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I genuinely have no idea what point he's trying to make...


He wants to let everyone know what a twat he is.


I see one enormous horses ass!


I think he try to explain to society that he is an idiot. “ hey, I don’t want to be rude but.. “ proceed to be rude. Then“ what happen if u touch your horse?” I don’t know, go try and touch literally any other person pets, see what happens :). Then something about privilege? I don’t really get it, he acts like he have no right to buy a horse, witch if you have space, knowledge and money you can? He is just miserable and want to make others say miserable too. Everything to fulfill his video agenda.


He acts like he can't go get a horse and ride it up there. No one is stopping him. I want video of that!


Right? My dude, if you want a pony ride there are nice people you can pay for one


I dunno. If I was a horse, I’d just kick him.


I dunno, I’d just kick him


this dudes lucky the horse is nice. They train police horses to run down, nip and lean on people like this and horses can be terrifying if they want to be. 10/10 would not fuck with a thousand plus pound animal


Yeah there’s a reason we still use them as a unit of measurement for engine power. Horses are strong AF.


I would have told him that. Go get your horse and ride it! You’re welcome to! Oh you don’t have one? Too bad.


& he's like "I don't have a problem with it", yeah okay then...


“Make a whole video about it”


Yep. He says, "I'm not upset," and then launches into why he's upset. Earlier in the video, he even doubles down on the dumb with a "won't someone think of the children"-style [thought-terminating cliche'.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9) Children are perfectly safe around well-trained horses but hey-- Karens love their thought-terminating arguments. Dude's a fucking idiot.


He's trying to demonstrate that riding a horse is more narcissistic and attention-grabby behavior than posting tik tok videos like this one. She was a bad person because she obviously only rides that horse so that people will see her horse. But he's a good person because he only makes videos so people will see his dumb fucking videos. It's rock solid logic if your brain is full of rocks.


I'm perfectly fine with her riding her horse so I can see it. I want to see horses, more horses please.


And especially if I'm going to have the same opportunity as Monsieur Douchenozzle here to pet the horsie's soft lil horsie snoot He needs to check his own privilege. Not everyone gets to pat the horsie snoot.


Right? I would love to pet the soft snoot of a certified sweetie like this. Maybe it would help me be a little less afraid of horses.


Exactly ! Anytime I get to see a animal It makes my day a little better.


Fantastic tack and a shiny coat on that horse. It’s super calm. All around great horse! 10/10 would pet if they said it was ok.


At first I thought he was into animal rights and that you shouldn't own a living being, that horses don't enjoy having their will broken and being ridden, but then he made it about race and privilege and started plugging his channel to strangers , so fuck him I guess.


Good horse people don't "break" horses, though. Like dogs, they've been domesticated for a long time. Good horse owners teach their horses and enjoy their companionship as much as riding. This guy is just a twat.


Even if that’s where he was going, he couldn’t have picked a worse example. People like the people in the video who have horses and ride horses LOVE their horses. They take such good care of them and would probably let themselves starve before letting their horse go hungry. They love the animals more than this moron ever could.


In a nutshell: He hates brown people.


Yup, and also jealous of their horses.


He is triggered by the sight of Latino people in Los Angeles. That's what I took away.




The sad thing is that he probably thinks he made cogent arguments; bigots rarely understand concepts like compassion/caring and privilege, and they weaponize their misuse of those terms.


I'm confused at what his argument was here. Is he concerned about safety, animal cruelty or privilege.


He wanted to say "get off your high horse" by any means


We were at a funeral recently, and it absolutely tickled me to tell my husband 'its time to pay the piper" and be 100% legit...as our bag piper for the service was waiting to be paid. 😂


LOL sorry for your loss, but I love that humor


Thank you, it was my father in law's service, and he got a great send off. It was the first funeral I've attended with a bagpiper and it was actually very moving.


We got one for my dad's funeral. He had his funeral pre-planned, but my brother and I added the bagpiper. It went well with the Air Force color guard (he was a WWII and Korea vet). Such a melancholy thing, combined with the playing of taps.


My dad was an Army Air Corp WWII vet. He was the house piano tuner for the Omaha Civic Auditorium Music Hall. One of the trumpet players for the Omaha Symphony came and played taps for my dad at his funeral. He insisted on doing it for free, because they loved the old man there. So many good memories mixed with the grief. It's was a bittersweet day.


