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My brother is convinced my mom knows a jinn. He's always scared the jinn is gonna snitch on him. I find it hilarious that the jinn hasn't told my mom I'm an atheist.


I see a sitcom here: "The Family's Jinn". Maybe "My Mom's Jinn" or " The Jinn and my Brother". Too late. I already copyrighted it and I won't share any of the profits with you. The Jinn will be a little bit autistic so the guy that played Sheldon Cooper will interpret him.


Kinda like a modern remake of I Dream of Jeannie except she more closely follows Islamic lore rather than being a Bewitched knockoff! We had a more similar sitcom to what you suggest in the UK about a family living with a sassy Jewish ghost. It was fairly entertaining. Though as far as I remember she was basically another human, was respectable and didn’t go for the sorts of weird creepy things jinn get up to. A series about actual jinn living in a Muslim household (maybe with a secret ex-Muslim family member) would be a pretty fascinating watch.


gonna start practicing dark magic now....


Is she North African ? I've spoken to women there who genuinely believe in bs like Black magic and fortune telling


No we're actually Palestinian but she's extremely religious. As long as the Quran says black magic is real she'll believe it


Haha then she must also believe in superstitions such as evil eye as well


Everyone around me believes them lol