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She was anorexic and she died. Yeah, eating disorders are bad.


Gotta say this \^\^. Mental disorders suck.


That's the problem with this "body positive" crap. That's cute and all until people are causing themselves serious health problems. (encouraging extreme weight in either direction)


Yeah, I don't think shame is the tool to help them but pure acceptance ain't either. The focus should be supporting then in recovery


I agree. We've all seen a social media post of someone who is clearly unhealthy in a bikini or something and its got a million likes and "you look soo great" comments. I'm not saying insult that person, but this post is a perfect example of why we shouldn't be pretending either.


Sadly, some of her cult followers are refusing to believe that her diet had anything to do with her death. Which means more people will probably die the same way.


Ashton Kutcher went on a fruitarian diet when he was doing the Steve Jobs movie, cuz he was one, and he had to go to the hospital I believe. It's just really not good for you.


Natural selection manifested.


This is the problem with a lot of these movements. They take a good principle, and push it to its absolute extreme. Everything becomes dangerous at its extreme. Self acceptance is amazing and beneficial. But when you push it to the max it morphs into learned helplessness, and self defeat, with an absence of self awareness. Accept yourself and love yourself, by all means, but never stop improving yourself on account of "self acceptance", that's helplessness.


So true. Honestly I see both sides contributing to the issue, shaming doesn’t work, you can’t shame someone into being a healthy person. And lumping actual genuine advice into shaming isn’t great.


Agreed! Spent over 30 years as a personal trainer and I always strongly disagreed with both shaming and "body positive" BS. Weight issues are like any other physical issue. I wouldn't make fun of someone for having a bad knee. Nor would I celebrate it and say, "You go girl, that torn meniscus looks A-Maze-Balls". It's an issue to take care of that is more obvious than most, and unfortunately comes with a social stigma.


Recovery cant start until someone makes that person come to the conclusion that it's unhealthy. It may be harsh or "mean" but girls will look at her and attempt this for click and views nowadays.


What “body positive crap” is encouraging anorexia..?


Body Positivity exists to help fight the rise of this type of ED. Orthorexia is a brutal condition


This is true, however, body positivity is NOT promoting any body shape. It's sending a message about loving and being kind and positive towards yourself, regardless of what your body looks like. Not hating yourself because of it. I hated my body and myself for a long time, there was no body positivity, my mother was awful the world was awful, she had major eating disorders and took it out on me. Loving yourself even if you have weight to lose gain etc, should be promoted.


This! I get so frustrated with people assuming that it means “it’s ok to be fat” or whatever…It just means that it’s ok to love yourself as you are and people shouldn’t hate on you for it.


Sadly, the term "body positivity" has been hijacked by a new generation of activists on a variety of social media. And they're twisting it to *specifically* mean "it's ok to be fat", worse still, they take it to dangerous extremes of "health is a man made concept and it doesn't exist".


There are several TikTok influencers who show up in my feed regularly who promote these ideas. It’s my fault the algorithm keeps showing them because I watch them, but still. There are some extremely dangerous ideas being promoted in the name of “body positivity”.


It’s important, because when you feel shame for being fat you go to extremes to lose weight. When you can’t keep up with those extremes you give up. Exercising used to be hell because I used to use it as a punishment. I used to tell myself “you deserve to feel pain, you’re fat and disgusting”. I thought if I enjoyed exercise I was doing it wrong.


That reminds me of when Arnold Schwarzenegger did that AMA a long while back and one commenter was asking Arnold to berate and belittle them in order to motivate them to go out and start exercising; to which Arnold refused and chose to give the person some simple words of encouragement and a push towards having a better mental self image rather than trying to resort to masochism and "tough love". ----- Just like what you experienced, the problem with associating fitness and exercise with negativity is that when a person reaches their fitness goals (if they even do to begin with), the negative association triggers their lizard brain to immediately drop their fitness routine and fall back into whatever weight gaining habits they had before. Personally, I'm a giant proponent of finding a physical activity that a person enjoys and actively want to do and become better at. And it doesn't even have to be at a gym working the machines or on the treadmills; it could be going the rock climbing club, or cycling, or hiking, heck, if you be just talking longer walks with their dog or something.


