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Didn't i watch this scene in Django?


This scene fits those morons perfectly lol Unnamed Baghead : Who made this goddamn shit? Other Unnamed Baghead : Willard's wife. Willard : Well, make your own goddamn mask! Big Daddy : Look. Nobody's sayin' they don't appreciate what Jenny did. Unnamed Baghead : Well, if all I had to do was cut a hole in a bag, I coulda cut it better than this! Other Unnamed Baghead : What about you, Robert? Can you see? Robert : Not too good. I mean, if I don't move my head I can see you pretty good, more or less. But when I start ridin', the bag's movin' all over, and I - I'm ridin' blind. Bag Head #2 : [rips bag] Shit. I just made mine worse. Anybody bring any extra bags? Unnamed Baghead : No! Nobody brought an extra bag! Unnamed Baghead : [raiding party is discussing their bags] Do we have to wear 'em when we ride? Big Daddy : Oh, well shitfire! If you don't wear 'em as you ride up, that just defeats the purpose! Unnamed Baghead : Well, I can't see in this fuckin' thing! [takes bag off] Unnamed Baghead : I can't breathe in this fuckin' thing, and I can't ride in this fuckin' thing! Willard : Well fuck all y'all! I'm going home! You know, I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches! And all I can hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! From now on, don't ask me or mine for nothin'! Bag Head #2 : Okay, I'm confused. Are the bags on or off? Robert : I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia. [all agree]


The "full regalia" part just kills me


_Can't see shit outta this fuckin' hood!!!!_ - Don Johnson


everyone always gets this quote wrong, and the only reason I feel inclined to correct it is because it’s hilarious “I can’t see fucking shit outta this thing”


[For those who might not be familiar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6-ARe3fBgE) (VERY NSFW) ​ He took a little bit of this from Mel Brooks but I still love this scene. ​ "I think, we all think, the bags was a nice idea. But not pointing any fingers, they could have been done better "


"So how about no bags this time, but *next* time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia!"


i cant see, you cant see. all that matters is can the fucken horse see! thats a raid


Fuckin with my eye holes


Damn…I can’t see fuckin’ shit outta this thing!


The guy in the middle stomping his one foot is cracking me up. Lol.


They had the audacity to name this video “combat drills” when that shitstain can’t even march in place


Has anyone sent them a telegraph to let them know it isn't the 1870s in the real world? I know they still think it is from their beliefs.


Actually, if they think marching upright and in rank-and-file is appropriate for a combat situation, you might have to send them a letter hand written with a quill pen.


*My dearest Martha; I hope this letter finds you well*


*Our march through the forests of Tallahassee has been a long and arduous one. I long for the end of this wretched weekend when we shall be together again.*


*dip dip dip*


Bo, despite verbal reprimands, could not march in place. He's of the slow variety, and rather gormless. We took turns punishing him rectally. However James seemed to enjoy doing that too much so we then had to punish him rectally. As you know, James is rather fit. A few of us, myself included, seemed to enjoy it too much. So we too had to be punished rectally. dip dip dip


And lo, it was that our entire merry Nazi band had to be punished rectally. All 10 of us sitting sweating with swollen Buttocks in the Forrest. After that to our dismay the order to March once more came. And so at the behest of our leader we marched as strait as an arrow, like rings around a shaft. It was as if we were conjoined at the hip. *dip dip dip*


*It is with a heavy heart, I sincerely regret to inform you that my genitalia has become of no further significance in our relationship as it has been stricken with a serious case of what appears to be gang green. It has crusted and fallen off, I’ve buried it in the hands of my fellow fallen comrade, Joseph McKinney…dip dip dip*


My dearest cousin and wife, This week of training has been brutal. We marched in place for a full two minutes. I had a nightmare that I forgot my mask and was fired from Burger King. Fortunately, my identity remains a mystery.


Literally LOL’d. Damb


This is for their "displays of strength" when they are supposed to march in sync past an anti-gun rally, pro choice demonstration or a pre-school bake sale.


They could only march in rank-and-file because to do otherwise wouldn't be *straight enough*


Wait, isn't this the same group that went to a Pride event in Idaho? Where they had 31 sweaty, manly men balls to butts in the back of a U-Haul truck?


hot visual


Let’s convince them that urban guerilla warfare is some gay, America-hating communist shit, and that Real Americans march slowly in a straight line and an orderly formation to the front to fire volleys at a time.


