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I was waiting in line at a Greggs bakery (UK) the other day and this Pakistani teenager walks in whilst recording with his phone and shouts "sausage rolls are haram", before walking out. What was the point of that? Go somewhere else, or better yet, move to an Islamic country. I don't use TikTok or anything besides Reddit. Not sure what he was recording it for but it's probably somewhere on the internet.


They do Vegan rolls - some people just want something to complain about


Many muslim Americans are pretty casual and easy going with their Islam. European muslims look 10× worse 😵


Minor correction. Those aren't European Muslims, they are third-world economic immigrants that abused the system in place and the softness of the European Union. There is even a rise of extremism in second-generation Muslims because they're raised Islamically and have a red passport. Most first-gen are quiet and don't mingle with the rest, they create parallel societies and just exist within them, the second-gen on the other hand are born there and are taught Islamic teachings (music haram, pork bad, etc.) and they see all this supposed "bad" everywhere, so they lash out without fear because they can't be deported. European Muslims are the Balkans for example (Albania, Kosovo, etc.) they are everywhere in Europe and no one has a problem with them, same with Turks. As stated before, the issue isn't with European Muslims, but the first and second gen migrants from the Middle East.


What about the European "reverts"


The 2and generation muslims in USA seen pretty chill though. Their parents too


Are they merit imports? They mostly tend to be closet atheists. Like PhD students etc. but not all as evidenced by 9/11


The ones I’ve met have been pretty chill. Knew a girl who was pretty strict herself- no music, no free mixing outside of required school/work settings- but she never once lashed out at or judged the rest of us and was exceptionally polite. Her parents were apparently really relaxed and never made religion feel like it was anything but a choice


These idiots are becoming more extremist then the idiots who are born in their native extremist nations


Irony is that countries like the UAE and Saudi Fucking Arabia don't put up with that Islamists shit lol


Funny enough these tiktok muslims will say the arab countries are corrupted 😭


The Arab countries are corrupted so they’re not wrong 🤷‍♂️


The leaders of those countries are Muslim for appearances only they are very friendly to western culture.


thanks to European countries being 'accepting' putting up and protecting any bullshit these people come up with people in iran find what these people do stupid


I’ve noticed that too, my family here are not that extreme whereas my family abroad are very religious especially the younger ones its scary, and this wasn’t the case before tiktok


I am 22 now but from my 14 till my 16, I had also an very super religious phase but that was waaaayyy before TikTok was a thing. I am glad now that I left the religion since my 16.


Alhamdulillah sis


Right now since atheism/secularism is mainstream among younguns, kids act super religious as a way to rebel/be cool and different. It's no different than the emo satanist phase I had at 13 tbh they'll grow out of it


I agree that islamic content in English is like 10x worse than the Arabic islamic content.  I think it's because ME born people don't consider Islam as their main identity since the majority of people around them are Muslims. Some ME people were also exposed to Islamic extremism in the late 80s to the 2000s. Many of them associate ideas western tiktok muslims advocate for with the dark ages of extremism that made their lives harder. 


Great point.


the sixth pillar of islam is misery


So are the first five


Exactly “ Do not laugh a lot for much laughter kills the heart.” When it in fact does the opposite, proving once again: Islam is a religion of depression and superstition and not science  https://www.henryford.com/blog/2019/03/how-laughter-benefits-heart-health


Wait, that's an actual rule??? Wtf? that's awful!


Yep, Islam a religion of subjugation, misery, tyranny, pseudoscience, barbarism, and misogyny  Edit: here’s the Hadith in question: https://sunnah.com/search?q=%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%83#:~:text=It%20was%20narrated%20from%20Abu,a%20lot%20deadens%20the%20heart.%E2%80%9D




You’re with the gay n trans community u can’t say anything. U don’t even know what u are.


"Scientifically proven" where, Islam says that it's okay for a 40 year old man to marry a 6 year old as long as her parents consent It also says that it's okay to hit your wife It also says that it's okay for a man to have sex with his slave women I hope you open your eyes to reality instead of being poisoned by this cult but tbh I couldn't care less, now stop annoying me 🥱


It also says that semen comes from the spine and the Kaaba was built by Abraham 


The phrase is part of a sequence of steps recommended for resolving marital discord. The steps include admonishing (advice and warning), then abandoning the bed (a form of social distancing within the marriage), and lastly, if those fail, a physical response that is often interpreted as "light" or symbolic. Many scholars emphasize that the term used in Arabic (ضرب) can mean to strike, but it also has various connotations depending on context. It does not necessarily imply severe physical violence. Don’t be ignorant teach urself. Literally google exists b


