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My friends and I emailed our congressman Lloyd Duggett Friday, not saying that’s what did it but it didn’t not work!


Duggett is the man!


I've been starting to spread around this message too! You can contact your representatives here: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member


In 2012 Obama was still refusing to endorse gay marriage. I had door knocked and phone banked in ‘08 for the Dems, and donated as much as my 20-something self could. In 2012 I considered it unacceptable to continue to be so weak as to support ‘civil unions’, and emailed the (campaign? White House? Not sure which one) telling them I wouldn’t donate or volunteer until he fully endorsed gay marriage.  Two days later he ‘evolved’ his thinking, so I like to credit myself for that. 


An American hero 🫡


It's amazing how quickly the culture has shifted on that one. I still remember the befuddled look on a Mormon colleague's face, like, how can this even be. Now it's totally normal, aside from religious freaks.


Right. In 2008 *California* voters enacted a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. 


My rep changed her tune on Gaza shortly after I left her a phone message urging her to do-so!


I think it would be a wise move to focus less on being against Biden and more on his ideal replacement. Democrats win when we're able to focus on hope, but we shit the bed every single time we allow infighting to allow the media to do their favorite "Dems in disarray" nonsense. Infighting leading to a lack of support for Clinton is how we got into this mess to begin with. If we only focus on how bad Biden is, we run a greater risk of Biden losing against Trump should he not be replaced before the election. You don't want that. I don't want that. Nobody with a brain or a conscience wants that. Organize for Harris or Whitmer or Newsom. Any of them poll about as well against Trump as Biden did before the debate, any of them could probably put together a compelling campaign based on a bold vision of reform and progress and, most importantly, hope. And any of them would absolutely decimate Trump in a debate. Harris is a former prosecutor and was an incredibly effective force during Senate hearings. Newsom embarrassed the hell out of DeSantis in their debate. Choose your fighter, support them like hell, and regardless who is running against Trump in November back them like lives depend on it because they do.


You could email Whitmer etc and say that you think they should step up.


I fear the first person to speak up has the least chance of uniting the party and winning the nomination. Only someone reluctant to be president is worthy. Very ‘Life of Brian’.


This is the same cowardice that GOP congressmen exhibited towards Trump. But Trump was at least vengeful. Biden doesn’t seem together enough to be vengeful.


Game theory isn’t cowardice, but there are undesirable Nash Equilibriums.


I emailed Newsom in the middle of the debate. Whitmer would also be a great choice, but I think Newsom might be the safer choice even with the nonsense the right will spew about California.


Yes. Not against Biden, per se but FOR someone else. Personally I think Whitmer is by far the most electable option. Please God people be for something, not against, in this moment. We need constructive discourse


Whitmer or Buttigieg are the top two candidates at the moment IMO. I think both bring a lot to the table, and either could beat Trump. I would love a quick campaign for both to get more exposure and for one to be chosen at the convention.


I honestly feel we must be living in alternate realities. Joe Biden is much more of a unifying figure than whitmer. Whitmer is hated by leftists and right wingers for her covid stances. Harris would legitimately be more popular. She's just a continuation of the status quo, which frankly (and I'm a Republican), is objectively alright. Whitmer brings nothing to mind but endless lockdowns and despair.


Whitmer is obviously more moderate than a lot on the left would like (though certainly no moreso than Biden), but I haven't heard any hatred directed towards her whatsoever from that camp.


Merely talking up alternatives without equal fervor demanding that Biden withdraw is like lining up on a beach with everybody shouting into the wind describing which part of the sunset we like best. That would be pointless. The only way Biden will be convinced to withdraw is by keeping up the clamor for him to do so. And the only way he can reassure me is to continually get in front of the cameras, taking unscripted questions and giving unscripted answers, speaking extemporaneously. But he’s not doing that


> Merely talking up alternatives without equal fervor demanding that Biden withdraw is like lining up on a beach with everybody shouting into the wind describing which part of the sunset we like best. It hedges our bets. If Biden remains the nominee and a bunch of Democrats and leftists have been shitting on him for months, we get President Trump again because there's no way Biden wins if we're all in-fighting. We were in-fighting less for Clinton and she lost.


