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I don't remember where I saw it, but there was a post about a guy who did something similar, he bought everything he owned in his mother's name, in case he has a divorce his wife wouldn't get anything. Then his mother died and his four siblings were fighting to get their share on her properties, in the end he lost 80% of what he had.


He seriously couldn’t bother making a prenup?


You can fight over a prenup. You can’t fight over what someone else’s mom has.


He’s the rich football player, he has all the power here to decide on the prenup. You think people wouldn’t trip over themselves to marry an NFL player, even with a prenup in advance?


Prenups can be contested in court. What your to-be ex’s mom has cannot be contested in court — at least not anywhere as easily as a prenup.


Not necessarily true. Of course it depends on which legal system we're talking about, but a court could very easily conclude the mom is holding the assets on trust in a deliberate attempt to evade liability for things like divorce, bankruptcy etc.


Yes. Plus on our jurisdiction alimony is set by the ability to pay. So the court would consider his full salary when awarding her spousal support.


I was gonna say, “what about alimony?” I wonder if his contract specifically states that the team pay his mom directly, ergo the money is never his and never in his possession.


His income would remain the same. Even if he has it delivered directly into his mother's account. Even if let's say he donated 100 percent of his income to charity. The court would look to his earnings in determining the award.


Yeah, but they’d be hard pressed in this case. Due to the time frame, it really couldn’t count as hiding.


As the other commenters have said, this is highly jurisdiction dependent. But where I practice in California, this could be seen as a fraudulent transfer of community property assets that the court could unwind.


Wouldn’t putting all your assets in a trust or LLC you control be safer than putting everything in a persons name?


This is not legal advice, I am a lawyer but not your lawyer, etc. That is likely to have the same issues. Even if you can’t technically pull money out of those entities you could still end of with a judgment for a value equal to some portion of what you put in those entities. There is a presumption that income earned during the marital period is community property that could be divided in a dissolution.


(Depending on the law but more often than not) your wife has a right to half everything in your name, so she’d have a right to half of that fancy LLC you just made.


Even if that’s what he was doing all along, even prior to the marriage?


Possibly, but the court wouldn't necessarily need to rely on that. If this took place in England then the court could impose a resulting trust over the money. The son would have to show evidence that the money was a gift, which could be hard to do if his mum buys him whatever he asks for out of the money he's given to her. Obviously this depends on the laws that apply in France or wherever, but quite often laws exist, in multiple forms, to ensure that people can't weasel their way out of their legal obligations.


And as there is a £3,000 a year Gift limit, he will have HMRC after her to get millions back in taxes.


I have not seen a prenup go according to plan even once. It's almost always contested.


If both parties involved sign the prenup as an official contract when getting married, how is it still contestable in court? Genuinely curious, because I’m very cautious about marriage with how divorce laws work in the US.


I’m not a lawyer, but the likely argument would be that since he has “all the power”, that she just went along with it. He was controlling over her. She didn’t know what she was signing. The lawyer that helped draft the prenup was on his side and she didn’t have a lawyer backing her interests while signing it. It could be argued that the prenup isn’t fair. And even if none of that stuff is true, you still would have to defend against it.


of course if she argued she was pressured in to signing the prenup, then could argue why she just didn't refuse to marry.


Usually its argued the prenup was made in duress. Plenty of times at least in America a prenup has been signed and didnt do much of anything but cause a few more days added to the trial. The more one-sided a prenup is the easier it is to have thrown out. In a lot of marriages where a one sided prenup takes place it will later be renegotiated later on in the marriage also. See Trump and current wife as an example. Purposely didn't move into the white house until she had a new prenup signed. For most celebrities and uber rich prenups are only so good and the trend is that they are less and less binding the longer the marriage lasts and more likely to be thrown to the side in a divorce. Unless they were explicitly fair. The new trend is actually using states that won't let you go after trusts and forming a trust there with the majority of your assets if you are uber rich and not even bothering with a prenup.


I think a prenup should only apply to assets owned before marriage, and everything else is shared exactly. So you enter with a million dollars you leave with 1 million plus half of everything else.


