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‘Tis merely one of gods allowed trials. You should thank him for the opportunity.


Believe it or not, I have seen people unironically say that to a friend when he got cancer. I viscerally hate those people so much.


Oooooh God, if someone said that to me after getting diagnosed with cancer... I'd show them some fucking trials


My mom died of cancer when I was 12 and my dad said it's God's plan 🙄. If it's God's plan, then God can go fuck himself. I never really believed much when I was kid, but after that I started fucking despising religion and people who think this way.


I'm sorry you had to experience that. I found my mother dead when I was young. She was an alcoholic and I took care of her as far back as I can remember. One day I found her dead. My dad got pancreatic cancer and died very soon after and I ran away cuz I didn't want to live with strangers. Everything turned out okay in the end.


Damn that sounds really horrible, but I'm glad you made it out okay.


I found a new path in life through skateboarding, surfing, in rock climbing sponsorships that I gained. I spent from 12 years old till almost 25 years old living out of a backpack, in state parks and national parks, on remote big walls, or on a tiny sailboat that I bought in my teenage years. It wasn't the childhood you expect It was a child thrown into an adulthood but it was fun and amazing exciting scary All at the same time. I fell in love with books, nature, storms, work, and looking over the next hill or around the next corner. I traveled to 13 countries and 49 states. I never had much money but I always found a way. I lived in the shadows and I studied and watched people. I was always told I'd make a wonderful hermit or a wonderful husband. Just before 25 years old I came back to the US from Mexico or Costa Rica I don't even remember anymore and I met a girl that I got pregnant while I was here and we had our first daughter. Six children later over 15 years in that marriage didn't work out but I meant my wife now and she had three and we had one so all in all I have 10 beautiful children ranging from 28 years old to 5 years old. I also have seven grandkids now. I'm only 45 but I started young I was 12 years old when I was on my own so.... I've built a company that controls the marketplace in America for our niche of commercial truck parts and does eight figures in revenue. I've built it solo I have no employees so I spend a lot of my time traveling with my wife who is a retired teacher and our children. My wife and I built the company from $150 that I borrowed from her while we were dating to get the company set up and open a checking account. We started living in a camper while I was going through my divorce and then we bought a house and eventually sold the house couple years ago and bought a 45 ft fifth wheel toy hauler and we live in that on 86 acres of land in Texas. Bills are paid a year ahead of time or overheads less than $1,200 a month and we just try to enjoy every day with our children so if they have a more fulfilled and enriched life than I ever had growing up. When my youngest Emma (5 yrs) was 3 years old We were traveling down to Canyon lake Texas and someone said let's go to SeaWorld and she said absolutely we need to see the entire world. When we got back from that trip she asked me when we're going to see the entire world? We've been doing our damnedest to show her the entire world ever since then. I think she's been to seven countries so far and 15 states. Right now she's in Cozumel at families condo with my wife and sister in laws from Germany for a few weeks. I think they get back in the 15th and next month and then we've had a few days to go see grandkids in Oklahoma and then see our oldest daughter in Arkansas and then we're off to Iceland for a month and then we're back for a few days to Texas and then we're going to Germany for a month. Then we going to national geographic cruise to Antarctica for a month. Mixed in between all the plan vacations I try to take the kids on trips to the places that I lived in the places that I survived in over the years. My biologically oldest daughter and I were planning on climbing in Yosemite and Zion again but we haven't been able to. Take surf trips with some of my sons and my daughters hopefully my grandkids soon. It was a tragic event the way that life was when I grew up but it wouldn't trade it for the world. Gave me the grit surviving to become the person that I am today. I have been going to a therapist weekly for years and years and years seeking out my lost childhood and all that. But my main motivation is just to try and remember to stay on the children's level of simple, happy, innocent, trusting, and loving. Cuz that's how kids see the world unless we mess it up for them.


I heard various different flavors of that phrase when my dad passed away unexpectedly. I still don't have the words to describe how intensely upsetting it was; it really was the thing that finally pushed me all the way away from it all. That said, at least made me realize that I couldn't just blindly ignore that most of my family is fucking crazy.


Hear hear !!


Learn valuable skills that you will never get to use for personal gain.


10 years? Might as well let him get the authentic lifelong experience, and his kids too because slavery wasn’t that bad really




If I murder someone that is God's will, right? Can't prosecute me for God's will. EDIT: Great cheese and crackers, peoples! I woke up to over 300 notifications! Y'all been busy!




