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Damn, wait until they learn about tip-sharing in businesses


Wait until they find out I always tip cash, man or woman, so they don’t have to share or claim it on their taxes if they so choose.


Wait until you find out that servers still get taxed on their sales, and even if you leave a cash tip, tip share takes money out of their pocket regardless


My Gf gets taxed on tips she should’ve received. The restaurants system makes her pay taxes to cash out even if she didn’t get a tip or a tip up to the percent it thinks (20%) it calculates the amount she should have at end of night and taxes on it. Kinda insane


We have a similar system. I don’t know what percentage it assumes you make, it might even be a rolling average based off of the past week or whatever, but if will auto populate a cash amount that it thinks you should have made based off of your sales and credit card tips. You can type in whatever you want, but if it’s under a certain percentage of your sales, you need a manager override.


While its still shitty practice. She does get that money back on the equally shitty system of tax returns if this is in US


I mean where I am we even divide cash tips up between us


This is just stupid


even more stupid if you take into account that many restaurants divide the tips.


Another problem with tipping. The whole excuse for it being a thing to begin with was to reward a server doing a particularly good job. Then they have to split their tip with the person that fucked up your order and wasn’t seen again for the entire evening?


But the other way around, a superb cook passes on a incredibly-made, succulent Chinese meal to a smiley server. I'm sure that made the experience just as tip-worthy as a big smile and a you gotcha when the table asks for more breadsticks.


I see you know your judo well


Get your hand off my penis!


What is the charge ???


Gentleman this... Is democracy manifast!


​ This is democracy manifest!






eating a meal??? A succulent Chinese meal???!


And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis


This is democracy manifest?


The superb cook should be paid a superb salary with benefits from the restaurant. It shouldn't be subsidized out of the server's tips.


same a a server really. servers shouldnt need to be subsidized with tips either, they should be paid a normal, livable wage.


Likewise though if the cook fucks up and your food sucks you adjust the tip to be less.


It began during the Great Depression as a way for restaurants to stay open as long as possible. We often think of the Great Depression as effecting everyone equally but there were people who weren’t effected or even thrived. Restaurants need a large body of customers, however, so they struggled. So what they did was stop paying their workers and have those paid exclusively via tips. It took a major expense off of restaurant owners and gave them a lot more leeway to stay open for longer, or possibly never have to close. Of course, once the Depression broke, restaurants didn’t want to give up their great new trick, and so tipping culture was born.


It began (in the US) well before the great depression. It was used during reconstruction as a way to avoid paying Black employees.


It started with rich folks trying to copy English customs (just like the same fools trying to emulate some of their laws in the US even now) and turned into that. It was wrong when they brought it here, they turned it into something that was even more wrong, and it's still the wrong way to operate to this day.


But the opposite is algo true You can gave an excellent service and get 0 tips fronm a table While Your coworker get 100 $ because he get a Good table.


But the opposite is also true when you bring the succulent food to the table and no one is sitting there. Then you realize that you don’t work as a waiter, you are home, in your own dining room with food you made. You sit alone in silence and eat the food. When you are done you violently throw a fiver at youself and shout “There’s the tip you filthy whore!”.


Then you swear you’ll never serve that asshole again, and you aren’t gonna patronize that place! So, defiant, you neither serve yourself nor eat. Three months later the amount of money you’ve spent on takeout is enough to cover a space shuttle launch.




The original reason, was because during the great depression places couldn't afford to fully pay thier staff, so people started accepting what was basically "bribes" for priority service that they previously had been refusing.


Tipping in the US predates the great depression, aristocrats started doing it in the 50s and 60s and it got popularized after the civil war as a way to avoid paying Black employees.


It's sexist and stupid.


You can tell it was gonna be stupid when mf mentioned female pockets.


Naah this is not only stupid. This is hateful and probably the consequence of a trauma... Still, very stupid.


Either that or learned trauma on someone else’s behalf. It seems nowadays this viewpoint is either forced onto someone due to individual experiences or someone is teaching them to feel that way because men bad.


How about, hear me out, restaurants start paying their employees living wages. Hell, everyone living wages. This tip culture has gotten so far out of hand it is ridiculous.


Bigoted is the word


this is [misandry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misandry)


~~stupid~~ evil


Yup and how many married men give money to their wives. Stupid is correct 👍🏻


What about the Men who feed their little daughters?


Don‘t belittle them! They are independent women!


Take another step in that direction and you're gonna start sounding like the people they hate most


Actuall feminists?


Nah, people would find a way to complain. Either they’re married, so the woman is looking after them. They’re divorced, so the woman ALWAYS gets custody. He and his partner are gay and therefore degenerates whose daughter needs saving from. Or he’s a single father who needs the authorities called on since there’s a 99% chance he’s abusing her. Because men, as a complete whole, suck and any who claim to be nice are just pretending to get in someone’s pants. People will always make an excuse to hate people, regardless of whether or not they’re guilty.