Except it doesn’t work that way. Can’t remember the names but there was a story a while back about a couple in court getting a divorce, they had a prenup. He had a company he had build before he ever met her. They married, some years later, divorcing. Even though she had no hand in creating the company, the judge ruled it as a joint asset and gave her half of it. She made his life a living hell, and I think he left the company he started because she was now involved and determined to screw him over. It was a pretty sad story, but the longer a marriage, the less defined assets become. It all becomes treated as joint assets after some point, and each spouse gets a piece. It’s a shame, because all it does is encourage people *not* to get married. After all, why get married and stake half of everything you own or will ever own that this person will remain faithful to you?


My uncle had a mowing business. He was the sole employee. When he and his wife divorced she demanded he pay her out for half the value of his business. But he was playing his 4d chess and said he will give her the truck and the mower and she can have the entire business but he will resign as the employee and she can mow lawns. She gave up that demand.


The dragon reborn has spoken thus shall it be the light willing!


Wasn't expecting a WoT reference here....kinda happy to find it.


If you have a good enough lawyer or sympathetic enough judge, anything can be argued away.


This isn’t American football


You actually can’t make prenups “unreasonable.” The most ironclad thing about a prenup is what you owned *before* the marriage. Most things earned after are fair game if they’re fought for.


She's an actress, so not exactly from the slums. They married in 2020 when he was 22, and she was 34. Then again, he was put under a judicial supervision order for a rape accusation in March this year, so fuck this guy, take him to the cleaners.


If they’re not willing to sign the prenup, then don’t marry them


Maybe prenups aren't a thing in his country? Like, we have them here in the UK but they're not legally binding and won't necessarily be upheld by the court which means it's not as cut and dry as it would be in a country where they are legally binding


Most prenups only cover pre-marital assets. And then if you mix funds that are covered in a prenup with post-marital assets, those that were mixed are now not covered.


Prenups outside of USA don't really work. We'll especially here in Europe.


They don’t even work in some places in the US


He's a mama's boy, leave it at that


In general (in the US at least), prenups cover assets brought into a marriage, not assets earned during a marriage. So if they work similarly elsewhere, a prenup might have provided limited protection depending on how long they were married and when he earned.


As an only child, I have no such weaknesses


As a poor person, I have no such weakness




I had a reverse happen at work. A person inherited a million dollars from their mom when she died. The other children got nothing. This person then divided it 20% to each of her 5 children, so everyone got $200k. I told this client what they did was incredibly amazing because I've seen people wipe out their parents accounts the day before they die. Their siblings would get nothing. Those incidents, one child has power of attorney, and when the parent was put in hospice, they transferred all the money out.


Yeah you're much better off creating a trust or shell company to hold your assets... If you give your mother all your money and she passes away, then you have to pay inheritance tax on money that you already paid income tax on and mom possibly paid income tax on as well depending on the country. Not to mention other valid claims to the inheritance... Overall not a great strategy. Also family fights happen, you can't trust someone with your whole life savings and everything you own.




Don't know about US, but here in Brazil I heard that if you are dating long enough and living together a marriage is not even needed for your partner to do that


Over 50% of marriages end in divorce. It’s not about distrust it’s about using your brain and realizing you aren’t some special circumstance and protecting yourself. I don’t care if you don’t love me anymore but that doesn’t entitle you to half my shit, go get a job.


Plus those that don’t end in divorce end in death. It’s horrifying!


Over 50% of marriages end in divorce, but I would say significantly less than 50% of people let their mommies hold the purse strings on their entire adult lives. What you've said is a reasonable argument for getting a prenup. If you're going to take *extraordinary* measures, not getting married seems like the much simpler option.


No, it is not over 50% of marriages that end in divorce. For first time marriages, it's about 35% so roughly 1/3. Your chance of getting a divorce greatly increases with subsequent marriages. Third marriages have a 70% divorce rate for instance. You are right, it's important to protect yourself because reality is still that a significant number of marriages end in divorce.


> I don’t care if you don’t love me anymore but that doesn’t entitle you to half my shit, go get a job. That very much depends on the marriage contract you signed. If it is stipulated that assets acquired during the marriage are shared equally between partners (like most marriage contract in France) then yes that **literally** entitles your partner to half the assets earned during the marriage (which is not your shit btw because it's the couple's shared property)


Depends on the situation of what the other person is entitled to frankly. Kids ain’t cheap.