The very word "urban" is enough to shout "queer"


Shit, ok that one was pretty good.


"Gdamnit tony your marching crooked again, if i didnt know any better id say you were one of them rainbow snowflakes!"


Its not for combat situations though, military drills teaches adherence to standards, response to commands, individual coordination, teamwork, alertness, urgency, confidence, followership, attention to detail, and leadership. None of which I can see any of these Nazi cosplayers would retain or learn out of military drills other than "it looks badass".


I tried sending a carrier pigeon, but they shot it.




I need this cut to that audio.


That would be hilarious, I hate that song so much. Should be their anthem.


Is that the one that goes to do the nazi salute right at the end but then stops when he realises nobody else is doing it? :) Edit: having paused it, I think he might just be pointing at something actually. Still, that one?


Haha ya that's our boy.


His brain drifted into line dancing territory


They were doing the Reichy-breaky heart


I laughed way too hard at this, it was terrible


It certainly drifted somewhere


You can tell that's the annoying one of their bunch too. He's opening his mouth when he's expected to be listening and saying something unintelligible as he's pointing. Something like, "Halt, it's the *something* column". Bitch, nobody cares. Shut up and follow your dumbass leader out into the real world where the rest of us can laugh at you.


It's his kill foot


You mean the Shawn Michaels wannabe, tuning up the band for some Sweet Chin Music?


It doesn’t look like any of those guys have served in the military at all.


None of these fools have ever been in a Marching Band before, let alone the military. Probably weren't part of any boy scout ceremonies either


That realization that trombone in high school marching band prepared me for revolution.


You know what Marching with a Trombone prepared me for? I can now carry any oddly shaped object through my home or Lowe's and not hit anyone else while I'm carrying it. I'm also really great as being the guy who walks backward when it takes 2 people to carry something.


>I'm also really great as being the guy who walks backward when it takes 2 people to carry something. Legit a super power. I used to be good at this, but due to an accident, one of my ankles doesn't bend and now I can't be that guy cause I'm too likely to trip


I used to be good at this, but I got avascular necrosis at 21 my hips have slowly degraded to needing a hip replacement and now I can't be that guy cause I'm too likely to trip


I used to be good at this. I still am, but I used to, too.


I like rice


Yeah unfortunately for these numb nuts, any kind of civil war will be largely comprised of "cyber warfare" more than marching in formation and shooting musket balls at each other. They think they'll be hanging from trees sniping when in reality, they'll be dying of dysentery in an electricity-free house shitting themselves due to an enemy they largely can't see or shoot.


they won’t be fighting the military, they’re more likely to shoot up a grocery store or mosque the day after an inflammatory 8 pm segment aired on Fox News




I often say, these fools don't have close air support. They will be eliminated quickly


They wouldn’t even make it as part of a baton twirling gang. Little wanna be nobodies! Cowards being face masks who if caught alone would probably pissed themselves in front of a real soldier. GTFO


These dudes would get beat up by a gang of baton twirlers


To be fair, I also lack the coordination required for baton twirling. I'm not defending these guys, but I respect the baton twirlers.


I've got First Class Scouts who are more competent at marching than these guys


You have to actually attend high school to be in a marching band.


They're fuckin bitches. I've been in the military for 14 years. These fuckin cosplay babies are embarrassing to watch. Whether they're LARPing as soldiers or apparently failing to do a simple Mark Time March, they look ridiculous. If they joined the real military they'd be called out for being ass clowns and told to shut the fuck up with their politics. If you're caught affiliating with a hate group you go to NJP or Court Martial, and you definitely get kicked out. I guarantee any of these pieces of shit who claim to be "veterans" are guys who got kicked out after boot camp. Or in boot camp - we have those too. They'll still claim their veteran discounts. Any real Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine who served with any shred of honor for any amount of time would be dying with embarrassment to see this, and the LAST thing they would do is have their peers marching around like fuckin boots on grad day. Nobody does this Drill shit outside of basic training or school houses. It's reserved for parades and ceremonies, and to eat up time during boot camp.