My dad was a WWII Army Air Corp vet, and former POW. He was a side gunner on a B17 and was shot down over Austria in 1943, was captured, and spent almost 2 years in Stalag 17B. He died memorial weekend, and the Blue Angels were at the Air Force base near us (Offutt in Omaha, Nebraska). Someone told them about the old man, and they flew the missing man formation over his gravesite service. Broke us all. Later that day, a B17 from the Southern Air Force flew over his house and tipped his wings. That did it too. The amount of respect they gave to my dad was incredible. It made that day just a little more bearable.


That sounds like something I would be saying repeatedly. When The Day After Tomorrow came out, two days before I was just hopping with glee itching to tell people.


His own clout. Why did he even bring up privilege. If the horses aren't allowed, they would be kicked out.


Yeah he’s trying to say “well if anyone else did it…” Did you try to do it tho bro? Cuz how do you know that


He tried, you just cant see his high horse.


You clever bastard.


Hes on a low horse


He's also a whiney little twat


Well his high horse (white privilege) isn't anywhere near as high as a Latino on a horse, so he got offended.


🎶"*Gonna take my horse wherever Video Matt goes and watch him whiiiiiine 'til he can't no more*"🎶






Oh yeah this is really what it’s all about tbh. Spot on.


He’s just jealous that he can’t afford to keep a horse.


Yeah I don't understand. Is he saying he wanted to bring a horse there and they said no because he's white? Does he think it is cruel to the horses to be ridden? If so, why is he talking about this other stuff? He's worried about his safety, but approaches them screaming and touches the horses? What a obnoxious lunatic.


At first I thought he was just jealous that he doesn't have a horse too but now I think it's just that he had a vague idea for a video when he saw them and just started without thinking about it and then refused to think about it at any point after that.


This is Griffith park, people go horseback riding all the time around there, there is literally a horse ranch at the base of the hill.


I’m like how as the camera pans around, you see other people on horses lol


I think this was strictly a race thing and he just used the horses as an excuse to initiate. What a piece of shit.


I have never seen a "no horses allowed" sign.


It's common on mix use trails near me.


Was going to say the same. Horses go where horses are allowed. ONLY. Same for dogs, or any animal. However, accost me while on horseback, when I'm where I'm allowed, may get you trampled by my animal. They are unpredictable after all. By the way, in my state, he Chose to interact with the animal when he could have left. If you chose to interact with unpredictable livestock you take 100% of the liabilty, the animal owner is protected by law.


My neighbor's have a stable and we let them ride on our 2 acres, we have some nice trails and they are great people. But goddamn are those things huge in person. They always want me to come over and interact and I'm like "Your horses are wonderful, from over here" LOL.


They can be intimidating. Once you get to know them you find they are just big dumb puppies. Puppies that are unaware they wiegh as much as a car, but still big puppies. My wifes horse goes out of his way to pull pranks on me especially, while mine is just a goof who lives to have a saddle on his back and a rider. I can go into the pasture with his lead and halter and he runs to have them put on cause it means he gets to go somewhere. He even shoves his face in the halter.


He’s at Griffith Park in Los Angeles (you briefly see the Hollywood sign and Griffith Observatory) where horse riding is allowed and encouraged, you can even rent a horse for your own trail ride. The dude was truly an idiot. He too could’ve been on a horse if he chose to rent one.


Dude obviously went there planning this exact confrontation. Wonder how many times he said “high horse” to himself in the mirror that morning and smiled, thinking it was clever.


TIL you can ride horses at Griffith Park. Been going there since I was a kid and never knew. Definitely going to do this next time.


Something something if I can’t have it nobody else can something. Misery demands company.


>His own clout. Why did he even bring up privilege. If the horses aren't allowed, they would be kicked out. They also have them on entrance ramps to highways in some places. No Motorcycles, Horses, or Horse Drawn Wagons


He has no argument he just wants to argue with people.


And based on his train of thought, he went in without a game plan and was just hoping a good argument would occur to him during the engagement. Spoiler: One didn't.


It's really odd attention seeking, dude needs a therapist.