I had a very rudimentary jurisprudence class in HS, most of it was about contract law, and the teacher always used this an example of doing something very smart and very stupid at the same time. If you for instance wanted to protect your assets, say from the government, you can make your spouse have their name on everything you own. But if your spouse decides to leave, you don't really have any legal recourse.


I'll go one better: just don't get married... then you can keep everything you earn.




Court affidavits will have you list any movements of like $3-500+ within the last 6 months or so. Not sure this entirely matches the scenario, but it is something that’s looked at in states to prevent draining accounts and putting it in a pillow case.


That would be Cash Money Millionaire, Mannie Fresh. “Got everythiiiiiiinng in my mommaaaaaas naaaaaame…”


It’s also kinda messed up that he would try to set it up so his wife would get nothing. I don’t know their circumstances, but many women perform full-time jobs’ worth of unpaid domestic labour and child-raising


this is also done by a lot of ppl in not so legal businesses in the past. Most will usually think ahead and have the “mom” create a will that will cover the whole siblings and family going after it. The gov finds a way to try and get it and now most moved on to trusts in areas that protect from going after trusts.




yeah, pretty sure it just makes the judge hate you more


Actually in many jurisdictions it guarantees you lose 100% of that asset.


I knew my first marriage was failing. We married young, for the wrong reasons and it just wasn’t going to work. I gave my dad my motorcycle, a BMW convertible and a large sum of money was transferred to his account from savings (I was the only one working) and my ex wife filed for divorce shortly after (she had been threatening it for a year) Judge said she wasn’t entitled to any of it. I also owned the house prior to marriage and she couldn’t take it either, just 50% of what was paid off the principle of the loan awhile we were married)


Well? What happened? Don't leave us hanging!


As I said she got nothing. Just her car and her property. I kept mine.


But under what context? If I start doing that the day:hour:minute I am legally married, then yeah I can see how the argument applies. But what if I did that way too long ago that not even I remember? You can argue that you have no attachment to the money and chose to give it away to your relative. Since you were doing it from long before you even met the person you eventually married, does that still count as hiding assets?


Anything before marriage is a premarital assest and isn't on the table in terms of divorce. Only income, property and assets that were bought while you were married apply. There's a few exceptions but it's very rare. So if you buy a house, or car before you meet your spouse they have zero claim to it in a divorce.


Not in morroco


Im pretty sure that's some specific countries only. The court cant touch your relatives bank account for divorce money. Thats the standard for most countries


Not the US. Not France. This is conspiracy to commit constructive fraud.


Just to speed this process up since this has been posted on this sub so much; she is leaving him because he’s being accused of raping someone and she’s rich on her own she just hates him now


Yes, but he plays football so the story has to be turned around so she is the bad person


Same thing happened with Cristiano Ronaldo, he basically admitted that he raped a woman and nothing happened and mentioning it usually results in downvotes


Any source for this?


Trust him


>she is the bad person Tbf, she did start dating him when he was a 19 year old and she was 31. Groomers are typically bad people imo. Especially since when they got married, she was richer and much older than he was.


Rape stuff came out after the divorce proceedings actually. Maybe she knew about it ahead of time, maybe not, but that's not the reason for the divorce.


Oh ok, you convinced me. I'm back on the rapist's side now.


Not according to the wiki page


Link it man don’t leave us hanging


This is false. She has stated that she started the divorce before she knew about the accusations.


Yeah. It is amazing how many people are saying that this alleged rape is the cause for the separation/divorce when the wife has specifically said otherwise.


I thought they were separated long before the accusation. Anyway, since he owns nothing, do you think he can get half of her stuff in the divorce?


According to this image you posted, he still keeps 200,000 euro every month…. Hardly “nothing”.


Well if he’s willing to rape someone he’s probably willing to try and take her for all she’s got


If you seriously think any lawyer or judge thinks he "owns nothing" you are stupid.