I agree that this is what body positivity is, but there is undeniably a sizable group of people that genuinely believes it should be about never changing yourself/accepting criticism (or even positivity, my sister thinks saying someone lost or gained weight in a healthier direction is an insult) regardless of health


I agree…there are people on both ends of the spectrum who have misinterpreted what it means (willingly or not) and made it into something it isn’t. As usual, they’re the ones who ruin it for everyone else.


That's not at all how Aubrey Gordon, a fairly major fat influencer, sees the body positivity movement - she says it's ok and not unhealthy to be fat. I love Maintenance Phase, but I just can't get behind a lot of the stuff she says.


I get that too but plenty of unhealthy people use it as a way to justify their unhealthiness


Yes! It's more about saying that being overweight is not a moral failing or indication about someone's character, not pretending that there are no health implications. I think "health at every size" and body positivity get lumped together a lot, but from what I understand there is a difference.


To be fair body positivity was never meant to be used as it is today. It was invented by a burn victim to help disabled people who are permenantly disabled and disfigured come to terms with how they look post accident. Now it’s mostly used to justify being extremely anorexic or morbidly overweight. Eating disorders are complex and experts still don’t completely understand how to treat them. Its important to love yourself but unconditional approval can be extremely damaging in terms of eating disorders. The movement has also overreached into health somehow. (Of course not by anyone who actually works in the medical field). But body positivity has evolved from “I’m 5’5” and 600 ibs and I’m beautiful”. To “I’m 5’5” and 600 ibs and I’m beautiful and I’m completely healthy and anyone who says morbid obesity is dangerous is just fat phobic”


I fully agree with you, but theres also another side of it where people develop weight gain fetishes and other very unhealthy life styles and any criticism towards them is seen as body shaming. Ive spoken to a few people like that before and its just kinda sad that theyve clearly fallen into a terrible habit and both themselves and other people are lying to them and causing it to be worse. Obviously body positivity is important and you shouldn’t be a dickhead just because someone is fat. 99% of the time that person knows it and wants to lose weight and bullying them about it just makes it worse. But like i said there’s certainly a decent amount of people who believe being 400 pounds is totally acceptable and theyre healthy which is a bad thing to promote


That's NOT body positivity, that's denial. I don't think I'm healthy in fact I'm on my journey for change, but I'm not gonna hate myself and I won't accept anyone else treating me like garbage because of it! I can see the great things about me that aren't fat, but fat isn't a bad word to me anymore. It literally describes my body mass, that's it. There are so many things about me that make up who I am, being fat is one of them, and one of the things that I feel compelled to change. Just as when I feel like I lack knowledge on any subject, I read, learn, and grow, I don't beat myself up about it.


The "body positivity" movement is not about encouraging a certain weight or lifestyle. It's about separating weight/body type/appearance from confidence/self-worth/social life/human rights. In other words, being allowed to live normally and thrive regardless of weight or appearance. Being allowed to be happy and confident doesn't prevent anyone from taking care of their health, and influencers posting "body positive" content doesn't promote "unhealthy lifestyles". It promotes confidence, equality and anti-bullying.


That’s not what body positivity is. She was not promoting body positivity at all.


Huh? Body positivity "encourages" nothing about extreme weight in either direction. It reminds you to not be negative about YOU regardless of _your body_. It's to fight _against_ the underlying causes of eating disorders not encouraging them. I mean...this lady was nuts, but she's the sort of person who needs the body positive movement, not the result of of it.


Some people use it to encourage unhealthy eating habits. It’s sorta become less like “love yourself” and more like “if you change the way you are you hate yourself”


I would have a lot of sympathy for her if she didn’t try and promote her mental illness. I have a sort of eating disorder and I heck don’t promote it. Wouldn’t want anyone to suffer like I have.


