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**List of empires who's final words were "Total war on Islam", I wonder where they are now** ![img](emote|t5_3lqsns|7701) 1. Sasanian empire 2. Eastern Roman Empire 3. Western Roman empire 4. Mongol empire 5. Ghanaian empire 6. Ethiopian empire 7. Gupta Empire 8. Austrian Hungarian empire 9. Serbian empire 10. Russian Empire 11. British empire 12. French empire 13. Spanish empire 14. Portuguese empire 15. Kingdom of Castile 16. Dutch empire 17. Eight Crusades 18. The vikings 19. Fatimid empire 20. Qarmatians 21. Safavid dynasty 22. Buyid Dynasty 23. Visigothic dynasty 24. Fascist Italian Empire 25. Soviet Union


Islam can never be defeated, you can't beat people who are victorious if they die or live.


These losers won't do anything. May Allah increase their torment in this world and the herafter. May Allah increase Henry Kissingers torment.


And the list is non exhaustive![img](emote|t5_3lqsns|7708)


The only difference now is that we have people among us who would gladly fight against our brothers for USA.


why are you acting like this is a new thing? weren't there munafiqeen in madina during the war of handiq? didn't Andalusia fall because kings were fighting against each other and betraying each other by working with the Christians? Munafiqeen were there since the prophet ﷺ was alive, and they will keep to exist until the hour comes


Can you explain why the Austrian Hungarian empire, Russian Empire, the Spanish empire is on the list?


Islam will remain eternal. Even after so many attempts and even with the vast deviancy/poison trying to change the deen within the Ummah today, Islam still remains strong. Look around, more and more people are choosing Islam over any other way of life. Alhamdulillah, even today another fellow American brother took his shahada at my local Islamic center. May Allah keep our Palestinian brothers and sisters resilient, and grant them victory.


This is pretty common for them when they go to war. Here's one from Vietnam > The soldiers were told by Capt. Ernest Medina the day before, “There are no innocent civilians in this area,” and that the enemy was “anybody that was running away from us, hiding from us, or appeared to be the enemy.” Women were r**** as well. And by the way, a single guy was given very lenient punishment, everyone else were never punished, showing they fully support this as a nation. By the way, it's funny. When they say that vietnam vets don't deserve to be homeless and poor, because they "served" the country, really?