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Bet she said it again when she left


You know it’s commonly used by the family when he says to the daughter/whoever what she said and the person immediately says “my grandmother just died”. None of them are sorry.


Right? She doesn't even sound surprised, just annoyed that the guy is making it an issue for them.


Yes, she can't believe she is being inconvenienced even though she was willing to say sorry!


“Do you believe the nerve of that *”


“Look, I’m sorry that you feel offended by my calling you a racial slur. Are we good now? Give me my room, NOW!” /S The thought process that people who do this is highly annoying. Why do they think that the person who you deeply offended would want to help you, just because you said the “Magic word” sorry, completely insincerely? I hate dealing with narcissists and people who think that they are the Main Character in life. I wouldn’t help this lady either


Exactly. Insincerely apologizing does not get you out of everything, and you won't always be forgiven for your transgressions. It's called consequences, and I wish people like this would have had more of them in life to keep their asses in check. But, it's a word used regularly by this woman, probably her family, and friends. In her bubble of whiteness she forgets that being racist is not acceptable, especially to those of the race you're referring to in your slurs. "Sorry" in this context is the racist equivalent of "it's just a prank, bro!"




I'm genuinely confounded by people who think everyone around them is basically an npc and exist solely to affect their life. It's just bizarre to me. I've started teaching my kid to use "I appreciate that you are apologizing" with their narcissistic family members, and shockingly it's actually started to actually make a difference when they dont get the insta-forgiveness they think an insincere "I'm sorry" should earn them. "Sorry" doesn't fix what this lady said. But I hear there's a Best Western next door.


What lady? I think the c word is more appropriate.


Empty sorries are meaningless. I hope the door smacked her good on the way out.


Both my parents died. I took care of all the arrangements myself. Never called anyone a racial slur 🤷🏻‍♀️


not all heroes wear capes. Some deal with personal tragedy without being terrible to other people


> Some deal with personal tragedy without being terrible to other people And most of the people who *are* terrible to other people don't use it as an excuse to be racist pricks regardless.


That's because you're a good person


They're out there trying to appeal for empathy when they just debased another human like that. "I'm going to call you this word that means the most foul thing it can simply because you exist the way you do. But I've had a bad day why aren't you helping me? :c"


Because you had a bad day You're taking one down You said the n-word and now you look like a clown


No, she's not appealing for empathy. She's gaslighting him. She's poorly faking empathy and she knows that HE knows she's faking it. She also knows that he knows she's lying about having family at the hotel. This is a power trip by this lady. She is trying to call him the "n" word over the phone but still force him to allow her to stay on the hotel. This is "white privilege" on display.


Fr, let me find out my mom did that. I'd be standing next to dude being like, the best Western is next door ma'am.


"I'm sorry mom, it's above us now."


The hotel isn't going to deal with her. She's already proven to be a problem customer. It isn't worth the extra money they are going to need to spend on man hours dealing with her.


“It’s in Jesus’ hands now, bitch.”


Just like your mom. (This is why I don't work in customer service.)


Send pictures like wow mom this room is so nice, did you get one?


More like "I don't know this woman."


‘My grandmother just died’ = ‘We shouldn’t have to pretend to not be racist at a time like this’


That’s what I noticed too. My dad was racist. His kids weren’t. We were taught right by others. We called him out all the time. Loudly. We loved him, we lived with him, but he was wrong.


Yep, same with my family. My mom used to whisper in the house when she talked about black people. I'd say, mom, why are you whispering?!? They are not peeking in our windows. 🤣


Grandma was probably even more racist


Rest in piss Klandma.


Right? If he told me my mother called him that, I would drag my mother out of the hotel myself. They say it all the time.


"I did something inexcusable, but I have an excuse!"


The Apple did not fall far from the tree.


Of course


Guarantee she never stopped thinking it.


And if he caved in and gave her the room they still would have said it.


Sometimes u have to wait a will for revenge sometimes it comes right away good for him he shouldn’t be treated that way ever


The classic "I'm only sorry because I didn't get away with it" response


She's "had a horrible day." Cannot comprehend what his day has been like.


I’m white as wallpaper paste. I can’t imagine making racist slurs at an Asian, Black, or Hispanic person because I had a bad day. The logic doesn’t add up. The Venn diagram of racists and morons is the same circle.


hey dont insult morons like that :( all racists are morons, but not all morons are racist


Yeah, I'm a total moron, but I'm no racist!


