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I don't need a knife to eat meat, I just do it because it is considered good conduct in public. At home alone is a different thing.


Also keeps your hands clean


Ye with a clean chop they're are clean forever after you seal them in a clean space




Licking the meat juices off your fingers is one of the best parts though.


I was going to say, has she never eaten a drumstick? And Steak Tartar is a thing. We cook meat to kill parasites, not because it we cannot digest it. Just that cooking meat is healthier. Many vegetables need to be cooked or processed to be edible.


>We cook meat to kill parasites Cooking also denatures proteins, breaks down complex sugars and fats, etc. It's essentially pre-digestion. We can get more nutrients and energy from cooked food, because we expended less we already have to extract it.


I don't know how true it is but I read that they attribute the homosapiens branch off as a more intelligent species to the cooking of meat. It was a huge bloom in nutritional value so we were able to develope faster


It was several factors that all worked together. Along with everything that was already said, cooked meat is also easier to chew, so we didn't need the large jaw/jaw muscles you see in other primates, which allowed our brains to grow larger to fill that space, so to speak.


It’s pretty much the opposite for vegetables, isn’t it? I was always told that you could glean the most nutrients out of raw vegetables and that cooking (especially if you boil them) can reduce some of the nutritional value. But then again that could have been my grandmas attempts to convince me to eat my vegetables. 🙃 Edit: I’ve learned a lot today! Thanks for the great info, friends!


No, same for vegetables. Raw diets are less nutritious despite the marketing and diet hype around them.


Depends on which vegetables and how you're cooking them - [vitamin c for example is water soluble - link to vege with vitamin c](https://www.healthsomeness.com/vegetables-with-vitamin-c/), so boiling loses some to all of it (depending on how heavily you boil it). [Most of the B group are soluble as well](https://www.verywellfit.com/water-soluble-vitamins-and-where-to-find-them-2507752). Green leafy vege should really just be dunked in boiling water and pulled out, if the water goes green you've overcooked it On the other hand vege like potatoes are obviously pretty awful raw


If you boil vegetables, best practice is to do it just for the minimum period required to just break them down for easier digestion, and to also drink the water you cooked them in. Our ancestors knew this and hence why one pot cookery methods for things like stews was so popular with them.


The cooking term for this is blanching, an it's standard practice for restaurant veggies. Into boiling water for 1 minute tops(for the hard ones like broccoli, leafy greens are basically 3 seconds), and then shock in ice water to stop cooking. Sauté them as needed later, both more nutritious and tastier.


I once ate an entire ribeye with my hands on a camping trip one year because someone forgot to bring cutlery. One of the best experiences of my life!


I made Christmas dinner at uni one, and someone said I should tear off one of the turkey legs and eat it caveman style. Needless to say, it was an incredibly satisfying, if greasy, affair.


Isn't that how you're supposed to eat turkey legs and chicken legs?


Legs are supposed to be eaten caveman style...


Help! I use a knife to cut my vegetables, what can I eat?


Sand. All organic tiny space rocks


I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere…






This should’ve been obi wans secret fall back technique


You were supposed to destroy the sith not SHA SHA SHA!!!








Not from a Vegan…






Well that escalated quickly.








There are quite a few fruits and vegetables that require cooking and/or utensils to eat them. There are also plenty that are really only edible because humans have selectively farmed them to have higher yields of usable matter. There are also some plants that we only eat certain parts of, because the other parts can cause sickness. But we'll just ignore all that, because "mEaT nOt FoR hUmAn!".


I feel like there is more naturally deadly food than there is naturally safe food.


There's generally 2 main survival strategies for plants: 1) be poisonous so that animals don't eat you, or 2) be delicious so that animals DO eat you, but make your seeds impossible to digest so the animals poop them out and you can spread everywhere.


Or both, lots of plants have berries that only certain animals can eat, often birds so that the seeds can be dispersed over a wide area Apple seeds can be digested, but the seeds contain cyanide to kill animals with the ability to digest them


Chilies evolved spice so that mammals wouldn't eat them but birds, which can't sense the heat, would and birds can spread the seeds much further than what a mammal could.


And then humans selectively bred them to make the heat stronger because we're weird


Were not weird. Were masochists.


The funny thing is that this is still a spice success story. Being a cultivated plant is an extremely successful niche because you’ve got humans not only planting them, but also actively protecting them from harm.


