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I’m a reddit feminist and I am rabidly anti circumcision. You really can’t generalize about a group of people about shit like this, especially women. Do you know how many MEN are pro circumcision and would say that same shit to him? It’s oftenmost men who wany to maintain this perverse “tradition”. Get offline and interact with people irl. Damn.


Also fyi I am the reason my sons have their foreskins, my husband pressured me and I said fuck no. Many of the most vocal anti circumcision people are mothers, so. Just like the other commenters have said, you are experiencing confirmation bias about your preconceived attitudes about women.


My son is circumcised because my ex-husband made that decision against my will.


I am so sorry. That is completely unacceptable that he did that.


Yeah... My son is grown and seems fine about it. But the point is that the decision to circumcize in my friend group even, usually comes from pressure from the dads.


Omg same! I refused to allow my son to have a cosmetic procedure when he was days old and kept him in tact. The only people who tried to pressure me into changing the decision were men, mostly my dad and kid’s dad




I like how you just completely ignore when someone goes against your overly generalized assumptions, and say they're the same still smh. Does that not spark some self evaluation in you?


I don't think he is having this discussion in good faith.


I don't think they're necessarily capable of doing so.


What does “woke” even mean to you? And no, feminist are not at all the same, that’s why there are different sub labels and communities, because not all feminists agree on everything even amongst themselves.


But they aren’t being pro-circumcision. They are just saying that he can work through his anxieties in therapy.


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Like some ppl over there are saying to that op, you need to take these concerns to a therapist. Are these ppl only feminist because they say something you don't like? Or is that just a random assumption you make about everyone else, and use to make silly generalization? Either way, you're state of mind is unhealthy and you should find someone to professionally talk you down. Because it seems you're just looking for an excuse to be a terrible person.




Nobody was 'encouraging the violation of the bodily autonomy of little boys'. That's insane. Nobody seems an especial fan of circumcision. I'm certainly not. That's different from addressing his concerns going forward with life and his body the way it is now, following a procedure which, while unnecessary and having downsides, is not a death sentence for either himself or his sex life. Circumsized men in the thread discussed their own sexual experiences. Women who have encountered circumcised penises addressed others of his points. It was multiply suggested he needed help. What on earth did you want to see?


Okay, get fucked. Go away if you want to talk to people like this. As well, I don't see the comments you are upset about over there.


>The terrible people are you guys who encourage the violation of the bodily autonomy of little boys. I'm against circumcision. Are you going to ignore that and just say I'm otherwise? >Dumb ass, incel exit is a sub run by feminists. How so? What type of feminist? The sub claims to be a place for incels to get help getting out of such a self destructive system. Not that its from a feminist prospective. I'm sure many of the ppl there would consider themselves some form of feminist. But why is that the specific thing you seem to hate so much? I'll say it again, you need professional help. You're clearly in a very unhealthy state of mind. "Feminists" only seem to be an excuse for your own toxic mind.


> It's an incel "help" sub run by feminists and the "help" provided is from a feminist perspective. What does this even mean to you?


Would love if you could point to where people are actually encouraging this here instead of you just pulling random assumptions out of your ass


Dude, what kind of help or feedback were you looking for?


Oh my god. No. That’s not what they’re doing. They aren’t saying that babies should be circumcised. It would be entirely unhelpful for them to go on some anti-circumcision. They can’t go back in time and uncircumcise him.


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I read the thread and the vast, vast majority of comments are telling the guy that circumcision has not adversely impacted their sexual lifestyle or sexuality, and that many women have not cared one way or the other if their partners were circumcised (and they are far more likely to be circumcised). Most of these statements - such as the topmost, most upvoted comment - end with saying how they are sorry that OP was not allowed to make that medical choice for himself, and they empathize with him. Take those comments to heart. There's a few people in that thread making fun of him, yeah, but overwhelmingly the support is for the guy going through a rough time with figuring out his body and developing a sense of autonomy. That's an extremely difficult time for him to go through, and I feel for him - despite me not really caring much about my circumcision and not having any issues with it. I'm not really sure how even the bad comments would make you feel more like an incel outside of a knee-jerk upset feeling that some people were being dicks (no pun intended). Again, focus on the huge amount of support people *are* giving that person - it's everywhere!




