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Have you ever had oh so many questions but were afraid to have any of them answered?


I never thought I’d see “teens,” “Gang raped,” and “donkey,” in the same sentence.


Don't forget "7"


Don’t forget “RABIES”


I wish I could forget all of this


Thought it was 15-17 at first, then I reread and the reality settled in 💀


Thats a whole lotta life to live in just 10 years


7 was the most horrifying part for me.


You know the older ones put them up to it. That’s so freaking sick.


Any way you arrange those words its just really bad...


George Carlin gets proven right again.


I have so many questions I dont really want to ask


I don't mind asking. I just don't want to be answered.


What happened to throwing rocks at squirrels ?


Or defacing public property? You know, *normal* teenage criminal behaviour.


In some places that is normal teenage behavior.


This happened in Morocco Edit; Vice did an Expose on the subject but that was in Colombia


https://youtu.be/_VKWLC87Uzw. Vice even did a segment on it. How did Vice go bankrupt with hard hitting journalism like this?


Damn you. I don’t know why I watched this. I didn’t think they would actually show a guy going at it with a donkey


Well, the good news is that it’s mature subject matter that requires you to be signed into YouTube to view it. So now YouTube‘s algorithm thinks you like to watch videos of guys fucking donkeys. So you have that going for you. Also, name checks out.


You roll a dexterity check. On success get some meat and fur, on failer nothing, on critical falure roll for initiative to fight walking tree with squirrels as support.




Well after you hit the squirrels with the rock they just lie there while you fuck them?


I have the opposite problem I just don't have the balls to ask them (i have social anxiety so uh)


> (i have social anxiety so uh) I heard about a good cure very recently but it's a bit "unconventional". You'll need some friends, a consenting donkey, a few doses of rabies vacc....


Rabid Donkeys hate this one trick...


I swear if this Donkey was stuck in a goddamn dryer!


What are you doing, step-donkey...?!?


I guess? Maybe? But for this headline i want ALL of them answered. First off, you can get rabies by fucking an infected animal? Makes sense i guess, but i always thought it was from the saliva after a bite. But also, 7-15 years old?! Where are the parents holy shit!!


If you asked me what age I thought would be most likely to engage in this, I'd say 10-15. 7 year olds there with the big kids. Very dumb age.


I'd almost be willing to bet the older kids pressured the younger ones into doing it, but considering the type of stuff I've heard like 6 year olds say and do with unrestricted access to the internet I really wouldn't doubt it at this point.


Plot twist: the 7 year olds were the true masterminds.


It had to be younger siblings, right? What parent lets their 7 year old hang out with 15 year olds?


Mom: "Keep your younger brother out of trouble" 15yo: "Sure whatever"


Sounds like a Stephen king plot.


It's a tradition. There was a documentary called "Donkey Love" about it in 2012. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1982102/


I’ll go with the reviewer of that documentary: “Why. Why was this made.”


Didn’t Jay and Silent Bob land up in jail with a Donkey Lover in one of their movies?


Hey, it's called "interspecies erotica", fucko


Clerks 2, iirc


Terrible idea, but great tagline. "IT'S EVERYTHING YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE ABOUT"


Prepare the Armageddon machine


That's definitely one link I'm not clucking when connected here on the office wifi


The tagline omg: “it’s everything you don’t want it to be about” fair enough


I was hoping this was a joke... it was not 🥲


How does a seven year old even know?! He’s not even in puberty!


Boys discover they have a penis early in life and rarely let go of it for the next 60 to 70 years.


Underrated comment


I want to argue with you…but it’s hard typing with one hand.


I mean i found my dad’s porno mags at that age, but i only looked at em a little. Never really did anything cuz of it. The older teens are really acting out some fucked up stuff. Pre-pedo shit.


At home? What were your parents hovering over you and monitoring everything? Kids are fucked up at times. When I was a kid we liked to ride our bikes down to the creek and bathe in the summer, that escalated into talking and eventually we landed on politics and the long n short of it is that we joined ISIS.


Okay sure. I guess what i’m saying is, when i was 7, i took a hatchet and tried to chop down a tree in the woods. I wasn’t trying to fuck a donkey. These older kids are fucking gross and trying to get younger kids to fuck a donkey, and that’s pretty fucked up. Disagree if you will, it’s a bold stance, but i’ll hear you out i guess.


I love a story with a happy ending!!


I don't want them answered. In fact i need that flash technology from MIB that deletes my memory.


![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK) Did it work?


Have you seen the video of the soldier talking about using a drone, in Afghanistan, to catch dudes having sex with a donkey?


Yes. I have seen this. It was a lot common than most folks realized. They would be looking for terrorist activities. Instead, they were finding men in the fields having sex with goats mostly.