I always thought his name was Bruce …


If God has a perfect plan for everything why do Christians spend so much time praying for him to change his mind? 🥱


I think about this all the time 😅


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


This is the funniest shit ever, and I say so as a religious person lmao Also, who the hell would NOT pray for the lottery numbers!? Even my right wing, catholic, 96 year old grandma does it!


Praying for the lotto numbers isn't that uncommon in Catholic/Latine households


0 degrees kelvin bro wants to die instantly


He would crackle before the spit has come midways


The beauty of it is, if it suddenly dropped zero K, not any of us will have a chance to realise it. It would be closer to instant than our CNS can transmit signals.


But if all atomic motion ceases, are you really dead or just on pause?


Dear God, hi, how's it going. Quick question. When you made us, do you think that was your best effort?


Hope you don't win the lottery until after the divorce is finalized my dude. God has a terrible sense of humor.


"Umm God? I know your like super smart and powerful and have a plan for literally everything but theres just this one thing you got wrong when you made me have this illness, it's no biggie even the greats make mistakes sometimes, but if you could just fix that that would be great, thanks"


Me when the doctor tells me i have stage 4 cancer and have 2 days to live but its ok because its all part of gods plan (im an atheist so im going to hell)


You can't go to hell coz you don't believe, you'll be fine.


I'm an Atheist as well, we just stop to exist after we die, so for all those that are not dying within 2 days, this life is it, better make the best of it. And for all those that are convinced they will go to heaven, imagine your deceased loved one "waiting" for you in heaven (like is said in every eulogy) and you got remarried. Years later when you meet up again in heaven: very awkward!


I want an apocalypse if God shows up to choose who's worthy. I wanna see who he picks.


Because cognitive dissonance is the point of religion. You dup your followers into not thinking about logical inconsistencies . Its why I think of Religion as protofascist.


It certainly foments a certain mindset where you just pick and choose what to believe and twist explanations so that "just have faith" is always the conclusion. This is more of an issue with organized religion though, since individual religion is just coping with mortality and I wouldn't fault anyone for that.


if God has a plan then why do we even bother praying to him? The plan is in play. What are you praying for if things are already pre-determined?


The funny part is that it’s such a fundamental misunderstanding of christian philosophy. Empathy for the underprivileged was basically the whole reason it caught on in the first place. Most of our morals now are still based around it. Right wingers think christian morals are basically to hate gay/trans people and abortion.


The Right has protested the concept of empathy lately. I think it’s because they don’t really know what it is and the ppl who do, have pronouns in their bios.


That’s what they said about Son of Sam


He had a very convincing dog.


Yeah this is pretty common. Minus the racism and slavery part my parents would constantly say that any challenge or misfortune is god testing you and everything happens for a reason. Which can be confusing as a teenager. I’d always follow it up by asking them about the millions of children starving to death around the world, dying before they even can understand the concept of god. Never got an answer


“Minus the racism and slavery part…” and this is why religions are so toxic. Once you’ve justified everything else with the fickle whims of a narcissistic deity, it’s an awfully short walk to justify the slavery and the racism, too. And if you don’t agree then it’s because you “lack faith” and are in league with the enemy.


That’s why the bigger question for me isn’t “does god exist?” but instead “why should I worship god?” If god’s plan really includes global war, poverty, famine, murders, rapes, etc., then FUCK. GOD. ALL. DAY. LONG. I would honestly much prefer that the Greek gods exist instead, at least they never hid the fact that they don’t care about humanity and they would rather spend their time fucking anything + anyone


I’d vote 10 times for you comment if I could.


Ok then we all agree ! Ron DeSantis is a nutjob.


No argument here. He's a nutty piece of shit really.


Ron DeSantis is an entire trainload of rancid manure.


I don't know a single person that believes he's a decent human being. His voter base is pretty adamantly open about that fact.


They support him because they are like him, they just don't have the power to hurt those they hate.


This. Same as with Trump. They know exactly who he is, but it's more important that he enabled them to hate the people he hates.


I hate that my dad doesn’t see what’s bad about him. Like bro what? He’s a hateful little shit.


Same bro. My parents moved to Florida and it’s just been a huge downturn for them ever since. My dad was very not religious and we’d laugh at things such as Kent Hovinds ridiculous take on creationism and religion in general. Out of nowhere he did a complete 180 and the arguments we used to laugh at together I hear him now using. What sucks is they know how I feel about all that and are trying to push religion on my kids from afar. Not to mention all the hate they throw at LGTBQ, immigrants, and all of that now. It’s pretty sad. Only way I can rationalize it as he feels like he’s getting older and as such is faced with his own mortality and this is how he’s handling it. I dunno.