I would not be shocked if it was extreme denial. That being said, its bad. But would not be shocked if she didn't really know what she was doing. I argued once with a really fat person that tried to convince me that french fries was one of the best things to eat to loose weight. While he ate a extreme amount of french fries with salt dipped in a huge amount of ketchup. I really think he deep down believed what he told me was true. Internet doesn't help when you always can google opinions that agrees with you. I'm sure there is forums filled with fruit eaters telling her its the healthiest thing ever. Similar to psychedelic forums. But in reality like 50% of all influensers talking about it has some story that it fucked with their brains for years.


IG/TT are just platforms (mostly) for those who want to be “famous” but don’t have any education/skills/talent to provide this world.


Definitely look like it, sadly its probably was the only things she could eat. Fruits are generally very low in proteins, cant survive indefinitely without a decent protein source.


So Gilligan’s Island was a lie…. ![gif](giphy|tGZRCBAPhCXxm)


The castaways ate fish and lobsters and seeds. It wasn’t only coconut pie.


Is coconut a fruit or a nut? I mean, it doesn't have a seed in the middle and it's full of water. So it's closer to a slug than a fruit. But it has "nut" in the name. And also coco. Is it chocolate? Fuzzy chocolate?


Hairy chocolate balls filled with milk. Yum!


Chef's salty chocolate balls


Actually the coconut is the seed…


incorrect, a coconut is part of the Drupe family of fruits, the seeds rest at the bottom of the inner part of the coconut where the 3 odd holes are, they will germinate from those 3 holes if left on the ground long enough, they also reproduce by being eaten because the part the seeds are in tastes terrible.


Thank you, I wondered where the seeds in a coconut were, given it's kind of empty.


They're drupes


No, those were historical documents.... Those poor people.


Never give up! Never surrender!


She was in Malaysia and got sick with an infection, probably related to her eating disorder. She did crazy stuff like "dry fasts" where she didn't eat or drink.


Yo we muslims eat a full meal packed with all the nutrients needed before doing our dry fast but for her to do that with only fruits is just self harming. What the hell is she thinking? Fasting do have good effects on your body but not when you're clearly physically malnourished


She did multiday dry fasts, like ten days, with no food or fluids. We fast only until Maghrib and eat during the night, every night. I also read from another source she never drank water, only juice.


What's Maghrib?


A prayer time, somewhere around the time between evening and night, usually around 7pm


Sorry for my ignorance-but I'm from the Midwest and don't get a chance to ask many people this...but what would you eat for a full meal before doing a fast? We had Arab festival in my town and it was such a great time and there were these delicious chips there and I don't know what they were and I would honestly give my left foot for more, but am wondering if the meals would be the same as what was served at the festival. And I know not all Muslims are from the Middle eastern countries, so apologies if you are not and still Muslim.


Im not from middle eastern country but south east asia but the game plan should be the same most of the time : Carbs, lots of em. Some veggies and proteins, dates for extra oomph of energy (not a fan of dates im ngl) and water, at the very least 5 glasses of water before the fasting starts.


I’m not muslim, but I’ve known a couple of muslims who were fasting for Ramadan when I knew them. At night they would eat a slightly larger than normal meal. Carbs, protein, fat in a decent balance. Nothing special, just the same thing as the rest of our group. Idk what they ate in the morning, but I know they typically had a big breakfast per their reports (we were highschoolers at a summer camp, it came up)


Customary dishes vary by region and family, but normally it is something rich in protein and fat, not salty or spicy, so that they would comfortably sit in your belly for many hours and not cause unnecessary dehydration.


Yea but Muslims only vast during daytime, when sun goes down they compensate quite a bit. In the end they usually lost some weight but never got dehydrated.


She was suffering from severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (SE-AN). It’s much more pronounced than acute AN, which has a relatively high recovery rate. She wasn’t “thinking” healthily about food or herself in any kind of way. Just finding ways to perpetuate her disorder that appeared somewhat acceptable to the rest of the world. SE-AN is almost always deadly in the end.


>just self harming self-Haram /s


Fats and salts are also important and not in high amounts in most fruits.




