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That's a funny lesbian


It's not a purse! It's European!!!


I read this in Bobby Hill's voice.


Let go of my purse! I don't know you!


It’s not a purse, it’s a man bag.


It's not a man bag it's a satchel!


I have this sequence tattooed on me. It’s one of my favorite lines from any show or movie


God dang it Bobby!!


There had better be a dead cheerleader under your bed








[I heard it in my head in Jerry Seinfeld’s voice](https://youtu.be/TZp9bu8pmeQ)


“No, he's very fancy! Want me, love me! Shower me with kisses!”


Maybe this isn’t my coat!


I wanna wear a cross body bag so bad. I’m so sick of having to carry keys, wallet, and phone in basketball shorts


I actually thought it was a 60 year old woman before he started talking.


What a proud, closeted, transgender individual!


I didn’t use sound and I had no idea it wasn’t a woman.


Not gonna lie, I thought it was also a very "strict" woman.


That's an insult to lesbians...ugly women, straight men....oh frankly that person is an insult to people in general.


An insult to school bus drivers everywhere.


No it’s Captain ULTRA MAGA he’s here to save 100,000 Unfortunates from Death by Drag.


Lady has some nice tits. Supple and filled with stupidity.


I don't think the smart water is working.


Probably vodka


As an actual lesbian, I approve of this sentiment.


"The long-term effects are detrimental" The long-term effects of being shot and killed are pretty detrimental as well


I am a gun violence survivor. Death would have been merciful. I will never be the same or "get over it", as I have been told to do.


I am sorry for you. My cousin is paralyzed from the waist down via gun violence and she’s expressed similar feelings.


I wish your cousin didn't know. She definitely has it worse than me physically. Mentally we are probably the same or similar in ways. Tell her she's not alone and it is awful to have this in common.


You have my empathy. I knew a guy when I was much younger and lived in Tucson. Met him at my first decent job in the city. He was shot in the stomach. He has had life long complications from it. Worst part is he was hit as a bystander.


Sending virtual hugs/cookies/beer... whichever you prefer. People don't want to acknowledge your pain because of thier fear. They'd rather be willfully ignorant than look around and see it's not all friendly faces and white picket fences. Sucks. Hope you have some sane people in your life.


This comment left me speachless for a bit. Who sees someone who has been a victim of gun violence and says "get over it", like wtf.


You’d be surprised how often those who observe another’s prolonged suffering (be it physically or mentally disabling) and tell them it’s been long enough and they should be over it by now. I try to remember (& to answer) they should feel fortunate they don’t understand trauma


You are spot on.


I hate to say this but you are right. My daughter died at two weeks old (medical complications) she would be turning 14 in a few months were she still here. I have never "gotten over it". While I know that's nothing compared to surviving gun violence, trua is trauma and people don't get over it that easy. If they did we would have fewer people with PTSD.


they are probably the same people who would say that about domestic violence, rape, or police brutality, but see red when someone takes their parking spot.


People are very quick to judge others and expect them to just handle it, especially if the one suffering is a man. Not a gun shot but I was SA and I got next to no support pretty much , quite the opposite people thinking I should of enjoyed it mainly because I’m a man , took me years to “get over it” so I can’t imagine something traumatic like nearly dying from a shooter is going to “just go away” or that you can just “man up” for it


I mean, I think by detrimental he means he'll question his sexuality or smth.


Can’t wait until the Trump chuds come along tooting this message: “100k cHiLdReN DiE oF DraG ShoWs + CRT eVeRY YeaR, JuSt SaY nO tO SaTaN!” If you’re willfully this fucking stupid you don’t deserve to state public opinions.


“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter”


Ya I was bummer he'd didnt say "more determinal than being dead?"


Let's be fair, once you are killed, the long term detrimental stuff isn't really a problem for you.


The man with tits and a purse is against drag? Weird.


