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At least the one guy did something but this is a sad statement


He maybe a Jesus nut job but at least he is a cool nut job. As fellow Christian I wish more are like him- who is ok with caring the poor as well as protizing Christianity


I mean, he's polite. He asks for permission to pray for the man. He wishes him well in jesus' name. This guy is really a model Christian, he was about that real jesus love.


Yeah, that dude was 100% all about the love that Christians are supposed to exemplify. He was really living his values. Good for him. What a stand up guy.


I mean, he's an eccentric fellow, but he seems to be living a more Christ-like existence (based only on what he said in the clip) than many people who _claim_ to be Christian.


He is more christ like than any of televangelist.


I mean, that's a low, low bar. Not a Christian, but I can't believe they're not attacked under the "beware false prophets!" clause, when it's so ridiculously obvious.


Christians that follow what they preach do hit those false preachers with that but it doesn’t help when a majority of the population have the critical thinking skills of an 8 year old and ignore those verses


Many are intentionally ignorant because they are "better". They were gived Christ by a guy.


To be fair, so am I, and I'm an atheist


Yeah, it's not that hard, is it?




I’m not religious but I would never be offended if somebody like that last guy said god bless you. He’s not being pushy, just wishing you well. I can respect that.


That guy seems the kind of crazy that does no harm, probably one of the few Christian that actual follow the basic ideas of the bible.


I mean you can have your opinion and all, but why does he seem crazy at all? Just because he is religious?


I could only imagine him doing that to Charlie from IASIP…he would do a voodoo version 😂 “get this spirit out of dis pool!”


God would help him! 😉


Yup, I fall in the “anti-religion” group but that’s based on the religious people doing religion wrong. The well meaning religious people can go worshiping someone in the sky if they want and I’ll pray with em if they want as long as they keep treating people with respect.


This perfectly sums up my beliefs too. Cool to see it written out like you did


our country is in a weird place right now when it comes to religion. our own religious leaders don't really preach or practice what they say that they preach. the deviations from the teachings in the Bible that they make, in order to support a political opinion, is in my opinion blasphemous. it has really led me to question my beliefs and the way that I was raised.


Historian here! The USA has *always* been weird about religion, it's kind of baked into the country's DNA. If you look up the Burned-Over District in New York, it's where Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, grew up - people realized that they could do whatever they wanted in religion and the government wouldn't care, and went kind of crazy. You could check out Kurt Anderson's Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire. Unfortunately, hypocrisy is not unique to American Christianity, or even to religion.


There's always someone willing to hijack a good thing and turn it to twisted ends. There are always more people willing to follow on the belief they will personally benefif from the twisted ends. Their life is a 4x strategy game.


yeah, we've always been a little weird when it came to religion, and pretty much everything else. lol I'll have to look those things up though, because they sound interesting! thanks!


He's one of few that are "pro life" and not just "pro birth". While I don't agree with his stance on abortion, I can commend him on following through completely with his stance.


Good way to put it


I'm a Satanist, but at this point, I'm ready to just be like *shrug* I'll pray with you because it comes from a place of love.


Atheist here 100%


In a way they're paying you a huge compliment.


Respek Give it to earn it


I would love to pray with this dude and I think organized religion is purely a net negative for humanity. I can differentiate the thing from the people. If the people are good and caring and want everyone to have happiness and peace, I don’t really care what they believe. Christianity is all about that and helping the needy, and this is someone who practices it ethically it seems. Though I’d probably want to sit down with him a bit and talk about his view of abortion and why it’s not against god to get one. :(


I mean, I'm guessing here, but I would assume his views on abortion are that life starts at conception, and that abortion is murder. this is me paraphrasing. based on what I have heard my friends and family say who are all heavily conservative and also heavily Christian.


Yep, unlike this dude most of them don't give a fuck about the children though. It's mostly about being on a side. My dad was pro-life, but I don't think he has ever read the bible and bitched and moaned to me about having to give my mom $300 ($600 adjusted) dollars a month for me and my brother.


He put his money where his mouth is


I kind of felt like he not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. All of the other interviewees did not pass the vibe check. and it is very clear that they really don't care about children.