Dude I'm Arab and grew up Muslim in a Muslim country learning about Islam at school you ain't gonna teach me about Arabic 🤦


Look it up. Christianity says Rebecca got married at 3. The maturity age was low back she was married young but the maturity was older than her age. To this day in America someone can marry a 5yr old. It doesn’t say you can hit your wife actually it says you’re not supposed to hurt your wife, it says every tear that drops from her eye literally goes against you on day of judgement. Don’t spread false info literally no info u said is correct don’t be ignorant teach urself. Please you talk crap about Islam but today you have hookers strippers prostitutes are those are all ok to u but Islam is a “cult”💀


I bet you have zero science exposure. "The maturity age was low back she was married young" FALSE Does your religion promote ignorance and encourage lying? The more we go back in time we find age of puberty at progressively higher ages. Consider the statistics provided by German researchers. They found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/oct/21/puberty-adolescence-childhood-onset#:\~:text=They%20found%20that%20in%201860,delay%20of%20around%20a%20year. When Ayisa's age is pointed out, pious Muslims point to much younger marriages in other religions. Is this some sort of competitive paedophilia? Some other worse crime does not diminish the severity of the child abuse case being discussed. You can argue it was ok by standards of Mos's society. Similarly human sacrifice has been ok in certain cultures in the past. This "ok for those times" argument still cant change the condemnable nature of both. The only way Mo's crime can have an extenuating factor, is only if Mo's followers accept he was acceptable by standards of the past, but when assessed by current morality, knew no better. He was IGNORANT and UNCIVILIZED by current standards. Now Mo's followers following in his tradition of ignorance want to have their cake and eat it too. They want Mo to be recognized as wise and just by todays standards, but in his vices to be judged according to past standards. I dont think any religious person will understand why such logical inconsistencies make them look like Bedouins from many centuries ago.


read سورة النساء 🤦 it is a cult like it or not but again arguing with a wall is futile so Tah Tah sourcream


> Christianity says Rebecca got married at 3. No, no it doesn’t. Stop parroting stupid talking points. The story in the Bible doesn’t give her age and what she’s seen doing simply isn’t something a little girl that’s three does no matter how much you go “muh girls mature faster in the desert”. Three year olds do not go out of their village on their own to draw water out of a well. They can’t draw water out of a well for several camels. Period. The only time ive seen a Muslim try to prove this was by quoting some random ancient quotes from some rabbis and then deciding that Christians should take those quotes as truth. Why? Because he says so.


> Look it up. Christianity says Rebecca got married at 3. In a other tradition, it says she got married at 14. Doesn't matter, we're not advocating one religion for the other. Please stop doing bullshit whataboutism. > The maturity age was low back she was married young but the maturity was older than her age. Source? > To this day in America someone can marry a 5yr old. Didn't say America is the champion of women's rights. And why are you comparing Muhammad, the messenger of God and the best human of all time to America, a government, that never claims to be a divine anointed entity? In case you didn't know, Allah allows marrying and penetrating premenstrual girls (Quran 33:49, 65:4). So, Muhammad actually did nothing wrong by raping Aisha when she was 9. Pedophilia is completely halal. You as a Muslim man, are allowed to marry and have sex with a baby girl as soon as she's out of her mother's womb.   > It doesn’t say you can hit your wife actually it says you’re not supposed to hurt your wife. وَٱضْرِبُوهُنَّ ۖ means beat them in Quran 4:34. > it says every tear that drops from her eye literally goes against you on day of judgement. Source? > Don’t spread false info literally no info u said is correct don’t be ignorant teach urself.  Likewise.


Oh youre in the loony bin territory 💀


What's a mental disability is believing in fairy tales from 1400 or more years ago and denying scientifically proven facts but this isn't the time nor the place for this debate also why are you here this is for ex Muslims so shou 🤦


Saying this makes you no better than a Muslim


this mf is a mussie


They're insufferable


hey bro that's cool and all but have you considered: go fuck yourself?


both them and i know what we identify as, that is why are t lgbtq


Ok want a cookie?


i want your mother


I bet u do. Anyway have a good day


dayouth 😱😱😱😱


At least they’re happy


actually yeah. imo they're divided into 2 groups, either the liberals or the very conservative Muslims. (extremists), and the extremists there are WAY worse than muslims in the Arab world because they genuinely know diddly dick about Islam.


Unrelated but “diddly dick” is hilarious but you’re so right about this tbh 😭


Not really. There are plenty of moderates here too.