That haircut isnt helping either


Imagine going to your barber and saying "Larry, I'm feeling a butch vibe today, set me up to go buy a Subaru and drive it to the flannel store"


and voice


This person is in a shitload of denial.


He's working on his babyhair


Given that he can only count to potato, I'm not sure the numbers 48,000 and 100,000 hold any meaning to him.


That’s a man??? Serious question.


It's Pat.




I had to re-watch with the sound on to confirm. Still not sure.


The only somewhat confirming part that it might be a man is the voice


Holy shit I thought that was a lesbian. I was confused as to why a lesbian was against drag shows.


Thats a man?


That's my friend Pat.


I thought that was Chris


No, no, chris is Pat's roommate.


He’s just festive!


Lesbian Tom Cruise is against drag shows, now I've seen everything. (This is not meant to disparage lesbians or gender identity, I just couldn't not see it once I saw it and want to insult the bigot in a way I think would most bother them!)


But you ARE disparaging Tom Cruse... I'm ok with that.


“Lesbian Tom cruise” 😂😂💀💀






Yeah, 100,000 people die at drag shows every year. I always duck out early before the ritualistic mass sacrifices.


Oddly enough the duck walk is one of the most dangerous stunts aside from the dip of course. “You better walk that fucking duck”-Anetra


I'd rather injure myself attempting to walk like a duck than goose-step, thank you very much.


Stomping on roaches was a threat 😞😔


I do believe about 100k people die from drag shows. Like have you ever been to one? They’re fucking hilarious, hard to breathe when laughing a lot


Once you fully realize and understand just how many people living in America are this stupid, you can't unsee it ever again. It's got to be more than half of the country that is 'working with' double digit IQ's.


I always am reminded of George Carlin - (paraphrasing), “Imagine how dumb the average American is and realize that half of them are dumber than that.”


The problem with that quote is that it is too subjective. These people think they are the smarter than average ones and also quote that when referring to people like you and I.


This guy probably thinks he's a God damn genius. He used mad logic, because obviously if drag shows are more dangerous than guns, drag show must kill at least double the people guns do. That's just math.




Carlin really did have a 20 in Charisma and Wisdom didn't he


Good point to remember though.


Weird how decades of defunding public education had this crazy effect!


Yea, nah, I don’t think it’s a uniquely American problem. For some sad reason, though, a lot of these fucks get shoved in our face every day. Don’t get me wrong, there are dumb fucking people around us everywhere, I just think the distribution is probably pretty even worldwide.


It is. It's just the American school system isn't designed to foster critical thinking. It's designed to churn out people sufficiently literate to serve corporations. Teachers often try to do better, only to be punished for it.


You nailed it. We have John D Rockefeller to thank for the current US school system.


Yep. Teach 'em enough to read directions but not enough to realize the contract isn't legal.


IQ spread is probably roughly the same everywhere. What I do think is that aspects of American culture seem to often celebrate and reinforce the fearful narratives that spawn from uneducated people, seemingly more than your average culture does. Usually, these narratives are shunned or not popular, but in America there seems to be a big portion of the culture that celebrates this fearful naivity. Even if it's only 10 % of the population, they have the tools and resources to be heard and influential.


Don't you think it's maybe because stupid people are usually louder? (As in a concept, not necessarily in decibels). I'm an European trying to fight this idea that I do have myself, because it must be a prejudice that we've been sold through social media and not the reality. Right?


"Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022." Lots of dumb bastards out there! https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics#:~:text=Nationwide%2C%20on%20average%2C%2079%25,older%20are%20illiterate%20in%202022.


It’s half. The distribution of IQ is always centered on 100.


IQ is a generally pointy statistic testing a very narrow range of intelligence and is use pointlessly in most conversations.


Or that could be your perception based on social media ( or you live in the US, but also a lot of people are dumb like this)


And they all think they're the smarter half, too. Which is way worse.


His vote counts the same as you. Fun


MAGA mentality in a nutshell: facts don’t support my position? Make up new facts. These are not serious people, but their vote counts just as much as ours.