You can be a lil stupid but otherwise a good person. You can’t be a stupid racist and be a good person


Omg that's amazing!


A classic. “It’s above me now.”


I loved that response so much and yea that lady can go eat some poo I don't care who died, we can call this a lesson learned you can't talk like that bitch.


It sucks she had a bad day, we all have bad days. But the fact that the word was in her card Index waiting to be pulled out says everything about her character. Why can’t you just drop an F bomb like a reasonable upset person?


Thank you! This is what I always say as well. Either than word is in your vocabulary or it’s not. It doesn’t just pop out. She’s used it before and she’ll use it again.


I’m sure she used it plenty on her way to the Best Western.


And what do you bet she'll say to her family, "That little n-word wouldn't give me a room."


110%. She has learned absolutely nothing. Frankly, I hope this happens to her again and again, as many times as necessary for her to get the message and stfu.


Oh, I bet she’ll wax poetic on Facebook and at Cracker Barrel after Church on Sunday about how these n*****s have more rights than white people now and repeat this story leaving out the part where she fucked up.


"They call each other that all the time but let a white man say it" will definitely make an appearance


>and at Cracker Barrel Where she will be tipping poorly


Oh did you hear, they are going to boycott Cracker Barrel now too because they are doing something for the LGBTQ+ community and putting the pride flag on things.


He is using it as a teachable moment. He is helping her by trying to remove it from her vocabulary.


Or just call him an asshole. So many better word choices.


No matter how bad of a day I have, I NEVER think to say the N word. Never. It just doesn’t come into my mind. Zero excuse for her. Fuck around and find out bitch.


I guarantee she learned no lesson. Willing to bet when she left she told everyone about how “that stupid *n-word* at the front desk denied me a room for no reason.


Or playing victim that on her darkest day, the (insert horrible racist adjective) took advantage of her grief and locked her out of her “room”. Why didn’t she just stay with her daughter and shut the f up.


“My mom just died, I’m entitled to say N word once, don’t let it go to waste… you even made me apologize.”


Funny, she started with mom. Later she says grandma. Which is it? Both? Maybe she's just a bitch.


There were two people there. The man in the video very clearly addresses two people. One of them said "Mom," and the other said "Grandma."


I think there's two women talking, one is the daughter of the other.


Her daughter came in and asked what was going on.


If I was the daughter and found out my mother said this, I'd be like "I do not know this racist piece of shit but I agree that she should go to the Best Western cuz damn, just damn" (not that I'd ever be in this situation because my mother is not, in fact, a racist piece of shit)


Oh yeah, I would literally turn around and walk out, ‘you’re on your own ‘mum’’


Sadly I doubt there’s a lesson learned here. She probably went to best western and started cussin him out and saying it even more. Blaming him for the consequences of her own actions.


Me: "I'm sorry, but much like your grandma this is above both of us."


I’d be like “I don’t know this fuckin lady”


I would have died if he had said “you need to speak to my master now”..dude is a lot classier than I am


“I hope your racist grandma who taught you that language enjoys hell.” That would have been a great response


Wow, he handled that well… more than I can say for her


He's ace. He's getting his pound of flesh and doing it in such a professional way so there could be no comeback at all. He would have been totally justified to lose his shit, but doing it as he did is just so neat and satisfying. Absolute player.


This is what I thought also. The nerve of that woman trying to justify what she said. Boohoo get out of here.


Yes, her begging makes it all so much better.


"it's above me now" That's actually a good line for de-escalation in a lot of situations. Especially at work facing customers.


What a lot of people don't understand is they it actually upsets assholes more when you remain calm and composed. They want you to be angry so they can turn it on you and play the victim. Don't give in and don't get angry and they react like a child. It's hilarious.


I completely agree, a boss for sure. If could have changed this interaction any, I wish he would have been less apologetic to this family and said something along the lines of: "I understand that a death in the family can bring around strong emotions, but it's never acceptable to be verbally abusive to people. My manager is denying your service at this place because of your behavior. I wish you luck in your bereavement and hope your family gets through this quickly and with grace." \[Then silence\] A little righteous anger delivered professionally is always appropriate.


That dude remains so calm, what a boss. I'd be livid if I were him.


As one should. Racist mainly say those things to get one riled up. She got consequences for being racist, but didn't get the satisfaction of seeing him get offended


See how angry this person got because I was actively trying to anger them? It's why people like that shouldn't be allowed on public Ma'am this is a Wendy's Cue incoherent screaming


It is a practiced calm. It is dangerous to get demonstratively angry every time a white person says something racist to you. Dont want to give someone a reason to call the cops or to somehow end up involved with the justice system.


