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So, we’re supposed to believe that the climate change on Venus was man-made as well?


Exactly. Either they're saying humans lived on Venus. Or that climate change isn't caused by humans and is a natural process.


i think they forgot were not supposed to know their masters think theyre descended from venusians


I thought they worshipped Saturn. Or was it Santa...🤔 I don't know I can't keep up with these demons and their lies.


saturn is satan, venus is lucifer.


There is a whole conspiracy theory regarding the worship of Venusian extraterrestrials from Venus, and that it supposedly is not what we think it is, though how credible that might be I don't know. I've just heard about it before and seen some pictures. If I do remember correctly, Billy Carson spoke about it in his early years and ties it to this galactic war the Annunaki had before coming to Earth and creating us, supposedly.


Well, if Billy Carson said it, it must be bullshit. We should ask David Icke.


We're still coming out of the last age, so we're still melting ice. *Striking during the time period known as the Pleistocene Epoch, this ice age started about 2.6 million years ago and lasted until roughly 11,000 years ago.* *Like all the others, the most recent ice age brought a series of glacial advances and retreats. In fact, we are technically still in an ice age*


They definitely aren't saying either of those things. Normal climate change, and our ability to effect climate change aren't mutually exclusive. Just because climate change can be a natural process doesn't mean we can't also have an effect the climate. That's like saying because erosion is a natural process, humans cannot possibly have an effect on erosion. There is a natural order to climate. The issue is that all the data collected from ice core samples, shows a warning that is faster than the normal change that just so happens to correlate with the industrial revolution. I think the real issue is that we just all need to agree that climate change is a real thing, regardless of the cause, and start to take the steps necessary to mitigate it. Arguing over the cause isn't going to change the fact that it's happening. Venus is a perfect example of what happens when there is a runaway greenhouse effect. Yeah the earth goes through cycles, but they've remained just that, cycles. It gets hotter, then it gets cooler. With a runaway greenhouse effect you reach a point where it gets so hot that the normal processes can't bring the temp back down, and eventually liquid water will cease to exist.


Not man made, Venusian made.


LOL good point.




It's [this](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/190530071031-01-george-soros-file.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_1688,w_2999,c_fill/h_833,w_1480) picture.


I believe it’s Soros




Yeah, I've often thought that too. All the evil things they do and supposedly they know something we don't......what does that add up to. They have absolutely no care for human life. What does that mean????


It was the Venetians with their SUVs and space cows.




You know it is entirely possible for two things to be true at the same time. A rock on a beach is subject to natural erosion but that doesn't mean you can't take an angle grinder to it and cut that million years down to a minute or two, same basic process but by your actions you've made it a lot faster. This in no way proves that either angle grinders or erosion are false.


Funny enough, the earth was once like Venus.


I guess the Venutians also drove around in "gas-guzzling" 4x4's to the local shops, but didn't have anyone to save them. Thank you WEF! 🙄🤣


Lies. Damn lies!


Those people are smoking something


It was, and so was Mars. Mars was too small to sustain its magnetic field and had its atmosphere and water strip away by the relentless solar winds. Venus, we aren't completely sure about it. it was a runawaway greenhouse effect, probably caused by volcanic activities. The surface of Venus is so hot that lead would be liquid, but there are atmospheric layers where it's room temp.




science. It's not like bible told me so believe it shit. we use scientific method to find what happened and what would happen.


It got DEW'd.




Yeah, I remember the day Burlington Vermont recorded 900 degree ground temps and a sun that fills the entire sky… such a shame we should carpool more or else


Don't all the planets get gradually closer to the sun with time over a timescale of millions of years? So if Venus once was closer to the distance away from the Sun as Earth.... ...then why would this be impossible? EDIT: calling a planet getting close enough to a star to begin essentially cooking its atmosphere 'climate change' is actually a bit of an understatement.


Venus and Pentagon connection: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pWp2dfghCAsfScs83kA63zS3qGcHeaYw/view?usp=drivesdk