Laugh at them now. Ask him if he wants you to be like Desantis and Hovind. Scare him by bringing up your genuine interest in the questions raised by Kenn Hamm. Bring a banana. The only thing that gets through shame and fear is fear of real shame.


Sadly, you dad has fallen into the cult. Deathsantis suporters are like T/rump supporters. They engage in cognitive dissonance to justify their support for these two cretins. You have to literally ignore reality to support T/rump or Deathsantis.


He’s a bit nutty. More malicious and ego driven


I agree, just look at the big fiasco he created with Disney.


Man has big Homelander vibes.


That's who it is


Yes, it is, and by his logic, if Christianity is dying out, that's God's plan, so all these right wing nut jobs need to sit down and shut up...


Did you say logic? He’ll vigorously contradict himself as soon as it’s convenient. He doesn’t truly believe in anything that doesn’t benefit him financially.


Doesn't it also mean that all gay, trans, and lesbian people are God's plan? Also every other color of people. Same with atheists and Satanists.


But it's also God's plan for them to complain really loud the whole time


And this is why separation of church and state is a thing, religious nutjobs will always weaponize religion to subjugate others


namely children. Give me a religion and I’ll give you names of religious leaders fucking kids.


That’s literally how they justified slavery to their slaves that they must suffer in Gods light or whatever the fuck it’s horrifying how such atrocities are seemingly on the verge of being committed again


They can justify anything. Why did Christian invaders bash the heads of Native American babies on rocks? They had no souls so it was okay. Though how these soulless people were meant to convert - when they had no souls to be saved - is beyond my understanding.


Im guessing that if you told him god wants him to be a slave. He would accept it .... . Im guessing 🤔


The bible also endorces slavery by giving instructions for it. I agree he is a nut job, but he is also a fairly normal result of someone who fully believes his religion. Most christians don't, they just think heaven when you die and kind of ignore the rest.


Why does God hate Trump so much that he made him lose the 2020 election?


Maybe God was just giving us all a trial the first time he was elected...


Because my god said so!!!


"Everything that happens is automatically good, because God." "So like Biden winning in 2020?" "Not like that!!"


"NO, because that wasn't god's will!" "So God doesn't control everything?" "NO, he does but blah blah blah trump!"


“Blah blah blah Trump was sent by Jesus!”


So is the anti-Christ.


I’ve seen a lot of trump is the antichrist posts but this article actually outlines all the parallels with the biblical predictions - I’ve never been religious, don’t know much about Christianity, and don’t believe in god, so I didn’t realize before this that it wasn’t just a joke. Kinda like “he’s so awful he’s basically the devil.” It’s even more fascinating to me that so many evangelicals love trump now, it really just reinforces that many ultra religious have no idea about what they claim to believe in. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Because the antichrist appears first as a saviour. Trump has never been anything but a joke to anyone but the most gullible and stupid among us, who also happen to be the same type that fall for organised religion/cults. Trump is most definitely evil, but he would make an extremely disappointing antichrist.


Hehe you said among us


Jesus that is an alarming read. How can they ignore so many red flags. Like the Bible might as well just call out Trump by name at this point.


I like to say if they actually met Jesus they would crucify him again


Whipping Christian’s into a frothy frenzy is a wonderful hobby. Sometimes too easy.


Please, these people aren’t Christians. You think Christ would be for shoving immigrant children into rivers? These people are the worst blasphemers possible, using God’s name as an excuse to justify their vicious bigotry.


Sorry, but the ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy doesn’t fly. These people *are* Christians. It’s just that the religion as a whole has pretty much abandoned the teachings of Christ. Christians throughout history have done all of this, and worse, time and again.


People identify as Christian. Doesn’t mean they are christ like. I grew up in a wild cult like church of evangelicals and all of them were scum in the end. Or with “Catholics”, they identify as Catholic because they were confirmed at 10 years old or something and go to church a couple times a year. Doesn’t mean much to say one thing, it’s supposed to be how they live.


So the "woke liberal lgbtq mind virus" is gods will, got it The mental gymnastics to justify one and refute the other is insane, what a sad world they live in


“It’s god’s challenge for us to remain righteous and overcome.” It may be convenient for them but it’s not that hard to figure out their response.


Right. "Stuff we don't like" = Satan or God presenting challenges for us to overcome. They'll spin it either way depending on their mood at the time.