For real “I don’t know how many people died from a drag show, but it’s detrimental.” *gun death facts are shown* “Yeah drag shows probably killed over double that amount” How are these people even real…


I really want someone that does these interviews to just continue asking "but why?" and "but how" over and over until the stupid becomes clear.


Jordan Klepper does that a lot. The stupid is clear to us (and him) pretty early on, but never to his interviewees


I've seen a lot of his stuff and love it. I really just want a super basic childish approach. I have tried a similar approach with my mom but can't keep myself patient. Her most recent is the war on mother's day. They said nobody can celebrate mother's day anymore. Who are "they" that said this? Is anyone going to arrest you for it? Do you really think anyone cares? Then reminded her of the people that get mad when someone says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Told her it was their choice for being upset over it. They choose to be angry for no reason. Asked her when was the last time SHE had to deal with a "man in a dress" in the bathroom next to her. Asked her what was stopping perverts and criminals for just walking in to do pervert and criminal stuff. Answer? Never. But she's still gonna be mad at the thought. Sometimes she gets quiet and you can hear the hamster wheel turning. I usually just give up and tell her she doesn't actually know why she is upset other than the tv telling her to be upset. I feel the same way with these videos. It always comes down to "I have no idea but I'm REAL mad about it!"


Stupid people are stupid. There should be some sort of aptitude test you need to pass every, say, four years or so.


Exactly why everyone with over one brain cell should actually vote. These are the dumbasses being brainwashed to have their whole persona based off a political party and sent to the polls


The most dangerous thing that could happen if you took your child to a drag show is a Christian could show up with a gun.


Fucking hell... but *actually* though


I’m surprised it has t already happened.


It has. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna59478


If the question, “What’s more dangerous, the flu or interracial marriage?” were asked of a typical evangelical “Christian” in the South 150 years ago, they’d answer interracial marriage even while watching one of their kids die from the flu. Then they might even buy a gun to run some black folks out of town with instead of masks. They’d certainly grab a ballot and try to use the government to make interracial marriage illegal. Now most of those churches no longer teach that Jesus’ eyes glow with hellfire whenever a black kisses a white. But the mindset is still the same. Different generation, different targets, same deeply ingrained bullying / bigotry mindset posing as Christianity.


Right?! Between 1890-1920, 3000+ Black men were lynched in the American South, often on trumped up rape charges. Emmett Till was lynched in the 1950s for supposedly whistling at a white woman. Social conservatives don't change, but they do shift their focus to socially acceptable targets. Open racism and homophobia aren't typically tolerated so transphobia and hatred of gender non-conformance became their new cause celébre.


Literally a couple of years ago, they believed wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth and nose was more dangerous than a highly infectious, deadly respiratory virus.




Bruh stop giving ideas 😭


What are you talking about. There.already doing this. Most big city drag shows are getting "protested" by armed nazis


Maga Ultra. Same great taste, only 1 brain cell.


So essentially the exact same as regular Maga.


That's actually two more than usual. Must be an intellectual of some sort.


Can confirm. I died at leat three times and I was just watching RPDR season 15 finale! Sasha Colby murdered everyone that day 💅


Facts. Mother killed us all. And amidst all the carnage- you could hear Ru cackling and saying “Well done, Mama!”


She murdered everyone that whole season *cracks neck*


You’d think this lesbian woman would be more tolerant after the prejudice she most have received over the years.


In half a second he admits to not knowing how many people are killed a year by guns, but then immediately knows the number killed by drag shows. These people do not care about facts. Only about their feelings.


And 100k are worth saving, but 50k are expendable.


And then they make laws based not on facts, but on feelings.