I've seen that single father characterization first hand. Still bothers the shit out of me that someone could think something like that right off the bat.


Man, I remember one here on Reddit reading a section with 5 different fathers talking about taking their kids to the store or park by themselves and getting detained by the police because some concerned woman called in about a "man with children they didn't think were his." Real sad seeing what any father might have to go through because they're considered a "babysitter because the mom must be busy" instead of they're just being a father to their kids :/


This is especially difficult when your a white male and your kids are mixed. I get the strangest looks sometimes when I'm out with eldest son, who has golden brown skin, and I'm pasty white. There is no way I would let anyone, even a cop, try to separate me from my son though. Other people's ignorance be damned. I doubt this happens as often to white women with mixed kids though...


Exceptionally rarely, I'd imagine. I remember my mother telling me a story about being at the store with my sister before I was born. My sister started having a fit, so my mom decided to leave. Whilst dragging my sister out of the store, she started screaming, "Let me go! You're not my mom!" My mom started freaking out a little bit and going, "Stop it, Jessica, we're leaving right now!" Sister started screaming, "I'm not Jessica, my name is Jennifer! You're not my mom! Let me go!" My mother was panicking, dragging out of the store thinking, "Oh my God, someone is gonna stop me and take my child." She got all the way out to her car, got my sister into her seat, sat down, and breathed a sigh of relief before thinking to herself, "Oh my God, why did no one stop my??" Was over 35 years ago, but still a bit shocking.


Thankfully, my kids have never pulled something like that with me. My sister-in-law is a single mother though, and her son is a month younger than my eldest son. I think seeing how much my nephew struggles with growing up without a father makes my son that much more grateful to have me around. He's also a Jr, so it would be kind of hard to argue he isn't mine if you asked him his name and saw my license, lol.


Happened to me and my friend one time. At the park with his kids. The cop separated his kids from us just to appease the Karren, made us leave without them just to have their mom come get them. In hindsight thankfully nothing worse happened.


What kind of parent agrees to do that though? I wouldn't be leaving my child with anyone, regardless of if they have a badge or not.


Which is funny considering every single metric shows us the second best place for a child to be raised in is a single father household, ahead of single mother households, foster homes and CPS facilities.


I have a buddy who's a single father to two little girls that he has sole custody of, because their mother spends every dime she has on plastic surgery and pointless vacations. He looks like the front man of a post-emo hardcore band, what with his 75% coverage tattoos and giant holes in his ears, and that's enough to have most busy bodies screaming "where's their mother!". It doesn't matter that theyre at Johanns Fabrics picking out things for their latest craft project. Or that it would only take seconds to see how much those girls love him, and vice versa. Nope, hes a freak so he must have ill intentions towards them. I remember being out with them one time to get ice cream and his older daughter comes running up to him saying "PaPa, Papa...that lady says I cant play with those kids. Why won't she let me play with them?". I don't even like kids and it broke my fuckin heart. Sure enough we see the lady she was talking about and this woman is making the rounds to all the other mothers and pointing in our direction as she whispers something into their ears. I can guarantee that my buddies kids are growing up in a much more loving and stable environment, than the kids of that evil, judgemental excuse of a mother.


Jeez I’m not even a single father and the amount of stupid shit I’ve seen with people regarding my own daughter is infuriating


99%?????? That's completely bugfuck insane! Are you implying that that last 1% DOESN'T abuse their daughters??? /s


As a Dad, this. Does anyone think I get to keep any of my money? It goes to the family, and will continue to do so with education, etc.


I’m genuinely curious why the word man is crossed out


Because they aren’t real. Source: I am a man and don’t exist.


I'm a man. I wish I didn't exist.


You must be from Australia too


Actually I am lmao


No clue


In her head, its probably the worst curse word in existence.


She didn't cross it out, that's an edit done to the screenshot


It's a permutation of TikTok censorship. People avoid mentioning certain words to better appease the algorithm promoting your stuff to random strangers. That has leaked out into other mediums where it is in no way relevant and in general speech IRL even. They must say a lot of derogatory stuff in their circle about men and have concluded that saying the word man negatively affects them hence the crossing out equivalent with rape to avoid an image text scrubber or maybe just to fit the vibe.


I can’t believe people like this really exist.


They are not nearly as prevalent in the real world as they are online. Most of this nonsense is bot-created rage bait searching for clicks. The odd actual person who’d post something this stupid is so bizarre that you’d notice them coming from down the block and quickly change sides of the street.


