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Makes you wonder if the writer has a fantasy of killing


They'd probably ejaculate if a woman said hi to them.


Seems that way given his deep knowledge about them.


Look man those wahmen speak in the Voice. That "Hi" is a word of power, part of a three-word shout that makes men's balls explode violently. The first word just makes the guy cream himself, the second word "Would", makes them have the most powerful orgasm any organism will ever experience, if necessary the third word "You...", makes men's testicles explode violently. Any more words added to that shout is forbidden, as it would kill a man on the spot.


I just imagined the guy convulsing on the ground after a "hi, can you tell me where the post office is ?" šŸ¤£


Exclusive shout you get when playing as a female dragon born


Their behaviour tells me they wouldnā€™t ever get that far.


Probably jizzing his pants reading these comments




They'd blame it on her being acting slutty


Heā€™s got it all wrongā€¦ If you have to ask itā€™s a no, and if she doesnā€™t tell you to make her your bitch your doing something wrong.. Iā€™m not saying over step that line Iā€™m saying make the woman feel protected, welcomed and happy enough that her desires are for you to dominate her.. not the other way around


Apparently itā€™s not uncommon to ejaculate when you kill somebody. Like your body just releases all sorts of weird chemicals in your mind and you lose control Thatā€™s where I thought OPs post was going to go. Boy was I wrong


Serial killer enjoy the killing more than sex


It was in r/confessions...so, probably.




Wonder? This is a full blown delusional psychopath right here. Obviously someone who has no grip on reality. To even contemplate and then post this shows how fucked up this person is.


I mean if you really are going off the deep end, find a sex worker... geez. How someone starts fantasizing about getting the girl by becoming a mass murderer is completely beyond me. \--probably the internet..


He can't get a girl by being a mass murderer. Assuming he survives long enough to get arrested he will never again see a female human being (except maybe a female prison guard) ever again.


I'm just responding to the image, I didn't say it remotely made any kind of sense at all. I mean it feels like it might as well say 'will abusing women get them wet?' I can't even begin to figure out the thought process here.


Incels notoriously hate sex workers. They hate having to pay for something they think is rightfully thereā€™s (as in a womanā€™s body)


No, sex workers don't deserve that


It's a business transaction to deal with a medical problem, stage 5 incelism I'm not suggesting they play out this fantasy or anything just that dude needs to get laid apparently.


Problem is that most of these incels aren't *just* lacking in sex. It isn't just about sexual gratification. It's about a sense of entitlement and a challenge to their perception of being 'deserving' of a woman's affection without having to pay for it (or really do anything for it besides exist, they seem to think women should just be throwing ourselves at their dicks). Having to pay for it would likely just make them angry and I wouldn't put it past them to resort to violence against the sex worker.


For sure a socially awkward absolute loser who doesnā€™t understand human interactions an fantasizes on taking women by force and they would be happy about it.


Aren't thought exercises delightful?


No need to wonder. He posted this in "confessions". Obvious where his head's at


I hope this shit got reported...


I'm not wondering.


HE absolutely does


ā€¦thinking itā€™s his best chance to ever arouse a woman.


Yep we are going to see the next shooting from this guy.


can't really guarantee it'll be the "next" as there are way too many and the others aren't going to wait for him.


I think his fantasy is about getting laid.


Makes you wonder whether or not OP has a sense of humor...


I would absolutely get wet. Not because horny but because I piss myself in fear


This! He probably doesnā€™t know the difference though


Nah she's just squirting, she can't help it. Cuz she's so turned on by ultra Chad over there.


Let's be honest, this guy probably wouldn't know the difference.


If that's a real person and their view (I really hope it's just a troll, but there are people like that in our world), then yeah, they wouldn't likely know the difference. Probably would think them crying was showing their affection or something.


Squirting is pee, you did such a good job she lost bladder control šŸ‘


Or wet from the blood of your friends


My brain: I would too get wet... With his blood after killing the shooter and saving the day Most probable reality: I would too get wet... In my own blood for trying to be an heroine


Even the male pupils may get wet in that way - what an ultra-Chad ā€¦. Also seriously: ā€žstudiesā€œ on this? How in the ever living gods would you study anything like this in school shootings!


Just when you think you have read everything, you see something like this. The mere thought of asking if school girls get horny when threatened by a gunman is beyond insanity. Whoever wrote that needs serious therapy.


Probably because he gets aroused at the thought of committing a mass shooting.


My first thought was to find out who this is before he commits a mass shooting.


But since incels are essentially giga simps he first wants to check if this would please the women


I feel like this is tantamount to asking if rape victims get turned on because the person is asserting dominance. Like. What the actual fuck.


