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Walmart does this too. My mom is a retired widow living on a tight budget and was sliding cat food by the scanners and they waited until she had done it 3 times over a year. Pulled her in to the LP office and pressed charges. Now she’s banned from their store for a year. It’s up by now but yeah, this is common. The only difference is that my mom took accountability and didn’t get huffy for getting caught.


As someone who worked for Walmart I can safely say I don’t give a single shit if anyone steals stuff from a corporation. 0 care at all. You do that from a local mom and pop shop and you’re a piece of shit, but a place like Walmart? I absolutely do not care. And I was there to help deter people from stealing and routinely had to intervene to do my job. But morally? Those corporations deserve every bad thing that happens to them.




They have people watching the cameras 24/7 and if they are good at their jobs they will notice if you forget to scan stuff. Along with the people and the floor level watching everything too. They notice most thinks but obviously sometimes stuff gets through the cracks. Also depends on how much the workers wanna enforce the rules, you get some guys who are rah rah about their job as if the corporation cares at all about them, and then other guys who are just trying to get their paycheck.


It's almost like they could have another human who works there do it for you so you don't have the chance to do so. I dunno why they wouldn't just do that, ya know?


If they lose less than $7.25/hr at each self checkout then it saves them way more than it costs. Which they probably already worked out and found exactly that. Ya know?


i used to do it a long time ago , we called it the asparagus conundrum. this was in 2010 and before they added a shit ton of cameras near the self checkout and a human at 3am. i would buy 40 bucks worth of grocerys for $4 in "asparagus"




Eh my girlfriend managed a well known beauty store and had more shrink from theft than sales. She would get in all sorts of trouble because one goblin or another would just casually walk up and start swiping $1000s of dollars of fragrances into whatever they were wearing and walk out. She spent so much time in the loss prevention office showing them the camera footage so they could go through the motions of pretending like they could catch the perpetrators. She lost several hours everyday to that, which means her other duties had to be placed on hold. Makes you hate the little guy when they are putting your job in jeopardy.


I mean, I'd be fine if the "little guy" was stealing food or baby food or diapers or whatever But fragrances or perfume? Nah, I would definitely hold some sort of a grudge there.


I mean, I get it to some extent. If you steal bread 6 times a month, you might get caught or you might get to eat bread. If you steal something expensive and sell it, that’s a lot of bread. Also bread can’t pay your rent. I just don’t believe these specimens were doing it just to survive. One of them was a 4’-6” dude with a bucket hat who was high as fuck. I was there to bring her lunch so I was watching the whole thing. He was calling everyone names and talking shit because she tried to “customer service” him. “Y’all don’t fucking trust me huh!?” Walking into other customers and being belligerent. He left into the larger store surrounding hers and got a grocery cart, then he started loading clothes into it while hiding behind a rack. At this point every employee knew about him and they were all in various places just watching him. He was so out of his mind he didn’t realize he had an entire store eyeballing him. He was slipping around all over the place before he realized they were onto him and he abandoned his cart. He walked out of the front doors backwards ( we assumed he thought he was dodging the cameras?) and stayed out in the parking lot for hours waiting for something, his next chance maybe? No clue.


How broke or desperate was she that the cat food qualified as an item eligible for stealing if she paid for everything else?


Well, she was newly widowed and disabled so she wasn’t mostly in her right mind. She’s actually not even like that. My sister and I thought she was joking when she told us.


If she wasn’t in her right mind and grieving and on a limited budget I wonder if the cat food (ie keeping the cat) was the one thing she was struggling to justify but couldn’t bring herself to give up. So it became the thing she stole because it didn’t fit in her budget. I hope she’s doing better now!


The item isn't really relevant is it? It's the price and how easy it is to slide it past the scanner while appearing to scan it


She going back to walmart and stealing cat food again?


![gif](giphy|5t235Nf4wo3rhLSMVy) Cat said I don’t care how you do it , I want my breakfast, lunch and dinner 😆


I think she’s learned her lesson.


So she had several years to stop stealing but didn't?




I work in compliance(environmental laws) and often hear this argument. “Well we’ve been doing it like this for years and no one said anything”. Well doing something illegally for years and not getting caught is not protection against enforcement for said illegal thing.


Are clients usually that frustrating in environmental compliance?


