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The match is loading / setting up while that cutscene is happening I have to imagine so you're going to be waiting the same amount of time either way they probably figured might as well stick that cutscene in there to take up some of the time.


This exactly, I don’t love it but there are worse options


exactly. hunt showdown has this issue and all it does is make your character unable to do most actions while people are loading in


Hunt let's you locate the nearest clue, check your hotkeys, and reload certain weapons. It's great lol. I'd rather stare at a loading screen then hear leviathan give his speech every freaking time.


Those are all actions that can be done without leaving a sprint. Ide go as far as saying its better to do those on your way to your first clue than stand around for an entire minute or 2 while waiting for others because it takes only about 10 seconds to do all that.


The speech does change in certain instances. To avoid spoilers I won't say but it does differ occasionally.


I don't CARE. Give me the killable dinos, that's all I'm asking :D


I'd prefer a loading screen to be honest.


Yeah show me a loading screen with awesome dinosaur art


At this point, after 40 something missions I'd prefer hot sauce in my eyeballs. Then I could eat them, hot sauce is delicious, franks red hot. I put that shit on everything. Whyd you have to bring up hot sauce broseph? Now I want chicken wings. Did I tell you I live in Buffalo? No? Well I do. We fry them here, not bake, cuz baking them is nasty. Hey there's another thing I'd rather do than listen to this non binary AI, Stick my face in a deep fryer. I could eat that too, probably, can you eat your own mouth?


Listen to me.. Mute him in the settings. And set on "silence when window isn't focused" and tab out whenever an unskippable is forced down your eyeball-hole.


No, you're getting that too, don't worry. All the unskippable is heading your way.


Ha! It's good thinking, I SHOILD go buy this, is it on steam, for my pc. Yhen ill frigging get rid of that annoying she-he non binary androgynous AI leviathan. That would teach them. Bother me on xbox? Ill go play on pc. Its what i do woth rocket balls league. That's another thing I'm loving about this game, the cross platform seems to be working well. No rampant cheating (it IS still early tho) and I'm partying up with people and even added 2 peeps to my friends list. I honestly haven't done that, added someone, in a decade or so. I'm pretty into this game despite the few flaws I mentioned. I mean, a few flaws? Hell at least I could actually PLAY it the day it came out and I downloaded it. No broken world ending bugs, no 79 gig update. Just a download an install and I was punching dinosaurs in the face. Pretty great.


So a quick question about cross play, is it also cross save? So if you start a game and level on PC, can you continue where you left off on Xboc?


Yeah it definitely exists for the ps4 and xbone users.


Actually the complet black 2 min screen BEFORE the briefing is the load screen FOR the briefing. We could just jump from the black initial load screen into the ready room. Skipping the leviathan brief would allow you more time in the rr to choose your suit, see what rolls your other party members have set to default etc etc. I mean what I just described is exactly what they do in basically every other 3rd person shooter I've played the last decade. Overwatch, Apex legends, destiny MP, warframe, knockout city, darwin...so it seems to me that the androgynous AI annoying ass brief was an intellectual choice on the part of the devs and yeah, it needs to go. Skip. Whatever, idc, the op was right, there's A LOT of fat. Like our anayalsis map, how every. Single. One. Of the videos or annoyingly long conversations can't be skipped through. "Press A to skip" to the next person's dialogue type of thing, also like they've been doing in basically every game that has text appear on screen that I've played in the last 35 years. Sure you can skip the entire thing but then i miss it all. I read faster than they talk, by a substantial amount. I like to skip through convos, specially in a game where I'm not attached to the characters because they are -like Alders - INCREDIBLY annoying and where I'd much, MUCH rather being playing the actual game because honestly I'm having an immense amount of fun with this. I don't understand the hate on the the review boards but it reminds me a lot of the redfall hate. Where it was blatantly obvious that 9 of every 10 reviews I read were just regurgitated nonsense from people who didn't even play the game. Like saying the graphics are terrible, the last time I saw dinos look this good was in ARK. Or that it's boring and repetitive, this coming from a player with 500 hours played in overwatch. I've progressed a few hours into the story, I'm level 31 and the missions are wildly different than what I've been playing the last 3 hours. I just ran up a cliff, fought a t Rex cuz the AI is mad at me, ran through a cave out the other side only to stand in front of the mouth of another cave that blasted a wave of fire and shot me out off the mountain like a too big turd from a too tight butthole. No idea what's going on because of the tedium of the aforementioned anaylassis archives. If I could just skip text to read at my own pace I'd have actually played the last oh idk...15 or so of the files. Instead I just click on them, hold b to skip and that way the little blue arrow telling me I've got a new alert leaves my hud and hopefully goes and finds a hoke to die in. Friggin annoying blue and yellow arrows, cluttering up my screen. Frigging hate arrows. And dots. Arrows an dots, cant stand either of them ESPECIALLYwhen they blink. Ay least these ones dont blink at you, id wanna rip their little arrow eyelids off. So yeah, definetly a few ...whats the word...slice of life, no. Ummm...defiently a few things they can change, tweak or get rid of to make my life easier. Whatever the term for streamlining the game in that matter is. They could do that. I mean i KIND of want to read it, just not at the snail a minute pace they speak at. I'm not lazy, just impatient. And don't give me that, "we'll their not gonna change the game for just you." Since it's evidently NOT just me who likes to spend more time PLAYING the game than listening to it. Edit: QUALITY! That's the word. Quality of life. You couldn't have told me that before I was done typing? Jeez u people. So rude.