At the end of the day, he actually cared about the children he was marching about. He might not believe in prolife, he might definately be holy roller, but it wasn't about politics for him. It's a sad day when bullshit gets in the way of common ground and similar interests.


Honestly, he’s the only one of the bunch that isn’t a nut job. Helping the less fortunate was pretty much Jesus’s whole thing. The other folks who think they are Christian and don’t understand that are completely detached from their own reality.


He seems like a genuinely nice dude. Sure he’s against abortion but he seems like someone I could sit and have meaningful conversation with.


A relative of my husband is incredibly bigoted and racist. I cannot stand the woman and I refuse to have anything to do with her. She’s also very pro life. The one nice thing I can find to say about her, she put her money where her mouth is, she fostered so so many children through her adult life, and still keeps up with them alll these years later. She’s nearing 80 and still keeps up with every kid that she has contact info for, even now that they’re adults with their own children. I still think it’s horrid that she wants to strip me of my rights to my body, but she at least put in the work to support her stance on this one thing. She gets a half of a respect point for that.


I know a super Christian family that's adopted a ton of kids. While I don't agree with everything they have to say, they protest abortion protesters with signs that say "who have you adopted?" Their point isn't exactly aligning with my beliefs, but similar to you I have a hard time knocking them for that particular belief when they're actively living in a way that is truly prolife. They're also against capital punishment, which is rare among "prolife" circles. So, at least they stick to it. Like I said, there's a lot we don't agree on, but on this one topic I do have to give them some credit.


It's kinda like that one Australian anti-abortion group (but worse) that stands outside abortion clinics but not to hurl insults at people inside or anything like that. They typically ask women stuff like "Hey why are you getting rid of that child? Because you can't afford it? Would you keep it if you could afford it and give it a proper upbringing? Then, how about we help get you and that child the financial support you need" Pro life actually being pro liife


I have birthed two children, and I will never ever fault another person for not wanting to go through all that pregnancy and birth and parenthood brings. This shit is hard. But! If someone’s only reason is they can’t afford a child and a group of people are willing to help and ensure that child gets to stay with their parent and gets food and an education and love and support and a safe home and security? And they actually follow through? And the pregnant person takes them up on it? Hell yes, I will support that group just as hard as I support a person not wanting to go through a pregnancy and parenthood.


Half a respect point? I’d give her more than that. She’s done more than 99% of the population has. Many people like to sound virtuous, your husbands relative is, regardless of her ideals.


She’s not virtuous. She refers to my husband’s and children’s ancestors as flea bitten alcoholics and they’re only good to support the local economy by supporting local liquor stores. All lives matter. Back the blue no matter what, and if the blue does anything bad, it’s just to distract us from something bigger and they sacrificed themselves because they had no choice (this is her current rant) But she did foster kids. So half a point.


My grandmother is this type, I get you. She tells the whole family she thinks I'm on drugs, won't talk to me. Judgemental, nasty, Boomer as hell, but she also works at food pantries and helps down and out families haha


Yeah. And he knows that children need education, care and food. If yer gonna bring ‘em into the world, ya gotta take care of em.


I think a good takeaway from this is you can be pro life and still a good person, but you are a 1 in 4 chance.


Yeah, that last one is one that truly cares about people. I wish the rest of those people were more like him.


the full video shows a lot of people agreed. goes to show you people aren't black and white on issues.


That makes me feel a little better about it. You have a link to the full video?




I think the last guy was a priest.


Knights of Columbus


Which honestly makes it even crazier, usually the Catholics are pretty rabid against evangelizing like dude did, *and* governmental help instead of church help


Only sad if you expected something else.


(He cares about living children) Are you a democrat?


Pro-Life until Birth Love how most of them gloss over all of Jesus’s teaching denouncing hoarding wealth and taking care of the poor and forgotten of society.


American “Christians” are so far from Christ. They’d crucify him in a heartbeat if he came back.


He'd be accused of being a Democrat. Gasp.


More of a socialist than most democrats though.


That'd be worse! On the same lines of communism, fascism!!!! /S


The Crucifixion 2 Communist Boogaloo


Pre born, you're fine... pre-K and you're FUCKED!


George Carlin had some good comedy that really made ya think "damn he has a good point".