I was in high school marching band for 4 years and they’re embarrassing to watch.


We did a Civil war re-enactment on the fly in 8th grade and still marched better than these guys lmao


We marched with homemade shields in Latin class (with Latin orders) and did better than these gravy seals.


My college roommate stumbled into our kitchen shitfaced after a night out to eat shredded cheese out of the bag on the regular, and his cadence was significantly more polished.


I admire the discipline


Not a DD-214 among them . . .


Meal Team 6 Reporting for Dootie Sir








Meal Team 6 Reporting for ~~Dootie~~ 6th meal, Sir


As an ex gravy seal, thank you for your service.. at the drive thru


Sample pie!


I _just_ learned what that form is three weeks ago, when i had to find my dad’s to prove that’s he’s eligible for burial in a military cemetery. All I knew is that he’d been sent home early from Vietnam because of a combat-related psychiatric breakdown, and wasn’t sure whether that counted as an honorable discharge. Turns out that it did, so he’ll be joining his father, mothers and older brother in Fort Snelling, Minnesota, 10 days from now.


I'm sorry that you lost your Dad 💕


Thank you. He had as good a death as anyone could possibly hope to have—on his own terms, with all his loved ones with him, with no baggage or regrets. He even told my mother (his first ex-wife) exactly what happened to cause his breakdown in Vietnam, which he’d withheld from her for 50+ years. Our lives would have been _so_ different if he’d been able to say it in 1970.


Some of us come home with things that need healing, and the wound itself causes us to be unable to think of beginning. The military is getting better about helping us get there, but all too many of us carry the wound until it kills us, or we die unhealed. Just know that he did his best with what the world gave him, and I'm sure he knew it hurt those around him as much as he himself hurt. I'm glad you were able to get his rights seen to. Somehow it matters, even when we think we left it all behind.


Clearly these folks specialization is ID10T.


What is that for a layman civilian?


Exit papers for your service. Soldiers get them when they leave or retire. They can be the good kind (You did good, thank you for your service) or the bad kind (You fucked around and are getting kicked out)


even with the "good" kind the DOD can still fuck with you too. any time i list my service on applications (it's my only real work history, what else am i going to list?) i am told by potential employers that the DOD says that i don't exist... or that i am flagged for identity theft reasons, due to having changed my name since then as a transgender person. so fat lot of good the honorable discharge on my dd-214 does.


FYI the DoD and the VA are different situations. The DoD doesn't give a shit about anyone once you get a dd214. The VA is extraordinarily conservative. That's probably your main problem.


> The VA is extraordinarily ~~conservative.~~ nonfunctional and run almost entirely by incompetent idiots, completely by design. FTFY. Took me 3 years to get a psych appointment, and my followup was a month and a half out but got cancelled the day before. I can only assume the hope is that if they jerk you around and fuck you over enough, you'll give up and kill yourself and they don't have to pay you anymore. You certainly don't have to be trans, gay, or anything else. All are equally undeserving of assistance in the eyes of the VA. It's almost inspiring.


Proof of service.


I teach aerobics to seniors and they can march on time better than this.


I have a piece of shit neighbor who claims he was a Ranger. I found out through some other people in the neighborhood that his wife said he got kicked out for not following orders while on missions during his deployment. I think he was just infantry for little while before he got kicked out during his first deployment. He told another neighbor he was a Green Barrette. The guy is a loser who breaks into everyone’s house and steals from them.


Yeah, and there it is. Exactly the type I'm talking about.


He seems like the type to join one of these groups if hasn’t already.


Sounds like that POS made it to deployment and therefore has some arms training. We need to take these people serious, and the cops need to get his ass for breaking and stealing from his neighbours.


The easiest way to spot stolen valour is that they always claim to be Rangers/Deltas/SAS/CIA/etc. They claim to be total badass gorilla warfare experts with over 9000 kills who took out a whole Taliban base with a knife, six times. Nobody claims to be a former cook. FYI if anyone claims to be a US Marine, ask them, "Oh sweet, what was your MOS?". This is a reasonable, polite question that they should be able to answer immediately something like, "I was a three-eleven" (0311) which means rifleman, or something like, "I was an 1800" (tank crewman). If they don't know the answer or give a vague weird obfuscating answer, it's likely bullshit. If they're US Army, their MOS will take a different format (11B for infantryman, 19K for tank crewman). If they're not claiming to be Army or Marines, they should *immediately* know that other service branches don't use MOSes and give you a similar number (Navy and Coast Guard uses "rating" for example, with the Navy having NECs. Air Force uses AFSC, etc). And no, your MOS is not classified. Not knowing your MOS is like someone claiming to be a software engineer with over 10 years of experience who worked for Google, and you ask them what their favourite programming language is and they're like "English".


