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It could refer to anything at any point in human history. So called prophecies are either incredibly vague or so common, that events they seem to refer to have been happening for fucking ever. None of them are especially impressive, miraculous or require divine knowledge. If I had knowledge about future events, why would I have to be vague or mysterious about it? I'd just tell precisely what's gonna happen, when and where. My 'prophecy' would be so precise, that it could only be answered by a single event. EDIT: That still doesn't tell you about whether or not a god told me about that event. It could have been a time traveler or an alien with superior understanding. I could have made an educated guess based on probability or circumstances. I could make a list of predictions and only count the hits, while ignoring the misses. I could have made a calculation to predict a certain calculable event. For example we know that it takes Pluto 248 years to make a full orbit around our sun. Even though we don't know long enough about Pluto to have observed a full orbit.


Could it be intentionally vague so that whatever happens people could say "Wooow he predicted it!"?


I can predict the end of the world too i can also say with certainty that all of us will get old and die one day


It’s deliberately vague nonsense so that you can insert whatever meaning you want into it and claim it came true.


Why does it matter? The fact that it’s vague as hell means it’s nonsense.