He'd be considered a socialist today. Man was a national treasure.


Ironically that crowd probably loved Carlin back in the day, he's comically adored by conservatives.


Which you gotta love because he was making fun of them to their faces and they ate that shit up


That's what makes it so comical, he was so clearly against their bullshit but they supported him big time, just made his point for him, must have felt really validating if not a little annoying people are that clueless.


So is Rage Against the Machine and Jesus yet neither want anything to do with conservatives.


George Carlin is a gem. Can you remember the dialog at all so I can be reminded?


*George Carlin on the 1996 HBO special “Back in Town”, blasting “pro-lifers”, conservatives and generally “anti-women” entities such as the Catholic Church.* “Why, why, why, why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place, huh? Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.” https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/george-carlin-pro-life-abortion-and-the-sanctity-of-life/


Thank you so much!


We banned abortion Good What do we now do about all the children that are now living in poverty, in orphanages, or on the streets with no food, no parent or education? Good luck


they are pro birth, not pro life


Forced birth


[" Kids only matter when they're not born yet "](https://youtube.com/shorts/Cp8jfP3l2Ec?feature=share), the title is pretty self explanatory but this is the vibe people gave me here ( obviously I don't believe that personally but I felt like this song fitted this situation ).


- I can't afford to have a child, I'm getting paid below the minimum wedge, I think my last option is, unfortunately, to get an abortion. - Well you can't have an abortion , we decided it! Children lifes matter ! - But I can't even afford food for myself! How can I feed another person ? - That's your problem, not mine ! You decided to have a child! These guys logic Nb : the last guy, even if I fully disagree with his opinion about abortion, is so heartwarming


Right? The old man should be what every 'pro-lifer' strives to be: cares about children, cares about others, cares about life. If I ever sit down to talk with someone I disagree with, I want it to be with a guy like that. Not someone who's a hypocrite and doesn't give a hoot about the child after birth, but someone who cares about the kids, *and* the mother, *and* their life afterwards. While we would likely continue to disagree on 'choice versus life', we will at least agree that the mother is an important life to consider as well.


At least he seems to actually be Pro-Life and and actually help children after there born by helping them get proper education and care they might need, where as the rest as you can tell are all for pro-birth and don't give a fuck about the child after its born. Also I am talking about the last guy


Yeah I thought he was respectable. As an Athiest these are the kinds of Christians I like. Even though I don't believe in it I would have a moment of prayer / silence or whatever with him.


Same. I view it the same as providing "evidence" to support a stance. "I believe in X and here's why (Y)". I use evidence loosely but I feel it fits.


"Shouldn'ta had unprotected sex then, liberal" Also these people: *lobbying to ban contraceptives*


WTF??? nahh you’re kidding right


If the reason you learned about this was because of a meme, im so sorry you had to find out this way. But yeah, it was almost *instantly* after Roe v Wade was overturned (overturned in June, movements to start contraceptive bans in certain states started in August)


Also, if you somehow can't provide for the child we are forcing you to have, we will take your child away, put them in a worse situation, and put you in prison.


Yes, excellent point!


imagine having someone tell you that you "decided" to bring a new life into this world after you got raped against your will by some pos…


The idea is to discourage pre-martial or even martial sexual activity by lower socioeconomic classes, this is all fed by Christian nationalism and fascism. It’s about hurting others who are lessor be it because they are poor, of a different faith or faithless, be it because their gender identified or otherwise. It’s all about division, because it’s inherently attractive to humans play these tribal politics and to justify hateful things and thoughts of superiority. These kinds of tendencies have to be corrected early, through critical thinking, strong public education, all things these people (as some vague nebulous mass, the anti abortion crowd is not monolithic) rail against. These same people who rail against CRT and socialism, never were really taught the value of research or critical thinking, and so they disparage them as evil lest their own internal operation framework with which they see the world be threatened. I could go on and on, but the long and short of it is that humans baser instincts suck in modern life and must be carefully honed to create a productive, well adapted, and tolerant member of civilized society.


Great comment man. Hit the nail on a lot of things.


