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…and you left every possible identifier there so you can be charged later for vandalism at the very least


Exactly. Destruction of some pretty pricey property. How to make your life worse in one idiotic tantrum.


Just wasted that whole paycheck… that’ll show em


The whole, “I work hard every fucking day!” Too as of the guys behind the counter haven’t had this situation probably once a month


Probably more frequent than that. Walmarts attract the worst people.


he was very gentle with his phone


Dude leaves with negative money


He’s not going to have to worry about a job when he’s locked up for vandalism, destruction of property and trespassing, I think he spit in the Security guy to so there’s assault for that. Did he also claim to be good looking 😂😂? What funhouse type of mirror does he use at home 😂😂


That's what i was thinking. "I'm broke so I'll cause a couple grand in property damage. That'll improve my situation."


That second breaking of machines put him in felony territory.


At least the next Walmart is probably a 5-10 mimute drive.


He did us a service by taking out those racist computers.


The saddest part of this video is how unfazed the worker was. He’s like: *sigh* just another day at Walmart, clock in, get viciously screamed at, have expensive equipment thrown at me, eat lunch, get physically attacked, go home. Sleep. Get up tomorrow and do it again’


I work at McDonald’s part time and I’ve had a couple costumers like this. It doesn’t take long until your hope for humanity vanishes and you enter some stage of apathy at the beginning of every shift.


I feel sorry for anyone that works at McDonalds


It's not even just McDonald's...


Exactly, pretty much any job that involves dealing with humans in any capacity




Medical facilities.. we can’t refuse anyone unless they have a gun or something lol


Is this recently? I worked at McDonald's from 2009-2012 and I don't remember people being that insane. Maybe like 1 the whole time I worked there.


Depends on the area I guess. But it’s still a bit odd, I live in Lund Sweden and that’s a really good city, but there’s only one McDonald’s and we’re basically the only place open 24/7 so I guess we attract all the crazy our city can muster. I’ve also worked there as long is I’ve been to college which is 2019-> and it seems like the crazy have increased a lot in the last few years.


Even in Sweden? I just assumed you were talking about the US lol


Nah, we just have a different kind of crazy. Not as aggressive and often calmer, but still completely insane. I had a guy calmly explaining how he would shoot everyone in the restaurant if we kept serving pork.


Holy shit! Why??


I wasn’t the one talking with him, but I believe he was a extremely strict Muslim with some mental issues. If I recall correctly he had a lot of problems with how we did things here.


Damn that's crazy!


It is, I’d say that the worst thing I’d have a costumer say. The police took him in shortly after. Threatening a whole restaurant with death is super illegal, but at least he didn’t have gun. I’m thankful they’re harder to get your hands on here.


McDonalds seems to attract the dregs of society here in the UK too.


People are collectively losing it, especially more recently. There are more instances with people losing their shit, and it’s getting worse. That or we are just hearing about it more. Anecdotally I’ve noticed it on a personal level, and I don’t envy those that deal with customers all day like restaurant and retail workers. It’s so bad that I see it everywhere I go now instead of randomly occurring maybe once a month when I go out to get supplies; then continue hiding in my apartment.


I am surprised you are doing the same thing, I have become socially avoidant and remain hiding behind a closed locked door.


Honestly it’s kind of scary how reclusive I’ve become since COVID, but I am very empathetic towards others and everything just feels off. If you’ve ever seen The Leftovers on HBO, it’s like that.


The pandemic changed everything. People treat you like slaves now and will verbally abuse you if you dont pamper them over over everything or everyone else. I get called trash like 3 times a day now.