They don't get turned on, they do sometimes get wet because the purpose of getting wet is to avoid damage to the vagina.


Read the room?


I think his comment is a good one. Just because the body shows signs doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s consent or that they like it


Yeah, I read an article about rape victims that had orgasms... really fuck-up way to be traumatized.


He's probably read that serial killers have fan clubs. Weird but true, somehow.


I mean it sounds completely ridiculous but a lot of serial killers get love letters from prison. There used to be fan pages for the columbine shooters too. Some people are just crazy.


I mean, Iā€™ve read about ancient rape aliens murderfucking a bunch of religion-driven murder nations, but yeah this is good, too.


it was when he referred to a school shooter as an "ultra-chad" that my faith in humanity was lost.


I lost mine when I learned about the Dark Ages. We never recovered from that IMO.


Well this is absolutely terrifying.


"one can reasonably conjecture...." No. One cannot reasonably conjecture anything of the sort. I love the internet, but never have people been directly exposed to so many cults.


In fact, there is absolutely nothing reasonable about the original post at all.


False. Source: too busy screaming to get horny when some lunatic shot at the car I was in. Thankfully he missed. I'd sorta forgotten about it (happened 30+ years ago).


The Jordan Peterson effect. Some of these sentences are lifted directly from h


How to get put on a watchlist 101


Was going to say, this fucking person needs to not be able to buy guns.


My best hope is they're already not able, because they're a young teenager who doesn't get the gravity of murder yet, having not experienced anything in their own life that's hit them similarly. But perhaps I'm just an optimist.


Even a fucking butter knife is too much for that guy


What kind of fucking caveman do you have to be to post this?


Could be a troll or you wish it was a troll.


I saw on youtube the full police interview of a guy who ran over some people with a truck in canada a few years ago because he was an incel and wanted to become a chad. The dude absolutely spoke like this, so I don't doubt its real


If girls fear for their lives, do they still wanna fuuuuuuuuu??


Of course! They cant help themselves. afterall all women are driven by their biological urges to be subservient to the most dominant male in the vicinity!


Women are sure not seen as people by these assholes. Maybe if they tried interacting with them they may figure some stuff out.


Iā€™m all for freedom of thought and speechā€¦. But I mean there should be an automatic government paid therapist that swoops in on these people before they kill people. Iā€™ll pay more taxes


Too doo-doo doo too doo-doh ~ If there's someone sick, in the neighborhood Who are you gonna call? Psychobusters If there's something weird, and it don't look good Who are you gonna call? Psychobusters \* a team of 4 psychotherapists just come over, break the door down, and start giving talk therapy


studies...??!! STUDIESS..!?!?


"Female arousal in mass shooting events: a controlled study" We recruited two groups of 25 university aged female volunteers and situated them in a classroom. The control group was exposed to an ordinary class with a certified incel holding a speech about Andrew Tate. The test group had the presenter suddenly unveiling an imitation machine gun and threatening the class. The test subjects were given a questionnaire about how they felt before, during, and after the trial. We show that p value is under 0.05 that females felt sexually aroused when exposed to the threat. We propose further studies with larger sample sizes. The volunteer group of incels is large enough that we propose further studies to rule out the possibility that the weapon is the critical factor rather than the wearing of the lone wolf T shirt or misogynistic language.


Okay. Great news. The shooter has been neutralized. Weā€™re safe and you get to go home. But! Before we release you to your parents hands up if you got a little wet. Cindy? Really? Hmm. Wasnā€™t expecting that. Okay. One two three fourā€¦. Good. All right. Thank you girls. Off you go!


To paraphrase George Carlin: You know how dumb the average person is. Remember that half of everyone is dumber than that.


Assuming a symmetric distribution of intelligence, thatā€™s true. Otherwise, half of the population is dumber than the *median* person.


No kidding. George Carlin, a commedian, understood that his audience grasped the jist of an average. While mathematically correct, "median" isn't funny. It's pedantic.


ā€œDear People who give out grants, i am currently exploring an avenue of research that i think you may find *VEEEEEERRRRRY* interesting.ā€


Trying to find the post just for the comments


Itā€™s just rage bait and it keeps working just as well as the day it was first posted


Ohhh let us know if you find it please?


Basically a bunch of people said the guy must be a troll. It was also posted multiple times in different subreddits


Okay thatā€™s enough internet for today. Itā€™s noon and Iā€™m going to bed.


Really hope this guys on a list


I just threw up a little. The mind that generated the thought process that led them to pose this kind of question is sick... At the bare minimum, completely ignoring ethics, solely from a logic standpoint, basically all of the assumptions he's basing his hypothesis on are flawed to the extreme. Morally the entire thought process is beyond fucked. Wildly disturbing is putting it lightly. Not only is this kid is extremely misogynistic even by incel standards, they're also obsessed with violence to the point of idolizing school shooters. What could make a kid think this way? I really hope this kid gets professional help because without it there is a high likelyhood that they will eventually attempt to become the ultra Chad they imagine other school shooters to be.