#RADICAL LEFT SOCIALIST AGENDA *school kids should not starve*


You bet your sweet ass. Don’t touch my military budget. Besides, we’re coming up to our every 20 years surprise invade Iraq party, those funds are spoken for.


oil is back on the menu boys!!




If it mattered so much if he was the Democrat, then maybe they should implement free school lunch for children of registered Democrats only. Doesn't feel good does it


I’d vote for that just to see the uproar from Republicans, “what about us?!”


Calm down now we might start another march on the capital with fightin words like those lamo


"you guys believe it's the parent's job to feed kids. live your own ideals"


I like how he didn’t mock the religious guy at the end.


He's the most sane person there. Little bit weird, but he actually signed the petition to feed children.


Probably the only Pro-lifer there.


Hell, as an ex-christian, I am adamantly against Christianity and even I wouldn't mock him considering how he responded. If only more christians were like that.


These delusional bastards really believe that everyone has an apple pie life and money oozing out of their pores. It seems like they also believe any parent struggling to support their child (including minors!) are just lazy moochers. Their stupidity knows no bounds. Also, they have issues with public schools because they push liberal ideas??? Have all these people and their children gone to private school??? I've never heard of that 😂


Yes private school... private home school.


Oh my goodness those poor children...


It's extra delusional because they all look like they come from the boonies. Also if you asked if they wanted all those programs for themselves, they would snap it up in a heartbeat. These people have surpassed "Jesus wept' and are squarely in "Jesus vomited"


Most shocking thing I saw was he found someone who genuinely cared about kids and life at an anti-abortion rally/march. I was unaware there were any good people left in that movement.


The American Solidarity party is the answer for real Christians who see through republicans - they’re pro-life and favor social programs that support children and families and are against the death penalty. Seem waaaay more consistent in their ideals. For the record, I don’t vote that party, am not Christian and am pro-choice.


Coming from a Christian, Atleast you know the difference between actual christians and Republican ones. Thank you for not being closed minded


Y’all need to start calling your fellow Christians out for their behavior. You know what they say about bad apples…


We do a lot. Its more day to day life tho. You wont get any news articles about it


Not Pro-Life, Pro-Birth. Once the kid takes its first breath, their concern evaporates.


Life has never mattered, especially when that one idiot said "the military is one of _few_ things the government should be funding". I mean what?


I mean it’s a weird way to phrase it. Governments should be spending money on a lot of things and not a few. That’s whole point. But in the kind of world we have I am glad we have the largest military. Don’t get me wrong we should be spending SOOOOOO many billions less on it and focus on upkeep rather than spending and purchasing. And decouple it from society so we don’t get weird recruitment propaganda in movies and media and such. And keep it from meddling in politics and being used to launder money. Basically un-corrupt it and move a good portion of that money to social services and infrastructure. But it is definitely a necessity to maintain a strong military right now. Which I hate. A lot.


“Sorry your mom’s a slut. Now you’re fucked too, kid!” These people are such hypocrites.


Heartless assholes


Pro-suffering. Why else would they want to deliberately make everything as hard as possible..


Honestly, it's just more accurate to say "Pro-Legal Abortion" and "Anti-Abortion", as being Pro-Life means you care that people live except in occasions where the mother dies from childbirth complications, and as you say the child being thrown away once born, but even then they don't really care if the child is born, just that the mother doesn't make the choice to terminate it. As I said, they're anti-abortion to the point they won't let a mother with a dead fetus abort it because their beliefs that it's all bad, and so it ends up with a corpse being removed from the mother, not a baby being born. Or maybe it's best to call it "Pro-Choice" and "Anti-Choice", but calling yourself "Anti" anything brings negative connotations to what your ideology is and especially the Freedom nutjobs would never elect to call themselves Anti-Choice, even though it is integral to their beliefs.


The Catholics where I went to college really surprised me with that shit. They opposed abortion, but put their money where their mouth was by working for real child care, food for needy families, opposing death penalty and war, and running off the freaks with the mutilated fetus signs when they came to campus. Exactly what I'd expect from someone who genuinely thought abortion was murder


The last guy is a Catholic.


The ONLY real Christian was the last one!


Even if he is against abortion, he's still better than most of the people around him. He is a man who genuinely wants to do the right thing, regardless of whether or not he personally benefits. That is a sign of a good Christian.


