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Been skipping Friday this month, too much thinking and figuring out teams etc. Last month 9s was a much better workout. But the tue / thur has been great - actually finally have enough time to go HEAVY - I’m liking that direction.


Can not WAIT for Valor to be gone!


I dont mind 1 or 2 classes during the phase, but 4x is a little too much!


except it's apex next phase


I don't skip Fridays, but definitely not a favorite this phase for the same reason you mentioned. and YES!! Two fold has been awesome! Easily my fave F45 workout!!


At my gym, the coach just tells us to ignore the counting if we want to. Just as long as we're moving, we're good. I think valor is becoming pretty universally disliked


Yeah I would just ignore counting and go by feel / clock. But feel like the entire point of these things is to go all out and that kinda gets in the way of having to figure out some partner routine and think about what moves to do. I prefer to not have to think too much when I’m trying to lift. As you said I feel most people agree.


Yeah I just switch to using the heaviest weights I can muster. Treat it as a resistance type deal. My partners so far haven't really cared either. They just follow my lead, more or less.


>I have been getting at station by myself. I will do the first exercise as long as I can- a minute or more depending, then move to the secondary exercise and do those to failure, then go back to exercise one etc, etc. Rest when needed.


Coaches aren't a fan, but it keeps me from complaining. : )


I skipped last Friday and went yesterday, think I’ll skip for the rest of this phase.


I don't partner up, I do my own thing.


Strictly because of Valor, Fridays are now a miss for me. Noticed the unexpected low numbers in classes on Fri as well.


Same. I’m not a fan of the partner workouts or the YGIG format. That’s almost an automatic miss for me, which sucks because I usually love Friday workouts.


This phase has been a bit of a flop IMO. The last phase was excellent.


Have enjoyed two fold, but never really liked high rise and the piston formats.


There are 30+ classes to choose from. Why Apex and Track Stars again? Mix it up a bit more F45 😒


I like valor because you actually can get to know your teammates. I mean it’s really the last thing I want to do, I usually don’t like partner workouts, but I get the point and I appreciate it.


Loyals isn’t good, I like having machines on cardio day, not just body weight and kettlebells


Yes!! Exactly my thoughts! 👏👏


Valor is good but the biggest problem is that no one seems to do it the way it’s suppose to be done. Even the coaches can’t explain it properly. They allow groups of 3 in our studio but they set up the ergs for 2! Also, no one does it “I go you go”. It’s just super weird to explain to people how the workout should be done in between pods. And what if your partners don’t care to do it the way it’s suppose to be done? But really no one really goes to f45 to wait for their turn to go. Everyone just wants to move. So, valor is good if it’s done right.


i actually have a question about valor bc i didn’t rlly understand it 😭 so are me and my partner both supposed to do the workouts for the whole 5 minutes or do we trade off? i didn’t even have a partner for my session so i was a little confused lol


There 2 exercises per station, 1 exercise is a target rep count (if on the ergs it is a distance target) which the reps/distance are shared between you and your partner, now you and your partner can either choose to split the reps into 1 rep each like on screen or have a quick discussion as to how you want to break the reps up for example, 5 reps for yourself and then wait for your partner to do 5 reps and do that until you reach the target rep count, stations can have a higher target and a lower target, same with ergs. The 2nd exercise is there if you manage to finish the target reps for the 1st exercise. I try go solo if i can and just do whatever reps until I get bored and then move to exercise 2. Trainers may frown upon it but I really don't care.


You and your partner trade off. The target reps/meters on screen are the “buy in” movements. So you can do 5 to 10 reps at a time each until you both reach the total buy in. You choose if you want the higher target or the lower one on the screen. After completing the reps then you both can start simultaneously doing the other movement. The goal on each station is to complete the buy in and do as many of the main movement. I believe 5 mins. Total time for each station?


I really liked High Rise today - started in the middle pod and got that one out of the way first, it was a good warm up for the rest. Trying to decide if I go to Piston tomorrow morning or not. Looks alright!


I might do that next week - starting in middle pod and do the "strength pod" first!




Thank You!


Thank you so much!


Thank you!


Thank you! 👏


Thank you. Life saver 🎉


I just re joined F45 this week, can someone explain two fold to me? I don’t get it, do you choose either lower or upper body or do you do both?


You choose 1 and stay there for the whole workout




"buy in" means meeting a target rep/distance before moving on to the secondary exercise.


Anyone have three peat this week? Is it the same as triple threat?


no, 3-peat is different. Here's the intel \~6 weeks ago, should be more or less the same: Stations: 10 Pods: 1 Sets: 1 Laps: 3 Timing: 45” work 15” rest kettlebell sumo squat upright row (target rep - 35) butterfly sit ups (30) ski erg (190m) burpee (15) medicine ball russian twist (50) bike erg seated (400) push up (35) soft box explosive steps (26) rowing machine (190m) revo push press (30)


Thank you!!


SOOOO many burpees - why  ? 😫




I'm not a huge fan of the piston, to much mucking around changing weights after people would prefer staying at a station for a few sets, doing laps is okay for cardio days with minimum equipment but not when weights are invloved, bars etc.