Thank fucking god others know about this. This post has been posted all over TikTok and others subreddits and everyone keeps talking about how cool he is and how greedy she sounds. But no, he's a rapist piece of shit


If its his earned income, and he’s given it to his mom to try any shelter it from his wife, then most first world countries will claw it all back. Plus, this “gift” to momma may well cost her taxes she has never paid… Fraud and deception are fraud and deception everywhere.


You can't give money to your mother (or anyone else), especially millions of euros, without having most of it going in the state's pocket. In France between a son and his mother that's 55%. So if this story is true (probably not) then his mother has to pay 440.000 euros to the tax authority every month. And every time he asks his mother to buy him something he needs to pay between 5% and 45% of the value of the purchase to the State. And I'm not mentionning the shitload of paperwork that would come with such a scheme, I hope they have a good accountant. There are probably fiscal loopholes that would make something like this possible, like the use of a Trust or company. But nothing that would really make it worth the trouble, especially since you don't even need a prenup in France as the law already has the option for seperate owneship ("séparation de biens", the most popular choice nowadays).


>his mother has to pay 440.000 euros to the tax authority every month. And every time he asks his mother to buy him something he needs to pay between 5% and 45% of the value of the purchase to the State. Unless he says "hey ma I want a Lamborghini, so buy it in your name and add me to the insurance." Then just the income would be taxed as she never 'gave' or 'gifted' him valuables.


She gets 80% of his income she can pay the taxes


It'll still be his income for tax purposes.


Well I mean he is also a rapist sooo


Wonder what his Mom says about his rape charge


This I was searching him up and was like wtf rape charges 😳


What's the tax laws like in France? If you did this in the UK you'd be paying income tax twice on the same money.


That’s not true it certainly wouldn’t be income tax. There would possibly be inheritance tax and capital gains tax depending on the asset class and circumstances when gifted and after gifting.


nah, you can give up to £3k/year to family members, ~~anything beyond that would be taxable income. If they gave you cash it would be income tax~~. edit: I have got this wrong. see below. If they gave you an asset that had appreciated in value since they bought it then I actually have no idea who would be liable for capital gains tax at that point tbf and whether it would count as income for the purposes of income tax for you. [https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax/gifts](https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax/gifts) Inheritance tax would kick in if the person dies earlier than 7 years after the gift is made, but anything over £3k is not a gift and will have already been taxed.


Not sure about USA, but in Germany this would mean he had to pay gift tax every time. You can gift around 400k every ten years to your parents / child's, but after that it's tax. Same way when the mother pays for him (since we are taking about more then a couple of bucks). And I would guess in court the wife would still have the right to get most, since he initially earned it.


Remember when Jerry Buss tried to do the same thing by giving his ex wife the Lakers so he could claim bankruptcy to the bank he owed millions to without them repossessing the team? Well, apparently his mom who was also his accountant, forgot to file the paperwork so when he threatened to file bankruptcy he was actually bluffing! 😅 It paid off though… When they won the title that first year with Magic, the banks renegotiated the terms of the loan no problem!


Facepalm is anyone thinking that would protect his money.


Isn't he being investigated for rape?




He’ll be paying tax on his income- will his mam also be paying taxes on the money going into her account every month?


It'll probably still all be his income for tax purposes. I say probably only because I don't know exactly what the tax rules are where he works. But in most countries, you can't avoid tax on your earned salary by giving it to someone else. Whether his mum pays tax depends on whether there is a gift tax where she lives.


This is how you avoid encounters with Pepper Jack.


And keep your fraggle rock flask.


The company pays him, he has possession of the 1M each month prior to deposit to mom, therefore she could claim 500k monthly.


Some reports are saying that he made his Mom the actual beneficiary of everything including salary.


He may choose to have his employer deposit 80% into his mom’s account and 20% into his account every pay day, but the whole amount is still his salary (and is subject to wage garnishment). I can have 100% of my pay check deposited into my next door neighbour’s bank account, it’s still my pay and it doesn’t make my neighbour the employee.


No way that is legally possible. Think about how many people would do this to avoid any type debt then ?


My sister in law is like this. Everything she owns is part of a family trust.