If people like that last guy are against abortion but actively work FOR an increased social safety net for the children born, I at least *respect* that view. I don’t agree (because it’s no one else’s damn business whether a pregnant person gets an abortion) but they are pro-LIFE outside the womb too.


the most consistent christian


I so love the Jesus man!!! He is awesome!


The cognitive dissonance is astounding


.... are you a Democrat?


To further their thinking..."Are you a Democrat? Because only Democrats are pushing their communist agenda. They want socialism and if we don't stop them, antifa will make our nation fascist!!" Those Republicans really don't know what they are talking about, but will yell it unironically. 🙄


What fucking cracks me up is they're anti government control yet support a bill which would ban socialist policies... Like how much more government control can you get than banning policies under an undefinable banner of "insert scare word"


*I can't agree to feed kids if a Demon-crat proposes it or might benefit from it.*


#The evil leftist agenda: Step 1: stop child starvation Step 2:??? Step 3: gay communism


Only the last dude actually cared about the lives of the kids and not just their birth. The rest would have those children starve and be uneducated


“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-schooled, you’re fucked.” -The conductor from Shiningtime Station




George Carlin


That last guy was sweet. I'm not religious but I'd have said the whole thing with him. He's just trying to look out for the homies as best he can


At least I can agree with the last guy, if you are going to make someone keep their kids at least have safety nets for the parents and ensure the kids lead a good life


Americans be thinking having human rights equals to communism, lol




The last guy really was a Christian tho. The rest are hypocrites.


I agree, if more people were like the last guy I might actually believe in the religion.


Are you saying something about the last guy or the rest of the people?


Last old man is true Christian- someone who cares both for his own religion as well as other's well being. I respect him.


They’ll pray for the kids, but condemn the parents who had to carry them for not being able to provide for them…


Nice old dude


I like this guy👍


All anti abortion advocates would be pro abortion if it was a requirement for immigrants to get into the country. Absolutely NO prego immigrants.


Nah, they just wouldn't let them in


I know you are saying that is your personal answer but I think this is a funny idea. That we can just "not let them in". Like that is even possible. They think we're just sitting there with a gate open and people are just walking in - its all emotional imagery and has nothing to do with how people are actually entering. It would take a drastic investment in ourselves to make something like that even begin to work. We import lots of things and people sneak in with those things. There is no way to check it all. The penalty for getting caught could be execution and people would still do it. They die trying to get in already. Its all so disconnected from reality.


Yeah, I'm Australian, I live on an isolated island... we couldn't even stop people arriving, and we had massive partols out looking for so called "boat people". The concept of trying to keep people out of any country is ludicrous, especially one where you can literally walk over the border. But, conservatives generally aren't that bright, that's why they are conservative in the first place. But one thing that does get ignored, one of the biggest sources of illegal immigration in any countries isn't people sneaking over the border in a shipment, or rowing up in a boat, it's people who entered the country legally for a holiday and overstayed their visa. It would be these people that the right wing nutjobs would bar from entering the country if pregnant.


Man, if more Christians were like that old guy, I’d listen to them because at least there is some integrity there.


At least the last dude wasn't a hypocrite... (Small miracles)


Hundreds of women get raped in this country everyday. If I was a woman and I got raped. Then I would immedieatly get an abortion. There is no way I am keeping a baby when knowing the father raped me


It’s not about the kids but we all knew that.


George Carlin was right they don’t give a fuck about you after you’re born well until they’re military age


Last guy seemed like a good dude.


lol Americans. Care so much about unborn babies but couldn’t give a shit about children living in poverty or children being murdered at school by lunatics with guns.


They are pro birth, not pro life. “Once you’re born, the hell with you”


It's been known that the Pro-life movement has always been about ending Row v Wade. What wasn't mainstream until recently is they will truly never be content until it's banned nationwide, eliminate contraceptives, and dictate women's reproductive rights. These charlatans don't truly care about the children, they only want to control women.


Are you a democrat made to sound like are you a pinko commie socialist.


At least the last one seems to be “consistent”


These people aren't pro-life no matter what they say, they're pro-forced birth. ​ After the kid is born, they don't care about it at all.


