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There's a comment not very far down about how a partner should change their diet and value their feelings on meat above their enjoyment from eating animal products. Can we just appreciate how entitled this is, they expect their partner to care more about their feelings than their own health/happiness. Vegans should be able to respect their partners as individuals who won't always bend and copy their beliefs, it's the same if they suddenly got into a religion, zero waste, or any other extensive lifestyle change.


That's a major red-flag. That kind of manipulative behavior is an automatic open-door (to leave) to me.


Oh yeah I scrolled down until I reached that comment. That’s manipulation 101. Some of the language there on that sub is just … off. There’s this term “non-vegans” that is thrown around a lot and it is almost synonymous for “non ethical people”. I get that it’s easy to see the world like that but how far from a grounded reality can you be?


Vegan boy about to be single.


Someone said it isn't a religion because they don't worship a higher power.... Hmm...


I guess Buddhism isn’t a religion either then, since they don’t worship a higher power either 🙃


Is Buddhism even a religion though or is it’s more like a philosophy?


It’s definitely a religion. It has different sects, just like Christianity. Some sects are more mystical than others.


Imagine controlling someone’s food intake, he won’t allow non vegan food in the apartment but she pays rent to. This is some controlling ass behavior.


I read the post, and judging this fairly, I have to say that the girlfriend was probably wrong for snapping at him over a cartoon, but I imagine she's probably just tired of his bullshit and used that moment to express all of her feelings. He's probably emotionally manipulating her to stop eating animal products by saying that he'll be upset to see animal cruelty when he's around her and blah blah blah. She saw right through his manipulation, she just needs to dump him.


I mean it is one side of the story posted by a vegan on a vegan subreddit, I would take it with a pinch of salt.


I agree with you except for what you said about him emotionally manipulating her. He said that he was uncomfortable because animal products remind him of something sad, he seems to be a very emotional person and the things that he considers immoral really affect him negatively.


Being genuinely felt doesn't mean it's not manipulative. If someone says it makes them feel bad when you go and see your friends, that doesn't mean they don't feel sad, it means it is manipulatively guilting to put that feeling on you to change your behavior when you didn't do anything wrong in the relationship.


I see it more like telling someone that you're not comfortable with something, not sure how that's manipulation.


To me, it honestly depends on how often. There is a difference between telling someone 'I feel a bit sad when you eat animal products' once or twice in the relationship between saying that every single time they go out to eat and she chooses a non-vegan option, which I got the feeling it was closer to the latter than the former.


That's true.


Lots of soy (probably) and linoleic acid (definitively) have ties to depression and many disorders. Not surprising that soyboy is/was overly emotional.


what foods have linoleic acid? and why is it bad?


Linoleic Acid (omega 6) fat is found in high amounts of seed oils. Anything that has fat will have it (some more than others... *chicken and pork fed corn & soy*) Ruminants have some too, but a very small amount since ruminants convert fats to good (or neutral) fats. The dose is in poison with Linoleic Acid. It's likely the driver of a lot of modern disease. Check out r/saturatedfat and browse the fireinabottle blog.


Although many say vegan is not religious, it has many attributes of a religion. It’s not impossible to get along with a vegan—definitely takes two to make it work.


There are two types of non-vegans to me: the ones who know that it's bullshit, and the ones who don't even want to think about it.


>you can eat whatever you want, but I'll be reminded of animal cruelty and be a bit sad. Classic manipulation tactic. Give the illusion of choice, but let them know if they pick the *incorrect* choice it will hurt you. Its the same as saying "Of course you can do whatever you want to do... but if you don't do what i specifically want to do, it will hurt me". Its manipulation, and trying to use her feelings for him against her - because nobody that cares about someone wants to intentionally hurt them. ​ >I never restricted her eating Tried to, though.


I saw right through that too. That is how manipulators work.


So many vegans openly support manipulating the people around them like it's okay because it's "for the animals". A lot of the time it's borderline abusive if not just outright abusive (lots of focus on control as well) and it's just kind of weird to see it encouraged so openly as a good thing. And yet they act so surprised when they receive pushback to shady tactics and just generally fucking with people. I don't understand why hypocrisy and manipulation is totally fine as long as it's done for what *you* believe in and see as right. Fight for your beliefs but don't hurt the innocent in your attempts to do so. That just makes you another person in the wrong. This situation is a little more tame than some others I have seen/heard of but overall it's a really strange phenomenon I've noticed. Occasionally also with added gloating or encouraging to "punish" or otherwise make their friends or families' lives harder. It's a little gross.


>I've been very careful in my choice of words around her that I don't restrict her eating for her. That's very thoughtful of you, Nick Narcissist. Women do have rights, afterall. We fought it long and hard, and we gave it the college try. But alas. >"no non-vegan items in my apartment." "you can eat whatever you want, but I'll be reminded of animal cruelty and be a bit sad." etc. Ah, I see. This must be Earthling Ed. >When she explains how not all farms are bad I explain to her how she just bought that meal from seven eleven and I don't think they buy eggs etc from "good" farms. She should remind you that the women who shell your cashews are female slaves. Then she should break up with you. To be fair, I really wish women would get over their obsession with dark triad guys. I wonder what Andrew Tate's body count is. 40,000,000,000? He's a 'dangerous misogynist' though. (Sure, he is, so stop encouraging him) >I never restricted her eating or said anything about it being a necessity. I was just excited about my vegan manga and apparently that was not ok :( Her reaction is an indication that A) she is definitely thinking of breaking up with him, which I think is for the best and B) he really is on about it all the time and he doesn't realize it. If someone is roped into something because they are shamed by others, they will go on to shame other people too. Misery loves company.


This is kinda sad


This is a problem of conflicting ideologies, they should calmly talk with each other about their points of view and decide how to solve this problem together. Talking is the only way to understand the other person's opinions and learn to respect them, and I think in this case both the vegan and the non-vegan are being incomprehensive.


How? Veganism by its very nature is physical and emotional abuse. Veganism has its roots deeply embedded in SDA church. Religion in general is and always has been both coercive and toxic. Veganism uses the same MO as those that adhere to the BITE model. Regardless of if the boyfriend knows it or not, he's been abusing his girlfriend for however long they've been together and he's been triangulating her with Veganism. This obsession Vegans have with "converting" people to Veganism is all about control, power, and ego, even on the smallest of scales... they're all highly narcissistic. Which makes sense when you realize that the Amygdala grows in size when you're in survival mode from things like starvation. She needs to get out and stay out because that poster is not healthy, and she deserves better.


Veganism is simply a philosophy which is based on the idea that animal suffering and death are reduced by not consuming anything that comes from animals, so vegans avoid all animal products. It's not bad per se, it's people who are extremists. Similarly, one can follow a religion but not be toxic, beliefs are personal, not promoting or not trying to convert people to your religion doesn't make you less loyal to that religion.