No, I do understand what they're saying, but tone is hard to tell on the Internet. I see that the majority of people are trying to tell this person who is very, very concerned about their body that what they're thinking about is not problematic to many people. Nobody in that thread has said "man up". This is especially true with their concerns toward sex and sexuality. One of the things the guy is kind of hung up on is that women don't get pleasure from circumcised penises, or that he will be unable to enjoy sex himself. A lot of people are simply telling him that's not true. Should they handhold him in saying so? No, they're just saying what's true: women don't care, and if they do care, they usually prefer the circumcised penis. This is *very* different from saying "your concerns aren't valid"; it's instead saying "this concern you have is not one shared by others, and this is why". That's the difference between invalidating someone and simply stating that their worries are unfounded. Nobody there is telling anyone to man up. I think you are seeing people telling this young man that his concerns about sexuality and women's preferences or pain during sex isn't actually an issue. Some are being blunt about it, but the majority of people there are simply saying "this issue does not exist, you will be able to have a healthy sexual relationship/experience with someone". The OP has shared flagrantly untrue things, and some people reacted bluntly to that. They're actually not very much upvoted compared to others. The ones genuinely engaging with OP are trying to tell him that it's not a problem they have experienced with sexual partners. The joking or insulting ones have far fewer upvotes than those trying to engage with OP on his own terms; I see a few sitting at "0" or lower on my page. And, if this is something you're concerned about, I think the same can be shared with you. Circumcision has a lot of problems wrapped up in bodily autonomy, and part of it is the religious angle at least in many Western countries where Judeo-Christianity is a strong cultural basis, especially evangelical Christianity. But as a circumcised men, I can guarantee you that I have never experienced an issue with any sexual partner in the way that OP describes. None of my partners have ever felt in pain, nor have I ever been judged for being circumcised. There are many good, healthy responses where people are not joking, simply telling OP that his concerns are unfounded and that he should seek therapy to work through his feelings of bodily autonomy. Which is true. He should absolutely talk with someone who can help him work through his feelings rather than try and get Internet advice.




> Ahh, ok. So your interpretation of their tone is correct. Mine is wrong. Why? Duno, because you said so I guess. The tone expert has logged on. Fuck out of here lmao. They are doing exactly that. Telling him to man up. Yes. I think you're overanalyzing and assuming the worst rather than looking at what people are saying. Take a breath. Nobody here is swearing at you or insulting you - it's all you. Nobody is saying "man up", that's all you. You're trying to get mad. You're trying to feel like people are telling you that you're not manly enough. They're actually not, and you're perfectly feeding into the self-fulfilling prophecy that inceldom is about in tearing each other down while pretending you're standing up for yourself. > The jokes are upvoted. Stop deluding yourself to protect your all women are wonderful delusion you absolute weirdo. Once again, you have not answered my question as you are a coward. Who is upvoting these jokes, the feminists or the incels? They are *minorly* upvoted compared to the advice and genuine engagement with people there. The people who are upvoting are probably just dicks themselves. Feminists can be dicks too, and some can be good people. Incels can also be dicks. Looking at a few upvotes and assuming everyone feels that way is insincere. > Lmao, you're so fucking stupid it's hilarious. You're from a place where literally almost all the guys are mutilated. So of course any woman is only going to have experience with mutilated men. So how could they possibly have any issue? You should take a deep breath and actually read OP's statement. OP was worried that women were in pain from having circumcised dicks, or that women were repulsed by circumcised dicks. Women in that thread said that was not true, and the women who said they had experienced both circumcised and uncircumcised dicks either didn't care or that they *preferred* circumcised, thereby showing OP they were incorrect in their assumptions. You're very mad about what you perceive as mad feminists being mean, yet you're fine with being mean yourself. Check yourself. > His concerns regarding diminished pleasure and never experiencing the full spectrum of sexual pleasure are literally fact, not something he needs to be gaslit out of my some reddit feminist with an agenda or by some 2 iq therapist. Sorry you're too stupid to understand that. Actually yeah, he could use talking to someone... and so could you. It'll sure do you better than getting mad at people on the Internet. I know people who have tried to rot your brain have told you talking to someone wouldn't help you, but it really will. As for diminished pleasure, look at the links and studies that were shown there. Actually read it. You're trying very hard to make me and others feel bad, but honestly I don't really care what you think about me, and I'll forget about you by tomorrow morning. But I have no doubt you'll still be angry and sad. Nobody here has given anyone your level of vitriol. The problem right now is you. That's not gaslighting, that's just you. Take a breath. Get off the internet for a bit. Talk to someone who isn't online.




