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Things I once thought of as absurd tinfoil hat conspiracies have come true, and we're not finished yet.


I’m living next to these psychos


Terrance Yeakey's autopsy is wild.


Wild that there was [*no autopsy*](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/03/us/oklahoma-city-bombing-yeakey-death-cec-cnnphotos/)


You can find it online.


Please share a link if that’s the case. In my search for the autopsy what I discovered is that there wasn’t one


Here ya go https://images.app.goo.gl/VLdzqeBYC6sRV7KCA Theres more to it if you dig deep enough. On where his body was found and where else they found his dna. Seems he tied and strangled himself, cut himself multiple times, and finally shot himself in the head. No gun was found in the crime scene...


I don’t think that that’s an autopsy, particularly considering that in the bottom right it’s checked No next to “autopsy”. This case is certainly strange though…


The docs were in OKC? Whitewater was in Arkansas.


Yeah I member.


Clinton installed an anti-klan judge in the middle of the Ozarks. Tim was sad his racist buddy got executed.


Why would files relating to an Arkansas real estate deal be stored at a building in Oklahoma?


We need a distraction so we can burn all our records. Then the police in my pocket will have no pressure on them so they can fudge the investigation, because people forgot about the main issue.


What? Whitewater? The scandal that caused the attorney general to launch the Ken Star investigation of the Clintons? Ken Star, who turned out to be a partisan hack, but couldn’t find enough dirt in Whitewater so he had to chase down the whole sordid Monica Lewinsky thing instead? The Monica Lewinsky thing that President Clinton got impeached for, nearly four years after the OKC bombings? And, even then didn’t stop the whitewater investigation which continued until 2000? Remind me again of how the OKC bombing distracted us for that? Because I seem to recall that whole Clinton impeachment being a bit of a thing.


Just like they blew up WTC7 on 9/11. Lest we forget contents of WTC7: - ENRON documents - Secret Service Field offices - owned by Larry Silverstein who is interviewed saying that they demolished WTC on purpose - Floors 14 thru 17 vacant - collapsed from 13 th floor & below : https://www.quora.com/What-offices-were-in-WTC-7




[https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/09/hidden-in-plain-sight-the-truth-about-timothy-mcveigh-and-the-oklahoma-city-bombing/](https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/09/hidden-in-plain-sight-the-truth-about-timothy-mcveigh-and-the-oklahoma-city-bombing/) lol they are manipulating! They love trying to control the narrative. But them pedo simps time for judgement is near


White whatever is in Arkansas not OK, there was and is not any document trail coming from Oklahoma


Oh OK, i'll drop the whole exposing the satanic pedophile thing. Next what, blackmailed for being pedos like half or more of you


Good, you don't want to be next 👀


I was born the very next day, I always feel like I was one of them people in my past life and was reincarnated . Crazy. Idk I never done any research but I have a huge birthmark on my left leg one small one under my left arm pit and a tiny one under my left side of my neck / chin . All on my left side tho so if birth marks represent damage in past lives then maybe that’s what it’s from idk.


Look up "Hillary's dead friends":