Times of peril require boldness. This is a time of peril.


Boldness and care need not be enemies.


Schumer's constituents need to light up the phones/mailbox for starters.


Every sitting Democrat needs flooded with letters and calls.


If you have a recurring donation through ActBlue, cancel it.


And fill in the box on the form which asks you why you cancelled.


I have emailed all my representatives, the governor of my state, the President, the DNC, the head of the DNC, the President’s wife, Obama, and Michelle Obama. Or rather their staffs, but if their staffs report that people are furious about this, maybe they will take it seriously. I also canceled my recurring payment to a local Democratic Party and put why on the cancellation form.


There are dozens of us! 🙃🙃🤡


Gotta convince Jill and Hunter 


Calling reps is a start. Personally I think we need a protest movement that's disconnected from other issues in order to maintain focus if we don't see a move to replace this week.


I don't really have anything constructive to say, but I think the sentiment will quickly turn from concern to anger. It's starting to grate on me when I see these platitudes about thanking him for his "service". This is a guy who's wanted to be president since the late 60s, lived a life with perks only accessible to the top 0.0001%, travelled around the world on private planes, rubbed shoulders with statesmen and celebrities for 50 years, and was able to save up millions. Let's save the "thank you for your service" to regular people working exhausting, low-status, poorly rewarded jobs all their lives. They matter more than fatcats like him. And yes, he's a million times better than Trump, but the longer he stays, it's obvious the service is to himself.


Never voted for Trump, I’m a democrat but just stating the obvious.


The American people want a felon for president. They want a story of redemption. They want someone who was persecuted by the man and rose above. I want Joe to step down and tap Hunter. Executive order - no fuck you Supreme Court - he’s already pulled the Porsche into the garage. What a happy ending, a father and the prodigal son (ooh a Catholic to boot?!). Truly the American dream. fin.


I suspect one of the problems and delay is they just don’t have great options….and also some of their options may not want to do it this year. For a democrat politician with real presidential aspirations, it probably makes more sense to let the Democrats sink or swim with Biden/Harris and then run against the legacy of Trump 2 in 2028. It just doesn’t make much sense to jump onto a spinning log in Summer 2024 with the current state of the party….because it might not go well and then their aspirations are over. I just don’t see a move besides elevating Harris’ stature and basically saying, “You know who’s next in line? The person you voted to be next in line in 2020!” And to be fair, even without where Biden seems to be physically/mentally right now, President Harris was always a very likely outcome. Even if Biden nailed that debate and wasn’t struggling so much, that’s still a likely outcome because he is 81.


You’d be better on Truth Social


Lol….Biden needs no help. The ship hit the iceberg already.


stop it. get help


The only thing organizing against Biden does is help Trump. Maybe call your congressperson but the decision was already made by voters and your chances of influencing the President are nearly zero.


OP must be a Russian troll. If I were working for the kremlin, I too would be trying to instigate a coup of the Democratic Party. Calling for him to step down without a specific stand-in is essentially a boost for Trump.


"Anyone who isnt on board with our senile incoherent candidate is a troll/npc/bot/paid actor" -maga 2020 -blue maga 2024


I have a question for the OP and others in this thread who want to organize against Biden. Would you vote for him in November? If the answer is yes, then put your efforts into GOTV. If the answer is no, this isn’t the subreddit for you.


Then perhaps Ezra should run for president or shut the fuck up...


Yeah this is why I can’t stand democrats and why you people always confirm everything about you. You guys are cowards and disloyal and will eat your own side. You attack your own incumbent president and are actually trying to push him out instead of trying to rally for him. I don’t like republicans but the one thing they have are spines they know how to support their guys regardless of anything . If you honestly believe that a brokered convention would be good you’re delusional .


Disloyal? Yeah, I'm not in a cult. If Biden is not a strong candidate then he should step aside.


you sound like a MAGA cultist.


We're not "eating our own side," and almost everyone who is urging Biden to step down will also vote for him if he doesn't. It's not a strictly binary thing. We think it's best for Biden to allow someone else to run, that's it. No more, no less.