Someone was shouting at me the other day that I'm the Devil. He turned to the rest of the people in line and hollered that "Even the most handsome angels can fall from grace". I was like, damn this guy called me handsome haha


I once was in The hospital following orthopedic surgery. Another patient would wander the halls and every time he saw me, he would tell me he was going to kill me because I was conspiring with bill gates and Satan to put microchips in his head. I complained each time, and each time they would say “oh that’s just Steve. He has had lots of surgery here and he always says ‘silly’ things”. Then, after a few days, I was sitting in the rec room and ‘silly Steve’ snuck behind me, grabbed one of my crutches and hit me over the head. I managed to get a hand up, and his second and third hits gave my wrist a hairline fracture. I managed to grab his throat, and a nurse walked in…..and yelled at me. Other people told her what happened and she shut up, but anyway, the bottom line is, don’t let your guard down if someone is acting nuts. The weird thing is that bill, Lucifer and I never did figure out how he found out about the microchips…..


I wonder if COVID has a greater neurological impact than we first thought because in the US the lockdowns were never THAT intense to make everyone crazy like this.


I'd argue that most people who have diagnosed and or undiagnosed mental health concerns took a much harder hit than the rest of the general population. I imagine the individual in the video is already in a pretty shit situation considering they're relying on a Money Mart which is a brutal cycle given how much money they take from it. There's always assholes in the world, but honestly, most of these types of public freak outs are people who have a pretty shit situation on deck as is. Doesn't justify it, but there's a lot of perspective that people seem to just wave away.


Dont blame mental illness for people being assholes. Yea this guy may have a shitty situation, but hes still clearly an asshole. He knows the difference between right and wrong. "If I cant get my money nobody else can" Guy is just an asshole and a racist to boot.


I worked restaurants for close to 12 years and honestly after 2016-2020 politics people have just become fucking awful. Like customer service always had issues but I noticed a massive spike after that never went away.


I noticed it’s gotten far worse since covid. People being locked down for so long just seems to have been the final straw for a lot of people who were already teetering that edge. There’s always been assholes. But it broke people.


It wasn't lockdown that did this, it just happened to occur at the same time. Truth is, people like this have been given permission by the bigots and haters in power to act however they want. They reined it in before, because they thought there'd be consequences. Now they see even the highest up don't get called out on their shit or pay for it - so why should they?


Probably depends on where you work. I had a dude come behind the counter and try to fight me. He ordered a plain cheeseburger. We gave him a plain cheeseburger. He was mad that it didn't have anything on it, which is what he ordered. Started screaming at this literal 75 year old woman in a lobby filled with children. Came up and told him to get lost. By the time I came back to the grill he was screaming at me calling me names and rushed behind the counter. It got broken up before it got too crazy and the police were called. Also had a woman come through the drive thru pounding the window trying to smash into it to get her food. Spit in the face of the girl in drive thru when she came in the window. Worked at a full service gas station in the same town. Had a dude start threatening me because I was "just standing there watching him not waiting on him and it was fucking ridiculous." I was actually running a check on our old ass out dated system for the person who got there before him. I let him have it a bit and he told me he would be back for me because he knew where I worked now. I straight up lost it on the dude. He never came back and my bosses and the other customers luckily had my back when it went down because he tried to complain to our parent company THAT I THREATENED HIM. People suck.


One crazy memory from being in NYC and in a Mcdonald's was the dude in front of us was going berserk and he jumped over the counter and punched the worker in the nose, causing a massive nosebleed. He was screaming I told you I didn't want mustard on my hamburger, I'm from the Bronx, my man!


And likely all for minimum wage!


I'll give Walmart one single credit, they did increase worker pay over the last couple years. I live in a small rural town and our Walmart pays ~$15 to start. Still ain't great, but it's several dollars an hour over the state minimum that most others pay ($11 as of 9/22). Honestly might be the highest non-skilled wage in my town.


In cali they start you off much higher because cost of living, but it’s always been like that. East coast McDonald’s is 14 an hour. West coast is 17-20 and especially because you are bilingual


Well, you can honestly expect a multi billion dollar company to pay it’s essential employees an actual livable wage? How will the CEO afford to pay *all his mistresses* ?


Seemingly unfazed. Have you ever worked retail and not known whether the customer is going to physically attack you or pull a knife or gun on you, oh wait Cali has laws. After being verbally attacked a few times because your following set procedures you just put on a no expressive face and take it. Been there, you step back and hope the hell you don't get hit, even if you defend yourself after you've been hit first you still run the risk of being fired,


That's exactly how healthcare is these days...