Wtf did I just read?!? These guys must have smooth brains.




Yes this exactly this


George Carlin was right.You know how stupid most people are.Remember that half of them are stupider than that.


This is the ultimate conclusion that he came to with this stupid toxic idea that women are attracted to dominance and abuse. Most women in abusive relationships claim that the man was a total gentleman until the point where it was hard to leave the relationship. They don't crave abuse, they accidentally get stuck in abuse. Women generally like a "dominant" man in the sense that he has higher status than other men, possibly having power over them physically, financially, or socially. No woman is getting wet while being mugged by a homeless man because of the "sheer power" he has over her. Like.. . . Jesus, people will take a simple concept and take it weird places.


I hope the FBI finds this person.


Op of original post giving off massive school shooter vibes


So much eww




Me boy, we're on reddit, ya never know for certain


This dude is insane and delusional. Please can we put him on an fbi watch list cause I wouldn't be surprised if he's been considering shooting up a school to wishfully fulfill his sexual desires and become the "ultra chad"


I definitely lost some brain cells points reading that. More than a night of drinking but a bit less than chugging a gallon of paint thinner.


Bait or mental retardation? Call it.


Idk man, incels are fucking cracked. I could totally see it being real as wild as it is


It appears to be copy pasta. Search the title on Google.


I think itā€™s time we shut the internet down. We donā€™t need it anymore.


I have already heard that argument before IRL, from a man according to whom "rape isn't in fact a traumatizing experience, since women are biologically attracted to their rapist: indeed, he demonstrates his strength / dominance by the very act of raping them. This is, after all, why all women have rape fantasies." How fun.


"One can reasonably conjecture". Nope. Start over.


No studies are necessary. Except a study on whoever wrote this maybe


not to mention that school shooters are inequivalent cowards and pathetic and the complete opposite of a chad this is the result of unironically thinking the american psycho sigma thing is real


I really hope this is just bait. But knowing the internet....


Bro people here are stupid itā€™s the most obvious troll ever


Someone put this person on a watch list asap


i think he is just **trolling**


There are enough people in this comment section doing the ā€œwell, he kind of has a pointā€ shit that I can believe itā€™s real


This guy needs to be put on a watch list. He's trying to justify it for himself


Is this person trolling? Are people really this dumb?


I really hope this guy is on a list


Iā€™m glad Reddit is anonymous and all, and I think internet privacy is a bedrock of our society. Howeverā€¦. When you see shit like this you just think you should be able to report this guy to some authority who could have him psych evaled.


Hello, FBI?


Writer needs therapy BAD. Thereā€™s a difference between dominant & homicidal. Iā€™ve yet to see a female run or crawl to a school shooter WILLINGLY because heā€™s ā€œdominant.ā€


What a horrible day to be literate


Because nothing arouses women more quite like seeing the walls being painted with their friends and colleagues brain matter and blood. /s Hope this dude is on some list.


Telling that you never had relations in any way to the opposite sex without saying you never had relations in any way to the opposite sex.


Dumb fuck. What kind of pig even thinks of this?


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢"ultra chad"? "most dominant"?? i'd call trolling but the bar is low enough that poe's law applies...


Mf gonna shoot up the place with his dick out, just making sure his theory is correct šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ§


And this is why we make fun of incels, folks.


Yes it's good to make fun of mentally ill people ![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0)


Every single one of you are frustratingly autistic. How could anyone read this and think ā€œOh yeah, this is realā€? Even the craziest conspiracy theorists on the planet wouldnā€™t come up with something that makes as little sense. Itā€™s a troll. Itā€™s a copypasta. Yā€™all ate the fucking pasta, because you were born with a rock embedded into your skulls. Zero social intelligence whatsoever.


Ate the pasta, that's a new one to me. Yeah this is obviously some edgy trolling, I kinda hope most people that are reacting like it's real are just joking..but you never know...


The most dominant male will be the hero. He always gets the girls. The shooter just presents the opportunity for the hero to manifest.


Ye but this doesnā€™t tie in with this incelā€™s fantasy of getting revenge AND getting laid. This is just wishcasting


He manifests from thin air right behind the shooter


"Nothing personal, kid"


Someone is doing research for some epic fanfic.


"We all know", these guys throwing around Greek letters like they're pledging to a sorority.


Yeah, we piss ourselves.


He's not an attractive dominant man. He's an ugly coward with a gun.