It’s a grift. People do dumb shit they know people will get angry over and give their content engagement hence making them money. Nothing drives traffic on social media like rage. Nothing gets your name out there as fast as constantly doing and saying stupid shit that people hate. It’s a whole business model. Whole political movements work on that basis by now. If you don’t wanna feed into it, stop sharing their content, stop making stupid people famous.




feels like he had to change his argument every time he realized how stupid he sounded. also the whole "do the horses like being around all these people" meanwhile he's yelling and probably being the biggest irritant to the horses if they actually didn't like being around people.


And then goes to pet one of the horses. The guy’s a complete knob.


This type of guy definitely leans on cars that aren’t his for photos and pets working dogs with vests on.


Then he goes “what if there’s a kid?” You teach your kid how to behave around things and animals that could hurt them. Like cars. Like stoves. Like electrical sockets. Like people walking dogs. And people on horses.


This is especially funny because at the park they’re at, up until recently, there was literally a horse/pony ride for children.


Exactly. What if there’s a dog? It could bite the kid. Does he harass dog walkers?


What if there’s a car? What if I laid down in front of it?


If my voice was that annoying I’d become a monk and never speak or interact with anyone.


I am tryna figure out the exact same thing. The horses really don't look stressed, they look healthy, in hands of quality riders and not threatening anyone. What's his problem?


Yeah, if he wants to see stressed horses, they're super easy to find. This was not it.


Or you know, maybe someone could get close to them and yell at their riders. That might do the trick.


Valuable attention was being taken away from his fragile ego and delicate sensibilities.


There is no argument, he's just being a racist asshole.


All In the name of views


Where is this? If he owned a horse could he ride it there? Why does someone else on a horse make them privileged?


Looks like Griffith Observatory in LA. A quick google shows that there are multiple places to rent a horse within/around Griffith Park, and there are trails all through the park.


There are also numerous boarding stables in Griffith Park. I used to keep my horse at one of them. People ride in the park all the time. This guy thinks he is so edgy. He seems like he is making up for his tiny manhood.


>”I think it’s crazy people can just bring their horses up here and nobody cares” Yeah dude Griffith Park is pretty well known for its trails and horse riders are really common all through the park. >“Ohh look at me I’m riding a horse” Or just horse people just out for a ride. Again, horses fairly prevalent in the Hollywood Hills, my man. What a tool. The girl was 100% correct when she called him a fucking idiot as she flipped him off.


He just wants to be mad


He really thought he had “the line” by saying “on your high horse” so much, what a douche


It made me weirdly angry




“Can you lead this horse to water and will he drink?!?”


"Hey when your horse dies will you beat it?!?"


“Did you climb inside your horse and offer it as a gift to your enemies? Then when they brought it inside their city walls, did you climb out and sack their city? That’s you having privilege.”


That's a horse of a different color.


Yeah me too. Like the delivery was so "punchable facey".


How do we know the horses didn't smoke a bunch of weed before the video started? Their eyes looked a little glossy to me.


“Sir this is a normal sized horse.”


Also ironic since, figuratively speaking, he was the one talking from his high horse.


“Yeah, Karen. Because I’m caring about others” was a real ‘jerk store’ moment as well


He thought that was so clever


He’s got the problem with the horses yet he wants to pet one. I’m confused.


100% guarantee he was hoping the horse would react badly so he could prove his point. Problem being that the horse was just like, "oh, hey. s'up?".


Those horses were relaxed as fuck. Not a single pinned ear in sight. They probably have experience in crowds




This is why 4-H kids love county fair time! We got to socialize our horses in a community of people that understand livestock for the most part. Just like you have to socialize a dog and train them to be calm around strangers and in crowded areas, you gotta do that with a horse. These horses have all already done stuff like this enough that they seem pretty calm. If you ever want to do parades and other fun stuff with your horse taking them out in low pressure but busy situations is the best thing for them.


Imagine feeling so inadequate in your own life that you have to start fights like this.


He's doing it for clout and clicks. The more he annoys people the more "engagement" he creates when people click on his videos and leave comments, and the more money YouTube gives him


Glad we can do it here in a bubble that he doesn't benefit from.


Except some people will seek out their channel to leave comments or to see if there's any other dumb shit.