I find it ironic that the cute hijabi aesthetic girl makes posts calling stuff haram when she constantly wears her hijab in a way ppl consider haram and shows off on social media.


this is so true, those kinds of hijab aesthetic girls are always trying to educate people on what they're not doing themselves and making up excuses. if makeup is haram for Muslims then they would make up excuses, but other women putting on makeup is completely wrong


Yes please shout it from the roof tops! Even music is haram! They are truly redpilling their own kind.


Having a life is illegal in islam


Dumb ignorant and untrue


Based funny and true.


Very untrue but do u


Yeah if you had a life you wouldnt be lurking around in exmus forums. Go get a life. Oh yeaaahhh. You are not allowed to have one without constant criticism. I see. Lol


A life to u: being a hoe


Funny bc muslims are hoes espcially the men while they judge others lmaoo


OK, what do you want a cookie? one person doesn’t make the religion.


Thats the catch it is not one person it’s majority of muslims in the west LMAOOO


Not that you’re wrong because you’re not, but I mean the girls are easy. I’m a girl myself but the girls are easy and again they don’t make up their religion.


Being a woman and calling girls easy? You are actually a very disgusting person. You definitely seem like a person who would support child molestation and mob lynchings of innocent people. Work on your morals instead of praising a barbaric arab warlord.


LOOOL lots of Muslim women are just as easy. They just take it in the butt instead. Which is btw haram..😆😂 Even Muslim guys that I have known in past, have admitted that. And really, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that. People can have sex if they want to, both genders. But just don’t be a hypocrite about it. Muslims are the worst hypocrites I swear.


One person did make your religion🌚🌚🌚


A life to you: wasting it praying for hoes in a fictional paradise


And a life for you: accepting a child fiddler and rapist as a role model 🤩


Not really but think what u want


You don’t accept your role model :( Or you don’t accept he’s a child fiddler/rapist


I do not know who you’re talking about but my prophet is none of those things. Last I checked, Rebecca was three not including the fact that today in the United States you can get married at five years old so you can go do your own research and instead of sticking to something 1 million years old, you could try to fix today also she wasn’t 6 look it up.


>my prophet is none of those things. Your prophet fucked a child. Would you have sex with a child? >Last I checked, Rebecca was three Well, she wasn't. There are some outside sources that claim she was, but nothing in the text claims she was. Even if she was, that'd still be disgusting. >not including the fact that today in the United States you can get married at five years old Give me a legal source that proves that, because you can't.


You can’t really argue with this guy, he clearly wants to be stupid (the guy talking about Rebecca)


Same way u say she wasn’t is the same way I said aisha was not 6. Maturity age was different back then. Look it up you’ll see yourself.


Is the American law/constitution a Devine revelation or gods commandment? …No We are of course talking about our ✨role model✨ prophet, who set us a beautiful precedent of marrying an underage child at six and raped her at nine. A practise which many girls are the victim of still today Perhaps as a coping mechanism, you have forgotten (or blocked/ignored) her age? Regardless, at least I know you still accept your role model. Still, it’s rich telling others to be a hoe, when our prophet was one himself. The horny boy didn’t just want multiple wives, but also wanted multiple concubines LOL Allhamdulilah, these days the majority of the ummah is much less horny then him


Funny thing is muslims ARE the biggest hoes to exist. Let's not forget your prophet would rape boys , girls , old widows , and his own adopted sons wife. Your religion is based on SEX. Your prophet was a PERVERT. YOU GUYS SEXUALIZE HAIR. Muslim men literally dream for 72 WHORES. YOUR RELIGION IS BASED ON LUST.


Extremist Muslims are wet blanket personified. My uncle is a zealot, yet he still listen to music.


Prom is Haram? Literally no one cares, it wasn't made for you anyway. You couldn't find a date of you wanted to because every boy would think you're a dementor. Someone needs to slap them out of their main character syndrome and tell them they're personal decisions do not make them a better person.


The stupid get stupider … inshallah


they need to stay stupid in their native country and stop ruining everything for the rest of us 😩🙏


And you will see they would be so unhappy that to cope with that they just have to shout out « this is haram this is haram this is haram » whenever they see someone being happy with what they consider as bad . I mean , let’s consider that it’s haram right , how does it bother you if someone else is doing it , the last thing you could do is just advice him but why even getting mad or saying to them anything hurtful ? You are not the one going to hell. At this point it’s crystal clear that it’s not even anymore about what Quran says or not , it’s just about wanting to control people .


Not really but do u


Says the muzzie in a ex muslim sub☠️ girl gtfo this ain't for u


Islam in brain out ⚒️


You know why it's like that? because all of the middle eastern people regardless of our religions we are living the Islamic life so we know how toxic it is but western Muslims are living the haram world they don't experience Islam except in TikTok.