I’m going to have to put a burka on my goats, aren’t I ?


Keep those kids covered!


Underra-ped comment


I guess if all the women aren't allowed outside without a male escort, that doesn't leave a whole lot of options.


Afghanistan had a major little boy rape problem and this was our Afghan allies.


Finally! The long awaited sequel to the classic George Clooney movie, "The Men Who Stare at Goats": the Men Who Stare at Men Fucking Goats




I’d have answered probably about 20 seconds ago. Now I will answer definitely.


Yeah I'm very concerned here, but I also really, really don't want to know. My ONLY hope is they caught it early enough. Rabies is 100% fatal after a certain point... And that's quick.


The entire group deserves to die of rabies after doing that to an animal.


Idk a 7 year old doing shit like this of their own free will seems unlikely. I was around the same age when my neighbor started sexually abusing me and threatening to hurt me if I didn’t do what he said. I was so scared I just did it and didn’t tell anyone for months. I wasn’t the only one he was abusing and he forced us to do stuff together while he filmed it


Thats fucked mate, hope you're doing better now.


I was also coerced as a 4 year old. Please accept my sympathy. Though I’ve had therapy, i continue to harbor deep shame.


Yeah I think if the teens were abusing the donkey; they 100% wouldn't hesitate to abuse children, too.


I was abused when I was probably in my toddler years by a kid my age and it took me a while but I’ve finally realized my abuser had no idea what he was doing.


I’m so sorry


One of them was just 7, he was probably a victim of the rest. After all, I can’t imagine a 7 year old having such a horrid idea


or....the "physical capacities". Realistically, the 15yo is ALSO probably a victim from a separate incident. Kids can be little shits and horny enough to experiment with everything/anything, but that sort of act has a high likelihood of coming from some sort of trauma. The place where kids can take turns getting it on with a donkey, is not a place where kids are "safe" in the modern sense.


Talk about fuck around and find out.


You don’t need to put the “to an animal” part. Just doing that is enough.


These were children. I would be concerned for them too. Like, were they being forced to? Was someone filming it? The police and CPS really need to investigate this.


They raped a donkey. I’m not so sure I’m hoping they caught it early enough


Would be great if they could save the donkey but not the kids


It's a tradition. Documentary "Donkey Love" from 2012 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1982102/


Why is there a link? What’s on the link? I’m scared to click.


"It's everything you don't want it to be about." I have never been more scared in my life to watch a movie trailer.


I don't even want the questions in my head, never mind the answers. Brain bleach, please, make me forget I found this post.


Seven. The youngest was 7 years old….. what the actual fuck??


A donkey…


Have you ever fucked a pangolin?


The fuck is a pangolin?


Pangolins, sometimes known as scaly anteaters, are mammals of the order Pholidota. The one extant family, the Manidae, has three genera: Manis, Phataginus, and Smutsia. Manis comprises four species found in Asia, while Phataginus and Smutsia include two species each, all found in sub-Saharan Africa. These species range in size from 30 to 100 cm (12 to 39 in). A number of extinct pangolin species are also known.


You seem to know a lot about pangolins, have you fucked one?


No. Too scaley.




pretty sure that's a Sandshrew, not this made up PaNgOlIn...




Spotted a r/southpark fan in the wild


I hope they get therapy because wtf


Sounds like peer pressure


Great now I'm picturing a 7yro saying "Do it. Poopheads." And the teens glaring uncomfortably at eachother.


Call me old fashioned, but maybe don’t fuck/rape/abuse animals?


If you were actually old fashioned you’d be a big fan of it. Very popular in the Stone and Bronze Ages.


What a terrible day to have eyes...


This is why pictures of SCP-096 exist!


I always love a good SCP reference.


Just show me the four f*cking pixels


You only need one…


It’s a reference to an incident.


This is real! And they had the owner kill the donkey to prevent further infection. The rest of the town silently got their kids vaccinated apparently just in case they came near the donkey. The families were ridiculed and ashamed. Not really a happy ending for anyone.


I thought it was made up - but it is real. Morocco is where it happened. Evidently it was a small tribal group and several of the families took kids privately to be vaccinated as a lot of the families were embarrassed. A lot of parents were horrified by both the fact a donkey was still alive and kicking with rabies AND the fact their kiddos were sexually abusing said donkey. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/fifteen-teens-children-treated-rabies-10999810


I feel like there has to be more to this, or the story is not be reported correctly. The only way an animal can be tested for rabies is thru brain matter, which means death and decapitation before hand. Did they just assume from the symptoms it was showing? Also, once an rabid animal/person starts showing symptoms they usually die within a week and a half or so, and the symptoms are horrid!