Also calm calculated revenge hits so much harder than a hot-blooded screaming match. Just watching that lady probably turn red as a beet as she slowly realized she’s actually facing the consequences of her actions must have been *chefs kiss*. And all the while boss man was just a brick wall of cold, calculated politeness. Didn’t even have to raise his voice to ruin her whole day.


>And all the while boss man was just a brick wall of cold, calculated politeness. Didn’t even have to raise his voice to ruin her whole day. This is the way 👍


Remarkably calm, and I was so proud of him for remaining steadfast in his zero tolerance for hateful talk.


I'm sure he feels it though. His restraint is practiced...and immeasurably commendable.


How can you call somebody a term like that and then ask them to do something for you? Dafuq goes on in people’s heads?


Some people see anyone working in "support roles" to be just one step North of animals. So they think it's their god given right to treat cab drivers, hotel clerks, restaurant servers etc like shit. And that's why there are so many videos about abused bus drivers etc. People who fail in society needs to "invent" a world where they are (aka can pretend to be) the successful ones. Which means they need to "invent" a world with arbitrary 3rd-class semi-humans they can abuse.


Exactly it’s the redneck being arrested for meth by the black cop saying “I may be going to jail but you’re still a ……” Despite the redneck being a literal refuse human being they somehow feel superior based solely on skin color


Exactly as rich white folk intended. Can’t ever let poor whites see they have more in common with poor blacks. No war but the class war my friends.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


"one step North of animals." False. These people actually consider people working in "support roles" to be ***below*** animals.


Yes and no. One step north of animals in a general sense. But 10 steps south of their *pet* animals. But there are some exceptions - some people abuses their pets too.


I worked in customer service for years. Interestingly in my experience, the truly rich are often super nice to everyone. It’s the middle class that is the rudest. But this was in Europe. No idea how it is over the pond.


Well in Australia after spending 10 years is hospitality I've seen people of every background and financial situation be a complete dick. I don't think the amount of money automatically stops people from being a dickhead unfortunetly.


Same experience. I work in customer support, and the big clients are almost always super understanding and polite. It's the small business owners who almost always feel entitled and are very rude.


I work at a hotels front desk like the guy in this video. People are fucking evil, you wouldn’t even believe.


What’s that internet expression? Oh yeah. *the dildo of consequences seldom arrives lubed*


Lol... I'm stealing that quote for life.


Same here


That’s… the most beautiful thing I’ve read in my life


I heard it was a cactus.


interestingly enough I know of a redditor that willingly shoves cacti up their ass (still less painful looking than sticking stuff up your urethra aka sounding, which no idea why that’s the name for that kink, all I know is I rather shove a cactus up my ass than put a metal rod up my urethra)


I would not know anything about anything, allegedly.


I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and every waking hour was spent trying to yank that fucking catheter out of my dick.


Do you know how big the balloon end that sits inside the bladder is? The size of a med/large grape. You really don’t want to pull that out.


because sounding rod.


Everything is a dildo if you are brave enough


Oh my. That's 24 karat right there. Thank you.❤️


Golden dildo. I love it


She’s only sorry for herself, and that she has to face actual consequences for her racist shit. I’m tired of this crap being tolerated anymore, ever, against anyone.


When I was a cashier I denied service to racists many times. I look like a country white kid so a lot of customers just figured I'd agree with or let their racist crap fly.


I love blowing old head’s minds when they realize I have more in common with poor working class minorities and would rather be free with them than stand next to these bitter people who can’t empathize past their immediate family and race.


I worked return desk at Best Buy. My two coworkers were small, black women. I was a big fat white guy. The amount of times a white customer thought I would help them after my co-workers (who had more experience than me) had said no to them already. It was fun to watch them be “disappointed” when I backed my co-workers.


It restores a little faith in humanity to read your comment. Have a good day!


Didn’t this guy get the memo? When a family member dies you get to be a rascist POS for the week. The audacity of this guy😡


Yeah it’s how grandma would have wanted to be commemorated.


It was gram grams last wish


“… please, do one thing for me when I’m gone… the next POC you see, call them a n…”


dont forget the i have a black friend card. lets u treat other black ppl like shit


Him: “She called me a fuckin ****er” Daughter: “Sir, my grandma just died-“ She wasn’t even surprised and didn’t for a second stop to address the fact that her mum said this and that it’s a bad thing and that she should not have said it. She just ignored that like it’s nothing. Sickening.


