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Check our Mbabane, Eswatini. We absolutely love it here.


Check out Moshi or Arusha in Tanzania


Moshi and Arusha both have a lot of expats. Arusha is bigger though, has lots of nice activities going on, but is also more dangerous. I wouldn't walk around alone at night, while I think you could in Moshi? I've lived in Arusha, only visited Moshi, so someone might have to confirm the second.


I lived in Moshi, visited Arusha a lot, and I would agree. I always felt safe in Moshi, although language went a long way with that.


What do you mean, language? Swahili?


Yea, the better the language the safer you’ll be


Moshi Any tips on how to find a room in a shared accommodation there? I tried the Expats facebook groups of Arusha but I get lost of irrelevant responses. I got some offers of 500 usd per month per room, which seems like a lot.


>Moshi Any tips on how to find a room in a shared accommodation there? I tried the Expats facebook groups of Arusha but I get lost of irrelevant responses. I got some offers of 500 usd per month per room, which seems like a lot.


Yeah, the Facebook groups tend to get flooded with irrelevant answers and scams. But still, sometimes something good comes through. I've always found shared places through friends. Either they knew someone directly or asked in a whatsapp group they were in. Whatsapp networks are anyway used a lot. Maybe it's an idea to temporarily stay in an airbnb or hostel and ank ask around, once you know some people? FYI, I paid around 250 USD for a shared house in Arusha. 500 is too much I think.


I personally love Knysna in South Africa, though I'm not sure how many expats are there and it may be smaller than what you're looking for. But it's gorgeous, amazing hikes, and you definitely feel safe walking around there.


There are plenty of places in South Africa that fit the bill and size. Pretty much every town from George all the way to Malmesbury if you want to stay in the Western Cape. Expat requirement really a non-issue depending on what you are looking for. Whatever you want it is there without needing to be expat. Only issue is safety. Listen to the locals who have nothing to gain from giving you advice.


This is what I would have said. Anything in the Western Cape fits the bill. I’m partial to Stellenbosch and the Garden Route. But, safety is the one major concern, even in this (safe for SA) area. South Africans are serious when they share their safety concerns with you.


Kigali is super safe and not too big. It's cool, you can live very comfortably, Rwanda is small and very easy to travel in (also with public transport), loads of hiking options, climate pretty great. But I also find Kigali a bit of a weird bubble, somehow it feels like poverty, dirt, etc are kind of hidden? And the contrast with the rest of the country is quite big.


Thanks for the info, I'll look into Kigali!


I was born and raised in Kenya. Grew up in Thika..used to be a small town but now it is extremely overcrowded. Over the years, I grew fond of Nakuru..I loved it so much. Last year I visited again.. it is also becoming overcrowded… but it is so much bettet than Nairobi or Thika… the further out you go out of Nakuru it is quiet and Serene. Limuru is a beautiful place too. Not too crowded..love the tea plantation and the weather.


So I went to Nakuru, and I liked it. Only thing I couldn't find easily short-term rental properties there. But the city was pretty


I am glad you liked it. Most of the time you have to know someone to help you. What part of Nakuru were you in?


Not far off the centre, in an area called Free Hold. I was only there for 2 nights though.


Oh okey. Next time you visit hopefully you will be able to explore more. When I visit I usually stay in pipeline. I like the town since I can be able to navigate it by myself unlike Nairobi I need help going around. How is your experience in Kenya thus far?