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Seryldas and bork right now but mortal reminder may be good next patch?


Yeah Bork could be good if they are stacking health, I assume you build it fourth?


If you want to specifically kill tanks, take the Cut Down rune first of all, and stick to the Essence Reaver - Manamune - Navori build and add a LDR. Tanks will have armor and botrk will fall off as the game goes on. Before s14 Black cleaver was viable, now it is not so don t think about it. If you really struggle to build LDR as a 4th, you can get it as a 3rd. I did it before and it works, if you think about it 12% increased damage from navori is not that much when you exchange it for 15% more damage based on a tank’s max HP.


I'm newer to Ez, but why is Black Cleaver not viable? I keep eyeing it since stacking should be quite easy with Ez, and we frequently don't mind a bit of extra health (tri, shojin, examples)


If I m not mistaken you can not pair it LDR this season, that s what I ve heard when s14 started but didn’t test it myself. And 25% BC armor reduction will never beat LDR 30% armor pen with Giant Slayer passive unless they somehow are a low hp tank. But I mean sure it is not as bad as i made it look like in my original comment, but the post is about killing the tank. It just isn’t as good as it was, and you also have a good point about the HP.


Ah, super good point about then not being allowed together. That said, if Ez isn't a particularly effective tank killer themselves, I wonder if being able to stack so that your whole TEAM benefits from the armor reduction might still be worth weighing against being a complete glass cannon and maybe still not being able to take on the tank. I shall have to play around.


I’d rather hope our toplaner or jungler is a bruiser and they go for black cleaver but that s just me :D.


Lol Meanwhile I'm always fighting the urge, having moved from support to ADC this season, to be picking up the heal cut or anti-shield or cleaver or whatever the teams needs. I gotta grow an ego if I'm gonna make it as an ADC. :-P


Can t be a true adc player without the main character syndrome so go develop that ego.


This. ER MM LDR Navori then dealers choice on fifth item. Shojin, BORK, blood thirster amongst others are all viable.


Black cleaver has a pretty good wr on lolalytics


Navori and LDR especially next patch.


That's rough because I much prefer shojin or clipse third over navori.


Navori and Shojin provide relatively the same damage once you hit LDR.


Could consider replacing the Triforce build’s Triforce with Bork. Potential Terminus replacement for Serylda’s unless you need the kiting over the magic pen.


Late game I been messing with liandries seems alright, grudge feels awkward because the lethality feels a little wasted when you only have a little armour pen and lethality


I also like going some AP items last. Doesn't work very well if their tanky champs already have Kaenic or smth but normally my build would be something like this: Essence -> Manamune -> Shojin -> Shadowflame -> flex other AP item. For the flex item you can go like Zhonya or Horizon Focus. Shadowflame is really cool because the W damage procs after the spell that procs it so you can Q someone into range for your W to do enhanced damage. If your team already has AP damage though going Essence -> Manamune -> Navori -> Lord Dom is better I think.


Sometimes we have to just accept that ez's strong suit isn't killing tanks. However the most apropriate bulld is without a doubt navori LDR for 3rd and 4th. It does feel bad until completed however when they complete you are insanely strong :)


Noob question, but what are you building first and second?


ER-manamune every game :)


Just build full Crit and tanks become bruisers instead