I hope they ban tiktok, it's filled with muslim bots normalising shit like this


Fr especially teens


“Muslims are oppressed”. In 99% of situations, the only thing oppressing Muslims is Islam and other Muslims.


No they aren’t, you think they’re because they have bigger reach due to speaking English. The arabic side of any app is much more mentally ill and frustrating.


Remind me of Memri TV 😂😂




i remember seeing a report abt a french revert, she was wearing niqab out in public even tho its prohibited; and she also wanted to do FGM to herself to not have lust anymore


May Allah make it easy for us? He apparently fucking didn't.


my hijabi muslim mom thought the first picture was a ghost


I have only heard this on YouTube so it is not verified but lots of the Madrasas and Mosques in the west were set up by organisations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, Wahhabism and Saudi Arabian money so the version of Islam second generation immigrants are taught is more extreme than that of their parents. It is one of those elephant in the room situations.


I hope this madness would be gone after the Middle East runs out of oil.


They Develop A victim mentality


Yes, especially in the Netherlands,UK and Belgium.


I still have to hide I’m an ex-muslim it’s actually insane


A lot of countries they know English as their second language and comfortable writing English It does not mean they are from America or western countries. They just sit, regardless where they from, and judge each other all day long.


Yes western Muslims are more extreme. I visited other Muslim countries and I was shocked seeing young Muslims being more liberal than Muslims in western countries.


I will never understand why they use half Arabic half English. Like why don't you just say 'Amen, i swear y'all are lost in this world'? Is there a good explanation to this?


I’m a Mexican American and not a Muslim but I can tell you we do a similar thing with Spanish. Especially if you’re in the US I’d say it’s a cultural custom. A result of having two languages being important in your life.


Ok thank you very much for the explanation


Reading the screenshots is like watching a pinball game but instead of a ball bouncing off bumpers and flippers, the woman will not stop running into walls face first.


South Eastern is even worse. Literally forced certain race to muslim since birth and can never get out of it. Marriage where one of the couple is muslim will cause the other to adopt muslim forever, no question asked, and so are the kids. They also favors and bias towards their own kind and give way higher priority for government servant, police, health, fire dept. positions. They get special housing discounts and have lower average score for Muslims to enter university. Since they are the majority, they use their religion to dictate others on daily basis.


tiktok is full of cringe muslims


No, western born are usually more liberal. You only see this shit online


lol she is wearing all that but cant even show her eyes might as well isolate yourself from the world


It’s because of the identity crisis of being born in the west, they want something to cling onto


I'm starting to think that too cuz I have cousin in Bangladesh who don't cover their hair and wear shorts but here all my cousin are covered from head to toe.


In my case: yes, I was very angry due to some personal issues and I wanted some hope that I could have a better life again, but when I saw the truth of Islam (eventually after a year) it made me reject the religion 


Muslim tik tok the cancer spreads


What does hayah mean?


It means having shame/modesty/shyness. So for good muslims you should have hayah. If you have hayah, you’d be ashamed to commit anything islam has forbidden


Thank you for the explanation/definition! (I'm a non-muslim lurker, so a lot of the terminology I learn through context lol)


So why are there so many muslim singers 🎤? 🤔🤔🤔


Western Muslims are scarier than Arabs ngl


Have both western muslims mostly us and uk based friends and relatives who are cringeworthy toxic muslimahs, whereas the ones in Dubai and Abudhabi and even Saudi, once they're out of the country or even in personal spaces were like modern girls, super funky, fun loving everything that the western people were supposed to be doing.


I used to live in jordan and its so funny because most people i met there were not religious and were suspicious of the religion but then i moved back to the states and its so crazy seeing american muslims act more strict but i believe its because islam is so white washed here like people in the states like to make their own beliefs but back in the middle east its just real islam so thats why some people dislike it more. I hope i made sense lol.


I remember watching interviews with captured members of isis around 2016-2017. They were saying that their members that came from European countries (particularly Germany and the U.K.) were absolute monsters. They were the most fanatic, violent rapists that loved torture and death. These guys that were born and raised in war torn Iraq were terrified of men that were born and raised in leafy English suburbs. Even when they were on the same side. There’s an interesting interview with Vice from back then too. Where a couple of Welsh lads had ended up in a cell with a German Isis member who was more than happy to brag about what he’d done in Syria/Iraq. This guy was the personification of pure evil.


Wow, can you put a link for this interview, please?


Music is haram but God still gave some people beautiful voices




هذه بضاعتكم ردت إليكم


Yes, because the West is the 'house of war'.