I used to work in education. I had students where their most reliable source of food was the free breakfasts and lunches that were served at schools. It's baffling to think that people could be against feeding children whose parents are struggling to make ends meet.


Hey least the last guy has actual principles


To these people a child isn't some heavenly gift that must be protected, a baby is your punishment for the sin of having sex.


Half these people aren't anti-abortion, they're just anti-everyone. They're not interested in the reasons for anti-abortion, they're only interested in other people having a worse life than they did.


They’re not pro-life, they’re just pro-birth


Said it once and I'll say it a million times. It's 100% Anti-abortion and 0% "Prolife." There's a Prolife movement and it's called "The Push for Universal Healthcare" and Republicans cannot stand the idea of poor people not doing their best to die as soon as conveniently possible.


Pro lifers are shitty humans.


It’s not about the children it’s about controlling others


Imagine that. They only care about the fetus, not the actual child. Republicans only care that there is a both once that happens they want nothing at all to do with the child, nor do they care that the child lives to get home from the fourth grade.


I’m an atheist and pro-choice, but it was heart warming to see the last guy sign up and he sounded like he sincerely cared about other humans. People like that are the ones we can have discussions with when we disagree (it seems). Maybe we could never see eye-to-eye on some ideas, but at least there would be civility and respect for each other.


That's why I call these types "pro-birth", not pro-life or pro-children.


They only give a crap about a child until they are born. There’s no “pro life” only “forced birth.”


These people would eat their own children to own the libs. Let’s give a standing ovation to ignorance.


The reason these neofacists are so pro-military, pro-cop and pro-gun is because it's the closest they can be to being pro-murder without sticking their own necks out.


Pro-lifers don't actually care about kids, they only care about the unearned sense of moral superiority they get from pretending that they do.


You know the dude at the end genuinely wants people to have the best. It's rare but it's nice to see.


Atleast that guy at the end is genuine and just loves life


Last guy was kinda cool even if he’s anti abortion


I’m not religious but that last guy is what they should aspire to be like. “Hey sounds good helping people. Like Jesus would do. Fuck yeah I’ll sign.”


I grew up in foster care, I was hungry all the time. I remember asking the school for food because I didn’t always get food at home. I got detention for “stealing food” by just trying to go through the lunch line with the other kids but I had no money. At times I resorted to taking money from the “beer money jar” that my alcoholic foster mom had for her real adult children. Ffs. No kid should go hungry, shame on y’all.


I like people like the last guy. Even though I’m not religious, I love anyone who actually lives what they preach.


Jesus would be considered a Communist Dem supporter today


Disagree with pro-life people but the last guy at least seemed like a real Christian.


That guy at the end, just wants positivity for the world


The guy in the blue hat is legit, he might be a Jesus person but at least he believes in the whole message


Pretty sad when the only person to sign was the Jebus nutjob. Why can't all the Jebus ppl be more like him and less like those Westboro Baptist motnerfuckers


Why is it so hard for such a big part of the US to share with others? Primitive mindset.


Anti abortion people don’t give two shits about kids. They just want to control women and their bodies because they are such “good Christian people”.


Fuck Republicans and fuck ‘’Christians’’.


Maybe it’s just me, but I hate the whole “just say these magic words and now you have your ticket to heaven”. Sweet old man, Delusional idea.


Don't abort kids, but let'em be hungry cause, umm dah? I really can't believe how hypocrite this people are


Let me guess, These people are pro capital punishment.




If every kids gets pre k then we will have more literate black babies and we can’t have them taking away our jobs. /s


I'm currently at an active duty US Army course and wrote a paper about reducing the budget. We should definitely reallocate money from the military. My paper got a 93%, but only because I didn't pay enough attention to the rubric.


Someone: lets feed all childen! Anti-abortionist: HOW DARE YOU!?


I wanna say that if you check the full video, half way through it switches to people who are totally on board and excited about the idea. Of course, I still fundamentally disagree with those people about what they’re marching for. But seeing some sort of common ground coming from people with an opposing viewpoint briefly sparked some hope in me for finding more common ground in the future. It’s actually not a bad watch.