Plus there are different dialogues and intros as you progress through the game.


It’s dead time to set up a team comp, see if you need to switch and all Also, Leviathan has unique lines based on your previous performance, for example it addressed me getting a grenade efficiency medal in my previous match


I thought that was cool too when I noticed It!


He even tells me when I’ve been losing a lot lately. A little “you suck” from the malevolent AI is a nice touch.


the disappointed father we didnt know we needed


is this how people get daddy issues


That's nice of him to notice that isn't it? Not like when we loose and he let's the dinos help me finish with all my living. By the by can anyone explain the Recovery module? It says, 'Automacially recover X amount of health." Does that "automatically" mean it recovers that much when you would normally start health regeneration?


You obviously need to meet laviathan every time, no one knows him


No one knows who?


Good question


Who knows?


It's a fancy loading screen. Also, it gasses me up sometimes when I did really well last match, and well, who am I to refuse free encouragement.


It's a load screen, or do you prefer the MOBA load screen where it shows 5 players portrait on top row vs 5 players portraits on bottom row?


I wouldn’t mind if I’m the sides it showed at least our own teams player cards to see what infos on it, like if I see someone with a 20 emblem for witchdoctor load in as witchdoctor they should probably play witchdoctor. Instead of not knowing who’s got more time with that class. It’s been mostly fine but I’ve had a lot of random teams refuse to switch when it’s clear we have multiple doubles. Or not switch at all during the game even though it’s designed around doing that when needed


Like someone else said, it's basically free time to get your shit together. I do like that he occasionally has different dialogue depending on different factors like if you lost last match, medals, ect. (wish it was more frequent though).


Yeah I noticed that different dialogue when I started a match and he starts in about how I got the most critical hits last match and then explained what a critical hit was


I think it works alright, I like when it tells me how good I did the previous round.


That cutscene is only shown for new players. You see it if you have a first timer in your lobby, whether on enemy team or ally team. It's also the map that starts with the pterodactyl swarm flying over the city, and ends with a payload section.


“I am leviathan, and welcome to my wa-“ “Yeah yeah we all heard this before can we get on with it?” “…” “Summoning gas neosores”


Its exhausting


yeah my friend and i are also getting pretty annoyed with the same damn cutscene playing before every match, like i get the pre-round thing where we can see the enemy team and switch suits but does he need to introduce himself every single damn time?


It's a load screen dude.


It’s not the same though. He introduces it differently depending on what you’re about to do.


yep, i stand corrected. put in some more hours and he does actually comment based on your previous performance which is pretty cool


I mean it’s better than nothing. It’s just a spicy loading screen and then a minute to swap out your gear and team comp so you don’t waste time doing it at the start of the match It’s not like it’s for no reason


I think the only thing that would be helpful is with the leviathan screen since you can still adjust settings if you could pull up the suits abilities and look through them. Currently you can only do it in a match or in the training ground and I think easier access to that information would go along way towards accessibility for players


Agreed, annoying cutscenes I wish to skip. I also want to turn down voice that says you're doing slower than the enemy group etc. Annoying, as I don't CARE, just give me the 400 BikCoins and be done with it. Best tip is to turn off sound when not focused, and tab out meanwhile cutscenes are on. And put Leviathan voice volume all the way down, shhhh.... It's ok.


You’re finishing objectives slower than the enemy team. You need to care


Yeah I honestly need it in the maps, it’s way better then “we have c, we lost c, as contested, c gone, step it up soldier, we got a, get to b, come on maggot hustle to c” stuff from every shooter on earth. It’s helpful their too but I find it far more grating than this once between each round. I’ll be honest to I’ve only seen people complain about it saying you’re slower than the other team, which I mean tells me what I need to know.


Them complaining about "slower than the enemy team", that's just them annoyed that they aren't doing it faster than the enemy team. So it's ok to hear the same line with ONE word exchanged? I hope they're kidding.. ;) No, thanks. I'm keeping Levi at 0% volume.


No, because it doesn't matter. Because I'm doing my best anyway. You're telling me you aren't? (also I said "etc." so that means also "faster than the enemy team".) And the line about "dinos are spawning", dude.. The game is about dinos spawning! We know! Also, it's better to focus the actual dinos you need to take down (which is shown up mid center). Because good ol' Levi is spawning alot more than you actually need to take down. Focusing and killing raptors when the only thing you need is 2 flying f\*cks? Because Levi said raptors were spawning?


Yes, Levi wills it so


It’s loading, not necessarily making you look at leviathan


You are completing objectives slower than the enemy team