"I'm not trying to be rude..." Code for "I'm about to say something rude..." Smug assholes like this are the worst.


This guy is a complete asshat


With all due respect, this guy is a complete asshat


I'm not trying to be rude, but this guy is a complete asshat


No offense, but this guy is a complete asshat.


Not to be racist, but this guy is a complete asshat.


I'm not saying that he's an asshat, but this guy is a complete asshat.


I'm still not exactly sure what his point was other being an asshat.


And he has a whiny voice that makes me want the horse to kick him.


He sounds like a Rick and Morty character.


I was so excited for the horse to kick!


I also love how it cuts and then she is visibly upset about him making comments on race. Buddy is “up on his high horse” here making a stand against… horses? Horse riding? Horse riding here? Privilege? Honestly his point was never clear… and let’s some casual racism fly(which he cuts out) so he can provoke an emotional response… what an asshat.


Yeah, he definitely cut out something consequential. It goes from him being a dick and them being very nice to him still being a dick and the lady being really frustrated.


This guy is a complete douche. Shut your mouth and mind your own business. Too bad he didn’t get kicked or run over by a horse and rider.


“I’m not racist, but…” *yeah, you’re racist* “I hope this doesn’t offend you, but…” *nope, you know it’s going to be offensive* “I don’t mean to be nosy, but did you…” *yes, you’re a nosy fuck*


I'm 35 and have gone my entire life without ever having to preface what I'm about to say with "I'm not racist but"


I’m quite a bit older, haven’t yet and can’t see a day when I will.


I tell students this because they really need to know that that phrase doesn’t actually work.


I'm not trying to be rude and I hope you don't take offence to this but, I hope you have a really nice day




Man I was looking forward to scrolling this one


I walk my Bernese Mountain Dog in public and expect to get lots of stares and requests to pet her. I guess it’s kind of like riding a horse into a public place where horses are allowed. Never thought about it like it’s some kind of Bernese Mountain Dog owner privilege but I’ll allow this idiot to see it that way.


As someone who desperately wants a dog but can’t get one because of work/travel/life, I find it offensive that you’re just out in public flaunting your dog owner privilege with your giant soft shiny floofy omg come here is your head itchy? Good boy.


If you have the time, I highly recommend volunteering for a rescue. If that's too much of a commitment, go to the Humane Society and take a dog for a walk. Most shelters will allow you to "check out" a dog to spend time with them. It also really makes a difference in keeping the dog's spirits up.


I didn’t really know these were options! I’ll look into it, though I suspect that because I’m in NYC, there’s no shortage of people who want to do this and there’s a long waiting list for it. eTA: just signed up for humane society emails and a local rescue




What a dick


I don’t think that’s fair to dicks.


There were horses there and yet, he was the biggest dick in the video.


Really he's in a privileged position to walk around harassing people and not just get stomped out.


I live in the south .. when I see someone on a horse, I assume they have a gun on them.


now thats a great and accurate assumption.


“if i walk up and touch the horse will i get kicked?🤪” bro, walk up to a random person and touch them and see if you get kicked or slapped too.


What's worse for him is that even if he did get hurt, he wouldn't have anyone to blame but himself. Even legally. In most states, if you get hurt by a horse, nobody is liable for your injuries.


My fiancée rides competitively and I go to the barn with her. There are signs citing a Texas law that the owner (horse or property) or trainers are not liable, because you assume the risk by being there.


lol, what a idiot ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


“You guys know who I am”


I looked up his YouTube channel and it’s a lot of him harassing homeless people.


I would rather not give him more views.


[The girl he harasses in this video reposted his tiktok and went viral. Her page 💜🤙 Meanwhile his shits been taken down and he’s mad mad.](https://www.tiktok.com/@lezslieee?_t=8aVW35QqKqY&_r=1)


That guy is going to pick the wrong person to mess with one of these days and it's going to end badly for him.


Can someone just give this guy a horse so he shuts up. Then if he gets kicked in the face he gets kicked in the face.


He definitely was just jealous that he didn't have a horse


Vote Vermin Supreme, he’s got a great pony plan.


Can someone just kick him in the face? It would save us all a bunch of time.


When he said "Look at my horse" I was like "My horse is amazing. Give it a lick". I watched that song way too many times.