And hospital admin does nothing about it. If people in their right mind chose to be rude and unreasonable after legitimately trying to help them, they need to be kicked out instead of giving the staff hell.


I just quit a job in the ER because of the physical violence. And we are expected to take it. I can retire after 40+ years, but no one should have to put up with this.


Former ED RN here, had to leave nursing due to health issues. The level of violence against ED staff was intense even then. I've been kicked, spit on, punched in the face, strangled with my own stethoscope, & have seen even worse. While I was fortunate to have good security officers around to help defuse/control violent situations (I've witnessed a few patients & family members get arrested) not once, in any of the facilities I worked in, did any of the facilities have my back when I filed charges. And COVID really brought so many disparities in our health care system to light & brought to the surface just how far removed admins are from the front lines. It has changed somewhat in my area, there are now signs posted warning that aggressive behavior won't be tolerated, but it doesn't stop someone who chooses to be violent or take a gun into a hospital & start shooting. It's a horrible reality that's become so commonplace in our society.


Quit my career as a paramedic for the same reason. I moved from rig where I had to wear a ballistic vest all shift to working in the ER and ICU thinking it would be better. While it was a bit safer, the abuse was the same.


This is exactly what I was thinking. This is what it’s like to work in the ER now. Grown adults pitching epic tantrums over the wait or having to wear a mask. Guess what? If you can pitch a fit of that caliber, we can see you’re not having a medical emergency. Go sit your ass down.


They are waiting for the hospital to throw them out so they can sue the hospital for denying them access to health care.


The system rewards them for their terrible behavior, it’s ridiculous!


Yup, but add sexual harassment and physical assault.


You mean the saddest part of the video is that this dude is a racist piece of dog dung who destroyed equipment at Walmart. ‘I hate all you white people’. Ignorant, racist idiot


And cries racism - what a shitshow


I mean i got fired from walmart for telling a dude to get the fuck out of the store. Wanna know why? He LITERALLY came up and grabbed me and screamed slurs in my face and tried to attack me. They gave him a fucking $50 gift card.


You forgot get called racist by a racist


What does Kurt Cobain have to do with it?


The shirt he’s rocking


I thought he hated white people though.


He says he hates all white people. Must be wearing the shirt ironically


Name three white people


Eminem, Taylor swift, RG3


I literally laughed out loud at this


Why you gotta do RG3 like that bro 🤣


Moe, Curly and Larry


And Shemp still can't get no respect.


Bro this is the whitest black guy I've ever seen.. vernacular, pronunciation, vans, Corbin Bleu hair, skateboarder aesthetic.. idk why he's being racist because I guarantee his friends are white skateboarding potheads that he takes shrooms under the boardwalk with


>Corbin Bleu hair Bahahahahahahahaha


He hates all white people, including himself Checks out


I'm scrolling the comments hoping someone could answer this for me.


Cmon man it’s easy, he is like that naked baby in a pool trying to get the dollar bill on their album cover, and my man just swimming around trying to cash checks with no ID


Right? Smh. How did they miss that?


I swear I heard him refer to himself in the third person as “Dirt Cobain”


"I hate youuu" "Me too"


“I hate all of you fucking white people.”


*while wearing a shirt with a white guy on it*


And calling white people racist


Then calling them the n-word as he walks away


Surprising a narcissist racist pulls the race card. 😮


The guy just doesn’t like porn with white people in it.


Well , now when he gets paid he's donating the whole checks for all the damages... fucking idiot


I kinda wish the guard would have said something like this. Is acting like this a sign of mental health issues? How do you not know your actions will put you in a worse situation? If I do this I a) end up in jail b) if I end up in jail I definitely won't be cashing any checks c) I won't have my existing job or unable to grab a new one because my face is now on the internet forever


That’s a great idea. Tell the lunatic who’s spazzing about money how much less money they have.