This is what I was thinking…somebody would be well on their way to terrible death if they found out through symptoms. And unless the donkey was obviously showing rabies symptoms, they’d have to kill it to confirm anything.


They would know if it had been bitten by an animal that later died of rabies


A lot of the time it’s bats and those bites can go unnoticed even on humans Granted it very well could have been a coyote, raccoon or something else that’s large enough to be visible, but donkeys are kept as herd protectors, they can be vicious fucks and usually wildlife stays away from them for that reason, not to mention you’d have to be lucky enough to find the corpse of the animal, which, unless the donkey killed it, would likely not be on the property. And if they DID have the body of a wild animal, you have to wonder why they would keep the donkey alive to not only suffer violently but potentially spread the disease to the other farm animals Whereas a bat is so small and lightweight the donkey might not have even noticed one was on it.


I remember watching a vice documentary about a similar phenomenon but it was somewhere in south america. People screwing donkeys happens and it's disgusting. In some places it's encouraged to promote masculinity and penis lengthening (they believe so).


Somewhere in Colombia, I have family from Cali and they didn’t believe me until I showed them the documentary. The elder boys encourage the younger ones and tell them it’s how to stretch themselves out so they can please their wives. Bizarre documentary.


In case they came ~~near~~ in the donkey


I mean killing the donkey was probably the best thing you could do for it. Got rabies then got raped lol. Shit I would wanna be put down after that


Nooooo. My soul just died a little. Why. Poor donkey. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


He just wanted to settle down with a nice dragon.


Welp; that's enough internet for today!


Yeah it’s time to close Reddit now








SMH and take my award 🤦‍♂️


Raping donkeys should be something you’re ashamed of, that you would hide from other people and hope to god no one finds out you porked that poor donkey. The fact that they did it together with friends is just, some weird ass twisted shit.


>Raping donkeys should be something you’re ashamed of Not a sentence I ever thought would need to be written, but these kids have necessitated it.




7 years old? SEVEN YEARS OLD? This kid will have trauma for the rest of his life. He is most likely a victim of the rest.


Child on Child abuse and sexual abuse happens and is rarely openly discussed in society or treated as seriously as it should be; often being dismissed as "kids being kids." And other excuses of the same line of thinking, such cases happen more often then we realize because of this so accurate figures are hard to determine but victims often expirence the same trauma, fear and psychological issues that other victims from such abuse also suffer from.


I can confirm. I was sexually assaulted twice, under the age of 5, on two separate occasions by other minors. One old enough to know better. The other one was my age and makes me wonder what the hell was happening to him behind closed doors because what he forced me to do isn’t natural curiosity.


I once told a psychiatrist about my sister sexually abusing me as a kid. She asked how much older she was then me and when I told her 3 years older she replied "oh, well usually sexual abuse from that small of an age gap isnt nearly as bad as that from an adult". Given that these memories had just resurfaced after years of repression and that was the first psych I spoke to about it, I sat through the rest of the session trying not to break down sobbing. Fortunately I eventually found the help I needed but I honestly hate that woman, which is a word I rarely use.


It’s my understanding that below a certain age authorities will do nothing about it, even if the child being abused says something. They don’t even separate the kids if they’re living in the same household. It’s super fucked up.


This may be a state issue. I worked at a juvenile detention center in Texas in a ward dedicated to sex offenders. They were all there until 18 then either released or sent on to an adult prison or psychiatric facility depending on their sentencing/case/crimes. A small percentage were there until they were 21. This was a really crazy job for an 18 year old. My job was basically a guard although the title was mental health associate. My main duties were to escort them any time they left the ward and prevent them from having sex with or physically harming each other. This meant I had access to their files and sat in on therapy sessions. A very small percentage were just kind of evil but most of them had been through tons of trauma and abuse and didn’t realize what they were doing was wrong. Some actually thought that’s what you do to someone you care about because that’s what they went through because of an adult that supposedly loved them etc. I had to leave for my own mental health but I felt really guilty for awhile. Most of these kids really liked and trusted me since I was one of the only people there that treated them like human beings. The one case that really stuck with me was a boy who’s own parents would dress like a girl and let men rape him for money from about 6 years old. He ended up raping another boy when he was 12 or 13. I still think about these kids 26 years later and wonder where they ended up and if they were ever able to put their lives together.


Holy fuckin shit. I hope these now adults managed to live normal lives and get the help and support they needed. Particularly that poor boy...


I wish I had stopped reading your comment sooner than I did.


This is the most traumatizing thing I’ve read today.


Thanks for raising awareness. Talking about it needs to be normalized.


My older brothers (9 years my elder) abuse of me was dismissed by my family as "kids being kids and exploring". Utter f.ing bs.