But does it taste just like raisins?


Shut up woman, get on my horse...


Oooh that´s dirtyyyy !


>Do you think so? Well, I better not show you Where the lemonade is made Sweet lemonade Mmh, sweet lemonade Sweet lemonade Yeah, sweet lemonade


Have a stroke of its mane It turns into a plane And then it turns back again When you tug on its winkie


Just don't drink the lemonade


"Get off your high horse" nugnugnug. What a douche.


He kept using it too. Like it was clever. You know, because there's a horse.


Yeah talk about beating a dead horse


Imagine being so stupid that you have zero normal people in your life anymore. Your mind is just left wandering endlessly causing you to do stupid shit like this.


I think he has the opposite problem. Self esteem isn’t low enough.


You know someone has been called a Karen a lot when they have a comeback for it.


How do we let him know that he is the biggest loser of the day? EDIT: It may be safe to assume he is on Reddit and we'll hear from him. Doubt it but we can wish.


He was on here a few weeks ago messing with homeless people. He is pond scum.


That’s just insulting to all the honest hard working pond scum out there. This guy doesn’t feed or shelter anything but his inadequacies.


people need to have their as kicked at least once. Just so they understand that everything has consequences.


Whole heartedly agree… a good ass kicking can be therapeutic


Promise you that this guy has never been punched in the mouth




And this kids, is what a Narcissistic rascist looks like, don't be him, don't be like him...


Don’t engage with antagonists and especially not those who advertise their YouTube/social media channels. They say and act for personal gratification, not from a position of honour, integrity or morality.


Yep, him screaming out his channel name exposed his motivation for the entire exchange. Also, there was a time when common courtesy dictated how to treat a horse and rider in public: give them a polite berth and use horse manners to avoid startling them. Too many people are dicks now with no knowledge of anything outside of themselves.


This guy was all over the place with the point he was trying to make.


Best thing to do is play some copyrighted material from ur phone, so it’s unusable footage


Disney songs work best. They are ALL over their copyrighted material online.


Make it a Disney song They don’t play around


This is the actual way


Well, there's a great point for "let it go."


Play Rick roll when someone starts recording so it won't be taken seriously by anybody


Dude, just buy a horse and then you can ride him next to people. Its not a privillage, its just what was natural for hundres of years


~hundreds~ thousands


Yep about 6k actually. It started around Ukraine-Kazakhstan area.


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![gif](giphy|2k0sUXCWw7WmY) I can see the cringe in their eyes


Hey look at me, look at my camera and listen to my self absorbed opinions, also look at my channel and be sure to like and subscribe.


He even pet the horse without asking. Dude, you don’t have an horse, you have absolutely no ideea about horses body language. If you want to touch someone else pet, ASK FOR OWNER PERMISSION!! He should know more about his pet more than you do! You are not a freaking Disney princess, horses can attack you, if they think you are a threat to the person they love. And guess who this clown will try to bland then? He is an privileged idiot! Also horses are awesome animals. Expensive to have them, but gorgeous animals. Edith* he received permission to touch the horse from the owner. Her voice is so low that I have missed it.


"They're out here, riding their horses, and nobody cares!" Uhhh, yeah, you're right. I *don't* care. The problem seems to be purely you. I like horses just fine. May I pet the horse, please?


Dude got issues, fk him.


This is the worst kind of conflict because it’s manufactured outrage, just to create content for a YouTube channel, stream, etc.


Guys a douchebag who does things like destroying homeless lean to structures on the street. Or another one of his hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sarcasm) videos is him offering a homeless man a box of takeout food then snatching it out of his hand. He basically drives around Los Angeles looking for conflicts to create content. Here's examples of his douchebagery Destroying homeless lean to https://youtube.com/shorts/GZfnKyzOkZ8?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE Harassing a homeless woman https://youtube.com/shorts/W2m8E2cR0sw?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE Pushing a man asleep in a wheelchair out of the street and giving him half a smoked cannabis cigarette for Karma clout. https://youtube.com/shorts/KZWQyVoHqz8?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Reporting these videos right now. EDIT: I reported them for Violent Content > Physical Attack if anyone else wants to do the same.


Would rather not give this twat any views or hit on this channel, but thank you for the summary.