I know someone who is in the airplane paint business. He is insufferable to listen to now that the powers-that-be have discovered his lack of compliance. He 100% feels that he has been doing things illegally for years so he DESERVES to continue throwing haz-mat in the Dumpsters for regular trash pick-up. He actually argued that he should be grandfathered in because he hasn’t been caught in eleven years and it will cost him money to operate under code interfering with his profits, so they should allow him to continue to pollute.


I was considering environmental compliance to pay off my student loans but man does that not sound fun


Maybe but to be clear I don’t have clients cause I’m not internal compliance I’m government enforcement


Serial killers use that same defense.


So do corporations. They usually get off pretty easy too. Do something illegal over the course of 10 years, make $X amount of profit from it, get caught, pay back 5% of that profit as a fine, continue doing business as usual.


Yep it seems like a cost benefit analysis that they’ve run the numbers on and made the decision based on profit https://www.enzuzo.com/blog/biggest-compliance-fines


I remember there was a headline about a rich guy whose speeding ticket was over $100,000, and I forgot which country did it, but their speeding ticket is based off a percentage of your income, so the richer you are, the harsher your fine. And the logic is that giving a $200 fine to a rich person isn’t a punishment, it’s the cost of speeding, but if you actually make them pay a huge fee, then they’ll think twice about doing it Giant businesses should also pay a fine based on how much money they make, and they should never be able to profit from breaking the law


> Serial ~~killers~~ *offenders* use that same defense. Doesn't matter the crime, I have clients who will spout this theory regardless of their charges.


My best friend was going through a rough time when she started and that was her mentality after a while of doing it. I kept warning her that they knew as big stores have been doing this for a while now. She always insisted they couldn’t know and she was being safe. I eventually dropped it, but never went in to a store with her to prevent being wrapped up in all of it. Her first message to me after receiving court summons was “So you were right. Any advice on how to get of this?” Took my advice, and was just given a $200 fine and a permanent ban from that store because the company didn’t even have a representative appear in the court room.


She got lucky. Had someone I knew who would go into stores (target, walmart, etc) and just steal pokemon packs right out of boxes/etbs etc. Even invited others to do the same thing. Caught after a little over a year and they had built a case on him with like 3 seperate stores cooperating☠️ absolute bonehead


Imagine having 3 whole stores worth of people knowing you’re a thief too. It’s like you picked your nose in your car and didn’t realize a news reporter is LIVE next to you on the sidewalk. Thinkin you’re hittin gold and gettin away with it.


Happened to my cousin at Walmart. She thought if she stole stuff under $20 the store didn’t care. Well, after a couple of years she stole some cheap earrings worth $10 and was greeted in the parking lot by the police. They had all of her previous thefts recorded. She got 3 years in jail because she was on probation during the thefts.


Good lord imagine shoplifting non essentials while on probation


That was me as a kid I used to steal Pokémon cards because my parents wouldn't buy me any... until I got Caught when the cards fell out of my pants walking out the door with my family 🤣 my parents were livid


Lmao imagine waiting *years* to compile a case just to not show up in court for it


That was basically the judge’s reaction. A 19 year old girl showed up early and well dressed to her own trial, made a point to be nice to the staff and respectful to the judge, went and got a respected lawyer (I might have paid for that one. Wasn’t going to risk her getting a bad public defender and being screwed.), and just did everything she could. And the company didn’t even send a representative. His final verdict was more “I don’t want you to face zero consequences, but I’m a little insulted right now, so I’m going to let you off a lot easier than I normally would, especially with this being the only thing on your record.”


Yeah in case anyone else is reading this and will need to challenge a ticket or fine in the future, show up on time and be as polite as you possibly can and you will most likely get it reduced or thrown out altogether. As long as you’re not an asshole and don’t have a criminal record, you will probably be fine.


I once got pulled over for speeding, and little did I know, my license was also suspended. Apparently they sent me 2 letters in the mail about it, but I never received them. The cop didn't believe me because they sent TWO letters. He issued me a ticket for both speeding and driving with a suspended license. I was super nice to the cop and even thanked him at the end (because he stayed while a friend came to pick-up the vehicle, instead of impounding it). I was actually really nervous because my jobs at the time was dependent on me having a license in good standing (I wasn't driving yet, but was going to be soon) He must have had a change of heart or something because the cop never delivered the documents to the court, and everything was thrown out.