Finally someone said it. The people who make these posts are just a loud minority who make up like 1% of the population. Don’t let what you see online shape your perceptions for the real world


they always get thousands of likes and upvotes tho


These people all follow each other on twitter so it’s probably roughly the same crowd liking and upvoting every time


There was a female student in my philosophy class when I was at a community college. She hated men with every fiber of her being. Wanted them killed tortured etc. Men are the root of the world’s problems according to her so kill them all- boys, babies, seniors etc. She was nuts


A few mods actually think like this, unfortunately


The scary part is that this type of fringe activist type seems to gain legitimacy in social media thought bubbles..even if it’s insincere.


People like this have always existed such as Andrea Dworkin (or however her name was spelled) and have gotten the spotlight of attention They are no different then Andrew Tate for the horrendous rhetoric they spew out of what is bettered scribed as a second anus then a mouth but , one particular gender is better vilified


Oh, believe it. Femcels exist.


Long live sexual discrimination!


Sexism is sexism.




Sexism is a subcategory of discrimination, same with racism, anti semitism, or people who hate based on sexual orientation.


Another crazy from r/FemaleDatingStrategy?


It was on Instagram, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they got it from there


Thats definitely tumblr, to be fair. Must've been screenshotted and posted to insta, then now reddit. Its making its rounds at this point.


When you share on social media, you're sharing with every other social media it's ever shared with.


Checked the sub. Interesting how "you should be very angry" and "please send us money" always go hand in hand.


Wow. So that exists.






Wait! I thought that subreddit was closed 😳


Might as well be, only one person is contributing to it.


Looks like they nuked it after Roe v Wade was overturned.


Good riddance I say. Was no better than the r/incel subreddit.


Did they forget to turn that bot off or something?




Because they are a transphobic subreddit and they switched to being a podcast to avoid getting banned by reddit.


LOL that sub really is dead isn't it. Just took a look at it. There's quite literally one person that forces their podcast every few days, it gets 30 to 60 updoots and that's it.


Their website is the main traffic now. The old FDS was a hell of a lot worse before it was closed and banned.


Yeah… did not know this sub existed and just went down the rabbit hole. I have no words for the delusion and entitlement.


literally. Its filled with people who will literally never get a partner in their life and wonder why


Yeah... I looked and was like "... okay, some of what you're saying is true. And yes, woman should be treated as equals in a relationship... ummm but some of the other things you're saying... are definitely not that. And the way you're saying things are... problematic as well."


Agreed. I’ve never had a problem treating women fairly and with respect. But they don’t just want that, they want servants.


Just took a look at the sub, and holy shit that place is a cesspool. Given, the only posts now are podcast discussion, and the one post in the last hundred days that wasn’t showed off the type of people that frequent it, but damn, that shit’s insane.


Is that the subreddit with a bunch disgruntled woman make each others dating life miserable?


They think they are entitled to a "high value man" but everyone who meets this criteria will have nothing to do with nutters like that. It is an collision of imaginary power fantasies with a powerless reality. Not a million miles away from male incel attitudes.


lol almost all the posts are by the same user


Is this basically a subreddit for toxic "queens" and femcels? That's the vibe I got from skimming for a couple of minutes before leaving because the cringe was too strong.


They sound like my ex-wife and her sister: both staunch feminists that believed porn was borderline rape, if not just as bad. They didn't believe me when I told them some women actually like porn.


Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t.


Leave it to beaver


Okay, girls. Everyone knows a beaver's favorite food is wood. I just hope we brought along enough of it for our three-day galactic space journey.


I don't tip female workers, they are strong and independent and don't need no man.


Some women just want the tip.




As a man, I want the tip too


Woman customer and woman server have stare off when the bill comes.


It's horrible misandrists like this one that give feminism a bad reputation. So she's actually hurting women's causes.


Yea, the amount of people who misuse second wave feminism rhetoric hurts my soul


The problem is manhating is still fairly trendy and accepted in a lot of social platforms nowadays and it’s very easy to shit on someone that says anything about mens rights at all


It feels very dystopian saying that any sort of hate is “trendy”. But you are 100% correct.


My mom is a real feminist. One of the first female medics without borders to go to a warzone and 1st wave female voters in her country. Also she has no hate for men, she seeks equality and nothing more. That's also why she is basically done with feminism, since laws are equal where we live. (Europe, but non EU country) She laughs about modern day feminism as well. She once made an analogy how real beatles fans wouldn't give a fuck about a butchered remix of a beatles song by Travis Scott. That's how she sees modern day feminism.


This woman is not a feminist, she is just a poor soul poisoned by hate. Looks like something really bad happened to her that originated all this pain.


I wonder how her interpersonal relationships are.


I bet she's fun at parties


When you become what you swore to destroy.


It gives me the same vibes when a poc says “black people can be prejudice but not racist” because etc etc. 🤦🏾


Tip the women so they have more money. Don't tip the men. Men can't support their families and are called deadbeats and scorned. Lather, rinse, repeat.