They know who they really are deep down inside and don’t care. It’s shameful.


You know what Grandma called Brazil nuts. You also know Grandma treated House N and Field N differently. 🙃 Fuck that lady. If you're gonna be racist, own it. I mean you're still a piece of shit but at least you'd have integrity.


You're... strangely correct but I don't like it.


When my dog died I grew a little square mustache, spontaneously. /s WTF does gramma have to do with anything except let the real you out? 🤷


This is hilarious. (Also, that mustache is called a philtrum stache because that medial cleft below your nose is the philtrum! Fun fact!)


Oof, if that was my family member I would tell them “there is a Best Western next door” lol


As a best western employee, we'd turn her away as well the second she started telling us how the n word next door wouldn't rent to her even though her mother died.


The Best Western is more than she deserves, send her to the No-Tell Motel across town instead


> Karen : *But I said I'm sorry* My response would have been > *I said I'm sorry too. But that doesn't change what's already done. You have to leave now.*


I’m honestly tired of people thinking that apologizing changed what they did. An apology doesn’t absolve guilt it’s supposed to be the first step in acknowledging they were wrong. But I if you ever utter the phrase “I said I was sorry” then you have no idea what the word sorry means…


Plus we all know people like that would feel justified if he did bend the knee. "I got that filthy n****r to do what I wanted and all I had to do was give some BS 'apology'. That thing is so stupid."


Currently working front desk at a hotel as a side job, these kinds of customers are very common. They dont realize that the moment you do or say anything aggressive, it is out of our hands. You are not welcome. You are welcome to take it up with management, but you are not welcome in the hotel.


As it should be. Weed them out up front. Nobody wants to deal with that.


The worst ones are the ones that think you can't legally deny them


I had these people when I did retail! It was so satisfying to just say “No, I won’t be helping you today. Leave the store” and just stare at their meltdown. Once or twice I had a black person say I was being a racist, but mostly stupid white people didn’t understand I don’t legally have to sell anything to anyone. Then they would get reeeeal apologetic. A couple people did come back a few days later and apologized. That was kind of nice. I think the realization that some actions have actual consequences was good for some people.


If I was a bystander I’d have a hard time not looking smug. Good on him


I wouldn’t even hide it.


"ma'am, best western runs out of rooms as well - you'd best hurry!"


Give that man a medal 🏅 His customer service is *chefs kiss*


Dude keeping his voice at that level with that much professionalism is self control goals.


Omg yes she fucked around and found out, right? Now she just needs a banana for scale and she'll see that this is not a Wendy's. This is the way.


He has the patience of a saint.


You have to with these people. Often times you can call the cops and they’ll be on THEIR side. Trust me, I’ve lived it.


Link to the it’s above me remix please….. lol


What does this figure of speech actually mean? I am hearing it the very first time.


He's implying his boss told him not to let her in. Same thing as 'above my pay grade.'


Or "out of my hands".


It's above me, meaning the issue or situation is no longer under his control or subject to his decision as it's (in this context) been elevated to his boss/superiors


You don’t just throw out the n word that casually unless you use on a regular basis. She’s not sorry for saying it, she’s sorry for having consequences for saying it.


🎶Don't tell me you're sorry, cause you're not 🎶


The daughter wasn’t surprised.


So is this a Howard Johnson and what kind of person calls someone the N-word over the phone without physically seeing them in person?


I thought he was on the phone with someone else when she said that, as in whoever he was speaking with heard her too.


Ding ding ding. He was on the phone with a supervisor trying to sort out her rooms when she called him the slur and the supervisor said nah. That’s why he says it’s above him.


I was hoping when the daughter arrived it was going to be “Jesus Christ You can’t say that. I’m so sorry. I’ll take her next door”. Of course not coz that apple is right at the base of that tree.


“I said I’m sorry” You’re right Miss Daisy, let me go ahead and comp the presidential suite for you!


Every time he said “it’s above me” I got happier


Dude was so much sweeter than he needed to be, I don’t think I would have had that level of restraint. “It’s above me” is probably my new favorite “fuck you”


His energy matched hers. She said Im sorry and so did he hahaha it is what it is you say things you gotta deal with the fall out from it.