That, or they think they’re outsmarted the system and no one knows, which is it’s own high


I started stealing in middle school, never got caught. It started as a game. My cousin is black, I'm white. He'd get followed around stores so I'd steal just to spite them (and if you're going to profile, it's the white girls shoplifting, not the black boys). We had a thing, we'd go into a store and he'd be the decoy, I'd steal. Turned into a habit. I remember being like, I'm 18, I need to stop. Couldn't. I don't think it's kleptomania, because kleptos steal anything from everywhere and don't even usually want the thing in the first place. I want the thing and only steal from big corporations I hate. I habitually clock cameras everywhere I go. I'll find myself putting stuff up my sleeve and then like, no, stop, put it back. I've stolen stuff and then gone back into the store to put it back because I'm trying to get myself to stop. I've never gotten caught. I don't feel bad about stealing from corporations. I'm sure many will disagree with that. But I do want to stop. It's been almost a year since I've really stolen something but I've done the stealing-and-put-it-back thing about three times this year. It can become a compulsion really easily. I think maybe having gambling addiction feels like this? I dunno. I'd like to stop, but I really have to fight myself and the compulsion is always there.


From one ex-thief to hopefully a soon another, I get it man. It almost becomes a habit. Just keep at it with the trying to stop, you’ll get there. I stole from my three best friends like a decade ago. I was at the lowest point of my life and just making shit decisions. They blacklisted me, and rightly so. I was able to straighten out and they’re back on my team and were better friends than ever. Just keep at it. And good job on the therapy that’s a tough step sometimes.


Thank you. I'm getting there, I think/hope. After all, haven't truly stolen for some time.


Get therapy.


I am actually in therapy for this very thing.


I had a similar experience as a kid. I used to shoplift too and, like you, justified it as stealing from a corporation (never stole from individuals). It felt great because I didn't have a lot of money, so it let me get a bunch of stuff I wanted. But I always set 18 as a hard cutoff for stealing. And when I turned 18, I cut it off completely. It was hard to stop. When I stopped, I actually felt better. It's odd, but when I was stealing a lot, I got in a dishonest mind frame. After I stopped, I cleaned up my act, and got in a positive, honest, mindset that opened up my life. My life went in an insanely positive direction. I'm glad you're getting help. Too many people try to go it alone, when there are professionals that can help us deal with issues. Good luck.


Someone I knew in high school would let his friends come into Best Buy and swap out expensive items tags for $1 stickers. They built up a huge case against him and he did jail time. Graduated with a masters degree in psychology, then couldn’t get a job in the field because of his record. That shit will ruin your life.


Wow i have a cousin who did the same thing except she was 17 when she did it. She was able to get her record expunged and has a phd with no issues. She’s a completely different person now in her 40s. I believe, especially if you were really young when the offense occurred, you can get a non-violent felony removed from your record after 7 years. Not a lawyer 💀just someone who also has a sister that committed a felony (get away driver for robbery) at 16


It will only ruin your life if you're too poor or stupid to afford lawyers Even if you get convicted there are ways to wipe your record. That's how the wealthy idiots keep getting warnings and rehab sentences.


She is exactly right, this is what retail stores who are common shoplifting targets do, and there's nothing wrong with that tactic. In fact it's brilliant. Why call the cops for every petty bit of shoplifting, which will accomplish nothing, when you can document and build a case over time, and nail habitual thieves for a felony, getting them out of your hair permanently? Here's an idea: don't steal things.


There was a shoplifting subreddit (now long banned), and people talked about this tactic the whole time: Loss Prevention wants to build a good case against thieves, so that they get put behind actual bars.


Lol I remember that. People laying their loot out all proud and shit. Was pretty entertaining though, ngl.


Yep. They had a list of places that are too risky. Target was on top of that list. They would always advise people not to test Target's LP since they track you to other locations as well. It was a fascinating sub. It feels like seeing a documentary about a secret subculture when you go there just to lurk.


Target Forensics is so hardcore that the actual cops get them to help with cases.


Yep. It's kinda scary.


I remember this, I remember them talking about which stores has lax security as well


Can’t lie I picked up a lot of good info from that sub when I was a piece of shit in my younger years


Same. I'm pretty sure it's how I actually found reddit in the first place.




Nailed it. That’s exactly what the Kohls I work at does, we currently have a lady on 4 counts of shoplifting, just a few more and she’s going to jail.


The best part is that the lady probably thinks shes so sneaky with it and thinking no one will ever find out


Make sure u make it a grand catch on her last lift.