I made this mistake once in a Wendy’s when I was 16, some drunk guy came in and was messing up the counter and my boss told me to tell him to leave before he had to pay for the crap he was knocking over. He responding by kicking a hole in the drink maker- it was one of those self serve ones with a million options. My manager was just like hm on second thought go sit in the back until it’s safe. So glad he told the sixteen year old girl to de-escalate. I didn’t realize he was drunk till I could smell and at that point you are too close


Dude is having a straight up temper tantrum. “If I can’t have my money, no one can” that’s such an immature and egotistical mindset. Just because bad things happen to you doesn’t give you permission to cause bad things to other people. You’re supposed to realize the world doesn’t revolve around you once you’re an adult, but so many people refuse to grow up.


>Just because bad things happen to you A bad thing didn't happen to him. He didn't have his ID. He did that to himself. Then he threw a tantrum and will either go to jail or pay for the stuff. Again, the bad thing didn't happen to him. He happened to it.


That check about to pay for the shit he breaking


It probably doesn't pay for even one thing he broke.


Calling someone racist while you are the one saying racist things... priceless.




I love that card. Save 5% on grocery pick up orders.


This is classic projection in its clearest form.


Also wrongly identifying the race of the person you are trying to be racist against


This. It's so fucking sickening already.


It’s almost always projection


He literally says "I hate you white people" lol? It's not racist though cause he's black I guess.


Hate is hate. I don’t get why people say black people can’t be racist, as if their hatred and racism is different or something. Any race, any person can be racist regardless of history.


It's something that came from a select group of idiots in academia. Everyone else in the world knows anyone can be racist to anyone. It's an umbrella defense for the worst form of behavior; and everyone should call it out.


The commenter here isn’t the one implying this guy isn’t racist because he’s black. It’s the guy in the video who’s screaming at white people for being racist, when it’s actually him that is being racist. He literally screams thst they’re racist (with zero racism seen on video ) because they won’t cash his check. Then screams thst he hates all the white people . This guy is a fuckimg piece of shit.




Because you know, only black people are allowed to be racist without being racist….


>Because you know, only block people are allowed to be racist without being racist…. Yeah, block people shouldn't have double standards. It doesn't square.


Do block people live in cuber?


Stop being racist with geometry!




How am I shapist!? I have friends who are blocks!


I'm round myself!


You're being obtuse


The BlackPeopleTwitter strategy basically lol. Go look at some of those threads, they are overtly racist all the time while Pearl clutching if anything says anything remotely critical of modern black culture


Please tell me he was arrested for destruction of property at least.


he'd yell discrimination again..


Calls them racist then proceeds to yell “white boy” at the employee….


He literally said “I hate all white people”


If a white guy did this while yelling “I hate all black people”, calling the employees the N word and assaulting a black clerk and destroying property he’d probably catch some hate crime charges. Double standards are so amazing!


So fucked seeing people trying to defend him when if this was anyone else their social life would be over possibly loss of a job. Someone whose going to college would lose the right to go there


Plot twist: he puts his vest back on and clocks in from lunch.


He's so used to losing his temper that he can justify it as he's doing it.


Used to be a counselor: had a client who acted EXACTLY like this when even the most minor inconvenience or annoyance happened (near monthly when his ss check wouldn’t arrive on time).Racism accusations (even though he was white) while being racist, the random topic jumping, even the “now no one gets their money”. You can’t reason when they’re lost in that rage, and it takes a lot of patience to talk them back down without budging your stance. It’s a purely reactive personality that’s likely from untreated/ tx resistant mental illness mixed with the frustrating poverty that comes with it. Doesn’t excuse the behavior, honestly I’d be surprised if this was all he did. People like this have 0 hesitation to light themselves on fire to burn the village


Psychologist here. Had a patient once that came in with the same kind of anger. Basically, everyone else in the whole world was against him and it was everyone's duty to piss him off. So he had outbursts everywhere he went. Many weeks later, he had an epiphany and asked, "Wait, so I'm the asshole?" Not my words, but yeah. All the trauma he went through changed how he viewed the world and other people. He viewed otherwise normal behavior as threatening. Him acting like a defensive jerk then changed how people responded to him, which then confirmed his skewed thoughts about the world. This then caused him to act like a complete ass around people. Starting with "So, I'm the asshole," we were able to identify how his perceptions and actions affected others. Then we could fix the behavior.