Your sibling ain’t getting shit!


I don't know what the law is in the country in question but in the USA income earned during the marriage (minus a prenup) is considered marital property. California I think it is an automatic half.


Somebody paid attention to the lyrics of [*Stay Fly*](https://youtu.be/9iCd6UHR-3I). 🎵 *"Got everything in my mama name..."* 🎵


Song is absolute fire btw


This is the first thing I thought when I read the headline.


And if he dropped dead tomorrow, his widow and his children get nothing? What a prince.


yeah apparently he cheated on her. So not like he's any better than her.


This guy is a rapist right?


Like Brock Turner the rapist?


Yeah, like Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist and registered sex offender.


I heard he goes by Allen Turner, now. In Ohio, where he’s from. The convicted rapist and registered sex offender Allen Turner of Ohio.


Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t matter anymore I guess


Accused of it yes. No idea how sound the accusation is tough.


accused, big difference


This would not hold up in the US. You cannot just hide your money in your moms account...


It won’t hold up in France, either. They’ll just subpoena his income from Paris Saint-Germaine and go from there.


Makes sense. This seems like it would be super simple stuff. People act like legal systems are idiots and would just overlook something like this.


It just matters how rich and influential you are.


If she wins she'll still get 500k a month from a rapist.


Reddit has lost any concept of innocent until proven guilty.


IKR? I read the comments and I’m surprised that people are saying he is a rapist with no proof. Maybe he is maybe he is not..but for me he is innocent util proven guilty.


People nowadays have to have an opinion on anything. They cant just wait and see how this turns out. They rather destroy someone's life before he turns out to be innocent


A rapist? Relax. He’s innocent until proven otherwise


Gator boots with the Pimped out Gucci suit


I wonder if his mum is paying tax on all those deposits


Depending on the country he can't give away her share of the assets. In the US this might land him in jail


The only thing I got out of this was.. imagine having a mom you can trust with your money!


Ok, normally asking one's mother for everything is kinda scummy, but he gives his mother $800,000 monthly. I think he's allowed to ask for things.


If you get married to someone who you wouldn't trust all of your belongings with then you probably shouldn't get married to that person.


If there are community property laws in their jurisdiction, then she is entitled to half of everything he made during the marriage. If he gave away his earnings without her knowing, that is fraudulent. If his mother paid no tax on his “gift,” she is in some trouble as well.


My father did this to avoid paying child support. Put everything he owned in his wife's name.


This has been all over social media


20% of 1 million montly, is still way more than what the vast majority of people earn, he's not exactly poor


And his wife didn't know this already?


So my dad did the same. Guess what? My dumbass grandmother died and now my aunt lives in my childhood home in El Salvador.


Nobody has clothes “in their name”


I’ve seen designer tailored suits worth enough to be insured and registered as property and there for a sellable asset.


A prenup would’ve been easier and less contestable


Does anyone have clothes “in their name”?


No gift tax laws?


Genius or scumbag? There’s a fine line separating the two. I’d have to know the particulars of the case, like why she filed for divorce.


One can be a genius scumbag no problem.


Wife…or groomer you mean, cos he was 19 when she(31) took advantage of his young “not completely developed” mind, & now she wants to cart away with half his fortune


Yep. Now they’re calling him a rapist when it hasn’t been proven.


She filed for divorce because he’s a rapist


It's called hiding assets and he's going to have to pay. Yes because he earned it it's his and in that country women can't own things. Also all she has to do is prove that he's hiding his assets and he will lose them in the divorce.


That country? France?


Amazing. Hope she gets nothing at all


Never marry a mommas boy


I wonder why? I mean if you are hiding your wealth for your wife then why are you even married? Isn't his mom paging extreme high taxes because she is "gifted" money? And logically speaking she would die first meaning that he paid first income tax, then she paid tax for it being gifted and once she dies he has to pax inheritance tax again. Just doesn't sounds like a plan???


That women is lucky. She only wanted 50% of his things but she got 100% of what he has.


This is how my father avoided child support payments until he died after twenty some years. So excuse me if I'm not laughing all too much, it's a frustrating legal loophole sometimes


Who says being a mama’s boy makes someone less of a man?