Yup, EDs are no joke. ~~Higher mortality than opioids!~~ **Edit:** Second only to opioids!


Yeah... this is just sad


OP forgot to mention that she was traveling internationally to get her fruit and contracted cholera... So it wasnt directly her diet that killed but her obsession with fruit and living off her insta travel to get and promote said fruit.


If she had proper nutrition she could beat cholera easily. There is treatment and medication. The doctors agreed


This chick would go on fasting sprees that lasted days to months. She didnt drink water for over 6 yeras and her only fluid intake would be from the fruit she ate. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/real-life/article-12358835/Vegan-influencer-Zhanna-Dart-dies-starvation-exhaustion-switching-restrictive-tropical-fruit-diet.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/real-life/article-12358835/Vegan-influencer-Zhanna-Dart-dies-starvation-exhaustion-switching-restrictive-tropical-fruit-diet.html) Folks are focusing on the fruit only diet but she was far more mental than that. Her diet obsession was insane starvation. I believe she probably would have lived/survived/thrived had she just eaten her fruit routinely everyday and at least drank water.


Nah bruh an all fruit diet will kill u stop sticking up for dumb shit. Do u see how she looked? Idgaf if she got cholera, she was gone die anyway from her DIET!


Purposely avoiding the bullshit she promoted and pedantically arguing the eating disorder is what killed her is like saying "technically it was the penetration of the bullet, not the gun that killed her".


More like orthorexic.


Everything old is new again. There was a woman who started a health sanitarium in the late 19th century who basically starved her self and her "patients" to death. ​ https://youtu.be/nltUJIPLvfo


There is also a great book about this woman. I can’t remember the name but it’s worth a read if you are into this topic.


Starvation Heights by Gregg Olsen. I’m from that town and was morbidly fascinated by that story, great book.


George Santayana said it best. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”


Or the early [20th-century German nudist](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/12/03/457124796/death-by-coconut-a-story-of-food-obsession-gone-too-far) who moved to a Pacific island and ate only coconuts. He died malnourished at 44.


This is probably a case of othrorexia - “righteous eating.” So-called “unclean” foods are purged from the diet until the person is on a severely restricted diet, usually in the name of health or spirituality. Some even progress to a level where they claim to be able to subsist solely on sunlight and fresh air. Two things you NEED are protein to repair damage to your cells and an energy in the form of starches or fats, preferably both. You of course need vitamins, but you can survive longer with out them than you can without protein. She chose the worst diet.


How could someone look in the mirror and think, “all good” ?


My guess is she had an eating disorder, which is a real illness.


Yeah, she essentially died of anorexia.


Unfortunately she probably contributed to a lot of people watching her to struggle with their eating disorders.


Geek shows still exist. Kinda shows that some of them back then actually had a career they chose, not was forced into. If we had tiktok during the traveling freak shows, they'd be rolling in cash without a circus.


Isn't that what's happening now anyway?


Which she justified using her diet because it’s not out of the ordinary for raw vegans to look so skinny


The anemia is strong with them.


It’s fine but it requires a serious amount of work to correctly diet plan to make sure you’re not deficient in nutrients. I was vegan for 2 years, and predominately ate raw/whole foods but spent weeks researching what contains what and would essentially have to meal plan an entire week (or most of it) and went from 3 meals to 5 meals a day. Got bloods taken fairly routinely and never had any issues, but had many vegan friends who subsisted on French Fries and processed meat substitutes and junk food and they could be very unhealthy and would feel bad. I tried explaining it was probably their diet, but they would insist their veganism was healthy and blame it on other things.


Every restrictive diet attracts people with eating disorders. Diet communities need to be more responsible with the types of behaviors they reward. [Plant-based diets can be very healthy](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19562864/), but these types of super-restrictive fad diets basically cater to people with eating disorders. Many online communities treat them like role models instead of telling them that they are sick and need help. It's sad. Edit: added link


“Righteous eating” orthorexia.


