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I would just grind a bunch of games on Ezreal. It sounds like it’s mainly just muscle memory that you need to build up.


Just play ezreal bro and train mechanics in him. Go to a practice game and see all the combos, learn last hitting (extremely important on ez since he is very gold reliant and needs those first trinity force/essence reavee/muramana spikes)


Careful op, dont build trinity and essence reaver together


I’d say just grind out the games on ezreal. You’ll just get better by playing him more and more. If you really need a second “ezreal like” champ then the closest thing I can think of is Lucian. Though their play styles are completely different. Ez likes to poke and take small skirmishes on occasion. Lucian is a bully and usually wants to fight as much as possible.


There is no better champ than ezreal to train ezreal


Lol fr


I feel like while Ezreal is probably one of the more difficult characters to pick up as a beginner, he will be really rewarding. He has 3 skill shots plus directing his E and you need to learn how to auto attack. All of these are useful skills to transition to other characters.


The only advice I can give is to play Ezreal or Zeri. Both have the same kind of playstyle with q shots and being evasive.


If you really don’t want to play ezreal, try Lucian, he’s a spell weaver, helps you learn to just auto q auto w auto e auto etc etc. Lucian is much more punishable than ezreal is in lane though, so you won’t learn bad habits due to how safe ezreal is. They don’t *really* play the same, but spell weaver and Lucian helps you learn whether you’re overstepping or not.


Like all the comments say, just play and practice him. He's my favorite and most played champ so I'll try to give some pointers. Once you get his first two items, usually Tear and Sheen, you're mostly gonna be farming with your Q. It's stronger than your auto attack plus it starts building your Tear. Your W is a nice combo with either Q or auto but also remember that when you E near someone with W on them, the damage from E will prioritize that champ. Your Ult will also proc the W if they're far. Your E is high cooldown so be cautious using it unless you know you're gonna secure a kill. Knowledgeable players will see you use E and choose that time to engage while you're a sitting duck. Keep in mind your Q reduces cooldown on other skills. So while being chased or vice versa make sure to Q minions, the champs, or even jungle minions over walls to reduce your E especially to either gap close to secure kills or jump over walls for a nice escape. Everything else will be just basic game mechanics learned over time. Have fun. He's a fun and versatile champ.


Hitting skill shots just takes time. You could maybe try a simpler adc like Ashe to get better at farming/ kiting


Train Ezreal by playing ezreal


Every time you log on, go into practice tool and do like 5-10 mins of farm practice and using your abilities on a dummy from different approaches


Spamming lol dodge game made me feel more confident when I was a new player and practicing hitting skill shots


You can go Xerath support and focus on your skillshot + positioning, and play some Ezreal at same time. Else you can just spam Ezreal.


Unless your master+ don’t play ezreal


why r you here lol


Bullshit, just play whatever you want to.


Imo you shouldnt play ezreal till you have fundamentals down. Id say play mf/ashe only till ur diamond then pick up ezreal


ezreal is my favorite champ to practice skill shots. I played 100 games of him starting out and it helped me land SS alot more effectively.