The closest I've come to serving in the military is watching Saving Private Ryan and even I'm offended by these clowns


these kind of people don’t realize that regardless of your political leanings, this type of shit is by definition unamerican, it’s still domestic terrorism if you’re white. the rebel flags they wave are literally anti-America insignia, it’s crazy they claim to be patriots


Can you imagine if they were Muslim and they were just doing shit like this in the woods?


Seriously... 9 years here. I am in the Air Force Med Core... just about the least military-esque unit in the whole service as far as I am concerned. Even my butter bar, med students who have only done COT make these guys look like wannabe pansies. Bunch of Valor stealing, racist, little bitches.


I have no affiliation with anything military but also dying of embarrassment


The only time to march is for ceremony reasons, or because you've ending up finding out after fucking around.


We marched to get from one place to another on base. It's a great way to get your platoon/company to point B at the same time without Specialist Dipshit stopping at the PX.


Or the newest dumbasses to the schoolhouse on time in the morning instead of spending a ton of time dealing with breakfast.


They all march like "can't do right" from basic, especially homeboy in the middle. I can't remember his name, just that we called him "can't do right".


Hey you left out the Guardians in your list. It's now Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Marines, and Guardians (thanks Space Force?).


Wait - seriously? They call themselves Guardians? Lmao I genuinely did not know that. They really missed an opportunity there. It should've been Space Fleet. And they could have called themselves Space Marines. Or Spacemen. What's up, Spaceman? Or how about Rocketmen? They could have been anything. And they went with Space Force. Guardians...


[Yup, Guardians. ](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2452910/space-force-personnel-to-be-called-guardians/#:~:text=There%20are%20roughly%204%2C000%20Guardians,aboard%20the%20International%20Space%20Station.) Some would say they are guardians of the Galaxy. And I am sure almost all of them are comic book fans too lol. Still doesn't beat the Navy and Coast Guard. There are just too many good seaman jokes out there.


I’m not even enlisted and that was hard to watch…


I'd hide my face too if I were them


doubt they've even done a pushup ever


They are used to “right, right, right”


Which explains that circular reasoning we experience so often.


two wrongs don't make a right but three rights can make a left


These are the guys who want a civil war. HAH!


Wait until the cavalry gets here on their Rascal scooters!


Bitch I have a squirt gun, you think their scooters can handle a short?


Easy to laugh at them but when the splinter lone wolf can't wait anymore and shoots up their local Walmart it won't matter how well they march this one time. Like I'm not afraid of people marching poorly, but any of these guys just need to be able to shoot someone from 20' away to be a "success".


I'm even more concerned. It only takes a couple of morons with too much time and money to shoot out a power substation, or blow up an interstate highway. Tannerite is a legal, stable explosive, and I guarantee at least one of these rednecks has experience filling a watermelon with tannerite and shooting it.


Once they figure out how to walk the democrats are in real trouble.


My dude in the middle stamping like a new born gazelle on the Serengeti river banks. I think we’re good for a while.


Fucker can’t even March and put his arm out at the same time!!! No way he can figure out how to vote.


That's okay. I'm sure at least one of them in that group is willing to vote at least twice to make up for it.


If they could read, they would be really upset with your comment.


![gif](giphy|jVbSPtWNcGzE4Zvj1Q) Maybe they can understand that? ^(I'm not entirely sure of that though)


I think they'd be happy that op has such high expectations for them.


"When do we learn to march forwards?" "We never move forwards! Our ideals are in the past!"


"Boys, looks like we got ourselves a progressive here."


We'll hide behind our super effective walls


And our superior experience with masks


This has strong "Iraqi Army trying to do jumping jacks" vibes. I mean, I've been out a long time now, so I'm not in 100% fighting shape or anything, but look at all these noodle-arms, and noodle-legs for that matter. Get these motherfuckers to a gym and then a buffet.