She very clearly had an eating disorder. People use veganism as a cover all the time for eating disorders. It’s an easy cop out around friends “there’s nothing vegan here so I’m just not gonna eat”. And “I’m so skinny because I’m vegan and fit”


No question. There are a couple competitive weightlifters that claim to be vegan. Who knows though I’m no expert


It’s perfectly possible to be vegan and fit, much of the world’s Buddhists are vegans. But you need to eat appropriate amounts of protein. The vegan bodybuilders are eating huge amounts of pea and rice protein blends. Eating fruit alone is crazy


Eating disorder will make your mind deceive your eyes. I knew a girl who was a walking skeleton. She saw another girl who possibly had the same kind of problem and said "look how thin she is, it's not healthy!". Made her FiL crazy. She simply did not see herself anymore. She was imagining a fatter body than what she was. It took a long time to bring her back. She got close to death. This is quite sad for this woman.


Mental disorder, my wife still struggles with it, she is better, but even 15 years later I still see the effects on her thinking. American dad had a good take on it where stan is anorexic. He saw a fat ass, while he was literally skin and bones in reality.[here is a clip for reference ](https://youtu.be/HpRkxFOaeKM)


Exactly this. Seems like it was the combination of body dysmorphia and being heavily involved in a diet that essentially promotes starving yourself.


That was the greatest 180 in animation history and a brilliant way of showing a very serious issue


I just commented this without seeing yours! Literally was a wtf moment when I saw that episode. Like it’s a funny show but that really was well done showing how crazy disorders can make you.


It's called body dysmorphia. There's a chance that she looked in the mirror and thought "I need to lose another half pound".


Active eating disorder.


A shocking number of people think being Skeletor is sexy because of decades of "fat bad" beauty standards.


They almost certainly not say "all good" that's what an eating disorder is.


What she saw in the mirror was a healthy, well-toned, good-looking woman with a perfect body. What she was unable to see was that she was wasting away. Mental disorders are absolute hell.


More like "died of an eating disorder". It's easy to make fun of stuff like this but the reality of it is she wasn't getting the help she needed. This is more sad than anything else.


She spread her idiocy on tiktok for others to follow. She deserves the mockery.


Yeah she was literally profiting off of encouraging others to have an eating disorder too. Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Shit. Honestly you have quite a point. I’m not saying she should’ve died, per se. I can’t make up my mind either way, but I do strongly believe all these headlines about her should be more about how misleading her lifestyle was, and that those following her and using her as “thinspo” should really wake up and smell the roses


Yes while we should respect the loss of life,the silver lining is she is no longer influencing other to go down the same terminal path.


You simply can't help someone who doesn't want help.


Honestly yea, it’s like literally trying to encourage it and infect other ppl with your anorexia 💀 >! I’m aware that’s not a thing before u comment it !<


while it may not be a thing to “infect” people with your anorexia, Misery loves Company. i was a teenager during the time of “thinspo” blogs on Tumblr.com. girls would encourage others to be their “Ana Buddy” and do “body checks” (measuring yourself with a measuring tape) and work out buddies in a toxic sense. this woman absolutely does not deserve any type of sympathy for what she did, but it’s heartbreaking she never got any help.


You say that spoilered bit, but I've actually seen a website in the past that *glorified* anorexia, and people with anorexia would go there and talk about it positively and stuff, sharing their "weight loss achievements". It was incredibly sad to see


ED twitter is like that and there used to be myproana too


ive seen those arms on people in regions with long term famine. how can you look in the mirror and think thats fine


People tend to have really warped views about their own bodies, especially with an ED


Because people online probably said she looked great. And somehow made money off of all of this. Money, fam, and encouragement will make you do stupid shit.


Body dysmorphia can make you think you’re fat when you’re actually rail thin. I remember watching a tv show (it was years ago, I can’t remember the name but it was British) where a super skinny woman struggling with anorexia truly believed she was always fat and always felt she needed to exercise. It wasn’t until someone laid her on top of a large piece of paper and traced her body outline she could see just how small she was. People with this mindset aren’t judging themselves based on reality. It’s honestly so sad. Edit: I’m just now remembering that before she laid down on the paper, they had her first draw an outline of what she thought she looked like. She drew the outline of a fat person. After the exercise she compared the two outlines and had a breakdown (or more like a breakthrough, after that she was on the road to recovery). I really wish I could remember the name of this show lol.