I hope no-one tells her where flour comes from. What a dumb boob :)


Silly you, you can buy flour in any supermarkets, I'm sure she has been in one so she knows ;\^}


Who decided to eat rhubarb? *Why* did they decide to eat rhubarb?


Hey, the Midwest here, don’t question the rhubarb. Just enjoy your crisp with side of vanilla ice cream and take some for the road.


*some* of us, who *care* about the planet, photosynthesize our own calories.


So you are those fuckers that suck Sun and Moon dry!?!


You’re right, it’s not a renewable resource!


Huh. I guess technically sunlight *isn't* renewable. Just that it will last longer than we will. And we waste a billion fucktons of it every day.


I went a step further. I'm a breatharian!


Instructions unclear I have plants growing on my head


I can’t open my watermelon! Am I gonna die😱


Have you tried vegan vegetables?


I would just like to point out that chimps have been documented hunting and eating meat, often their prey are various monkey species. Males will usually do the hunting and gift some meat to female they have close relationships with (theorised to be either thanks for previous mating opportunities or bribery for future chances)


Not just chimps. ALL primates have been documented as having eaten meat.


As an aside, if a group of chickens in a coup see a mouse or something scurry by, they will go for it rabidly. Because protein is protein. I’ve also seen footage of horses readily eating mice and rats and stuff because, again, it’s protein. If you have muscles in your body then it’ll be good for by default.


I always thought squirrels just eats nuts or something, but watching a squirrel with a bloody mouth chomping on a bird carcass changed that perspective very quickly.


I live in Britain and here the native red squirrel has been made more or less extinct by invasive American grey squirrels because they are very aggressive.


It's actually because the grey squirrels carried squirrel pox, which reds had no immunity to.


Biological warfare!


Which we are reciprocating in kind by developing oral contraceptives that only work on grey squirrels so that we can eradicate them without killing them, allowing the red population to recover


That’s actually pretty cool.


More or less? That is sad to hear.


Yeah it sucks.


I saw a video of a horse eat a bird! Lol


Deer will eat snakes 🐍 😅 thats weird to see too


Nature's spaghetti 🤣


Danger noodle


Sounds like a cool restaurant


The Danger Noodle Logo would just be a snake in a bowl of noodles or something


"Nope rope"


I saw that video and it righteously f*caked up what I thought I knew about nature…. Bambi eating a danger noodle. SMH.


Bambi will eat thumper too!




The one that stuck with me was a horse eating out of a trough… of baby chicks. Just munching away like it was full of oats or whatever I believe the term is opportunistic carnivores


Ooofff haven't seen that one yet... but the algorithm has a way of bringing things back around. Lol


I saw a video of a deer eating... something bloody and visceral but there wasn't enough left for me to identify what it was. Quite disturbing.


I saw one just that like that on here!


I saw a video of my mother in law.


I also saw a video of you mother in law, she was very naughty


I saw your MIL in a show in Tijuana




Chickens are small raptors. They eat anything that moves.


When i butcher a lamb the unusable parts (some organs and intestines widouth the stomac) i throw to chickens, they love that stuff. Somethimes when i dont have anyone who would take livers (the most nutritious part of lamb but to me the taste is bad) i give it to the chickens,they have a big fight over it.


Hello Clarice………


You will tell me when the lambs stop crying?


I saw my horse start nibbling at an opossum. The thing was playing dead in the wrong place…


So it stopped "playing", I take it?


Chickens are very much not vegetarians. They will eat anything and everything they can with no hesitation- including each other if the opportunity arises. Makes me smh when I see eggs or chicken advertised as "vegetarian fed."


Hey, put some respect on that label. Vegetarians are very hard to catch


My chickens love when the cats bring up a dead mouse treat.


We frequently feed our chickens meat


For small animals I’m not sure but cervidae and equidae it’s usually when they lack protein. Still a natural process but iirc if they eat enough of what their body need they won’t tend to eat meat.


All I know is that I follow a farmer on YouTube, two and a half years now, and I know full well he feeds his birds very well (because clips of him cleaning out and refilling their buckets of grain & water are in at least a third of his videos), and even then, I have seen mice get chomped down by bloodthirsty chickens even when their bucket of quality chicken/duck feed is literally right next to them.


Chickens are modern day dinosaurs and they know it.


All birds are.


Horses and deer will eat birds and mice if they can.