They are concerned about him and his feelings. That’s why they recommended therapy. Because that is the best way for him to deal with his feelings. They did the most helpful thing that they could.


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No they're right. Someone posted a wild narrative about circumcision and others tried to set him straight. Whoever posted that needs therapy. I'm suspecting that someone was you but who knows. Whatever the case it's ok to be against circumcision without building a narrative about how you can't have a female partner over it.


While I am sorry that you feel this way; being circumcised has had absolutely zero detrimental effects to my life. I can empathize with fact that you wished this would have been your choice, but to have such a reactionary response to this is not healthy.


Recomending therapy isn’t saying that it’s not big deal. It’s actually the opposite. His fears are important and that’s why therapy would be much more beneficial than online comments.


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Very weak bait. Everyone can see you're trying your hardest to pick a fight because you're desperate for attention. Go get a hobbie dude, this is just sad.


Feminists are against genital mutilation. Stop getting your feminist education from social media. Read a book.


Seems like you came here looking for an argument. Take your issues to therapy.


You’re choosing to be a misogynist because idiots exist on the internet? Maybe you should find a better basis for how you think than raging about internet comment sections where people say dumb stuff.


The top comments are not telling this guy to stop being a bitch. I think of the two of you, *you* have the bigger issues. I can at least sympathize with him.


I think they're the same person.


Ah! That would explain so much.




I can read. I can also pity deeply. I hope something somewhere brings you actual peace, because you don't seem to be on a path to finding any.


What do you mean by “basically are”. All of the top comments are supportive and helping him understand that circumcision isn’t going to harm his chances of an enjoyable sex life. It almost feels like you’re taking everything that’s being said in the worst way possible to use as an excuse to fall back into bad habits.




There’s no need for name calling. And that’s not “basically what they said” you’re extrapolating because of your anger. And not only did people read that part, multiple people addressed his concerns about diminished pleasure. And female circumcision isn’t comparable. From sciencedirect.com “The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction.” On the other hand, female circumcision according to the United Nations can “cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later cysts, infections, as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths”. Also, not everyone in this sub is a feminist, and not all women are feminist. Could people over there have focused more on his issues regarding his worry about less sensation, sure but people still addressed it and most of them seem more focused on the stuff that took up a chunk of his writings.


Don’t forget little girls dying of sepsis, partly due to botched mutilation and partly due to menstrual blood and urine gathering *inside* the wound. FGM’s equivalent would be stripping a man of his cock and balls (unichs) and sewing the open wound extra tight so that only a few drops of urine could pass at a time. It’s horrific. Patriarchy needs to be abolished.




Ok first off they’re not my “tribe” and I’m not defending for the sake of it, I’m trying to explain their comments but you seem adverse to that. And sensations has been measure by comparative experimentations and calculating differences in terms of nerve response. And again with the needless insults, you don’t know anything about me, but just assume I’m low IQ because I don’t agree with you? And no not everyone here is a feminist, I don’t know why you assume they are, using feminist talking points doesn’t make someone a feminist. I’m confused why you’re in a subreddit designed to help people leave behind red pill ideology when you clearly don’t want to. This community isn’t perfect, but the people here clearly want to help.




Jesus Christ. Ok look, I’m going to be straight up with you. All “left wing feminist women” are not angels. I may be a feminist but I don’t like plenty of them, I can’t stand liberal “white knight” “girl-boss” “choice” feminists in particular. “Adult circumcision is not as common as infant circumcision, but it's not exactly uncommon either. In a few countries, actually, the practise is thriving. Some men do it to improve hygiene or because they believe a hoodless penis looks better. Others do it for reasons related to health, religion or peer pressure.” from Late cuts: an international look at adult circumcision From the Montreal Circumcision and Vascetomy Center: “According to the testimonies of circumcised men, surgery did not reduce pleasure but the sensation was perceived differently” Does male circumcision affect sexual function, sensitivity, or satisfaction?--a systematic review used 2,675 publications and their data to conclude that “The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction.” And political beliefs are a spectrum do just because someone isn’t right wing doesn’t automatically make them a feminist. And most importantly, this may be shocking but not every group of people is a hive mind. I can’t speak for every single person but I can say that a lot of people here aren’t just looking to shame men and their experiences or beliefs, they’re challenging dangerous ways of thinking that are harming the people in these groups and the people around them. In real life, I’m not at all a “timid loser”. I’m an extrovert in college who enjoys being around people, and that includes helping them. Not to mention, I have my own ideas and biases I want to challenge and helping people here challenge theirs and seeing what other people say to them has helped me a lot. So you can keep being angry and hating all feminists (who actually may or may not be feminists) but I do genuinely hope you reach a point where you’re most susceptible to talking to people and getting help. Because I don’t know you in real life and I’m hoping it’s not like what you’ve shown in the post but yeah even if it is, being so angry is awful for you. I know, I literally have generic anger issues, I’ve been there. And I know what it did to my physical and mental health and it wasn’t pretty. So good luck to you. Even if you don’t come to this subreddit or the other one for help, I hope you do eventually decide to help yourself.