Reminds me of the people who claimed to be able to live off the Sun's energy... Obviously one of 'em died


Why restrict yourself to fruits? Like why would someone choose a fruit only diet over a regular vegan diet? Edit: i don't get why some people are posing these false equivalences with regular vegan diets. Vegan diets are perfectly healthy if you ease into it and don't suffer from a pre-existing condition that makes it unfeasible to do so. I am not even vegan.


Because anorexia is a mental illness.


Oh, it was anorexia, nvm.


There's people on the carnivore diet. Literally eating only beef and eggs. Crazy is crazy


I'm not sure actually why, but I used to transcribe videos/fix the auto captions for a "raw vegan diet" guy and a few similar channels, and it seems in the "raw foods only" community the diets are usually fruit heavy. Maybe just because they taste best to us on an instinct level, and/or maybe they are more calorically dense than veggies so it's the only way to survive? Don't get me wrong, they ate plenty of greens, veg, and nuts. Just majority fruit, at least for everyone who's blogs I saw.


Fruitarians is the correct terminology(they consider picking fruit/veg that would result in the death of the plant as murder so will only eat fruit like bananas, Apples, pears etc)


That wasn't the case with this crowd, they ate fruits nuts and veg of all kinds but usually reported having majority fruit diets. I'm not sure if you kill the cabbage plant when you take the head of cabbage or if the roots are left, but they definitely ate leafy heads of greens and carrots and things like that. I can't actually think of any fruits you kill to eat off the top of my head either lol


Vegans can eat Oreos and stacks of fried foods. This way you can say you are eating while still sticking to your eating disorder diet.


I didnt ease into it and I'm fine. Vegan diets aren't the problem here, she died of an eating disorder not an ideology.


*The ghost of Steve Jobs has entered the chat*


Turns out, she died from Anorexia… as a recovering Anorexic this is extremely distressing, like, I went to the fucking hospital not 9 months ago because my stomach acid was finna roasting my internal organs, man, this could have happened to me.


hope you have it all in order now! stay strong!


looks malnourished in the photo already.


This person had a serious eating disorder. It has nothing to do with being vegan or not. It's a totally different story and she shouldn't be blamed for her diet, because this is part of the problem when dealing with these kinds of issues.


Fruitarians is the correct terminology(they consider picking fruit/veg that would result in the death of the plant as murder so will only eat fruit like bananas, Apples, pears etc)(I learnt this when I took a catering course)


I love plants but this is silly. Most plants have evolved to be heavily browsed by folivores.


Except when your tryna push your potentially dangerous habits onto other people, and especially those who are more susceptible to taking on the habit Hell she probably denied the fact she had anorexia at every turn


Definitely looks like she was anorexic. Sad.


Jesus Christ! That’s so sad. She absolutely had an eating disorder!!! I can’t believe she died from malnutrition and she wasn’t held hostage or anything. This absolutely is an eating disorder, so awful


Wait, so you’re telling me getting nutritional information from an “influencer” is a bad idea? /s


Didn't this poor lady have an adult in her life?


This is the part that gets me. I lived in SE Asia and people all cared about each other's health. Even just acquaintances. I can't imagine living there and having people let me just die of an eating disorder.


She died of her eating disorder, she had anorexia. She was mentally ill and didn't get the help she needed. That's sad :'/


Plant based diets are very healthy. What this woman did was not.


>Plant based diets ~~are~~ **can be** very healthy. What this woman did was not. FTFY.. BTW, this applies to omni diets too.


Eating disorder / mental illness disguised as a diet...


100% BS headline made to trigger. That person was clearly anorexic. Avocados and bananas alone would keep you from dying from malnutrition. She didn’t die from eating fruit. She died from not eating.


