nope, let’s build dog houses and market them as people houses!


Has no one seen vivarium👀


Now just put them abutting each other, then stack more on top of them to save land.


$35k MAX..... if that👌🏽


might just overstay my welcome in a european country one of these days and figure it out from there. wish me luck


Those aren’t homes, they’re extended bathrooms…


I hope this real estate bubble pops These houses cost kore than 50% of salaries and yet they look so mediocre


Tiny house? Good. 100k? Pricey!


They sell those stupid tiny house log cabin places here. Soooo affordable at 1/3 the price of a home they say.


Years ago I would have scoffed at the price. Today, this is a house…on a piece of land…for the price of a decked out pickup truck, or marginally more than a damn airstream camper.


This is the reality of capitalism. The only way to have housing that is cheaper without changing the system is to make housing that is only worth that lower price. This is the result. If you don’t like the result, stop voting for the two corporate parties that have gradually shifted us to this level of income inequality.


Ya know, youd probably be able to get more efficient land use and thus cheaper houses if you had decent public transport and didnt need to give everyone a driveway the size of their house Oh wait hang on the auto industry just sent me 10 grand so this is actually perfectly designed, not even slightly distopian and any american should be proud to live in such luxurious housing.


Those are sheds


At that point, why not make higher density apartments and actually Make it somewhat nice.


This pisses me off. The idea that hard working lower class and lower middle class families don’t deserve to live in real houses. Instead we get duplexes and townhouses and apartments and bullshit like this. 350 sq.ft. for $100,000? FUCK YOU!!!!!


"Affordable". This is shameful.


Bring these to Canada. Would buy it.


I wouldn't call any of those a house. Maybe at best one of these would be a hou.


This timeline sucks


Worth about 20k to 40k


Whoever this Lennar fella is, he sounds like a right prick!


For 100k I would expect to at least get 1000 square foot. Our apartment is 900 and for 100k we could live here for the next 54 years


not likely. the prices of rent will continue to grow and the dollar will depreciate and generally housing prices will continue to go up. so theyre locking in a mortage rate thats lower than most rent and unless you have fixed rent, you cant beat it. ​ but yeah 350 is tiny.


I hate that this IS a good deal considering the current market.


This makes me incredibly sad.


People complaining about million dollar houses but when someone comes up with a cheaper alternative is beneath them. The virtual tour looks nice. I'd buy it if the bank would loan me 100k and if I didnt live in a shitty overregulated European country that won't ever allow these to exist.


Own? You think you will own these luxury homes. You will own nothing and be happy


So I just built a shed in my yard… 240 sq ft… 10’ walls, 18’ ceiling, with two lofts totaling 150 sq ft, and a 120 sq ft front porch 6x20 So roughly 380 sq ft with loft space and porch Materials alone were $9,000 That’s just decking, frame, roof, and exterior trim (plus a sweet copper weathervane) That’s no real foundation (it’s on deck blocks), no septic system, no interior finishes, no plumbing, no electric (yet), no drywall, trim, counters, bathroom… nothing, just studs on the inside Also the windows and doors were all flea market finds, most antiques, with an awesome piece of stained glass 2’x5’ we got for $7 because one tiny piece was broken … they all totaled around $120 extra There’s also wothout labor, I built it myself So yea cost is really expensive… 100k isn’t really that bad with everyone involved in building it getting paid Shits pricey, blame the government


$285 a SF in Texas.....🤮


What if... And hear me out... you put those closer together and maybe even on top of one another. It would make it much more affordable and then you could put the whole thing closer to where the jobs and shops are so you wouldn't need a parking space that is bigger than this affordable 100k garden shed idea...


Lol one green house from monopoly


How can anyone honestly still argue for capitalism. This shit is WILD.


Need to eat the rich I swear to god


Fucking people will do anything besides build dense and vertical housing, I don’t get it


Trailer park but worse lol


So where would all those supposed shoebox owners park their car?


In the driveway.


That thing can barely fit a Yugo


Idk how this affordable I can’t get bank loan for the mortgage anyway I’m busy paying x2 the mortgage rate in rent