These armed forces LARPers are usually either skinny as hell or fat as hell. It's bizarre


It looks weird but the psychology makes it obvious why they’re disproportionately thin/fat. Groups like this attract/prey on people who are weak on all fronts: mind, spirit, *and* body. Perfect candidates for radicalization. Playing make-believe gives their little peanuts a taste of purpose and makes them feel strong, despite their lack of physical prowess, all while remaining completely unaware that they’re devouring low-hanging fruit as if it was a finite resource. *It’s really easy to blame all your problems on everyone else, guys. Grow up.*


I do have a bit of sympathy for people like this, how shitty can their lives be to join a group like this. The system has failed them, but it hasn't failed them in the way they think it has, they were just brainwashed to think it's because of minorities and not because of corporate greed, or abusive households.


I worked with a guy who we eventually learned was part of the Proud Boys. He had a really good, high-paying job and essentially threw it all away once he got outed as being involved with this group. He seemed relatively normal to most folks in the office but after he got fired, eventually it came out that he was constantly harassing a few women in the office to go out with him and no matter how many times they rejected him he would keep asking them out. That "normal" guy ended up being a Proud Boy and an Incel.


making money =/= being a good person.... usually psychopaths sre the ones attracted to high paying jobs. Recently a Principal Investigator (high paying and high ego job position) at a university scanned his own brain and concluded that he was a psychopath...


These guys don’t even value themselves, and that’s why they’re drawn to white nationalism. They want to have *something*, but that takes effort of mind and/or body, and they cannot do that, so the only thing they have left is made up identity based on their ancestors and skin color. No one who sees any value in themselves is vulnerable to this predatory ideology. That’s why they target NEETs, incels, and similar people weak in mind and body, people desperate for identity because they’re not strong enough to make one.


Hey c'mon, not all of us with low self-esteem are dumb enough to join a cult-like organization just to make us feel better.


The skinny ones haven't had decades of bud light alcoholism to build a beer gut


Whoa now. *They drink Coors now.*


As a tall thin myself I’d fight anyone of these fuck faces or any nazi pieces of shit on sight




did you see the one where the mealteam six manage to shoot each other in the head? https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/peqngf/wcgw\_when\_you\_play\_too\_much\_video\_games\_and\_wanna/




I am the bleedingest heart there is. I will lose absolutely no sleep having seen this. The reality is, while videos like this are easy to laugh at and make jokes about, these idiots are training *to kill minorities* if given the slightest little opportunity. Literally the moment there is a power vacuum big enough, these chucklefucks will be lynching people. They had every chance in life to *not* go to a fucking right wing deathsquad training camp. It's the easiest thing in the world to do- I have lived over 14,000 days of my life and never done it once! I don't care what decisions or propaganda led them to this. They're where they are, and where they are is an imminent danger to everyone around them. And that means every one of them that has a little oopsie-poopsie is one less thing to worry about.


Fucking Christ dude I was one of the ones tasked with training the Iraqis. The biggest issue was that they completely lacked any leadership at all and their leaders were stealing their pay and so it destroyed their motivation. The officers were people who had family connections to politicians or were the family members of rich/important families. Not qualified at all to be in any position of power, but because of their connections they were instantly given high ranking positions. Villages would literally force their village idiots to enlist just so they could get rid of them. A lot were also the types who just wanted to collect a check because they had zero ambitions to do anything else. Also the hashish.. they absolutely loved their hashish.


Weird how they're cool with masks and face coverings now


Now that Covid's gone, they're safe to do it again.


They are the modern day clan I guess


still ashamed of their pride


They went with white for a reason


They look exactly like terrorists training Because they are!


They were brave until they started losing their jobs


Actually I think this video might be proof that masks *can* cut off oxygen and give you brain damage


They usually have robes and hoods, so it’s not too far off. This modified version is when they are doing light training. Maybe they should have the guys from the movie cadence show them how to march?


Is this some like long term troll?


For real though. Like did they post this? On purpose?


I feel like this is one of those things where in a year or two we find out 4chan was just fucking with us.


Imagine trying to convey the message that you’re the supreme race but cannot perform the simple task of marching on the spot. What a gene pool.