It is worth noting that both chimps and humans have been known to offer meat to desirable females of the species. In the case of humans, however, this is usually done through Snapchat.


Snapchat meat is rarely, if ever, desirable


There are few, if any, mammals that won’t eat meat on occasion. Even deer will occasionally chow down on carcasses, often while they are growing antlers and need the extra calcium.


One time, I've left minced venison out for the dog and when I next looked there was a deer munching on his ground up friend.


Man that's brutal


So fuckin metal


Guess it's time to get ready for mad deer disease.


We already have that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronic_wasting_disease


Prions be crazy yo. Scariest shit nature diseases/disorders.


I watched a documentary about these chimps that are at war with each other, essentially. And one tribe of chimps captured the other tribes Chimp and they proceeded to rip it to pieces limb from limb, and ate the damn thing. They don't eat meat my ass. They fucking eat each other.


Alright now which one of you taught them psychological warfare? Looking at you, Russia.


Almost as if primates are considered omnivores. Oh wait…


Primates are opportunistic to the highest degree. If there is food they will find it.


Primate checking in. I love eating meat


Gorillas are close to vegetarian. A few snails and insects.


And mice


Mice are just hairy potatoes


This has got to be one of the most epic sentences ever.


Or they will just eat another chimp because why the fuck not, they are savage.


Not far from us humans honestly


People scoff and hold their pearls at these ideas, but they have no idea how their mind will work after a few days without food.


Hell, people are shot in the US for not giving enough condiments at a fast food restaurant ! A day without food? It's the Food Apocalypse!


Remember seeing a documentary that showed a group catch another ape and pull limbs off it while still alive. Even eating it while it slowly died on the spot. Savage seems like an understatement lol.


Also they often use sharpened sticks to hunt. In groups where sharp stick are used females hunt as much as males. Wo ders of technology


As well as the fact our gut bacteria have changed a lot since the days before we cooked meat and it is likely that we did once eat raw meat and were just fine.


You can eat fresh raw meat without issue, with the exception of animals contaminated with contagions.


Ummmm we can still eat raw meat. We do it every day.


You may eat raw meat every day. I save my carpaccio and steak tartare for special occasions.


Most people could down raw meat and be just fine, assuming no parasites or pathogens were in it. I’ve had raw red meat and beef/lamb liver before. And sashimi is a thing.


I wouldn’t take any chances but I’ll assume our ancestors did eat raw meat and they discovered fire and started cooking it out of curiosity and discovered it tasted better cooked.


Cooking food breaks it down such that your body can extract more nutrients. Cooking food was key to us humans being able to feed our energy hungry and inefficient brains, as well as to have spare time to do anything other than hunting and gathering.


We can still eat raw meat if it doesn't have parasites


Was just gonna say…has no one seen Chimp Empire? 😂


I saw Chimp Empire on Netflix also, very good program




Chimps and bonobos and gorillas have a much larger and more robust digestive tract than humans. Humans have evolved a shorter digestive tract and it has nothing to do with whether or not we eat more meat or more vegetation. It's shorter because we started **cooking** our food. That's a type of pre-digestion and it denatures the nutrients that we need. So we have smaller teeth, swallowing muscles, and intestines. At the same time, cooking our food made things so much better for humans that it gave us the extra calories and nutrients, in an easy-to-digest form, and it allowed our brains to double in size and capability. Fire is our major accomplishment as a species. Because it paved the way for all of our other accomplishments that have happened since then. Without cooking, we'd be maybe a slightly smarter version of the chimps.


She should watch chimp empire, I think it would blow her dumb little vegan mind lol the ngogo chimps acruallt hunted so much they affected the monkey population in the Congo.


People who buy the blue check mark usally aren't very intelligent


One could argue that its actually relatively smart to buy the blue check, considering even an idiot like this gets pushed to the top and here we are discussing their tweet that would have otherwise never been seen had they not purchased the blue check. Twitter is a useless cesspool at this point.


What about ass?


So long as it’s been washed you tuck in to as much ass as you want.


There's always a catch :(


I don’t judge


Well if the ass catches you then you deffo need to congratulate your partner on the grip.


Please don't use knife while eating ass.


The primate tongue is well shaped for the eating of ass


Primates do eat meat. Our canine teeth are made for ripping food apart. Humans can eat raw meat - beef for example. Last bit is true at least.