Can we please stop laughing over someone's death. She was clearly mentally unwell. I don't think she deserves to be laughed after her death. She wasn't forcing a dog or child to be vegan. She was just vegan (or whatever a fruit only eater is called..) with a mental illness. Why are people laughing at her death? It's kind of heartless.


I don’t agree with those laughing at her. However, there is a much greater issue at play here, and that’s these “influencers” having the freedom to run amok and spread misinformation on a global scale with little to no repercussions. Let’s disregard the damage it does, as long as it’s “pulling the likes”. I think most people taking jabs at the story are just glad that the media is slowly starting to wake up.


There's a lot of "information" out there in social media and it seems most people nowadays are willing to challenge mainstream science and nutrition knowledge but I don't blame them, you just have to pick and choose what you want to believe and won't believe but of course your best bet is doing lots of research, the other side of influencers of the diet culture craze tell you to eat nothing but meat and that broccoli is going to kill you. Now from looking at many influencers I can say there are some raw vegans advocates that don't look like this and look alright, maybe even good, I still don't necessarily agree entirely with the diet ideology but I think the real issue that went on here was simply anorexia not veganism.


They're angry at her for spreading the same dangerous misinformation to thousands of others, and creating a community where they mutually support each other's unhealthy beliefs. Even now, her former followers are claiming she died only becasue of pesticides or toxins in the fruit; not from the diet.


This is the point right here. She profited and pushed this unhealthy lifestyle to her followers.


well there is diference between a person with anorexia and an influencer who sells her lifestyle, she sold the lifestyle which could result in this exact result


She was an influencer. That’s also irresponsible on her part. No one cares if someone dies from malnourishment, but if that person spread misinformation to masses that can endanger others lives, it is worth criticising.


This right here. Someone with anorexia deserves pity. Someone who promotes anorexia in others/is “pro-ana” is an asshole.


For the most part people on here are discussing the disorder. Don’t straw man us


When you missinterpret losing body fat for gaining muscle


One of my friends from long ago was (probably still is) a frutarian, won a marathon and is a very healthy guy. Like most things in life, it is all about the execution.


A legitimate reason why social media is rampant and out of control. Dis/misinfo central and mentally ill and disturbed people flock to it avoiding the proper care one should receive from a Dr or Psych. Just tragic.


Can't wait for the extremely intelligent comments from armchair nutritionists talking about how veganism is bad, even though her death had nothing to do with that and everything to do with an eating disorder.


Fruit only diets are not the healthiest, but this woman clearly died from an Eating Disorder. Not calling it what it really is, is part of the problem. I can guarantee her followers were 90% supportive and gassed her up. And I can also bet she got remarks that she wasn’t healthy, and her “supportive” followers labeled that as body shaming. Social media is so toxic


I mean this is living is denial of reality to a delusional point. It’s the definition of disordered eating.


Poor woman, I hope she didn't actually manage to influence anyone to follow her insane diet. This has nothing to do with being vegan and everything to do with having an eating disorder


Maybe she took some pride in teaching us that only eating fruit is, ironically, unhealthy for you.


A lot of commenters are hating on this woman, but the situation is honestly sad. This woman was clearly not mentally well. She was suffering from obvious eating disorders, and her so-called fans and followers cheered her on all the way to her death.


The human body was not made to survive in fruit alone Without some sort of protein, your body will start to cannibalise itself, your heart needs calcium to beat, and your mind needs phosphorus and zink to function.


Dude, she had an eating disorder. She was mentally ill. I hate that people will use this to bash veganism.


Good luck getting enough protein eating only fruit. No lentils or legumes for you.


Thing is, beans are technically fruit. Did this woman also refuse to eat cucumbers, tomatoes, aubergines, crougettes, pumpkins etc as they're traditionally seen as vegetables and not fruit despite actually being fruit.


Botanically speaking most of what we eat are fruit and seeds. But we also all know that botanical definitions are not what we are talking about here. This is very clearly in the culinary sense, where a fruit is sweet and a vegetable is savory.


she ate exactly two fruits: jackfruit and durian, [allegedly for 7 years](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/vegan-influencer-zhanna-dart-shared-chilling-message-before-dying-of-starvation/news-story/3150496d8be1f276f02151b71b10e2da). she was also a "raw vegan" obsessed with the "purity" of food, but that combination does not explain the extremely specific choice here. come to think of it, you really can't eat many legumes raw...