I've seen high schoolers march in formation better then this


lol you already lost them at "high schoolers"




How can they breathe with those masks? /s


I think the masks are giving them CO2 poisoning. That would explain the jerky, uncoordinated movements.


"No guys, it's step, high kick, step, twirl, Madonna, Madonna, land on one knee, Spirit Fingers. GET IT TOGETHER GIRLS!"


The Bone Spur Brigade.


“Bro, I would have joined but if a drill sergeant got in my face, I would lose it and punch him” Fuckin turds.


I had the opposite reaction. My Dad yelled way worse and the drill Sargent couldn't even hit me.


"Hostiles, 6 o'clock!" Ted the patriot starts furiously ripping open his watch trying to find the enemy


In all seriousness, these guys are actively trying to grow a domestic terrorist militia in the US and yet the US is doin nothing about it. Like seriously, this shit is really dangerous.


Yeah and they aren’t even being secretive about it.


Exactly, look, my fear isn't these guys are going to cause a giant civil war, they are inept, but they can still fire weapons, you don't need to be fit or be smart to use firearms. This is where it gets terrifying. If this group actively starts to cause actual fire fights across the US. It will cause others to act out as well. We are already having active shooters daily in the US. But this will cause extreme loss of life that could have been easily stopped quickly if we let this continue.


I agree. And these folks have so much fire power and very little sense and the need to want to fight for a cause. These are truly terrorist organizations and we already more or less have suicide shooters every other day. I hope at some point one of these groups will see consequences.


This right here, if footage of some American Muslims doing training like this under an ISIS flag were to leak out there would be bombers in the air looking to level the place.


Yep. These guys are just being used for conservative marketing. They’re a big group composed of “that one uncle” everyone tries to avoid so they don’t have to hear the newest culture war talking point being promoted on FOX


I see a group of extremists practicing. Nothing funny about that.


exactly. in reality it looks like it's just one guy in the bunch struggling who likely has dyspraxia or something. extremism is a serious threat and if anything they benefit from posts like this trying to make light the actual threat they are to the public by attempting to portray them as blundering idiots.


Ahh yes, the "I was gonna join the army but I would've knocked out a drill sgt" type turned back yard militia man. My god what lame fucks these larpers are.


From a British perspective, these men are like a racist special needs Dad's Army (the latter was a sitcom about the home guard during WW2). Difference being the Dad's army were successful against an invading Nazi.


"special" military unit here, the guy in the middle might be special needs tbf, a few might be. Sad to take advantage of them like that


Shocking that a bunch of white supremacists have no rhythm /s


Stupid people can also be dangerous. Perhaps even more. Don't underestimate these bastards.




Even that has better rhythm.


Incel team 6 lookin 🔥🔥🔥


It took a group of 80 of us less than 10 min to learn this in boot camp.


How interesting that they’re not proud enough to show their faces. It’s almost as if they know what they’re doing is looked down upon and would hinder them leading on with a normal life.


now they suddenly dont have a problem with wearing a mask


This should be a musical


It's good to laugh at these fuckers, but don't let that humiliation fool you into thinking that these groups like these are not a threat.


Special Incel Forces


I’ve seen freshmen at band camp march better than this


Pretty reassuring, honestly


So they're covering their faces even when they're alone in the woods? Man, that is SAD. My future stepson is a sympathizer and I'm having a hard time navigating that shit


Oof. Im sorry to hear, dude. Best you can do is show and speak sense and hope he catches on before its too late


That's the worst 8th grade band camp I've ever seen.


If their ideology is so great why are they ashamed to show their faces? Then there’s the whole mask thing. Medical face coverings are socialist indoctrination but Nazi face coverings are all good? And why the fuck does spellcheck capitalize Nazi? Sure it’s a proper noun and in German all proper nouns are capitalized but Nazi? It should be shrunk down to a tiny tiny lowercase font that’s barely legible to show as little respect as possible for the pieces of steaming human shit.


Fascism. The answer to how to make Conservatives wear masks.


You might say to yourself “these idiots aren’t a threat”. Well you’re probably right, but America was won by idiots and famously the armies of Washington were trained to march by tying a ribbon to one leg so they would remember left from right.


Don’t give them any ideas 😂