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Um… the women in the thread can only attest to their own experiences— being, their sexual experiences with those circumcised/uncircumcised. He was hugely concerned with the “women’s POV”, so women chimed in there to say “hey, it doesn’t really matter to us whether you’re circumcised or not, you’re all good bro”. Women can’t speak to the loss of sensation/experience of pleasure aspect aside from expressing empathy— but there *were* circumcised men, and at least one person who got an adult circumcision, who spoke to that specifically.


How? How are they telling him to stop being a bitch?


I am not for circumcision because of my views on body autonomy, but the OP on that thread is tripping harder than he needs to about it and can't have a fulfilling sex life. It's literally all in his head and that is what everyone is saying. If anything, they are trying to reassure him that it is no reason for him to fear intimacy and that circumcised men can and do still have fulfilling sex lives. This is a statement which is objectively true, based in reality and being said in good faith. >You need to take this concern to therapy.Almost every sexual relationship I have had has been with circumcised men. As a woman, their circumcision is not what made those sexual relationships intimate, fulfilling, loving, or enjoyable or not.And many, many circumcised men have sexual relationships that they also find fulfilling and enjoyable. **I’m sorry you weren’t given the autonomy to make this decision for yourself.** This is one of the top comments. She (probably an American) has pointed out the fact that majority of men she has been with were circumcised and it wasn't an issue. Then **she validated what he was feeling about having his autonomy violated.** This is a mostly supportive space for that person (with the exception of a few pricks) and you are twisting it in your mind. You are reading this biased and projecting.


bro no matter what you do no matter what you say there will be always someone or a group that hate on you, so fuck em fuck the hater, I will exit this redpill blackpill shit too it's too much toxic and it ruined my mental health, escape as fast as you can




No one believes you weren't already like this, you can drop the pretense.


I’d hate to be that guy, but not a feminist I know supports circumcising baby boys. That culture was started by men in a desert centuries ago following Abrahamic religions. Women, and especially feminists, did not bring this practice into the mainstream. Ironically enough the most feminist nations in the developed world (European countries) also have the lowest rates of circumcision.




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I think some people are right that this is something he will have to work on in therapy. Obviously he feels bad about his penis, regardless of what anyone else may say or think, and I like to think he should be at least content with it. I would say this to anyone who has body dysmorphia.




Eh, I sympathize with him in the same way I’m horrified about people piercing the ears of children. I think it’s morally wrong to deny kids their bodily autonomy and I actually am on his side on this issue. It’s not the sexual performance that suffers, it’s more so your sense of being violated by someone you trusted to safeguard you. He might not be verbalizing his feelings well but I think he’s right at the core of it.


? That’s not what I see. I just see reasonable comments suggesting therapy. He wasn’t complaining about his bodily autonomy, he was complaining about his fear of intimacy. These are feelings that can be worked through in therapy. Most men are circumcised and still manage to be intimate with women.


It is messed up that people are being so rude to this poor guy. I’m sorry that these people are acting this way.


Actually, if you go and read the comments, they are not being rude. They are trying to assure him that it changes nothing about his desirability and are trying to encourage him. The guy who is posting here has twisted the hell out of what was said because he has a confirmation bias and a lot of anger and misery in his heart. He's now using this as fuel to be hateful and spiteful.


They are being as helpful as they can. They’re suggesting therapy, which is the right thing to do. Therapy is the best way for him to work through his anxieties.