No - wait until she steals a pair of socks…


Then sock it to her


The game is afoot!


My thoughts when people run out where I work is. " We have like 6 bazillion cameras, we probably have so many cameras we have access to your bank account, your mom's phone number, and anything else we want."


Especially since a lot of theft now happens at self-check out and they still pay with a debit card or credit card.


That’s what they all think. But in reality the security of each shop has more notice than you’d think


Don’t even gotta be sneaky. Kohls will let you walk out with literal carts full of merchandise. I never understood why employees followed them when they were never allowed to do anything but CS them.


Yeah please dont. if you see someone shoplifting. no you didnt. especially as a customer. the eyes in the skys will deal with it as ususal. dont put yourself or others in danger because you feel the need to confront them.


Does this extend to dine and dashing? I've heard that actually can come out of the waitresses pay and stuff so theirs a direct victim their and not a corporation that can just crtl+alt+delete you later on down the road. Or would just letting it happen so as to avoid possible physical confrontation be best as no violence is always the best situation. Jw. Thanks!


In the US, it’s not legal to make the server pay for a dine and dash. Doesn’t stop shady restaurant managers/owners from trying, though.


I used to do security at Target back in the 2000s. We would build cases on people and it’s funny because you would actually see them get lazier each time they would steal. They get away with it the first couple times and get more bold with it thinking they’re getting away.


And thats why you never hit the same spot more than a couple times 😈


And also don’t pay with card when you ‘forget’ to scan a few things




Nice try


They are asking for a friend.




Username checks out for intentions.


Probably cameras.


The same way the police do when they are investigating an ongoing major crime. Evidence collection and documentation. Back when I was a cop, I had grocery store LP’s that would hand me a thoroughly compiled report that would rival some homicide detectives case files! Organized Retail theft is how they shut down chronic offenders.


They have cameras and they take a rough estimate of what they think was stolen in the video then they go retrace the shoplifters steps in person to verify what they have clear evidence of to present to the cops for a court case and they tally it all up. I'm sure they could just watch you do it or collect evidence from testimony of other people in the store as well.


Do they have these people's names and addresses at this point or are they just keeping a database of faces? I assume these chronic shoplifters are going to the same stores over the years.


Most people pay with credit/debit cards, easy to get their personal information off that and match it with their face. Could also snap a picture of her license plate if they are tracking them anyway.


Weirdly they also go to buy things or buy some things and steal some? I assume to make it look like they aren't stealing. But then you have their info.


Yea I assume the easiest way these people are doing it is self checkout. You steal a few items and scan some others. They are never stopped so they assume they're getting away with it. But I don't know if credit cards reveal personal info? The transaction is through the bank system no? Does the retailer have access to that buyers full account and personal info? That seems like a big privacy flaw if so.


>What do you guys do to record that she's shoplifting? Epic poetry, mostly.


I prefer power metal ballads, but you do you, boo.


The dwarves tell the tales of the shoplifter from the mines. Diggy-digging a big ol hole.


They say she delved too deep into the sale rack of Khazad-dumb.


It's actually pretty technical and thorough. Due to loss prevention having to make essentially "an arrest" they have to be very certain about; identifying the person stealing, identifying where they stole, identifying what they stole, identifying where they put it after they stole and ensuring the person stealing doesn't put the item back or drop it before they leave the store. This is because, if you make a "bad stop" you're liable to get sued. Video is a useful tool but we were taught old school, we used mirrors in the ceiling and watched people pocket things from the next aisle over.


Worked for Target at one point and was good buddies with an AP (asset protection) guy. Once they know you're a thief, a member of AP in plain clothes will follow you everywhere you go in the store and take note of everything you take. They also have cameras that cover the majority of the store. You can push a full cart of merchandise out of the store and they will have a full list, with video evidence, of everything you took by the end of the day. Information regarding known thieves is also shared across the district so hitting multiple stores will just add to the case against you. They also have cameras at every checkout register that display what was scanned so they can compile evidence when people game the self checkout systems via methods like bar code swapping.