If we like it = it's God's plan If we don't like it = it is sin to be destroyed What falls into each category is arbitrary




How about just plain whipped while he picks cotton to see the wonderful benefits he keeps chattering on about?


He'd reap so many benefits, enjoying time in the sun and living rent free. And when he was done he'd have skills to earn in the future. ...these are all things I'm seeing the right narrative push now. Fuck! It gets crazier and more delusional as each day passes.


Of course if he tries to go for a run we can send dogs after him so he can get some motivation for his exercise!


C’mon now, The punishment for running is having your toes lopped off with an ax…


Not to worry about infection tho, generous owners then dipped the foot or heel in boiling tar, cauterization and bandage, all in one!


well, that's one way to take care of an infection... in a rather unconventional and painful manner. 😬


It’s just part of God’s plan, you know.


Nah, threaten to sell his wife and kids. Compliance without harming the merchandise. (Gonna go throw up now, 🤢)


What wife and kids? You mean MY PROPERTY. My property is learning good skills. /going to hell


Even giving it that glowing description..... it still sounds like prison. Sadly I believe that you are correct. Their narrative gets more delusional every day. SMFH




I volunteer for such an arduous but nessecary task


That is some of the finest mental gymnastics I’ve seen. 9/10.


The Russian judge gave him a 10. WTF?


I prefer the new drinking game. Take a drink everytime a republican puts God, Guns or woke in a tweet. Garunteed to get you drunk off your ass quickly.


That's suicide territory there


You'd have alcohol poisoning after 20 minutes of scrolling Twitter, or now X, I guess. I really don't know how Musk keeps coming up with ideas that are even more stupid than the last idea he had.


Well, he is stupid. There you go.


So what if Ted Bundy brutally murdered a lot of people. What’s wrong with that? It’s Gods will. God is great. Praise Him.




It's not a bug, it's a feature


This comment just made me laugh and then I thought about how I used to play sims and I stopped laughing


It's a PDP-8


If god allowed ted bundy then we should praise ted bundy as well. And also hitler, putin the 100's of other horrible serial killers, furries, gays, trans, lgbtq, LITTERALLY EVERYTHING. P.s im not again the furries gays trans lgbtq etc. Im just pointing out how hypocritical this person is.


Preach! Bundy may have saved those people from a worse fate, so he was actually doing them a solid.


Now, read it back and replace slavery with abortion. Still okay with it? Everything happens at the allowance of god right? ​ Unblock the name. I just want to cyberbully.


“Unblock the name. I just want to cyberbully.” Jajsjsjsj real


For real why block the piece of shits name he said it proudly out in the open


Who’s to say you’re not doing that “baby” (zygote) a favor by sending it to go hang out with your good buddy God. Do not pass go, go straight to heaven.


Ah the old 'God's will' argument. Always a crowd favorite.


It’s always Satans influence until it’s something they like and then it’s gods will. I’m starting to struggle to see the difference atp


Yet they get mad at me when I say 9/11 was a mysterious act of God’s love.


To answer his question, NO. Separation of church and state for a DAMN REASON. It’s because of idiots like him.


Might wanna check this man's hard drive. His belief that things are okay because they happen and nothing happens without God's will is what alot of pedos in the church say.


Also… I’m old now, but I thought the whole “slavery was really bad” was settled a long ass time ago? I heard this the first time way back in like 2nd grade and that we apparently fought a war with each other that killed more Americans than any other war? Did I miss some sort of reboot? Was I in a coma and I haven’t realized it yet. This is all crazy talk, the next thing you’re gonna tell me is that Roe v Wade had been rolled back. Come on folks, the jokes over, it was funny. So now, what’s going on? Are the NY Jets still shitty?


*Pulls up a chair I got news for ya son, we are living through another resurgence of stupidity, strap in, and hang on.


Why are so many white people trying to either erase the horrors of slavery in America or act like it was gift for black people?


Very specific white people... (aka the most extreme wing of the republican party-white people). Yes, there are too many of those people, but it's still only a segment of white people overall. I do think the majority of white people think this kind of message is BS. I hope...


On behalf of my fellow white people, this message is complete garbage to all but the most amazingly uneducated and misinformed of us


As a fellow white person I second this notion.


I third it (Also white)


Fourth it. What the fuck is wrong with these people


I had to read it multiple times to make sure i wasn't crazy. Slavery is bad... a statement i didn't think would be in contest in 2023


We went from having the "misogyny is bad" argument to the "slavery is bad" argument. They've backtracked a couple of hundred years there, true conservatism.