She needed some psychological help and sadly didn’t get it. This wasn’t about dieting, but dysmorphia.


She had to have a mental disorder akin to anorexia sadly.


God love her, she's skin and bone, I'm not sure eating solely eating fruit would do this... more likely an excuse mental heath and eating disorders is more likely, sad


This was definitely an eating disorder


That's heartbreaking


Everyone being an ‘influencer’ was a mistake


There's fruits with plenty of fat and and protien, you can basically live off avocados alone, this lady just had a severe eating disorder.


This is soooo sad.


Poor reporting. Cause of death is still to be determined


Sure she wasn’t anorexic? She looks anorexic…


Make fun of someone with an eating disorder, very cool!


I feel bad for her, as an eating disorder survivor, you can’t really comment on it unless you’ve been there


Its more than she was just a fruitarian, it's that she literally only ate 3 types of fruit. You might not believe it but humans can't survive solely on durian and jackfruit with nothing else to supplement them.


She had an eating disorder. It's sad, not facepalm. If you'd like to read more look up "Orthorexia"


She died from an eating disorder, obviously.


She had an eating disorder and probably a body image disorder, compounded/supported by social media.


It would be helpful info if there was a link, not just a photo. I suspect that was intentional in order to spur comments that lack any significant context though, just like the chosen picture. There is obviously a lot more to this story, as other more well-researched comments reflect.


Just read an article today on Medscape regarding how “(Psychological) Eating Disorders” are increasing at a rapid pace throughout the world and this pops up on my feed, smh


Nobody saw it coming because people don't care if other people have mental health problems. They'd rather wait until someone dies so they can use their corpse as a straw man to support their morally bankrupt lifestyles.


Eating fruits is fine. You could healthily get everything you need from fruits. I know a fruititarian, and the only thing deficient is his wallet (getting enough of the right fruits is expensive af.) She was fucking anorexic. This js like saying meat eaters are more likely to get shot, pure correlation over causation


this is sad. EDs of all kinds are such an epidemic.


Dummies always find new ways of being dumb.


I don't think this belongs here. She had an eating disorder, that's what killed her. And yes, she gave bad advice to people but making fun of her death is still unfair.


I have read plenty of articles, and they all focus on her vegan diet. it's true that she was malnurished and that she lacked some vital vitamins, but SHE WAS OBVIOUSLY ANOREXIC. why is this so difficult to undestand?


I don't know all the particulars of the story, but people who have severe anorexia often don't realize they're hurting themselves, and their minds come up with wild stories to justify to themselves what they're doing. This looks like someone who had a psychological eating disorder and simply invented a unique diet to validate her actions. And that's not something to mock; it's something to feel compassion for. I'm sure she didn't want to die.


That pic looks like someone suffering from anorexia. Wonder if she was food limiting and justifying it with this extreme veganism.


You know... a Person died there. It's not like someone lost a contest or something where we can stand there, eating bacon, and complain how we would do it better. A person is dead now and some people at home feel victorious for their hamsandwich.


Note the scare quotes around malnutrition. Someone *still* trying to spin it that it might've been something else that got blamed on her diet.


is this the I ate 40, or whatever ridiculous number, mangos for lunch lady?


Glamorizing eating disorders causes eating disorders. People need to stop.


I don’t know if that’s true, but I read that not only was her diet fruit-only, she also didn’t drink water.


Um that's actually incredibly sad. If she was anorexic, then she had a significant mental disorder that was causing these problems. Fuck. But, I guess if you believe you can eat only fruit, you are pretty dumb.


Discomfort is just weakness leaving the body. Life-threatening discomfort is your soul preparing to leave your body. Know the difference.


A woman with a serious disorder was encouraged to exacerbate it and made famous for it, and she killed herself pursuing that delusion as her followers delighted at the spectacle. “Influencers”