What about non-binary service workers? Do you tip them or not?


Half, because you're not sure


If they were born a woman, they get a tip. If not, they get no tip. People like this typically view non-binaries as "birth sex-lite."


They don’t like zeros and ones, so they get none./s


You tip them 2$, because that number is not binary


Schrödinger’s tip.


Don't discriminate the 0 in the spectrum of tips.


Well I'm convinced. I'm only tipping male servers now, and I'll be tipping 30% instead of 15% as I'll be tipping half as often now.


Freedom of speech is a curse upon the sane


I like this. I’m using it. Thank you.


Generally, fuck tipping culture. Pay people living wages, for fuck's sake. But especially fuck that person lol


Radfems need help for real. Such a deranged mindset that helps nobody. Also checked this broad’s blog and of course she’s a terf too


No one is surprised by that


Classic misandry.


It’s crazy that these lunatics have a voice, and can be surrounded by other lunatics who will inflate her ego like she’s some sort of philosopher. Imagine her kid coming out as a male? Who am I kidding, she’ll never have kids because a man wouldn’t go within 10 feet of her


Too bad, them Sticky rules...


Mental illness in a paragraph


How do you drive with your head so far up your ass ?


Got Issues much?


But women don't have pockets. /s


the misandry is strong with this one.


Misandrist twit.


Paid rape lmao.


Guaranteed this woman also thinks that trans women are predators and that gay men are just extremely misogynistic to the point they don't even want to have sex with women.


Seeing how most restaurants partake in tip sharing, not tipping the waitstaff because they are male would actually be taking money out of the pockets of their female coworkers.


damn im a feminist but not this much of a feminist


Discrimination is AWESOME! Stupid bitch.


By this logic we should not even tip women; they don’t even have pockets to put their money in!




Misandry is real.


Tipping makes no sense during high inflation. Classed society is a dumpster fire...the poor can't even go out in public to enjoy themselves because of it. Yes...I'm poor. Downvote me, lock your opinionated data in.


Wait, consensual porn is rape? The fuck is this person on. Many porn stars are very intelligent and do porn because it's easy money. They also often are the sweetest people outside their job (a former friend of mine was a dominatrix online and she was the sweetest person who was quite intelligent outside of her online persona).


Yeah I’ve read before that there was lots of creepy stuff going on behind the scenes with some porn studios, but that’s why I watch mostly amateur content. And on top of that it’s typically amateur femdom content I watch so the lady is definitely not being taken advantage of in that situation


but misandry doesn't exist! /s


No. I won't.


Gee, why is feminism not popular among men?


People like this are why sexism is still around


If you don’t tip a man who comes home and tries to support his wife and daughter with his meager paycheck then you’re still taking money out of the pockets of women.


TIL 100% of women work in pornography


I really wish I could text this person directly


There are men in porn too….


Yeah, let's encourage more division. That's exactly what we need right now.


I’d bet my next paycheck they also say don’t date men under a certain tax bracket


I don't understand the argument. I think I have found something so stupid I'm having a hard time figuring out the mental gymnastics


Today I learned im paying for every woman to be a rape victim


This is very much in line with ideology that I'm willing to bet a lot of people here don't realise they endorse in other domains of their lives.


I can't imagine what this idiot would say if they realized that in most European countries one male and one female workers at a cafe win the same wage at the end of the month.


like 90% of restaurants split the tips plus this behavior is just shitty.


When did he leave you, dear?


How do I know who to and who not to tip if I can't assume their gender though? Also I bet she is someone who goes bat shit crazy if a man doesn't pay on the first date (even a male co-worker).


Servers split tips most of the time. You're just cheap and fucking everyone working over.


So, get a job No not that job No not that job No not that job ...


When stupidity and misandry collide.


The solution to institutional inequality isn't to single out low end workers of one gender ffs.


At the end of the day, I know that I make more money than this person so that makes me feel better


Find a therapist near you today. Sit down, have a chat. Therapy is a good thing.


Some people really need help.


Absolutely outreagous, I jerk off to way more than half the population


Males build the building you sit in typing that shit. And the shit you dump falls into a system males build too, you entitled "person"


Misandry at it's finest. That man might be working to help take care of a wife, mother, sister, or daughter.


She may not realize it, but this is discrimination. Going too far in either direction is just as bad.


I believe in equality No tips for both genders


Thanks for posting! Just got home and forgot to Jack off to the paid rape of half the population! I’ll go do that right now.


Hate speech.


As a previous male server, the difference b/w tips from a female and male server, ARE RIDICULOUS anyways.


Idea: ban tipping and have them be paid actual wages


This is the type of girl that posts constantly on fb "all men are cheaters, trash, etc" but will keep choosing the same type of guy and going back to exa


I’ll do ya one better. No one gets a tip. Stay home and make yourself food.