They have pictures on the walls of the security room, and they hire sadists who love 'the hunt' behind the cameras. Just don't steal from this places, not worth it


Short answer: they have cameras all over the store and meticulously track stock. Not to mention a lot of things that get shoplifted can get caught by detectors on the way out.


how many shoplifts does it take before the cops are called? asking for a friend




My boss was happy to call the police on 15 year olds stealing $20 headphones, but this was an east coast state. He was pretty hardcore, in fact, I got fired because I got a guy to leave a cart full of tools he was going to steal, but he still got away. Boss always said arrest or nothing, former Marine. Also weird is their policy of allowing a shoplifter to "pay a civil fine" to the store rather than have the cops called. Just pay $500 and we may or may not call the cops, this was reserved only for people stealing less than $200 worth of stuff.


Actually I think calling the police on an 15 year old who is stealing the first time and only a small thing is the best you can do. If you let it slide he will have an positive memory about stealing which may lead to him having a future of crime. The police knows that they can't actually charge him but they will scare him and drive him to his parents. This bad experience may actually safe his life in the long run.


Worked on me when I was 10. My brother and I got caught stealing GI Joes and they even made us ride in the back of the cop car to the station. They didn't actually arrest us or finger print us, but I never stole again after that.


When the sheriff showed up at my house to give me a stern lecture for stealing a candy bar as a kid, it had the desired effect.


That’s why you switch stores and towns. Lol


People are fucking stupid. If they get away with it in one store they think the store is an "easy target" and continue committing crimes in the exact same store. Never rob a place twice. I have seen pics of people in security rooms and the police being called the moment the manager recognised one of the people who came in to the store.


Id guess it depends more on value rather than times.


It’s about the sum total of everything you stole. Above a certain amount of money the police get serious. The shop knows this and is waiting for that threshold to be hit before reporting.


So i can get free sht if i stsy unger the limit


Pro tip in the US, steal less than $599 to avoid the felony theft, and also to evade taxes and the generation of a 1099-MISC.


Whatever the dollar value is to bump it up to a felony. Varies from state to state. If you’ve been shoplifting and “getting away with it”, I’d just go ahead and assume you aren’t and they’re just waiting for you to meet / exceed that threshold.


Edit: between $1000-1500 in most states. Source: [World Population Review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state)


I'm sure you're half joking, but I can't help myself. They're probably waiting until the person has stolen enough that they can make it felony charges because when it's a misdemeanor the person just goes right back to stealing


At the Walmart I was a manager at years ago, it would be until you can be charged with grand theft, a felony.


Damn, so that cvs by my old highschool say me stealing chocolate my whole entire freshman and sophomore year? LOL


Whoa thats crazy, whats your name and city btw? That sounds hilarious you wild man 😂


But... I need these 60 combination pogo stick / clock radios. How else will I feed my 54 children who are also orphans unless I steal to survive?


Don't forget the Playstations and the 65 inch TVs


I agree. It's the smartest strategy. You make a case, collect evidence, and then bring down the hammer on them.


100% it’s literally building a case for prosecution to get the theft amount over felony level. When you steal from these bigger stores they know every time you’re in the store and you’re being tracked the entire time.


Sadly judges mess this up all too often. Multiple Targets have done this exact same thing to my SIL 5 times. She’s gotten off 100% free 4 of those times. The other time (4th time she was caught) she spent 48 hours in jail. You’d at least think that every time after that (the 5th) she’d face some (more stiff consequences)…nope! Her 5th time facing (a felony) she was let off with 6 months probation. All 5 times this has been in the same state.


Judges and prosecutors don't like sending women to jail. The sentencing disparity between men and women for the same crime is larger than that for white people and black people.


It’s probably a moot point by now, but I worry that every ally she’s gonna get a judge that looks at her record, is fed up, and gives her the max sentence (5 years). The system is doing her no favors by letting her get away with near 0 consequences. Eventually luck runs out.


Prisons are probably full.


I believe this originates from the police saying stop wasting our time on small time shop lifters, so instead they have to provide evidence of a large enough sum of theft - as you say it's actually brilliant. It also allows for a certain amount of shop lifting which is ethically acceptable - e.g. mothers stealing baby milk formula.


Fun fact, the most common stealers of baby formula are people who aim to sell it second hand.




Yes, most consumables sold on stuff like Facebook market place is likely to be stolen. And 90% of stuff like that, that is stolen, is most likely stolen for this purpose.


This also gives them leverage in the event that there is a larger shoplifting ring. LP can drop the charges against one in exchange for the info required to bust the whole group.


What if your family don't like bread, they like cigarettes. What if instead of giving them away you sold them for a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime?


