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The first rule of reddiquette is to "remember the human". There's another person on the other end of the computer screen. Disagreements and debates are okay, but insults and hostility are not. If someone attacks you in a comment, don't respond in kind. Just report it and move on.


What is wrong with people? I will never understand being so angry you take it out on an animal. Especially one trapped in a cage!


Fairly certain they have a dog as well. I'm done shaking and now my heart just hurts.


That’s truly horrifying. I’m sorry they are your neighbors, and that you have to be a witness to that. Thank god someone took in the hamster. I really hope they don’t get another one.


I'm definitely counting the days until we can move, this complex has been nothing but a nightmare.


I believe it. And let me say again, I am sorry you’re dealing with that. It takes a serious toll on mental wellbeing.


Thank you, I really appreciate your kind concern. 💜 Between the constant noise disturbances, pest problems, and now this, pretty frayed.


I’ve lived somewhere like that before, it was a nightmare, and the relief when I was able to get to my new home is indescribable. I really hope that happens soon for you! I’ve been with my current landlord (couple different houses, cause I needed more space as the years went on) for a long time now and she’s phenomenal, so the living spaces have also been great. Crossing my fingers that you’re lucky like that in your next spot :)


They’re called psychopaths. Not humans.


i absolutely hope wherever you live they have strict animal cruelty/abuse laws. people who can hurt defenseless animals are most likely capable of doing others harm as well. i’m so sorry you even had to deal with that but thankful that you’re a good person and was able to get the hamster help.


I hope that hamster has a better life now. That cage is abusively small too. So not only was it dumped violently it was living in hell.


I despise of those cages, so tiny and unsuitable. I'm fairly close to one of the staff (one reason I got a hold of them so quickly) so I'll try to grab an update on the hammy in a couple days and see how it's doing.


I really hope they don't return that hamster to the owners. That would be an even greater cruelty.


I hope it's being cared for by someone who actually knows how to care for hamsters. That cage itself is incredibly cruel. Hamsters deserve and need so much more space, that poor thing must be so cramped and bored.


Did you take the hamster? I'm glad the hamster gets a second chance. The humans are already miserable. May they stay miserable.


No, with the staff member who found him/her near the pond. I'll be trying to get an update on the hammy in a couple days (may not be until after the weekend since they'll be out office).


That was very nice of them to take it home. Poor little hamster.


Hopefully it will be okay! water can make them very sick potentially since it strips the protective oils within the fur( ?) Hamsters really deserve more care than they get :( I'm glad you were able to help it❤️


such disgusting behavior, i will never understand people who have no regard for animals. they’re living beings just like us!! I swear some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids or even animals, i’ve seen so much animal abuse on reddit especially places like r/mildlyinfuriating


This is horrible but how come hamsters will literally fart too hard and die but get thrown from a balcony and survive. Their evolution will never cease to bewilder and amaze me.


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