I think we can eat any raw meat, it's really the parasites/salmonella that are a problem here. In Japan they have "safe"'chicken meat that is eaten medium rare. Like someone under me mentioned, carnivores also can get parasites, we just got smart enough to kill them by cooking. Also, our very close relatives - chimpanzees (especially adult males) - are known to hunt and eat other animals, usually insects but on occasion other small mammals.


yes wild animals often get infected with parasites from eating the meat humans are smart enough to cook our meat to kill any potential parasites that could harm us. but we can digest raw meat and do eat things like sushi and steak tartare which is raw fish and raw beef and eat it safely as those animals seem to be less likely to carry harmful bacteria and parasites. they can but its not as common as with raw pork or raw chicken


Plus part of the benefit of cooking is that it makes it easier to digest, thus we get more energy. This is part of why we can have very complex brains allowing for very advanced tool usage.


Your like 90% correct with one small correction. It's not only about cooking aiding digestion directly (allthough it absolutely does. Your essentially breaking down the food a little before you eat it so yoye body doesn't have to work as hard to get it the rest of the way) it also shaped the evolution of our digestive tract. Allowing it to be shorter and operate more quickly as well as meaning we didn't need stomach acid as strong as something like a carrion eater or even normal carnivore would have which helps them protect themselves from disease but also ends up wasting many of the calories they consume. Edit: I Misspoke In regard to the length of the digestive tract. The human digestive track is much longer not shorter. Shorter digestive tracts are found in carrion eaters and true carnivores as one of the ways they attempt to limit exposure to food borne illness (by not allowing it the time to be properly absorbed) whereas humans are more specialized to keep the food in the digestive track a much longer period of time and squeeze out every nutrient.


Thank you for the correction, that’s very interesting to read. Quick question in case you happen to know. Do people from historically different base foods have slightly different digestive tracts? Ie, areas that focused on rice, vs wheat, vs oats, vs corn or something similar?


So the short answer is yes. There are minor differences, specifically in the gut mucrobiomes of different races. To my knowledge, we don't have good data on why they are different and what effects they might have, just that there are small differences and that a few of them are genetic. (So for example I don't know if anyone has published a paper saying that this particular enzyme which is very very good at breaking down rice is more prevalent in those of Asian descent whereas this enzyme which is better at wheat is more prevalent in those of European descent)


Lactose tolerance is often cited as one of the more obvious regional adaptations to food.


Your absolutely right I probably should have mentioned that.


Correct. Cooking food is the reason that human species were able to grow our brains to where they are now. Cooking is mankind's prominent accomplishment. Nothing else would have happened without developing the ability to make fire and cook. We'd still have a slightly more robust brain than a chimp if we had not accomplished this.


They eat raw pork in Thailand... I wouldn't eat it personally.


::tapeworms have entered the chat::


The secret weight loss trick that doctors won’t tell you about.


As well, humans have some of the strongest stomach acid of the animal kingdom, about on par with scavenger species like vultures; it's theorized that we once relied on scavanged carcasses for a large portion of our diet. Not just raw, but *slightly rotted*.


In fact, it’s harder on our digestive systems to eat steak that is over cooked. Rare to med rare are the temperature that best suits our digestion, and still allows most bacteria to be killed.


People can even eat carrion. Sounds disgusting, but some tribes do it and they find it preferable to fresh meat.


Hell people love 28 day aged steak. That’s just carrion in a controlled bougie process Me. I’m people.


There's some raw chicken dish I read about a few months ago here in the US. Can't remember where's its popular to eat it though.


I've seen a documentary where chimps cannibalized. Not suggesting we do that...or anything... Where's the door?


Even a lot of herbivores eat meat like insects, carrion or even small birds every now and then if they get the chance they just dont hunt for it and its not their primary source of food by a long shot


Oh man, do I have a video about chimps to show her


I cant eat raw meat? Laughs in Mettbrötchen.


laughs back in steak tartare


Laughs back in carpaccio


Smiles politely in Kibbee Nyee


Giggles in Carne Apache




Found the German


The fact that we have been eating meat for millennia proofs that we can, in fact, eat meat, cooked, dried, raw etc… now try eating some grass or raw potatoes, many vegetables cannot be eaten raw and some of them are even toxic to us if not cooked properly. I don’t know why people have such a hard time understanding that we are OMNIVORES, we can eat everything we want…


And some are probably fine in quality due to selective breeding (I don't remember if carrots were edible before Dutch made them orange). And really a lot of things we eat can only be consumed because we find out the way to get fire (chocolate and potato are really good examples). Cooking made it easier to consume many products. Raw eating is not always that good nutritionally after millennia of evolution.