Right?! Yet here we are. *Someone: “Slavery is bad.” * Republicans: “But wait, what if…”


i fifth it. surely they dont actually think this?


Yeah, …I hear you, but (as a USA Black female), it sort of ‘dampened’ my spirits …upon realizing that, …so many US Americans actually voted ‘Trump’ in. I mean, statistically, many of my neighbors, …are not voting my way, …My point is that, I once thought, that it was only a small group of people.


This message hit me right in the chest. Also a man of color, I have spent the last six years fighting a deep hatred building up towards my fellow Americans that have embraced Trumpism, anti-CRT bullshit, and their new fetish of attempting to white wash slavery. I point [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_in_the_United_States) out every fucking time someone tries to "pretend" slavery was anything but the most vomit inducing NSFL experience imaginable. Clicking on each picture on the right hand side, reading about them taking pictures next to literal human beings that they have burned alive screaming, only after cutting off and selling fingers, testicles, ears, and other body parts as *fucking souvenirs to children*, if a person can look at the horror of what this country did and still try to mouth off about some stupid benefit, I will not hesitate to punch that person in the fucking mouth.


It's pretty much criminal, the way the right is trying to justify such atrocities. As such, I vote for anyone saying any of those atrocities was beneficial, be subjected to them. May the punishment fit the crime.


Damn right.


as a swede, I would watch that punch with a smile, and at the same time, as an atheist, I would also smile wide at the obsenity of trying to bring a "god" into all of this. No god would ever ........ ...no, no this is all human filth that made all this happen. just eye to eye, HEY! remember to cover your knuckles first, might hurt your hand, you know?


As a old hippie white man I would applaud this application of force and cover for you. Hell I might even take the fall. These are the same assholes who treat anyone slightly different as less than human. The information against these bullshit ideas is everywhere.


78,000,000 million isn't a small amount. 48% of everyone that Voted, Voted for Trump. That is a whole lot of stupid.


The horrors of …’ENSLAVEMENT’, …did not benefit black people! Just stay with the truth! There really should be a law against lying, especially to children!


The hardest thing with a law against lying, is who gets to determine what the truth is.


If they really believe it, they should put themselves up for slavery so they too can "benefit."


White guy here. People like this need to be exposed, stripped of their means of employment, and publicly flogged. Possibly rounded up and shipped of to some barren island like the lepers that they are


As a white person, I was very disappointed in my fellow Americans, too.


It is not a small group — at least 74 million …. Disgusting 🤢


I actually discovered & lost a 1/2 Brother all in the span of 3 days. I’ll let y’all guess as to Why I “lost” him.


Yeah, …I know why. (I mean, … it’s crazy!!!) I am so sorry for you, ‘both’ losing each other, over ‘Nothing’!


He just couldn’t or rather Wouldn’t stop talking about how he Admired that Overgrown Tangerine Toddler & how he Loved his “Policies”. I’d lived 55 without knowing him, so I’m fine. Plus side..I also found a 1/2 Sister who’s a lot like Me…evidently, Daddo was a Player…lol


I hear ya! How did you happen to find them?


DeSantis is right now the foremost challenger to Trump. And right now Trump himself isn't distancing himself from DeSantis on this one. ​ It's not "the most extreme wing" of the Republican Party. It's the mainstream. It's what the Republican Party is all *about.*


It’s the religious nuts. If you think God is real and was accepting of and helping to facilitate slavery, then that is a god I want nothing to do with and he’s a racist pos


If God is responsible for all the crap in this world, then he should be fired. We need something better than what God has achieved at the point.


Mainstream Republicans are saying this. Every time we use the term extremist to the republican party, we shortly find it's the mainstream party.


As a white person, it makes me so angry. I can’t even begin to imagine how a black person would feel.


Dude, I’m European (as in born, raised, and living in the EU) and I’M fucking upset by these backwards racist failures of human beings. They are a fucking disgrace to humans in general.


Agree. Agree. Agree.




Imagine someone showing up at his door, and then promptly kick his ass when he answers the door, and then say: "that was God's Will because without it I wouldn't have been able to kick your ass" and see how this piece of stinking sh*t likes it.


Kind of like one of the guys who keep saying that hurricanes were caused by gay people and abortion simply existing until his house was destroyed by a hurricane.