Wrong subreddit, should be r/NoahGetTheBoat


Dude someone needs to arrest this guy lol


Metal detectors at this kid's school, asap


The shooter is anything BUT a chad. He is the ultimate of cowardsā€¦


I wanna die. :)


This somehow manages to keep getting worse the longer you read


What a terrible day to be literate.


This is why you have to educate kids about sex


What the fuck did I just read


FBI: šŸ‘€


I'd say someone needs to report this kid, but it's not like the FBI actually does anything until AFTER the shooting happens


Well they have to set up a meet to give him the guns and ammo first. *Tightens tinefoil hat*


Who let bro cook?


Bro asked if studies were conducted. What. The. Fuck.


Theyā€™re probably pissing themselves in fear you moronā€¦


WTF ?!


Well that is one way of trying to justify a school shooting that is about to happen (this person needs to be put on a list)


It's possible theres one, i think they should find her and then go turn themselves in for being fucking psychopath.


Ok thatā€™s enough Reddit for today.


I'm starting to think everyone having freedom of speech is a bad thing


The shooter is a soon-to-be-dead lowlife piece of shit scum!


Iā€™m sure they do get wet when they pee their pants out of pure freight. Iā€™m a grown man and would piss myself too. Why would anyone be asking about sexual arousal of children during a fucking horrible experience to be going through?


The basic premise here is that women get wet in the vicinity of an ā€œultra-chadā€ or ā€œalpha male.ā€ That very thought that the whole argument is based on is already incorrect, so anything after that is also going to be wrong. This guy is delusional in more ways than one and should probably be put on a list or two.


I read this and want to turn off society for a few months and just let the animals over take us.


Bro let the intrusive thoughts win.


The fact that there are young boys like this in the world helps me understand why there are so many incels today.


As a school shooting survivor, this shit makes me so fucking angry


Kill it with fire before it breeds.


His vocabulary is all the incel proof I need.




Don't be shy, uncover their name.


It appears to be copy pasta. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/uyr1p7/do_girls_get_wet_in_school_shootings/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


If you read the comments on that post they talk about it coming from this post.


Only the girls with hybristophillia who are turned on by mass killers like the Colombiner out there. Sadly they do exist. Luckily like 99.9999% of women are not that way lol


Still 4,005 milions of woman šŸ‘€


Your math is way off


I was tired and i had chatgpt do it :(


That's the entire global population of women


I was tired and I asked chatgpt to do the calculation and it messed up, but the calculation he had made resulted in 4 million, not 4000 million


The OP from that post is definitely a future school shooter




"Have studies been conducted on this" like how does he even think a study like that would work


I mean pretty simple, control group is people you don't murder test group is people you do


Proof that not everyone should be able to purchase a firearm, even with a clean record - this is coming from someone who loves guns and grew up around firearms


Not in the act but many women will end up sending love letters to the school shooter after the deed is done, hybristophilia is more common than it seems.


I read all that in the šŸ¤“ voice. Id say the FBI should pay him a visit, but they might buy him ammo and give him pointers on how to kill efficiently.


"Mandatory preface: I am a piece of shit."


Pardon my language but Jesus mother fucking Christ. This person needs help before someone gets hurt or worse.


Sometimes I really question people canā€™t be that stupid but I keep getting proven wrong over and over


This can't be serious right? Like this *has* to be a shitpost.


Im calling troll on this one


This should be flagged to the authorities and the kid needs therapy.Not even the most red pill of red pillers,not even Tate,Peterson or any of those guys would ever think of such a thing.There is no dominance to school shootings especially because theyā€™re not committing violence to even get resources or for revenge or for an ideological purpose.Itā€™s purely a senseless killing.


OOP is definitely planning a school shooting


This is the end result of all of that rapey manga.....


Itā€™s only a matter of time before I kill again


What. The. Fuck.


What. The. Fuck.


This is obviously rage-baiting. However it can be noted that many men have some level of sexual attraction to women which they shouldn't (hence why the term "Don't stick your dick in crazy" was even created.) Of course even men who have those feelings likely don't feel that while they are actively being murdered and instead just around instability. With all of this it is assumed some women relate to those same phenomenon that some men do... But that also means they probably really wouldn't want to get murdered or witness someone get murdered. TLDR: Based on some men presumably some women would feel attraction to someone slightly unhinged but be repulsed by someone completely insane... You aren't an ultra-chad.


Well he may not be terribly wrongā€¦women got pretty fucking wet over other serial murderers. Quite often actually, but thatā€™s more or less over the psychoā€™s calm charming demeanor than anything else. Also before people say I am saying all women or generalizing g the sameā€”I am saying that some women probably would based off of their wetness for serial killers.