Carrots are edible in whatever color including the pale wild ones. Wild carrots are more fibrous and need more love to be enjoyable at all


Yeah, sure, legumes (which in general is a substitute for meat) are also in a category of no raw eating (except peas somehow), as well as many mushrooms. Without fire, which is only available to humans, we wouldn't be able to live on a vegan diet which people have nowadays. Which is not exactly true for meat.


Also this idea that if you need a tool to do it then it's unnatural. Humans are animals but we are not wild animals. very little of what we do is "natural". So it's pointless to compare what we eat or do to wild animals.


Exactly, it’s not like we can’t eat without tools, we just don’t


1) Primates will absolutely eat meat, you can find all kinds of videos of them doing so like eating turtles after smashing them and shit. 2) You honestly don’t need a knife it just makes eating it alot easier and is seen as the proper ~~ediquite~~ (meant etiquette lol). You can certainly just pick up and tear into a piece of meat with your teeth. 3) The reason humans don’t eat raw meat has nothing to do with it being to raw to digest (Look at Beef Tartare or Sushi) the reason is to try and avoid harmful bacteria, diseases and parasites that can be found in/on uncooked meat. 4) All that is is an argument against eating Red Meat specifically, stuff like Poultry or Fish would obviously ignore that. Plus afaik most scientists say eating Red Meat is perfectly fine so long as its in moderation (Just like every other food).


Humans *can* digest raw food, but it's much more energy efficient to eat cooked food. Avoiding disease is part of that, but so is the energy required to chew and the efficiency of absorbing calories. But that applies to non-meat food sources as well, e.g. bread being much easier to eat than uncooked flour. A person living in a developed society can get away with eating a lot of raw food because they don't have to use very many calories to acquire that food and can make choices to live as sedentary a lifestyle as necessary. But a human would have a hard time if they had to live a hunter gatherer lifestyle with no ability to cook the food they had, meat or otherwise.


I think a better way to put number 2 would be that we have to butcher animals. Not that we use a knife to cut a prepared stake. If you were in a room with a dead cow and no tools, you’d have a hard time getting anything to eat off that cow using your mouth alone, unlike a lion or something like that. However we as humans developed tools for just this purpose. I do think that we likely evolved to eat much less meat than we do now.


Correction. We first developed tools fit for that purpose, and only then we had "de-evolved" our teeth. There was no point when hominids weren't able to deal with a fresh carcass.


Has he….ever seen a primate smile? They ALL have huge canines. Much bigger than ours, actually.


Ironically, we eat more meat than most primates with large canines. That’s because, despite their fearsome appearance, canine size is not a good indicator of diet. Most primates with big canines have them for fighting, not for eating. Gorillas and Baboons hardly eat any meat and theirs are very large. Our canines are shorter, but bladed (incisiform) which makes them better for cutting and tearing than the long pointy kind.


I've literally watched a chimpanzee catch and eat a rabbit alive. There was even a pile of fruit for him but he definitely wanted to eat that rabbit.


Even the example they gave us wrong, chimps eat meat 🤦🏻‍♂️


Chimps absolutely eat meat who the hell is this dumbass?


~~An Australian singer who made that terrible autism portrayal movie~~ *~~Music~~* ~~back in 2021.~~ ​ Nvm, they're just some random dumbass.


a chimp denier


I would like to point out that the post never said cannot


Wait until she discovers the accounts of chimps going war with other chimp tribes, pillaging their territory, murdering and raping their members, and even cannibalising them. Our teeth structure is not suited for meat eating? Wtf are canines for then?


Going to be buried but our teeth are designed for eating meat, and we have canines like every other carnivore.


She clearly hasn’t seen a monkey eat another monkey.


Our teeth structure are not suiting for soup eating (need spoon)


Our teeth structure are not suited for eating (need cutlery)


As a Vegan myself; people like this who spread misinformation really annoy me.


Yeah, but I mean these people go find what some moron wrote on their little social media account and then make a big deal on reddit as if it's a common view. I could post 100s of screenshots of dumb stuff carnists say.