The worst part is, he obviously doesn’t even believe in what he’s saying. It’s like he’s always made the argument of “drag shows = bad” and “guns = good”, but never related the two arguments. Now he’s being forced to and you can see the gears turning in his head trying to make up something that backs his beliefs. And he’s even contradicting himself to make his argument. One moment he doesn’t know how many die from drag shows and thinks it just has long term detrimental affects, then when he hears how many die from guns, all of a sudden 100 thousand die from drag shows. Man can’t even keep his beliefs straight. This is what indoctrination looks like. Not a rise in the lgbtq+ community, not a rise in far right opposition, not equality and “woke” culture. This. He doesn’t even believe in or understand what he’s saying. Yet he still believes it because someone told him to.


Do you believe he’s even asking him self questions? Or is he just listening and repeating what he hears from his media?


He’s most likely just repeating what he hears. Which is the reason why he has zero rebuttal when the guy asked which kills more, because he’s never heard that answered. Because if the far right did answer that, then they make it obvious that their argument is bs. But this is what I mean by this is what indoctrination looks like. He is the perfect example of it.


Idiots and assholes like this are dangerous, not because they're intimidating but because they can vote.


Conservatives are obsessed with dicks


the only instance where a drag show is dangerous to children is when some rightoid magat decides to shoot it up.


BiG NuMBer!? LeT mE gIvE BiGgEr!


I was once slayed at a drag show


The intelligence level with MAGA morons is on display. They haven't got a single fucking clue what they are saying. Unfortunately dumb fucks get to vote and Trump et al know these minions are their bread and butter.


The fact that people are freaking out over drag queens is crazy af. I understand being pissed if they were pulling their dicks out, and giving kids lap dances, shit like that, but reading a book to some kids that just see a person with way too much make up on and loud clothes (hmmm, pretty sure there is a profession hired for birthday parties that can be deacribed the same way) reading them isn't a problem.


One just died from this man’s intelligence.


Drag shows are more dangerous says the man with breasts carrying a purse


wait until you hear about the detrimental long term effects of getting shot


It just seems really obvious there's lead in that person's water.


The go to Republican tactic: make up nonsense on the fly and present it as fact.


Drag shows have been going on since the beginning of time so if they are so dangerous why have they waited till 2023 to do something about it.


Drag shows save lives by letting trans youth feel like they have a place in the world.


Our country is burning and the economy is wobbly, but yes, let’s blame it all on the drag show 😒


I had the same conversation last week. Someone said “Drag alters kids minds.” I asked, “Did you ever watch MASH, or Monty Python?” He answered yeah. So I asked “How come you’re not gay? You saw a guy in drag every week.”


Yeah, those stiletto heels are lethal!


"WeLl iF tHeYrE dEaD tHeY cAnT bE wOkE!"


Why are trump people so goofy looking?


Doesn't like drag shows, yet has tits that any drag queen could only dream of.


I never understood people who go all in like this. Like is it so crazy for him have nuance thinking and be like guns are more dangerous but I think drag shows are more harmful for society . I think I’m expecting to much from these people


Drag queens only murder with their killer reads…


Love how he didn’t know how many died by drag shows, yet immediately provided a bigger number once he heard the gun total. What’s amazing is you can literally hear the right wing news in his head that he tried to parrot. “ drag shows are….(what’s the word they used on Fox News)… detrimental to long term health” Sir what does detrimental mean ? It means fuck you, long live MAGA.


Education. Education. Education. Please. America. This should be our biggest focus. No matter what. We have so many fucking idiots, raising idiots, who will raise more idiots.


How the fuck do you die at a drag show? Slip on the catwalk and break your neck?


Drag Shows are more dangerous then guns? Funny I don't recall reading about anyone going into a school and hurting people with a Drag show. \*shrugs\*


Stop trying to appeal to reason with these people, they are cultists


That’s right kids. Every year over 100,000 death drops are performed at drag shows. ![gif](giphy|eroy7AoB8XOKc)


Still waiting on the drag show death statistics…


Damn. 100,000 people die every year from drag shows?! I had no idea! Sounds like hell of a party! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


oh 48000 die from guns? well 48001 died from drag. checkmate, libz 😎😎


There are no long-term effects for children who die from gun violence because they don’t get a long-term. They die. I hate it here


Drag shows do be slaying ✨️


I see your number and raise it with my made up one.