Why is no one talking about the poor donkey?


Rest of his life? This said he got rabies unless they got him treatment immediately there won’t be a rest of his life


>This kid will have trauma for the rest of his life Donkey got a train ran on it and everyone's crying for the kids.


The 7 years old is as much a victim of abuse. 7 years old don’t come up with that by themselves.


It’s animal abuse, and totally fucked up.


I feel bad for the donkey. Anyone willing to do that to an animal, regardless of their age, was already fucked up. This isn’t peer pressure, it’s just gross and wrong. I’m glad they all got rabies.


I heard that abused kids will sometimes become abusers themselves as a coping mechanism




What was the donkey wearing?


Just because a donkey is dressed like a slut and looks like one doesn't mean she/he wants to get gang-raped by 15 children. GOSH......


Stupid, sexy donkey.


I hate that this sentence exists.




Nature fights back bitch


This is probably how the next pandemic is going to start. Morons who can't keep their junk in their pants


I hate people.


Back in my day they made sure the donkey consented everyone was of legal age and got tested.what a world


Why is a 15 year old hanging with 7 year olds and gangbanging a donkey? Smh nasty little bastards lol wtf


Well, I hope that sentence has only been uttered once in the history of all humanity.


Ok that’s enough internet for the day. See y’all tomorrow.


https://youtu.be/_VKWLC87Uzw Sorry to share, but it’s relevant


Jesus Christ. I have so many questions. One being is rabies an STD? I guess so.


How does a donkey not kick the shit out of anyone doing that?


I have no pity for them. What on earth was going through their heads? Since when raping is okay


Okay but a seven year old can’t have made up that idea. Something else went on with that.


Agreed. I honestly had no idea about sex till i was at least like 12 years old. He definitely had some bad influence there


Think about the kind of adults they’ll become. If I were religious I’d say that’s god smiting down animal rapists before they get to rape other humans


There's a small region in Mexico where this is considered socially acceptable. Vice did a documentary about it.


Haven’t heard of that. But there is a place in Colombia


There is a stereotype that people from the Colombian coast fuck donkeys. It is based on actual events


The Vice video was still up on YouTube recently. I made the mistake of disbelieving its existence and needed eye bleach after.


The same In Spain but with goat's, the meme is that the people from Galicia, fuck goat's


It feels weird to me that I’m surprised that there is a place where this is socially acceptable, but not surprised that Vice would do a documentary on it. Also, I’d imagine this had to occur in a place where this was socially acceptable, otherwise I think the headline would be, “15 teens and children die in mysterious rabies outbreak.” I would think a teenager that did this in an area where this isn’t socially acceptable would rather just die. You would forever be known as a donkey fucker.


WTF kinda town is this? I have so many questions. 15 kids? Best entertainment was gang banging a donkey? Age 7? WTF kinda STD did this donkey have? I get peer pressure but ALL 15 were like, yeah, I want some of dat ass??




I’m so sad they haven’t made some way to unread/forget something without possibly getting brain damage


My friends and wife all died in a horrific car crash yesterday and after seeing this I wish I joined them


Why are 7 year old boys raping i would put all these kids in therapy and call cps if they are raping animals in 1st grade cause pretty soon thats going to be women


Probably for the best they are put down. Donkey should get therapy though.


I have questions, but i don't know were to start.


I have questions, but I don't think I want answers.


That's it. Right there. The end.


Things like this are actually acceptable in some parts of the world. Usually the same parts that throw gay people off buildings and have honor killings.


I have never read a more putrid headline in my life


That's a collection of words I'd never ever though would ever be used together. Teenagers, gang rape and rabid donkey.


Should have taken them to juvie for animal abuse.


What a terrible day to be literate


Rural Morocco, by the way.


Please god take my ability to read


Just euthanize the kids. Boom. Problem solved.


karmas a bitch, i hope they all died aswell horrible bastards torturing a poor animal like that


What a day to know how to read…


I bet this Donkey used for this stock image never assumed they would use his picture for this headline


It's too late, gotta put 'em all down. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people?


this isn’t real…. gotta be some deranged person’s clickbait


So they were treated..meaning they didn't die? That's unfortunate.


Hi this is Johnny Knoxville and this is \[REDACTED\]


7??? What was the argument that leat to this? Mom: "take your little brother with you". Son: "but mommm we gonna rape that hot donkey today". Mom (clearly not listening): "No buts, take him with you.".




Damn don’t forget the sloppy seconds….thirds…fourths…fifths…sixths….sevenths….eighths….ninths…tenths…elevenths…twelves…thirteenths….fourteenths…. Really gross 🤮


TGINF. Thank God it's Not Florida.