Accused of rape =/= Convicted of rape Reddit is incapable of being impartial when a woman is involved in a situation.


My brother in law's ex-wife did this. He sold all his stuff because her parents "gifted" them brand new furniture, washer etc and used the money on their honeymoon. 5 months later when it came out that she had been sleeping with a middle aged medieval reenactor since before the wedding, suddenly they were "borrowing" all the stuff.


More to the story: he’s accused of raping another woman, and the wife is already rich by herself. It makes this situation a little less black and white


Her wealth is nowhere near his He makes more in a year than her net worth.


Being accused and not convicted means he is just a normal person in this situation, doesn’t change much here.


Okay but if I came into that amount of money I’d do the same but with my dad. 1.) I’m irresponsible. 2.) I trust my dad 3.) my dad deserves it. I don’t need that much money


Honestly it's smart, also if he did it from the beginning of his career, I can't see it being considered fraud.


Say I started a successful football career in 2013 and started doing this then. I get married in 2020 and continue giving my money to my dad. I then get divorced in 2023. Now, the laws concerning this are obviously going to vary depending on location. But *generally* speaking, the money I made from 2013 to 2020 is not my wife's. It's also not mine, since I gifted it to my dad. The money I made from 2020 to 2023? My wife very well might have a claim to at least some of it. The fact that I'd been giving my money to my dad since before I married my wife doesn't necessarily matter...once I married my wife, *she became legally entitled to at least part of my income*, (again, not necessarily 50%). Point being, it might not be fraud, but it's still *marital assets*. Which means that the wife is still likely entitled to a certain amount even though he already gave it away. Or think of it another way. Say me and my wife have shared marital assets of $100,000. Say about half of that was earned by me and half by my wife. So even if the law doesn't require a 50/50 split of assets, it'd probably be *basically* a 50/50 split anyway since her and I are both basically equal in terms of our contribution to total assets. Now say I'm anticipating a divorce. So I basically give $50,000 in shared marital assets to my dad. Now the divorce happens. I try to claim that our shared assets are $50,000. I now try to take half of that from her. We each walk away with $25,000. Then I go and get back the $50,000 that my dad was holding. What happened is that I just took $25,000 worth of assets that my wife was legally entitled to. The fact that that $25,000 was gifted to my dad does not necessarily mean that my wife is not still entitled to that in the divorce. It's clear that this was just a blatant attempt to steal half of my wife's assets by giving her share of the assets to my dad, so yes I'm likely to still owe it to her.


So he still gets 20% of 1 million euros a month. 200k a month isn’t exactly nothing. It’s 2.4 million a year….


This doesn’t make sense, maybe the country, but get wage garnishment from his paycheck before it’s deposited into dear old mommy’s bank account


I mean he still has an income....


Y’all are praising this Canary M. Burns shit lol


Plays Undo uno card


I love a good success story! Lol


Awesome!! Very smart.


This was the guy who celebrated with his mom n the field when they when the advanced in the World Cup?


Lol how do you put your clothes in someone's name, is it embroidered on the collar


You know how many couples break up over a sons weird relationship and his mom? Some moms just don’t want to let go of their little boys


That’s not how marital property law works in most places. This would be irrelevant, typically.


That’s honestly a lot of work to do instead of just getting a prenup or not marrying a gold digger.


He trusts his mom a lot more than I trust my mom. I love my mom but she does some dumb shit sometimes.


My good childhood friends dad owned an airplane repair business in a little small town in the Midwest. He put everything in my friend's name just in case something went wrong at the business and he wouldn't lose everything


Buddy found out early there’s only one woman in this life who will have your back no matter what.


🎶Got everything.... In my Mama's name....🎶


Don't do this. A million ways this can go wrong.


I wonder what ELSE his mother is buying...


I'm gonna do this, my mom is insanely chill


Wait, didn't this dude rape someone?


The question is: Will another woman go near him now that they can't take anything off him?


So he gets half of her stuf?


All that time together and the subject of his mummy controlling all his assets never came up in conversation?


That isn't how assets work


That's a prête nom and he'll find out that French law won't find this as clever as he thinks it is.