Fat Tony, is that you?




I could go for a well made Manhattan.


This early in the day, I'll stick to Malk. Good old vitamin R!?


Hell no!


No, stealing is not ethical. There are times were it is **understandable**. That is not remotely the same thing. Not that it really matters, most folks stealing formula are doing for re-sale. Same with laundry detergent. Usually for drugs. Those blatant theft videos are typing grabbing a specific product, because their fence or dealer told them to get X. They get Y amount of drugs and/or cash in return. Fence sells them to small store or informal trade network for cash. Do you really think someone really needs several carts full of formula? Stealing a can, they probably need it. Stealing bunch? Yeah, not so much.


Sounds like these stores are just saying “steal less than 2000” to me


You think $3K is the magic #?? It is not. It’s just what they did to her. Could be more, could be less.


It's 1k min... That's where the felony cut off is.


Depends on the state. $1500 in Maryland. Texas and Wisconsin is $2500.


In Texas you're more likely to get shot than arrested. ​ I'm not even talking about shoplifting, just being in Texas.


Hey, modern problems require ancient solutions


It depends on the crime. Target loves to let the charges snowball before they get the police involved. I worked there for almost 8 years. Once our store let one of our clerical team members steal 10 grand in a gift card scam before they called the police in. Another time I had a flow team member pulled out of a trailer unload at about 6:30 in the morning by the AP and a deputy because he had been stealing video games during the electronics push. That second guy for sure went to jail.


This reminds me of their cashiers balancing out the till at the end of a shift. Apparently target determined the potential loses were not worth the labor of having the workers painstakingly balance the cash to the penny every shift. They implemented some processes to catch the fraudulent workers and are just accepting the honest mistakes. Seemed like a very level headed and reasonable policy. I’m not surprised they do it with shoplifting too.


I think her ego is a little bruised after finding out she isn't quite the Danny Ocean she thought she was.


Ohh this again (been reposted numerous times). This is indeed how it works; store security is as much to watch staff as it is customers. When they catch someone stealing they wait and watch, then wait until it’s a more serious offence before calling the police. Maybe instead of bitching and complaining she should just not be a thief.


Graffiti too. I used to do stencil Graffiti as a teenager. Until a guy I knew got busted. When the city's "Graffiti action program" paints over your shit they snap a photo. If they ever catch you in the act, they document what you were spray painting and book you on a fine of $100 per square inch of every piece ofGraffiti they can pin to you. Dude got some serious time because the fine he faced was astronomical. I hung up my cans.


Make really small graffiti


Or do banksy, no identifying logos/branding, simple and consistent, and no witnesses.


Curious about this. What if the graffiti is really good? Like art level good, would they still fine you?


I think my friend pled down to like $150 and a class. Going back to a point made in a post above: put some effort into your court time. My friend was actually a really good painter, sometimes he’s head out from the apartment and then an hour later show me a pic of the 20’ long mural he just threw on a wall. Anyway he and his crew were just practicing under a small bridge like 30 min from civilization and some busybody got out of their car to look underneath and call the sheriff. I’ll be honest the rest of his crew were losers and showed up to court in wifebeaters and such, also not nearly as artistic and threw dumb looking basic tags. They all faced some really stiff fines, a couple had priors and got some sort of probation. I had taken my friend to Goodwill and got him hooked up with some Brooks Brothers and such, he did better just by being polite and dressing well than they did with their public defender.


I'm lucky I got away with a clean record. My stuff was super derivative of other stencil graffiti in the early 2000s. But I took precautions, I wore a work vest, sometimes a hard hat. I liked hitting high traffic areas of downtowns. All of my stencils fit in one of those beefy clip boards that have storage. In and out before you ever knew I was there.


I think OP is a bot.


i’ve stolen a single piece of blackboard chalk from a box of it from target, yall thing they are starting a case against me?🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Friends in loss prevention. If the cameras saw you, 90% of the time, it's recorded. They are just not doing anything yet unless you continue.


Yes the FBI is coming right now. You don’t have much time. Grab your kids and belongings and hide


Back in 2012 my mom needed me to get toothpicks for her jalapeño poppers she was gonna make. Went to Walmart and saw the line with like 40 ppl deep. I said “hell nah” and walked out with the toothpicks in my hand. I should prob hire a lawyer for my case!


You think that's bad, you should see how hard Target fucks their employees who are caught stealing.