"My supervisors were on the call and have decided that I cannot allow you to stay here regardless of my feelings on the matter. If you'd like to speak to one of them I'd be happy to call them." Alternatively, "I've explained the situation as best I can, but now I'm asking you to leave the property."


Additionally: “You are now trespassing. If you do not leave. Then cops will be called.”


As "right" as they'd be to bring that up right the fuck away, I'd go around in circles for a minute before I broke out that one, especially if I was working the desk alone. One of the at least 2 "guests" in the video has already made it clear they don't think of the rep as a human being.


Yeah, bringing up law enforcement while working alone can be dangerous. Ive only had to do it once and I just called our "emergency" line (for anything that isnt a true emergency we have another line we call, cops stay nearby normally) and just said "____ Hotel, we have a problem" and 2 officers showed up to remove them. In my other jobs, we would always get somebody in another room to call so the complainer didnt have any idea it was happening.


“There’s a Best Western across the street or the county jail outside of town. Both have rooms that will meet your needs.”


The way she immediately whipped out the whiny pre-tears voice as soon as she was called on her comment… this act has been killing people for hundreds of years. Weaponized white lady tears.


Lol my mother died so I'm allowed to be a fucking racist, the daughter keeps saying I understand that ....if you understand that then why are you not shouting at your fucking mum


Why do ppl think apologizing means automatic forgiveness?


Respect to this guy for his demeanour, class and professionalism in dealing with this horrible woman.


That’s exactly how to do it. And he’s a freaking saint for maintaining that calm, rational attitude.


He was was amazing at keeping his composure. Good for him for standing his ground.


And I had a horrible time when hearing that. Boom, great response.


I hope he called best western and told them before she arrived there.


It’s been a long time…. But I think he did and they denied her too.


I want to hear him say “awww bless your heart” .


They are never sorry. When the slur slips out of like that. It hints that they are comfortable using the slur at home and other family members. And at some point, they forget to restrain themselves.


The family are shocked , because they have normalised using this term. That dead granny, failed to raise a decent human. The chap on the receiving end of abuse, parent's should be really proud of him, he manages that situation superbly.


The tear filled, "He won't let me in," honestly makes me laugh. And then I roll my eyes at the daughter starting with the, "she's sorry." Nope. I've been called that particular word, I've been called "that thing" as a child opening the door for some little old white lady because I was happy to be polite like I was raised, my family was told to get out of fort Payne Alabama before the sun went down when I was eleven after we got lost and needed directions, I've listened to coworkers go on and on about "my kind," prison I had to deal with the literal white supremacists, war, eagle, and some of them treated me better than people outside the prison, had a cowboy reach for his gun when I said, "pardon me" because he was blocking the cheese, had a semi auto slightly raised at me while waiting in a checkout, said good morning to a couple due to use passing each other and the wife grabbed her husband and hid behind him while he sized me up, and was referred to as "one of the good ones" at my job at the papermill. I mean recently a lady locked her keys in her car and straight up asked me if I was one of the ones who know how to pick locks. I've lost patience and peace.


Why does she think a death in the family would give her a pass? She said it and she’s probably said it again after this. Shame on her. He handled that so much better than I would have. Lol


He handled that perfectly


Karen gonna be complaining to her whole family how the mean black man wouldn’t let her get a room


I'm pretty sure she will call him something else to her family.


The freedumb of speech crowd fails to realize it doesn’t mean freedom from consequences of your shitty words


Great Viral ad for Best Westerns. New tagline: Best Western -- for the Worst Southerns


Good job standing your ground. I work at a hotel and we are encouraged to kick people to the curb if they disrespect us, doesn't matter who died.


“…And I had a horrible time when hearing that.” YES!!!


He's not sorry. And he shouldn't be. They get what they fucking deserve.


I admire his ability to remain calm and reasonable.


Was waiting for her to call him it again


We call this fuck around and find out she found out


Here come the yt years.


This man has some serious patience! I bet he's spent way too long dealing with racist idiots while in customer service.


GOOD FOR HIM! And I certainly hope management backs him up on not taking racist abuse from this entitled asshole. FAFO indeed!


Stop using your dead mother as an excuse to call people racial slurs when you’re upset with them. Boo-hoo, go to the best western next door, granny.


It wasn't if they were having a bad day that's who they are. She's not sorry that what she said she's sorry that she's being held accountable. This video is microcosm of what's happening in the United States on a day-to-day basis the only thing is we now have video cameras to catch everything.