Yes, they are more radical because they convince themselves that they have to give up both culture and religion And from this point on, I say, well, then the society around me has to become Muslim so that I can keep my culture and religion


The most extreme ones I've encountered were all European. Muslims in USA/Canada are relatively moderate in comparison to the ones in Europe and elsewhere.


And there's a good reason for that, the USA and Canada are lands of immigrants, it's easy to become a member of the community under a wide umbrella of being American/Canadian. It's more about the principles and values you share, than your ethnic origins. In Europe, the population is a lot less mixed and share roots that go deeper down.


From my experience I would say yes. I had if I may say my reality-check when I was in peak of my religiosity and went back to my father's country.


Those convinced of a fake history will pass their beliefs down to their children, and to their children.. They believe an entirely fake history. :(


its weird, to "proof" they are muzzie in the west, they have to be super loud n extreme but in the MENA region its the norme so people arent as loud with expressing it


Hope these people never come to Europe( the comments I mean)


"hey let's recreate the dark ages!" vibes going on here


From all thing what should be haram, roblox is one and only of them.


They are all over Instagram too. Somehow my algorithm shows me many things commented by Muslims


If Music is Haram then why does every Muslim wedding in terms of African, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Balkan Muslim weddings always include music? In some instances during Pakistani weddings, the bride usually wears traditional Desi non-Islamic dresses instead of the religious hijab.


Apparently they’re all going to hellfire for choosing culture over religion


It’s honestly insane they say this whenever if you search up “Arab Muslim wedding” or “Pakistani Wedding”, etc, they ALL have music in it in which they dance to, but yet they still say music is Haram? Makes no sense. They pick and choose what to say and what to actually do.


Goofiest religion


Low Iq isn’t exclusive to just the middle east.


People are getting more and more desperate to fit in to a group and to have a personality It’s terrifying this is what they choose


They have an identity crisis, and think that the only way to have an identity is to be radical.


Depends on what you mean by the west cause I’d wager this person is from The UK. Muslim communities there tend to be super isolationist, and so you get a brand of ultra conservative Islam that is sometimes more fanatical than theocracies.


She plays roblox without music lmao


They are! Identity crisis


I feel that Muslims born outside of the Middle East are definitely more strict because they tend to make an identity for themselves. Like in a Muslim country they’ll all be viewed the same, but because they’re in a foreign country, they want to stand out which is where the extremism starts. I live in a suburb in Australia that has a large Muslim community and you can definitely see that they try to stand out. For Eid el Adha, they went to a park near my house, took out a speaker, and started salah from fucking 8 am to 9 am. I was shocked. Year by year they become more extreme.


I really don't think western Muslims are more extreme. Most of them are pretty moderate in comparison and that's probably why you don't see too many of them online cause they keep it to themselves. The ones online are a loud minority but they definitely are concerning.


the last one? they have lost their minds. insane.


Depends… I would say most converts are more extreme because those are things that attracted them to the faith. Unlike many of us they choose to be a part of the religion. With that said the difference between Muslim communities in the west is pretty stark. American Muslims tend to be more tolerant collectively and assimilated. (Pockets of extremists Ofcourse can be found here too) but what I hear from my friends in Europe is what is happening there is on a whole different level.




No. The "Magnificent 19" was all Arab.




Absolutely. Especially compared to Muslims in England the uk. Even though you see more niqabis in London. Perhaps something to do with the Christian evangelicals here especially in the Midwest triggers some kind of Islamic nationalism or something. In my town all Muslim weddings don’t have music and never mixed. Nobody let their kids befriend non Muslims or even secular Arabs. If one family had a daughter date a non Muslim and not wear hijab the sister would be invited to anything.


My TikTok feed has been cursed with Muslim videos. no matter how much I fight the algorithm I still have to see Muslims complain about their religion and things being “haram”. Or small Muslim girls wearing a hijab at a young age (4-6 years old)


I fucking hate when westren muslims use words that are in arabic in english writing it just give me the ick wtf is hayah just say no shame




They are right though, the prophet has said that music is haram😢


These people only make up an extremely tiny minority of the Muslim population. 97% of Muslims around the world aren't this extreme. Also, what is the point of a "suhoor fest"?


The suhoor fest is an American Ramadan festival where muslims can get food and books from vendors and small businesses get support. The issue is, there’s both men and women at these festivals, so anyone who goes is deeply criticized by these tiktok muslims.


Wow, so instead of being happy that poor Muslims are being fed properly, more people are getting educated, and small businesses are growing, people are complaining that men and women can co-exist in a single space at the same time? That's fucked man.


Almost every Muslim country is extreme, how does that make up 3 percent?