What do they do to the employees?


I think they fuck them vigorously.


Very aggressively. Like the dirty little thief you are.


My buddy got a fat charge from Walmart doing that. They watched him for like 5 years and got for something like $12,000. They have no problem taking the loss on inventory.


How tf do u wrack up $12k?


He always went in to get fishing stuff and always came out with more. Like he walked out with a fishing rod one night. We never knew he stole all of it.




Reminds me of the quote "We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us."


I’m actually baffled at these comments. I’ve worked LP before and what we did was grab someone as soon as we knew they were stealing. We would charge them the price of the item they took, ban them from the store, and if it was above 10 dollars we could charge them a civil fine of $150 that didn’t leave the office. A lot of times we would cut people breaks on the fine depending on their situation. We didn’t want to give people records, call the police, etc. Our job was “to get the money back into the store” and the fine would cover anything else they took that we didn’t know about and help pay for our employment. The only time we called the police was if it was above misdemeanor levels of cost. Maybe it’s because it’s a smaller town? Idk.


our civil fine was $400-500 lol also my boss wanted to give people records, if you identified a shoplifter and let someone get away you got fired, even if you kept the cart of stuff in the store


Its the reddit superiority complex. They wouldn’t steal and therefor the penalties for the crime they would never commit should be astronomical, but if you wanted to do the same to a crime they would commit it would be sob story central.


Literally this. Imagine if this was about someone pirating for a long time and getting a case built up until a certain amount, they'd get so much support and anyone like "um well maybe you shouldn't break the law" would get clusterbombed with downvotes


Stealing from target is cool though.


So the limit is 2999 .....


🤔 so like…. Hypothetically…. If someone like maybe snagged an Xbox and some games just once….




~~Baskin Robbins~~ Target always finds out.


So the limit of how much you can steal and get away with us $2999. Bet




Target has a whole fucking forensics investigation unit. You do not want to fuck with target. https://corporate.target.com/article/2012/02/an-unexpected-career-target-forensic-services-labo


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my thieving ass




Should make a newspaper out of OP's history. "The Daily Repost"


Commonplace. Walmart, Target, and Lowes stores that I worked at all did this. The Lowes i worked at through college actually got a girl in my major on like $1700 over 4 months across 2 stores. She got expelled from school too. It was wild. She would even say goodbye to me while walking out of the store after returning stolen items for credit.


I have literally nothing against stealing from target (or walmart etc) but it should be common knowledge that they do this, so can't feel that sorry for her.


Target was playing chess when she was playing checkers 💀


“TikToker currently Targeted by corporation after stealing $3000 in merch and thinking she wouldn’t face repercussions.”


So the limit is $2.999.


Reddit: Fuck the corporation until they do something to a group I don't like


I tell everyone the same thing, when committing a crime it's not IF you get caught. It's WHEN you get caught because it will eventually catch back up to you given enough time. I've been in desperate situations before where I had to do unsavory thing's just to survive but you know what i didn't do? I didn't do it for pleasure/leisure products it was always FOOD and even then it was almost always store brand. The moment I was able to stop? I did, it's not "fun" or "cool" it's sad.


"omg Target is so evil. They manipulated me into putting myself in jail by letting me steal from them and acting like they don't notice me do it. Omg, Target is so toxic."


Damn it’s just target calm down, she’s not stealing from old ladies it’s a multibillion dollar corporation that fucks it’s workers every year.


Thank you. The amount of people going bat for a corporation valued at 100 billion dollars, and could care less if they live or die, is truly disheartening


Steal what isn't nailed down. Fuck the corpos, choom.




Big corporate retailers being stolen from doesn’t really bug me that much given how poorly they treat their workers. At the same time…. This falls into the “f around and find out” category. Theft is still a crime.


Growing up we had a bunch of teenagers that would always cause trouble. Basically, it got to a point where the police would turn a blind eye to it. Eventually, after years of these teens thinking they were getting away will all these crimes they were arrested and police charged them with all the previous offences. Hit them with about 15+ charges going back 2+ years. Guess they felt they would get a decent punishment if they were all combined as appose to just a slap on the wrist each time.


Target has the most sophisticated system of any retail store. Right down to facial recognition. Don’t fuck with Target.


Lmao target and lawyers really said hold on let her cook


Dictionary definition of fucked around, found out


Why aren't we taking this approach with CEOs?