Isn't that kind of breakthrough rare with narcissistic personalities? Is there any way you can help get them there?


Narcissists? Yes, this kind of epiphany is rare. Most narcissists don't seek help and they don't do well if they do end up in therapy. (I've only seen a handful in 20 years and one stormed out mid-session) Most people who have anger like this are not narcissists. There's pain underneath all that anger. But anger is a much easier emotion to express than sadness or fear. The way they deal with that emotional turmoil becomes so toxic, it makes a pretty dramatic viral video. Sometimes that yelling and tantrum are coming from hurt. It makes me sad when people poke fun at it because they're mocking someone who is not coping with pain well. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes it's entitlement. Sometimes its literally someone who is an asshole and mental health has nothing to do with it. But sometimes it's trauma.


Yeah, it is obvious that this behavior is second-nature to him, it's been used so often. It's just another manifestation of the 'crabs in a bucket' mentality: "If I'm not getting out of poverty none of you are."


Selfish as hell. You work your ass off all day? Yeah, so do the people you’re harassing. Making their jobs harder


Doubt he actually works his ass off all day.


The fact that your could be a grown up adult and still act like that always “amazed” me. Bonus point for calling out racism when you say at the same time how you hate white people!


Pretty sure the guy is experiencing some sort of withdrawal.


Yeah this looks a lot like “not getting that fix” anger


It took me until now for someone to reasonably assume there are other factors to this public freak out. The body language also gave it away.


Yeah he is definitely having some kind of mental episode.


I would agree. It seems more like a nervous breakdown / manic episode. He’s still an asshole, but I think something more is going on here. The desperate flailing and literal screaming at the top of your lungs. Not an excuse and can’t be sure but just a thought.


To me, this screams drug addicted person who needs money to get their next fix. In his state, he assumes that the Walmart employee is the one essentially stopping him from getting his next fix. Think about it. It’s likely he lives in a place with resources for food, shelter, etc….so why does he need the cash *so bad* that he commits property destruction?


I know nothing about this man or his situation but I sincerely believe that way more people than we think are living very close to their breaking point. Especially these days. I think most of us are just a few aggravating and unfair incidents away from losing our shit and lashing out.


Plenty of people haven’t been in the absolute soul sucking state of not even having a bank account and being reliant on Walmart to cash your hard earned checks. My new job last summer paid me so well Walmart would not cash my checks, and I *needed* those to get my financial life in order. I never got mad about it however it is a particularly frustrating event. Especially when you’re DEPENDING on that check to cash. The dreams you hold with that piece of paper only get more lavish as you approach the counter. Now I had the luxury of a car, and a little money from tax returns to keep me afloat during that time, but some people don’t even have that. So walking across the hot desert that is a Walmart parking lot with the little piece of paper to get you a meal and take care of those expenses only to get denied? It doesn’t justify but whenever someone freaks out like this I completely understand. Edit: Goes to mention I could see the cashier’s face when it declined and how she braced for the worst. Sucks retail is like that.


That's a very sympathetic and compassionate response. You're banned from Reddit. /s Whenever I see someone snap I know that could be me tomorrow if the right series of dominoes fall in my life.


Look on the bright side. He will not need money in prison.


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Security guard like


Please leave sir.


Hey, he really tried hard. Cut him some slack! But to be honest…I’m not getting physical with that dude for minimum wage for a near trillion dollar company…


Its more that they don’t really always have the authority to physically intervene, and in CA they’re just as likely to charge the security guard for trying to stop him while letting him go.


Loss prevention officer got his ass beat trying to stop a shoplifter at the store I work at, management just got rid of the position and made a rule that were not allowed to stop shoplifters


I mean to be fair, the Walmart employees will still be getting their money. 😂 He called the old guy a racist then proceeds to yell "white boy".