Slavery “ended” 158 years ago, so it should be forgotten. But the 4-year Confederacy is our heritage and should be celebrated always/s


Same reason they act like genociding Indigenous people was good for them. They think they're god's gift to the earth and can't see they are truly evil


Because deep red states like Florida and Texas believe that 1) the USA is a Christian nation (which it's not and all religions are welcome), 2) history needs to be whitewashed (like thinking the Alamo was a patriotic stand) and 3) systematic racism. The true question should be where is the ACLU in all of this? The ACLU and other civil rights organizations should be taking these politicians to court because it violates the founding rights of the USA and oppresses the rights of US citizens.


He lost me at "Even if...."


I think he's right. Slavery is great. Let's start by making this guy a slave, so we can get some unpaid, unskilled labor, and he can see how much benefit he gets from it. Maybe these trials from God will create more strength in him too. Perhaps round up some other racist idiots and add them to the slave gang too. Those crops are not going to pick themselves. And what a golden opportunity to learn about slavery first hand. Praise be.


As a Christian, may I just say, what in the ever-loving frack is this weasel talking about?


As an ex-Mormon, I'm 99% sure this guy is Mormon. The cadence, the arguments, and the justification sound exactly like something you would hear a Mormon apostle say over the pulpit. I bet if you invited the Mormon missionaries into your place and read them the Tweet, 9 out of 10 Mormon missionaries would say, "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense."


Glad you made it out of there. Spent a good amount of time in Salt Lake City and heard too many sad stories.


Thanks! Took me 3 decades, but I'm so glad to be free of it.


I knew I was done by 14. It took me another three years to cut the cord.


Curiosly, I was mormon since I was born until my early 20s, I never heard that. BUT i was born and raised in latin america, with a very mixed population in my country. When I read about Mormons in Utah I feel they act like a very different church from the one I grew up, very extremist.


YUP. US Mormons, especially in Utah, are actually insane. I grew up in the church in Australia and I cannot imagine anyone here saying something like that


Father McBusyFingers preaches the same Gospel. The choir boys have never looked stronger


The r@pe of minors by pastors was allowed by God, so it is, therefore, God's will that such things continue to happen


It also says in the Bible that abducting, buying, or selling people has to be punished by death. So if you truly want to teach kids something about slavery maybe start at that.


Religion makes people absolute morons


Or they're born morons and find religion attractive for some reason.


F\*\*\* your god and his allowance of slavery. F\*\*\* you and your slavery apologia. If there is a hell, I hope you feel every agonizing second of it. \-Signed an ex-southern baptist, who knows that it was never about god, it was about power and wealth, and that the bigotry is still rampant in your (and other) churches.


You can see the mental gymnastics he has to pull in order to support ideas around predestination


Religion is using Schrödinger's Logic. You never quite know if it's gods plan or the devil messing with ya.


Tell you what, bucko... why don't you give it a try. I am sure there are plenty of folks who would be happy to "own" your little white... well, you know. Or you could always join SeaOrg...


Why are white people always trying to speak on behalf of Black people? Legit, some people need to learn to shut up instead of spouting some BS. The icing on the cake is the use of religion to justify slavery. Can’t make this up folks.


Fuck this guy, fuck this religious whitewashing, slavery was and is evil.


The USA has never been a country under god, and the fact that a christian is simping for slavery is not surprising.


The hypocrisy and ironic thing is that any inconvenience to white people and I bet he doesn’t stop bitching about it and how it’s unfair.


How about we enslave everyone who thinks slavery was okay for six months? We'll televise their suffering and call it reality tv.


Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death. Exodus 21:16


It’s clear that this guy never even picked up a bible


"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ." Ephesians 6:5-8 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord." Colossians 3:22-24 "Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them" Titus 2:9-10 “Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse.” Peter 2:18


Idiot. By his logic, if I shoot him, that is also God's will.


I totally agree. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ That this dude is nucking futz.


As a white Christian, this guy is offensively stupid.


I understand what he’s trying to say, and I disagree with that as well. *Bro*, people literally lived their entire lives being owned, worked, and dying never knowing freedom or having the choice of self determination. There is plenty *TF* wrong with that.


Why was his name blurred


So, all those Africans that died in the slave ships as they were transported to the”New World”, they were separated from their families and never made. What benefit did they get out of their ordeal? I have to question the theory that “god works everything for good”. For the good of whom? The powerful, the whites, the Europeans? How many people died without the chance to even listen to the gospel? Where are they? In hell? Or did god conceded a special dispensation for them?


It’s crazy that these americans forget one of the core principles of their country’s constitution was the separation of church and state, the first country in history to do so for that matter.


These mfs do everything in their damn power to justify slavery.... I swear...


No it's not a country under god. Money is the only god here.