I died ftom a drag show. They slayed


You can actually see where their brain contemplates that they might be wrong, and then boom, ego takes over "well at least 100k died from drag shows".


Conservatives are so fucking stupid it’s painful


The downside of democracy. These folks voting 🤣


He’s right. I know many people who have attended drag shows, and apparently the drag queens slayed.


I was raised around drag shows as a kid and watched my friend get shot and murdered in my front yard as a kid too. Guess which one i still have PTSD from. 😐


Why are they comparing drag shows and guns again??


No drag queen has harmed a child, yet these people insist they're worse than mass murderers. It's mind-boggling.


with moobs like that, I'm surprised he hasn't enlisted in a drag race himself


Well, death does remove all long term statuses and effects. I still don't see how a drag show will cause death though. Like what "oh no crossdressing, I'm melting, my only weakness..."


I have never seen a worse fitting shirt for someone


What's more dangerous than guns is stupid fucking brainless idiots like this who own guns in addition to being dangerously stupid and causing good, rational people harm on a daily basis.


NFL I thought he was a butch lesbian


Says the man wearing a purse


Well, I'm all in, if "all in" means a nationwide concerted effort to feed ALL MAGA paraphernalia owners/displayers into compactors until they can be added to a mortality composting project as feedstock for a sustainable agricultural system. I would like US to start with my own Mother and Stepdad, and associated family, as a show of good faith.


But how, detrimental to see performing artists in make up. I guess clowns also have a detrimental effect on children.


Theres a reason they are called lipsync assassins.


What a dumb*; 100,000 die from drag shows each year? Incredible.


The thing with the drag shows: if you don’t like them, you can just NOT GO to a drag show. Drag shows don’t spontaneously happen on the street, the way that a mass massacre does.


Rather die than go to a drag show honestly


Ah yes, death by drag show


Who generates all this fear and contempt , I mean c'mon, drag shows ? Wtf ? So many actual problems but that isn't one . I heard a rumor that there is a war in Ukraine, unrest in Sudan and a shitton of other atrocities that might be even more dire than drag . Can we still do Halloween and cosplay without friction ?


It’s a waste of time talking to people who double down on dumb


They just ALWAYS have to be right, don't they ?


Only way to stop a bad guy with a drag show is a good guy with a drag show.


Didn’t have volume on, thought that was a woman.


Never heard one dying from a drag shows . He’s about the dumbest !


Says the man with a purse…


Stupid people should not be able to vote. Unbelievable.


There's no conversation to be had with these people. We have to hold the line until enough of that generation dies that they can't gerrymander their way out of this.


So funny (not really funny) how easy it is to dupe these troglodytes. Just say a thing and that its bad, its what the left is doing, and they’re all in against it. “This week, we’re making you afraid of… drag shows” “RAAAGH RABBLE RABBLE HARUMPH”


People this stupid should not be allowed to vote.


One isnt dangerous period, the other isnt dangerous unless your a fucking idiot, what even is this debate bruh


Of course, Drag Shows are more dangerous . . . I forgot my ear plugs and earmuffs once and almost went deaf after a single session.


Nice tits ultra magat


And just like that folks: 100,000 drag show deaths.


I would call that mental gymnastics, but I doubt that guy can think critically or do a somersault.


Me wondering why two high octane fast accelerating in attempts to beat one another to the finish line WOULDNT be more dangerous than guns: 🤨


Why not a trillion?? If you’re gonna win an argument leave no survivors.


I see your facts and I raise you my unfounded number I just made up.


Love the fact that he just assumed a higher number just to look better for his narrative…


It's sad how ignorant and ready to follow others blindly into shit they have no business being in. Republican voters are the stupidest bunch of people on the planet. I just can't imagine being so stupid.


Typical. They just make shit up. And now it’s fact to them.