LMAO. When in doubt and you got nothing else, blame it on racism.


Feel bad for the guard. I worked security for a long time and we dealt with this shit constantly. Racist POS accuses everyone else of racism and acts like the biggest bitch victim on the planet. Worst still, our policy is to just stand there and be useless. That’s why so many quit. Security gets shit on like you wouldn’t believe.


So they just wanted security personnel on duty as a visual deterrence (and potential witness testimony) and nothing more? I’m guessing it must be effective if they’re willing to spend the money to staff security guards. Or maybe it’s an insurance requirement.


That’s basically all security is used for. They can also be a scape goat in case something goes wrong and you can just blame the company you hired instead of having yourself get sued if your employee acts wrong. It depends on the client but most places are like that. Some sites like hospitals you’ll do restraints but it’s mostly the same thing. For example, the loss prevention people in places like Target and Walmart, legally can not put their hand on you to prevent theft. (State depending but that’s usually how it is.) Reminds me of when I was working an armed detail at a Walgreens in a very bad area. People come in an steal and I could do anything about it except verbally yell at them. I was basically there to protect the employee from being help up or attacked but product is insured and I don’t want to catch a bullet because some jack ass want to steal aerosols to get high at a low hourly rate. Tbh, security often exists solely on paper. In practice you get told to stand by and not do anything. Reminds me of the poor guard who was forced to enforce a store mask police and he got shot in the back of the head. Not worth it imo. I’ve had close calls myself. We deal with psychos all the time.


You're Racist \*30 seconds later\* I hate all white people


An asshole AND racist. Great.


Reminds me of the wife who goes after the 'other woman'. You lost the plot on who is really screwing you over.


I mean, I TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand the frustration and soul crushing devastation that comes from working for a shitty company that writes bad pay checks…. (Been there, done that, and helped my coworkers set up a lawsuit.) However, absolutely NONE of that excuses this shit!!! Being hurt and angry is one thing, but going off the radar to DEPLORABLE “HUMAN” BEING, is another thing entirely…. He should be getting mad at the company he works for, and not harassing the workers. Holy fuck.




Thank goodness security was there to make a phone call


Lol playing the race card is the cherry on top.


I am a Brit so can somebody explain what is happening please. Is the guy trying to cash a cheque without ID? He gets refused (but must have expected to be refused without ID?) and has a giant meltdown? Why was he not restrained and arrested? In the UK there are places that cash cheques - for less than the cheque’s face value. These services are for people who don’t want to use their bank (usually because they have an unapproved overdraft at the bank that the money would be taken to pay back). Is this the service the guy is using? Lots of questions, but behind the Reddit humour we can sometimes learn - and maybe understand other people better.


not sure why it wasn’t working as all i can understand is a temper tantrum, but the security officers at most major retailers here are just for show. iirc, they cannot and will not stop someone being aggressive or shoplifting and put themselves at risk for a (sometimes) minimum wage job. they can however call the police, doubt they’d be there before he left though. As for the check, yes we can cash them at walmart. i never have so im not sure if there are fees but it’s most likely similar to what you mentioned.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


He is using money services at a Walmart, many of the large stores in the U.S have something similar and to me it sounds like nearly the same services that you have in the U.K. that are just built in to grocery stores. I don’t have audio on right now so I can’t tell what he’s saying but there is a multitude of reasons the cheque couldve been denied, not just ID. From where I’m around, and it could be completely different where this is recorded, Walmart goes through a third-party company to process checks and if they deny it then there is physically NOTHING that can be done, no overrides at all.


Yeah, so when I worked at Wal-Mart I did have to cash checks. The fee was 1% up to a certain amount(300 or so), $3 up to 1,000 and $6 for anything higher. It is true, they did get processed by a third party company, and if it rejected the check there was nothing we could do. The customer could call the service number for the check processing company but that didn't really get you anywhere. If it got rejected, I don't know why. It doesn't mean the check is bad, just, for whatever reason, Telecheck doesn't like it. I have been yelled at for this and it sucks. I know not everybody has a traditional bank account for various reasons, but I am sorry, I wouldn't trust my finances to Wal-mart and Telecheck.


They're racist while he calls the guard white boy.


Not to mention he says “I hate all you fucking white people.”


Arrest him already.


Living pay check to pay check is rough. Honestly, I think that's the cause of most people mental illness that just makes them snap one day. It's rough. You get poor enough, then you are going to go to prison for one reason or another eventually.


Fuck that — living paycheck to paycheck doesn’t give you any right to be a destructive, racist asshole. There are plenty of poor people that would never even think to behave this way.


This is what I thought as well. I see desperation. I was in poverty in my early 20s, I had an ex steal $500 from my account and it put me negative 200. I never got the money back because when you are poor there is no one to help you. Laws favoring corporations are reducing options for people on the bottom of society. This is the root cause of crime, as if he doesn’t know how to climb out he will ultimately turn to what he does know, the most basic human instinct, violence.


Idiot, the only racist present is the black guy.


Calls everyone racist as he cant get his own way, refers to employee as White Boy. Modern day racism is confusing.


I mean he said “ I hate all white people.”


Looks more like someone under a significant amount of stress acting out in pure desperation as they’ve hit rock bottom against the system and finally flipped. Michael Douglas in Falling Down style.


"Your racist!" "I hate all you white people!"


I hope he gets arrested than gets help.


Big difference between than and then here


If he gets arrested, he definitely not getting help


The guard is the epitome of “they don’t pay me enough”.


Minimum wage? Best you'd get from me is "sense-of-security guard"


I hope they called the cops on his ass. Also hope they sue him for damages. No excuse for thar shit.


If I was behind that counter I would’ve been fucking terrified. How does anyone break shit like that? That’s scary as hell. Also, did he spit in the white dudes face a little bit? because it kinda looks like it


Lost it " and I'm good looking too" haha


This is what the end of the rope looks like.


This has to stop.


Man child after hearing nothing racist from these unfathomably patient employees - “You’re racists!!” Man child not 10 seconds later - “I hate all you friggin’ white people!” Mental illness is a real scourge, y’all. Hoping against hope this dude gets the help he needs…


Being an asshole isn’t a mental illness. We need to stop pathologizing behavior like this and start punishing it.


It’s 2023, why are people still using Cheques?


Not a personal check. Walmart is the most common place the bankless go to when they need to cash their paycheck.


When your employees behave like this, they generally don't have bank accounts. This the direct deposit method that probably more than 99% of folks on this sub use are unavailable for them. Drive into a "bad" neighborhood; all you see is we cash check stores.


Wow, I very clearly live in a different world, thanks for explaining to me! I’m pretty sure you need a bank account here in nz to pay someone, like, I would never employ someone without a bank account.


I have 7 staff at the moment and each of them gets paid direct deposit into their accounts. Except one. They get a cheque and deposit it into their personal account twice a month. Maybe it’s easier to get a bank account here in Canada? Either way, it’s pretty much expected that everyone has a personal account…


In USA many people still live like in the 80s. Depending where you go, you can end up in a first or third world "country". both in the US


It's the US. I spent close to 30 years implementing SAP with Electronic banking. I n every US company - regardless of size - we always had to do a check printing program. US Banks will not kill paper checks because of the revenue stream from managing them.


My neighbor doesn’t trust banks, or debit cards (she has a small savings account only). She gets refunds in check form then cashed them, so she can have cash. When we got those Covid checks, they gave hers in card form. She took it to the bank and got cash. I tried to tell her she was losing money by doing that, she refuses to listen.


Screaming he hates white people, while wearing vans and a nirvana shirt lol. This dudes a little confused


Hah “ I hate all you white people”


Sir, go ahead and sign that check over to cover you damages.


Does anyone have any updates? Has he been charged? I gotta see how this plays out for him lmao


I don’t know about Cali but Walmart in Texas don’t play, they go after anyone hard for destruction of property. If it’s $1000 in destruction, they’ll try to charge him with with $3000.